Does your nation ever hold elections?
25-11-2004, 02:09
(OOC: RB is considering outlawing elections.)
The Empire of Risban has outlawed elections completely.
The United Socialist States of Monoma still have elections. Our elections for every office are held every 10 years.
25-11-2004, 02:13
Our elections are after PM Theklia Arkyan have served her term as PM.
25-11-2004, 02:13
we have elections and people are free to vote whoever they choose.
25-11-2004, 02:14
We never have and never will. The Empire of Layarteb is ruled by the Emperor and such therein lies a non-democratic country.
Elections are outlawed in Corymac though we probably are going to begin to hold them again real soon.
The Republic of Psov holds Annual Elections in the House, and for the posistion of Premier. They are Free AND Fair (except for when their not).
The Parthians
25-11-2004, 02:16
My advice: Get rid of them, they are pointless.
25-11-2004, 02:16
Shanagolia holds, and hopefully, will always hold free and fair elections.
Haha! Yes, Risban concurs with the Parthians. Elections lead to anarchy, disorder, and conflict. With no elections, things run smoothly and effectively.
25-11-2004, 02:20
Drogenhaas allows people to vote for whoever they like in our once every 30 year elections. But unlike the U.S, (Vote or Die), which has an un-biased slogan, ours is "Vote for Smith or Die." Anyone not abiding by this rule is, like the slogan, dragged out of their house at night and shot.
25-11-2004, 02:21
Shanagolia holds, and hopefully, will always hold free and fair elections.
As it is with Pacitalia.
I chose to get rid of formal elections, and then I ended up as a benevolent dictator. Oh well, I'm a nice guy. ;)
I chose to get rid of formal elections, and then I ended up as a benevolent dictator. Oh well, I'm a nice guy. ;)
Hey! Me too! Heh.
General elections for High Council positions are held every four Standard Terran Years in each of the several hundred Urban Core administrative districts, with each Urban Core getting an amount of seats directly proportional to its population. There is always a possibility of multiple voting or forgery, but it is considered to be insignificant due to the sheer volume of voters. No Councilor may hold his office for more than two four-year terms, and those two terms must be consecutive. There are over three thousand seats on the High Council.
Each Prefecture has a Prefectorial Council and a Prefect. The frequency of elections and their types depend on the prefectures in question, but all are similar to those of the High Council.
Phyles are semi-independant sub-states which have their own governments. Phyle governments depend on the phyles in question, and the Imperial First Distributed Kingdom of Weyr does not attempt to regulate them as long as their laws do not conflict with those of the Kingdom.
The High King is a semi-inherited position, with each High King appointing his or her successor. That successor is often, but not always, telated to the High King.
The Island of Rose
25-11-2004, 02:30
Haha! Yes, Risban concurs with the Parthians. Elections lead to anarchy, disorder, and conflict. With no elections, things run smoothly and effectively.
Anarchy? We hold elections, and we're one of the most stable nations in the world. Compared to other fascist nations (cough) DA (cough) who can't even control a bunch of civilians.
Tsk tsk.
Beth Gellert
25-11-2004, 02:36
Beddgelert used to hold frequent elections, then it discovered democracy.
All right, I shall elaborate. Democracy as this thread apparently understands it, that is judging by it's plebiscite theme, expects that individuals and/or parties shall be elected to represent The People and to make for them their political decisions.
Beddgelens see this as a false democracy, as the process of frequently exchanging one dictatorship for another. These dictators -be they Prime Ministers, Presidents, or otherwise- face the ever present threat of unelection and of replacement by the opposition. They therefore spend their term of office conspiring to prevent said opposition from replacing them rather than on properly running the country or on attending to the needs of The People. Likewise, the opposition spends its time in an assault on the presently ruling person or Party. The People are removed from the implement of governing, the tool by which power is weilded.
Democracy as most understand it is an empty lie, no better than Fascist or other dictatorship.
In Beddgelert, pantisocratic Phalansteries -or Democratic Home Colonies- practice direct democracy on a local scale, there is no head of government and no chief of state.
Beddgelens believe that they may very well be the world's only democrats.
-Comrade Graeme Igo, Commonwealth Professional Civil Servant.
Sel Appa
25-11-2004, 02:38
Technically yes, but only to recall an earl(representative). They are usually granted by birthright, but if enough people are angry at an earl in the province, then the earl can be recalled. You have to get a petition, then it has to be approved by a Baron in your province. Then, the election will occur within a few weeks. sSo far, we have had only 2 recalls.
25-11-2004, 02:40
Yes, and were golding one right now :)
25-11-2004, 02:43
Three days before the founding of Skeelzania, legend tells us that there was going to be an election for the new leader. However the opposition canidate was killed in a freak hunting accident by the future Grand Prince, Baad Skeelzot. Since then there have been no elections in Skeelzania...until now. The government is beginning to phase in elections for low-level government jobs but stands ready to squash democracy if it gets out of hand.
Aztec National League
25-11-2004, 02:45
OOC: I only have elections when I feel like RPing one...which is almost never.
The previous and current constitutions for the ANL allows for elections, but they are not sechudualled regularly. It can be a long time in between elections. In the current system, the people petition the Soviet Congress to hold elections. In the previous consitution, the Soviet Congress held them whenever it felt they were needed.
In the case of Weyr, the government is expected to only protect the people from external threats and to provide a basic socio-economic status. Otherwise, the central government allows the people to do everythign they want. If a person wants to build a factory for creating nukes, then it is his or her choice. The government cannot legally stop him. Most of the administrative and social services are done at the Urban Core level, and quite honestly the people live perfectly fine without government intervention.
The High Council rarely passes laws (once every few decades), and normally acts as a sort of court for deciding the legality of issues between Urban Cores, phyles, and Prefectures. Very often the High Council decides that the issue is out of its jurisdiction.
We are, truly, an anarchy.
Josiah Willard Gibbs,
Consul-General of Weyr
I suppose I should've voted other... but I took it as in the context of the leader.
In Avadria the Emperor reigns completely, the Chancellor is appointed by him, as are the ministry officials, however in the case of the People's Ministry, the ministers are voted on by the citizens of the province which they are representing.
Nemh never has had elections. Its Overlord is chosen by his/her predecessor and the Thanes, including the Overlord, are from four dominant clans.
We have elections, and they are fair, but our electoral system neads reform so badly, that nobody wants the ordeal, confusion, or the security of election day.
No. We have other means of determining the leader. :)
We had elections once, but with an Empiracal Monarchy, what is the need. We did however modify the laws to be free and balanced. There are elections, after one dies, you must wait ten years after the son of the son of the son of the sons father has died, then the current monarch will deside if an election is what is required.
Works out rather nicely.
No, Iuthia will not every have elections to determine it's leader. The concept of Democracy is concidered mildly flawed by the Iuthian people who are often taught that way during their state-run education and their military service.
Even without that indoctrination it's commonly accepted that Iuthia's methods of determining a leader are more like nature in their own way. Simply put, the Lord General (Dictator) is more or less the most suitable man, if he isn't he is likely to be assasinated or removed by a military coup by a stronger and more ambitious leader-figure.
Though-out Iuthia's history it is hardly uncommon for a military coup to take place with the General of such a coup taking the top spot... in the past Iuthia was more militant and exspansionistic, however this stopped when the latest in a line of Dictators, the deGritz family, took control of the nation and pushed civil rights and public respect higher up on their agenda.
The differences are simple: Other Lord Generals often ruled with mostly fear, respect was present with some more then others but generally it was a powerbase which secured it's position with fear of elite, loyal soldiers (not always loyal as history proves) and other methods. However with the deGritz the methods were more designed around the idea that a populace which respected the benevolence of their rule would be a more loyal populace, with only the minimal fear used only when most required, such a making an example of any who would openly attempt to damage the government.
Generally the people of Iuthia like their system because it promotes the strongest being in charge, if they cannot stabilise their position though leadership, power and manipulation then they don't deserve their position and will eventually be removed one way or another.
The leaders aren't always nice, but they are often the strongest in one way or another. Recently Iuthia is concidered a benevolent dictatorship because of it's civil rights and happiness of it's people, however it's not always been the case and it's not assured that it will stay benevolent, though the current Lord General will train his heir carefully.
Mora Tau
25-11-2004, 03:28
The Mora Tauan Soviet Socialist Republic is a direct democracy- every post in the 'government' of the country, from factory heads, military generals, Supreme Soviet representatives to school heads are directly voted by the people they supervise or represent once a month and are recallable at any given moment. Works well if you ask me.
25-11-2004, 04:19
The United Socialist States of Comunisticturkeys have decided to not have elections unti further consent from parliament
Comrade Parlenova, Foreign Affairs Minister To The United Socialist States of Comunisticturkeys
25-11-2004, 08:13