Protesters massacred in Neoma
---=--Wenbark Desert--+---2:12 AM local
In retaliation from the government refusing funding for the fanatic religion the followers took to the streets in protect which is legal until a small group of hoodlums provoked the massive crowd to riot and attacked and killed other members of other religions and anyone who tried to stop them...
------ Protest fence ------7:42 AM local
The crowd got more violent as they marched toward the protest fence... Some of the crowd started to throw rocks, Molotov cocktails, and glass... a young lieutenant stood on a tank with a bull horn..."Please good neomeans cease and desist or we will have no choice but to fire this is not a empty threat!!!" The crowd did not disperse but only got more angry and started charging the fence...." use the M-Van Gaurd... a small door opened in the fence 30 van guard carrying Chain guns walked out and made a line parallel to the fence...the crowd only seemed to gain speed in the sight of the van guard "Fire!" Yelled the only took a second for the chain gun to wind up and sent 50. cal rounds into the crowd lobbing off arms and legs making heads turn into a Grey mater pudding....The van guard started moving the chain guns back and forth....The crowd didn't scream at first either they were in shock or the chain guns were just to loud.... the van guard only shot rounds for 30 seconds but all 15,634 protesters laid on the ground their bodies battered and bloody there were only 14 survivors and they are going to be treated at a hospital and then locked away in a Super Max militaristic prison...
We can somewhat agree with this. People protesting the streets or in front of corporations is illegal only if they block traffic or workers. We couldn't exactly see why 50. caliber guns were needed. We think you need to take away all those people's land and money and let us buy the land. We're willing to pay at least 30,000 dollars per mile!
Calieko Bejorbonjonsherzo CEO
24-11-2004, 19:06
As a member of the CFA, and a full supporter of human rights, McLeod03 slightly condemns this act that may or may not of happened, and unless those who might or might not be responsible are put on trial for possible crimes against humanity, we might get a little bit annoyed and make a note that you are a slightly violent nation.
Now if you wouldn't mind terribly, we would very much appreciate it if you would further investigate this incident that may or may not have occured, and if it isn't too much hassle, possibly release the findings of the investigation of this possible event to us so that we could read it through carefully.
Many thanks,
Your good friends at the MAFCC.
As a member of the CFA, and a full supporter of human rights, McLeod03 strongly condemns this act, and unless those responsible are put on trial for crimes against humanity, we will take actions to safe-guard the future of the Neoman people. You have (1 RL day) to arrest those responsible before actions will be taken by McLeodian troops.
The Kingdom of Xeraph is in full agreement with McLeod3. These type of mindless acts must end.
If McLeod3 agrees, Xeraphian troopers will aid them in their quest for justice.
Alaric.......King of Xeraph
7th Lord of AXE
Master of the Knights Templar
Regent of TEOO
Crimes against humanity!? Those protestors would of killed those men and women! Can't we just all agree humanely "Darwin help them all!"?Governments need to be free to make their own decisions with out other nations interfering!
24-11-2004, 20:08
***The newsroom of the Shazbotdom News Network***
"This is Stacey Keibler with a breaking news bulliten. Riots ensured today in the Nation of Neoma. Early reports are that more than 15,000 protesters were killed by the Neomian military in an attempt to stop the protesters. In an official statement from the Parliment, The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom herby condemns the actions of Neoma. The Emporer has this to say:"
*A Small image inset enlarges and takes up the wholescreen*
"You could have used Non-Lethal ammunition, such as rubber bullets or tear gas, but .50 cal rounds are too much for what happened. We demand that you pay the families of these lost souls for their loss. I, The Emporer, and parliment of Shazbotdom hereby declares what happened in Neoma as an attempt at Genocide of it's civilians."
*screen switches back to the newsroom*
"The Emporer has declared that for one year, if Neoma asks for any type of aid from the international community, they will be rejected for aid by The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom. Thats all for now, you will now be returned to your regularly schedualed programming..."
***The screen switches back to the show "Who wants to kill this millionaire"***
24-11-2004, 20:14
Bugger. I find myself torn. This heinous act was almost Cherry Ridge-esque in its brutality. On the other hand, they were violent protesters. 50 Cals were hardly justified though. I would have just used a tear gas airstrike.
The Grey Phoenix
24-11-2004, 20:26
The Holy Empire of the Grey Phoenix joins McLeod3 and Xeraph in condemning the acts of Neoma.
Though small, we would be able to contribute a division of Storm Troops to the situation.
(signed).....King Beomer
24-11-2004, 20:28
OOC: Lets not all jump on this guy. Give him chance to respond to the condemnations first.
24-11-2004, 20:30
OOC: I haven't jumped on him fully yet. If i did you would see cruise missiles flying across the water.... ;)
24-11-2004, 20:34
OOC: And your soldiers would see... nothing, ever again ;)
24-11-2004, 20:40
Decree from King Ricala:
We deplore the cowardly actions of Neoma. :gundge: We hereby pledge 250 men of the 1st Infantry to the cause.
We will await the call to deploy.
We demand that these blatant massacres are halted. This is a disgusting act, and should it happen again, we will not hesitate in removing you from power. Economic sanctions are now in effect on your nation, and we urge our allies to do the same.
Taldaan Foriegn Ministry
24-11-2004, 20:51
The Dominion of Decepticus wishes to send help to the oppressed peoples of Neoma. We are a new nation, but can supply a small number of soldiers and medical personnel.
Dimpus, Tribal Chief of Decepticus
Pergast also condemns the heavy-handed actions of the Neoman government and all trade with Neoma has been ceased until the coalition's demands are met. The 1st and 2nd battalions of the 13th Pergast Grenadier Guards and a Squadron from the 1st Imperial Armoured Regiment, under the command of Oberstleutnant Hirsch, have been mobilised in the event that Neoma refuses to comply.
Emil Kaufmann
Foreign Minister
OOC: Exact numbers...
1/13th GG (642 Men, Commander: Oberstleutnant Hirsch)
2/13th GG (642 Men, Commander: Oberstleutnant Kuefer)
8/1 IAR (17 Panzer XIs, 4 Panzer VIIs, Commander: Hauptmann Ritter)
24-11-2004, 21:07
Wolfanga wants to fight in this place. We are young, but we are strong.
Lord Wulf
Odd... many other nations are committing attrocities each and every day often motivated by racist policies, yet due to their size and/or support all they get is a strong condemnation with very few threats of military action.
It would seem that instead of judging a nation on the level of human rights they are taking away you are judging these attrocities based on their military capability.
In Iuthia we accept that other nations have different takes on different issues such as protests (which are illegal in some authoritarian nations) and as such we mearly frown on the practice and inform Iuthian business owners that these nations are not open for inport/export to or from our nation. To declare war on a nation based on that nations internal affairs suggests that you have the right to enforce your nations ideas on human rights on to others. Whats to say your nation won't take the next step and enforce democracy on nations who are naturally dictatorships.
Oddly enough this puts those who act against nations based on their internal laws on a higher threat level then those who simply oppress their own people. At least they have the decency to not force their ideals on others.
We would strongly advise leaving your condemnation with simple actions designed to show your displeasure with the nation, such as embargoes on trade from their nation.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
OOC: It would seem that there are alot of new nations in this thread posting two line condemnations against Neomia in very similar fashions... were it not for the fact that all four of them only have one post each I wouldn't have paid any attention but I am starting to get the impression that someone is puppet wanking here and it needs to be noted that making new nations to artificially increase support for yourself is concidered a godmode.
Crawling Death
24-11-2004, 21:32
Odd... many other nations are committing attrocities each and every day often motivated by racist policies, yet due to their size and/or support all they get is a strong condemnation with very few threats of military action.
It would seem that instead of judging a nation on the level of human rights they are taking away you are judging these attrocities based on their military capability.
In Iuthia we accept that other nations have different takes on different issues such as protests (which are illegal in some authoritarian nations) and as such we mearly frown on the practice and inform Iuthian business owners that these nations are not open for inport/export to or from our nation. To declare war on a nation based on that nations internal affairs suggests that you have the right to enforce your nations ideas on human rights on to others. Whats to say your nation won't take the next step and enforce democracy on nations who are naturally dictatorships.
Oddly enough this puts those who act against nations based on their internal laws on a higher threat level then those who simply oppress their own people. At least they have the decency to not force their ideals on others.
We would strongly advise leaving your condemnation with simple actions designed to show your displeasure with the nation, such as embargoes on trade from their nation.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
From: King Alaric of Xeraph, from the Rose Garden of the United States of Crawling Death.
Minister Lakely,
While I agree in principle that nations have a right to self-determination, how can we who are able to force a quick resolution to a ghastly situation just sit back and watch? The phrase "noblise oblige" fits here, as does the injunction "to whom much is given, much is expected". Xeraph is a wealthy, secure nation, and as a result of it's policies to aid young nations in distress has become known as a defender of the "little guy", whoever and wherever that little guy is.
We are not seeking to take over anything, nor impose anything on anybody.
We just want to help those who are being unjustly persecuted.
Yet you failed to understand part of our warning. Perhaps we were not clear enough in explaining the problem that your obligation raises in this issues. Firstly as a Dictatorship, albeit a benevolent one by general recognition by other nations, what assurances do I have that your nation, or any other will not concider my people to be "unjustly persecuted" because we do not allow them the right to vote? Perhaps you will notice our common and cultural practices and concider them to be in breach of your own nations human rights.
It's not much of a step from judging the internal actions of one nation and acting against it, to actively trying to force other nations to follow your own ideas on human rights and laws.
You state that you don't wish to enforce anything on anybody... yet you are threatening action based on your opinion of how things should be run. I would call that enforcing your nations ideals on to another nations government. Something we are opposed to because whats to stop other nations with completely opposite ideals from us trying to start a war over how we treat our people.
What of national soveriegnity? This nation isn't threatening you, yet you are willing to take military action to change their ways instead of allowing natural evolution of their society.
The other concern we have is that this seems to only be the case with smaller nations, the "morally just" nations in the international community pick on the smaller nations committing such attrocities yet ignore other much larger nations which commonly ban religion, protests and entire races of pepole.
One can only come to the conclusion that the military strength of a nation is an important factor when determining how immoral they are.
Again, we would suggest you don't enforce your ideal on other nations seeing as it is concidered to be rather close to actively seeking war with little to no justification.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
24-11-2004, 21:51
Perhaps, sir, we will come for you when Iuthia mows down 15,000 people almost without warning, with no attempts to preserve life. That is my qualm with this country, and my reason for the somewhat harsh warning issued to them.
24-11-2004, 21:53
The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom doesn't believe that Military Intervention is needed in this situation. Diplomacy is needed.
Mr. Shaz Bot, Emporer
The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom
"You have (1 RL day) to arrest those responsible before actions will be taken by McLeodian troops."
I wouldn't call that a warning. I would call that a threat and it's pretty crude as far as diplomacy is concerned. Whats more the government hasn't made any statements so far and already you are threatening military action against them based entirely on your disagreement with what seems to be a law in their nation... afterall, the remaining protesters have been arrested which means that protesting is most likely illegal in their nation.
Is it someone we agree with? Hell no. But that doesn't mean we are about to threaten military action, especially not in such a crude manner like the way your nation chose...
Our problem is that your nation is basically showing that no other nation has the right to make laws which disagree with your own human rights laws. Such as a law against protesting... however, what makes it worse is that dispite other nations commiting such attrocities you are choosing to take action against this nice and conveniently small nation while other larger nations kill people for being the wrong colour.
Shazbotdom is right, diplomacy is needed. Not crude threats made by a nation which doesn't understand the concept of national soveriegnity and the fact it's own laws do not apply in other nations.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
OOC: Reading the post again you do realise that they haven't actually roleplayed any aspect of their press releasing information that this incident even happened in their nation... so it's probably unlikely you even know the specifics of the situation. That said, neither do I.
24-11-2004, 22:24
OOC: didn't notice that before official i guess we all don't know what happened
24-11-2004, 22:27
OOC: Well call me stupid, but I would have thought that killing 15,000 protestors in broad daylight would have drawn some attention. A protest that big would have attracted some media attention, or so I would have thought.
24-11-2004, 22:32
As a member of the CFA, and a full supporter of human rights, McLeod03 slightly condemns this act that may or may not of happened, and unless those who might or might not be responsible are put on trial for possible crimes against humanity, we might get a little bit annoyed and make a note that you are a slightly violent nation.
Now if you wouldn't mind terribly, we would very much appreciate it if you would further investigate this incident that may or may not have occured, and if it isn't too much hassle, possibly release the findings of the investigation of this possible event to us so that we could read it through carefully.
Many thanks,
Your good friends at the MAFCC.
Is that more to your liking Iuthia?
OOC: Pretty much, my concerns were In Character to suit my In Character agenda, generally I couldn't give a damn about this nation Out of Character but as a Dictatorship it's important for us to support national soveriegnity as much as we do... less someone concider Dictatorships to be illigitimate and start causing us trouble, which we can't abide with.
Not to mention we have a thing about encouraging diplomacy, probably some anoying chip on our solider about keeping up our reputation.
IC: We are content with this position shift and we withdraw our complaint, though we will continue to point out that military action in this case is hardly justified in our opinion... never the less we are happy that a more diplomatic attempt to resolve the situation is being attempted.
We will of course be placing Neoma on the blacklist should they not provide a reasonable explaination for this incident, while we don't have any qualms about banning protesting as per se, we do have a problem with the massacre of so many people as a solution.
We look forward to an official statement on the matter in the recent future.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
Yet you failed to understand part of our warning. Perhaps we were not clear enough in explaining the problem that your obligation raises in this issues. Firstly as a Dictatorship, albeit a benevolent one by general recognition by other nations, what assurances do I have that your nation, or any other will not concider my people to be "unjustly persecuted" because we do not allow them the right to vote? Perhaps you will notice our common and cultural practices and concider them to be in breach of your own nations human rights.
It's not much of a step from judging the internal actions of one nation and acting against it, to actively trying to force other nations to follow your own ideas on human rights and laws.
You state that you don't wish to enforce anything on anybody... yet you are threatening action based on your opinion of how things should be run. I would call that enforcing your nations ideals on to another nations government. Something we are opposed to because whats to stop other nations with completely opposite ideals from us trying to start a war over how we treat our people.
What of national soveriegnity? This nation isn't threatening you, yet you are willing to take military action to change their ways instead of allowing natural evolution of their society.
The other concern we have is that this seems to only be the case with smaller nations, the "morally just" nations in the international community pick on the smaller nations committing such attrocities yet ignore other much larger nations which commonly ban religion, protests and entire races of pepole.
One can only come to the conclusion that the military strength of a nation is an important factor when determining how immoral they are.
Again, we would suggest you don't enforce your ideal on other nations seeing as it is concidered to be rather close to actively seeking war with little to no justification.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
What the leadership of any nation decides is lawful is not the question here. If you don't grant your citizens the right to vote, that's YOUR business. If another nation says that protesting is unlawful, and makes arrests, that's the law, and therefore, none of my business.
But if a nation slaughters it's own citizens because the protest got too big, or noisy, or "unruly" then it is MY responsibility to step in, if aid is requested.
When Xeraph was young, help and aid were given on a couple of occasions, and the least we can do is return the favor.
Also, as regards the "smaller nation" theory, we have in the past, quite succesfully, forced larger nations to back off from their aggressive stance. We did this through the time-honored use of allies.
Xeraph is allied to enough nations/alliances to force ANY nation to back off or be destroyed.
As to sovreignty: sovreignty does not mean that the leadership of a nation can do anything it wants. Leadership means responsibility, the responsibility to serve and protect it's citizens.........not kill them if they want to.
Actually, national sovereignty does mean the nation can pretty much do what it likes providing it's in the powers of the government to do so. It doesn't mean what they are doing is justified, but it's simply a matter of pointing out that in your nation your government has the right to do as it pleases within the structure of it's own government. For my nation to tell you what you can and can't do would be interfering with your national sovereignty and in this case you are telling this nation it cannot quell what it may concider to be a rebellion...
Remember, you haven't gotten the full facts yet, we've not even heard the nations own statement on the matter, yet you are threatening military action. I don't mind complaints about their actions, we too condemn this act... but we are more worried about some nation threatening military action before it even attempts proper diplomacy, or even getting it's fact straight.
Our problem is that nations are threatening action over something which is an internal matter in another nation... you weren't even attempting proper diplomacy until we convinced McLeod03 to do so. Hell, your diplomacy so far is "we agree with McLeod03, we're prepared to send troops to help them" which is pretty much the same as threatening them yourself.
Try learning some diplomatic tact sometime. War isn't needed here, even as a threat it's pretty crude and not needed.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
Actually, national sovereignty does mean the nation can pretty much do what it likes providing it's in the powers of the government to do so. It doesn't mean what they are doing is justified, but it's simply a matter of pointing out that in your nation your government has the right to do as it pleases within the structure of it's own government. For my nation to tell you what you can and can't do would be interfering with your national sovereignty and in this case you are telling this nation it cannot quell what it may concider to be a rebellion...
Remember, you haven't gotten the full facts yet, we've not even heard the nations own statement on the matter, yet you are threatening military action. I don't mind complaints about their actions, we too condemn this act... but we are more worried about some nation threatening military action before it even attempts proper diplomacy, or even getting it's fact straight.
Our problem is that nations are threatening action over something which is an internal matter in another nation... you weren't even attempting proper diplomacy until we convinced McLeod03 to do so. Hell, your diplomacy so far is "we agree with McLeod03, we're prepared to send troops to help them" which is pretty much the same as threatening them yourself.
Try learning some diplomatic tact sometime. War isn't needed here, even as a threat it's pretty crude and not needed.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
For what it's worth to you, we had no intention of attempting "proper diplomacy" with anybody. And I have never made a threat....I have made concrete, cohesive statements that have an "if....then" aspect to them.
IF a nation kills it's own citizens because those citizens simply disagree with them, THEN I will destroy the perpetrators involved, even if that includes the entire existing government.
IF it is proven that the protestors were actually in rebellion against the stated govt, then further info will be needed before action can be taken.
If terrorist are involved.......well, God help them.....................
For what it's worth we are simply stating that we don't agree with that stance. We accept that some nations will start wars over incidents which do no involve them though we frown upon it we will not stand in your way unless it threatens our security or the security of our allies or friends. This is not one of those cases so it would result in little more then a Blacklisting, something which we doubt will concern you greatly.
We were also warning nations not to be too hasty in their actions... as we previously stated the facts are not all in. If they have just slaughtered them with little or no reason then we would understand your actions, despite our condemnation of such.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
OOC: *sigh* another psycopath
IC: The Republic Strongly condemns these actions blah blah blah...
Please don't do it again
Psovian Minister of Diplomacy
Pzunia Numbnela
For what it's worth we are simply stating that we don't agree with that stance. We accept that some nations will start wars over incidents which do no involve them though we frown upon it we will not stand in your way unless it threatens our security or the security of our allies or friends. This is not one of those cases so it would result in little more then a Blacklisting, something which we doubt will concern you greatly.
We were also warning nations not to be too hasty in their actions... as we previously stated the facts are not all in. If they have just slaughtered them with little or no reason then we would understand your actions, despite our condemnation of such.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
Minister Lakely, rest assured that nothing hasty will be done. We will not take action with McLeod3 until necessary, and we will not take unilateral action at all.
On the matter of acting against governments because they slaughter their own people with little reason beyond their political alliegnment, what would you make of this nation executing teenages who illegally own copies of Mein Kampf and wear Nazi paraphernalia?
There was no trial, simply a matter of finding them, huddling them together and executing them. They is also a DVD of the act available on DVD for $2.99 should you need to watch it yourself.
[See Here!] (
The Grand Ruler of Neoma stood in front of his podeum....
"Good people from around the world Neoma only use deadly force because we had to the killed many on the path toward the capitol do not judge me before you know the facts.... The crows entered churches, mosques, synagogues and killed all who were inside... anyone who tried to stop them police, civilians, even an crazy old women they were massequred... the beat them to death a very long and horrid way to die..... we gave them Mercy by shooting them with 50. cal bullets...though brutal it is effective the suffering time was only about 1 minute before they die but seeing as how Neoma is in great danger by other stronger countries i will step down and appoint my sun as Grand ruler of Neoma...but before i do i have one question many other nations kill people on greater extents about race and other things like that but when we do it once we get jumped on, they were religious fanatics we don't want to get bogged down in a religious war with theses people....these are my last words as Grand Ruler of Neoma...
The Grand ruler stepped down and his son took the place behind the podium and gave a long speech on how he will transform the nation...
OOC sorry for the wait i had something that needed my attention at my job...
OOC: Just because other people do it doesn't mean it's clever...