Help us fight for independece!
27-11-2004, 01:01
The Anvorbuod Liberation Group asks for help in gaining us independence from Sel Appa. They have placed a blockade around us, if any nation could help break it, we would greatly appreciate it. Also, blockade runners are also greatly needed. Bring over any explosives and weapons you can.
The Lightning Star
27-11-2004, 01:18
We are currently in a war for the continued independence of Parthia, but we shall send $50,000,000,000 in aid to fund your efforts. We shall also send 100 of our Shock Troopers to train your soldiers. We are also sending you 400 Apache Helicopters and 50 MiG-21's, as well as 1,000,000 AK-47's. We are also sending 3,000 Technicals, armed with .75 Calibur Machine guns.
Sel Appa
27-11-2004, 01:26
Please ignore these rebels. They will be subdued soon.
Although our nation is weak, and ever so puny, we do have a strong economy and shall send you our nation's entire coffers. You shall recieve a payment of $3.25 by the end of the next two business days.
--We hope that the unification of our two lands shall lead to a vast empire!,... which we shall rule and you shall become our slaves.
Ever yours,
-- Munken Truest, Leader of The Equips.
The Lightning Star
27-11-2004, 01:35
OOC: This is like my war of Independence from Washibar. It was the little nation against the slightly bigger nation. The little nation won with help from people such as myself.
20 miles offshore from Nemnenait
50 Sleek white jets roared 25 feet over the ocean towards the capital of Sel Appa. They went at super fast speeds, and they left a 50 foot high cloud of sea-spray in their wakes. After 40 seconds, the city of Nemnenait was in-range. The planes launched all of their missiles(10 per jets=500 missiles) laden with Napalm at the city and their regular explosive missiles(3 per jet=150 missiles) as well. Mere nanoseconds after launching, the ships began their return to home base, leaving whole portions of the city in flames.
Sel Appa
27-11-2004, 01:40
OOC-I find that a bit planes were shot down?
What are your reasons for secession? I like to know why I should help the people who ask me to help them.
King Dayan I
Kingdom of Malkyer
The Lightning Star
27-11-2004, 01:43
OOC-I find that a bit planes were shot down?
OOC: Well, you ARE facing one of the most powerful airforces known to man but...
IC: Offical Casualty Report
TLS Losses: 4 Jets(8 pilots)
Also, one pilot from another plane was hit in the head by a piece of shrapnel and died.
Sel Appa Losses: Unkown.
The nation of Quitos asks the nations of Anvorboud and Sel Appa to give official declarations of their war. We are interested in assisting, but we do not known where either nation stands, not do we know the cause of the blockades nor the reason for retailiation.
We believe this argument should be dealt with justly and swiftly, so that both sides may leave with minimal casualties and with the matter resolved.
Saint Neurion,
Lord Protector of Quitos
27-11-2004, 01:53
Reasons for Independence:
1. So we can establish free trade with whomever we wish.
2. So we can establish alliances with whomever we wish.
3. So we can establish our own form of democratic government.
We do not agree with Sel Appa's form of government. We would like to set up a democratic independent state. We requested independence, but it was not granted, so we have decided to make war on them any way we can.
Sel Appa
27-11-2004, 01:59
They do not need independence. We can peacefully coexist as the same nation. Only a few of the people in the Anvorbuod Province want independence. We do not see why they need it.
If any nation helps Anvorbuod, we will take it as a declaration of war against Sel Appa.
OOC: That first attack from Lightning Star, or whatever, does not count.
The Lord Protector Saint Neurion has passed an issue to initialize mobilization of troops to the Anvorboud region. As the General of the Quiton Army though, I ask how much of the population of Anvorboud is for this seperation. Since Sel Appa has created what appears to be a nation-wide blockade, it would appear that this war is truly in the minds of all in Anvorboud. I request confirmation of this though before I send our troops into combat.
Saint Helios,
Lord General of the Quitos Protectors
Sel Appa
27-11-2004, 02:05
I can assure you less than 40% of them actually want independence.
The Lightning Star
27-11-2004, 02:05
They do not need independence. We can peacefully coexist as the same nation. Only a few of the people in the Anvorbuod Province want independence. We do not see why they need it.
If any nation helps Anvorbuod, we will take it as a declaration of war against Sel Appa.
Then so be it.
As of this moment, the Third Paratrooper Division(10,000 men) is being deployed to Anvorbuod to help them achieve independence. They will be escorted by the Fouth Airwings 7th Tallon(125 jets). The Fourth Naval Sqaudron(1 light Aircraft carrier, 4 cruisers, 12 destroyers, 19 frigates) is being deployed to the area as well
Paratroopers preparing to take off
Sel Appa
27-11-2004, 02:08
OOC-1. I am playing both sides btw.
2. I am going to be away for a few minutes, possibly an hour.
OOC: Seems a little over-kill for a two small nation war. If you read Sel Appa's extra stuff at the bottom, it shows he's only sending 25,000 troops, and its his nation. Don't go crazy on this one, please.
The Lightning Star
27-11-2004, 02:09
OOC-1. I am playing both sides btw.
2. I am going to be away for a few minutes, possibly an hour.
OOC: Mmmkay.
The Lightning Star
27-11-2004, 02:12
OOC: Seems a little over-kill for a two small nation war. If you read Sel Appa's extra stuff at the bottom, it shows he's only sending 25,000 troops, and its his nation. Don't go crazy on this one, please.
OOC: Hey, i deployed a SMALL part of my army. 3 million of my soldiers(around 1/2 of my total army) are in the middle of defending the Parthians against an Invasion by Communists. The 25,000 servicemen im sending are just enough to rival his.
Remember this: There's no such thing as over-kill when it comes to NationStates ;)
Sel Appa
27-11-2004, 02:35
OOC: Well, now I actually have 200,000 troops. Also, a country fighting for independence usually has to prove itself before gaining allies.
IC: The 200,000 troops deployed near the Border will not enter Anvorbuod unless provoked to do so.
27-11-2004, 02:38
You can help us most by breaking the blockade. Send any ships you can spare. We have a truck bomb near Nemnenait. It has highly explosive materials in it, so it should destroy the rest of the Market and hopefully some surrounding buildings. The House of Earls is well guarded, so we don't think it could get there.
The Lightning Star
27-11-2004, 02:38
OOC: Well, now I actually have 200,000 troops. Also, a country fighting for independence usually has to prove itself before gaining allies.
IC: The 200,000 troops deployed near the Border will not enter Anvorbuod unless provoked to do so.
OOC: Whats the capital of the Anila Province?
The Lightning Star
27-11-2004, 02:41
You can help us most by breaking the blockade. Send any ships you can spare.
We've already sent 46 ships to the region. If youd like, they can attack the Sel Appan Blockade.
Sel Appa
27-11-2004, 02:49
Anila City. It's on that bump in the Northwest of the province.
The Lightning Star
27-11-2004, 02:50
Anila City. It's on that bump in the Northwest of the province.
OOC: Ok.
Oh, and if ur going to control 2 countries at once, why dont you have them BOTH logged on?
It would be easier...
27-11-2004, 02:53
OOC: Because that's impossible when I only have 1 computer.
IC: Yes, go ahead. Just attack the blockade, nothing else. We don't produce enough food for ourselves and stocks will run out eventually.
The Lightning Star
27-11-2004, 03:06
OOC: Because that's impossible when I only have 1 computer.
IC: Yes, go ahead. Just attack the blockade, nothing else. We don't produce enough food for ourselves and stocks will run out eventually.
OOC: Couldnt you-- aww, forget it.
Dont forget thatn $50,000,000,000 in aid i gave you...and those MiG-21's....and those thousands of AK-47's....
IC: We are sending 12 months worth of food to Anvorbuod. The shipments will be escorted by the ENTIRE Third Airwing(of 700 planes), and coming with them will be 40,000 Shock Troopers.
We are also sending an additional 4,000 Technicals$file/020227-M-1586C-003lowres.jpg
A Picture of Lightning Starian Shock Troopers in Action
A Lightning Starian Technical
Quitos News Network
The Quitos government has ordered the mobilization of the 3rd Protector Division. Two 10,000 men infantry divisions, a 4,000 tank armor division, and a 2,500 gun artillery division are moving into range of Anvorbuod territory.
The General of the Quitos Protectors gave an official statement today to the QNN saying that they plan to dissapate the blockade stopping supplies coming into Anvorbuod and then station their troops along the Sel Appa border to retaliate against any aggression.
From the Department of Foreign Affairs, we've been told the Secretary is planning to ask for compensation from Arvorbuod for our efforts in their nation. It seems wars don't just fight themselves.
As for the recent fall in medical technology research...
The 11th and 29th Light Infantry Brigades and the 34th Mechanzied Cavalry Brigade, as will as the 5th Artillery Brigade, have been mobilized and sent to Anvorboud to establish a "safe zone" in which negotiations and other such diplomatic activities may take place. We are currently neutral, and will consider any action against our soldiers (by either side) as an act of war. The safe zone is as close to the geographic center of the conflict as is possible under the circumstances. Diplomats from all sides are welcome, though no armed soldiers will be permitted save an honor guard of four men for each diplomat.
Soldiers establishing a perimeter at the edge of the DMZ:
The Lightning Star
27-11-2004, 03:27
Offical Statement
The food supplies, technicals, and 40,000 Shock Troopers have arrived in Anvorbuod to assist the rebellion. The food supplies and Technicals have been given to the rebel government for distibution/use, and the shock troopers have been sent to the border.
Sel Appa
27-11-2004, 04:36
Sel Appa has approved declarations of war against TLS and Quitos. A diplomat is being sent to the border to begin negotiations. He has one bodyguard. They are in an armored Jeep.
Sel Appa offers a cease-fire during negotiations.
The Lightning Star
27-11-2004, 04:40
Sel Appa has approved declarations of war against TLS and Quitos. A diplomat is being sent to the border to begin negotiations. He has one bodyguard. They are in an armored Jeep.
Sel Appa offers a cease-fire during negotiations.
OOC: Declare war and then offer cease-fire? How odd...
IC: The Azaad Loog of The Lightning Star shall participate in a ONE DAY cease-fire, which can be terminated if more than 1 party agrees. The Cease-fire is to end 24 hours from now. If you fail to comply with the rules, you shall rue the day.
-Have a nice day!
The Lightning Star
27-11-2004, 04:46
Secret IC: The Lightning Star has sent 500 Pritvhi Launchers to Anvorbuod. They are armed with conventional warheads, yet can be armed with chemical/biological ones.
27-11-2004, 04:59
Secret IC: Draganovia is sending in 5 carriers to loiter outside of sel-appa waters to assist Anvorbuod if the need arises, 1 carrier will be designated for bomber and the rest for escorts
Sel Appa
27-11-2004, 05:20
Three preplanted bombs blew up outside the Transpotation Authority's main office in Nemnenait. Emergency crew responded immediately. No bodies have been recovered as of yet. Stand by for further information.
"We take this as an act of war. There will be consequences for this."
The Sel Appa Armed Forces are able to deal with Anvorboud any way they see necessary.
"Due to the cease-fire, the Army will not take any actions unless another attack takes place, regardless of whether any bombs were already placed anywhere."
--General Aboud Sheikh
27-11-2004, 05:56
Anvorbuod sends a diplomat with a 4-member Honor Guard.
Unfortunately those bombs were planted late last night, and were timed to go off. We did not expect a cease-fire to occur.
The Kingdom condemns this act of terrorism on the part of Anvobourd, however, in the interest of peace we will continue to maintain our neutrality and wish the best of luck to the diplomats during this cease-fire. My representatives will not participate in the discussions unless asked by one or more parties, as we are not a combatant nation.
The Lightning Star
27-11-2004, 19:56
SECRET(as in no one besides m'self knows aboot it) IC:
The Prithvi Missiles have targeted Anila City and Nemnenait, JUST incase Sel Appa pulls a dirty trick.
27-11-2004, 20:51
Secret IC: (as i only know about it)
three missle destroyers armed with tomahawk missles and loaded with marijuana and inciderary war heads have been deployed to help guard the carriers, we will use these if Sel Appa pulls a fast one, theyll learn what it means to "Be On Fire" and aslo what it means to "Take A Hit" if we use these.
The Lightning Star
27-11-2004, 22:47
6 hours until the cease-fire runs out...
better hurry up with that negotiating :D
Sel Appa
28-11-2004, 03:07
OOC: Don't we need a host for negotiations?
IC: Sel Appa requests an extension on the cease-fire until 8pm(EST) 11/28/ least.
OOC: Isn't anyone going to defend Sel Appa. Really, in a real war for independence, a struggling nation-to-be has to prove itself by winning a big battle. Foreign nations aren't just willing to expend soldiers without knowing if it is worth it.
28-11-2004, 03:22
We have called back our diplomat. You can't negotiate for independence. We ask that just the blockade be destroyed. Do not attack any Sel Appan cities yet.
Secret IC: Anvorbuod loads 2500 troops and several car bombs into blockade runners making their way for southern Sel Appa to create a decoy.
The Lightning Star
28-11-2004, 03:51
At the Lightning Stars Anvorbuod Expedition HQ
"Sir! The situation is deteriorating. The rebels have withdrawn their delegation from the peace talks!"
"Alright then, this is going to pieces. Launch 100 of the Prithvi Missiles are Sel Appan posistions, then send the 700 planes of the Third Air Wing to strafe them for 20 minutes. Then send the Shock Troopers to advance 20 miles forward of their current posistions to mop up. We gotta try to inflict as little damage on the Civilian Population as possible."
"Should we fire now?"
"Nay, wait 10 minutes. Once those 10 minutes are up, so is the cease-fire."
"Yes Sir!"
The Lightning Star
28-11-2004, 04:14
Along the Anvorbuod/Anila Province Border
At exactly 10:00, 100 Pirthvi missiles were launched at the Sel Appan Forces. Explosions appeared all over the border. Moments later, 700 Lightning Starian Aircraft began to attack the 200,000 troops stationed there. Bombs continually hit the ground, as did Smart-missiles and just plain bullets. Finally, after 20 minutes, the Lightning Starian Shock Troopers began to ride in on Technicals and in T-100 tanks. They met unexpectedly high resistance, and are still fighting a bloody battle with the Sel Appans.
As of this moment, casualties are:
KIA:1,248 Shock Troopers
72 pilots
WIA:3,492 Shock Troopers
4 pilots(its kinda hard to get wounded when your plane usually explodes upon getting shot)
MIA:41 Shock Troopers
1 Pilot.
---A Statement from the Office of the Executor---
We will not tolerate this unprovoked aggression against Sel Appa. Sel Appa should be allowed to deal with its internal problems without interference from the outside world. If The Lightning Star and other aggressor nations will not agree to cease their involvement in the Sel Appan affair, Urukku will have no choice but to attempt to balance the scales and provide whatever support Sel Appa may request.
I have authorized Phalanx-Marshal Kuno Kuwagin to mobilize the Red-Crux Phalanx to assist the Sel Appans, pending the approval of the Sel Appan government.
The Lightning Star
28-11-2004, 04:30
---A Statement from the Office of the Executor---
We will not tolerate this unprovoked aggression against Sel Appa. Sel Appa should be allowed to deal with its internal problems without interference from the outside world. If The Lightning Star and other aggressor nations will not agree to cease their involvement in the Sel Appan affair, Urukku will have no choice but to attempt to balance the scales and provide whatever support Sel Appa may request.
I have authorized Phalanx-Marshal Kuno Kuwagin to mobilize the Red-Crux Phalanx to assist the Sel Appans, pending the approval of the Sel Appan government.
Anvorbuod has declared Independance, and we will NOT stop until Sel Appa recognize the Anvorbuod state. Do not meddle in this war, or we shall slaughter you all without mercy!
-Have a nice day!
Sel Appa
28-11-2004, 04:49
Sel Appa will accept any Urukku troops.
Sel Appan forces have sustained minor losses in troops. Although, several buildings have been destroyed, including 3 ammunition depots.
General Aboud Sheikh has ordered the advance of 50,000 troops into Anvorbuod. The Sel Appan Air Force has launched several planes to begin bombing runs on Freedom City(Capital of Anvorbuod).
In light of the threats made by The Lightning Star, an emergency session of the Phalanx Council has been called, and all Phalanxes placed on high alert.
Saint Comorrah AFB, Urukku
Phalanx-Marshal Kuwagin tugs nervously at his sleeves, giving a last inspection to the paratroopers standing at an uneasy attention. Each is adorned with a blood-red cross on his shoulder and his forehead. As he reaches the end of the line, he turns back to the soldiers and says, "You are all ready, go to your planes and prepare. Pray for peace, but if war comes, accept it, and pray that Christ may guide you safely and lead us all to victory. In the name of God, Go!" They run to long-range transport craft, and Kuwagin whispers, "And let us all pray for Peace."
The whine of jet engines begins, as the first of the transports tears into the air. Ten long-range paratroop transports escorted by twenty F-16's are en route, ETA 10 Hours.
The Lightning Star
28-11-2004, 05:47
Inside TLS HQ
"Sir! Sel Appan Planes Approaching!"
"Send out the Third Air Wing! Id like to see those sissy planes try to beat THOSE!"
"Oh and sir, Sel Appan Casualties were light. Heavier than ours, of course, but they were still sustainable."
"DAMN! We've got only one course of action left."
"Whats that sir?"
"Load the Prithvi Missiles with Ebola."
"Uh sir, we dont HAVE Ebola!"
"What!!?!?!? Oh well. Im outta ideas."
"Sir, my i advise Napalming Anila City?"
"BRILLIANT! Tell the planes to go once they teach the Sel Appan Airforce a lesson."
OOC: I've gotta get some sleep, but I'll be back tomorrow.
The Lightning Star
28-11-2004, 05:52
OOC: I've gotta get some sleep, but I'll be back tomorrow.
OOC: Mmmkay.
I will send in my whole Marine Force (45,000,000) to help Anvorbuod to fight off the Sel Appa forces. Before we do, we ask Sel Appa to turn away because our Marine Force is bigger then your whole population.
Please Back down Sel Appa or we will be forced to use Military Force.
The Lightning Star
28-11-2004, 06:15
I will send in my whole Marine Force (45,000,000) to help Anvorbuod to fight off the Sel Appa forces. Before we do, we ask Sel Appa to turn away because our Marine Force is bigger then your whole population.
Please Back down Sel Appa or we will be forced to use Military Force.
OOC: Theres no fricken way you have an army of 45 MILLION. Nonetheless a MARINE FORCE(which is usually about a 5th of your army.)
Im about twice as large as you and my army can only go up to 10 million(although its at 6 million right now.)
Id revise that number to somewhere around 450,000. Still quite large(bigger than his army), but not in the realm of GODMOD.
my population is 606 million, i cant have 45 million troops? And why if your twice the size as me you can only have 10million? (btw im Halo tech so my force mainly is marines
sry my nation is big only because i had it revived and before i had it revived i wasnt on the forums
The Lightning Star
28-11-2004, 06:54
my population is 606 million, i cant have 45 million troops? And why if your twice the size as me you can only have 10million? (btw im Halo tech so my force mainly is marines
sry my nation is big only because i had it revived and before i had it revived i wasnt on the forums
OOC: Its logistics man.
Sure, you could field an army of 45 million, but what would happen to the economy?
That would be 1/12'th of your nation is in the military. How would you feed them? Arm them? Cloth them? Not to mention your economy would suffer due to the fact that 50 bagillion percent of your nation is in the army, thus meaning it cant work.
well most things that the Marines carry are very cheap, pretty much the only thing that their things are made out of is metal and clothe witch is cheap and easy to make and find. Its even cheaper for Special forces Marines, they dont use helmets or ammo bags, they prefer using bandannas and caps for headgear and their boot for an ammo bag.
ODSTs are a little more pricey, they wear mostly plastic, metal and clothe.
Spartans are very pricey, only 50 are made, all they wear is metal but they use much electroics and technology.
Army and Army Special Forces are just like Marines and Marine Special Forces, except there less of them
HAZMAT Marines same as ODSTs
Combat Crew are jsut Marines with visors
Crew are the cheapest out of all, they just have clothe and holsters
Police wear same as marines
Firefigters wear same as marines
Paramedics wear same as marines
And since im moving to a new planet, i will have even more metal, plastic, and clothes.
Sorry for the spelling
All of my weapons are easy to make, all are jsut made out of either uranium witch im getting from my new planet and it has lots of it, metal which i still have plenty of and im getting more from the new planet. And plastic, im getting more from the planet
So pretty much all the stuff is cheap or theres lots of it and its easy to find
The Lightning Star
28-11-2004, 07:27
well most things that the Marines carry are very cheap, pretty much the only thing that their things are made out of is metal and clothe witch is cheap and easy to make and find. Its even cheaper for Special forces Marines, they dont use helmets or ammo bags, they prefer using bandannas and caps for headgear and their boot for an ammo bag.
ODSTs are a little more pricey, they wear mostly plastic, metal and clothe.
Spartans are very pricey, only 50 are made, all they wear is metal but they use much electroics and technology.
Army and Army Special Forces are just like Marines and Marine Special Forces, except there less of them
HAZMAT Marines same as ODSTs
Combat Crew are jsut Marines with visors
Crew are the cheapest out of all, they just have clothe and holsters
Police wear same as marines
Firefigters wear same as marines
Paramedics wear same as marines
And since im moving to a new planet, i will have even more metal, plastic, and clothes.
Sorry for the spelling
So you are a future-tech nation, eh?
I would recommend using something a bit more modern with this thread.
Sel Appa
28-11-2004, 19:29
Well I say cant possibly have access to all those materials...
Sel Appa will pay any nation that helps it keep Anvorbuod in line. The nation helping gets a payment as well as the soldiers themselves.
Sel Appa deploys another 100,000 soldiers into Anvorbuod.
At the Border: Soldiers begin setting up more anti-aircraft and anti-personnel batteries. Patrols are always travelling back and forth. Land mines are being dug in and mapped so they can be found and destroyed later. More and more barbed fences are being set up. Surveillance(sp?) cameras are all along the fences.
Nemnenait: Helicopters patrol the air, while hummers patrol the streets. The city is placed under martial law and citizens may only be in the streets during 0600-0930, 1130-1330, and 1600-1830. Anyone outside during any other time is arrested.
Borders of Sel Appa: Helicopters and planes patrol the borders of Sel Appa. any activity near the border is considered a threat. They have one chance to identify who they are before they are eliminated.
OOC: I'm going to make a map that shows what is going on where in Sel Appa.
The Lightning Star
28-11-2004, 20:17
Inside TLS Headquarters
"Sir! The Sel Appans have fortified their posistion too heavily for us to storm them."
"Couldnt we just nuke em?"
"Well, we COULD but i have a better idea!"
"What is it?"
"Well, the only way we can make these son o' guns surrender near bloodlessly is if we bring in alot of troops."
"You suggesting..."
"We bring in the Bangladeshi and Myanmar Auxiliary armies."
"Thats more than 1,200,000!"
"Exactly sir. With around 1,250,000 men in Anvorbuod, they shall surrender in droves!"
"Make it happen."
TLSN News Report
Breaking news from the front! The Lightning Starian Military has ordered the Bangladeshi Auxiliary Army(700,000 men) and the Myanmar Auxiliary Army(500,000 men) to the Anvorbuod front. They will join 40,000 of our shock troopers, 10,000 of our paratroopers, 700 pilots, and the Sri Lankan Auxiliary fleet. The government has assured us that this is the only way to push for a peaceful victory. Head General Farquar has stated that "The only way we can make these people realise the divine right of Anvorbuod freedom is to scare the Sh*t out of them."
Meanwhile, a stabbing hobo has won Almost-peoples "Sexiest almost-man alive!" award...
OOC: You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind.
"Sir, message from High Command."
Brigadier General Josef Haridan walked over to the phone.
"This is General Mendoza. The King wants you to mobilize your troops. Combat Alert Alpha. He says if the situation escalates further, you are to take any action necessary to quell the fighting."
"So I'm guessing just kill whoeverr shoots at us first?"
"Affirmative. But try not to piss off Lightining Star. Good luck, General."
"Thank you, sir."
With that, Haridan left the CP to draft orders for his four brigades to prepare for combat.
San Lucia
28-11-2004, 21:33
Over Freedom City
Lt. Issacson glanced over his radar screen, as his E-767 made another run over the city.
" Capitan, it appears as if rebel troops are taking up defensive positions around Freedom Cities major bridge junctions and supply depots. Estimated troop strength appears to be around 3 divisions of Infantry, along with several dozen medium tanks and armored personnel carriers."
" Excellent work, Lieutenant. Patch that information directly to Sel Appan GHQ. I'm sure they'll be interested in this new development."
"Yes sir, I will contact their forces as soon as possible."
Capitan Schroeder pulled the control stick over to the right, activated the planes radar jamming device and prepared to leave Anvorbuodian airspace.
Sel Appa
28-11-2004, 21:51
Army Headquarters:
"Sir, the problems have escalated! TLS called up more troops. They number at least a million!" A colonel exclaimed
"I don't understand how that is possible. I'll have to call up more troops. Be thankful for manadatory service. We'll have to shut down several industries and call up as many people as we can. Check how many we can get..." replies General Aboud Sheikh.
"Yes sir."
Minutes later...
"Sir, we can call up another 1.2 million people. Possibly more, but it would put some strain on our domestic industries." reported the colonel.
"Call them up, then."
IC: An additional 1.2 million troops gathered at the border. 200,000 marched into Anvorbuod. A second bombing run began. The first was somewhat successful, but not much was destroyed.
In the some family's Family room:
(The whole family of 4, and the dog, were watching the news...)
"...the issue has escalated to a high level. By tomorrow, an expected 3.5 million troops, from all nations, are expected to be involved. What exactly does this mean?"
"Well, it means that this war isn't going to be easy. You can expect a few years before any side ends up winning. It'll be like WW1, both sides will advance a bit and then they will fall back. At some point, one side will gain really far into the other and the latter will likely surrender."
"Who do you think will win?"
"It's hard to tell, but Anvorbuod will likely gain independence. But then again, Sel Appa could pull it off. Both sides are pretty evenly matched."
"Will there be any problems here at home?"
"Yes, we may have rations. They are already drafting in soldiers who just did their required duty. You'll see a lot of soldiers, helicopters, and planes. I'd suggest listening to anything the Government advises you on. For example, the curfew here in Nemnenait."
"Well, it was nice talking to you. But, we have to move on."
"Thanks, it was a pleasure being on the show."
"That was Mill Baher. Now, we'll go live to the Grand Archduke's Mansion, where Grand Archduke Kirby will be giving a speech. Keith?"
"Thanks Aleisha. Hi, live in the GAM, the Grand Archduke is about to give a speech..."
"Hello, fellow Sel Appans! I know many of you are concerned about the current problems going on. Rest assured our armed forces have it under control. Also, most of you are far away from the fighting, so there is not much to worry about. If there is an air raid, we have sirens in every town. Blackout curtains will be available soon.
Please listen to anything from an official source. Especially the curfews, if there are foreign soldiers or terrorist moving around, they are easier to spot. Be informed. That is your only way to survive.
Also, we may implement rationing of food and certain supplies. If this occurs, you will receive monthly coupons in the mail that entitle you to whatever it specifies. The coupons are mailed out a week or so before a new month. they expire at the end of the month..."
Someone began crying and the dad shut off the TV...
Sel Appa
28-11-2004, 21:55
OOC: Can everyone telegram me what side they are on?
Allies: Sel Appa, Urukku, San Lucia, Kelgahr,...
Independence: Anvorbuod, TLS, Draganovia,...
28-11-2004, 22:01
MrSparkleland will help those oppressed by the dirt scum that is Sell Alpa! Though we are just new...
OOC: I'm neutral for now but will likely join TLS and Anvobourd if the fighting escalates further.
Sel Appa
28-11-2004, 22:51
MrSparkleland will help those oppressed by the dirt scum that is Sell Alpa! Though we are just new...
A bombing run is set for MrSparkleland.
OOC: Also, learn to spell.
The Lightning Star
28-11-2004, 23:16
OOC: Just to let ye know, my country is less than 22 million away from 1 billion. My whole army is 6 million, and half of that is fighting in the war against Hogsweat. I dont think i can call up any more troops, but seeing how i spend around $500k on each soldier(i have the highest economy rating=All-consuming), they are some of the best around.
BTW- As you can tell, we are pro-Independence(Anvorbuod) :D
Inside TLS HQ
*general hums to Indian Music*
"Achay puti bayanana..."
"Sir! The re-enforcements have arrived!"
"Oh jolly good!"
"Oh, and the Sel Appans have called up a draft. They have about 1,400,000 soldiers. They are mostly poorly-trained draftees, but we all what they can occasionally do..."
"Dont remind me. Anyhoo, its time we stopped playing nice and brought out the big guns. I want the Sel Appans Napalmed to the ground. If they dont surrender afterwards, we may have to resort to "Da' Bomba!"
"Sir, you dont mean....?"
"Yes, i do. But hopefully it wont come to that. Hurry, send out the planes!"
Above Sel Appan Lines
The sky was cloudy and poured cats and dogs. Hundreds of thousands of Sel Appan troops marched through the mud, and all along the lines Anti-Air posistions(mostly Flak cannons with quite a few SAMs thrown in) feverntly watched the sky. No one wanted hundreds of planes diving straight at them. Expecially if they had napalm. Such thoughts made even the toughest soldiers shudder. However, their fears were about to occur.
High above the clouds, a little over 600 planes began to descend to below the clouds. "Alright men, heres the deal. We are to Napalm these little buggers till the whole area is re-named the Anila desert. No retreat, no surrender. Zafar men?" said the leader.
"ZAFAR!" responded the men patriotically as they began the descent.
As soon as they broke through the clouds, the sky began to be filled with black flak explosions and missiles roared through the air. The screams of men about to have their plane explode filled the radio-waves. After about 40 planes had been downed, the planes began to unload their napalm. No matter how many Sel Appans they had managed to fry, the air defences kept on coming.
It would be a long battle.
OOC: This is where you pick up, Sel.
28-11-2004, 23:17
abord the White Wolf,
General Tsume, "Seeing that the cease fire is over i see no reason for us not to open fire on Sel Appa, begin launching the missles, and load both types of war heads"
First Mate, "Aye sir"
the first mate ran down the tight corridors tp the radio room to issue the orders, "launch the missles now, use both war heads!!"
10 minutes later the missles were fired, 10 in all, 5 containing marijuana to help neutralize enemy troops to the point where they couldnt shoot straight and 5 loaded with inciderary war heads heading for the Sel Appa capitol building and other government facilitys,
G.T "Tell the people on the carriers they can go ahead and launch bombers and escorts"
were launching 5 F-117A's and 10 A-10 Warthogs to bomb military positions in Sel Appa, they will be accompanied by 50 F-4 Phantoms and 50 Apache gunships, the bomber payloads are all precision weapons
28-11-2004, 23:22
Somewhere high over the conflict zone....
"Starlight three to Starlight control" "Starlight control go ahead" "Starlight control, what is the condition of the images?" "Images coming in good, Finish your run and report to the RF point before heading back"
28-11-2004, 23:27
How can I declare war and send troops, etc.???
28-11-2004, 23:32
high over sel appa.....
"Sir could you give us a heaidng as to where the target is?"
"Roger that, receiving the coordinates now, "transferring coordinantes to all bombers and escorts now"
bombers screamed over sel appa on theyre way to the sel appan capitol, the pilots could also see 5 trails from missles that were fired from the destroyer,
"How much longer till were over the capitol?"
"i think another 10 minutes, i want a radio silence until were over the capitol, only talk if its an emergency!"
all was silent after that after that as the bombers and jets screamed toward the capitol.......
Sel Appa
29-11-2004, 00:24
OOC: How can I declare war and send troops, etc.???
State what side you are on and write how you are attacking the other...
IC: "Attention all soldiers, take out your gas masks! TLS is dropping napalm!"
Army HQ:
"Sir, our spies have revealed that TLS thinks our draftees are weak. They don't understand what 2 years mandatory service means."
"Good, we'll use that to our advantage."
On the battlefield: Sel Appan forces continue forward into Anvorbuod. They gain some land, but it is all rural. They meet a few pockets of resistance and wait at the edge of a small city.
Nemnenait: Air Raid Sirens began screaming louder than imaginable. If someone where right in front of the emitters, they would certainly go deaf.
Anti-Air Trucks and Mobiles begin searching the sky for aircraft. They begin blasting off at any movement in the air. Several enemy planes were picked off and a few SA helicopters were shot down by accident.
OOC: You're not really supposed to write other people's parts...
We too have been plauged by rebellions and uprisings in our own country. Those who rose up against us have been reeducated in special facilities. If, however, the road to peace is closed, we will gladly support you with the 504th Mechanized Infantry Division, which haas never suffered more than 10% casualties in combat and have never been defeated due to the glorius leadership of Kelgahr High Command. The rebellion shall be defeated at once, with your permission.
29-11-2004, 00:39
A large fireball-like explosion appeared where the Anvorbuod Government Center once was. Fortunately, no one was inside it. Bombs rained from the sky mostly hitting empty warehouses. A few converted AAT were firing at the sky, but only downed one plane. Of the 35,000 troops, most were holed up in the city. 7500 troops were marching to the border to hold back Sel Appan forces into more troops could arrive.
OOC: Anvorbuod only has an army of 35,000 and a few converted naval transports. We have no Air Force whatsoever.
Sel Appa
29-11-2004, 00:43
Kelgahr has permission to do anything necessary to keep Anvorbuod from victory. Just advance with our main army(see military map).
29-11-2004, 00:49
"AAT's!! watch your twelve!!" yelled an apache pilot
"Open fire on the AAT's!! we need them destroyed!" apaches started firing Hellfires and and there machineguns at the AAT's
They used some hills as cover from the AAT's as they attacked.....
Sel Appa
29-11-2004, 00:56
Here is a break down on each government:
Sel Appa
-part socialist, part capitalist. Utilities(Electric, Water, Gas,...) are state-owned. Mass-transit is state-owned. The national airline is only half state-owned. Everything else is capitalist, including food.
-Absolute Monarchy. The Grand Archduke has virtually absolute power, but rarely uses it. The House of Earls is like US Congress. Each of the 25 provinces sends an Earl(representative) to vote on issues. The position is hereditary unless a recall is issued. Then, it is voted on.
-stable, established nation
-near US-duplicate
-many citizens still like Grand Archduke Kirby, but not Sel Appa.
-struggling for independence
If you hate socialism, go for Anvorbuod. If you hate a US-like country, go for Sel Appa.
The Lightning Star
29-11-2004, 01:00
OOC: You know that Napalm isnt a chemical weapon.
Its similar to greek fire.
Heres a picture of a napalm explosion.
The gas masks wont do a thing. ;)
On the front lines
The sky had turned black from the smoke rising from the Napalm. The smell of burning flesh hung in the air, and loud cries arose from the attackers. They moved across the muddy fields, moving ever deeper into Anvorbuod territory. However, they had yet to encounter the Lightning Starians. They were waiting beyond the field, on a small hill. The Napalm fires had turned this lush field into a barren wasteland, and the troops prepared for battle. As the Sel Appans came within 2 k/m of the Lightning Starians, their Artillery let loose. From beyond the hill came over 1,000,000 angry soldiers. These were not regular soldiers, however. They were veterans, trained for 5 years and had been in at least one war. Now they were up against an enemy 1/3 larger than they were, but they were not afraid. These troops had never witnessed the horrors of a nuclear war, the fear of being gassed. These troops had. The lightning Starins ran as fast as they could over the wasteland, artillery at their backs.
It would rain blood today.
Sel Appa
29-11-2004, 01:16
OOC: lol, I thought it was a poison-type thing.
I have created a pretty good military map. It shows both forces and other stuff. I took out the province names, provincial borders, and numbers. I left both city names and added Anila City. I'll upload in a sec...
Rebel Shire
29-11-2004, 01:16
Just a note: The Armed Republic of The Rebel Shire will not jump to every-single nations and organizations cries for independance.
However it is in our initial constitution that we have to supply some form of aid to rebels if they come and plead their case for it.
But this only applies to *opressed* nations or citizens seeking to rebel, not tyrants.
To the creater of the thread: As a new player out of game ways and as nation in-character that has just rebelled and is rebuilding itself - If you wire me a message and ask for help then I can prehaps provide you with officers who have seen a lot of crap to train your men in the arts of guerrila warfare.
Sel Appa
29-11-2004, 01:22
Sel Appa is not run by tyrants. However, we would like any help to keep Anvorbuod from victory.
OOC: The map is up. Click the link in my sig.
29-11-2004, 01:28
I will aid Sel Appa.
IC: 100 of Adabamus's stealth jets flew over TLS's largest military base and obliterated everything in sight losing only 5 jets from the surprise attack. We have set up hundreds of AA guns and Surface to Air missiles on our borders. The only waterway you can attack us from is the Spring Creek, which is too narrow for any conventional cruiser/ship. If you do not stop attacking Sel Appa, we may use nuclear weapons.
"General Haridan, sir! Message for you," the young lieutanent shouted over the noise of the CP.
"This is General Mendoza. Commence Operation Blackbird Sky." With that, the line clicked and Haridan knew what he had to do. He walked over to the encampment's PA system, which was wired to loudspeakers throughout the bases of the four Malkyeri Brigades. He picked up the mike and began issuing orders.
"All units, now hear this. Prepare for immediate combat operations against Sel Appa. Brigade Commanders, you are to break your forces up into regimental combat teams. 11th Infantry will stay with the artillery to guard. All other infantry units, as well as the Mechanized Cavalry, are to head into to the and engage Sel Appan forces. You are to link up with the troops of Anvobourd and Lightning Star, if possible. Repeat, do not join up with TLS or Anvobourd forces if doing so threatens your units. All diplomats currently in the safe zone are asked to report to the Command Post for safe transit to your respective homes. That is all.
Oh, and one more thing: Give 'em hell, boys!"
A cheer rose across all four encampments as the Malkyeri soldiers began to steel themselves for the fight ahead.
The Lightning Star
29-11-2004, 01:43
I will aid Sel Appa.
IC: 100 of Adabamus's stealth jets flew over TLS's largest military base and obliterated everything in sight losing only 5 jets from the surprise attack. We have set up hundreds of AA guns and Surface to Air missiles on our borders. The only waterway you can attack us from is the Spring Creek, which is too narrow for any conventional cruiser/ship. If you do not stop attacking Sel Appa, we may use nuclear weapons.
OOC: um, no offence, but thats impossible. I have over 250,000 soldiers there, and not to mention of 500 of the best fighter aircraft in the world. And ALOT of SAM sites.
I also have enough nukes to blow you to kingdom come.
I would edit this message. Alot.
29-11-2004, 01:48
The President of Adabamus requests that Malkyer does not invade its' soil in this struggle.
Lightning Star: It was a surprise attack, and during the night. You will have to send your whole air force if you want to even destroy all of my AA guns and air force. Our naval ships are made of very narrow cruisers with 2 surface to air missile batteries.
The Lightning Star
29-11-2004, 01:57
The President of Adabamus requests that Malkyer does not invade its' soil in this struggle.
Lightning Star: It was a surprise attack, and during the night. You will have to send your whole air force if you want to even destroy all of my AA guns and air force. Our naval ships are made of very narrow cruisers with 2 surface to air missile batteries.
OOC: Theres still no freaking way you could kill 250,000 of the finest soldiers of the largest country participating in this war.
Sure, you could kill around 4,000 , but theres no FREAKING way you could take out my entire base.
The Lightning Star
29-11-2004, 02:02
Inside the Lightning Starian Base
The general sat at the table in the underground bunker of the base. The Adabamusians had managed to blow up the 72,73,and 74th barrackses, as well as the 12th Depot. They killed 5,243 men and wounded about 12,938 more. Of course, such an attack would not go unnoticed by the Lightning Starians. The Lightning Starians had decided to call in the Southern fleet, which consisted of 6 Aircraft Carriers, 21 battleships, 31 cruisers, 62 cruisers, and 87 frigates. It was more than enough to destroy the blockade. While the Sel Appans had managed to piss off The Lightning Star, they hadn't managed to piss them off so much that they would resort to WMD's.
Of course, it may eventually come to that. But hopefully it wouldnt.
Sel Appa
29-11-2004, 02:04
OOC: Adabamus, revise your posts. That is called god-moding. You can't possibly have what you say you have.
IC: Message to Malkyer: "Sel Appa requests that you do not aid Anvorbuod. A diplomat will be sent to Malkyer, if requested. Or, you can send someone to us."
OOC: No more napalm. No nuclear, chemical, biological, ... weapons. Just conventional fighting. Regular bombs are acceptable.
IC: Sel Appa will declare war on Adabamus if they do not follow the rules. Adabamus unofficially interfered and acted arrogantly. All forces they use were models. (You can however send a few thousand troops{5,000 or so probably})
The Lightning Star
29-11-2004, 02:07
OOC: Adabamus, revise your posts. That is called god-moding. You can't possibly have what you say you have.
IC: Message to Malkyer: "Sel Appa requests that you do not aid Anvorbuod. A diplomat will be sent to Malkyer, if requested. Or, you can send someone to us."
OOC: No more napalm. No nuclear, chemical, biological, ... weapons. Just conventional fighting. Regular bombs are acceptable. Also, the napalm did not affect anything but trees and grass.
OOC: um, no offence, but in Vietnam Napalm killed millions of vietnamese and thousands of Americans. Theres no way only the flora was affected.
And what do you mean no more nuckes, chemical, or bio weaps? What kinda war is that?!?!?!
Ah well, a systematic carpet bombing of your cities will do. I guess. Kinda.
*goes and cries because he cant n00kz0rz the Sel Appans...*
Sel Appa
29-11-2004, 02:13
OOC: I edited what I
IC: Forces advance further into Anvorbuod, but are met with a rain of bullets and retreat back to their former position. All of a sudden, two dozen Sel Appan soldiers charge up the hills and shoot like mad. Within a few minutes, they are nothing but piles of spilling guts.
"Sir, we have some defectors from Anvorbuod. Two lieutenants and a sergeant."
"Bring them in..."
OOC: DO NOT WRITE THE REST OF THAT SCENE! THERE IS NO REST! (You do know, however, what happened.)
Very well, Jankia will send 20,000 ODSTs to Guard around Freedom City and 2 Spartans to serve as a bodyguards of the Anvorbuod President
29-11-2004, 02:22
"Bombs away!!" yelled a bomber pilot,
"Missles are 2 minutes from targets, make sure they make contact!" said the squad leader
"Ok lets blow our targets and get the hell out of here!"
near the front lines, the missles were mere minutes from hitting there targets, there warheads were filled with shredded up marijuana that when when tghe missle blew up, would release narcotic smoke over the battlefield and cause the sel appan troops to fall into a daze and thus, making the fight hopefully come to a early close, the missles had a backup fuse that if the missle were destroyed, would still release the narcotic smoke wherever it was and hazing up anyone who breathed it............
Secret Communication:
From: General Tsume, VIA the White Wolfs communication system.
We advise your troops to put on gas masks ASAP as we have launched 5 missles with marijuana on board to drug-up the sel appan forces.
29-11-2004, 02:28
Adabamus has sent 100 Swift Boats with armaments of Flak guns, mortars and .50 cal machine guns to help Sal Appa. Shelling has commenced on machine gun nests in the rebel province.
Is there a DMZ in this conflict?
The Lightning Star
29-11-2004, 02:28
Off the coast of Anila City
In the early morning, Bob the Policeman woke to get ready for work. He poured himself a cop of coffee and drove to work. When he reached the Police Office(which was near the water), he looked out the window expecting to see the normal sight of clear blue water and seagulls. To his absolute horror, on the horizon there was a massive fleet of ships. Suddenly, the ships began to bombard the city. Unfortunatly for Bob, one of the shells managed to blow up his office. While he was in it.
Offical Statement by The Lightning Star
After and hour of bombarding Anila City, 20,000 Lightning Starian Shock Troopers have captured the city, encountering light resitance from local forces. While damage to the city is not yet know, we can confirm that there are 27 Lightning Starian deaths and 65 wounded.
OOC: Sorry if this seems like a GODMOD, but I was under the impression the city wasnt defended. Because it seems as if you have your entire army on the assault in Anvorbuod.
If you DO have defenders, ill change the post to say"We have begun to attack".
Sel Appa
29-11-2004, 02:29
OOC: Do note the Sel Appan forces all have gas masks on.
The defectors were enlisted in the Sel Appan Army.
An additional 150,000 Sel Appan troops poured over the border into Anvorbuod. (Brings total to about 595,000.)
The Lightning Star
29-11-2004, 02:29
"Bombs away!!" yelled a bomber pilot,
"Missles are 2 minutes from targets, make sure they make contact!" said the squad leader
"Ok lets blow our targets and get the hell out of here!"
near the front lines, the missles were mere minutes from hitting there targets, there warheads were filled with shredded up marijuana that when when tghe missle blew up, would release narcotic smoke over the battlefield and cause the sel appan troops to fall into a daze and thus, making the fight hopefully come to a early close, the missles had a backup fuse that if the missle were destroyed, would still release the narcotic smoke wherever it was and hazing up anyone who breathed it............
Secret Communication:
From: General Tsume, VIA the White Wolfs communication system.
We advise your troops to put on gas masks ASAP as we have launched 5 missles with marijuana on board to drug-up the sel appan forces.
OOC: No need. They are already wearing them (they wear special protective suits that prevent most chemical and biological attacks.) Of course, its not very good against bullets....
Sel Appa
29-11-2004, 02:30
Current Forces:
Allies: Sel Appa, Urukku, San Lucia, Kelgahr,...
Independence: Anvorbuod, TLS, Draganovia, Jankia,...
29-11-2004, 02:30
Adabamus has sent several of its' swift boats to counter-attack or attack the invasion force of Anila city.
29-11-2004, 02:33
OOC: could you please post casualties for the raid i conducted on your capitol, sorry if its a little godmod but im also under the impression that we were unchallenged in our raid. only my allies are supposed to know that the missles have marijuana in them, i also thought you didnt have your gas masks on yet.
The Lightning Star
29-11-2004, 02:37
Adabamus has sent several of its' swift boats to counter-attack or attack the invasion force of Anila city.
Aboard the Battleship LSS Hyperion
"Sir! Swift Boats spotted at 12 o' clock!"
"Alright, call men to battle stations! Alert the other ships!"
"Yes sir!"
The Entire Lightning Starian fleet spotted the swift boats and began to fire. Seeing how they were such fast targest, most shots missed until the boats came closer and the battleships began to use light weapons. Eventually, the boats were destroyed(some swift boats vs. 100+ Naval Warships. I wonder who would win...), but they had managed to blow a small hole in the Hyperion and other ships. While non of the hits were large enough to sink the boats, they DID kill 252 sailors and wounded 424.
29-11-2004, 02:40
OOC: I forgot to mention that they do have tiny torpedos that fire out of the bow of the boat. One ship managed to escape and gave recon on where the main defense points were located in the city.
Edit: it was meant more to rattle up your troops after an easy victory.
The Lightning Star
29-11-2004, 02:42
OOC: I forgot to mention that they do have tiny torpedos that fire out of the bow of the boat. One ship managed to escape and gave recon on where the main defense points were located in the city.
OOC: Ill fix the casualties.
Sel Appa
29-11-2004, 02:47
OOC: I'll let you have it. The entire army is at the border.
IC: Army HQ: "Sir, TLS forces have captured Anila city and some surrounding land!"
"Deploy four battalions and attempt to get Anila City back!"
Map updated.
29-11-2004, 02:52
Surprise Attack on Freedom City:
After hearing about Jankia's aid to the city, Adabamus scrambled 8 F-16 fighters, 8 F-18 Hornets, 20 Loach Helicopters, 2 AC-130 Gunships, and 10 Stealth Bombers on Freedom City at night.
Loach Pilot Cpt. Hernadez reported, "We need to take out those flak guns. It's getting hot!" (end of transmission, his chopper was suspected of getting shot down).
AC-130 Gunner Mark Roinder heard this, and unloaded his 108 mm artillery gun on the flak gun locations before they would obliterate all the aircrafts.
2 F-18s, 4 F-16s, 13 Loaches, and 3 Stealth Bombers were lost in the raid.
(was this a little godmod?) sorry if it is, i'll edit it if you want.
what's the link to the map?
Sel Appa
29-11-2004, 02:53
OOC: Nemnenait is well-defended. We have helicopters, hummers, AATs, AAMs, a few planes roaming around, several thousand troops.
IC: "Sir, perhaps we should send troops to Fizroe Strait to defend against any attacks. The forts there only have skeleton forces(Enough to just keep vital operations going)."
"Deploy two battalions there. If you need more, take'em."
The Lightning Star
29-11-2004, 02:57
Inside Anila City Hall: Anila HQ for TLS
"Sir! The Sel Appans are sending a counter attack. It should be here within 2 hours."
"We hafta hurry then. I want this city fortified. Tell the inhabitants that if they wish they can leave the city now. However, if they are not gone, or leaving, within 12 hours(about 12 minutes RL), they cannot leave."
"Yes sir!"
"Alright men! Set up that artillery right there...!"
The Lightning Star is sending another 100,000 Shock Troopers to re-enforce Anila City. However, this is all that the Lightning Starian Government is willing to send. They are sending a convoy of 20 merchant ships laden with supplies for the forces at Anila city, but no more fighting personnel shall be deployed. The only combatants to be sent in without limit will be the Airforce. However, extra supply ships, supply planes, and logistics personnel CAN be sent to the region.
A large Frigate floted in space ontop of Freedom City. 20,000 ODSTs and 2 Spartans Drop Podded out of the frigate and near Freedom City. They rushed and set up Trenches and barbed wire, minefeilds and used house near the fortifacations as defensive positions also. Within 3 Hours fortifacations around the city were complete.
45,000 Marines poured out of Pelicans and began to move into the abandoned trenches. They cleared the bodies out and set up MG Turrents, and barbed wire, and got ready for anything.
29-11-2004, 03:03
IC: The United states of Adabamus will deploy three of its' newly developed nuclear submarines to sink the cruisers around Anila City. I hope you have depth charges! We will also send two AC-130 Gunships to bombard the city when the invasion forces breach the perimeter of the city. 10 swift boats will be sent quickly to fire on the city if the convoy is broken up by the submarines.
29-11-2004, 03:04
Surprise Attack on Freedom City:
After hearing about Draganovia's aid to the city, Adabamus scrambled 8 F-16 fighters, 8 F-18 Hornets, 20 Loach Helicopters, 2 AC-130 Gunships, and 10 Stealth Bombers on Freedom City at night. 1,000 of the ODSTs were killed and 250 were wounded. 2 F-18s, 4 F-16s, 13 Loaches, and 3 Stealth Bombers were lost in the raid.
(was this a little godmod?) sorry if it is, i'll edit it if you want.
what's the link to the map?
OOC: yeah thats godmodding :rolleyes: lets try and have a little interaction between pilots can we?? please edit your post. BTW, what does ODST stand for anyway??
29-11-2004, 03:23
editted, what is the link to the map?
Sel Appa
29-11-2004, 03:23
OOC: Adabamus, read other RPs and get used to RPing before you jump in. In other words, GET OUT OF HERE! I'm don't want to seem mean, but your screwing it up.
Anything Adabamus thinks it did, it did not. Ignore it from now on.
IC: Sel Appan forces narrowed on Anila City. They would reach it soon.
A quick bombing run cleared the path for Sel Appan forces to advance a little further into Anvorbuod.
Map updated. It's the second link in the sig.
29-11-2004, 03:25 screwing up a fake war.
i cant see your sig, or anyones
First of all, thats godmodding, you cant tell my casulties.
813 Dead
312 Injured
ODST Stands for Orbital Drop Shock Trooper, AKA "Helljumpers"
i cant see your sig, or anyones
same here
29-11-2004, 03:28
you know i think i'm gonna help the rebels. screw you sel appa. you only have 14 mil people, anyone could take you.
Slashing wildly, Marshal Kuwagin slashed himself free of his parachute. The landing had not gone well.
40 KM North of Freedom City
Flying in over Anvorbuodian airspace, the paratrooper transports had met heavy opposition from The Lightning Star's air defense batteries. Perhaps two transports had been shot down, along with unknown numbers of fighters. To top it off, a fierce wind had scattered the Paratroopers of the Phalanx Red-Crux, and judging by the local roadsigns, he was at least forty kilometers from Freedom City. So far, he could only account for 238 of the 850 paratroopers he had come here with. But there was only one choice. Kuwagin kissed the cross around his neck and said:
"We go south."
31 KM NW of Freedom City
One of the parting gifts of the Ice Age, the valley in which Colonel Rai Wachmar had landed was incredibly beautiful, but incredibly annoying. Aside from the dozens of troopers that needed rescue when their parachutes caught on the various rock outcroppings, the valley prevented any sort of radio contact, allowing only a steady stream of snow to spew from the radios. Wachmar had know way of figuring out if Kuwagin was alive, if help was coming, not even where in God's name he might be. Four hundred eleven soldiers were with him, counting the ones dangling from the rockwalls, and he was the highest ranking officer in the vicinity. He formed a plan, pretty basic, but all he could hope to accomplish for now.
Step 1: Finish freeing entangled soldiers
Step 2: Reach high ground, attempt to establish contact with Phalanx Command.
Step 3: Establish bivouac and prepare to link up with remaining forces.
Aside from these forces mentioned, another 104 soldiers have landed in scattered pockets, isolated from the main force.
Paratroopers are armed primarily with FN FNC's, some w/ 40mm grenade launchers, and one in five will have an FN M249 SAW. All paratroops are carrying one satchel charge with 10 kilos of high explosive.
Sel Appa
29-11-2004, 03:34
OOC: Miltary map (
Regular Map (
Allies: Sel Appa, Urukku, San Lucia, Kelgahr,...
Independence: Anvorbuod, TLS, Draganovia, Jankia,...
Nations in bold are those that are constantly posting.
The Lightning Star
29-11-2004, 03:36
OOC: YOu have to change it in your profile options.
Its there.
500 SkyHawks patroled Freedom City, while AA defences were being Drop Podded in. Only 200 AA defences landed in the right spot, the other 300 were scattered, Skyhawks were sent out to find the rest of the AA defences, 100 were found, The Patrols kept looking, they found 100 more, the patrols kept looking, they found nothing else.
The 45,000 Marines saw the AA defences drop from the sky, many landed near them, they set the 100 AA defences up around their position.
29-11-2004, 03:38
Secret Communication:
From: General Tsume, White Wolf destroyer
My brother who is the president of draganovia has just authorized an invasion of sel appa, we wish to make a co-ordinated attck with you on small citys where enemy troops have little prescence, also we are launching a strike against the advancing sel appa troops, please try hold out until we can drive them back.
"We got orders to re-arm and re-feul as we have just gotten orders to make a run on enemy troops"
"Roger that!" the raiding party started to head back to the carriers
"Ok boys lets go!!" yelled the apache helicopter squadron leader Barney Gumble, "We gotta re-arm and re-feul for our next run!!" the apaches sped off after the rest of the squadron.....
29-11-2004, 03:39
Lightning star, anvurboud, may i join you in your liberation?
100 Pelicans touched down at Freedom City and unloaded 100 Scorpian Tanks with 200 Combat Crew. The pelicans stayed at the city and an aditional 200 Pelicans stayed in Freedom City incase if a need for evacuation arose. The 45,000 Marines Pulled back to tighten up defences in Freedom City. There was a curfew set in the city of 7:00 PM. A dirt Runway has been set up for planes to refuel and reammo, SkyHawks and their crews were to be ready for anything if a bombing raid came. Squads patrolled the streets daily. Defensive Positions for the tanks were dug out around the city.
Sel Appa
29-11-2004, 03:49
Sel Appan Forces begin setting up outside Anila City. A scout force of 50 troops were sent into the city to see what was going on...
OOC: If you need any new cities named, I will name them. But only if it will be involved in the war. Btw Urukku, you have the best posts so far. Very detailed and localized. Great job! The rest of you can either get better or stay the same, I don't really care.
IC: Grand Archduke Kirby sits in his private meditation room and ponders the future and whether Sel Appa can win...
OOC: The Grand Archduke WILL NOT die. His location is unknown and will not have any play in this. If I ever pick a place for it, you can't bomb it or anything. The Earls however can be killed, just ask if you can do it.
You guys can do whatever you want with Anvorbuod's forces. You can do whatever you want with the cities and stuff. Whatever land belongs to each side is under their RP control. But, you cna't name the president or any leaders of Anvorbuod...Also, Anvorbuod had called back it's Earl when it declared independence. There are now only 24 Earls in the HoE.
29-11-2004, 03:53
Secret IC: 100,000 troops have began invasion in the southern parts of sel appa just behind the front of sel appan troops who are trying to recapture Freedom City, with them are 100 heavy tanks and 100 long range artillery.
Secret Communication:
From: General Tsume, White Wolf destroyer.
We have troops coming in behind sel appa, we intend to cut around behind them blocking there escape route, hold in there, helps on the way.
'we have our orders! lets bomb those sel appan scum!!" yelled wing leader Heero Yui, jets, bombers and helicopters took off from the carriers.
The Lightning Star
29-11-2004, 03:56
OOC: Yes you can Anvorbuod. Welcome to the club :D
IC: At the Lightning Starian Main Airfield
2,000 Lightning Starian Jets had amassed at the airfield. These planes had but one job, bombbard Nemnenait with all they had. Although the Lightning Starian HQ had forbade them from using Napalm, regular missiles do just as well. At 10:00 P.M., the order to take off was given. Rather than go straight over Sel Appan lines, the planes went south into the ocean, then east to land, then north to Nemnenait. Entire Villages and towns along the way ceased to exist as a few hundred of the planes would go down and start strafing and droping bombs. When some planes went too close, their Sonic boom would be enough to blow everything not made of concrete or bricks to pieces. Eventually, the Planes came in sight of Nemnenait and went in for the kill...
OOC: You come in now, Sel Appa.
Male Sexual Love
29-11-2004, 03:57
The Anvorbuod Liberation Group asks for help in gaining us independence from Sel Appa. They have placed a blockade around us, if any nation could help break it, we would greatly appreciate it. Also, blockade runners are also greatly needed. Bring over any explosives and weapons you can.
You're more than welcome in mine...and nobody will tell you how to run your nation.
Male Sexual Love
29-11-2004, 03:59
to actually request permission before you left. I sure as hell wouldn't have.
29-11-2004, 04:02
MrSparkleland news.
In response to a bombing run earlier today, MrSparkleland has now retaliated by striking Sel Appa and It's allies. Troops have been sent in to help the Freedom fighters to help defeat the Sel Appa scum. And for revenge of The Republic of MrSparkleland. Remember, We are disrespectful to dirt!
The Lightning Star
29-11-2004, 04:03
to actually request permission before you left. I sure as hell wouldn't have.
OOC: If you didnt realize it, Anvorbuod is a nation rebelling from the nation of Sel Appa. In other words, Sel Appa was bored so he made a puppet named after one of his provinces, Anvorbuod. He then decided to make Anvorbuod rebel. See? Instant Rebellion. Hell, thats how i got MY freedom(from Washibar. Although I was origionally a puppet of him i now have about 2,300 more posts than him. Now does that still make me the puppet or is Washibar the puppet?...)
500 Warthogs were Drop Podded along with 100,000 MG Turrents, 100,000 SMGs, Magnum Pistols, BattleRifles, Rocket Launchers, and Sniper Rifles, with 500,000 Tons of ammo, Enoguh to last them possibly the year. 700 LongSword Fighters Landed at the Dirt Runway with Ammo for both Longswords and SkyHawks. 900 Transport Trucks Were also drop podded.
12 Swordfish Destroyers Docked near Freedom City, each with 50 Warthogs and 50 Scorpians along with their crews
Sel Appa
29-11-2004, 04:12
OOC: Updated map.
IC: Army HQ: "Sir, several thousand foreign troops have landed in T'lopiq Bay and have gained land!"
"DAMN! Well, we're right near there, so just attack on sight. Send out some patrols, too."
"Also, some unidentifiable aircraft have entered from the south and may be heading for Nemnenait."
"Alert the Capital immediately!"
"Yes sir!"
Nemnenait: (a radio somewhere) "...the war is going badly for Sel Appa. Our forces have advanced into Anvorbuod, but it is mostly rural land. Unfortunately, Anila City has been captured by foreign forces. A rescue force, however, is on its way there. Sel Appan casualties are estimated in the ten-thousands..."
The old man clicked of his radio and thought:
This is crazy. A bunch of people want independence and we're having a world war! I just don't understand the world these days. Can't everyone just live together happily, no matter the government...
OOC: I'm curious, why are you on the side you are on?
OOC: I dont have any casulties right? noones attacked me yet. Or has someone attacked me and i just havent noticed
29-11-2004, 04:17
MrSparkleland update.
Allies: Sel Appa, Urukku, San Lucia, Kelgahr,...
Independence: Anvorbuod, TLS, Draganovia, MrSparkleland,...
MrSparkleland update.
Allies: Sel Appa, Urukku, San Lucia, Kelgahr,...
Independence: Anvorbuod, TLS, Draganovia, MrSparkleland,...
Forgot about me :D
Allies: Sel Appa, Urukku, San Lucia, Kelgahr,...
Independence: Anvorbuod, TLS, Draganovia, MrSparkleland, Jankia,.....[/
Sel Appa
29-11-2004, 04:20
OOC: Precisely TLS. Thnaks for the update MSL. Also, TLS, about what you said. Did you take over your nation from someone else, or did you create it yourself?
Frisbee Freaks
29-11-2004, 04:21
I'll join The Allies because I understand the Importance of keeping the people under your control
Allies: Sel Appa, Urukku, San Lucia, Kelgahr,Frisbee Freaks,...
Independence: Anvorbuod, TLS, Draganovia, MrSparkleland, Jankia,.....
I also want to fight the Sparkle jerks, they called my country name funny, sniff, baby cry!
The Lightning Star
29-11-2004, 04:22
OOC: Precisely TLS. Thnaks for the update MSL. Also, TLS, about what you said. Did you take over your nation from someone else, or did you create it yourself?
OOC: WEll, i first created Washibar. I got bored of it relatively quickly, so i decided to make The Lightning Star(i made it. i didnt take over it meself). I then RP'd that TLS was a colony that was enslaved by Washibar, i wrote a rebellion thread, and then by the 3rd or 4th pages Washibar had been nuked into the ground and its cities were all in flames :D
29-11-2004, 04:24
draganovian troops pushed further behind the sel appan forces, "We need to completely block off the sel appan troops escape route before we attack!! well need more men for that!" said the Commander in charge of the invasion, "Ill radio for more troops, This is operation appan armegeddon requesting more troops and tanks, over!"
"This is the White Wolf destroyer, troops granted!"
"Were coming up on the enemy positions fast!! prepare to break off into groups!!"
"Roger that!" the pilots replied, they all broke off into groups of 5, the fighters and bombers would rain hell on the ground while the apaches distracted the AA guns,
"Get ready were coming up on them!! FIRE!!!" the apache gunships opend fire on the sel appan troops and the AA positions and the artillery positions,
"Thats our signal!! open fire!!" the bombers dropped there bombs and the fighters screamed down and let all hell out on the sel appan troops.
100,000 more troops pushed along with the current invasion force, more then 500 combined artillery tank and AAT vehicles were also deployed with there crews....
Draganovia, permission to fly in 45,000 more Marines to help you in the Operation.
29-11-2004, 04:29
Draganovia, permission to fly in 45,000 more Marines to help you in the Operation.
Permission Granted, well have landing pads ready for you.
Roger that. 45,000 Marines flew in by Pelicans, they landed and joined up with Draganovian troops
Sel Appa
29-11-2004, 04:39
Allies: Sel Appa, Urukku, San Lucia, Kelgahr, Frisbee Freaks,...
Independence: Anvorbuod, TLS, Draganovia, MrSparkleland, Jankia,...
Map updated.
IC: The border force saw incoming enemy troops and began firing artillery at the invading force.
Anila City: Sel Appan Forces have nearly reached inside the city. A soldier carrying a white flag has entered and asked for the city's surrender.
Nemnenait: Three missiles appeared out of nowhere and slammed into Nemnenait Market, obliterating it.
Freedom City: Another bombing run began, a bit larger this time for the city was known to be fortified. Eight dozen planes screamed into the airspace and began raining bullets and bombs on the AAMs and AATs. Eighteen bombers and four fighters headed into the city and began bombing buildings. A small part of the city had been leveled...
Sel Appa
29-11-2004, 04:43
OOC: Ok, lets end this for tonight. I have school tommorrow. So, sometime in the afternoon, I'll be on. Favorite this post and check back every 30 mins or so.
100 Longsword Interceptors engaged the Bombers flying over Freedom City, they were no match for the Longswords, The LongSwords launched their missles.
The Lightning Star
29-11-2004, 04:59
OOC: Ok, lets end this for tonight. I have school tommorrow. So, sometime in the afternoon, I'll be on. Favorite this post and check back every 30 mins or so.
OOC: Darn school...
always ruins my fun.
29-11-2004, 19:56
Allies: Sel Appa, Urukku, San Lucia, Kelgahr, Frisbee Freaks,...
Independence: Anvorbuod, TLS, Draganovia, MrSparkleland, Jankia,...
Map updated.
IC: The border force saw incoming enemy troops and began firing artillery at the invading force.
Anila City: Sel Appan Forces have nearly reached inside the city. A soldier carrying a white flag has entered and asked for the city's surrender.
Nemnenait: Three missiles appeared out of nowhere and slammed into Nemnenait Market, obliterating it.
Freedom City: Another bombing run began, a bit larger this time for the city was known to be fortified. Eight dozen planes screamed into the airspace and began raining bullets and bombs on the AAMs and AATs. Eighteen bombers and four fighters headed into the city and began bombing buildings. A small part of the city had been leveled...
OOC: techinically, part of freedom city should already be on fire from the inciderary missles i fired at it.
IC: "Dammit!! theyve seen us!! open fire!!" draganvovian artillery batterys started to return fire,
OOC: post the casualties from the bombing runs and helicopter runs i made on your troops.
29-11-2004, 20:02
MrSparkleland news:
The Frisbee Freaks attacked the other night, nearly destroying MrSparkleland's efforts in the war. Unless reinforcement can be sent, MrSparkleland will be knocked out of the war. The Frisbee Freaks, or Freaks as they are called in MrSparkleland were fanatical, and kept shouting "Not so funny now, huh Mr. Sparkle", in Juunia and Japanese. The Freaks came like a tsunami, and vowed to destroy us, taking no prisoners. The Freaks are now celebrating in Juunotorum, Frisbee Freaks.
Frisbee Freaks
29-11-2004, 20:14
MrSpaaaaarklelaaaaand! surrender your country NOOOOOOOOWWWW!!!!!! OR YOUR CITIZENS WILL DIE!!!!!!! AND I WILL HAVE IT ANYWAY!!!! :mp5: :mp5: :sniper: :gundge:
29-11-2004, 20:22
MrSparkleland will not surrender to you, Freak! We will cause all the damage we can, even though it is hopeless!
Frisbee Freaks
29-11-2004, 20:26
Waaaaah! :( Why can't I scare you!!!!!
Frisbee Freaks
29-11-2004, 21:03
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!1 :(
29-11-2004, 21:09
Waaaaah! :( Why can't I scare you!!!!!
Because MrSparkleland is brave! Now stop crying and fight!
Frisbee Freaks
29-11-2004, 21:12
Snif, ok.
“Sir, we have established contact with Marshal Kuwagin,” said Aban, the radioman. Finally extricated from the valley, the paratroopers had formed their camp just four kilometers south of it, disguising their tents with local foliage, and weaving loose branches into their own camouflage netting. The Colonel nodded.
“Give him a full sitrep, ask him what he wants us to do.”
“Yes, sir.” The description followed in the harsh, rapid military codespeak used by the Red-Crux. According to the maps, they were about 25-30 kilometers away from Freedom City. At least their supplies were intact – each trooper had enough rations to last five days, maybe more with low rations and successful foraging; aside from a little general shakiness, morale was pretty good.
“The objective remains the same,” said Kuwagin, his group already moving south. “I repeat that, and that goes for anyone else listening on this band, our objective remains the same.” Smoke and flame rose like the pillar of cloud and pillar of fire that guided Moses to the Mountain called Sinai so many millenia ago. Freedom City must be taken. “Head south, follow the coastline east, we’ll head straight for them. We’ll come at them by two directions, and they should be pretty distracted by all the explosions. Once we take the city, we’ll await reinforcement or evac, whichever comes first.
“Acknowledge. Will comply.”
To the blare of Urukku, Thy Father Keep Thee, a throng of patriots watched Task Force One vanish over the horizon. The pride of the Urukkian navy, led by the Carrier Wind of Fate, Task Force One’s destination and mission are no secret. With five thousand soldiers onboard its troop transports, it is headed straight for Freedom City.
Task Force One
Carrier – Wind of Fate
Capital Ships
Battleship – Volsung
Battleship – Macmillan
Battleship – Song of Swords
AA Cruiser – Vigilance
AA Cruiser – Axe Time
Cruiser – Gawain
Destroyer – Reliance
Destroyer – Independence
Destroyer – Wardancer
Destroyer – Undertaker
Troop Transport
Transport T4-11RXX1 (2000 Soldiers)
Transport T3-11RXX2 (1000 Soldiers)
Transport T3-11RXX3 (1000 Soldiers)
Transport T3-11RXX5 (1000 Soldiers)
With less pomp, Task Force Nine leaves to nothing more than a nearly empty military base. With ten thousand soldiers, and three-quarters of the armored (about 400 fighting vehicles and 400 support) and air assets of the Red-Crux in ten transports escorted by four AA Cruisers and eight destroyers to provide anti-submarine support, Task-9 will be using the safest possible sea routes to enter Sel Appa and land front line troops.
30-11-2004, 00:45
MrSparkleland news:
Their was a succesful strike on the Frisbee Freak capitol of Juunotorum by air earlier today. That nation has 90 times as many people, and 100 times the military as we do, but we continue to fight. For every weapon we manufacture, they will have manufactured 57 weapons. The air defense system was also supurb, and 2nd to almost none. So it was amazing that we could get that far, and bomb the capital. This was a great day for MrSparkleland. The Freaks now declared a day of national mourning, as they found this embarrising that a small, fledging nation bombed the capital of a great subsuperpower. They are not happy...
stats and compared strengths
Frisbee Freaks
Frisbee Freaks
Frisbee Freaks
30-11-2004, 00:59
Mr. Sparkle, YOU ARE PAYING FOR THAT!!!!!!!! You are going to wish you never met the Frisbee Freak people, or that you were born!!!!!! Remember, we have almost as much military as population of losers losers!
Frisbee Freak army and Sparklean population comparison
Frisbee Freak military
MrSparkleland population
:(:(:(<---We hate Mr Sparkle, Let's help Juun!
The Lightning Star
30-11-2004, 01:03
Offical Statement by The Lightning Star
Due to a recent nuclear attack on our capital and an open rebellion occuring in our southern provinces, we regret to inform the people of Anvorbuod that we must withdraw all but 5,000 soldiers. Anila City is being abandoned, but before the troops leave it is being burnt to the ground. The citizenry have all been forced out, but there will still be civilian casualties seeing how not everyone could leave. The 5,000 soldiers are to be put under control of Anvorbuod, 'till victory or death.
San Lucia
30-11-2004, 01:09
GHQ of San Lucian 1st Expeditionary Force
Staff Member, Albert Rocher quickly strode into the war room, where Field Marshall Ewrin Richtover and his general staff and been planning maneuvers over the large War map in the center of the room.
"Field Marshall, are forces are in position for the jump, we have received light anti-aircraft fire and the majority of our planes are still intact."
"Excellent, Initiate the go-ahead. And Lieutenant, make sure that our Eurofighters are prodiving support once those soldiers hit the ground. We must maintain the skies if we are to win this campaign."
" Yes Sir! Our planes have already scrambled and are preparing to hit their designated targets."
" Alright, It seems as if everything is going as planned, if we can organize on the enemies left flank, they will half the pivot a large section of their reserves near this canal on the outskirts of the city. Without these reserves, the enemy will most likely be stretched to thinly, allowing for our allies in the field to make a breakthrough."
Some peasants farm near Freedom city.
It had been a long hard day of harvesting the wheat and Tom was tired. After putting his scythe away, Tom grudgingly stepped out of his large tool shed, clamoring ever closer to his old farmhouse. Suddenly, Tom heard a peculiar droning noise overhead and soon he realized what that noise belonged to. Out of nowhere, hundreds of large planes appeared over the western horizon, dropping thousands upon thousands of small white parachutes. Tom suddenly realized what was happening and rushed to his home, a mere 30 yards away.
However it was to no use. In the it had taken him to run this small distance, three grey transport helicopters appeared over the top of Tom's farm. As the helicopters slowly hovered to the ground, hatches on the right side door slid open and 2 dozen Vangaurin troopers rushed out, weapons drawn. Tom slowly fell to his knees and rose his dark, worn hands, awaiting almost certain death. Within minutes, the soldiers had bound up Tom in his home and awaited the arrival of the main force.
Over the Industrial sector of Freedom City
" Targets in range, 5 miles, arm your bombs."
In sequence, all six Eurofighters turned the bright red "ARM" button and maneuvered their planes to 6000 ft.
With the ringing of his targeting systems, Capt. Bernstein press the small, trigger like button on his joystick, unleashing two GBU-15 Laser Guided Munitions. The remain 5 pilots followed suit, unleashing their payload of munitions toward their targets. Seconds later, the munitions glided into their targets, creating a series of immense fireballs and sending shockwaves throughout the area.
Suddenly, Bernstein noticed several dots appear on his radar screen and alarm began to blare.
" This is Cardinal 1, we have multiple missiles inbound, break formation and prepare for evasive maneuvers."
Bernstein then moved his joystick to the right, pushed the throttle controls to full and turned on his radar jammer. However, the missiles were too close by now and any evasive action would be useless. In a matter of seconds, 5 of the 8 missiles had hit their mark, destroying 4 of the Eurofighters and badly damaging the other. Bernstein knew that he would never make it back to base. He reached down to the bottom of his seat and pulled the large, yellow Eject lever, catapulting himself into the raging skies over Freedom City.
Only 1 fighter had managed to return to base...
5 miles West of Freedom City
Col. Frank Erichson eyed the terrian around his forces. In the center was his objective: The canal and the two bridges standing above it. However, the two bridges were both surrounded by a vast construction of sandbags, trenches and machine gun nests, intricately woven around the canal to provide the best possible defense.
" Major, order your artillery batteries to set up over on these ridges, behind us and try to zero in your fire on their left flank right here, then Heavy and Medium armored forces will move in from around hill 180 and attack these earthworks. Then the 3rd Infantry Battalion, along with elements of the 4th and 16th Heavy Armored Division will swing around through the clearing hear to try to take their forward positions on their right flank. Then our remaining forces will hit the center line and drive it into our forces on the flanks."
Major Rollenburg immediately pointed his finger to wards the two large bridges.
"But what about the bridges, sir? Wont they try to blow them up?"
"We cant send Engineers in, until we have destroyed the resistance around the base of the canal. Anyways, If they blow them up, we can still make trussle bridges."
" Yes of course, Sir!"
Moments later the colonel dismissed the major and sat on the top of his tank to view the carnage.
OOC: techinically, part of freedom city should already be on fire from the inciderary missles i fired at it.
IC: "Dammit!! theyve seen us!! open fire!!" draganvovian artillery batterys started to return fire,
OOC: post the casualties from the bombing runs and helicopter runs i made on your troops.
Freedom City is freindly, its under my control, its my forces CP for this Operation
Sel Appa
30-11-2004, 02:01
The Issue
The Department of Defense has put its case for a substantial increase in funding for the coming financial year.
The Debate
"These are turbulent times we live in," says Defense Chief Freddy Steele. "Turbulent and dangerous. And the only sensible response to that, of course, is to build a lot more weapons. Unless we get the funding we need, I can't promise that we'll be able to defend Sel Appa's sovereign borders from rogue nations and foreign powers. Or those leaky boatloads of refugees, for that matter."
"NO MORE BOMBS," chant the protestors outside Parliament House, in a repetitious and increasingly annoying appeal. Spokesperson Max Silk, speaking through a feedback-afflicted microphone, says, "Sel Appa needs fewer weapons, not more! Make the world a safer place! Disarm now!"
How right is that first guy...*reading posts on page 11*.
30-11-2004, 02:05
Frisbee Freak military
MrSparkleland population
:(:(:(<---We hate Mr Sparkle, Let's help Juun!
Was that just your propaganda? because, there is a lot of opposition to this war, but it is not that bad. This is why I, and your oppressed people in Foxtenikopolis want you destroyed, you are a jerk. Can other nations help us by declaring war on the Frisbee Freaks? We really need it, if you check our last post on this thread. Why do they have to be so powerful, and such jerks? :headbang:
A loud speaker in Freedom city suddenly came alive as a voice came out. "All People within the city! Please report to the Pelicans at the capitol building! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! Enemy Forces are close, we must evac what we have here and go to a better location!"
Hundreds of soldiers and civillians rushed to the pelicans, many did not make it and they were left to the enemy soldiers. The pelicans picked up the last of the warthogs and tanks with an escort of 700 Longsword Interceptors and 900 Skyhawks. The pelicans closed the large blast doors in their back cargo bay. The large group of air forces flew out of Earths Atmosphere and to their new homeworld.
The Frigate floating in space dug into Earths atmosphere, 2 slits in the bottom of it opened and the 12 Swordfish Destroyers slipped in, the Frigate left earths atmosphere and headed to the planet.
"You see that Colonel?" asked Kuwagin, watching the bright flares of yet more detonations in Freedom City, and the fluttering white specks of landing paratroopers. "Makes you feel a bit insignificant, doesn't it?"
With the constant thunder of shelling, and the reports of the vast armies moving about across Sel Appa that occasionally came through on the radios, the tiny force, separated by hostile territory and surrounded by a much larger foe seemed rather pointless. "Colonel?"
Colonel Wachmar, however, was rather busy at the moment. Arriving at the coastal city of Makar, he and the small delegation he had chosen to represent Urukku to the city had somehow failed to convince the people that they were merely heavily armed tourists. He now found himself trapped on the top floor of the Makar Public Library, standing merely ten feet above Anvorbuodian Liberation Militiamen with forty paratroops. Ten were stationed at each of the four entrances, sending down machine-gun bursts and occasional grenades to keep the rebels back.
Salvation!- the sound of paratroopers approaching, alerted by the sounds of battle, aiming to kill with as few shots as possible.
There was a noise like thunder as the rebels clear out from the first floor to avoid being caught between the soldiers above and the soldiers arriving. Wachmar moved to a window and began picking off the rebels as they fled the building. There was a satisfying bang and splatter as a well-tossed grenade landed amidst a tight clump. Within forty-eight minutes, the forces were reunited and a good number of rebels lay dead.
"We have no time to waste here any further, take what ammunition you can and prepare to move as quickly as possible. We've got to get to Freedom City without delay."
Urukkian Casualties:
18 Dead
11 Wounded
Arriving without incident in Northern Sel Appa, Task Force 9 begins unloading its cargo of soldiers.
Carefully staying a few kilometers south of Freedom City, Task Force One awaits Kuwagin's call for fire support.
100 Longsword fighters entered the atmosphere all with 100 Shiva Missles, all locked on "Task force One". They swooped in and fired their payload, explosians seemed to come out of no where. All Longsword fighters fired their payload, a high casultie rate for "task force one" was expected from what the Longsword pilots had seen.
Frisbee Freaks
30-11-2004, 02:23
Frisbee Freak news:
Frisbee Freak start: 70,000
MrSparkleland start: 10,000
Frisbee Freak losses: 57
MrSparkleland losses: 688
You don't have a chance, Mr Sparkle! Ha-Ha!!! Die!!!! :upyours: This guy sucks C:\Paint Shop Pro 5\Images\Mr
To: San Lucia
From: Jankia
We have captured Capt. Bernstein, pull out your forces and he will safely be returned. If not, he will be killed. We will give you 1 day to make a decision, if there is no answer, we will kill him.
President Janky
Frisbee Freaks
30-11-2004, 02:27
What? Just an invalid link? how do I post an image beside smiles? :confused:
Sel Appa
30-11-2004, 02:27
Freedom City was captured by the Allies. But, all they found was burnt out buildings and charred remains. A few destroyed batteries here and there, as well as several sandbag emplacements. It seemed they were expecting a huge fight...
New Broadcast: "This just in! TLS, Anvorbuod's strongest ally has withdrawn all but 5,000 troops. This is a big victory for Sel Appa! Also, friendly forces are closing in on Freedom City. It is expected to be taken back under Allied control soon..."
Sel Appan forces attacking Anila City were driven back. But eventually, most of the enemy forces began leaving. Anvorbuodan soldiers, as well as thousands of Jankian soldiers began setting out for Anila City. Apparently, it would become the new Independence Stronghold.
The Allies began to regroup and plan a new strategy just north of Anvorbuod. Although, skeleton forces were kept in select parts of the rebel province.
OOC: Take Anila City and chase our soldiers near there back or whatever...
Map updated.
To: MrSparkleland
From: Jankia
Security: ZULU X-RAY ALPHA 36 (Highly Incrypted)
We will help you in defeating these freaks, tell us what to do and well send it.
President Janky
Sel Appa
30-11-2004, 02:31
OOC: BRB-ASAP...gotta finish homework...dont do anything major. Actually, report starting troops and current troops...
Anvorbuodan soldiers, as well as thousands of Jankian soldiers began setting out for Anila City.
*Clears Throat* Im on my planet, but ok, ill go there instead ;)
Nvmd im back on my own planet
Jankia and Jankina people have decided that 2,000,000 immigranst will join the MrSparkleland army, be aware, all immigrants are trained with 5 years of military service. They will be equiped with marine helmets, camo pants, Battle Rfile, SMG, a few Grenades and a vest full of ammo, health kit, and a com pack. 18,000,000 Jankian Soldiers will aid MrSparkleLand too. They have been trained for 10 years of military service.
Current Forces in aiding Anvorbuod:
20,000,000 ODSTs
90,000,000 Marines
600 Warthogs
700 Scorpians
700 Longswords
500 Pelicans
12 Swordfishes
300 Sharks
1 Frigate
We will move in to occupy Anila city if Lightning Star finds that preferable to burning the city.
Commander Josiah Grady led the 124th Battle Group from his flagship, the command carrier Perides. He had to neutralize, or at least distract, the Sel Appan and Allied naval forces between Anvobourd and T'lopiq, the Malkyeri target. He moved his small fleet consisting of some dozen Lynx class destroyers, fourHaleon class battleships, and numerous smaller vessels, along with the Perides, towards the border between T'lopiq and the negihboring province, hoping to draw enemies there and away from the shores of the target.
"Ensign, fleet-wide message. Begin firing."
General Haridan moved one of his infantry brigades, as well as his artillery and his mechanized cavalry, to prepare to attack the Sel Appan province of T'lopiq, right across the water from Freedom City. His other infantry brigade was currently on alert to occupy Anila City, if TLS troops allowed them in. I need more men, he thought, Two brigades are enough to hold T'lopiq, if I don't lose too many taking it...but I'll need more if I want to expand further. With that, he headed to the phone to try and wrest some troops from the war department.
Captain Mathis Hannebrink was in command of the 501st Battalion, 29th Infantry Regiment. His regiment was the spearhead of the force attacking the Sel Appan province of T'lopiq. In the lead assault boat, he began to give his troops a pep talk.
"Now, there's a lot of stuff between us and the beach, stuff that don't want us on the beach. Now, the Navy boys are doing their best to distract the enemy, but once we get on land, it's all us. As usual, it's up to us to show those navy and air force punks how the job is done. You know, you can satuation bomb a hill, snipe it, bombard it, even sterilze it, but you don't own it until you put a nineteen-year-old kid with a rifle on it," he grinned, getting into the groove. "That's where we come in..." In the distance, he and his troops could hear the naval bombardment beginning.
Elves and Warlocks
30-11-2004, 02:51
:eek: "peace keepers are on there way we dont want a nother wold war dp we now tisk tisk tisk"
"my peacekeepers will stand infront of both sides forces in a deathly atteped to stop this madness"
peacekeepers sent:3500 :p :p :p
San Lucia
30-11-2004, 02:52
San Lucia is appalled by Janka's demands and will not pull one solider out of the field of combat. However, for the release of Capt. Bernstein we shall release one of your officers that was left behind during the fall of Freedom City.
- Field Marshall Erwin Richtover
Commander of 1st Expeditionary Force
San Lucia
Tell us which officer and we may beleive you.
*Clears Throat* Im on my planet, but ok, ill go there instead ;)
Nvmd im back on my own planet
30-11-2004, 02:59
To: MrSparkleland
From: Jankia
Security: ZULU X-RAY ALPHA 36 (Highly Incrypted)
We will help you in defeating these freaks, tell us what to do and well send it.
President Janky
Jankia and Jankina people have decided that 2,000,000 immigranst will join the MrSparkleland army, be aware, all immigrants are trained with 5 years of military service. They will be equiped with marine helmets, camo pants, Battle Rfile, SMG, a few Grenades and a vest full of ammo, health kit, and a com pack. 18,000,000 Jankian Soldiers will aid MrSparkleLand too. They have been trained for 10 years of military service.
Thank you, generous Jankia. Be warned, The Freaks are true to their name, and they want me dead. I'm gonna need this help.
Oops, when i said 18,000,000 i meant 18,000, sorry
Frisbee Freaks
30-11-2004, 03:05
Frisbee Freaks have 55,000 troops in Anvoruboud, we will need to draft more to defeat Jankia and MrSparkleland.
OOC: If yuo defeat that, my whole f***ing nation will be after you. Thats 618 Million Angry Military and Civillians.
Frisbee Freaks
30-11-2004, 03:09
What does OOC mean, and I have allies that will keep you out of my region. I don't plan on conquering or destroying MrSparkleland, Just make it one of my puppet states.
OOC means that its not ingame talk
IC Means that it is ingame talk
OOC: This is fun
IC: Destroys "INSERT NATION HERE" with 50 bagillion mamillion nukes
Elves and Warlocks
30-11-2004, 03:14
think of the children! soon i will have to arm the peace keepers and take my large defence force out of my capital mystic wood.
:mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :gundge: :gundge:
30-11-2004, 03:17
MrSparkleland news:
A new inteligence report says that 2,500,000 Freak troops are marching through The Chemistry of 923 and Japan to get to the MrSparkleland. If they are able to reach us, the war is lost, and Anvorboud will have one less ally.
Frisbee Freaks
30-11-2004, 03:22
How did you know this, Mr Sparkleland? Shoot! Now you will get your dog, Jankia defending you!
Secret IC:
To: MrSparkleLand
From: Jankia
You are free to come to my planet, my frigates can easily take you over. You can leave (my planet) when those Freaks are wiped out. We will train your troops and give you supplies if you happen to break out in any other wars, just ask and Jankia will be there to support you.
President Janky
30-11-2004, 03:28
Thanks for your support, but all I need now is more troops to help defend MrSparkleland, since 2million freaks are comming. I'm in big trouble, and I can't move in time.
Just get your people to airports and they can get in no problem. The frigates have beds, food, infirmary, and much more for the 2 week trip back to my planet. Also, I can delay the freaks with my Air Force.
The entire Longsword Force of 213,000 broke through the atmosphere, they all had 100 Shiva Missles. This would be an easy victory. Men were huddled up like puppies, a high casultie rate for the freaks would be guarenteed. The sky seemed to be black from all the planes flying down. "This is C7-007, all forces, Fire at will". Every single longsword fired their missles. Within Minutes their missles were gone, they had high casulties. 40,000 Longsword pilots were either K.I.A, M.I.A or C.I.A The rest of the longswords headed home to refuel and reammo, this was only the first strike.
30-11-2004, 03:37
Great Idea! bomb the Freak posistions while they are comming over, also, The Freaks also have a very larg airforce, so I might be putting every life in my country and many in yours in danger. My airforce will now go out and bomb the $hit out of them. :gundge:
San Lucia
30-11-2004, 03:41
OOC: If yuo defeat that, my whole f***ing nation will be after you. Thats 618 Million Angry Military and Civilians.
OCC:You cant draft your entire population into the Military. If you did, your economy, along with everything else in your country would collapse and you would left with nothing. Lets try to be sensible, now.
Freedom City
Field Marshall Richtover tromped through the strewn rubble and empty halls of Freedom City's Makeshift Capitol Building. It had taken far less time than I had imagined he thought to himself. Only 3 days and they abandoned their posts. Very interesting... As he stood out over one the few remaining balconies, Gen. Hienz Bienstien entered the chamber and stood to attention behind the Field Marshall.
"Sir, Freedom city has been secured. More reinforcements have been sent in and we are prepared to make further incursions to the north."
"Alright, I believe our forces must be reorganized and re-supplied before making any further offensive actions. Until then, I will need continuing intelligence reports from our drones on the whereabouts of our enemies. Once our forces are ready, we can launch our offensive into enemy territory and hook up with the other allied forces."
"Yes Sir! I will Immediately send your orders to the Quartermaster and other Field Commanders, our forces should be re-armed and re-organized within a day."
" Excellent, but before you go General I wish to say that we are doing all that we can to release your son from the hands of the enemy."
" Thank you, sir."
General Bernstein promptly leaves the chamber, leaving Richtover to further ponder other matters.
*Message from the San Lucian Government to Jankia*
The officer in question goes by the name of Lt.Col. Bob Richardson of the 73rd Marine Infantry Regiment. We can exchange prisoners on the outskirts of Freedom City.
They wouldnt be drafted. What I mean is that they weill be like freedom fighters, like a militia.
30-11-2004, 03:44
MrSparkleland news from the front:
Bombingruns successful! 1,780 freaks killed! 3,500 wounded! we will concentrate on the center next run.
To: San Lucia
From: Jankia
Lt.Col. Bob Richardson of the 73rd Marine Infantry Division is listed as K.I.A, his squad saw him get shot by a Sel Appan soldier hiding inside Freedom City. You will have one last chance before he dies.
To: MrSparkleLand
From: Jankia
My Frigates have arrived at every airport in your nation. They will still be there if you decide not to leave so they would be there if Freaks entered your nation.
Frisbee Freaks
30-11-2004, 03:51
Frisbee Freak news:
Bombing run on Jankia. 27 Freak planes shot down. 1,500 Jankian planes destroyed on bases. 4,500 Jankian citizens killed. 5,000 Jankian military killed.
OOC: You have planes that can fly in space? Because im not on Earth.
30-11-2004, 03:56
We will evacuate most citizens for now, the rest will fight.
Frisbee Freaks
30-11-2004, 03:59
Yes Jankia, we can bomb many planets. In fact a second squadron is on it's way.
Frisbee Freaks
30-11-2004, 04:01
Frisbee Freak news:
2 succesful bombing runs. MrSparkleland, and Jankia! 7,000 dead on their side. 157 for us.
Funny how you got through the tightest Air Defence grids. If you got through that, my military bases have each 100 AA each. All my ships are orbiting my planet, each with a fighter attack force. Seems possable to get through that :rolleyes:
30-11-2004, 04:03
Screw this! let's just bomb them!
Frisbee Freak news:
2 succesful bombing runs. MrSparkleland, and Jankia! 7,000 dead on their side. 157 for us.
Thats godmodding, first of all, you cant tell my casulties or his, second of all, you didnt even do anything, you just said "Succesfull bombing run" Please make your posts a little more detailed.
30-11-2004, 04:08
Mr Sparkleland news:
Unsuccessful Bombing run on Frisbee Freaks. Many of our fighters shot down over Freaken landscape by Flaks, artillery, and anti-air craft fire. The future looks bad.
30-11-2004, 04:12
No Nukes, or super nukes, that can get many worlds fighting us, and the Freaken forces are now right out side our border and will attack tomorrow (I'll have to go to bed soon.)
The Battleship Apacalypso, orbited over Freakland. The MACs on the ship were red hot. They had enough to make a crater about the size of itself, 15km by 15km. The MACs fired right into the capitol of the freaks.
OOC: thats not really a nuke is it?
30-11-2004, 04:15
That's it! why do you freaks hate us so much? What did we do to you?!!!
OOC: I gotta goto bed, so lets end this little battle between us for the night. You nuke me while im asleep ill open up a can of whoopass on you :D
30-11-2004, 04:17
The Battleship Apacalypso, orbited over Freakland. The MACs on the ship were red hot. They had enough to make a crater about the size of itself, 15km by 15km. The MACs fired right into the capitol of the freaks.
OOC: thats not really a nuke is it?
To make a crater like that it has to be a super nuke.
btw. The Freak capital is Juunotorum, named after the Freak's leader, Juun.
30-11-2004, 04:18
Also, it is against the rules of war to kill a nations leader, or is it... :confused:
30-11-2004, 04:22
OOC: I gotta goto bed, so lets end this little battle between us for the night. You nuke me while im asleep ill open up a can of whoopass on you :D
I have to sleep to.
Sel Appa
30-11-2004, 04:26
OOC: The following players have to rethink their posting:
-Godmoding(You cannot possibly have 1/6 of your nation in the army.)
-Offtopic(This is about Anvorbuod's fight for independence, not some action figures in MSL...
MSL: Offtopic(same reasons as above)
To Everyone: If you have gone offtopic, delete your posts that are offtopic by tommorrow or get out of this RP!
IC: Sel Appa Forces begin to mopup any enemy territory other than Anila City. The blockade fleet heads out to Anila City.
OOC: Ok, let's stop for today.
My forces:
1.5 Million troops called up
1.4 Million responded
1.15 Million are still active(not wounded or killed)
550,000 are on active posts
OOC: The following players have to rethink their posting:
-Godmoding(You cannot possibly have 1/6 of your nation in the army.)
-Offtopic(This is about Anvorbuod's fight for independence, not some action
Godmodding What are you talking about? Only 336,050 of my army is in The Military. 2 Million immigrants went into the MrSparkleLand, and they dont really count as Jankians
30-11-2004, 16:14
Sorry about being off topic, but those freaks really h8 me. Also, MrSparkleland forces are still helping Anvorbuod out. Me, Jankia, and the Freaks are guilty of offtopic.
Frisbee Freaks
30-11-2004, 16:18
You dang right I hate you, and your ally too!!! Those troops that I am sending your way, Mr Sparkle, are almost there!
30-11-2004, 18:14
MrSparkleland news:
All the Sparklian forces exept about 5,000 had to be withdrawn from Anvorbuod to defend the homeland. The Sparklian government apologizes to the Anvoroboudians for this, saying that it is more important to defend our own nation than a far away one. The forces left will continue to fight for Anvorubuod.
30-11-2004, 19:36
MrSparkleland news:
Artilliry on the Sparkle side of the trenches are already shooting the Freak posistions in the mountains just outside our country, neither side is safe now, and both have artillery shooting at eachother. Millions of citizens have been evacuated to Jankian ships, but most wish to stay and fight. We tried to discuse peace terms, but the Freaks would not listen. Our 5000 of our guys in Sel Appa have been placed under Anvorboudian and Jankian command so they can stay free of the freaks. Now, Let's kick some Freak but!! :mp5:
30-11-2004, 19:47
MrSparkleland news:
A small Sparklian squadron attacks Freakian and Sel Appan forces near Freedom City for one last battle before being handed over to Anvorbuod and Jankia. They are given to these nations in case MrSparkleland is conquered by the Freaks.
Due to the Jankian raid, two destroyers and two troop transports along with the AA Cruiser Axe Time were sunk. No ship escaped damage, but the battleship Volsung received the worst of it and had to be scuttled. Two of the smaller transports were destroyed, and thirteen hundred men were saved. Aside from the soldiers who drowned on the sunken transports, there were 2200 sailors lost at sea as a result of the raid.
OOC: Uh… Jankia, your fighters didn’t happen to take any casualties, what with the presence of Anti-Aircraft Cruisers and all…?
Back IC:
Task Force One, shaken but not deterred, continued northward, drawn by the call of Kuwagin. The city nearly empty, the fleet did not bother with pre-landing bombardment.
The remaining 4300 soldiers in the fleet landed without much incident.
Task Force Nine reached its destination unharassed, and let off is full complement of 10,000 soldiers with combat vehicles just 30 km East of Anila City.
Frisbee Freaks
30-11-2004, 20:42
General Aaron B. Frisbee gave the command to attack the Sparklians. A horde of Juunian (Freak) soldiers ran down the mountain side, towards MrSparkleland. They were met with artillary fire and machine guns, taking out many at a time, and mowing the Freaks down like grass. But, also like grass they were numerous. Unlike grass, they had some power. They were shot at, machineguned, shelled, and bombed from the air, and by the time they reached the trenches, 25,000 were already killed or wounded. Now they were too close to risk firing at with artillary. The Freaks outnumbered the Sparklians 1-3, and were killing them at about this rate, since they had the defensive advantage. For hours, the Freaks fought inching through, and suffering heavy losses.
Freak casualty list. (this will be edited as new reports come in.)
Started with:2,500,000
First half hour:35,000 First Hour:75,000 Hour and a half:200,000
2 hours=375,000 2hours and a half=450,000 3hours=600,000
30-11-2004, 20:54
Sparklian casualties in this war are now 585,000, though many more are expected to be lost in this battle with the Freaks.
The battle of MrSparkleland casualties. (Will be Edited)
Started with:1,000,000
First half hour=557 First hour=50,000 Hour and a half=100,000 2hours=200,000 2hours and a half=400,000 3hours=570,000
Shattered Shades
30-11-2004, 21:05
OC: This is my only post, so don't reply, I just think is is funny.
We the people of The Kingdom Of Shattered Shades declare war upon these rebels of Sel Appa. We have currently launched 6,300 paratroopers into the rebel province.
Deet..Deet From the SSMHQ:
General O'Shagme: Paratroopers away!
Lt.Colonel Ivana Humpalot: Sir! We never gave them parachutes! They're all right here(pointing towards the storeroom with all the parachutes).
General O'Shagme: Dammit not again the King's going to have my ass for this one for sure.
Frisbee Freaks
30-11-2004, 21:15
Allies: Sel Appa, Urukku, San Lucia, Kelgahr,Frisbee Freaks,Shattered Shades,...
Independence: Anvorbuod, TLS, Draganovia, MrSparkleland, Jankia,.....
I would like to extend our support from the Republic of Othona. If we can do anything to help please do not hesitate to ask.
Frisbee Freaks
30-11-2004, 21:48
Frisbee Freak News:
10 Frisbee Freak Jet fighters ambush Anvorbuodian bases, shooting all their missles (100 missles) and causing massive damage. They turned back after the Anvorobuodians returned with Anti-Aircraft fire, shooting down 1 jet.
30-11-2004, 22:06
2 Hours have passed since the Freaks started the battle of MrSparkleland, and both sides lost more than 200,000 by now, but the worst part still isn't over. In Anvorbuod, the 5 jets left there bombed Nemnenate Sel Appa, setting destruction to the city.
30-11-2004, 23:58
Frisbee Freaks, you have won the war, only 400,000 people are left in my nation, (600,000 were killed by you, the rest is in Jankia.) I do not wish for this conflict to continue, and kill the rest of my population. So, I sign over my nation as one of your puppet-states. I have seen the might of the Empire of Freakyness. At 6:00 P.M., My nation will be officially your puppet state. May Jankia nuke you!
Frisbee Freaks
01-12-2004, 00:29
Ok, I accept your defeat. Muahahahahahahahaaaa!!!!
Frisbee Freaks
01-12-2004, 00:56
IC: Frisbee Freaks Nuke Jankia with 2 Nukes, blasting a hole in the air defense system. Take that! If Jankia does not surrender, every major city in the nation will be nuked. You have 24 hours, Jankia. One more thing, we have lots of nukes.
OOC1: Has anyone responded to my attack on Sel Appa or did I miss it in the past couple pages of godmod?
OOC2: Frisbee Freaks, if you enact your nuclear holocaust upon Jankia, I will burn you off the map.
Frisbee Freaks
01-12-2004, 01:30
Tough guy, eh? What are you gonna do about it? cry?
OOC: Yes, I will cry like a little girl. And then I will kill your citizens and burn your towns. But good name-calling, I like it. :rolleyes:
Frisbee Freaks
01-12-2004, 01:41
Happy you like it, because before I kill someone, I like them to be happy....
San Lucia
01-12-2004, 01:43
35 miles northeast of Freedom City
General Bernstein briskly walks into the new GHQ of the San Lucian 1st Expeditionary force, carry a very fully stuffed manila folder. As Field Marshall Richtover turns in his seat to greet the General, Bernstein slams the folder on to the desk and promptly salutes to his superior officer.
" Whats the latest news from the front, General?"
" Sir, we have linked up with elements of the Sel Appain Army 15 miles north of our position, this new link up should seal the fate of our enemies!"
" Lets not be to overconfident here Heinz. After all, the rebel threat has not been completely vanquished and our objectives have not been completed. Before we jump to conclusions, I suggest we send up some reserves from the 69th Heavy Armour and 25th Infantry Division to strengthen our line, as well as to replace our weary troops in the field."
" Of course, Sir! I apologize for being to rash."
" No apologies needed General. Just make sure your men are preped and ready. Local sources have told of a rebel stronghold in the small village of Tin'sh. There well armed and have well constructed defense, but I believe your troops can break them. Are you up for this task?"
"Yes, Sir. My forces are comptley capable of taking the stronghold, we should be organized and ready in 6 hours."
"Excellent, let us hope for victory. But before you go General, what are these documents you have placed on my desk?"
"This is the latest report from the Quartermaster on our current troop strength and up-to-date costs on this war."
"This should be interesting...Your dismissed, General."
General Bernstein about-faces and leaves the room. Out of curiosity, Rictover gingerly opens the manila folder and briefly skims the first few pages.
*San Lucian Troop Strength*
15th Infantry Division: 8,330
24th Infantry Division: 10,000
3rd Infantry Division: 6,271
25th Infantry Division: 8,560
124th Mobile Infantry Division: 9,442
8th Mobile Infantry Division: 6,326
Armored Forces
18th Heavy Armored Division: 8,000
- 121 Leopard 2A6 Main Battle Tanks
- 200 AMX 10 Armored Personnel Carriers
69th Heavy Armored Division: 10,000
- 150 Leopard 2A6 Main Battle Tanks
- 250 AMX 10 Armored Personnel Carriers
13th Medium Armored Division:
- 300 AMX-10 Armored Personnel Carriers
- 118 AMX-30 Roland Anti-Aircraft Missile Defense Systems
- 104 AMX-25 Mk.2 Medium Assault Tanks
50th Light Armored Division:
- 168 AMX-10 Armored Personnel Carriers
- 60 Jaguar Helicopter Gunships
- 150 UH-64 Transport Helicopters
100th Artillery Division
- 200 105mm Howitzers
- 114 80mm Howitzers
- 60 150mm Howitzers
- 48 MLRS Mobile Artillery Vehicles
Troops: 52,146
Rictover didn't bother looking at the Logistical Section, because he already knew his men had plenty of supplies. And with that pleasant thought, the Field Marshall removed his cap, and layed himself on his cot to take a nap.
Frisbee Freaks
01-12-2004, 01:44
I've outpowered 2 nations, What have you done, Malkyer?
OOC: Define "outpowered." If mean like you did with Jankia, i.e. "i send 200 n00kzers and i pwnz j0!!! 1010101010101lololol!!" then I've probably done considerably better. Click on my nation's name and click on "more posts by Malkyer" if you want to read some of them.
I kinda want to continue with my attack on Sel Appa, so if you could post some coastal defenses or something I'd appreciate it. And sorry for clogging your thread with so many OOC posts between myself and Frisbee boy.
Frisbee Freaks
01-12-2004, 01:52
Outpowered, like I did to MrSparkleland, like that. You have no idea what you are up against. If you want to incorporate nations into your empire, you don't nuke them. Then what good would the new land be? :eek: I have to eat now...
I see no evidence of anything that should frighten me. Yes, I do know what I'm up against. And frankly, I don't see a threat.
"Frisbee Freaks Nuke Jankia with 2 Nukes, blasting a hole in the air defense system. Take that! If Jankia does not surrender, every major city in the nation will be nuked. You have 24 hours, Jankia. One more thing, we have lots of nukes. " Yeah, who would nuke a country? :rolleyes:
IC: Frisbee Freaks Nuke Jankia with 2 Nukes, blasting a hole in the air defense system. Take that! If Jankia does not surrender, every major city in the nation will be nuked. You have 24 hours, Jankia. One more thing, we have lots of nukes.
Im ignoring that, godmodder
Urukkian Troop Strength in Sel Appa:
Phalanx Red-Crux
Phalanx Insignia: Red Crusader's Cross Embossed in Rust-Brown on a White Field.
Phalanx-Marshal: Kuno Kuwagin
50th Airborne Division
Commander: Phalanx-Marshal Kuwagin
Estimated Strength:
618 soldiers fully able
22 walking wounded
18 dead
192 missing and presumed dead.
Location: Freedom City outskirts
3rd Marine Division
Commander: Major General Bantir
Estimated Strength:
4300 soldiers
24 Jormundgand Landing Support Vehicles
Location: Freedom City coastline
15th Armored Division
Commander: Lt. General Hym
240 Ragnarok Main Battle Tanks
240 Fenrir Infantry Fighting Vehicles
480 Support/Supply Vehicles
2400 Infantry
Location: Northern Sel Appa en route to Anila City
II Infantry Corps
Commander: General Guldifiri
7600 Infantry
Location: Northern Sel Appa en route to Anila City
OOC: Frisbee, MrSparkleLand surrendered, so its over, unless you drop troops on my planet, my forces will rip you apart like dogs.
Frisbee Freaks
01-12-2004, 02:13
Im ignoring that, godmodder
Ok, what if I said "The Freakean Space ship, Hail Juun, obited over planet Jankia. It than fired 2 nukes at the air defense system. I'll also ignore that you nuked me, than.
nukes aren't allowed in this thread, and im not starting war because I was only there to help protect Anvorboud and MrSparkleLand. Now its over, so how about we call it a truce, but if you fire one for shot at me im going to rip you apart, i have 6 allies that can help me and bomb the shit out of you. Also, you couldn't get anywhere near me if my ships were orbiting my planet, and if a missle is fired and the ships cant get it, the SAMs or my fighters can destroy it in space. Altho that would destroy anything nearby, they would sacrifice themselves for millions of people
Frisbee Freaks
01-12-2004, 02:18
Ok, fine, but you never nuked me, than!
Elves and Warlocks
01-12-2004, 02:23
i thought this war wood end? now i must surrond mrsparkleland frisbee jankia with peacekeepers or should i say angry peace keepers mahmahmah hahaha "open fire boys" : :mp5: :mp5: :mp5:
3 million peacekeepers
Secret IC:
To: Jankia
From: Anvourboud Resistance
Jankia, we pleed for help, theres a couple thousand of us in the woods near Freedom City, please send in pelicans to evac us at position 61 HT. Please, we could start a new nation on your planet, we understand that you have taken the civillians from Freedom City? We are greatfull for that, you are trulely nice people.
Elves and Warlocks
01-12-2004, 02:24
oh oh peakeepers late retreat run run! abort ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: