Aust begins to recruit child soildiers
~~~~~~~ABC news~~~~~~
Today, the Austian goverment that represents the wishes of the esteemed Emporer annoynced that the Austian forces shall begin to recruit soildiers ofrom 10 and above.
The soildiers, to be known as drummer boys, will be conscripted from the street childrebn of Aust City and the other major citys. Other children, with parents, shall be allowed to join if they want to.
2 legions have been mobalised to catch the children.
26-11-2004, 17:17
We hope that works out for you. In Layartebian experience, the Golan Experiment was a dismal failure. We just couldn't raise the maturity level of the children enough to get them to operate effectively in combat. Oh well.
26-11-2004, 17:24
We hope this works out well for you. In Doomingsland, military training is a part of normal schooling, so, naturaly, our children are hardened and disiplined for when they enter the military, so training them is fairly easy.
The Conscription of minors in peace times is a barbaric practice and in order to protect human rights we ask that you cease and decist. We understand that it is your choice and we will not encroach on your sovreignty, but we hope you can understand our concern, and in order to retain your dignity, will stop this uncivilized practiced.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Vladitzio Norduchitti
The Parthians
26-11-2004, 17:55
We prefer to draft homeless people. They are very effective in human wave attacks.
-Shah Khosru III
The Conscription of minors in peace times is a barbaric practice and in order to protect human rights we ask that you cease and decist. We understand that it is your choice and we will not encroach on your sovreignty, but we hope you can understand our concern, and in order to retain your dignity, will stop this uncivilized practiced.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Vladitzio Norduchitti
This is not a uncivillised practace, in Aust street children have no real future other than the army, and so we are offering it early. They are also known to fall into crime and uch which is why where making this comulsery.
Doomingsland, in Aust all people are conscripted from 14 to 21, and there is a emphasis on sports and physical activites at primary and middle schools.
Layarteb, we balive that the stress and trama of living on the streets will increase these childrens maturity levels.
The Great Sixth Reich
26-11-2004, 18:11
We offer a program similar to Doomingsland, where military training is compulsory during a block (we operate our schools on the "block" system) of school ever-other day.
Did anyone notice that almost everyone posting in here is a RWC member? :)
We offer a program similar to Doomingsland, where military training is compulsory during a block (we operate our schools on the "block" system) of school ever-other day.
Did anyone notice that almost everyone posting in here is a RWC member? :)
OOC: I did
26-11-2004, 18:14
Did anyone notice that almost everyone posting in here is a RWC member? :)
No but I do now!
This is not a uncivillised practace, in Aust street children have no real future other than the army, and so we are offering it early. They are also known to fall into crime and uch which is why where making this comulsery.
Doomingsland, in Aust all people are conscripted from 14 to 21, and there is a emphasis on sports and physical activites at primary and middle schools.
Layarteb, we balive that the stress and trama of living on the streets will increase these childrens maturity levels.
Yet you deploy troops to "catch" them?
26-11-2004, 18:40
It makes it easier on the parents. They think it was just a kidnapping rather than a government plot. It helps keep stability though it'll make the local police very stressed out.
Yet you deploy troops to "catch" them?
You have a problem with that?
It makes it easier on the parents. They think it was just a kidnapping rather than a government plot. It helps keep stability though it'll make the local police very stressed out.
26-11-2004, 18:46
we have a draft for anyone over the age of 15 in our country, we train them then they are sent home until they are called upon for active duty. senior citizens and people with recorded disabllities are exempt from this draft though.
Well Gee that's a pretty sadistic aproach to domestic affairs but OH WELL. it's not my country.
*writes Aust down on list of nations that will eventually be taken down for civil rights violations*
26-11-2004, 18:54
Urges Aust to include Psov on the list of meddling nations that will reap their own demise due to the overbearing liberal programs that will not only bankrupt the nation but spoil the population so much that if one iota of these programs is curtailed, there will be massive riots!
Urges Aust to include Psov on the list of meddling nations that will reap their own demise due to the overbearing liberal programs that will not only bankrupt the nation but spoil the population so much that if one iota of these programs is curtailed, there will be massive riots!
Already done.
26-11-2004, 19:01
Already done.
I have a huge list of those countries. I plan on, when they implode on themselves, to drop leaflets saying, "I told you so!"
Urges Aust to include Psov on the list of meddling nations that will reap their own demise due to the overbearing liberal programs that will not only bankrupt the nation but spoil the population so much that if one iota of these programs is curtailed, there will be massive riots!
*Notes that It's illegal to be unhappy in Psov*
26-11-2004, 19:04
*Notes that It's illegal to be unhappy in Psov*
It's illegal to be unhappy? And you criticize us for human rights abuses. Shoot man you aren't even allowing your citizens to take part in a fundamental human emotion! Wow, that's bad...
It's illegal to be unhappy? And you criticize us for human rights abuses. Shoot man you aren't even allowing your citizens to take part in a fundamental human emotion! Wow, that's bad...
OOC: ahh but they don't know their civil rights are being violated
26-11-2004, 19:38
That's a human right, not a civil right. Sheesh illegal to be unhappy.
We hope this works out well for you. In Doomingsland, military training is a part of normal schooling, so, naturaly, our children are hardened and disiplined for when they enter the military, so training them is fairly easy.
Ooo... a lower level of education. Sounds like a plan.
Simply put, you have so many hours a day you can teach a child things, most people spend this time teaching them things like in normal education... to make then learn to be soldiers too would ultimately take time away from teaching giving them a proper education.
I doubt you could have any reasonable amount of military training for kids if you want smart soldiers for the future... and with the advances in technology and complexity of weapons it's becoming more and more important for soldiers to be more then just cannon fodder.
You could try and balence it out, but it takes a heavy training regime to train a child to a "Hardened, Disaplined" status. So if you want any amount of good education with your nations future, you may want to make sure you don't waste a ton of time on that obcessive military training which you'll probably waste the majority of it on anyways, given that most of your people don't join the military.
Also note that putting every child in schools where they do not go home and see their family (like bording schools) is both exspensive and dangerous to the mentality of your nations children. I only mention this because it would give you more time to teach children if they didn't have to go home... but the problem then is cost and institutionalisation, which is an effect where if you keep someone out of society for long enough they will become less able to relate to the society of their institution. This effect is common among people who have to stay in hospital for a long time or have been in the military for a long time (you get used to having your life set out for you by others).
Basically, education is the way it is in modern nations because it's often the most effective. Some improvements can be made, but anything too radical can cause other problems.
26-11-2004, 20:25
Official Government Statement from Emperor Crossman
I condemn the use of children as soldiers. This is horrible.
Secret IC:
While my government does not enlist children into the armed forces in large numbers, there are some of our youth who demonstrate exceptional abilities. These children, mostly in their mid-teens when recruited are used in some of our more top-secret military affairs.
I really don't like the idea of you using such young children, but, whatever works for your nation. Good luck.