Tanthan against Kyanges warmongering threats (ATTN: Kyanges Coalition members!)
OOC: Ok I am just annoyed right now and I am posting this to see just who knows what is actually happening and to fix this before he declares a war for no reason.
The Empire of Tanthan having been under many severe and outrageous threats of war and action against the people of Tanthan has recently made things very complicated and it is apparent that Kyanges is specifically trying to force a war upon Tanthan with support as back-up for a so-called "Liberation of Oppressed Peoples". This is absolutely unfounded and trying to start a war with an otherwise peaceful nation, the international community is viewing the nation as a hostile power thanks to meddling and incredible stories which have no relation to Tanthan.
This much is true. All of Tanthan's people have been in the military from the age of 5. Military service is part of Tanthan's very way of life. Our people are happy and productive, uniting all of Tanthan in a cause and functioning with higher efficentcy and less crime. Military service is part of the beliefs of our people and we do not wish to have our very way of life changed and controlled by a nation with clearly mixed ideas and idealistic opinions about how our nation should be run.
The Empire of Tanthan also did offically recoginize the offical surrender of Plaid Zone. Thus the highlight of current affairs. Tanthan believes that members of Kyanges Coalition which have yet to even be named to us are being fooled and attempted to be manipulated by this issue. I am opening a dicussion to resolve this in a peaceful manner inwhich we can resolve it like real nations before blindly charging into war.
OOOC: oh ya this is a complete open discussion anyone can comment, if you need more info on it just say so.
bump for kyanges attention
Upper Xen
25-11-2004, 03:29
I don't think Kyanges is on, but I think you knew that....if not, well that is my mistake.
25-11-2004, 03:47
as an official Arms dealer for both side of this war, Dark Angel Industries and the Nation of Blacktower have chosen to remain Nuetral for the time being. Should the situation change however, we may be forced to interveine.
(ooc: could someone please send me the link to this war if it does start? I would like to see my Weapon systems in battle against eachother :P )
I don't think Kyanges is on, but I think you knew that....if not, well that is my mistake.
he was on earlier when I went to post this but I was a little late for it.....still its open.
he was on earlier when I went to post this but I was a little late for it.....still its open.
Lol, no I wasn't. You posted this yesteray, and yesterday, I never touched my comp. Lol, anybody want to follow a guy who can't even tell if a person is online or not, even when there is a little message that syas whether or not they are?
(BTW Tanthan, has this following message been posted yet?)
This is what we wish to state:
Numerous nations surrendered to the Empire of Tanthan, who emerged victorious out of a relatively recent conflict with the Aligned Planets and its allies. One of the Nations that surrendered to Tanthan was the Nation of Plaid Zone. The nation was later divided among other nations in a free for all race to claim its territories during which, Tanthan claimed a significant portion of Plaid zone.
Soon, the Empire of Tanthan decided to launch an operation called "Operation Exodus" (A deceptive title), the forceful relocation of the people of Plaid zone into Tanthan. The Republic of Kyanges has attempted to negotiate for the return of these citizens to their home land, however, the Empire of Tanthan refused, saying that it lacked the funds and power to conduct another major relocation. The R.O.K. had offered to bring all the nations in its region to assist with the return, offered to provide the transports for Tanthan, and even offered a reasonable time table for Tanthan time to regain the funds necessary to at least slowly, return the citizens of New Plaid Zone. Tanthan has refused all of these offers. The Territories which were under control of the R.O.K. have long since been returned to Plaid zone, simply when they asked, while Tanthan has chosen to remain the conqueror.
Tanthan has also begun construction on a large floating military base which the R.O.K. and it regional allies see as a possible future threat to the balance of power between our two nations, as well as a security threat to our region of Uberasia. Negotiations with Tanthan calling for a halt on any further development or at least a scale back on the project have failed. Because it is believed that the "Arc Angel" project was initiated partially due to an arms race between our two nations, a was compromise was offered that called for a cut back of our forces, and in return, Tanthan promptly end the project. Tanthan has also rejected this proposal.
The Republic of Kyanges and its allies has been involved in intense negotiations with the Empire of Tanthan on the "Arc Angel" Project for nearly a month. (RL)
On the issue of returning Plaid zone citizens to their homeland, The R.O.K. and it allies have attempted to find a diplomatic resolution for over two years. (NS)
Due to the apparent rejection of peaceful solutions offered by Kyanges and its allies, the R.O.K. has decided to increase pressure on the Empire of Tanthan, giving it one last chance to act, or face military action.
The Republic of Kyanges has begun assembling a coalition of nations which have some past grievances with the Empire of Tanthan, and enlisted the support of the Committee of Vigilance to accomplish two strategic objectives.
The Primary objective being
-The return of Plaid zone citizens to their homeland
and the second objective being
-The removal of the "Arc Angel" threat
This ultimatum gives the Empire of Tanthan 48 hours (RL) to acknowledge that they will return the people of Plaid zone and end any further development of the "Arc Angel" project; they must also begin to act on their acknowledgments. If Tanthan shows no sign of intentions to meet either demand, military action will be taken.
We would like to state to all, that we only intend to accomplish a few goals, then pull out. Do not let Tanthan lead you to believe otherwise.
A deliberate double post.
Tanthan, buddy, as RL friends, let this little fight not affect our real life friendship. :) This is a GAME. And I'm positive that you realize that. Yeah, so please don't go off saying "I KNOW!!!1! OMFG!!1!" or something like that. @_@
Kyanges would like to avoid a war as much as possible. Sorry Blacktower, we hope that you won't be able to see your weapons against each other, as Kyanges, and I'm sure Tanthan too, do not wish to serve as your entertainment in any form. No hard feelings to you either though! :)
25-11-2004, 21:38
damnit, I want to see my weapons at their best :(
oh well. Let me know how this turns out lol
Public Message from the Council of Tanthan
We do not wish to be pushed around by your coalition. Forceful changing of current peaceful projects, like our Archangel project is a definate sign that Kyanges and his coalition is trying to bring down peaceful technology and the further advancement of education and technology. Destruction of such a project will collectively end Tanthan's Air force, Naval Force, Space Force, Future-tech plannings and depending on when it is destroyed it could very well mean the end of Tanthan itself. Cancelation of this project in its already late late planning is impossible and we will fight back to project it. A three trillion dollar engine is not supposed to be destroyed, and trillions more going into research of it, is a clear sign of oppression. We will not stand for such actions to be taken against our peaceful project, all Kyanges is trying to do is make it seem like a war machine, in which it currently as no weapons; offensive or defensive, that is even being build.
As for the relocation of Plaid Zone's people the operation was not a deceptive title, and apparently Kyanges either doesn't know the word or is trying to twist things in his favor, the word means:
A departure of a large number of people.
The departure of the Israelites from Egypt.
It WAS a departure of 72 million people from the destroyed nation of Plaid Zone, and I do be destroyed. The cities were burned, the nation invaded and effectively destroying the entire base of the economy and very way of life. What Tanthan did was get the people out of the nation and gave them cities, towns, land, farms, money and all the benefits Tanthan citizens already have. The economy in Tanthan is better then it ever was in Plaid Zone and sure political freedoms are not allowed its a price we paid for the success and style of our government.If the Empire of Tanthan was truely malevolent nation would we spend half a trillion dollars on transporting them alone to our nation and then bringing over all the remains of there old lives from Plaid Zone!? If our intentions were not good we would have 72 million slaves performing work in our factories to further increase our military, but do we, not a chance!
Also on a final note, the Archangel project has been in production for 20 years which is longer then the issues between our nations have existed.
OOC: Yes that was a rant from the Council, but still that's the current feeling in Tanthan due to Kyanges threats.
Cherry Ridge
25-11-2004, 21:49
We all co-own the plaid zone capital. If this erupts into war, you will both owe me. I do NOT want me people in Plaid Zone being in the middle of this.
HOWEVER, Tanthans, you ARE WRONG in having kids in the military.
Lol, I know. It would have ben a good show, but, nope.
An open TG to Tanthan. Do NOT go INSANE here. War mongering is not something that our government practices.
Please, tell us, how is a floating base, which will support a large city armed to the teeth with lasers, guns, and cannons, powered by nuclear power, capable of withstanding a massive onslaught, flies at over 300MPH, a massive 3 km wide and a 5 km length with a strong varying height of .25 to 1 km, and on top of that, an obvious show of power, possible, let alone peaceful?
a nation with clearly mixed ideas and idealistic opinions about how our nation should be run.
Also note, that we have shown NO mixed opinions on how a government should be run. We support the liberation of a nation opressed, and which to free its citizens from bondage. Please support your claims as to HOW this is mixed.
The very fact that you have labled our opinions that that promote freedom, and equality "Idealistic" , has shown that your nation is the one that itches for war.
We all co-own the plaid zone capital. If this erupts into war, you will both owe me. I do NOT want me people in Plaid Zone being in the middle of this.
HOWEVER, Tanthans, you ARE WRONG in having kids in the military.
Children in the military is something that is our national policy. It is part of a military training. It teaches them respect and how to follow orders in which they are rewarded and taught how to think outside normal standards. They do not see battle or any of its effects, our nations combat and all weapons are not shown to them for it would be emotionally damaging. Think of it as going to West Point to study to become a tactician for the military, but learning how to plan and act on your own for a stable future in which you provide for yourself if needed and not out on the streets unable to care for yourself. They all do go to normal schooling, but early on military training in some aspects prevents troublemakers and makes our children learn faster. This policy does not reflect our nature in any way as a nation.
OOC: BBL g2g. Kyanges response is next.
Children in the military is something that is our national policy. It is part of a military training. It teaches them respect and how to follow orders in which they are rewarded and taught how to think outside normal standards. They do not see battle or any of its effects, our nations combat and all weapons are not shown to them for it would be emotionally damaging. Think of it as going to West Point to study to become a tactician for the military, but learning how to plan and act on your own for a stable future in which you provide for yourself if needed and not out on the streets unable to care for yourself. They all do go to normal schooling, but early on military training in some aspects prevents troublemakers and makes our children learn faster. This policy does not reflect our nature in any way as a nation.
OOC: BBL g2g. Kyanges response is next.
Have we listed ANYWHERE, that we wished to end this? Compulsory military service is also practiced in our nation if you did not realize. It would be foolish and hypocritical to try and end a practice that is held in our own nation as well.
The Definition of the word "Exodus"is well known by Kyanges.
As you have said your self, it is a depature. When did the people of Plaid Zone EVER say that they wished to depart anywhere? To your nation no less? You threatened their government to surrender, then forcefully remove their people, and place them in YOUR nation. We wish to return those people
Also, the Arc Angel base is also NOT something that you have EVER labled as a peaceful project until just now, when we theaten to remove it. (Sounds like the same excuses nations use when they try to keep their nuclear program. "It's for peacful purpose, power, and energy!") What nation, at your tech level, and labeled a "Father know Best" country, invests over $3,000,000,000,000 in to a flying city, and labels it as peaceful?
The fact that your government is labeled as a "Father Knows Best State" and even a "Psycotic Dictatorship" by the UN is a clear sign that your govenment would not invest so heavily such a project in hopes of peace. We on the other hand, have initiated a massive cut back on all our forces, as they were the relics of a foolish Cold War with another nation. Has your nation done so? You latest actions in certain store fronts and certain committees places a little doubt on that.
You have threatened other nations. In Plaid's case, even forcefully moved their people. You consider giving back Plaid territories under your control back to Plaid, AFTER we ALREADY did so. And you throw trillions of dollars into military research, and Weapons of Mass Destruction, while we cut back our forces. You are labled as "Father knows best" and have no political freedoms, while we are an "Inoffensive Centrist Democracy" looking to return Plaid's people to their home. You have a begun to initiate a nuclear program, while we initiated an enviormental help program. And after all this, you want to label the Republic of Kyanges as warmongers?
Have we listed ANYWHERE, that we wished to end this? Compulsory military service is also practiced in our nation if you did not realize. It would be foolish and hypocritical to try and end a practice that is held in our own nation as well.
The Definition of the word "Exodus"is well known by Kyanges.
As you have said your self, it is a depature. When did the people of Plaid Zone EVER say that they wished to depart anywhere? To your nation no less? You threatened their government to surrender, then forcefully remove their people, and place them in YOUR nation. We wish to return those people
Also, the Arc Angel base is also NOT something that you have EVER labled as a peaceful project until just now, when we theaten to remove it. (Sounds like the same excuses nations use when they try to keep their nuclear program. "It's for peacful purpose, power, and energy!") What nation, at your tech level, and labeled a "Father know Best" country, invests over $3,000,000,000,000 in to a flying city, and labels it as peaceful?
The fact that your government is labeled as a "Father Knows Best State" and even a "Psycotic Dictatorship" by the UN is a clear sign that your govenment would not invest so heavily such a project in hopes of peace. We on the other hand, have initiated a massive cut back on all our forces, as they were the relics of a foolish Cold War with another nation. Has your nation done so? You latest actions in certain store fronts and certain committees places a little doubt on that.
You have threatened other nations. In Plaid's case, even forcefully moved their people. You consider giving back Plaid territories under your control back to Plaid, AFTER we ALREADY did so. And you throw trillions of dollars into military research, and Weapons of Mass Destruction, while we cut back our forces. You are labled as "Father knows best" and have no political freedoms, while we are an "Inoffensive Centrist Democracy" looking to return Plaid's people to their home. You have a begun to initiate a nuclear program, while we initiated an enviormental help program. And after all this, you want to label the Republic of Kyanges as warmongers?
That was to cherry ridge's comment and not your own, it was not directed at you because you did not attempt to force a change on it.
Plaid Zone as of yet has not replied about the condition and he surrendered into me with out pressuring, I am afraid I am not exactly willing anymore to give back the people of a destroyed country to let them go through the same thing that Russia did after Stalin came to power, it would be chaos for them in which millions would die from lack of construction and support for the people. We did list in our plan to rebuild Plaid Zone, but due to your current pressuring it is basically impossible to afford to move them back and morally wrong to send them to their deaths. The nation of Plaid Zone except the capital is controlled by the Empire of Tanthan and until Plaid Zone either wishes to have them become part of the land given back to Plaid Zone we will not allow them to return to starve to death in a destroyed nation or dump over 2x as many people on Plaid Zone if they are unable to handle it. Besides it is also morally wrong to uproot everyone that was moved over to our nation now. Over a decade has past, children have been born, families are spreading to the cities and they have good jobs and hold key positions in the government.
As for the Archangel project we did invest money before you started and as I said a 3 trillion dollar engine does harm to no one. Going to attack you with such an expensive weapon would be like trying to kill you by dumping solid gold bars on your people, its a waste of money and serves very little purpose. Sure it may be a sign of wealth and power of the nation, but each nation is allowed to have their own symbol and testament to success. Destroying it would be a grave mistake.
The Empire of Tanthan wishes to be left alone, we do not wish to be pestered and pressured by Kyanges or his coalition members. Such problems will force our government type to go back into a psychotic dictatorship in which 60% of the budget was spent on military and civil rights were unheard of. Tanthan is trying to protect itself from Kyanges and the nation is clearly changing do to pressures from it. Before the coalition started Civil Rights were higher then Kyanges, economy was throwing tons of money in education and welfare. Something which Kyanges wishes, but as soon as the pressure started civil rights are average, military spending is on the rise. Also education and welfare along with social equality have suffered, as the total military budget pushes up to 500 billion a year, over 30% of the national budget. Robots have been designed to push our military to even higher standards in which each robot costing 10 million each are now being done. Production of 4 million robots are going to be inservice by the end of a 5 year contract. In total 16 million robots are being built at an ever increasing rate to protect ourselves. As the costs soar everything else is hurting.
The Empire of Tanthan wishes to be left alone and not forced around, otherwise we will be forced to take military action about this. As of this moment Tanthan declares a no-fly zone over its waters and Quata Islands in which the people of Plaid Zone are being housed. Also a naval blockade and mobile radar systems are currently being moved to the two inlets which are the only way in and out of the Quata Islands to the open ocean. Leave Tanthan alone Kyanges and we will fix our problems by ourselves, interferring in our affairs is being taken as threat to our national honor and pride. Our civilians are already in the late stages of planning for your forces arrival. Key landing points are being defended and huge anti-air systems are being built to prevent attacks. As we said before, leave Tanthan alone or face war.
Chellis supports Tanthan, and is willing to send help to the nation in case of a possible conflict. This means money, technology, even men.
And somehow, you think that moving them in the first place wasn't wrong for the same reasons that you listed? FYI, Plaid Zone is not as bad as you make it seem. While you threw 3 trillion into your Archangel base alone, we and our allies have been asissting Plaid zone in reconstruction. They have a military with which to protect themselves. They're surviving familiers are clamoring for them to return home from their nations oppressors. Can you honestly say that your people would not want to return to their homeland if they were taken by some conquering nation?
My pressuring? If you have not noticed, we OFFERED to HELP YOU RETURN THEM to move them FOR YOU. YOU REFUSED.
You also cannot say that you have since been suffering since the coalition was formed, because I have never said that it was ever finished. Nor do you know when its forming began. Do not attempt to lay blame on our mission of liberation for your own nations unwillingness to return Plaids citizens to their homeland, even when we offered to move them for you.
You alone have rejected calls to return their pople, and you alone are the one who moved them from their homes in the first place. You alone are the one which Plaid Zone has told me, he can't wait to fight back against.
You have nearly 36 hours remaining to show that you will help uphold freedom, and wish to leave the title of Plaid's Plunderer in the past, or we'll do that for you too.
Committee of Vigilance
26-11-2004, 03:04
That was to cherry ridge's comment and not your own, it was not directed at you because you did not attempt to force a change on it.
Plaid Zone as of yet has not replied about the condition and he surrendered into me with out pressuring, I am afraid I am not exactly willing anymore to give back the people of a destroyed country to let them go through the same thing that Russia did after Stalin came to power, it would be chaos for them in which millions would die from lack of construction and support for the people. We did list in our plan to rebuild Plaid Zone, but due to your current pressuring it is basically impossible to afford to move them back and morally wrong to send them to their deaths. The nation of Plaid Zone except the capital is controlled by the Empire of Tanthan and until Plaid Zone either wishes to have them become part of the land given back to Plaid Zone we will not allow them to return to starve to death in a destroyed nation or dump over 2x as many people on Plaid Zone if they are unable to handle it. Besides it is also morally wrong to uproot everyone that was moved over to our nation now. Over a decade has past, children have been born, families are spreading to the cities and they have good jobs and hold key positions in the government.
As for the Archangel project we did invest money before you started and as I said a 3 trillion dollar engine does harm to no one. Going to attack you with such an expensive weapon would be like trying to kill you by dumping solid gold bars on your people, its a waste of money and serves very little purpose. Sure it may be a sign of wealth and power of the nation, but each nation is allowed to have their own symbol and testament to success. Destroying it would be a grave mistake.
The Empire of Tanthan wishes to be left alone, we do not wish to be pestered and pressured by Kyanges or his coalition members. Such problems will force our government type to go back into a psychotic dictatorship in which 60% of the budget was spent on military and civil rights were unheard of. Tanthan is trying to protect itself from Kyanges and the nation is clearly changing do to pressures from it. Before the coalition started Civil Rights were higher then Kyanges, economy was throwing tons of money in education and welfare. Something which Kyanges wishes, but as soon as the pressure started civil rights are average, military spending is on the rise. Also education and welfare along with social equality have suffered, as the total military budget pushes up to 500 billion a year, over 30% of the national budget. Robots have been designed to push our military to even higher standards in which each robot costing 10 million each are now being done. Production of 4 million robots are going to be inservice by the end of a 5 year contract. In total 16 million robots are being built at an ever increasing rate to protect ourselves. As the costs soar everything else is hurting.
The Empire of Tanthan wishes to be left alone and not forced around, otherwise we will be forced to take military action about this. As of this moment Tanthan declares a no-fly zone over its waters and Quata Islands in which the people of Plaid Zone are being housed. Also a naval blockade and mobile radar systems are currently being moved to the two inlets which are the only way in and out of the Quata Islands to the open ocean. Leave Tanthan alone Kyanges and we will fix our problems by ourselves, interferring in our affairs is being taken as threat to our national honor and pride. Our civilians are already in the late stages of planning for your forces arrival. Key landing points are being defended and huge anti-air systems are being built to prevent attacks. As we said before, leave Tanthan alone or face war.
OOC: Don't take this personally......
IC: The Board of Selectmen wishes to issue the following statement:
"Wait.....we forced these upon you? The Board finds this ridiculous!
And what's all this about desolation? If you had the resources to transport them, if you have the resources to build legions of robots, if you have the resources to build a massive flying fortress, you have the resources to rebuild their land-and our influence will not necessarily force your government back to the dark ages. think about it: Did those people wish to come?
True, the Archangel project may be a prestige project, but so is building a massive statue or civil project. If you need a prestige project, then do something like that....this massive platform will not only be a symbol, it will also be a destablizing influence and the tempation to arm it and use it for some godforsaken adventure would be too much. It is a threat to law and order, and we feel that if you wish not to heed our advice, at least use it for peaceful purposes only, and let us send in observers to watch this project. Anything less would require the Committee's intervention."
"We thank you for taking the time to read this.....and pray you act with wisdom."
Aleksandr I. Batov
Norman Anderson
Chairman of the Board, Committee of Vigilance
26-11-2004, 04:33
The Empire of Blacktower has sat Idle long enough. It pains us to see such bickering amongst civilized nations such as yourselves. We wish to make a stance on certain matters.
The Archangel, although perhaps somewhat extravegant, is by no means a mobile WMD. Any floating city should have its defences. If we were to construct such a vessel, we would most certainly equip it with defences suitable enough to substain any prolonged attack. To use such a vessel for assault would not only expensive, but utterly pointless. We feel that Tanthan wishes to use this city as a Spectacle of their technological prowess, and for the absolutley extreme, a deterant.
As for the Peoples of Plaid Zone. We beleive that they should be given the choice of returning to their homeland, or to stay in Tanthan. We understand that some of them may still have families who will want them to return, but we also beleive that a nation which fell under such extreme devastation such a short time would provide little comfort or Economic benifits for anyone who lived there.
In order to ensure that no harm is to come to either party, Blacktower Armed Forces are dispatching a large fleet to assist in the blockade of Tanthan. Not only to ensure that no assaults are made towards Tanthan, but to also ensure that no attacks are made by Tanthan. Our troops will remain nuetral in the conflict, and should any attacks be made against them it will be seen as a direct attack on Blacktower and as an act of war. We are here as peace keepers only. The Force will be announced soon.
(ooc: force list coming up in next post... gimme a minute lol)
W00tage, smart intervention Blacktower, peace might be possible!!!!!
May the alliance with Tanthan live to see another day!!
If a blockade is enacted upon Tanthan, chellis will intervene.
Uh, a naval blockade was put into effect by Tanthan himself. Weren't you on his side? Blacktowers forces are there only to asisst with te blockase set up BY Tanthan.
Committee of Vigilance
26-11-2004, 04:56
W00tage, smart intervention Blacktower, peace might be possible!!!!!
May the alliance with Tanthan live to see another day!!
OOC: Hmmm...looks like this matter may be solved peacefully....
IC: "The Board wishes to declare that since Blacktower has intervened as a peacekeeping force, we, on the advice of our benefactors and our Windscale Group advisors, choose to applaud this action and deem it an act to maintain law and order. We will continue to monitor the situation as it progresses."
Joanna Leang
Executive Director, Windscale Group
Norman Anderson
Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, Committee of Vigilance
26-11-2004, 05:33
Earlier today Blacktower Naval vessels headed out of Harbor towards Tanthan International Waters. With the assigned mission of peacekeeping, the Elite fleet shall provide a military presence which is to remain nuetral in the pending conflict of interests.
The following is a breakdown of the Fleet sent...
RS Task Fleet 1
2 Atlas Class Carriers
5 RS Apocalypse Class Dreadnaught
10 RS Minotaur Class Destroyer
20 RS Kraken Class Corvette
12 RS Archer Class BAMD Cruiser
20 Basilisk Class SSN Attack Submarine
5 Lich Class SSBN Sumbarine
(ooc: for stats on these ships go to the Dark Angel Industries link in my signature)
Chellis supports Tanthan, and is willing to send help to the nation in case of a possible conflict. This means money, technology, even men.
Thank you very much for understanding the current predictament we are in. Your sheer power as a nation will help protect us in our time of emergency.
And somehow, you think that moving them in the first place wasn't wrong for the same reasons that you listed? FYI, Plaid Zone is not as bad as you make it seem. While you threw 3 trillion into your Archangel base alone, we and our allies have been asissting Plaid zone in reconstruction. They have a military with which to protect themselves. They're surviving familiers are clamoring for them to return home from their nations oppressors. Can you honestly say that your people would not want to return to their homeland if they were taken by some conquering nation?
My pressuring? If you have not noticed, we OFFERED to HELP YOU RETURN THEM to move them FOR YOU. YOU REFUSED.
You also cannot say that you have since been suffering since the coalition was formed, because I have never said that it was ever finished. Nor do you know when its forming began. Do not attempt to lay blame on our mission of liberation for your own nations unwillingness to return Plaids citizens to their homeland, even when we offered to move them for you.
You alone have rejected calls to return their pople, and you alone are the one who moved them from their homes in the first place. You alone are the one which Plaid Zone has told me, he can't wait to fight back against.
You have nearly 36 hours remaining to show that you will help uphold freedom, and wish to leave the title of Plaid's Plunderer in the past, or we'll do that for you too.
Only through direct contact with Plaid Zone can fix that issue and the problem at hand, he has not yet replied to my attempted to fix it. The Empire of Tanthan does not wish a middleman to try and correct it. The people that are living in Tanthan are happy and have alreadu taken up arms to defend themselves. The length of time has been so great for the people they have already started a new life and are enjoying themselves here is some comments from the people.
"Back in Plaid Zone sure it was my home, but I was a bum on the street trying to live off the government. Now I have a job and a home provided for me."
"The economy of Tanthan has made me quite rich! I ain't moving back!"
"My family is here now, I've had 4 kids and my husband become successful here. We're staying."
"The benefits of being here is great, there is also more money to fund my kids education. It's not perfect but what is?!
The people of Plaid Zone are not to inclined to move after a decade of living in a new nation. It would be tramatic to change it now, but we may allow people to legally to immigrate to Plaid Zone if you weren't so aggressive. Since that is not an option we are keeping them and they will fight to protect the nation. We wish to open a discussion to Plaid Zone, if he responds.
The Protectorate of Lyras, while not itself democratic, strongly criticises both sides of this debate for their manifest hypocrisy. Both parties espouse the democratic ideal, principles of freedom and self-determination, and all that fancy, meaningless rhetoric. This while, simultaneously, hounding each other about whether or not they should forcibly remove huge humbers of people from their current dwellings, with or without their consent.
While acknowledging Tanthan control over the exiled population of Plaid Zone, by right of war, Lyras hereby serves official notice of its condemnation of Tanthan failure to allow the exiles the democraticchoice... whether or not the exiles live there or not should, by that concept, be their choice.
Moreover, Lyras in turn condemns Kyanges for its overt pressure on Tanthan to change its policy. Well meaning or otherwise, it is not the place of a nation to attempt to influence another nation's internal affairs. The sweeping generalisations made on "behalf" of the Plaid Zone refugees in Tanthan should be avoided in future. There may well be, as Tanthan has stated, a considerable number which would prefer to remain in Tanthan
Thirdly, we applaud Blacktower for its sensible position on this matter. Violence on this matter would be a dishonourable course of action, and would not be a course of action worthy of rulers of men. We offer assistance on a needs basis. Should Blacktower find itself engaged by either party, we shall intervene on their behalf.
Finally, we affirm our endorsement of the Tanthan principles of military education and training. The Protectorate, as a military society, acknowledges the validity of the proposition, and the expresses its support wholeheartedly.
Commissar-General Aleksandrov
Protectorate of Lyras
The Protectorate of Lyras, while not itself democratic, strongly criticises both sides of this debate for their manifest hypocrisy. Both parties espouse the democratic ideal, principles of freedom and self-determination, and all that fancy, meaningless rhetoric. This while, simultaneously, hounding each other about whether or not they should forcibly remove huge humbers of people from their current dwellings, with or without their consent.
While acknowledging Tanthan control over the exiled population of Plaid Zone, by right of war, Lyras hereby serves official notice of its condemnation of Tanthan failure to allow the exiles the democraticchoice... whether or not the exiles live there or not should, by that concept, be their choice.
Moreover, Lyras in turn condemns Kyanges for its overt pressure on Tanthan to change its policy. Well meaning or otherwise, it is not the place of a nation to attempt to influence another nation's internal affairs. The sweeping generalisations made on "behalf" of the Plaid Zone refugees in Tanthan should be avoided in future. There may well be, as Tanthan has stated, a considerable number which would prefer to remain in Tanthan
Thirdly, we applaud Blacktower for its sensible position on this matter. Violence on this matter would be a dishonourable course of action, and would not be a course of action worthy of rulers of men. We offer assistance on a needs basis. Should Blacktower find itself engaged by either party, we shall intervene on their behalf.
Finally, we affirm our endorsement of the Tanthan principles of military education and training. The Protectorate, as a military society, acknowledges the validity of the proposition, and the expresses its support wholeheartedly.
Commissar-General Aleksandrov
Protectorate of Lyras
Uh we did say we were going to allow immigration back to Plaid Zone for people, but to move ALL the people and take everything back is pointless and very hurtful to our economy for the years it is occuring. Immigration will also allow people to stay of there own free will while others will be allowed to leave as they see fit.
And ya some of the people are against it, but for proproganda purposes would we really completely allow people who are having a less then perfect time to be voicing, though we will admit there is some. However in general those that are employed to like our 20% higher wages, and worker rights. Those not employed and getting government aid are there but weren't released.
OOC: BTW what nation doesn't censor or cut out some of the negative impact of its people? Even the USA does it.
26-11-2004, 16:20
(ooc: The USA has negative impact? since when!!!!! lol)
Simple and to the point.
All right, this was the situation a some RL days ago.
(In quotes)
"Numerous nations surrendered to the Empire of Tanthan, who emerged victorious out of a relatively recent conflict with the Aligned Planets and its allies. One of the Nations that surrendered to Tanthan was the Nation of Plaid Zone. The nation was later divided among other nations in a free for all race to claim its territories during which, Tanthan claimed a significant portion of Plaid zone.
Soon, the Empire of Tanthan decided to launch an operation called "Operation Exodus" (A deceptive title), the forceful relocation of the people of Plaid zone into Tanthan. The Republic of Kyanges has attempted to negotiate for the return of these citizens to their home land, however, the Empire of Tanthan refused, saying that it lacked the funds and power to conduct another major relocation. The R.O.K. had offered to bring all the nations in its region to assist with the return, offered to provide the transports for Tanthan, and even offered a reasonable time table for Tanthan time to regain the funds necessary to at least slowly, return the citizens of New Plaid Zone. Tanthan has refused all of these offers. The Territories which were under control of the R.O.K. have long since been returned to Plaid zone, simply when they asked, while Tanthan has chosen to remain the conqueror.
Tanthan has also begun construction on a large floating military base which the R.O.K. and it regional allies see as a possible future threat to the balance of power between our two nations, as well as a security threat to our region of Uberasia. Negotiations with Tanthan calling for a halt on any further development or at least a scale back on the project have failed. Because it is believed that the "Arc Angel" project was initiated partially due to an arms race between our two nations, a was compromise was offered that called for a cut back of our forces, and in return, Tanthan promptly end the project. Tanthan has also rejected this proposal.
The Republic of Kyanges and its allies has been involved in intense negotiations with the Empire of Tanthan on the "Arc Angel" Project for nearly a month. (RL)
On the issue of returning Plaid zone citizens to their homeland, The R.O.K. and it allies have attempted to find a diplomatic resolution for over two years. (NS)
Due to the apparent rejection of peaceful solutions offered by Kyanges and its allies, the R.O.K. has decided to increase pressure on the Empire of Tanthan, giving it one last chance to act, or face military action.
The Republic of Kyanges has begun assembling a coalition of nations which have some past grievances with the Empire of Tanthan, and enlisted the support of the Committee of Vigilance to accomplish two strategic objectives.
The Primary objective being
-The return of Plaid zone citizens to their homeland
and the second objective being
-The removal of the "Arc Angel" threat"
As you can tell, we have tried on numerous occations to negotiate with Tanthan, and never called for possible military action until a few days ago.
Please read the following before taking sides.
-We did attempt to NEGOTIATE the return of Plaid's people on MULTIPLE occasions SOON after he moved them,
-BEFORE they settled down.
-However, Tanthan has rejected ALL of our offers, to HELP, and obviously wished to let Plaid's people take root in his nation to make Kyanges seem like a forcefull nation.
-We had the Plaid zone government backing our position as well.
-Tanthan is still officially our ally
EACH time we made an offer to help, Tanthan only complained of how it would affect THEIR nation, THEIR economy, how it would hurt THEM. Only after this incident began to reach the rest of the world (In this thread.) did Tanthan begin to put up the image that they cared about the people. DO not let Tanthan make you think that we threatened action first. We did NOT, and it not our foreign policy to do so. Tanthan was, is, and has been our ally, and we find it very disheartening that the moment we take a stronger stance, we are labled warmongers. Let all know, Tanthan is officially still our ally, and we DO NOT want to see our alliance fall apart in this way.
Tanthan, we both know appeasment is not a policy that really works, with that in mind, and with the world so quick to take sides without knowing all the facts, in the interest of keeping our alliance TOGETHER, and to PREVENT bloodshed, we will take the following stance on each of the following issues.
-Return of Plaid zone's people
We will suspend the time table on military action, this should put and end to all your claims of our "pressureing" plus you have said that it was this "pressureing" that has made moveing Plaids people immpossible. In return, any citizen who wishes to return home, will be returned by Kyanges and its allies. Remember, Plaid zone has accepted our help in this matter, and since you have stated that you can not move them yourself, we do not see a problem with moving those who WISH to leave.
-Archangel base
We will allow the continuation of development on this base, as our allies have convinced us that it no longer poses any further threat. However, we will watch its development very closely, and wish that you allow teams to inspect it on a regular basis. As you have said that it is a peaceful project, this should not be a problem.
-The obvious lack of communication between our nations and the distortion of facts by all
We wish to establish a "Hot line" between our nations that will facilitate communication beween our leaders. Any other crisis that should arise between our nations should be resolved quickly, and with out the mobilization of either of our militaries. This will basically be like the "Hot line" between the White House and the Kremlin.
Please, no other nations respond until Tanthan and Kyanges are ready to and have, made a joint statement.
Tanthan, please TG us your response to our position.
(Or give me a call.)
26-11-2004, 20:33
The WTO has yet to formalize a position in this perdiciment, as both members are part of the WTO. We will call a meeting at the WTO building in the ITC, for all members to attend.
Supreme member, The Republic of Kyanges will begin sending diplomats to the WTO via our An-227 transports. They will be escorted by the 2nd Talon Air Squadron.
(Since I couldn't get the phone back yet)
The Empire of Tanthan is willing to take charge in sending the people who wish to return back to Plaid Zone. Current estimates are that 2-3 million people wish to return to Plaid Zone. Most of them were either very rich in Plaid Zone or very poor in Tanthan that are wishing to return. With various reasons. Some are believed to be governmental figures such as mayors and aides to higher figures in Plaid Zone's government that are wishing to return. They can all be transported back to Plaid Zone in one year for around $25 billion in total.
As for the inspection teams in our Archangel fortress we take this as rather offensive gesture to our construction project. We will not allow it to be unarmed for it is an expensive and hard project to complete which will take over 60 years to constuct to its full plans. However procedures will be developed later as for areas which we currently will allow access are:
The base
Sector 0 (The special machine in which sends energy to power the engines and superconductors. Also includes its many backups.)
Barely-allowed access; very tight security and extra-high clean standards. We will limit only 1 person to inspect it once every year. Pictures are not allowed, audio recording devices are banned, anyone caught attempting to record the sound of the engines or take pictures of it will be immediate cause for a full-scale war on Kyanges. The person who is inspecting must not touch the machines or look inside of them, the person who is also inspecting must wear a special collar which will adminster a near-instant poison which will render the person unconsicous for 24 hours. A team of six guards will also escort the person and prevent any damaging or messing with the machines. It is the heart of Archangel and is the heart of it, destruction of this part is not critical to its survival, but it is the center of operations.
Sectors 1-10 (Each sector has 10 bubble fusion power plants and 1 fission power plant)
Allowed access; lesser security, extra-high clean standard. Blue-prints of the linking of the power supply and how it works is allowed. Pictures are allows, audio allowed.
The control center
Sector 1-8
We allow access to our computers that are in use, data downloads of research and technologies is limited, but as for files on the projects is allowed. Access to the harddrives is limited and all people allowed in will be escorted.
Sector 9
As for inspectors, as far as they know, this place doesn't exist. Any attempt to try and find a way in is punishable by death. All that is known is that it controls all defenses and computers.
The living quarters
Completely allowed access, this is to be a late construction of the project, it will house all the people and robots that maintain the Archangel.
The labs
To be allowed access must be with permission only. The labs are everything from chemical to high-energy testing.
The armor defenses
Allowed access, but limited. It is where millions of lasers and anti-air systems are built into the heavy armor plating which is to be over 100 ft thick and constructed of many different materials. Energy Weapon Dissipation 'Fuses' are built into it to protect against particle beam and ion cannon weapons to further protect it. Basically the entire vital systems and all of its areas are encased in nearly impenatrable armor and defensive systems.
The Palace
No inspectors are needed here, but it is to be a staple of the Archangel project and rise high above the the rest of the ellipitcal base. Here is a concept picture of the palace of what it will look like completed:
Those are our terms and a hope Kyanges approves of these.
Plaid zone
26-11-2004, 22:59
Ooc: I apologize for not posting anything sooner, I just slept in until 1:00...
The nation of tanthan are liars. This is a fact.
The arc angel platform is not 'peaceful' or 'defensive'. It is a war engine designed for mass destruction.
The plaid zone people does not, did not, and forever will not wish to exist in tanthan's borders. Though some, I'm sure, wish to stay, there are many, many others who wish to leave to thier former empire. Searches on internet chat rooms and bulletin boards confirm this. This is not 'peaceful renegotiation', this is a hostage situation with millions of people.
I did not wish to become involved in a conflict of this scale. Though it is true that I surrendered to tanthan, it is also true that I did this in order to save my people's lives. I do not believe what tanthan is doing is right.
(Ooc: I also recieved a TG from kyanges a while back saying that he and tanthan were RL friends and that tanthan wouldn't stop bragging if he acquired my nation...lol.)
Plaid zone, ever since our fall, has been through hell. Very few nations gave humanitarian aid, and to those who did, you may have heard about the scandal with charity orginizations discriminating against our elven, mrrshan, subrosian, and orothi populations. We have been lied to and even attacked after the fall, losing over a million people from bombardment. We have lost the territories returned to us through numerous battles, and frankly, we fear that our nation may fall due to low population. And yes, our president is in exile, forced to destroy his warp plate and now being hunted by his 3rd warp commanders. Plaid zone is in despair because of tanthan. He has not done anything good for us, ever. Though we disagreed with cherry ridge and defended aligned planets, we do not think of this as justification for a war against 3rd party tanthan.
Tanthan, you will get nowhere with your lies. So just shut up. I love plaid zone with all of my heart, and seeing this done to it makes me burn with rage. And though we do not have enough military to even pose a miniscule threat to you, we will fight you to the last, whatever it takes. I don't care if others are willing to negotiate. Until you stop your lies and return to us what is ours, we will not do the same.
Dash T.
Head negotiator and lead jello enthusiast of plaid zone
(Ooc: I'm sorry if I don't reply for a while, until tomorrow night I'll be busy...tough week.)
(OMG what have I been missing TG wise here?!)
The Empire of Tanthan has done what is obviously best for the people at that time and even now your current condition of the nation only increases our concern. According to Kyanges the nation was being rebuilt. Not in an actually worse state then it was then when the war came to a close. Sure our economy and military. Just keep us posted on the rebuilding. We will offer $800 billion over a 2 year period to help in rebuilding. However since of the current problems between kyanges and tanthan exist we cannot donate any more.
26-11-2004, 23:18
In response to the acusations made by Plaid zone...
The Empire of Blacktower wishes to make it very clear that any actions made agaisnt Tanthan will result badly for both sides. As we have still not taken a side in this situation and have declared ourselves nuetral, We wish to state that your comments are both hurtful and undignified. You represent your people poorly in the matter, and if you truely feel that they should return to Plaid zone (which as you said is in very very bad shape) then I beleive they will eventually return on their own acoord. According to our own Research, we have found that more people are LEAVING Plaid zone FOR Tanthan, wishing to be reunited with their former familiy members and to receive better jobs and be part of a booming economy.
The Archangel System is no more a War engine then any other fortified city. To have it defencless would be a waste of money, as no doubt it would soon fall under attack and be seized. Tanthan has made no gestures to say that it IS in fact a weapon of Mass destruction, and your accusations are meaningless to say so.
As for the inspectors. Blacktower wishes to step forth as a Nuetral nation and present the following scenario:
Our Inspection teams will check the Archangel System once every 6 months. We will be granted FULL inspection rights, nothing is off limits to us. We will make sure that there is no over stocking of offensive capabilities, and that it is not put to ill use. Our people will not be biased in the matter as we are nuetral, and anything we find that is out of place will be reported.
Actually we feel that is a far better solution then to allow Kyanges to inspect it because of the sensitivity of the equipment if any war should be planned by him it would no doubt involve slamming our Archangel project which will be hovering miles above the nation down onto us to absolutely cause havoc, flooding our nation, killing tens of millions, destroying all communications and leaving our technology and power grid in ruins in which the only thing stopping him would be civilian fighters which are poorly armed, but expertly trained. Viruses if made well enough to specifically take out the functioning power of it the only end result could be a devasting crash or having it self-destruct. Since Blacktower is neutral it seems a far better option to allow also a military equipment provider inspect it along with learning how it works, since flying cities are a very expensive and very rare thing to see in NS.
27-11-2004, 00:08
Blacktower wishes to begin development of our own flying colony, similar to that of Tanthans, but on a much much smaller scale. We hope that with the cooperation of Tanthan officials, they will be able to help us develop ours. IF they wish to help us along with our development, we ask that they TG us.
Plaid zone
27-11-2004, 23:10
Alright. This is what you've all been waiting to hear: I quit. This is the official surrender, no more twists.
Our president was captured by 3rd warp forces, our nation is fleeing, not only to tanthan, but to other nations as well, our military has been crippled by terrorist activity (they frickin' stole my air force!), and our economy really isn't revivable. So, since we're truly powerless in this situation, we oficially surrender to tanthan (it was going that way anyway). We'll work an agreement out, whatever is most beneficial to you I presume. The only condition is that all plates linking to 3rd warp must be annihalated. Other than that, we really can't demand anything else. We're out. Frankly, we don't believe this is even about our nation, just nations trying to show each other up. We're just a little extra incentive, an excuse to get your point across.
World politics are just not for us.
Dash T.
Refugee, Ex head negotiator
We'll gladly except all people as our current NS government has this important line showing that we do allow refugees, where as Kyanges hasn't.
and the nation has opened its arms to an influx of refugees.
The whole thing is here if you wish to read:
The Empire of Tanthan is a very large, devout nation, renowned for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its compassionate, hard-working, cynical population of 138 million are ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.
It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, corrupt government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defence, and Commerce. The average income tax rate is 55%, and even higher for the wealthy. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Uranium Mining industry, followed by Arms Manufacturing and Furniture Restoration.
Teenagers are sent to jail for being out too late, people reciting Shakespeare have become a common sight, citizens rise at daybreak every day for mandatory exercise, and the nation has opened its arms to an influx of refugees. Crime is relatively low, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Tanthan's national animal is the dragon, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the gil.
We are planning to jump to a powerhouse within a few days! We are canceling a ban on gambling and casinos and making it perfectly legal!
Of couse we are willing to take control of your nation, however this better not be a trick like before. If your people attempt to attack from within my nation as you had planned or destroy the economy I would more then likely make an example of how betrayal and treason is taken in my nation. However since this is more then likely just a warning we wish several things to be offical with the total surrender of Plaid Zone to Tanthan:
1. A merger of the economic and populations into Tanthan, where Plaid Zone and Tanthan is united as one. (OOC: Population and stats from the time of surrender, any additional will not be added in the following NS years.)
2. The land and all the colonies that Kyanges returned to Plaid Zone not be left to fall apart, but used as research centers for Tanthan.
3. A creation of a seperate nation (OOC: this is legal in NS, but no UN allowed (if already in the UN), and it is just one nation) so that the leaders of Plaid Zone can have a fresh start and choose a more careful path in restoring to the international community.
4. An alliance to be formed between Tanthan and this new nation to protect it as best it can from hostile powers looking to expand their land on weaker nations.
5. Your condition: 'all plates linking to 3rd warp must be annihalated' will be done as soon as the signing is complete.
Hope you agree with the terms and keep in touch afterwards.
OOC: OK blacktower, but since the project isn't complete yet and it is still in testing it will take awhile for our results and full research to be given to you.
We'll gladly except all people as our current NS government has this important line showing that we do allow refugees, where as Kyanges hasn't.
Lol, I'm just gonna say this once. Tanthan, I had that issue long before you, and that line has since been pushed out because of all the other issues that I've had. In fact, we had two issues dealing with refugees, and in both issues, we accepted those in need. Now you go and make that claim, ROFL!!! Seriously, you need to check the validity of your claims before you make them. I mean, h3ll, you can even call me about a thing like this. But thanks any way, that really made my day. LOL.
Lol, I'm just gonna say this once. Tanthan, I had that issue long before you, and that line has since been pushed out because of all the other issues that I've had. In fact, we had two issues dealing with refugees, and in both issues, we accepted those in need. Now you go and make that claim, ROFL!!! Seriously, you need to check the validity of your claims before you make them. I mean, h3ll, you can even call me about a thing like this. But thanks any way, that really made my day. LOL.
Right I was keeping tabs on your nation and only 4 days have I not checked up. So unless you did a bunch of issues real fast....but whatever.