Diplomatic Relations
East Coast Federation
25-11-2004, 01:45
President Of The ECF On Subspace, on starbase:
Good Morning, This is president Clinton of the East Coast Federation. Today with a vote from congress and backed by the people of the East Coast Federation. We have decided to open Diplomatic Relations with other Space Faring nations. At our Starbase, one of our few instalations that exist in your universe you may build an embassy inside one of the largest cargo bays, a5 storys tall and as wide as 2 standard housing lots. We wish to discuss trade alliances, whatever you want. However we will not disclose the location of the ECF, for security reasons.
Anyone is welcomed.
25-11-2004, 01:47
we wish to establish relations with ECF, we will send the Star Wolf 1 to transport our embassador to inspect the site if accepted.
Greetings, ECF.
I am wondering if it would be possible to open embassies and begin treaties with your fine nation.
The Technocracy of Sharina currently spans four parallel universes on Earth, and we have a large space station in orbit of each of the 4 Earth's. A spacedock has been completed in Sharina Prime, while the spacedocks in Sharina Alpha (Earth V), Sharina Beta (Earth IV), and Sharina Gamma (Earth III) are under construction.
Missions to Mars and beyond are being launched as we speak.
Does this qualify Sharina as worthy to become a friend and trading partner of the ECF?
I eagerly await your response.
Live well,
President Rand Veristek
OOC: the full diplomatic telegram that goes out to everyone
To: the entity of the East Coast Federation
From: J. W. Gibbs, Consul-General of Weyr
Re: Diplomatic Exchange
The Kingdom of Weyr is interested in creating diplomatic ties with the entity of the East Coast Federation. A delegation of:
1 Ambassador
1 Diplomatic attaché
1 Commercial attaché
1 Cultural attaché
1 Defense attaché
24 General staff
16 High Guard
2 Magi’i
are standing by for your approval.
Space for your delegation is available within Embassy Tower, where all foreign embassies within Weyr are located. Floors 40, 48-67, and 103-210 are available at this time. The Diplomatic Service provides security, basic services, and secure telecommunications. Furniture, electronics, special services, and any other amenities are provided upon request. The Diplomatic Service pays for all services. It should be noted that security and safety of any foreign delegates is not guaranteed outside of Embassy Tower unless those delegates are accompanies by Diplomatic Service staff.
Embassy Tower is located in our capital city of Wye, a city of approximately 400 million built on the southwestern slopes of Mt. Weyr. We recommend that foreign delegations arrive via Wye International Skyport, where Diplomatic Service officials can meet them.
Any foreign entity can also construct or rent a structure or space outside of Embassy Tower. However, the Kingdom of Weyr cannot be held responsible for the safety of that structure, or for the safety of the persons residing within it. Diplomatic Service can provide limited security for the said structure, but cannot guarantee the integrity of that security. Furthermore, the availability of secure communications, services, and transportation for such a structure or location may be limited.
The Kingdom of Weyr has no restrictions on trade, and permits nations to freely buy and sell all goods and substances within its borders. This includes, but is not limited to: weapons, toxic substances, motor vehicles, WMDs, foodstuffs, raw materials, and finished goods. This cannot be restricted or expanded upon by any treaties.
The Kingdom of Weyr does not recognize extraterritoriality. Weyr’s courts will try any foreign delegates or visitors in accordance with Weyrean law.
This includes:
- Trial by an elected jury within seven days of arrest
- A free lawyer, to be given upon request
- Communication with any party, after arrest, via a monitored link
- The ability to sue for personal damages incurred while under arrest
However, foreign delegates are permitted to have their home nation pay for the court fines. It should be noted that Weyrean courts issue sentences that are monetary in nature.
Weyrean law has only three crimes: murder, theft, and malicious manipulation.
Weyr is not interested in military alliances at this time. However, Weyr holds a policy of non-aggression towards all nations.
Consul-General J. W. Gibbs
Greetings from Xeraph!
We would be honored to establish ties with the East Coast Federation. Xeraph has had an active space program for years, and we have an established presence in the Andromeda Galaxy, along with the Federated Suns.
We would like to send King Ricala of Auralania, who is our Ambassador/Director of SpaceOps.
He will be arriving on the HMS Regency, a Nova Class Survey/Scientific Ship.
The Regency will be escorted by HMS Nautilus, an Achilles Class Heavy Attack Cruiser.
The Ambassador will be followed one day later by the SS Asana, a DawnStar Class Scientific/Medical Ship, escorted by two Peregrine Class Escort Fighters.
We look forward to meeting you.
Alaric........King of Xeraph
Councilor Prime of GAPTS
7th Lord of AXE
Master of the Knights Templar (XF)
Co-Regent of The Empire of One
East Coast Federation
25-11-2004, 04:29
OOC: I may not be able to post until friday, and I need to go to bed, powers out, and my laptop only has a few minutes of battery life, but keep the offers comming!
25-11-2004, 04:53
The Confederacy wishes to firm up old relations with EastCoastFederation. It has been to long without formal contact.
-Harold Juxton
Prime Minister
East Coast Federation
28-11-2004, 02:21
To Sharina: You seem to be a nation just entering space. It's not what you can do for us, it's what we can do for you. You have never even thougt of things like Transporters or Warp Drive! However I can send a delegation to your homeworld. And we will take a delegation back ( Make a good RP? ) to our starbase, your people will see things they have never even dreamed of!
Xeraph: You Will be allowed to build an embassy in the Starbase, Keep those weapons powered down though. My ships never fire themselves, but when you do a scan you will realize they are more than prepared to defend themselves.
Weyr: Of crouse please come to our starbase in your universe. And then contact us.
Admiral Willing: It's been awhile snice we've had contact with your nation Prime Minister Juxton. It's been a good decade snice We've had any contact. ( Start an theard if we want to rp ) We wish to discuss an alliance.
To Sharina: You seem to be a nation just entering space. It's not what you can do for us, it's what we can do for you. You have never even thougt of things like Transporters or Warp Drive! However I can send a delegation to your homeworld. And we will take a delegation back ( Make a good RP? ) to our starbase, your people will see things they have never even dreamed of!
Xeraph: You Will be allowed to build an embassy in the Starbase, Keep those weapons powered down though. My ships never fire themselves, but when you do a scan you will realize they are more than prepared to defend themselves.
Weyr: Of crouse please come to our starbase in your universe. And then contact us.
Admiral Willing: It's been awhile snice we've had contact with your nation Prime Minister Juxton. It's been a good decade snice We've had any contact. ( Start an theard if we want to rp ) We wish to discuss an alliance.
From: Ricala of Aurilania
Thank you. Conditions noted and agreed.
To Sharina: You seem to be a nation just entering space. It's not what you can do for us, it's what we can do for you. You have never even thougt of things like Transporters or Warp Drive! However I can send a delegation to your homeworld. And we will take a delegation back ( Make a good RP? ) to our starbase, your people will see things they have never even dreamed of!
Xeraph: You Will be allowed to build an embassy in the Starbase, Keep those weapons powered down though. My ships never fire themselves, but when you do a scan you will realize they are more than prepared to defend themselves.
Weyr: Of crouse please come to our starbase in your universe. And then contact us.
Admiral Willing: It's been awhile snice we've had contact with your nation Prime Minister Juxton. It's been a good decade snice We've had any contact. ( Start an theard if we want to rp ) We wish to discuss an alliance.
Greetings East Coast Federation,
I would be more than happy to open up trade and cultural exchanges with your nation. You speak of technological wonders, and that does sound tempting.
I am most in need of aid in the field of medicine, and also I would like to work out a clause in our treaty that would allow either one of us to provide support and aid in times of crisis. Examples include plaques, starvation, etc.
I am proud to state that Sharina is mastering travel through parallel universes, and perhaps this could be helpful in the future. So far, the Sharina Parallel Earth Agency (SPEA) has catalogued over 100,000 parallel universes, varying from Earth utopia, World War III wastelands, dinosaur existing in modern times, an entire Earth ruled by a Roman Empire that never fell, and so forth.
I eagerly await to hear from you.
Live well,
President Rand Veristek
28-11-2004, 10:57
Hail, the Alethrian Federation is willing to exchange ebassies with you. However, you will have to allow us to create a Warp Gate, as we have no other form of FTL Travle. We request you choose weather you wish to open your embassy in our nation on the Venus Ground cities, the venus Star base or the Earth colonies. We need you to take the gate you your Star base, as we have no way to move through space besides this. Thank you.
Ellithril, Minister of the Federation Of Alethria
28-11-2004, 11:28
We wish to discuss trade alliances, whatever you want. However we will not disclose the location of the ECF, for security reasons.
Anyone is welcomed.
You wish for trade, but refuse to reveal so much as your location? I imagine that such would be difficult, extreamly restricting, and likly futile were much exchange to take place.
How are those ships we sold you holding up, by the way? They see combat yet?
You wish for trade, but refuse to reveal so much as your location? I imagine that such would be difficult, extreamly restricting, and likly futile were much exchange to take place.
How are those ships we sold you holding up, by the way? They see combat yet?
<OOC>......hey Big K, how's it going? Long time no see. Been busy with new job...away a lot. Drop a line once in a while.
East Coast Federation
28-11-2004, 16:03
You wish for trade, but refuse to reveal so much as your location? I imagine that such would be difficult, extreamly restricting, and likly futile were much exchange to take place.
How are those ships we sold you holding up, by the way? They see combat yet?
OOC: Ever snice I started ignoring GZ and his cardboard ships thats not so much an issue anymore.
If you would be so kind as to send a ship to our starbase which is located in your universe, We could discuss that prospect.
The ships have not been used yet. Probably because we have not fought any wars. But we are starting to drift away from Suacerheads,
Prehaps you could offer a few pointers in the desing of a non ST ship.
Weyr: Of crouse please come to our starbase in your universe. And then contact us
The ship reverted into normSpace a million kilometers away from the starbase, keying into a navBeacon left there by another Weyrean craft some years before. It was a Nox-class Ship-of-the-Line, the primary capitol ship of the Kingdom, carrying a Weyrean ambassador to the East Coast Federation. Fusactors flared online, drives fired, the vessel slowed, while a message flashed out to the Star Base.
"This is the WSGS Grom, carrying the Weyrean liason to the East Coast Federation, requesting final approach vectors and docking permission."
East Coast Federation
30-11-2004, 03:33
Starbase Commander: Of crouse please dock on the 3rd Port, The Admiral awaits you.
30-11-2004, 07:49
OOC Why does everyone Ignore me? Sharina ignored me in Earth three, and You are ignoring me for this. What is wrong with me?
Eight or so minutes later, the Nox was only a hundred kilometers from the starbase. A small shuttle shot from its parasite bay, dwarfed by the massive gray bulk of its parent craft.
"Well, let's get this over with," ambassador Charles Nord sighed, as pressure seals closed with a slight hiss.
East Coast Federation
01-12-2004, 02:59
Eight or so minutes later, the Nox was only a hundred kilometers from the starbase. A small shuttle shot from its parasite bay, dwarfed by the massive gray bulk of its parent craft.
"Well, let's get this over with," ambassador Charles Nord sighed, as pressure seals closed with a slight hiss.
The Admiral sighed " Oh Boy another 1st contact, lets get this shit over with" We seemed tried, he was only 23 and hadn't been home in a year. When the door opened him and his whole command staff put on a big happy face. They all seemed ready to get this shit overwith.
" Hello I am Admiral Willing, Head Admiral of StarFleet, Please Follow me to the conferance room, I will have you ask you to come to the conferance room. They were led to the conferance room. " Now please ask whatever you what and what the fuck is that doing here!" Out the massive window, a Huge 12km long Battleship dropped out of a Fold. " Hmmmm looks like they added fold drive, just hope your ship doesnt fire at it, it won't last long agnist the FDR, Now I'm a listner right now, I'm all ears to what you have to say."
OOC Why does everyone Ignore me? Sharina ignored me in Earth three, and You are ignoring me for this. What is wrong with me?
I didn't notice your post in Earth III thread. Could you please provide a link to your post so that I can read it? I apologize for overlooking you.
(end thread hjack)
East Coast Federation, any response to my comminque a few posts above?
"Admiral, the Grom is a third-generation Nox Ship-of-the-Line. I'm quite sure it can take on your monstrocity with its singularity cannon. Now, shows of force aside, we are looking for a non-agression pact and hopefully a permanent embassy," Nord responded evenly.
Did somebody say "Trade Agreement"? WELL NOW! I smell business to be done.
The Dominion wishes to express its interest in establishing diplomatic relations.
Trade agreements blah blah blah, raw materials such as steel and plastic yakkitty smakkitty, space already set aside at our lunar diplomatic hub yadda yadda yadda.
So on and so forth.
We look forward to hearing from ya!
East Coast Federation
03-12-2004, 04:10
"Admiral, the Grom is a third-generation Nox Ship-of-the-Line. I'm quite sure it can take on your monstrocity with its singularity cannon. Now, shows of force aside, we are looking for a non-agression pact and hopefully a permanent embassy," Nord responded evenly.
A tactial officer broke down laughing " You got to be Kidding Me! I'll tell ya what if we ever get an agreement worked out I'll show you the finer things about Quantum Based Weapons now those can do some REAL damage. We've knocked down whole star systems with the FDR with no problems, you might want to watch out for that phase and temporal sheilding. Of crouse the main sheilding is pretty hard to get through, that shotgun could blow the front of your ship and" The Admiral yelled rather loudly " Stow it, theres times for tech bitchling later!"
He Cleared his throat. " Please excuse him, I think he's crazy but a damm good commander. Now I would be happy to give you a small section of this starbase for an embassy. Now this station is well defended and has an complete acces to the main computer. Of crouse classified data is just that,classified. An non agression pact is perfect for us and for you. With the war and chaos in our own universe the last thing we need is more enemys out here.
To Godular: Just show up to the Star Base in a ship and we can talk, you'll find it between 2 galaxys, In a small system.
The ambassador shrugs, seeming not to care. "Thank you, admiral. When will we be able to see the embassy, and are there any restrictions on what we can do in it." All standard diplomatic questions, just in case something had not yet been mentioned.
To Godular: Just show up to the Star Base in a ship and we can talk, you'll find it between 2 galaxys, In a small system.
There was no fanfare, no dazzling display of light, not even a whizzing or popping sound. One second there was but empty space, and then there was Dawnrunner. Its four kilometer wedge appeared almost directly on top of the Weyr ship, then shuddered as its engines went into overdrive to move itself to a safer distance.
A single comm line went out to the space station:
"GEEZ! I don't know what comaterialization is like, but I REALLY don't wanna learn..."
>a few seconds of various crew saying things akin to "That was TOO close", "By the archons, we were so close I could SMELL it!", and "Next time *I* drive!"<
"Shut up you lot! >AHEM<... we have been sent with a diplomatic envoy in regards to previous overtures with respect to establishing diplomatic and trade relations between our two great nations. Do you wish us to send a shuttle or just transport the delegation over?"