Underdeveloped Civilizations List
25-11-2004, 06:03
Background: The UCPA is currently Hiroshiko's "prime directive." Anyone can join and support this act. The main goal of the UCPA is to prevent unnecessary contact with UCs due of an increased risk of contaminating their native technology. Technological contamination may lead to the destruction of a technologically inferior civilization. The UCPA is stated below.
The Underdeveloped Civilization Protection Act (UCPA)
Article 1: The prime characteristic of an advanced civilization
a. Advanced civilizations have incorporated the use of lightspeed technology or other general equivalents to travel through interstellar space.
Article 2: The prime characteristic of an underdeveloped civilization
a. Underdeveloped civilizations have not technologically progressed to a point where it uses lightspeed technology and other general equivalents to travel through interstellar space.
Article 3: The protection of underdeveloped civilizations
a. Advanced civilizations may not in any way interfere with technological progress in an underdeveloped civilization.
b. Advanced civilizations cannot colonize planets with underdeveloped civilizations already thriving on it.
c. Advanced civilizations are prohited to conquer and enslave a planet that contains underdeveloped civilizations.
Article 4: Rights of advanced civilizations
a. Advanced civilizations may traverse through sol systems containing planets thriving with underdeveloped civilizations.
b. Unnecessary contact with an underdeveloped civilization is strongly ill advised, but not illegal. Refer to Article 4c and 4d for further exceptions.
c. In an event of an emergency, any ship belonging to an advanced civilization may land on a planet designated as underdeveloped. They may not, however, interfere with technological progress as stated in Article 3a.
d. An indirect contact with an underdeveloped civilization may be established if an advanced civilization wishes to obtain knowledge of that particular underdeveloped civilization. However, they cannot interfere with technological progress as stated in Article 3a.
Article 5: Punishment in violation of the Act
a. Violators will be sent to the Galactic Court. Punishment will vary due to the strength of the violation.
Article 6: Exceptions to the Act
a. If an advanced civilization already uses a set of laws similar to the UCPA, then those laws can be executed and then be assimilated with or take the place of Article 3 and Article 4. However, the local laws must be approved by the majority before they are approved.
Article 7: Right to modify
a. The UCPA can be modified and changed. A majority must call for reform before any article in this act can be edited.
Civilizations in support of this act:
The Fedral Union
List of underdeveloped civilizations under protection:
Name: | Technological Equivalence:
(none yet)
25-11-2004, 06:33
Do you mean pre-modern? Pre-present but after World Wars? Post-industrial to pre-nationalism? Industrial? Pre-industrial?
I put forth a motion for before/during Industrial. Very interesting period.
25-11-2004, 06:44
Actually, what I was getting at is the advancement in technology. The list relates to nations that are in the pre-revolutionary stage to modern industrialism. Any nation whose technology is based pre-20th century is considered an underdeveloped civilization.
So, say for instance a nation who claims to have 16th century weapons can list themselves here. Any nation above the 20th century line cannot post their nation here.
Under the Weyrik Earthbound Contract, the Kingdom of Weyr cannot undertake full agressive action against any entity which is not capable of (1) spaceborne travel beyond the velocity of light, (2) employing Flux-type thaumaturgy or its equivalent, or (3) temporal manipulations. Agressive action against entities fitting into any of these parameters can only come in the form of technology possesed by the Kingdom of Weyr prior to 64AL.
25-11-2004, 07:23
OOC: Interesting, Weyr, you have your own "Prime Directive." Thats very well written. Anyway...going back to the point of this thread. The purpose of this thread is to protect any underdeveloped nation from contact with a modern or advanced civilization, thus reducing a technological contamination.
OOC: that was a suggested way of formalizing this thread. This way there's a clear definition of what you can and cannot do. The difference between the Earthbound Contract and the Prime Directive is that the Earthbound Contract does not get violated without reprecussions every time a ship captain is placed in a difficult position, or when a script writer needs to have a plot device.
25-11-2004, 08:14
2) employing Flux-type thaumaturgy or its equivalent
25-11-2004, 08:31
OOC: Ok, all. I've finished it. Comments and suggestions? Constructive criticisms please.
25-11-2004, 08:37
To any civilizations or nations who want to be under the protection: Please post your name of your nation and its technological equivalence to Earth.
Lessr Tsurani
25-11-2004, 09:57
OOC There is a galatic court? Wow, never new that. Pitty for you we will do what we want, the Alatarians ((Soon to be Tsurani main Species.)) have no reason to stop attacking of such planets. Now, since I am not part of a Galatic court, I will not be put before it. Nice work though, I would sign, but.............
@Xessmithia: rember that I am fantasy/future. Flux is, literally, the use of thaumaturgic weaponry that warps reality. Weyr was indirectly affected by it during the Weyrean Civil War when several thousand alchemists and magi'i leveled Southport City. It cost several trillion USD to contain the realSpace distortions, and there is still no known way of 'cleaning up' after a Flux weapon. Inside a Flux-affected region, any living being that comes out in the same general shape is considered to be lucky. Time flows faster, slower, or possibly backwards. A human may turn into a rodent-like beast. A tree may merge with some animal and become sentient. Rain may fall -up-, etc.
@Lessr Tsurani: Actually, you will be dragged before the Galactic Court after several signatory nations remove your ability to wage any type of interstellar warfare or even access space. Whether or not I test out my shiny planetbusters on you remains to be seen . . .
The Imperial First Distributed Kingdom of Weyr would like to offer its full support for this initiative. Although the Kingdom will maintain its Earthbound Contract, it still offers to enforce the wording of this 'Directive' in conjunction with Hiroshko.
Regent Victoria of Weyr
25-11-2004, 21:20
25-11-2004, 21:26
The nation of Hiroshiko gladly welcomes the support from the Kingdom of Weyr.
- Prime Minister Wolfwood
25-11-2004, 21:36
OOC There is a galatic court? Wow, never new that. Pitty for you we will do what we want, the Alatarians ((Soon to be Tsurani main Species.)) have no reason to stop attacking of such planets. Now, since I am not part of a Galatic court, I will not be put before it. Nice work though, I would sign, but.............
There is an apparanet flaw in the U2CPA...can you find it? Civilizations can "exploit" it, thus producing interesting RPs.
25-11-2004, 21:57
Heh. Both Mekantas (Mekanta and Neo-Mekanta) employ a policy called "The Pact" that prevents direct interaction excluding that of communication with pre-Future Tech civilizations without the pre-FT nation initiating interaction or communication inciting interaction first. That last part can be summed up as... "If you provoke us, we're going to bust out the orbital weapons."
However, The Pact applies only to Earth civilizations. Therefore, other worlds are still fair game.
Meaning if you interfere there, whichever Mekanta you interfere with is going to be pissed. ^_^
26-11-2004, 02:14
Thats interesting, Mekanta. I guess everyone has a bit of a "Prime Directive"
Calm Minds
26-11-2004, 03:05
this is a good idea, but yo have to lay off the star ocean man
The Fedral Union
26-11-2004, 03:33
hmm i like this like this alot .. we use the ST Prime directive in our own nation .. Add my backing
Lessr Tsurani
26-11-2004, 10:39
OOC So, now, with or without my concent, I can no longer attack nations under the tech, because I will be killed? Damn it.
26-11-2004, 18:28
this is a good idea, but yo have to lay off the star ocean man
So...u also know about the Star Ocean thing? Cool, Cool. ^_^ The act was based off of SO as you can tell, but I made up most of the content, except for article 3a. Off of that, I created the rest.
26-11-2004, 18:36
OOC So, now, with or without my concent, I can no longer attack nations under the tech, because I will be killed? Damn it.
The act did say it protects civilizations "under" it, right? Technically, you could invade and conquer any other civilization not yet on this list, so you could "legally" take over planets without being mauled by the rest of the federation.
26-11-2004, 19:26
My own nation has its own rules on this. Being that most of my tech is around 20th-22nd Century level, my people can go from an advanced spaceship to driving a gasoline-burning car without noticing. If you check my store, you'll see that most of my weapons are easily produced in the modern era (yes, those are the current weapons, though that is subject to change). The nation as a whole is an odd mish-mash of modern and future and that likely won't change for a long time.
Now, personally, I do have a mild problem with this. This is due to my own laws of interaction with less-advanced cultures, detailed below.
1) No trading of technology they are not advanced enough to have. Exposing them to the existance of such tech is not illegal, as it is likely they'll simply spot it with a telescope or something anyway.
2) No open warfare against a nation not commiting violations of the civil rights of their people in heinous degrees or that has not attacked first. Threats are okay in this manner.
3) Remember: Less advanced does not mean stupid.
4) No elimination of less advanced cultures for their resources or land. Trade is a maybe.
5) If war breaks out, orbital bombardment with intents to supress the ability to fight are okayed. Orbital bombardment just because they annoyed you is subject to court martial by air lock.
I find this to be very effective. The rules are simple and I benefit by trading with the only inhabited neighboring planet I can reach.
26-11-2004, 19:49
Hmm...if it interferes with other civilization's laws...then I will try to make the U2CPA much more flexible. Any suggestions?
26-11-2004, 19:58
Err... Future Tech nations dont exist in the same 'universe' as Modern Tech nations. Therefore this seems a little pointless *notes 0 uptake*.
26-11-2004, 22:37
The heck they don't.
Variable transuniversal physics. They do, but if they don't notice they do, they don't.
The different universes thing only applies to try to cover plot holes for some people. Your nation might not be in the same universe as other FT nations, but those that know about aliens are.
26-11-2004, 22:42
OOC: Im not sure where this all came from, so let me explain this difference:
Future Tech Nations
These have starships and intergalactic empires. They exist in the RL future and so RL present based nations dont exist at the same time.
Modern Tech Nations
These have tanks, aircraft carriers and nuclear power stations. They exist in the RL present / very close future (ie 2020) and so RL suture based nations dont exist at the same time.
26-11-2004, 22:50
Time, and thus space, in NS is so screwed up era doesn't matter. I've seen a lot of interaction between FT and MT nations, but the important part is that T. Modern Tech and Future Tech. Doesn't say anything about time period.
There are nations using muskets right next to people who have the capacity (note capacity) to throw nukes around like rocks.
Like I said. Fluidic physics. You don't recognize them, they don't exist for you. Generalization isn't your friend.
26-11-2004, 22:58
What do classify as post 22nd century Earth technology?
Ships that are able to travel the diameter of the Sol system in a day?
26-11-2004, 23:52
OOC: Im not sure where this all came from, so let me explain this difference:
Future Tech Nations
These have starships and intergalactic empires. They exist in the RL future and so RL present based nations dont exist at the same time.
Modern Tech Nations
These have tanks, aircraft carriers and nuclear power stations. They exist in the RL present / very close future (ie 2020) and so RL suture based nations dont exist at the same time.
That's only true if they are native to Earth at best. My nation is not native to Earth, and some are not even native to the Milky Way. Billions of years is a long time to go without an advanced civilization popping up.
27-11-2004, 00:01
And even then, some Future Techers have Modern assets too.
Neo-Mekanta, for example, has a Modern Tech army established (Mostly for comedic purposes) and Mekanta used to have a large Underpact (Modern) presence.
27-11-2004, 00:02
Hmm...if it interferes with other civilization's laws...then I will try to make the U2CPA much more flexible. Any suggestions?
Allow a nation that has similar laws prohibiting them from contaminating a culture to use those laws instead. Keep the rest.
Asuras Blade
27-11-2004, 00:16
Background: The UCL is a list of underdeveloped civilizations. Through the U2CPA, advanced civilizations cannot make contact due of the increased risk of contaminating native technology. Technological contamination may lead to the destruction of a technologically inferior civilization. The U2CPA is stated below.
The Universal Underdeveloped Civilization Protection Act (U2CPA)
Article 1: The universal definition of an advanced civilization
a. A civilization is advanced if it has attained interstellar space travel. Space travel technology must exceed 22nd century Earth. The civilization's overall technological level exceeds 22nd century Earth.
Article 2: The universal definition of an underdeveloped civilization
a. An underdeveloped civilization has not attained the ability of intersteller space travel. The civilization's overall technological level is pre-21st century Earth.
Article 3: The protection of underdeveloped civilizations
a. Advanced civilizations may not in any way interfere with technological progress in an underdeveloped civilization. They are also prohibited to make contact with an underdeveloped civilization.
b. Advanced civilizations cannot colonize planets with underdeveloped civilizations already thriving on it.
c. Advaned civilizations may not traverse in an area designated as an underdeveloped sol system. However, they may traverse if they are in an accelerated warp.
d. It is prohited to conquer and enslave a planet that contains underdeveloped civilizations.
Article 4: Punishment in violation of the Act
a. Violators will be sent to the Galactic Court. Punishment will vary due to the strength of the violation.
Civilizations in support of this act:
The Fedral Union
List of underdeveloped civilizations under protection:
Name: | Technological Equivalence:
(none yet)
ooc: i would just like to ask why there aren't any "developing" nations, as you have a time period (20th to the 22nd century) that isn't described as such but there probably should be
27-11-2004, 00:20
I've just updated the Act, please comment.
27-11-2004, 00:23
ooc: i would just like to ask why there aren't any "developing" nations, as you have a time period (20th to the 22nd century) that isn't described as such but there probably should be
Good Idea
27-11-2004, 00:25
-Official Response from Minagoroshi, Supreme Will of Neo-Mekanta
"You can all stuff it. We'll interfere with who we want, so long as it doesn't violate The Pact.
Just my obligatory IC response. ^_^
27-11-2004, 01:43
Comments please, just updated the act again.