Press release.
25-11-2004, 17:58
Press release.
The Nomadic Peoples of Sandtrail have almost unanimously voted Neelix to be Spokesperson for the Council of Elders of Sandtrail. Mainly his decision to move to the Knowledge encouragement states was a winner. His young age (28), and his good heart will help him to be a good intermediate between Sandtrail and other countries. His opponent, Kurnal, received only one vote, his wives.
Neelix, sensing Kurnal’s great abilities and love for the country, has decided to offer him an ambassadorship. The only problem is that Sandtrail has yet to establish contacts with other countries. Once that is done, Kurnal gets first pick to choose his post.
Neelix was thrilled with the perspective of making Sandtrail one of the leading countries in the Knowledge-trade-sector. “I know we have a long way to go, but with the help of every trailer, I know we can make it.” He requested peace loving, knowledge promoting countries to contact him to ensure good relationships al over the globe. He thinks that the exchange of ambassadors can be the first step in creating long-lasting cooperation.
End press release.
25-11-2004, 20:15
The Free Land of Shanagolia and its people congratulate Neelix on his electoral victory. It is also heartening to see his opponent be treated so well. With that said, we offer Sandtrail the opportunity to exchange ambassadors. Our nation has just recently come out of isolation and would also like to build further relationships with other nations. Shanagolia is a peaceful land with extensive civil and political rights. We look forward to building a peaceful and prosperous relationship with the fine nation of Sandtrail.
Speaker Benjamin Debs
The Free Land of Shanagolia
Heart is spelled with an "E"
Minister of Education
Aleniov Nordutuchit
25-11-2004, 20:22
(OOC:Thank you, has been changed. Me being dutch, where it is spelled without one, I make that mistake quite often.)
26-11-2004, 17:15
Neelix sits in his office and looks at his telegraph. No new messages have come in quite some time now. Ok, we are a small country, He thinks. But we have a promising economical future, and we are overall peace minded. Why don’t any of the foreign countries contact us?
He gets off his chair and pours another cup of coffee. The situation in Chinlanikistan is also on his mind. But for now they have done all they can. He sits down again, and writes another press release concerning the request of more international contacts between Sandtrail and other countries.
Press Release
The Council of Elders of Sandtrail has ordered the construction of an Ambassadorcityvehicle. All embassies will then be close together. There will be room for 35 ambassadors and their families, which should be enough for the near future. Elder Adsel on the subject: We are but a young country, but we think intensive contacts between ourselves and foreign countries is important for every country, big or small. Spokesperson Neelix has been ordered to open communications with various countries in the near future.
End Press Release
The Grey Phoenix
26-11-2004, 19:21
Greetings from the Grey Phoenix!
We are glad to see new nations reach out tothe NS community. We are also a new nation, created out of the carnage of the war between the Empire of Koth and the Empire of Xeraph.
Emperor Alaric of Xeraph totally oblierated the sorcerous Kothians, at a tremendous cost to Xeraph.
We and several other nations were granted land in the former Kothite territory to settle, under the guiding hand of Xeraph.
I, King Beomer, hereby invite you to establish an embassy in our capitol, Greystone, at no cost to you.
You are permitted a staff of 50, and a security squad of 50. You are also to be provided with a HeloPad, which is capable of HCGS's up to 150 fett in length.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Beomer, King of The Grey Phoenix
27-11-2004, 16:29
The Holy Empire of The Grey Phoenix? Neelix thinks, after reading the telegram. Wasn't that a Romulus-country? Rule with Wisdom as a motto is definitely encouraging. Let's accept. But, who to send? And a security guard? What for? I expect it to be safe there, and if not, we can always recall our Ambassador to Sandtrail.
Neelix looks through the solicitors for Ambassador, and chooses Tredob. He was first in line, after all. He may choose his own staff, and he can take his own Heli. Neelix decides. Saves me the job of doing everything for him.
Tredob let's the phone ring several times, before answering. Yes? a dark and warm voice asks. You need my Knowledge?
Well, actually no. Neelix answers. I call to inform you of your new job. You are to leave for The Holy Empire of The Grey Phoenix asap. Choose your own staff, up to 40 persons, and take your Heli with you. Oh, and when you get there, make sure to hold a dance for the leaders.
Will do.Tredob kills the line and rushes to do the Councils bidding.
Neelix, satisfied, sits back and enjoys the view outside his office. The Capitolcityvehicle has almost reached the rainforest by now, and he can see the monkeys in the trees. Why are they so agitated? Neelix wonders. It is then that he spots the Cheetah, closing in on a wounded monkey. To see a Cheetah now, that must be a good sign. Neelix decides. The Grey Phoenix will be a wise partner for sure. He lights another cigarette and watches the Cheetah some more.
The White-Robed Monks
28-11-2004, 00:48
The Holy Empire of The Grey Phoenix? Neelix thinks, after reading the telegram. Wasn't that a Romulus-country? Rule with Wisdom as a motto is definitely encouraging. Let's accept. But, who to send? And a security guard? What for? I expect it to be safe there, and if not, we can always recall our Ambassador to Sandtrail.
Neelix looks through the solicitors for Ambassador, and chooses Tredob. He was first in line, after all. He may choose his own staff, and he can take his own Heli. Neelix decides. Saves me the job of doing everything for him.
Tredob let's the phone ring several times, before answering. Yes? a dark and warm voice asks. You need my Knowledge?
Well, actually no. Neelix answers. I call to inform you of your new job. You are to leave for The Holy Empire of The Grey Phoenix asap. Choose your own staff, up to 40 persons, and take your Heli with you. Oh, and when you get there, make sure to hold a dance for the leaders.
Will do.Tredob kills the line and rushes to do the Councils bidding.
Neelix, satisfied, sits back and enjoys the view outside his office. The Capitolcityvehicle has almost reached the rainforest by now, and he can see the monkeys in the trees. Why are they so agitated? Neelix wonders. It is then that he spots the Cheetah, closing in on a wounded monkey. To see a Cheetah now, that must be a good sign. Neelix decides. The Grey Phoenix will be a wise partner for sure. He lights another cigarette and watches the Cheetah some more.
From: Abbot Mencius, of the White-Robed Monks
Yes, the Grey Phoenix is a part of the region of Romulus. This region, along with the region of Remus, was created by the Empire of Xeraph to settle the former Empire of Koth. You are wise to join yourselves to this Empire as it is among the most powerful of entities. Nothing but good will come of your aligning yourselves with Xeraph.
Much goodwill to you.
28-11-2004, 01:07
"This small nation has drawn the attention of His Imperial Majesty's Government. We feel that they are right in taking the first steps towards interaction with the world, but we must caution them; there are a lot of very dangerous nations out there.
His Imperial Majesty's Government is willing to open diplomatic contact with the nation of Sandtrail, and we look forward to engaging in such dialogue."