Sel Appa
25-11-2004, 07:34
Nearly an hour hour ago, the House of Earls passed legislation allowing the development of nuclear weapons. Money and materials have been provided for 4-5000 mile missiles. The legislation passed by only one vote and the Grand Archduke may block this.
If the order pulls through, construction will begin within 2 weeks. Any threats to Sel Appa and its interests will be dealt with swiftly. Sel Appa does not wish to use said weapons, but they will be kept in stock, just in case. The location of the construction plants is under strict secrecy. The storage facilities have yet to be determined.
Fascist Confederacy
25-11-2004, 07:49
Hello, this is William Pierce for White World Radio. Earlier this evening, the nation of Sel Appa released an announcement stating they were planning the construction of up to 5000 nuclear missiles. The Czar found this astonishing and made the following message:
"Sel Appa, I wish to notify you of your mistakes and lies. No nation, with a resonable economy, and a slightly over 1 billion dollard defense budget has the economy or funding to produce nuclear artillery. We realise that this is a mere propaganda sceme in order to frighten the world into think you are stock-piling a nuclear aresenal. You are harshly mistaken, we are not afraid."
This has been a quick announcement from White World Radio, not back to the good old, Christian Country Hits collection...
OOC: Don't take this offensively. I just had to think of an IC way to put it. You have to have over 100 million people to build nuclear weaponry, neutron weaponry, and the like. Not to mention, your economy report is as follows:
Government Budget Details
Administration: $1,620,459,749.38 - 13%
Social Welfare: $4,113,474,748.42 - 33%
Healthcare: $1,371,158,249.47 - 11%
Education: $2,742,316,498.94 - 22%
Religion & Spirituality: $0.00 - 0%
Defence: $1,371,158,249.47 - 11%
Law & Order: $498,602,999.81 - 4%
Commerce: $0.00 - 0%
Public Transport: $0.00 - 0%
The Environment: $872,555,249.66 - 7%
Social Equality: $0.00 - 0%
You are spending roughly 1.4 billion dollars on defense, hardly enough to mine uranium, produce the plutoniam, then manufactor the nuclear weaponry. By the way, if you want to keep up with your economy, go here:
Sel Appa
25-11-2004, 07:53
We said we are making 4 weapons, not 5000. They have a range of 5000 miles. Also, do remember that the Grand Archduke may and is expected to block this.
OOC-Interesting, I did not know budgets were actually in existance. Thanks many-fold.
Fascist Confederacy
25-11-2004, 08:00
OOC: No problem. I added you to my MSN contact list. So, please sign on.
Sel Appa
25-11-2004, 18:30
Grand Archduke Kirby has stepped in and blocked the order for building of these 4 nuclear weapons.