Communists brutaly suppressed! Leader waiting for execution!
The Upper Congo
24-11-2004, 17:24
In the Sourthern Part of the Upper Congo 14,000 communists rallied against the New Government and marched towards the Capital trying to overthrow the President and replace him with their leader. Our army would not stand for this. Some 30,000 men were sent to sort them out..... But even worse news arrived. The former King of the Upper Congo arrived from his exile in Canada and also started a revolt. 9,000 cotton farmers and their workers rose up to their fromer leader... 2,000 shipbuilders and bricklayers also joined flock while the National Guard of some 40,000 men also revolted.... This could not come at a worse time.. The rest of the Upper Congonian army was sent to destroy this threat to the safety of the country... News is yet to arrive.....
Even more news....
Congo water and electricity supply dam has been destroyed. All fingers has been pointed towards the Extremist Enviromentalist group ''VERSA''. Apparently only 2 of their members were involved though.. They snuck in a bomb near to where they were heading. From a hill overlooking the dam they sniped guards with there guns :sniper: and successfully advanced unnoposed. From their on they placed the 5 kilogram bomb right in the middle of the hydroelectric dam and ran like hell. After 5 minutes the bomb went off and completely destroyed it. With the cascading waters rushing down the mountains at an incredible speed 8 people drowned and over 20 miles of land is flooded. A massive man-hunt will go on from tonight *9.30 GMT* to track the hippies down.
The Upper Congo
24-11-2004, 21:46
Soon enough The People's Army*thats what the King's calls his ''Army'' and the People's Revolution Militia march on towards the Capital. 65,000 men moved quickly to destroy them. First the AirForce struck the royalists troops and then their supply lines. 2,000 were killed during the bombing..... Then the 1st Army of 30,000 men struck destroying all opposition and capturing the King...... The National Guard realised their mistake and soon were outgunned and outta' ammo.... They were all destroyed........ At the scene of the battle 37,000 lay dead and 14,000 were taken prisoner.. 3,000 Congonian troops were killed or wounded....
The last target were the Communists.... they attacked our left flank of our Army and captured 300 men and 1 ton of ammo.. Wrong move... All 5 tank divisions attacked and soon the Commie's were overun... All were massacred...
President Joubert has finally ordered the execution of all Loyalists not captured in the battles and all Communist's to be sent to slave labour camps. 15,000 are to be rounded up and executed for fighting against the government..... I am so sorry.
We in Taldaan will not stand idly by and see our communist brothers and sisters murdered. In our experience, revolutions only take place in the face of massive oppression. We doubt there ever was an uprising to begin with, merely a peaceful protest. We order you to cease your mindless slaughter of communists, and allow a Taldaani Peacekeeper Division within your borders to ensure that no more atrocities take place. If these actions are repeated, we will take appropriate action against your nation.
Taldaani Government Communique
24-11-2004, 22:00
Shazbotdom would like to inquire as to how your Social Freedoms are?
25-11-2004, 20:58
The United Socialist States Of Comunisticturkeys cannot let this atrocities go by. We agree with Taldaan on their views of this conflict within your country. We would also be willing to send a group of peacekeepers to your country.
Comunisticturkeys Communique
The Upper Congo
25-11-2004, 21:11
I will not allow ANY PeaceKepper's on Congonian Soil. The eradication of the communists will go on. You say there are your brothers and sisters? One day you are killing them for not agreeing with you, the next day you're protecting them. I don't understand. Anyway, it was an uprising.. when ever they saw our flag they burnt it, whenever they saw a public building they burnt it..... Don't tell me that is peaceful.
A secret police has been set up to control the masses by any means possible. President Joubert has ordered Martial Law in the rebellious areas and has asked the unemployed or fit to fight to join the army.... In 3 hours an army of 67,000 men became 200,000..... Also a massive arms building campaign has begun, Labourers from across the world have also started building defences across the coastline and beyond to stop any country stupid enough to try and help the communist slime.
25-11-2004, 21:22
The Free Land of Shangolia views the actions of President Joubert as criminal acts. The apparent revolutionary forces that exist within Upper Congo display the people's disapproval of the governemnt. Therefore, it is the stance of the Shangolian government to view the actions of the Upper Congolese people as attempts to reclaim their government. The massacres that occurred were unjust and should cease immediately.
Speaker Benjamin Debs
The Free Land of Shanagolia
You accuse us of killing our own people for disagreeing with us? No man, woman, or child has been executed in Taldaan since 1908. Would you still accuse us of slaying innocents? And you still say that you will go on with this?
Despite our disgust at your atrocities, and your pride in these atrocities, we will make you a deal. We will evacuate every communist in your country, and bring them to Taldaan. We will do this at no cost to you. You dispose of your communists without wasting ammunition or money, we rescue our working brothers and sisters.
It may also interest you to know that the Taldaani 3rd Naval Fleet, including the TNF Robert Owen, will be conducting exercises just outside your national waters for the next six days. They are estimated to arrive in four hours and fifteen minutes.
Thank you.
Taldaani Official Government Communique
The eternal-dragons
25-11-2004, 21:30
Official Memo from North Albania's leader:
We see this act as despicable and cruel in your open-minded attempts at denying them the basic assets of life.....Therefore if you fail to cease these atrocities we shall be forced to seek possible sanctions upon your nation..
Jecht Ackbar.
The Federation of the FCD commends The Upper Congo for their strength in putting down this communist uprising, but warns against unjust persecutions of communists in your nation. The Federation has its own share of problems with communist insurgency, but knows that one mustn't strike dissidents more heavyhandedly than necessary.
Despite our warnings, we understand the need for the actions taken, and shall support Upper Congo as long as they agree to cease the attacks on communists in the nation immediately. Trust us, causing further international outcry at this time is a bad idea for all parts.
We also wish you to reconsider your stance on peacekeeping forces, and allow a small dispatchment of FCD within your borders to keep everybody involved safe from harm.
Best wishes,
The FCD Foreign Ministry
25-11-2004, 21:34
The United Socialist States of comunisticturkeys has 300,000 men ready for combat and waiting on my order to ship out to your country immediatly if you do not stop these atrocities against our fellow comrades.
Vasily Zaitzev, Minister of War to The United Socialist States of comunisticturkeys
25-11-2004, 21:37
I do not like to get in the middle of these things so I will air drop supplies in every week until this is over and let y'all fight over the supplies.
The Federation urges all involved nations to avoid armed conflict. Entering an already unstable nation with large force deployments at this time could prove disasterous, especially for the people of Upper Congo which we all want to protect.
Once again, we ask Upper Congo to cease hostilities against the communists, and allow peacekeeping forces from you fellow nations in your country.
Fellow nations, let us not let this situation get out of hand!
Best wishes,
The FCD Foreign Ministry
The Upper Congo
25-11-2004, 22:32
FCD, we will allow a small force of Peace Keeping Troops onto our soil under the condition that they must leave when we feel that they are no longer needed. Thank you for your offer. Comunisticturkeys you only provide empty threats, and I quiver at the thought of your ''invincible'' army coming onto our territory. I am tired of the stupid communists trying to destroy my country and I will execute their leader in the manner that I see fit....
25-11-2004, 22:35
What is this we never said our army was invinceble and i did say we would send a peacekeeping unit.
Comunisticturkeys Communique
The Massacre of any peoples based on their beliefs or ethnicity is barbaric and inexcusable. The Republic will not stand for such a blatant violation of international law and will see an end to suppression in Upper Congo. The leadership of Congo has 24 hours (RL) to reply, or face brutal reprecussions.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Vladitzio Norduchitti
The Upper Congo
25-11-2004, 22:43
The United Socialist States of comunisticturkeys has 300,000 men ready for combat and waiting on my order to ship out to your country immediatly if you do not stop these atrocities against our fellow comrades.
That is your statement. I never knew a peacekeeping unit could be 300,000 strong.. Is it a peacekeeping force or an invasion force? I wonder...
The Massacre of any peoples based on their beliefs or ethnicity is barbaric and inexcusable. The Republic will not stand for such a blatant violation of international law and will see an end to suppression in Upper Congo. The leadership of Congo has 24 hours (RL) to reply, or face brutal reprecussions.
What kind of brutal repercussions may I dare ask you? And next time I would like to hear that from your leader... Not your foreign minister.
Very well. The Federation agrees to your terms. 5000 military personnel will be dispatched to Upper Congo during the next 48 NS hours, to act as peacekeeping forces, and will remain as long as the government in Upper Congo feels that its presence is necessary. Not that the Federation wishes you to refrain from using more violence than necessary against the communists.
If dire need arises the troops may act to defend innocent civilians, wheter under attack from rebels or government forces. Note that our peacekeepers aren't 'overly biased' towards the communist cause, like the other nations which applied, and so they will stand by the government troops in all but the most extreme cases.
FCD Military Council
Very well. The Federation agrees to your terms. 5000 military personnel will be dispatched to Upper Congo during the next 48 NS hours, to act as peacekeeping forces, and will remain as long as the government in Upper Congo feels that its presence is necessary. Not that the Federation wishes you to refrain from using more violence than necessary against the communists.
If dire need arises the troops may act to defend innocent civilians, wheter under attack from rebels or government forces. Note that our peacekeepers aren't 'overly biased' towards the communist cause, like the other nations which applied, and so they will stand by the government troops in all but the most extreme cases.
FCD Military Council
Thank You, All countries must remember that we are only acting against the people we know are guilty of treason and murder. We are not murdering innocent civilians...... Oh and Comunisticturkeys bring it, you'll see your armies ass getting wipped by a smaller nation. That'll be sweet.
The commander for the peacekeeping forces in Upper Congo will be Colonel Fredrik Anderson, one of our most promising young officers.
Note that the peacekeeping forces will not fight against any foreign troops in case of an invasion of Upper Congo, but if any nation should attack these forces during such an invasion, the Federation will respond with full military force against the agressor. We sincerely hope that it doesn't come to that, though.
With wishes of peace,
The FCD Military Council
The eternal-dragons
25-11-2004, 22:57
FCD, we will allow a small force of Peace Keeping Troops onto our soil under the condition that they must leave when we feel that they are no longer needed. Thank you for your offer. Comunisticturkeys you only provide empty threats, and I quiver at the thought of your ''invincible'' army coming onto our territory. I am tired of the stupid communists trying to destroy my country and I will execute their leader in the manner that I see fit....
Official Memo by Northern Albanian leader:
In Non-responding to our requests, we state once more that any further acts of genocide commited by your government shall result in several blockades and sanctions upon your nation.
Jecht Ackbar
The Upper Congo
25-11-2004, 23:15
Official Memo by Northern Albanian leader:
In Non-responding to our requests, we state once more that any further acts of genocide commited by your government shall result in several blockades and sanctions upon your nation.
Jecht Ackbar
Interesting, I must say. I applaude your actions since you are only doing what you think is right.... but, they are not your people, you will not blockade my nation as some several countries depend on the trade that our ships bring to our ports. You don't want my allies to suffer needlessly because you want to blockade The Upper Congo now do you?
In the end, it has been decided that only 1,000 people will be executed. The rest will be thrown in prison for 20 years. End of story.
If any harm comes to those thousand citizens The Republic WILL suspend your nations sovreignty through the course of military action. Such brutual measures are unnecessary and violate the social contract owed by any government to their people. Again we will be ready for action if those thousand people are harmed. Cease and decist, or face a possible coalition of nations ready to dethrone your violent leadership.
Minister of War
Gorhethnium Krusvche
The eternal-dragons
25-11-2004, 23:29
Seeing the new developments on the current saga the N.Albanian Leadership has this to say.
"Seeing that you have failed to cease your actions, we shall once again review our current status, and will hence discuss suitable sanctions upon your nation if you fail to heed the warnings once more..."
Jecht Ackbar
===========Encrypted Memo to Psov Leaders=========
Seeing the imminent threat of Upper congo we have proposed a coalition between our two nations. Therefore if accepted we shall ready our small, but efficent navy units, whilst also readying the airforce in the meantime. We also would advise you to consider a pre-emptive strike upon the heart of the madness in the governments main infrastructure. And if successfull perhaps it will stir the people to get up and revolt and end this madness....
We await your reply.......
=====End transmission==========
The Parthians
25-11-2004, 23:32
We are pleased that Upper Congo has taken the sensible course in annhilating Commmunist scum. Should any nation desire to invade Upper Congo, we will provide the Upper Congo with full military support from both Parthia and perhaps other Right Wing Collective members.
-Defence Minister Piruz Savhadkohi
We are pleased that Upper Congo has taken the sensible course in annhilating Commmunist scum. Should any nation desire to invade Upper Congo, we will provide the Upper Congo with full military support from both Parthia and perhaps other Right Wing Collective members.
-Defence Minister Piruz Savhadkohi
The Republic is sorry to see that The Parthians has chosen to condone senselessly idealogical murder, but does suggest that they chose not to intervene in favor of a nation with a population of 14 million killing hundreds of their citizens, that is if Parthia wishes to retain it's dignity.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Vladitzio Norduchitti
The peacekeeping forces have been dispatched and will arrive shortly. Please let them arrive and make an independant assessment of the situation before any attack takes place. Our troops are to be regarded as neutral if armed conflict should arise.
Also, we repeat if any agressive action is taken aimed against our forces in Upper Congo, we will not hesitate to use our full military strength in retaliation. The Party has stated that war in Upper Congo is to avoided at all costs.
With wishes of peace,
The FCD Military Council
25-11-2004, 23:42
It would be a wise idea to avoid war. Our nation is currently embroiled in not a few wars, but that will not prevent us from intervening to uphold the lives of those who this state has chosen to oppress and destroy. We would hope it will not be necessary.
25-11-2004, 23:50
The People of Chickerell and its government offer their full support to the government of Upper Congo and its plight with its unruly underclasses and condem the bullying of Upper Congo by various other nations.
Should the Presedent of Upper Congo require any kind assistance we will gladly stand by his side.
- Chickerell Foriegn Affairs Office
25-11-2004, 23:55
Official Response
We are pleased to hear of the action being taken against the plague that is is communism.
26-11-2004, 00:21
Official Response from Prince Cyridd:
We disapprove of Communism but question your judgement that killing them is the answer. We ask you to cease and desist.
The Republic of Psov is giving you 48 hours to call off the executions and to free those communists being detained. If you consider them a threat then our nation will be willing to open our arms to them. If you do not respond in 48 hours, or refuse to adhere to our demands we will commence military operations in North Congo, we call on other advocates of human rights to do the same.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Vladitzio Norduchitti
Minister of War
Gorhethnium Krusvche
Premier of the Republic
Hunztach Windarzx
26-11-2004, 03:44
To-Upper Congo Government
From-Doomingsland Imperial Government
Greetings fellow crusader against communism,
We have taken note of the measures your nation has taken against
the plague known as communism, and would like to take this
oppurtunity to offer aid in the form of weapons and supplies.
Currently, we are able to donate three million XM8 rifles, two
thousand M1A2 main battle tanks, four thousand M2A3 IFVs, and two
hundred F/A22 Raptors. We would also like to send one thousand
advisors to train your military in the use of these weapons, and
advanced defencivetactics that could be used against an invading
army. All of thiswill be free of charge, and is only to ensure good
lasting relations between our nations. We hope for a quick response.
Da Wolverines
26-11-2004, 03:49
From Jason 'Wolf' McLane, Leader of Da Wolverines
In the lights of recent events, we have decided to watch closely for The Upper Congo response. We wish to avoid war by any possible means, but be aware that we cannot let yet another genocide happen.
Thus, we ask you the followings:
-Do NOT, under any circonstances, initiate mass-murder as you threatened to do with one thousand of your people.
-Consider (and follow) any course of action which could solve everyones' problems as was proposed by Taldaani Government.
-Be aware that treason isn't against a crime against people in power, who might try using this reason to protect their selfish interests, but rather against the people of a country as a whole.
-Be aware also that as a government, you have the duty to listen to your people, and not any right to murder the ones you are supposed to protect if you disagree with some of them.
-Finally, know that we WILL watch closely your actions upon the next months and that any further act of oppression is highly unlikely to be tolerated.
We will support any peacekeeping missions and every attempts to resolve this conflict peacefully, but will not hesitate to move in order to prevent senseless murder.
We shall watch.
Jason 'Wolf' McLane, leader of The Nomadic Peoples of Da Wolverines
26-11-2004, 07:46
The Nation of Maldaathi is angered and if I get the backing of my region I am likley to invade. This is discrimination of the highest. Besides you act communist. Not giving people free rights to protest. (I didnt read the other pages only the first one)
Industrial Experiment
26-11-2004, 08:00
From the desk of Governer McLagherty
In keeping with what is increasingly becoming a daily announcement for me, I warn any nations currently threatening The Upper Congo with war or related actions to reign themselves in, lest they find themselves buried under the debris of their folly. This is the result of a civil war, something that the people (for, indeed, the people enumerate the success of either side in war) dictated would happen. Popular rebellion succeeds, sectional rebellion does not and should not.
26-11-2004, 08:44
The Republic of Psov is giving you 48 hours to call off the executions and to free those communists being detained. If you consider them a threat then our nation will be willing to open our arms to them. If you do not respond in 48 hours, or refuse to adhere to our demands we will commence military operations in North Congo, we call on other advocates of human rights to do the same.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Vladitzio Norduchitti
Minister of War
Gorhethnium Krusvche
Premier of the Republic
Hunztach Windarzx
We support Psov's statement and will assist our ally in any way possible including military support.
Comrade Josef Dorsal, Comrade Electorate of the PSRH
Offical State Security Breifing
Low level classification: For public veiwing
-The conflict in Farmina is going in Rotovian favour
-Security concerns are low
-The nation of The Upper Congo is to be added to the Watch List
-The Watchers are to be delpoyed if possible
[classified: no public access]
[classified: no public access]
-Intelligence forces holding [classified: no public access]
The FCD peacekeeping forces have arrived in Upper Congo, and has set up a base of operation outside the capital city.
Their initial assessment is that the situation is stable, and has to this time not seen any sign of oppression against any minority by the government, of course except the 1000 prisoners which are currently being held by the government.
Based on the current reports, we urge all other nations to stand down their threats of military action. Also, we again wish Upper Congo to reconsider the execution of the prisoners. If no other means are avaliable, the Federation is willing to take care of the prisoners for you.
With wishes of peace,
The FCD Military Council
26-11-2004, 12:26
The Defense force of Chickerell are reading a force of 7000 after the recent actions taken by the communist sympathisers FCD.
Should FCD commence any kind hostility towards the Government of Upper Congo we will begin military air strikes over key FCD targets and its major cities.
- Chickerell Foriegn Affairs Office
26-11-2004, 13:52
Encrypted message from the Xenonian President Arkday Gregorovich to the honourable leaders of the Upper Congo.
Greetings, my fellow human being. I have heard that you are suffering from a great deal of diplomatic trouble in your nation, including threats made on your own soverignty by other nations who are (Justifiably) shocked by what they percieve as Genocide.
Perhaps Moderation is needed. I propose that Xenonier send one our best forensics crews to collect data to prove your obviously truthful claims your nation was attacked, not the attacker. This, combined with advanced orbital survilleance can exonerate you from any and all accusations.
We would also be willing to offer an indepedent trial of those who will be executed, so as to assure the world of their Heinous crimes (so you say)
I propose Xenonier perform this action as we are a nation of Democratic socialists, which is obviously not your nation's own Un Classification. This way nobody can accuse your of fudging or faking results to allow genocide - as the proof of your honesty would come from a nation who's political agenda is the exact opposite of yours.
We are also offering use of our orbital surveillance should any parties declare war upon your nation before we present our information, but will not intervene in the war directly.
I await your reply.
President of Xenonier, Arkady Gregorovich.
The Defense force of Chickerell are reading a force of 7000 after the recent actions taken by the communist sympathisers FCD.
Should FCD commence any kind hostility towards the Government of Upper Congo we will begin military air strikes over key FCD targets and its major cities.
- Chickerell Foriegn Affairs Office
The FCD is deeply concerned with this reaction. We are quite certain that there has been som form of miscommunictation here.
The Federation is by no means communist sympathisers, and the forces deployed are peacekeeping forces, whose precence is approved by the government of Upper Congo. Hence, we have no intent what so ever cause any form of damage to Upper Congo, its people and its government.
We do not take threats of this kind lightly, even when they are, in fact, based of incorrect information.
FCD Foreign Ministry
26-11-2004, 14:16
The FCD is deeply concerned with this reaction. We are quite certain that there has been som form of miscommunictation here.
The Federation is by no means communist sympathisers, and the forces deployed are peacekeeping forces, whose precence is approved by the government of Upper Congo. Hence, we have no intent what so ever cause any form of damage to Upper Congo, its people and its government.
We do not take threats of this kind lightly, even when they are, in fact, based of incorrect information.
FCD Foreign Ministry
Our government is not concerned by your feelings towards our reaction. The governement of Upper Congo will be allowed to deal with the communist revlote as they see fit. If this involves making an example of these people by execution or imprisonment then so be it.
We are of the opinion that Upper Congo were bullied into accepting your military forces into its borders and do not accept your excuses of being approved. We kindly request that you withdraw your troops and allow the leaders of Upper Congo to resolve the matter themselves.
- Chickerell Foriegn Affairs Office
26-11-2004, 14:37
Our government is not concerned by your feelings towards our reaction. The governement of Upper Congo will be allowed to deal with the communist revlote as they see fit. If this involves making an example of these people by execution or imprisonment then so be it.
We are of the opinion that Upper Congo were bullied into accepting your military forces into its borders and do not accept your excuses of being approved. We kindly request that you withdraw your troops and allow the leaders of Upper Congo to resolve the matter themselves.
- Chickerell Foriegn Affairs Office
Transmission from Arkady Gregorovich to Chickerell.
Please refrain from this offensive action. You will be massacred, as your population cannot support such action against the massive FCD forces. We need not shed blood for trivial matters. The Upper Congo allowed the FCD on, deal with it.
We repeat this one more time.
Upper Congo gave us their expressed permission to station troops in Upper Congo as peace keepers. Also, the FCD agreed that the troops would leave the nation as soon as Upper Congo wished it. If they didn't agree with our troops being there, they would most likely order us to leave, don't you think? It is hardly your task to carry out the wishes of Upper Congo, is it?
If you choose to attack us, we will respond with full scale military action, in which case you wouldn't, frankly, stand much of a chance.
Let us not escalate a simple misunderstanding such as this to an armed conflict, as this would only be a waste of thousands of lives.
FCD Foreign Ministry
26-11-2004, 17:58
Well all you people say your good but we ahve a large army our region will back us I have orbital weapons and the most feared assassins in the region
The Upper Congo
26-11-2004, 19:04
Well all you people say your good but we ahve a large army our region will back us I have orbital weapons and the most feared assassins in the region
I did agree to the FCD stationing Peace Keepers near our capital. There is no denying that, they agreed to all our terms and so for they were welcome in my homeland. Chikerell, keep your men at home, for I do not need or even require any more. All assistance towards my country and so forth my goverment will be accepted, that being military advisors, weapons etc....
1000 prisoners, scum of the earth, men whom have raped, killed the innocent and looted their country will be executed at 7.00 GMT. From my country that is less than 56 minutes away.
I did agree to the FCD stationing Peace Keepers near our capital. There is no denying that, they agreed to all our terms and so for they were welcome in my homeland. Chikerell, keep your men at home, for I do not need or even require any more. All assistance towards my country and so forth my goverment will be accepted, that being military advisors, weapons etc....
1000 prisoners, scum of the earth, men whom have raped, killed the innocent and looted their country will be executed at 7.00 GMT. From my country that is less than 56 minutes away.
You are making a mistake, that is, unless you would like your nation to become a smouldering pile of ash.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Vladitzio Norduchitti
You are making a mistake, that is, unless you would like your nation to become a smouldering pile of ash.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Vladitzio Norduchitti
Interesting Psov... who suddenly gave you the right to destroy any country that has just recovered fom an incredibly destructive war? Oh sorry, are my words too long for you? Nobody gave you the right, thats who. As in an earlier post any war against the people of The Upper Congo is a war against me. I could supply up to four times more men and equipment than you ever could. Stop now while you can.
26-11-2004, 19:23
the government of the union condems the actions taken by the upper congo
Interesting Psov... who suddenly gave you the right to destroy any country that has just recovered fom an incredibly destructive war? Oh sorry, are my words too long for you? Nobody gave you the right, thats who. As in an earlier post any war against the people of The Upper Congo is a war against me. I could supply up to four times more men and equipment than you ever could. Stop now while you can.
OOC: I'm sorry but, who are you?
The Upper Congo
26-11-2004, 19:42
Since with all this incredibly boing arguments with Psov goes on 1,000 prisoners, all 1,000 being male were forced to go into a nearby field. They were shot at with machine guns and tank shells. 20 minutes ahead of schedule and with 17 minutes left to spare 1,000 people lay dead or dying, with the knowledge that they will die with knowing they murdered and raped they're own way into Hell.
Murder? Rape? It is your executioners who are the murderers, spilling the blood of men whose only crimes were to be communists. A brutal way to die, obliterated by a tank shell for daring to think for a change, and open your mind to a new system which will end the suffering instead of increasing it.
Well, I am afraid that you will not have the opportunity to commit any more crimes against humanity. The 3rd Naval Fleet is now en route to your shores. We hope that by the time they arrive, your government will have resigned, preventing bloodshed. Farewell, fascist scum, and may you see the error of your ways.
Taldaani Government Communique
To: Psov
We are taking offensive action against The Upper Congo. However, we have reason to believe that certain nations may try to hinder our attempts. If it is not too much to ask, could we have your assistance?
Taldaani Government Communique
26-11-2004, 21:57
We will not tolerate this flagrant and villainous violation of the most basic human rights. The Oprenokov Doctrine pledges us to fight this grave injustice, and so we shall take it upon ourselves, joined by the other nations of the world, to remove the current Upper Congo administration from power before it can do more damage.
President & General Secretary Sean Matthews
Soviet State of Hrstrovokia
Industrial Experiment
26-11-2004, 22:26
From the desk of Governer McLagherty
You know, I wish you hadn't done that.
Due to increases in hostile words and actions towards the soveriegn nation of The Upper Congo, the 12th Carrier Battlegroup and the 2nd Air Assault and Seizure Wing will be deployed to the region, providing The Upper Congo gives their assent. Should such permission not be given, the 12th Carrier Battlegroup will be tagged on with the 7th and 8th Battlegroups to begin a military blockade of the area, preventing any forces hostile to The Upper Congo from entering Congan waters. This blockade will be positioned in international waters, it will not stop merchant shipping of any kind, it will not stop military forces friendly to The Upper Congo, but it will not hesitate to obliterate any hostile forces that attempt to run it.
Do we have your permission to interfere within your borders, Congo? I give you my personal word that we will not harm your government or your citizentry in any way.
ETA for the fleet is 5-8 days, depending on weather conditions and on whether or not the 12th can be prepped in time. The 2nd AAS Wing has an ETA of 36 hours after permission for their deployment into the Congo is recieved from the Congan government.
A single carrier battlegroup consists of the following:
2 Behemoth Class Supercarrier
1 Yorktown Class Fleet Carrier
1 Arizona Class Refitted Shore Bombardment and Guided Missile Battleship
2 Kirov Class AEGIS Guided Missile Battlecruisers
5 Arleigh Burke Class Guided Missile Destroyers
4 Ohio Class Cruiser Missile Submarines
8 Seawolf Class Fast Attack Submarines
All ships are not entirely faithful to original designs as Principality Engineers have been tinkering with them for years
Air Assault and Siezure Wings are air-mobile forces similar to the Navy's marines
They consist of 3380 total men. They are based out of FARFABs ( They have the materials to contruct and the personnel to man 15 FARFABs.
There are 1,380 total ground troops with 630 of them being offensive infantry and 750 being guardsmen for the FARFABs. There are 750 total pilots among the various groups. 975 are logistics related personnel. 200 are construction crews for the FARFABs.
They are transported on modified C-130's and V-25's.
We will not tolerate this flagrant and villainous violation of the most basic human rights. The Oprenokov Doctrine pledges us to fight this grave injustice, and so we shall take it upon ourselves, joined by the other nations of the world, to remove the current Upper Congo administration from power before it can do more damage.
President & General Secretary Sean Matthews
Soviet State of Hrstrovokia
TO: Hrstrovokia
FROM: Ratheia
Ratheia is preparing for an attack on Parthia in the near future. We can provide you with some large and painful things in the near future.
26-11-2004, 22:49
One word - War
President & General Secretary Sean Matthews
Soviet State of Hrstrovokia
27-11-2004, 00:30
An estimated five thousand protesters have been keeping vigil outside the Upper Congonese embassy in Slaytanicca. As the deadline approached, an infantry company of the I Slaytaniccan regiment "Bloodguard" were dispatched to ensure the protest remained peaceful. After the news broke, the troops were forced to hold them back from the embassy. Several bricks have been thrown through windows, and weapons have been discharged into the air. In addition, three soldiers were wounded when a badly thrown petrol bomb broke against the side of the building. We fear the situation may escalate into a riot.
I must speak for my people, and it is their wish that soldiers in your nation be withdrawn from friendly station. Transport will be arriving for them within twenty four hours. Any molestation of our forces will be taken as an act of aggression.
We realise times have been hard in your country of late, but must condemn your recent actions. We hope there will be no further souring of relations between us, and certainly no more needless suffering.
Jeff C Gorevomit, Slaytanicca
The Upper Congo
27-11-2004, 00:45
I'm sorry but 5,000 protestors ain't gonna hinder my efforts. Maybe you should hose them down with a water cannon. Smelly hippies, they need the bloody shower anyway. Or maybe I should tell the bodyguards of that embassy to go club some protestors... What do you think?
Industrial Experiment, we accept your plans to stop an invasion an we will give you the full support of the whole of Our Navy. With your Navy, GHI's and mine few will pass.
All prisoners released! All prisoners were released today, even those whom were working for outside corporations. Sorry. 14,000 Communists were released and sent back home to whereever they may have come from, also the Loyalists were also sent back home. 7,000 went back to where they belonged. No further Political Arrests have been made..
The Goverment has made New Laws saying anyone involved in any sort of drug case i.e supplying, using and shipping in will be immediatly executed without further questioning. It has also been surveyed that there is now 70% less drug users and attempts to smuggle then in than before the goverment came.
Glory and Peace Everlasting to the New Government!
The Upper Congo
27-11-2004, 00:47
Hopefully this ordeal will bring peace.
Hopefully this ordeal will bring peace.
OOC: Well we're at war, so eventually there will most likely be peace, but that'll take a while, wont it?
27-11-2004, 00:57
Upper Congo,
We are still in the buisiness of withdrawing troops, although we regret this course of action is necessary. They will be available as peacekeeping forces in the event of future threat to your nation.
As for your suggestion we will take no such action against a crowd of civillians, but are in the process of safely evacuating your diplomats and guard as we speak - we sincerely believe it safest for all if they cooperate, and hopefully they can be restored to the embassy building by nightfall if it is their wish.
We commend you for the recent release of prisoners - they have been well informed now that it is not their time, and we believe this show of mercy will go a long way in rekindling their trust in the government, preventing such an uprising from occuring again.
About your recent legeslation - will the new drug laws affect our diplomats?
Jeff C Gorevomit, Slaytanicca
The Upper Congo
27-11-2004, 01:01
If your diplomat's bring in drugs, or intend to use, we will have to try them in the court of law. The punishment will be your's to make. Be imaginative though.
27-11-2004, 01:05
Due to the progressively democract moves on behalf of the Upper Congo government, a quickly assembled session of the JCS [Joint Chiefs of Staff] has concluded that BattleGroup Liberation cancel it's planned deployment to the South Atlantic. We shall observe further developments in the Upper with intense interest.
President & General Secretary Sean Matthews
Soviet State of Hrstrovokia
Da Wolverines
27-11-2004, 01:12
To Psov, Taldaani and Hrstrovokia respective leaders.
From Jason 'Wolf' McLane, leader of Da Wolverines
Although we have decided to wait before fully engaging ourselves in this conflict, be assured that you all have support of the Wolverine people and leaders.
Know that, if necessary, we'll provide you with support from our recently refitted Air Force. Also, while we are usually peaceful, we Wolverines come from a long tradition of warring tribes. Thus, maybe we'll also spare some of our best FAR commando units.
In the meantime, if you manage to get past Upper Congo's defenses, be assured to avoid collateral damage. Don't forget you're supposed to put down the government, don't start shooting civilians or you shall be seen as the same as Upper Congo in our eyes.
We hope you'll be able to avoid any more massacres, one was already too much.
Jason McLane, leader of Da Wolverines
27-11-2004, 01:15
Upper Congo,
Very well. Unfortunately, the current diplomat and many of his guards have no wish to remain in your country, and we do not desire to pressure them into staying against his will. We will appoint a new ambassador immediately. You have my word that the man or woman filling this post will be neither inexperienced nor a frequent drug user. We respect your wishes, and no substances illegal in your country will be brought onto your soil by our administration.
Jeff C Gorevomit, Slaytanicca
OOC: Hmm.. might it make a good RP in the future if my guy/girl gets some coke or something smuggled in? Also dude, are your guys coming out of your embassy?
The Upper Congo
27-11-2004, 01:19
Could be. I have decided that my men will come out of the embassy.
27-11-2004, 01:28
We believe the new drug laws enacted by the government of Upper Congo to be arcane and oppressive. There is no need to execute recreational drug users, they are only trying to enhance their consciousness. Upper Congo should also declare a total amnesty to all detainee's and a public apology for their wrongful incarceration.
President & General Secretary Sean Matthews
Soviet State of Hrstrovokia
27-11-2004, 01:39
To: Upper Congo
From:The United Socialist States of Quatonia
For your genocide commited against our comrades we will aresst and suspend habius corpus for all your nationals in our country if you do not send your political prisioners to us. Concider this your final warning.
27-11-2004, 01:50
Industrial Experiment:
We trust that your forces will recognise our craft and allow them to pass. We are moving friendly troops off Conganese soil, and have no wish to further involve ourselves with conflict in this nation.
We trust that your threat is empty. Please, detain no nationals of Upper Congo. They have no role in this whatsoever.
The street behind the Upper Congo embassy was empty of protesters, troops having blocked access hours ago. At five past six pm, dusk in Autumn Slaytanicca, troops opened a small, nondescript door in the rear of the building. The Upper Conganese guards and diplomats were hastily moved to a building backing it, where they were given hooded black Slaytaniccan army parkas and escorted into diplomatic VW busses. Several protesters realised what was happening and took to throwing rocks and bottles at the busses, but they left unhindered. They were driven to a hotel in the govenment administrational district, where Regement I Bloodguard security had been stepped up dramatically.
The Upper Congo
27-11-2004, 02:04
To: Upper Congo
From:The United Socialist States of Quatonia
For your genocide commited against our comrades we will aresst and suspend habius corpus for all your nationals in our country if you do not send your political prisioners to us. Concider this your final warning.
I got your little message, here it is: The United Socialist States of Quatonia
Received: 18 minutes ago Please send your political prisoners to us. If not we will begin to fund your enemies and our comrades!
A simple threat from a simple person. Anyway Political Prisoners have families you know. I refuse to send them to your country.
Also to all those whom object to the new drug laws: I don't care.
27-11-2004, 02:07
To-Upper Congo Government
From-Doomingsland Imperial Government
Greetings fellow crusader against communism,
We have taken note of the measures your nation has taken against
the plague known as communism, and would like to take this
oppurtunity to offer aid in the form of weapons and supplies.
Currently, we are able to donate three million XM8 rifles, two
thousand M1A2 main battle tanks, four thousand M2A3 IFVs, and two
hundred F/A22 Raptors. We would also like to send one thousand
advisors to train your military in the use of these weapons, and
advanced defencivetactics that could be used against an invading
army. All of thiswill be free of charge, and is only to ensure good
lasting relations between our nations. We hope for a quick response.
OOC:A response would be nice...
The Upper Congo
27-11-2004, 02:27
Oh yeah, sorry. Yeah. We Accept.
Industrial Experiment
27-11-2004, 03:02
Industrial Experiment:
We trust that your forces will recognise our craft and allow them to pass. We are moving friendly troops off Conganese soil, and have no wish to further involve ourselves with conflict in this nation.
From the desk of Governer McLagherty
Of course, as I stated before, all non-hostile ships will be allowed in and out.
27-11-2004, 03:07
If it is the intention of Upper Congo to avert conflict and bring about a period of peace, then why is the government accepting massive amounts of military aid? Why have they not declared an amnesty and apologised to those imprisoned simply for their political beliefs?
President & General Secretary Sean Matthews
Soviet State of Hrstrovokia
27-11-2004, 03:41
OOC: IE, yeah I know dude, my guy was just being facecious :)
27-11-2004, 03:47
Message from the Maldathian Government
Our government has decided that your actions were unjust. Therefore we declare war on your country and to liberate any other people who are being oppressed by your communistic government. I will be landing on your shores when our regions troops reach your borders.
27-11-2004, 03:53
OOC:War thread (, in case anyone is interested..
(Maldaathi, they aren't communists dude. They just killed a bunch of communists. Sorry.)
The Upper Congo
27-11-2004, 12:03
I doubt that you're men will get very far into my country without being massacred. Anyway I am only accepting military aid because we know that some people won't have peace without a good fight an so I am only taking what is being offered to me.
I doubt that you're men will get very far into my country without being massacred. Anyway I am only accepting military aid because we know that some people won't have peace without a good fight an so I am only taking what is being offered to me.
OOC: Dude you have 18 million people, and 1 ally, i don't know your tech cause you still haven't posted it, what makes you think i will get massacred?
The Upper Congo
27-11-2004, 15:09
I have 2 allies actually. Anyway back to the game.