Are you a small nation? Or a defender of the small & helpless click here!!
Dracun imperium
25-11-2004, 04:48
ooc: A small note this is not an alliance to power up big nations or make you stronger it is an orginization designed to help the smaller nations get on their feet and help them learn how to rp if they don't know already, and simply protect them from others, and themselves
The Protectorate Organization
Goals and Mission Statement
The goal of the Protectorate Organization is to be able to defend the smaller nations from the overpowering imperialist nations. It will also seek to control the smaller nations from invading each other in power struggles, teach them way to defend themselves (Learn how to RP) and survive. All though I have developed this alliance, it will be run by the little guys. To teach them not only leadership skills, but how to manage military, their people, and economies. The bigger nations will be named Guardians. The Guardians will be there to guide the little nations and if need be protect them from larger nations. As smaller nations become large nations they will be promoted to Guardians and help teach the new class of small nations
For admission as a Guardian
-Must have a decent RP record
-Must be over 500 million
-Must have reasonable goverment(No psychotic nations)
For addmision as a member
-Must be under 500 million
-Must have reasonable goverment(No pychotic nations)
-Must be a nation willing to accept the judgement of the Guardians
Laws of the Orginization
-Each sector of the Organization, the Guardian and Protectorates, will have two leaders. Obviously the Guardian leaders will wield more power but unless necessary will hardly use it.
-All nations must open their borders to trade
-Each of the sectors of the Organization will have a senate to debate problems and proposals
-Each of the Guardians will seek to try their best to equip the Protectorates with means to defend themselves
-Traitors to the Organization will face harsh and extreme punishment from Expulsion to forced regime change (Last part only if the crime is severe)
-We will respect one and others sovereignty
-No member of the orginization may declare war on the another member
-The Protectorates must accept when needed, the Guardians judgment even if it seems unfair
-ALL members of the Organization MUST abide by these rules
Dracun Imperium
San Renedingo
The Island of Rose
Easy green
Japanese Antarctica
We Get Along
Pancake Race
I would like to become a Guardian, as my nation has approximately 600 million people, Frightening Economy, Superb Civil Rights, and Superb Political Freedom.
I am truly saddened to watch large nations trample over the smaller nations and cause them to disappear from the International Scene. With each loss of a nation, the International community suffers a bit, as the lost opporunities and potential friendships would mount up.
We must cultivate new friends and allies, and in turn, they would be glad to help us in our times of need in the future. The golden saying "What goes around comes back around" comes to mind.
I eagerly await your response.
Live well,
President Rand Veristek
25-11-2004, 05:02
The Confederate States of Mestionian wishes to pledge its allegiance to the Protectorate Organization. If you will have her, Mestionian will gladly answer the call of any member state in need of aid.
-Admiral Jefferey Murdoc
Chairman, Mestionian Defense Committee.
Dracun imperium
25-11-2004, 05:02
To the Goverment of Sharina: You have been granted the rank of Guardian We welcome you.
To the goverment of Mestionian you have been granted the rank of Guardian we welcome you.
Juosh would like to apply for Guardian. We have over 1 billion people and a Frightening economy. I've played in Macabees World Wars so I have a lot of rping experience. Please consider my request.
Tyinoa would like to be the first member of this, with a nation of 274 million, we would like to join.
UN Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Civil Rights:Good
Economy: Developing
Political Freedoms:Below Average
I'd like to enter the Consititutional Republic of Rotovia as a Gaurdian, I have a reasonable RolePlaying record and have some 2.6Billion citizens (actual figure is higher).
I also have a large ego, but more importantly am experienced with this sought of arrangment as by region (Reformed Oceania) employs a similar system. Whereby older nations are buddied with younger ones to encourage growth and unity within the Region.
25-11-2004, 09:56
If you'd like, I would be pleased to join as a guardian. As you may have noticed by my signature, I am already fullfilling such a role for the nations of Valkyria by my own initiative. Great minds think alike, I guess. :D
We Get Along
25-11-2004, 10:07
I would like to enter We Get Along into this union, as we have a population of only 7 million...
I am a new player to this game. I have never done role play in this form, but I am an avid D&D/Whitewolf gamer, and I have very interesting views on what a government should be.
Please consider my proposal
Civil Rights : Very Good
Economy : Developing
Political Freedoms : Excellent
Representative Drake Aldarie
Spokesman for The Republic of We Get Along
25-11-2004, 12:46
The United Socialists States of Klenland would like to apply to be a member.
14 million population.
Civil Rights : Excellent
Economy : Strong
Political Freedom : Some
John Lanteri,
Foreign Minister of Klenland
25-11-2004, 14:23
sephrioth wishes to be a defender
The Empire of Risban wishes to join. It currently has approximately 20 million citizens.
UN Category: Right Wing Consumerists (Or sometimes Father Knows Best State)
Economy: Good
Civil Rights: Some
Political Freedoms: Outlawed
-Alexander Perkins, Risban Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs
---Speaking on behalf of Emperor R.A. Scorpius
I would like to be considerd as a member. As I have no RP experince but want to learn. I am a father knows best state. However I have 513 million. Is that a problem?
To: Dracun imperium
From:The Protectorate of Gryson
The Protectorate of Gryson wishes to join The Protectorate Organization as a member state. Here is our U.N standing if you need it.
U.N. category: Scandinavian Liberal Paradise
Civil Rights: Superb
Economy: Reasonable
Political Freedoms: Excellent
Population:12 million
Thank you for considering our request
-His Majesty Adam Heshinsi
Easy green
25-11-2004, 15:04
The Armed United States of Easy Green wishes to pledge its allegiance to the Protectorate Organization. Iv got a pop of 1.5 billion + Tg me if you want more info
Occ: On another note mate DO NOT let Sephrioth join this organization his Rp skills are comparable to that of a 5 yr old and is seen by many people as a joke.
The Island of Rose
25-11-2004, 15:22
((OOC: I hope you're letting people who have at least more then 200 posts. I mean, the lessers might have better RP skillz, but better safe then sorry. Anyway, don't judge on population alone, I'm begging you.))
I'd like to join, I have over 1 billion. Yes as a Guardian.
San Renedingo
25-11-2004, 16:26
The Allied States of San Renedingo would like to become a member of your alliance
Population: 14 million
UN Category: Capatalist Paradise
Economy: Strong
Civil Rights: Good
Political Freedoms: Very Goods
-Samuel Martine, Minister for Foreign Affairs-
Dracun imperium
25-11-2004, 18:35
All applicants have been accepted, except ofcourse Sephiroth(sp).
Also we accept all applicants well almost all due to the fact we are trying to create better role players also. A forum will be up be the end of this week for us.
(Not at home computer)
25-11-2004, 18:48
I would adore a position in this as a Guardian. I know how to write, and I know how to have fun. I can't stand to see the oh-so-many meaningless wars pop up on these forums with no plot what-so-ever. To help guide the younger Nations on to proper way to write is something I want to be part of.
25-11-2004, 20:33
The Republic of Elsorran would like to join this. We have no rping experience whatsoever and would like to join this.
The small and beautiful Holy Republic of Magyra hereby submits a request to join as a valuable and careful member. We have about 7 million people, average civil rights, a developing economy and excellent political freedoms. The UN regards us as country ruled by democratic socialists.
We tend to be very peaceful and we consider treaties and diplomacy far more efficient than weapons.
-- Arthur Macintosh, Lord Chancellor and Head of State of the Holy Republic Of Magyra --
The Empire of Tanthan would like to join as a member of the alliance
Population: 125 million
UN Category: Father Knows Best State
Civil Rights: Good
Political Freedoms: Outlawed
(I have moderate RP experience, but could learn to be better.)
Dracun imperium
25-11-2004, 21:36
All members accepted. Welcome to this growing orginization
25-11-2004, 21:42
One question: 500 million in just one nation, or 500 million total?
25-11-2004, 21:46
these things work very well actually.
I'm doing one (as a newbie) at the moment.
25-11-2004, 21:48
The Matrix of Anti-Nazis wishes to join the Gaurdians. I am glad to help little developing nations.
25-11-2004, 23:14
I'm sorry, but I think you stole the idea from my alliance. This is a recently resurrected nation that was originally founded in March 2003. The Legion of Defense (LoD) was founded on January 1, 2004. Your alliance sounds very similar to mine, which has been resurrected several weeks ago. If it is found out that you did rip off the idea from the Legion of Defense, you will be in trouble. If not, I am sorry, this just looks familar, even with a similar name as the LoD's old name (NationStates Protectorate Service).
The Republic of Kyanges wishes to join this alliance as well. Here's some stats:
U.N. category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Civil Rights:Average
Economy: Good
Political Freedoms: Good
Population: 123 million
Right thinking whites
25-11-2004, 23:37
well the nation of right thinking whites is a large nation it has never had a single international incident and has just started to build a military, we would like to learn this style of war called rp
We will pledge our forces as guardians, we have over 1 billion
Armandian Cheese
25-11-2004, 23:52
Could our nation become a member? While I feel I'm a decent writer, which I've been doing for years, I'm still having some trouble with RPing...
Easy green
26-11-2004, 00:03
Nanakaland how bout you just leave it be, what does it matter if there are two versions of this idear???
26-11-2004, 01:04
I am intrested in joining, but with more then 1 billion I guess I'm not a "new nation".
On the other hand I have never RPed in my life, but I would be intrested in becoming more active in Nation States.
PS Is 500+ million really that much?
26-11-2004, 01:08
I am intrested in joining, but with more then 1 billion I guess I'm not a "new nation".
On the other hand I have never RPed in my life, but I would be intrested in becoming more active in Nation States.
PS Is 500+ million really that much?
Actually, yes. Most nations don't make it that far.
26-11-2004, 01:16
Can i be a member? i've grown so addicted to this site and have my own little nation and don't know how to improve it and defend friend doing really well but he's running a psycotic dictorialship, i just want to make mines it might help me with my history classes...cos as far as they're concerned im a goner.
please accept me, telegram me or keep in touch
love maria, quinntopia :rolleyes:
Dracun imperium
26-11-2004, 01:31
All members accepted.
Nakaland:I'm sorry I thought I was the only one with this idea:D. Sorry for the similarity(sp).
Also, Now that we have plenty of members we will be forming a panel for acceptances as guardians. 2 members, me and another Guardian will be on this panel if you are already a member/guardian. Please re-post your willing to join the Acceptant Pannel.
applied as Guardian, am willing to join panel
What happens if a protectorate suddenly feels OMG powerful and starts acting like a dick because they have a big old guardian supporting them? Just cut that nation loose and let nature take its course?
26-11-2004, 01:49
ooc: A small note this is not an alliance to power up big nations or make you stronger it is an orginization designed to help the smaller nations get on their feet and help them learn how to rp if they don't know already, and simply protect them from others, and themselves
The Protectorate Organization
Goals and Mission Statement
The goal of the Protectorate Organization is to be able to defend the smaller nations from the overpowering imperialist nations. It will also seek to control the smaller nations from invading each other in power struggles, teach them way to defend themselves (Learn how to RP) and survive. All though I have developed this alliance, it will be run by the little guys. To teach them not only leadership skills, but how to manage military, their people, and economies. The bigger nations will be named Guardians. The Guardians will be there to guide the little nations and if need be protect them from larger nations. As smaller nations become large nations they will be promoted to Guardians and help teach the new class of small nations
For admission as a Guardian
-Must have a decent RP record
-Must be over 500 million
-Must have reasonable goverment(No psychotic nations)
For addmision as a member
-Must be under 500 million
-Must have reasonable goverment(No pychotic nations)
-Must be a nation willing to accept the judgement of the Guardians
Laws of the Orginization
-Each sector of the Organization, the Guardian and Protectorates, will have two leaders. Obviously the Guardian leaders will wield more power but unless necessary will hardly use it.
-All nations must open their borders to trade
-Each of the sectors of the Organization will have a senate to debate problems and proposals
-Each of the Guardians will seek to try their best to equip the Protectorates with means to defend themselves
-Traitors to the Organization will face harsh and extreme punishment from Expulsion to forced regime change (Last part only if the crime is severe)
-We will respect one and others sovereignty
-No member of the orginization may declare war on the another member
-The Protectorates must accept when needed, the Guardians judgment even if it seems unfair
-ALL members of the Organization MUST abide by these rules
Dracun Imperium
San Renedingo
The Island of Rose
Easy green
We Get Along
OOC: I accidently deleted the e-mail you sent me to post this....sorry O.o....maybe I need to liberate you again for not INCLUDING J/k
26-11-2004, 01:56
Nanakaland how bout you just leave it be, what does it matter if there are two versions of this idear???
I've got a proposal:
How about the two organizations merge because they are so similar? It'd be more useful because of what the organizations stand for - more defense. One of them is more established, has forums, rules, Charters, etc. (Legion of Defense), but if they both join forces, it'd double in size and usefulness.
26-11-2004, 06:46
I've got a proposal:
How about the two organizations merge because they are so similar? It'd be more useful because of what the organizations stand for - more defense. One of them is more established, has forums, rules, Charters, etc. (Legion of Defense), but if they both join forces, it'd double in size and usefulness.
I think this is a fine proposition.
26-11-2004, 07:09
Interesting; Kanuckistan may be willing to provide support for future-tech and space nations.
Our population currently stands at 4.083 Billion.
One question: 500 million in just one nation, or 500 million total?
I hope that you don't make a practice of using puppets to support you in RPs, or count their population towards an IC empire, as seems to be implied.
26-11-2004, 07:17
I hope that you don't make a practice of using puppets to support you in RPs, or count their population towards an IC empire, as seems to be implied.
Only as population for the entire empire, which is actually a NS region. For countries, pretty much I only use DLE.
Edit: Check my factbook. I added an entry for it.
26-11-2004, 07:33
The developing nation of Niederoestereich, is willing sign up as a member
26-11-2004, 07:42
Only as population for the entire empire, which is actually a NS region. For countries, pretty much I only use DLE.
Edit: Check my factbook. I added an entry for it.
You're not exactly being very clear, but it sounds like you're saying that you only count DLE for military purposes.
Which, provided I properly understood what you were saying, is good, so long as you're careful; bolstering your main nation with puppets will usually result in most folks ignoring you for 'puppet-wanking' as soon as they find out.
26-11-2004, 07:53
You're not exactly being very clear, but it sounds like you're saying that you only count DLE for military purposes.
Which, provided I properly understood what you were saying, is good, so long as you're careful; bolstering your main nation with puppets will usually result in most folks ignoring you for 'puppet-wanking' as soon as they find out.
Heh. ICly, I can barely bolster my work forces with my puppets, let alone my military. Basically, you've got it. DLE is the only nation that counts in most things. Tiamat is the one that counts for the UN. I am pretty much open about who my puppets are to prevent myself from wanking.
Easy green
26-11-2004, 17:13
ill join the panel tg sometime
26-11-2004, 21:58
Any news from the founder of this alliance? We at the Legion of Defense are more than willing to join forces, if not by merging at least by making an inter-alliance pact. The issue will be treated at the LoD Council soon, I ask for a prompt answer from all who have political power in this organization.
Pablo Bernal,
President of the Free Community of Bariloche
Protector and Council Member of the Legion of Defense
The small nation of Vuub would like to join as a member.
Civil rights:Suberb
Political Freedoms:very good
UN catagory:Left-leaning college state
UN member: yes
Pancake Race
27-11-2004, 17:44
the oppressed people of Pancake race request you to guard us incase of any political difficulties or differences.
The Kingdom of Bob-omb would like to join as a member of this organisation, we have a population of 8 million.
OOC: I'm new and could use some guidance.
Dracun imperium
27-11-2004, 20:34
Right now reviewing applications for the positon of panel, also NakaLand I will be happy to merge the orginization, in fact I was thinking that. But the promblem is I would like to keep the way my orginization is run.. How about an orginization-pact?
Dracun imperium
27-11-2004, 20:38
Psov, you have been accepted as the 2nd person and last person on the council for acceptance of Guardians.
Do you have AIM or MSN?
Also all little nations accepted except Pancake Race sorry but your wording makes it look like you want us to protect you incase of something goes wrong for you, because of you
Guardians will be reviewed from now on
27-11-2004, 20:41
Greetings gentlemen.
With the amount of nations helped by this esteemed group growing every day, we feel you are indeed helping the world byteaching those least able to defend themselves how to. However, Samtonia notices you have a very important facet of growth missing- economic growth.
As such, we would request you place the link to our list of Trade deals, all of which are sure to be helpful for any nation, but especially new nations. Indeed, we are working on three more economic stimuli packages for small nations at this time!
But we digress. By placing this link on your main page, you will be helping every nation that applies for your organization. With your help, they will have military protection. With our help they will have economic protection.
Samtonian Council of Thirteen
Also all little nations accepted
So I'm in? Cool. What do I do first?
Dracun imperium
28-11-2004, 03:42
Pancake Race
28-11-2004, 10:35
when i said political difficulties i meant powerful nation owners not really caring about having fun with the game but playing just to ruin other peoples games. I am having a lot of fun with this. if you would like to know my stats:
Civil Rights:
Below Average
Political Freedoms:
Easy green
28-11-2004, 11:28
i think we need to get an off site forum going, have places to post your problems like a section for economic problems, social problems, Rp questions, Wars and so on.
have a place were the guardians can chat about matters and a place were the smaller nations can just chat. IF you want nemore idears Dracun imperium give me a shout ok,
Also just another idear what about a new region??? would keep us all together and make life alot easyer
Id like to join to, i need to learn the rp ways , don't fully understand it yet
The Empire of Elbyon (83 million)
UN Category: Father Knows Best State
Civil Rights: Below Average
Economy: Thriving
Political Freedoms: Rare
i think we need to get an off site forum going, have places to post your problems like a section for economic problems, social problems, Rp questions, Wars and so on.
have a place were the guardians can chat about matters and a place were the smaller nations can just chat. IF you want nemore idears Dracun imperium give me a shout ok,
Also just another idear what about a new region??? would keep us all together and make life alot easyer
I agree about the off site forum, this forum doesn't offer us enough room or flexibilty for the potentials that Easy green mentioned.
But I don't agree about creating a region, but that's just me because I'm already a part of a region where we have something going on right now, and I'm kinda needed there.
EDIT- I just had an idea about a possible "task" system that could be used, in which the Guardians give the small nations a task to perform, and when that is passed a new task is issued. Obviously the tasks could get more difficult with each task, and eventually ending up in some sort of "graduation" where the small nation becomes a Guardian?
Just an idea, but... meh...
28-11-2004, 15:42
Nanakaland I will be happy to merge the orginization, in fact I was thinking that. But the promblem is I would like to keep the way my orginization is run.. How about an orginization-pact?
(Speaking as a Member of the Council of the Legion of Defense)
How is your organisation run, roughly? From reading your rules, you seem to have very similar ideas to us. In fact, your rules are almost a redraft of our Charter :) Our organisation seems to have a very similar structure to your own. Before discussing pacts, it would be good to review your plans for how to run your group. If we don't find they are compatible, it would be good just to see how your group runs, so we can get a feel for your group.
28-11-2004, 15:45
i think we need to get an off site forum going, have places to post your problems like a section for economic problems, social problems, Rp questions, Wars and so on.
If our two groups do unite, we have a forum running now which would need very little modification (in fact, possibly none) to allow for our joint group to use.
28-11-2004, 17:08
We should create a separate thread for the merger negotiations and make it a fun character RP in which each nation from each alliance is able to send diplomats to a neutral location to negotiate the possible merger between the two alliances.
28-11-2004, 17:20
High Moor Plateau
Essembra; Capital
City of Kormanthor
To: The Dracun Imperium
From: King Matthew Of Kormanthor
We wish to offer our services as a Guardian to this new organization. We
have been know in the past to help younger nations of our own accord. Our
population is 2.81 billion+, and one of our first RP's is in our signature if
you wish to check it out.
Ehh is this a area or just group ill join if just a group i have about...4-7 million...I dont have a good memory and i suck at rping :D
Title The Democratic Republic of Nales
UN Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Civil Rights:Average
Political Freedoms:Excellent
Population 8million
Neutral Contry
Is applying to be a member
to protect its netrality
Dracun imperium
29-11-2004, 01:17
A forum has been created
Please everyone has 1 week exactly to register before the forum goes on lock-down except to known members.
It is still going under Construction on its looks.
Dracun imperium
29-11-2004, 01:22
Falastur: I plan on giving the protectorates much freedom in running their own nations. Then we will help them in rping classes, if they are assaulted and they have a just reason in wars, help arm and train their militarys. We will also give money if nessecary to bring up their economy.
All members accepted, and also new rule if you are over 500 mill and still need rping help you will be classifed as a Recruit. You will be a double 'agent' so to speak.
Also I decided it wouldn't be fair as of now to tell which guardians to let in and which not too. So the Panel Idea has been abolished.
Easy Green, A region would be fine with me though I dont need to create it, one of you guys and can create inform all the memebers of the forum and there we will have a region
Though it would not be mandatory
Japanese Antarctica
29-11-2004, 01:25
We wish to be admitted as guardian member. We more than qualify for the requirements. Population is 1 Billion + and we have decent civil rights, as well as a strong military.
Is this alliance geared towards helping oppressed citizens as well?
Dracun imperium
29-11-2004, 01:28
If they are not members of the Orginization then no, we will not be an alliance focused on the way other nations focus on how they run their nation. The only time the Protectorate Org. RDF will be deployed is when a protectorate is in danger. A guardian can ask for assistance but the RDF will not be deployed unless it is a severe emergency.
Japanese Antarctica
29-11-2004, 01:32
If they are not members of the Orginization then no, we will not be an alliance focused on the way other nations focus on how they run their nation. The only time the Protectorate Org. RDF will be deployed is when a protectorate is in danger. A guardian can ask for assistance but the RDF will not be deployed unless it is a severe emergency.
Understood. However, we're still interested in joining.
Dracun imperium
29-11-2004, 01:33
you have been accepted
29-11-2004, 01:33
'Tis as I suspected. Your views are very much like our own. We give our Protectorates full autonomy, but for any actions breaching Charter articles (seeing as most define structure and function of the alliance, this mainly means if they declare war without reason) then we take action against them. We have an RPed section of our forums dedicated to IC functioning. We also last time ran a basic RPing academy, although we are yet to reestablish that.
We mainly judge our members for deciding their Protector/Protectorate status as circumstancial - some nations over 500 million may be too weak to defend themselves, others under it may be surprisingly strong - but we too share a roughly 500 million population size as the divider between Protector and Protectorate. We also have a Council much like your own (if I understood your message to Psov), which consists of 9 members, and will be chosen in tri-monthly elections from here onwards, or at the resignation/absense of a Council member.
I by no means intend to force you to merge with our alliance, or make any steps towards uniting them. However, I believe it way well be beneficial. Perhaps we (mainly meaning you and Nanakaland, seeing as he is the founder of the Legion, and currently assuming a leadership role) could discuss a course of action between us?
29-11-2004, 01:54
The Federation of Pantheaa is willing to join the protectorate. In condition that Pantheaa can continue it's world wide propaganda campagin against Communism. Pantheaa will hold it's first election next week to replace it's interm government.
Foregin Minister
Spencer Hahns
Otis Belmount
Christopher Thompson
01-12-2004, 20:05
Dracun imperium,
This is The Holy Empire Of Christopher Thompson hailing you. We wish to work out a pact/alliance, and a possible merger of our two glorious and remarkably similar (but ours' is much more finalized) organizations. Please start a second thread where we can discuss this.
With Fine Wishes and Greatest Aspirations,
Christopher Thompson
Fuehrer of The Holy Empire Of Christopher Thompson
01-12-2004, 20:07
Perhaps a pact would be better than a merger for now. Two similar alliances that work together but aren't the same.
Limp Wristed Fish
01-12-2004, 20:14
The Independent states of the Limp Wristed Fish are petioning to join as a member.
We are but a new nation (30 minutes?) of 5 million and have not been in the UN roles yet. We are also cluesless as to what to do. We hope we do not befriends an evil nation, but have no idea how to tell.
We hope we do not befriens an evil nation, but have no idea how to tell.
Hahaha. Every nation is evil in someone's eyes. Some people say fascist nations are evil, others say Communist nations are evil, some say democracies are evil, some say monarchies are evil, some say nations who use nukes are evil, some say nations who clone things are evil, and so on and so on. It all depends on your belief of what is evil and what is not.
Dracun imperium
02-12-2004, 22:14
All members Major News : We will be merging with the LoD. Please post in the forums if you still wish to be apart of us, we will be keeping the same principles and laws.
02-12-2004, 22:47
Okay. You can get 4 Council members in when you merge. Feel free to propose as many amendments as you want.
02-12-2004, 23:22
When do you plan to list the countries who will be guardians? We are still
03-12-2004, 03:50
Well, an LoD member list will come out shortly after the merger...
03-12-2004, 07:30
Well, an LoD member list will come out shortly after the merger...
I'm not interested in being a member .... just a guardian
03-12-2004, 08:14
I would like to apply for membership. This should be an easy guardianship due to the mobile nature of my nation. This is more interesting for me actually because of the free trade relations and rp opportunity. I'ld be willing to join up with any guardian that is liberally minded and has good civil rights.
03-12-2004, 09:01
"This is evil" Declares The Pallawish Nation, I think you should join the Pallaw Pacific...... hm... maybe i should dump my region for this one though..
Easy green
03-12-2004, 10:10
Wow we lasted long.......... well im outa here cant be arse to sign up for things when once you have your not asked bout things this was a gd idear you shoulda let it play out a bit first to see if this organisation would have worked if it had begun to fauler we could have merged then anyway laters all
Neo sephrioth
03-12-2004, 10:42
neo sephrioth has 8 mill and need protecring
Beta Aurigae VII
03-12-2004, 17:50
The Militarized States of Beta Aurigae VII would like to join as a Gaurdian. We have a population of 1.73 billion people. We have also RP'd in about 8 Rp's and currently run our own storefront. Please consider my request for memebership.
The Galactic Republic State of Ankhmet would like to join this group as a guardian. We have a population of around 665 million and some other stuff.