Park n shop announces flying garbage blimps
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 15:51
Our glorious omnipotent ruler today announced that we shall be deploying flying garbage blimps.
these blimps will pick garbage up from all of our citizens, and then dump their loads over bordering countries.
"This will solve our garbage problem and will also create an environment wher we will be able to foster communications with our neighbours" said a government representative.
PNS Newsline
Red Tide2
24-11-2004, 15:55
"If even one of these fly over our island... we will shoot it down."
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 15:57
and then what? with a blimp-load of garbage?...I think not!
Camel Eaters
24-11-2004, 16:04
Try it. We have AA missiles strong enough to vaporize the entire blimp. AHve a nice day.
24-11-2004, 16:05
should ONe of these Garbage blimps be seen in the vicinity of Blacktower borders, we shall take is as a sign of war and will react acordingly.
I'v got some slums you could dump it on. No one here really likes the poor anyway, and they already smell like garbage. Just try and make sure theres some leftover food in there so i can kick those bastards out of our welfare plan
24-11-2004, 16:10
I'v got some slums you could dump it on. No one here really likes the poor anyway, and they already smell like garbage. Just try and make sure theres some leftover food in there so i can kick those bastards out of our welfare plan
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 16:18
dearest cahoo, we could emabrk on an international arrangement.
slums are abhorrent, and should be treated as the garbage which they are. We will be only too happy to aid you in your quest to beautify your country.
The Merchant Guilds
24-11-2004, 16:19
OOC: Heh, amusing.
Should anyone of those blimps enter Guild Airspace we will consider it an act of aggression. We would then procede to buy a lot of waste from other countries and drop it via heavy bomber into your country in retribution.
The Guild of External Affairs,
i do fear we will have to charge you a Safe Passage tax though, as our air ways are highly restricted. Last week we began a program to shoot down rain that came too close our borders. You can never be too safe, ya know
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 16:35
a safe passage tax is logically nonsensible?
it should be us who are charging you a safe passage tax, as should an accident occur if we were transporting garbage over your country, you would be the one which suffered the consequences.
24-11-2004, 16:40
any blimps near my terertory will result in a retatory nuclear strike.
well,we would of course shoot you down over our slums, but it is you who would have to pay for a new blimp. We would then use your blimp to dump our own garbage on our poor, and possibly start a garbage trade with foreign nations to bring their garbage back to our slums. so whatever suits you i suppose
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 16:44
dear sephriot comrade,
why do you have to be so confrontational?
maybe a discussion would help?
nukes don't solve problems, they just create more....I feel you are a follower of the bushism policy
24-11-2004, 16:46
it's sephrioth
and i am a bushist go to hell
The Imperial Navy
24-11-2004, 16:46
Official Imperial response:
Meh. Who cares. This is uninteresting.
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 16:49
nice diplomacy....I feel you will have much work to do in future negotiations
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 16:50
to our imperial comrades,
we wholeheartedly agree with your opinion.
The Imperial Navy
24-11-2004, 16:51
nice diplomacy....I feel you will have much work to do in future negotiations
Sephy is a bit... sensitive.
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 17:00
I see a parallell with a certain government.. :P
We of Cotland will shoot down any blimp approaching our borders. Our missile batteries along the border have allready been placed in the highest peacetime alert because of the ongoing nuclear conflict between Park n shop and Sephrioth.
I hope for a peaceful end to be found in the mentioned nuclear conflict as well as in the conflict regarding the garbage blimps we will shoot down on sight (assuming they have, or are about to enter Cottish airspace).
24-11-2004, 17:03
I think these blimps are a great idea. If you wish, Hamanistan can set up locations near its boarders for you to dump in. It will have a yellow ring around it and will be 45ft deep. Also if any nation does shoot down one of your blimps, if this is agreed on, I will consider it an act of war on Hamanistsan and its people.
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 17:13
we thank the nation of hamanistan for it's generous and gratious offer, we would however like to point out one real fact.
Any nation which shoots down one of our garbage blimps will then be guilty of polluting the nation which said garbage falls into...if they had left the blimp alone, it wouldn't have polluted that country!
so as an aside to any country that is considering shooting one of our blimps careful where you down our will suddenly become your garbage problem!
we now have agreements with countries who are prepared to allow us dumping access, if you let us pass unhindered, all is fine...but if you shoot us down, you are then guilty of dumping!
we thank the nation of hamanistan for it's generous and gratious offer, we would however like to point out one real fact.
Any nation which shoots down one of our garbage blimps will then be guilty of polluting the nation which said garbage falls into...if they had left the blimp alone, it wouldn't have polluted that country!
so as an aside to any country that is considering shooting one of our blimps careful where you down our will suddenly become your garbage problem!
we now have agreements with countries who are prepared to allow us dumping access, if you let us pass unhindered, all is fine...but if you shoot us down, you are then guilty of dumping!
We in Cotland believe in peace, and are willing to allow blimps to pass, but we wish to be informed when they will be passing, so that we can contact our missile crews and order them not to fire at the blimps.
Any blimp that drops garbage on Cotland will be arrested and a fine of $250,000 will be issued to the nation owning the blimp (in this case, Park n shop). No taxes will be demanded for the passage, not now, nor ever.
Will you agree on these terms Park n shop?
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 17:25
that's more like it cotland!...although I feel your price is a little steep!
also is it the same price for one drop of garbage compared to a full load? that case, it's almost worth outr while to dump over your country!
we are fully committed to talk about this though.
24-11-2004, 17:42
sephrioth may consider lowering their retaliaton to a cruise missile
24-11-2004, 20:27
The Empire has decided that if any of these "garbage blimp's" enters our airspace, we will counter by launching, for each blimp, one Super Sonic Cruise Missile to military targets in the Nation of Park n shop.
***End Message***
that's more like it cotland!...although I feel your price is a little steep!
also is it the same price for one drop of garbage compared to a full load? that case, it's almost worth outr while to dump over your country!
we are fully committed to talk about this though.
It's preliminary price speculations. The actual price need How much will your blimps carry? The price for a full load will be substantially higher. You have my assurances! Also note that if garbage is dropped over Cotland, we will arrest the blimp and its crew, and issue a hefty fine (how high is yet to be determined). Also, our Air Force will intercept your blimps. Either with our new 'Javelin' AA-missiles (thanks to Praetonia, we have production rights! :) ) or with our state of the art fighter jets.
We are always willing to sit down and discuss matters. After all, our country's motto is "peace is the way".
:D :sniper:
24-11-2004, 21:12
Although we are space faring and in an out of the way section of space nobody ever visits, if you wish to dump on one of our planets go ahead. The powers of the AEther prevent the environment from being destroyed. We descovered this by accident be cause we have tried, quite sadistically to destroy the environment. It always turns the trash into something more useful, like a wall of junk, you can never really get rid of a wall of junk.