NationStates Jolt Archive

Breakaway Republic in Kazakhstania

26-11-2004, 23:24
For 50 years, a so called minority in the south of Kazakhstania has been asking for a free republic. To start with it was a "mere" 100,000 people, compared to the 6 Million population at the time. They were largely ignored, and were resposible for the odd kidnapping of a farmer, which was dealt with swiftly by the Kazakhstani Speial Forces, who often saw them as training exercises. Only one man died, and only because the kidnapper though a sheep was a crawling Sniper.

But as the Kazahstani population rose, the "minority" figure rose to ten and a half million, with more arriving every day, these people demanded room. Of course, they ahd no territorial claim, but believed they did. They were much like "slavic" people, some very rebelious. They have started to believe they deserve territory, right on the ocean in the south. This territory is A) Ours, and B) Vital to our economy. We rightfully deserve this land.

These people arent discriminated against as such, though there is mild racism. We fight agaisnt this, and the poorer among these people are taxed less than others. We are incredibly generous in this. We find this spontaneous uprising odd.

And that is, indeed, what this has turned into. In the past two years, numerous strikes have been made on military compunds, economic buildings,a nd in one bombing, 50 people were killed. We can stand this no more, but see no way to stop it. We also fear that if they ahve their own territory it may become a "failed state", which is what we dont wan't.

Lately things have reached a peak. Citizens in our south-western city of Atryau, a vital Carrier Port and scene of previous rebel uprising, with war memorials still standing, and shell holes still scarring the outer hillside. The citizens there have threatened rioting and organised military take over, aided by arms producers in the city and arms taken from military outposts.

We can not let this happen, and must stop it at all costs. News posts, pictures and updates will be taken on the situation regularly.
26-11-2004, 23:51

After a recent uprising in the Eastern Suburbs of the city, where local security forces at a checkpoint fought against local insurgents armed with various Kazakhstaniai weapons and locally manufactured RPG's, a scene of death and destruction has been left. The heart of the damage was in a housing estate, where the scene of the defenders counter-attack had left RPG explosions taking down houses. The atackers retreated, setting mines and firing RPG's behind them. This scene was left:

In the attack, 3 Guards were killed and 6 wounded. 24 insurgents died and 31 were injured, in the largest attack so far. We are hoping this does not happen again, as any other attacks could sap the cities defence. We are transferring more troops, but with more than 600,000 combat trained and able Men ready to fight in the city, armed with Kazakhstaniai weapons, this could be a huge battle, larger than ever before expected.
27-11-2004, 23:06
Today, at another checkpoint in the city, a large scale assault took place. The checkpoint was defending the international Airport, and was heavily defended, yet less so than the military airport across town.

The attack went ahead at sunrise, 5:00, and was lead by a stolen M-12UM2 IFV and three newly built BTR-90UM2's. Inside were former members of Kazakhstania's Force Zulu armed with stolen Kazakhstaniai weapons. Rapidly they assaulted the checkpoint from three angles, takings down most of the on guard personnel and some reserves with a well placed shell into a barracks.

An emergency call went out and several attack helicopters came to the rescue, and a force of Kazkahstnaian Active Force Zulu's mopped up afterwards. This was the largest attack yet, but still small in scale. All it takes is for some major colaterral damage or a major uproar and the damage may not stop until the entire rebellion is put down.

Kazakhstania are putting forward a request for military aid from otehr nations, as currently we can only deploy a set amount of units due to peacekeeping efforts around our empire.

So please, can any nation send a military force to help, no metter how small. Be warned however, this is not a peacekeeping mission, it could break into a hot war at any time.
The eternal-dragons
27-11-2004, 23:28
==========Encrypted Message from North Albanian Leaders========

Seeing your dire plight we have come to a conclusion which involves aiding you. Therefore we will be willing to send a force consisting off

1st Eternal-Dragon Elite guard Division (Basically their Spec-ops but more along the means of uncoventional warfare and infiltration)

2000 Eternal-Dragon Units. They are armed with bullet-proof vests, Fake I'D, Passports, Various pills and needles,

We will send more if required, although we feel that these elite troops perhaps could train your troops into a more effective cohesive unit. They will also do various jobs to stablise your region.

Upon acceptance, they will be transfered very shortly into one of your ports, and from their the commander in charge, General kukachav, shall meet with your strategists to possibly discuss a strategy in ridding the enemy.

Jecht Ackbar

======End transmission=======
Independent Hitmen
27-11-2004, 23:29
27-11-2004, 23:48
Though the CSM does not wish to commit troops to your nation of civil unrest and psuedo-civil war, President Thomas Watson has agreed to aide the armed forces of Kazakhstania by sending the following supplies.

300 MCR1 Assault Rifles with 12 ga. Shotgun undercarry.

50 MRL3 Portable rocket launchers

20 AMLRS (Autonomous Multiple-Launch Rocket System) with enough VX gas to arm all 80 pods.

In addition to these arms, a sum of ten million riffs (15 million USD) in gold bullion will be delivered to help finance the government's war-effort.

All the Confederate States of Mestionian asks in return for these arms is the permission of government of Kazakhstania to build a Mestionian Air Force base on her soil. We await your response.

-James Taylor
Vice Admiral
Acting Commander-in Chief, Mestionian Armed Forces
28-11-2004, 01:13
We thank all for your help, and will try to keep down the rebels for as long as possible.

Just to let you know, our Special Forces ARE some of th best in the world, proved by various war games held a year ago by Andrehevia, involving Sniper Country and himself aswell. We are a cohesive unit, and have a very advanced command structure. Thankyou for your help, however, perhaps we could study each otehrs doctrines aswell.
The eternal-dragons
28-11-2004, 01:20
OOC: Do you have a map of your region...If not could you give me some info on it like the land layout, cities, whereabouts..

IC: The refitted cruise liners made their way from the ports in Shengjin, and other various coastal areas, their destination being of course the war-torn country of Kazakhstania.

Like many of the Eternal dragon elite guard this was supposed to be just another walk in the park, and although very secretive to the outside world, these guard were often involved in current operations in Ireland,Fate and honor, S.Albania, Liberia and most countries.