Park n shop announces nuclear testing plan
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 15:16
Our glorious kingdom has decided to conduct nuclear tests off our northern shores forthwith.
initial tests will be with a 50 megaton device, and will conclude with the testing of a 400 megaton nuclear explosion.
neighbouring countries are advised not to worry about effects of these tests, however, deep-breathing should be avoided immediately after the tests have been carried out.
24-11-2004, 16:02
just a note, the largest Nuclear device ever detonated was the Tsar Bomb (Russian, go figure) and it had a possible yield of 100 MT. It was altered at the last moment to produce a detonation of 50 MT.
a 400 MT explosion would sink Australia lol.
24-11-2004, 16:04
also Im curious to know how a November Nation has Nuclear devices at all, let alone a 400 MT one.
Camel Eaters
24-11-2004, 16:06
umm... *Looks around nervously* We didn't sell nukes to them. *clears throat* We're pretty sure we didn't anyway.
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 16:14
our scientists are the envy of the modern world, coupled with our new technology gleaned from our recent altlantis discovery, a 400 megaton device is a puppy compared to what we can now do!
sinking australia is childs-play...we are seeking a deterrent...a real deterrent!
24-11-2004, 16:16
aims 10 demon class 7000 megatone nuclear weapons at park and shop.
try me
24-11-2004, 16:16
Blacktower wishes to voice their disdane towards this event. Under no circumstances should a Nation of such small size and so young of age have access to Nuclear Arms. We are against this event.
24-11-2004, 16:22
OOC the nation of sephrioth is not exactly young.
high command
sir we need permision to launch all avilabble nuclear weapons at parkandshop.
permision granted
silos 1-10 ten missiles take off target confirmed fired.
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 16:24
our glorious country cares not one fig what any other heathen nation thinks about our plans.
however, should any uneducated nation wish to donate cash and technological aid to us in order to dissuade us from our ambitions, it would be viewed in a favourable light.
We are fully aware that we are the shining light of technology, faith, and tolerance in this world, if any nation deems themselves worthy of askingt for enlightenment be requesting help, we are only too glad to assist.
The Merchant Guilds
24-11-2004, 16:27
OOC: those same nations could squash without really noticing you had been there :).
We would remind Park n Shop that this form of hostile worded diplomacy is not conduitive to them gaining a place of respect in the international arena.
The Guild of External Affairs,
24-11-2004, 16:29
two donar statigic bombers go towards park and shop armed with sarin gas bombs and 10 bomber droped demon nukes.
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 16:30
the Kingdom of Park n shop this morning launched a 700 megaton muclear warhead toward the Dark empire of Seprioth, as a direct result of an onprovoked attack on it's borders.
It is expected that the destruction from such a device will be immense,
a source in the PNS government was quoted as saying "well, they asked for it!"
24-11-2004, 16:33
im a space tech nation the misslie was shot down you want an all out nuclear war you got it.
24-11-2004, 16:33
As the Seprioth aircraft descended, McLeodian fighters appeared,as if from nowhere. As An AL-52 dealt quickly with the nuclear weapons, the fighters launched nearly 200 missiles at the ten bombers, and another fourty at the two donar strategic bombers.
To: Sepriothian Government
From: King Michael McLeod
Leave him the hell alone. Or I might be forced to take more dramatic steps, and trust me, they won't be pleasant.
24-11-2004, 16:34
20000 demon nuclear missiles launched taget park and shop
24-11-2004, 16:39
he fired first im fighting back
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 16:41
our country is under an unprovoked attack from another nation.
we have tried to retaliate, but have been unsuccessful.
Our only hope hope is that you, the international community will do something to stop this genocide.
The perpretators should also be punished for these evil war crimes, we have suffered 25,000 casualties up till now as a direct result of this unprovoked aggression.
Please help us!
24-11-2004, 16:43
you struck us first and i think 20000 demon clas nukes would do more damage each one has a 7000 megaton warhead.
arm the second wave of merciles angel nerve gas missiles.
24-11-2004, 16:46
Seph - Did you even bother to read those tips I gave you via TG?
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 16:46
I fired first????
"silos 1-10 ten missiles take off target confirmed fired."
my attack was in retaliation to this.
now who is wrong?
24-11-2004, 16:48
screw this silos 1- 3000 arm and fire target park and shop
24-11-2004, 16:52
Sephrioth - Just stop. Its no wonder people ridicule you. One line RPs are pointless. You add nothing to them. Who is giving these orders? How do you have the space for 3000 silos? And 20,000 7 gigaton warheads would destroy the entire planet, including yourself.
Take my advice. Read other people's RPs, read the stickies, and try again. That way, people might not ignore you, and are more likely to RP with you. But from what I've heard, you don't listen, so I don't even know why I wrote this post.
We, Cotland, wish to express our feelings in regard of the ongoing conflict between Park and shop and Sephrioth in saying that we wish to remain neutral, and ask both parties respectfully to sieze fire and sit down at the negotiation table at once.
We are placing our forces in highest peacetime alert. Just don't misfire at our country, trespass our borders or start fighting inside our territory, or we will escort, sink or shoot down the trespassers away from Cottish sovereign territory.
24-11-2004, 16:52
***Across Shazbotdom TV's Change to a scene of the Imperial Palace***
The Emporer steps out and sits down on his throne. He then clears his throat after looking at some papers for a minute.
Emporer's Speach:
"People of Shazbotdom and the world. I come before you in the gravest of situations, The Nation of Park n shop has begun nuclear testing today. We condemn the acts of Said Nation and ask that they disarm their nuclear weapons and disband their nuclear program. Neighboring nations are at risk from said nation and their test as the fallout could not only contaminate the water supply, but blow his entire region off of the planet. We hope that other nations around the world will help stop said nation from their testing by announcing themselves and demanding that said nation stops."
With that, the Emporer stands up from his throan, takes a gracious bow, and then exits the room to the left as the camera that was pointed at him zooms out slowly.
Easy green
24-11-2004, 16:56
Can anyone else smell somethng..... yes i can smell something its a load of Bull shit.
24-11-2004, 16:56
cotland stand down
2 arch angle stealth bombers take off
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 16:57
as a result of bad manufacturing, over 90% of the missiles aimed at our glorious country either missed, or failed to explode.
as a direct result, we lost only 10,000 citizens.
Although this is a large number (especially when added to the 25,000 citizens which perished in the previous strike) we have decided to not retaliate, instead, we wish that the international community would see this act of aggression, and act upon it.
A country that initiates nuclear strikes on a whim is a dangerous one, and should be convinced that this is not the route to take.
Negotiation is the key.
24-11-2004, 16:59
they drop thier paylond of neve gass on park and shop
24-11-2004, 17:03
stand down nuclear weapons but ready a few volleys of anthrax
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 17:05
ah, a biochem weapon attack.
I propose an embargo on The Dark empire of Sephrioth for violating existing rules on chemical and biological warfare.
I also ask for aid from other countries to stamp out the manufacturing of these weapons in The Dark empire of Sephrioth.
This aggression should not be allowed to continue!
24-11-2004, 17:06
The entirety of Bomber command launches in one massive strike mission. After barely a few hours, they reach their launch positions. Between them, they launch a total of 12,744 cruise missiles at Sephrioths silos and airfields. Each is fitted with two bays containing fuel and dispensers, and an igniting warhead. The result was more than twelve thousand fuel-air explosives heading towards Sephrioth. The losses would be incredulous, but should easily shut down most, if not all, of the Sephriothian military 'might'.
24-11-2004, 17:07
The entirety of Bomber command launches in one massive strike mission. After barely a few hours, they reach their launch positions. Between them, they launch a total of 12,744 cruise missiles at Sephrioths silos and airfields. Each is fitted with two bays containing fuel and dispensers, and an igniting warhead. The result was more than twelve thousand fuel-air explosives heading towards Sephrioth. The losses would be incredulous, but should easily shut down most, if not all, of the Sephriothian military 'might'.
OoC: For god sakes Mcleod, stop killing Seph! Let him kill that other n00b!
And get over here, I need you to set up that machine near our hole.
24-11-2004, 17:08
OOC: Lol. But I wanna. It'll make pretty patterns.....
Ah hell, back to digging that hole. Its gonna need to be about a hundred feet deep if this blows up.
Easy green
24-11-2004, 17:09
damn it this is funny, but iv gota say enough is enough guess your rp skils blow the goat for the sake of everyone just shut up
cotland stand down
2 arch angle stealth bombers take off
OOC: If you read my post, you will see that my forces are on the highest peacetime alert, meaning that they will not fire unless fired upon, or foreign forces cross our borders and display hostile intent (invading our sovereignty).
IC: We will not stand down, but we will not fire first either. We are only protecting our borders and our sovereign territory. I urge you once again to sit down and at least try to solve this conflict diplomaticly, and not the way of the sword, or in this case, the way of the nuke.
24-11-2004, 17:11
2000 dragon anhthrax missiles are launched at park and shop
24-11-2004, 17:11
Let them play. It is clear from the threads I have read that no matter how old Sephrioths' nation is, he is still on NOOB level. It is also clear from the few posts in this thread Park n Shop is also a NOOB. Let them be the children they so obviously are while, the grown ups go somewhere else and have a serious RP.
24-11-2004, 17:12
Sephrioth - Post losses. I launched enough missiles to flatten most of the USA. So i expect serious casualties.
24-11-2004, 17:13
as a result of bad manufacturing, over 90% of the missiles aimed at our glorious country either missed, or failed to explode.
as a direct result, we lost only 10,000 citizens.
OOC: Park n shop, Thats called godmodding. You cannot declare that his nukes were built wrong and that some missed or didn't explode. ONLY HE can say what happens with his nukes. You just say how many people were killed or how many buildings were destroyed and what not. He controls his property and you control yours. You DO NOT control his property and he DOES NOT control yours. Understood?
24-11-2004, 17:14
OOC i have ignored your attack .
IC rearm nuclear weapons and and arm the oni clas 10 gigaton missile
Easy green
24-11-2004, 17:15
Just leave em mate they will never learn.
24-11-2004, 17:16
OOC: Park n shop, Thats called godmodding. You cannot declare that his nukes were built wrong and that some missed or didn't explode. ONLY HE can say what happens with his nukes. You just say how many people were killed or how many buildings were destroyed and what not. He controls his property and you control yours. You DO NOT control his property and he DOES NOT control yours. Understood?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That has to be the first time anyone involved in Sephrioths "rp" has been called a godmodder. Have you even read what Sephrioth posts? It's absolute garbage.
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 17:17
understood shaz...
however, due to the seemingly implausible strengths that he is throwing in my direction, I deemed it only fair.
24-11-2004, 17:17
OOC i have ignored your attack .
IC rearm nuclear weapons and and arm the oni clas 10 gigaton missile
OOC: Really? Why is that Seph? Can't take losing? No fun? Then leave NS.
Easy green
24-11-2004, 17:17
if its so shit why did you post in here and incourage him
24-11-2004, 17:17
ten oni class nukee are lunch 200 demon class and 1000000 pa 45 'phoenix nuclear missiles launced target park and shop.
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 17:19
our country invokes our self-invented "dickhead-sheild"...thereby preventing any further damage from The Dark empire of Sephrioth.
Easy green
24-11-2004, 17:20
Bloody hell one of the noobs has learnt, congrats mate welcome to the we ignore Sephrioth club
24-11-2004, 17:20
you afraid of one masive attack?
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 17:22
thanks green...I was just wondering how far he would go...obviously he's a total annihilation sort of guy.
24-11-2004, 17:23
you become an enemy of the sephrioth empire beprepared to be totaly annihlatied
Easy green
24-11-2004, 17:24
S'ok, took your time though anywho i advise we all leave Sephrioth to his own devices and go drink large amounts of beer
24-11-2004, 17:25
next target easy green
Easy green
24-11-2004, 17:27
LOL oh dear i wondered when you might try this
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 17:30
our glorious Kingdom of Park n shop would like it to be know worldwide, that The Dark empire of Sephrioth is obviously a country governed by a complete knob.
we would also like to apologise to all countries who were inconvenienced by our meeting with this dickhead-of-all-nations.
may the farts be with you.
24-11-2004, 17:31
We the Slivers of Warhaven are amused with the childlike antics of Sephrioth.
24-11-2004, 17:33
OOC: Lets get back on track.
***Newsroom of the Shazbotdom News Network***
"This is Jack Ryan with a news brief. The Emporer, in a startling press conference earlier today, condemned the Nation of Park n shop for their nuclear tests and that they are putting their neighbors at high risk for death from the nuclear fallout that will ensure. The message was broadcasted across Shazbotdom and even shown on the large screens in downtown Shazinaria. Lets take to the streets for reactions from the populace," he says and then turns sideways a little and an inset show's in the upper righthand corner of the screen. "John, what do you have for us?"
**On the street in downtown Shazinaria**
"Well Jack, i just got out here a minute ago. Lets see what people think," he says. He stops a pedestrian, "What do you think about the Emporer's decree earlier today?"
"Well. I think that it's great that the Emporer is trying to make the world a better place by trying to have younger nations not get nuclear technology so quick," says the loyalist. "I mean, look at what happened before a few times, a young nation got a hold of nukes and then they tried nuking their neighbors to get more land. We just can't let that happen again."
"Thank you for your insight," he says to the loayalist. He turns back to the camera and then says, "Back to you in the studio Jack."
**Back in the studio**
"Thank you, John," he says. "Now in other news, testing has begun on new metals for a space craft to start exploring our close planitary neighbors..."
24-11-2004, 17:35
Our glorious kingdom has decided to conduct nuclear tests off our northern shores forthwith.
initial tests will be with a 50 megaton device, and will conclude with the testing of a 400 megaton nuclear explosion.
neighbouring countries are advised not to worry about effects of these tests, however, deep-breathing should be avoided immediately after the tests have been carried out.
((OOC:You really need to be at least a month old to have nuclear capabilities, usually two. And a 400MT bomb is plain godmodding.
Also, Spehrioth is a severe godmod. What is is doing is godmodding. Ignoreing him is usually possible.))
24-11-2004, 17:36
200 medic and anti radiation teams deployed to park and shop
24-11-2004, 17:40
condiser it our way to atone for the billions of us . dollors we wasted
24-11-2004, 17:41
I am happy to see some peace for once.
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 17:41
our glorious nation wishes no harm on any of our neighbours.
all tests will be performed in a double-clad steel and lead enclosure at the bottom of a 3,000ft well.
no radiation exposure will be felt outside the immediate vicinity.
our country is committed to maintaining friendly relations with our neighbours, and as such, we will ensure provision of all measures necessary to maintain security in the area.
24-11-2004, 17:45
the sephrioth medics wis or permision to assit
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 17:49
your medics are most graciously welcome in our glorious land.
24-11-2004, 17:52
we are deploying anti radition teams to and remember next time i wont be so leinenet
24-11-2004, 17:57
and you must pay sephrioth 20 percent of your gpd for 20 ns years
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 18:01
what foolery is this? offer of help and then a demand for payment?
your medical staff are no longer welcome in our land!
bother us no more!
24-11-2004, 18:05
my medical staf were free comansation for firing at me
ic ready anothe volly of oni nuclear missiles. :mp5:
24-11-2004, 18:14
so back of or i will fire them
Park n shop
24-11-2004, 18:18
back what off?....turn off my anti-dickhead shield?
I don't think so!
24-11-2004, 18:22
pay up or i wont clean you land up
Independent Wiccans
24-11-2004, 18:37
I fire a 70000 gigaton extra-super-fast light speed ignore missile straight at Park n shop.... and tbh I think Sephrioth is kinda funny in his own little way :p
My old nation of Coldorra was a tiny two month nation when it got nuclear missiles and that was considered something of a stretch. Basically it took about four gigantic nations backing my claim up to confirm it.
24-11-2004, 19:33
*Feels underpowered then remembers he has the NOVAE*