Xessmithia Opens Relations with Eugoria IV
25-11-2004, 02:40
The diplomatic transport disengaged it's Tachyon Drive, straighting out space-time in fron and behind it to appear in orbit above Eugoria IV.
Lauren Hinds, the newly apointed ambassador to Eugoria IV, opend a comm channel. "This is Ambassador Hinds to Eugorian control. I'm requesting landing clearance so I can begin talks with your leadership."
Eugoria IV
25-11-2004, 02:47
Inner Sanctum of the Hierarchs; High City; Eugoria IV
The Hierarchs sat in their sanctum, reading the forces on their planet. Their was much change as the Xessmithian ship entered high orbit around the planet. One Hierarch spoke, if that was what you called it. It was actually a psychic message sent via the planets life force. It was felt more than heard by the Ambassador from Xessmithia.
"Welcome Ambassador, your visit has been long awaited. We have cleared you for landing at our orbital station Jammal where you will be greeted."
25-11-2004, 03:03
"Welcome Ambassador, your visit has been long awaited. We have cleared you for landing at our orbital station Jammal where you will be greeted."
The message from the Hierarchs came to Lauren as if it was inside her head. "Creepy," She muttered, she wasn't comfortable with people talking into her mind. She shook off the feeling and responded, "Very well, I'm approacing OS Jammal now." With that Lauren keyed in a vector that would take her to the station, and wondered to herself who or what would be greeting her.
Eugoria IV
25-11-2004, 03:15
Migor Tor'Pok waited at the OS Jammal for the ambassador to arrive. He was the Hierarchs will, the hand of Eugoria IV, and the Arbiter of his people. In his waist length black hair was the Muchari, the sacrad sign of the rightful Arbiter, and at his waist hung a ceremonial Du'raki, the ancient sword of his people long past. When the board of his handheld showed that the ambassador had docked, he walked into the reception area and waited.
25-11-2004, 04:51
Migor Tor'Pok waited at the OS Jammal for the ambassador to arrive. He was the Hierarchs will, the hand of Eugoria IV, and the Arbiter of his people. In his waist length black hair was the Muchari, the sacrad sign of the rightful Arbiter, and at his waist hung a ceremonial Du'raki, the ancient sword of his people long past. When the board of his handheld showed that the ambassador had docked, he walked into the reception area and waited.
Lauren was nervous, she really didn't know what to expect. 'What's next, an eight foot tall four mandibled armored alien to great me', she tought to herself. Suddenly nervous that maybe the Hierarchs aren't the only ones with that apparently psychic abbility.
She told the ships semi-sentient AI to lock down once she was gone, toook a deep breath and stepped out of the airlock into the reception area.
The only person there was human-looking enough. She eyed his long hair, she never had liked long hair on men. She ran a hand through her own short cropped hair, then she saw his sword, and silently gulped.
She approached nervously, then held out here hand. "Hi, I'm Ambassador Lauren Hinds here on behalf of the Confederacy of Xessmithia. Pleased to meet you."
Eugoria IV
25-11-2004, 15:00
Migor took the hand and shook it strongly before saying (real voice)
"As you human. Right this way. The Hierarchs are waiting."
He then moved towards a tele-pad, where he punched in the secret coordinates of the Inner Sanctum and waited for the girl to follow.
26-11-2004, 03:43
Lauren watched the man walk towards a pad of some sort. It didn't look like an elevator. "What is that thing?" She asked, and stepped closer to it, but not on it. She wasn't sure she trusted it, so she waited for the response first.
Eugoria IV
28-11-2004, 00:11
Migor was annoyed by this delay.
"It is a simple tele-pad. Have you humans not yet discovered teleportation? It merely will teleport us instantly to the tele-pad at the location I punched in. Please step on." he growled.
30-11-2004, 00:48
Migor was annoyed by this delay.
"It is a simple tele-pad. Have you humans not yet discovered teleportation? It merely will teleport us instantly to the tele-pad at the location I punched in. Please step on." he growled.
"No we haven't. And I don't think we ever will, at least not for humans anyway. It's filled with all sorts of philosophical pitfalls." Lauren stopped for a second, "But for the sake of diplomacy I'll do it, this once." She stepped onto the tele-pad and hoped her host had got the message.
The Gorvian Empire
30-11-2004, 02:56
"Thank you for your cooperation," with that, the Arbiter punched the final button and they were transported immediately to the Mausoleum of the Arbiters, where the Hierarchs were waiting.
"Thank you for your service Arbiter, once again you loyalty is appreciated."
"You are too kind noble Hierarch, I merely fufilled my duty to Eugoria."
"You may leave in peace and know that you will again serve our purpose."
"Thank you Hierarch." And with that, he bowed out of his sacred room into the Great Hall where he scared off one of the Pelegmee guards and took a position at the door, not trusting the human.
"Welcome miss Hinds, I hope that the Arbiter did not disturb you with his brooding demeanor. It is his job to serve only the Hierarchs loyally. Now, we may get to business."
OOC: Sorry, this is Eugoria, I am just too lazy to switch back to my name.
30-11-2004, 03:22
"Yes business." Lauren said, "I'm here to negotiate an alliance between Eugoria IV and Xessmithia." She took out a few datacards and handed them to the Hierarchs.
"On these cards is general information about Xessmithia and the terms to the aliance my government proposes." She pulled out a small device and extended a flexible sheet of plastic, she pressed a button and the plastic hardened and lit up to form a screen. "We propose a defensive aliance, if you're attacked by an unprovoked agressor we will defend you and give you support, we expect the same of you in regards to us. The exact details of your support are dependent on your resources.
"We would also share astrogational data and allow for free passage throughout each others territories. This would be a benefit to us both.
"And finally, we would give you a one trillion dollar credit to be used to purchase ships from the Confederate Shipyards. The available ships are in the datacard I gave to you." Lauren finished. "What are your terms?"
Eugoria IV
01-12-2004, 01:55
The Hierarchs communed in their minds and one stepped forward.
"These terms are agreeable to us, we will sign if you will. Also, we propose a mutual embassy exchange so that we may better establish relations. Is this agreeable?"
01-12-2004, 02:20
The Hierarchs communed in their minds and one stepped forward.
"These terms are agreeable to us, we will sign if you will. Also, we propose a mutual embassy exchange so that we may better establish relations. Is this agreeable?"
"Perfectly agreeable. I will send word of this to my goverment immediately." She stopped and activated the ship index, "Now how about we make arangements for what ships you would like so we cann get the shipyards going on those ASAP?"
You can find my ships stats and costs here:
Although use the stats for the Hera and Cyclone I gave you in your FT ships thread as they're more up to date.
Eugoria IV
02-12-2004, 02:03
"Is there any way that we could arrange for the purchase of one Fermi class battle cruiser? We cannot now afford it but if we could work on something..."
02-12-2004, 03:49
"Is there any way that we could arrange for the purchase of one Fermi class battle cruiser? We cannot now afford it but if we could work on something..."
"A Fermi would easily fit under the trillion dollar credit you have. Since all that I'm waiting for is permission to sign the agreement from my superiors you can go ahead and choose what you would wish to spend this credit on. If you go a bit over it will not be a problem, and a full fighter compliment is provided free with every carrier." Lauren answered quickly.
Eugoria IV
03-12-2004, 02:29
OOC: OOPS forgot about the credit. Thanks.
IC: "We also wish to purchase one Cetus class Battle Dreadnaught and two Halo class Fleet Carriers plus the one Fermi. This comes to a total of $927,000,000,000 which we will use our credit on. Then the rest can be one of our gifts to you, along with production rights to the Fator class Frigate. (Like in Sig.) I hope that this is worthy of a great nation such as your self."
03-12-2004, 09:28
OOC: OOPS forgot about the credit. Thanks.
IC: "We also wish to purchase one Cetus class Battle Dreadnaught and two Halo class Fleet Carriers plus the one Fermi. This comes to a total of $927,000,000,000 which we will use our credit on. Then the rest can be one of our gifts to you, along with production rights to the Fator class Frigate. (Like in Sig.) I hope that this is worthy of a great nation such as your self."
"Certainly. It will take seven years to produce your entire order. You can however have the battle cruiser and carriers delivered before the bee-dee. It takes quite some time to throw together twenty-eight hundred meters of starship you know, so the smaller vessels will be completed first." Lauren said, she then punched in the order on her screen. "And I thank you for your gifts, I'm sure we'll find a use for them soon."
Order: 1/7th complete
The Gorvian Empire
04-12-2004, 04:08
"We hope so. You will find that the Fator will serve you well as it has us numerous times."
05-12-2004, 17:59
"We hope so. You will find that the Fator will serve you well as it has us numerous times."
"Yes, it would make an excellent system patrol craft, especially if we equip them with some of our newer reactor designs. Which by the way as an ally you have full rights to to produce." Lauren said smiling. I'm really enjoying this, she thought. "You will be particularily pleased with the Halo fleet carriers. If you give each fighter a standard anti-shipping loadout it's the fourth most powerful ship of Xessmithian origin, the only more powerful ships are our Dreadnaughts and the Monitor we're designing."
Order: 3/7 complete, I forgot yesterday so that's why it's a 3 now.
Eugoria IV
05-12-2004, 18:03
"Alright then, we have already conceived plans to use your weapons when they come, is there anything else we could do for you?"
OOC: I can't remember if you have MSN or AIM but if you do get on please.
Eugoria IV
05-12-2004, 18:04
"Monitor? What is this?"
05-12-2004, 18:14
"Monitor? What is this?"
OOC: MSN, tergwher555@hotmail.com, don't include the 555.
IC: "A monitor is simply a ver large and powerful space vessel. We only have one design, the Midgard class, in development at the time. It's design calls for it to be eight-thousand meters long and have a mass of billions of metric tons. It's really quite impressive, although the exact details are classified."
Eugoria IV
05-12-2004, 18:19
"We see. Well is there any way we can help on this project or will you be leaveing soon?"
07-12-2004, 06:14
"We see. Well is there any way we can help on this project or will you be leaveing soon?"
"We have the project covered. Thank you for the offer however."
Order: 4/7 complete
08-12-2004, 10:59
Order: 5/7 complete
09-12-2004, 14:35
Lauren's screen beeped, "Ah I just got permission to sign from my superiors." She sighned, then held the screen out the Hieararchs, "Just sign your names on the flashing lines and it will be legal.
Order: 6/7 complete
Eugoria IV
10-12-2004, 02:57
The main Hierarch signed and thanked Lauren. "Will you be leaving? If you want to stay it can be arranged."
10-12-2004, 18:57
The main Hierarch signed and thanked Lauren. "Will you be leaving? If you want to stay it can be arranged."
"Thanks for the offer, but I must get going. I have family back on Icefire and I want to go see them." She looked at all the hierarchs, "It's been a pleasure dealing with you."
Order: complete
Eugoria IV
11-12-2004, 02:23
"As with you." He looked over lauren carefully. "I hope we meet again, and the prophets decree that we shall. Until then, farewell."