The Dragon Stirs - MW Closed RP
North Yaman
24-11-2004, 08:03
OOC Note: This roleplay is for nations in the modern world rp, including countries such as Spyr, Xiaguo and LRR. There are a few notes on North Yaman itself before the full rp.
North Yaman Stats
Official name: Socialist Federal Dominion of North Yaman, lyong- Yamanbei
Population : 15 million
Ethnicity: Mostly native Lyong culture, this cultural ethnic group being divided into Kaiokeni, Helekaru and Yamani. There are also 100,000 Saiyan living on the Heletai plain, and 10,000 Chi-geren in the mountain stronghold of Karak Rhun. Tribal groups make up an estimated 10% of the population. These are mainly Yamani tribal groups that survived the formation of the SFD.
Major cities : Mioka-ro (capital), Michi, Arentaka, Shi-Daoken, Kaiomachi, Enkou, Yagiri
Country Infrastructure:
-Eight major highways
-Two airports, Mioka-ro and Kaiomachi
-Major railway divides the nation, and then loops around the northern border with Xiaguo to meet Spyran Tagan
Borders: Includes nations of LRR, Xiaguo(along current chinese/russian border), Spyr, and Tord. This last was connected with in the recent annexation of the Ogakar plain, which has given the nation access to the Japan Sea.
Treaties: Lyong Treaty, Shining Sphere of Revolutionary Co-prosperity member, former Asian Alliance member
Modern History:
1956-Eiji Jidoshin born in a small village outside of the city state of Michi
1960's-Spyr, occupied with annexations of Tagan and Metaken territories in aid of local Strainist uprisings, is unable to aid the growing problem of a Strainist rebellion against the Saiyan overlords of the Northern Heletai plain. Advisors are sent to the Eastern tribes of the Yamani, and the Major houses of Sawa, Mekura, Mai and Man are formed. Under the guidance and leadership of Taran Jidoshin-ki, leader of the five animist priest castes, the Original Council forms out of hundreds of representatives from tribes in Yaman. A Tordian crusade is forced from the country by the coalition.
The Okami-zoku tribe leads a rebellion against reforms and contact with Spyr in the year 1967. With the destruction of the tribal warriors by the Strainist funded Spearguard, the country moved into the Heletai plain and with the combined efforts of the SRA, the Tagan and Kaiokeni guerrillas and the Spearguard, the power of the Saiyan matriarchs was smashed. Following the Kaiokeni Revolutionary war, the nation included most of its present territory.
In the Okami-zoku rebellion, assasins kill Taran Jidoshin-ki and a smaller council is born to run the nation. With a one representative each from four of the priest castes, the four Houses and one from the remaining tribes, the nine person High Council is born.
House Kai, replaced the "fifth House" seat, which had previously been granted to the diverse nomadic tribes, in 1973. Since this time, the traditionalist clans have been represented by the Michinoki priest caste.
Military: The Spearguard and the Arrowguard control the most powerful military might in the nation. They are loyally Strainist, and though they officially report to the High Council, the Generals T'aejo and Kwa are both much more likely to be given an order directly from Eiji Jidoshin, the popular son of the priest martyr.
The Houseguard are local policing forces that act as private armies of the Five Houses. The Spearguard also has policing rights similar to the Spyran design, and a rivalry exists between the two groups. The Houses are not all, however, traditionalist. The nomadic tribes that still exist have some forces, but supply their help to the SFD while staying in a clan system.
Treaties: North Yaman became a nation state under the protection of the Lyong Treaty, and this alliance is stronger than any other. The government was involved in the Asian Alliance before it left under the grounds that the alliance was being poisoned by North American involvement in the Dra-pol wars. Recent involvement in the SSRC has opened up Dra-pol to Yamani oil.
The most recent information from the nation indicates a power struggle between Strainists and Traditionalists in the High Council. The army has occupied the Ogakar plain and is fortifying the new sea access area. There has also been a large buildup of troops along the border with Xiaguo, which is currently in a state of civil war. Refugees are being sent from the border to the Emergency Care District in Spyran southern Tagan, while Helekaru and Tordian refugees of the Warlord conflict are being shipped up along the coastline, past recent fortifications all along the Ogakar shore.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
25-11-2004, 23:01
OK, good to know, now what?
North Yaman
26-11-2004, 19:11
OOC: Sorry QDP, just finishing papers and such before the winter exam period. I'm trying to explain some of the back history of NY before jumping into a roleplay that will most certainly involve a great deal of Yamani culture and history.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
27-11-2004, 04:28
OOC: Sorry QDP, just finishing papers and such before the winter exam period. I'm trying to explain some of the back history of NY before jumping into a roleplay that will most certainly involve a great deal of Yamani culture and history.
Wasn't making a critisism, I am just pretty facsinated by your nation and would like to interact more.
North Yaman
27-11-2004, 10:38
OOC: Ah...righto!
The storm ravaged the streets of Mioka-ro. Factories, schools, government buildings, businesses, all close up as the city copes with the sudden snow fall. The winter outside doesn't touch the Yanheshi Shange however, and in the fortress of the Spearguard things continue much the same as the usually do.
"They're all gone?"
In one of the sub basements of the massive complex beneath tower, a group is gathered about a smooth, dark stone table. Four figures rest in their chairs, and it is the man at one of the heads of the table who speaks.
"Yes Eiji. Those old priests were hard to get rid of, but it was easy enough to make them think they were needed immediately in Marimaia. With Mora and Arentaka in Hudecia, we are all that remains of the High Council in Yaman." Ber Zhang, confidant and friend of Jidoshin, as well as head of Intelligence, replies from her seat of the Kai House.
"The troops are all in place Eiji. With so many movements lately, into Helekar and along the Xiaguo border, it wasn't hard to place a troops in key locations for the planned strikes. Houseguard levies are placed in the north, which will further decrease the Traditionalist power base." Waotaka Motari speaks next, from his seat of the Mekura House.
"And you Hiranuma-ki?"
The last figure, Gemmei Hiranuma, holds the seat of the priest order of Life, known as the Ii-ki. The most radical of the priests in the Council, she has used Strainist doctrine to push for further funding to the healthcare system.
"All the loyal priests are ready, Eiji. Everything is prepared."
"Excellant. Ber, could you please contact the Strainist Council. There is about to be a rather special Strainist Congress."
"What of Strain, Eiji? Will Spyr go along with this?"
"This was my fathers plan Ber. He died to see this come to be. And I think even the hardline Strainists will see this is only a stepping stone, and recognize the need to fit the revolution to the people. Yes...I think he will understand perfectly..."
27-11-2004, 19:24
(OOC: Just to acknowledge the thread. If you want the old priests kept away permanently, all your government has to do is ask. We can give them a permanent sabbatical on one of our islands or something.)
North Yaman
27-11-2004, 21:12
OOC: It may not end up that way...but its good to know you have those islands!
North Yaman
05-12-2004, 10:46
As night falls on Mioak-ro, the lights of the temples on the Hill are lit while the spotlights come on in the Spearguard compound on the opposite side of town. From across the sprawling mass of slums, poor housing residences and factories that make up the capital city, the Council Hill and the Yanheshi tower rise into the night sky.
From out of the bunkers, armouries and warehouses around the Tower, troops move into the night of the sleeping city. Guar trucks move through the dead streets, passing the quiet nightlife of the industrial city. Some speed off into the marshy countryside around the capital, these caravans of trucks moving out the Mai villages. Reaching their positions, the troops wait as the night drags on.
North Yaman
05-12-2004, 11:11
In the years before, and during, the unification of the Yaman and Kaioken territories into North Yaman, Strainist idealists have been present in the nation. The revolution took time to cross the mountains however, and the area was much more deeply entrenched in their traditional beliefs than the rest of Lyong due to centuries of tribal existence and geographical isolation in the Yaman valley that runs up from the Ogakar, into the Yamaki mountains. For this reason, Strainist support developed differently than in Spyr, where Evolutionary Strainists came to dominate the civilian bureaucracy and general population.
Instead, most of the population became Traditionalists, believing that the Strainist government was accepting the sacred mandate of the ancient August Empire. Strain, a descendant of Lyong-ti, was viewed with semi-divine worship akin to the animistic Emperor-worship. This was reinforced with the deployment of the Spyran Sixth Army to Yaman during the Kaiokeni Revolutionary War, as this left many of the Spyran advisors in the country members of the Traditionalist Sixth Army.
Imperialists, viewing Strain as the rightful ruler of all Lyong, and Revolutionary Strainists also drew support from the population. This has created a state obsessed with President Strain of Spyr, with its own traditions holding it back from merging with Spyr. Priests within the High Council and key bureaucracies have not aided the situation by trying to keep NY as seperate from Spyr as possible, aiding in the establishment of the Houseguard forces and the power of these Traditionalist Houses.
North Yaman
06-12-2004, 09:56
[All Lyong words are common to the Lyong language, the native language of the Peninsula.]
Idealogical Divisions within Yaman
Traditionalist Dissidents: A conservative portion of the population that believe in the traditional tribalist life style. Animistic priests and members of nomadic tribes are commonly associated with Dissidents, which was a political entity until the assassination of Taran Jidoshin-ki by the Dissident tribe of the Okami-zoku(wolf tribe).
Traditional Strainists: The majority of the populace believe Strain to be the rightful hier of the August Empire. His Strainist teachings are seen as a way to fulfill a sacred duty to Heaven by promoting the happiness and prosperity of the Universality. This blessed harmony is treasured by those who have been accustomed to petty tribal wars.
Reformers - Divine Imperialists: A group of Traditionalists who believe Strain to be divine figure, sent by the gods to reclaim the August Empire and expand it. Some view Spyr as a modern August Empire, others see the Empire as not yet fully resurrected.
- Revolutionary Strainists: A small portion of mainly younger Yamani believe that those who don't accept Strainism are Counter-Revoltuionaries, not merely ignorant of the Universality, but a major obstacle to the Revolution. They view it as their duty to see Strainist administrations set up in their own, and other, nations.
The Five Houses of Yaman
Mai House: House that developed out of the Mai[dancer] tribe of the Upper Lowlands surrounding Mioka-ro. Known for their unique martial arts which were developed to defeat their Arentaka overlords, the Dancer tribal peoples saw heavy industrialization as oil was found in their marshes and people moved to the Capital for work. Their Houseguard is more just for show, and the region is controlled by the Spearguard. What power the House has independant from the Spearguard is controlled by the powerful Mora family.
Man House: An alliance of the tribal valley states in the Eastern Highlands surrounding Michi, the Man[Mountain] tribe is still strong econmically, controlling the mineral rich, and industrialized, East Highlands. Their Houseguard has a major presence in Michi and the House is controlled by a council from the different Man city states.
Sawa House: The Sawa[River] tribe, led by their matriarchs of the Arentaka line, has long held power in the Lowlands and even challenged the Man tribes to dominance of the East, but following an uprising by the Upper Lowland Mai tribe the power of the House has shrank. It nows controls Arentaka city, on the Ogawa River, and parts of the Lower Lowlands.
Mekura House: A tribe living in the ancient Chi-geren city of Shi-Daoken, this Lyongese tribe defeated the Chi-geren in northern Yaman long ago and developed a Kingdom in the rugged landscape of the North Highlands. The Motari family is the current ruling family, having allied itself with the Traditionalist Strainist cause.
Kai House: Created in the 1970's to represent the Kaiokeni, tribal peoples of the Kai plains surrounding Kaiomachi, recently under the subjugation of the Saiyan people and the Okami-zoku. Freed during the Kaioken Revolutionary War, the Kaioken have been very supportive of the Strainist cause and their Houseguard is none existant. The entire area is controlled by the Spearguard.
The Tribes: There still exist traditional nomadic tribes in North Yaman. The Geren[Giant], Kuma[Bear], Karimaru[Hunter] and Kalasu[Crow] tribal peoples still live in the Western Highlands and have signed treaties with the Spearguard to supply fighting men in times of war. The area is the least developed of NY, excluding the recently annexed Ogakar plain, and Spearguard control is limited to their bases and forts set up in the region.
The four Tsuchinoki orders on the High Council and the Shinenoki/Ba-ki
Tsuchinoki - Priests of the Land. An animist priest. In Yaman, this means the priest belongs to one of five castes.
Ii-ki - Priests of Life - Traditional medicine men and healers of the Yamani tribes, many Ii-ki are now doctors though some continue the old practices. Much of the Yamani population believe in a mixture of the old practices and the new.
Uta-ki - Priests of the Song - Storytellers, entertainers and artists, these priests carry the folklore of the Lyong people. Writers, painters, musicians and other artists can be found in this bardlike order.
Ka-ki - Priests of the Word - The traditional judges of the Yamani, they still control the legal system in Yaman. Chosen by local elections, some are supportive of the Strainists, while others come from more Traditionalist locals.
Michinoki - Priests of the Way - Advisors and teachers, this order of priests have stood by the sides of tribal chieftains for millenia. Nominally in charge of education, however many attain the Strainist schools in Spearguard controlled regions. They also run many of the animistic temples, which makes them the largest order.
Shinenoki - Priest of Death - It is the sacred duty of these priests to deal with the deceased. Cremation is practiced on Lyong, and since the dead are viewed with disgust, these priests practice ritualist purification more so than the average Lyongese. The only Priestly order not to gain representation in the High Council, the last leader of this order was a known Dissident and disappearred after the assassination of Taran.
Ba-ki -Not an order of Tsuchinoki, the barbarian priests are the animistic shamans of the nomadic tribal peoples.
Yan-Heshi: The Spearguard, Yaman's military and police, is heavily Strainist. Divided into the army, which sticks by the original name, and the Arrowguard airforce. General T'aejo is senior in the Spearguard, General Kwa is senior in the Arrowguard, and both report directly to Eiji Jidoshin.
North Yaman
08-12-2004, 09:27
A train whistle was calling out into the night sky. In their homes, the children of the sacred capital city of Mioka Ro slept on, despite the errie whistling. Unhearing, they slept on and also, unhearing from a shaded window in the Yan Heshi Tower, Eiji Jidoshin considered the night. Truck lights could be seen moving into the the marsh that surrounded the city, and lights in the sky proceeded the arrival of an Arrowguard raven transport, with two accompanying Dragonfly attack helicopter escorts.
Striding out onto the roof, Eiji marches by a small Arrowguard squad assigned to the Raven and into the awaiting tilt rotor. Following come two women councillors, Ber Zhang, Kai House councillor and Gemmei Hiranuma-ki, Iiki Seat councillor. As they pass into the night sky, Waotaka Motari is left as the sole Councillor in Mioka Ro.
In the air, Eiji glances at Gemmei, who is starring out at the landscape. Leaning towards Ber, he holds a private conference.
"Has the Central Committee been contacted Ber? I'd hate to arrive in Sithin and find that the President couldn't make it."
"I made it clear that we wished to present our findings to the Committee when it met at the Strainist congress, and all the members should be in Sithin now. I just didn't think we'd have to call an emergency meeting."
"You heard Gemmei's information Ber, and you have your own channels. You know we have to act quickly. Also, this isn't something that the entire Congress should be consulted on. This is more important...tonight could see the birth of a Dragon in Sithin."
The Arrowguard are soon into the mountians and across into the People's Republic of Spyr.
OOC: Fascinating... I'm watching this closely.
North Yaman
11-12-2004, 04:34
- Shenjo village, 10 km outside of Mioka Ro, in the Northern Lowlands Province
It began with a call in the darkness, a dog barking at the outskirts of town. To those not fast asleep in their homes, a light could seen coming up the the dirt road from the capital. From the dark marsh night, Wildcats roam into the village. Military jeeps, marked with the Spearguard ensignia roar up the dirt road. In each jeep, three Spearguard soldiers cradle their Kyu-Hi rifles, and a gunner mans a 12.7mm machine gun. Three of these Wildcats pull into the village, and up the road, past houses ranging from traditional wood/straw circular huts to more modern designs. The drivers slow down to a stop outside the pallisade leading to the courtyard of the local shrine. The multi-topped design of the tower-like shrine loomed over the wall, against which two Houseguard are loitering. Both clutch Ak-47's as the jeeps pull up, and watch as the nine Spearguard pore from the jeeps. After they hit the ground the drivers take up positions to aim the forward rotating machine guns at incoming traffic.
The Guards, nervous with this display of force, are silent and not a little surprised. The Spearguard officier wastes no time in approaching the Houseguard patrol and, without bow or salute, offers up a clipboard.
"Evening gentlemen. I have here a warrant to search these premises, signed by Sub-General Ui Ning in Mioka Ro not an hour ago. You will stand down your guard and proceed to your homes. If you resist or have a complaint, your weapons will be taken from you."
The Houseguard troops surprise turns defensive with this speech, and one approaches the Spearguard.
"This is a Mora family shrine. That puts it under the regulation of the Mai House. You have no jurisdiction here."
"Surrender your rifle now sir."
At this request the Spearguard raise their rifles and point them at the two Houseguard. The one still leaning against the wall drops his AK and kneels on the ground, praying. The talkative Houseguard is suddenly alone, rifle pointed at the Spearguard officier.
"Put the weapon down sir."
The Houseguardman is growing more and more nervous as he points his gun at the other soldiers. Turning his head to all of the squad he continues his defence.
"No! This is not your place! Your filth cannot violate thi-"
His complaint is cut short as the officier draws his Dragonsfire pistol. The lifeless body falls to the gravel, a smoking hole on its forehead.
The Spearguard move forward, collecting the fallen AK's. Some begin attaching bayonets to their rifles as they move towards the shrine wall. Their leader draws his traditional Heron sword and kicks open the gate, sword and pistol in hand.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Strainist Congress Building, Sithin in the People's Republic of Spyr -
The Congress building, being in session for the first time in fifty years, is packed with delegates from Strainists branches in Spyr, North Yaman, Tord and Sujava. This crowd was not sitting when Eiji arrived in the early morning hours of Sithin, but the immense size of the Congress building, sitting across from the Presidential tower, spoke of the numbers that assemble. Through the massive lobby and into a waiting elevator, Eiji and his little group of councillors travel further and further into the under city until they are far beneath the soil. Coming to the Central Committee's meeting room, Eiji pauses, and enters.
Gathered are the Heads of Strainism in their nations. St. Cloud, from Tord, and the Sujavan party head Muchtar Pakpahan are talking on one side of the council table, while Joseph Feeyatamo silently waited on the other side. At the head of the table, a chair was turned away from the gathering.
Motioning for his companions to remain, Eiji entered the room and the Central Committee was met.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-Shenjo village, Mora family branch shrine -
The Spearguard rush into the courtyard and fan out, stalking towards the shrine entrance. The Houseguardman left standing is ordered to stand under the watchful eyes of the Wildcat machine gunners.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Thank you for gathering on such short notice gentlemen, and to you Vice Premier Feeyatamo for standing in the place of Reiden Harsk while he is in Hudecia."
"Assembled heads of the international Strainist movement and President Strain, teacher of the universality, I will not waste my words, or your time here. I have called this emergency meeting to discuss important issues to the continuance of the Revolution in North Yaman, which as I speak could be in serious danger."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The courtyard behind them, the Spearguard move into the shrine's front rooms. Splitting into groups of three, the soldiers branch off and move deeper into the temple.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"North Yaman did not undergo the Revolutionary War that Spyr and Tagan did. It's populace was never fully absorbed into the Revolution, and counter revolutionary elements went underground with the all too sudden defeat of the Okami-zoku army west of Mioka Ro. It is obvious now that other Dissident tribes expected to join with the Wolf tribe after the capital fell. When the Spearguard, working with the SRA, defeated the traditionalist army and continued to into the Kaiokeni Revolutionary War, many Dissidents were left in places of power."
"Priests, tribal chieftains, House lords and the Houseguard were all ripe with counter-revolutionary forces. The valiant efforts of the Spyran Universality coordinator Noriko did manage to bring Strainism to the industrial regions of the Lowlands, excepting Arentaka. The Kaiokeni also became ardent supporters of Strainism, after being freed from centuries of enslavement by the Saiyan warlords."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sliding open a door, a Spearguard is found facing three men with drawn AK's. His two companions level their weapons, and a standoff between the Houseguard and the Spearguard ensues.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"We have known all along that Traditionalism is alive and well in North Yaman, we were just unsure until recently the extent of the poisonous idealogies in our nation. This is until the Councillor for the Ii-ki, Gemmei Hiranuma-ki, came forward with additional information."
"It would seem that certain Priests, controlling Houseguard soldiers and commanding influence even in the Lowlands around Mioka Ro, have been in communication with Dissidents associated with the assassination of my father."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
One dead Houseguardman and three AK-47's lie on the floor, and the two prisoners are being led outside. Approaching the door the traditionalists were guarding, the Spearguard officier pulls it aside.
Inside, two Shinenoki priests stand in each of the far corners. They are not the only occupants, for a man sits cross legged, facing the open door. His beard is long and his hair unkept, and from out of this wild visage his eyes stare at the new comers.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Ika Chung-ki, now in his late sixties, was the last head of the Shinenoki. He fled Mioka Ro with the defeat of the Okami army, but interrogation of his companion Dwalasi Unri-ki revealed that they together master minded the assassination of Taran Jidoshin, and many other councillors. They worked closely with the Ba-ki priestess of the Okami tribe, Juni Chian and it is to her that we believe Chung-ki fled to. Living among his native Kalasu-zoku, Ika has evaded our search for decades."
"Recently though, his influence has reemerged. Gemmei's information points to a group of highly trained assassins working under Ika, calling themselves the Shadow tribe, being part of a plan to kill Strainist councillors on the High Council and slowly removing Strainist elements from the government with the help of the Traditionalist populace."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Identify yourself sir." The officier kept his pistol pointed at the wild priests head, a situation that did not escape the notice of the other two priests who grow tense and begin edging towards the Spearguard.
"I am Ika Chung-ki, leader of the Death priests and the Shadow tribe. And you, my poor man, have entered my care."
The electricity to the temple is suddenly cut, plunging the soldiers into darkness.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"We have begun moving against known dissident shrines and temples, but I would prefer to escape the violence that will result from moving against the nomadic tribes and the Houseguard. We must remember that these are the children of the Revolution, and that they are making decisions in ignorance of the Universality. Also, there could be another way..."
"You must understand, these people are very Traditionalist. They don't see that the old has become new again, and the similarities between Strainism and our cultural heritage is ignored. Instead, under the guidance of the priesthood and the Houses, the populace has grown to focus on the evils of the modern world. They remain extremely religious and nationalistic to their culture, and it is this that we can use to continue the Revolution in Yaman."
"You see...belief in the legitimacy of the August Empire has been promoted by the priesthood, in a hope that the people will reject the future for a perceived glorious past. Curiously this has worked against the Dissidents, as more and more Yamani view President Strain as the rightful Emperor in blood and divinity. If you were to accept this title sir, then many traditionalists will side with the Spearguard and we can set up a state controlled Priesthood to stop the spread of counter revolutionary ideals."
"This plan is not in keeping with the ideals of the Revolution, nor do I argue that it is. It is simply an evolution of Strainism, so that an area can be stabilized until ignorant traditionalist sentiment can be educated out of the population. We must move quickly though, for our enemies have been decades in the planning of their schemes."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Local Communications terminal, Yan Heshi Shange, Mioka Ro -
On alert for reports from the Spearguard detachements spread across the region, the priority report from Shenjo village is quickly processed and sent up the official line until it reaches Waotaka Motari. The writing is brief and in military style, reporting several spearguard deaths, including the officier in charge of the operation, when the electricity of the temple was sabotaged. The insurgents escaped before the rest of the squad could mobilize on them,
leaving two priests behind. The priests and local Houseguard are being sent to the Yan Heshi command for interrogation.
North Yaman
14-12-2004, 19:39
This scene is repeated at temples and shrines throughout the Lowland and Kaiokeni provinces, with rather higher degrees of success. Houseguard resistance is minimal, the Spearguard using surprise and over whelming numbers to secure traditionalist cooperation.
In this way the Strainist military secures its targets, with certain Priests and Houseguard resistors loaded into Guar trucks and driven back to Mioka Ro for processing. Before the sun rises, the Yan Heshi compound is bustling with interogation and information gathering, the multitude of prisoners safe in their cells.
North Yaman
14-12-2004, 19:40
OOC: Sorry for the posting time eveyone. It's exam week, and I'm getting used to the 'three or four hours of sleep' bit again.
OOC: understandable... I'm going in to write an exam in 1 hour myself.
Hudecian sources begin to sound a few warning bells as knowledge of the widespread crackdown begins to slowly diffuse.
Primarily, the Hudecian government seeks more information through its internal sources about the current government actions against 'traditionalists' and the status of affairs in North Yaman. It would be admitted in private that the Hudecian government is interested in affairs in North Yaman as they supply a great deal of oil to Drapol. Any major changes in North Yaman would hence have a great effect on Hudecian regional policies.
Slowly, the chair at the head of the table turned around, its occupant coming to face the assembled leaders of the Party. Grey had driven the colour from his hair, and his face was well etched with the lines of age and experience... the Supreme Chairman of the Strainist Party, President of Spyr, Shiwen Sutreiin (more familiar in the international community by the anglicization he adopted during his education abroad, Stephen Strain).
Sutreiin looked around the table, eyes at last coming to rest on Eiji. In his mind, Minister Feeyatamo noted the look as a 'piercing stare, seeing the Ultimate Truth within te human soul', but Feeyatamo had always been that way, a natural propagandist. The look was less piercing than it was squinting as the President's eyes, weak since birth, sought to focus themselves through his perscription lenses.
Yet, if one were to call the President 'weak', one would be gravely mistaken. While his body might be frail, his mind remained sharp and clear, and his will was unwavering. He had led his nation out of warlord anarchy, into modern prosperity, and had continued on to bring the truth of his ideology to the nations beyond. And, he had done it all without recourse to the divine right of rule opened to him by his ancestry. He had renounced his nobility with the founding of his state, had taught a path away from feudalist tradition and into market socialist progress. The feudal way were flawed ways, they sought to subvert the will of the people, just as did the flawed doctrines of imperialism and capitalist democracy... could the people be saved by passing through the fire of feudalism before being reborn in the land of truth, or would it consume them and leave them in the ash of ignorance?
"Eiji... your people are noble, your efforts have been most beneficial to the REvolution... to all the Universality... you have done what is required of you and beyond in uplifting the Yamani to a better life.
When I founded this nation, I sought to throw off the weight of the past, so that we might move into the future, and my choices have borne fruit in this land. Yet, the ultimate goal of uplifting all peoples in the Universality has not et been accomplished, and the pure path of Spyr has difficulty when applied to other roads. I have always said that the capitalists have knowledge but no morality, the communists have morality but no knowledge, and Strainism is the achievement of true, moral knowledge. But the feudalist is both immoral and ignorant. If you take this path, you will have great labours ahead."
The President closed his eyes, turning his chair away from the table and back into the shadows, while the Central Committee began to debate the meaning of his words.
North Yaman
18-12-2004, 00:22
OOC: Hudecia, I’ll take it that your government’s response will happen in the days after this evening. I’ll continue the Central Committee’s meeting for now, and respond when this night is over.
The leader of north yaman sat and cast his eyes down in thought while Feeyatamo voiced his opposition to the plan, siding with the regular cautionary tactics of the Spyran high command officiers. From the other Strainist leaders came support, voicing cultural differences needed to sustain the Revolution outside of the Strainist haven that was the PRS. When they finished, Eiji raised his eyes and glanced around the table. Resting his eyes on Feeyatamo, he began his defence of the revolutionary controlled royalism.
“Minister of Intelligence Feeyatamo, I don’t think you’ve taken into consideration the strength these traditionalists control. There are tens of thousands of Houseguard in traditional Yamani provinces, and then more Highlands tribal warriors on top of that. I wish to avoid the bloodshed that flooded the early Revolution in Spyr. I am not sure my country, such as I know it, would survive that civil war.
Even now the patrols and village guardsmen could be banding together under traditionalist priest leaders rule, and marching on Mioka Ro. Tonight, following a report from Strainist supporting priests under Councillor Hiranuma-ki, we moved on no less than two hundred priests proven to be frequenting with Dissidents and the fanatical families of the Houses. Houseguard may well resist these actions, and hostilities may have been flared.
But the extent at which this Emperor cult has entered into Yamani culture may be able to ally certain of these ignorant elements with the Revolution, and with their obedience the re-education camp that North Yaman will become can guide them to a shining future. Be they tribal warriors, traditionalists, or even converted Strainists, they will follow through a dark time in shadow until they are ready to walk in the light of Strainist knowledge and wisdom.
If the traditionalists come to face to face with a Dragon banner flying over our capital, their moral will shatter, and running back to where they’re from they will never think that their children might now have a chance at true Revolutionary education. Against a priesthood controlled by the hereditary leader of the Tsuchinoki, and the people’s faith in the Empire, the Dissidents will lose help from certain conservative House families and perhaps even whole tribes of Highland nomads. Then we can begin teaching these people how to walk in the brilliance of the Strainist Universal Republic.”
Leaning back in his chair, Eiji relaxes before the argument flares up again.
"... obviously it was not specifically banned, but the Chairman clearly desired any action to fit within existing ideology!"
Feeyatamo spat his words across the table. Years as Knowledge Minister had left him better at telling than debating. Unfazed, Pakpahan replied.
"Such an instance IS within ideology! Look to the Party's position in Tord, where they've accepted a position in a joint government containing a constitutional monarch. Look at my own branch of the Party, where we participated in an open electoral process. In both cases, there was a need for compromise, and in both cases we negotiated gurantees to secure the ideology and the people against the abuses of the feudal-capitalists. Such arrangements have allowed us to begin the peaceful transition towards a purer implementation of the ideology, where discord would have caused undue suffering."
St. Cloud joined in. "Even our Sphere ally of Marimaia has established a precedent in this area. Their revolution has adopted feudal titles to expand its reach... the feudalism is a tool to be educated away from the minds of the people, but until they are taught it is all they will listen to."
"The Chairman has REJECTED his title as Lord of Sithin. He has terminated all claims to nobility. The biological reality of his ancestry is irrelevant, given that the political implications have been removed from it. The August Empire gave birth to rampant warlordism and the codification of spirituality into structures of control. It must be wiped away before we can proceed into the modern world, no matter what the cost..."
From the turned chair, the President's voice sounded softly.
"Josef... I recall many years ago a similar conversation between two young men struggling with the same dissagreement. Though, if I'm not mistaken, you were on the other side... you always were a devilish advocate."
Feeyatamo paused, about to correct the President's misuse of an English term, injected into adiscourse in Lyongian, before smiling as memories returned... such knowing abuse of language had been a common element of Sutreiin's casual conversation, picked up while livin abroad in his youth, but there were few old revolutionaries remaining from that time, and the reference would be lost on the others in the room. Given all that had occured since, he had to admit that he had never ceased to believe in the inherent power of traditional belief put into the service of the Revolution.
He bowed and stepped back from the table. "As always, I seek to pursue knowledge, in search of truth."
Strain's voice came again, a slight warble of hesitation evident to those searching for it.
"Together, Eiji, we shall uplift the people of Yaman, by whatever road they ask of us."
OOC: *twiddles thumbs impatiently* Bump.
The meeting quickly wound down, as the Chairman departed for a rare trip to travel across the nation and up into Tagan to thank the soldiers guarding against Xiannese agression. As the members bowed and moved out towards their respective destinations, Feeyatamo pulled Eiji aside.
"I am accompanying the President on his journey around the peninsula... we shall travel north to Gochu, after which we shall return to Sithin. Our passage through North Yaman as we head homeward could be transformed into the backbone for the launch of your new direction... the Emperor visits the Yamani. General Akatachi is already contacting the Spearguard about security arrangements... I'm sure you can work out the details to ensure maximum impact from this most august visit*.
There is also another small matter for which the Revolution requires your 'discreet' assistance... I shall have further information to share on the subject once we have passed through Tord."
*the actual term used here is tizao, an untranslatable word of archaic Lyongian, refering to the arrival of the August Emperor's palaquin on a tour of important shrines.
With the final reconstruction of the Tordian capital at Sol Sanctum completed, the Spyran corporation Pan-Asian Rail holds a press conference and announces that the final kilometre of track has been laid and the Lyong peninsula is now completely connected by a circular rail system. Guest speaker, General Alexi Hay (ret.) calls the rail line "a milestone marking a new era of even greater cooperation between the nations of the peninsula."
The inaugural voyage on the line sets out from Sithin, capital of Spyr. A pair of armoured engines pull forward the laquered wooden cars of the Presidential Train, carrying a rare and distinguished passenger: Sutreiin Shiwen-daisu. As the train leaves the city, the two great railway guns Gegara and Kura-e fire for the first time in years, offering up a thundrous salute.
The train makes its way through the countryside, passing through the major population centres of Spyr as it winds its way southward through the People's Republic. As it goes, the tracks are lined with people hoping to catch a glimpse of the President... grandparents taking their grandchildren, the generation affected most by the Chairman trying to express his impact to those who have lived with him all their lives. Military units assemble with Youth Guard cadres, Veteran's Guard legions, Civil Levy civil order, firefighting, and paramedical teams, standing at attention in-uniform. Students are released from school and crowd around the train stations, cheering and waving banners. As the train passes through Kintohara and Kalakhara, Mechanized Levy squadrons ride their bikes and horses beside the train while locals stare, looking for the man whose distant wisdom and authority have given him a status almost greater than human.
At key rail junctions, the Presidential Train stops for a speech... the Daisu steps forth in the black uniform and triple braids recognized by all, leaning on a dragon-head cane. Those who are able to come close notice that his face is more lined, more worn with worry, than the pictures so often seen hanging in homes ad schools, but most stand too far off to see such details. His words are quiet at first, resonating knowledge as he thanks the people for their sacrifices for the revolution, rising with the passion of a demagogue as he urges them to never forget the revolutionary spirit. Each speech ends with the thundrous cheers of the assembled throng, as Sutreiin joins them in a revolutionary salute from heart to sky before returning to his train.
After several days, as the train begins to approach Naisho, Alexi Hay is sent to seek an audience with the newly-crowned Tordian monarch, King Glenn, to request permission for the planned route through Tord.
North Yaman
25-01-2005, 20:40
OOC: Terribly sorry about the lack of updating people, I've been without the net since Christmas break. I have some time at computer labs, and should be back on consistently soon.
North Yaman
21-02-2005, 14:22
The Strainist domination of the Yamani government has heralded in a great many changes. The declaration of lyong animism as the state religion, and the detention of conservative traditionalists in reeducation camps, has all been part of the governments expanding harsh policies on 'Reactionist, Capitalist and Feudalist Counter-revolutionaries'.
The People's Army Act has placed all three branches of the Yamani military under the Yamani High Command, which replaced the defunct High Council. Present in the Council is Director Jidoshin, and Ministers Zhang, Arentaka, Hiranuma and Motari. Mitsurugi of the Red Falcon has been made leading General in the Highguard, and is working with the Spearguard to set up military bases, defences and ports along the Helekaru coastline.
Resistance to the reformists has been minimal. Tribes not allied to the Spearguard are quickly losing territory to the better armed Highguard tribes, and the dissolution of the Houseguard met with very little hostility. Despite the disappearance of Chung again, and the rumours of an underground traditionalist terrorist group, many traditionalists were placated by the declaration of the state religion and the Strainist connection to the President of Spyr (a descendant of the last Emperor of the August Empire). Some even view President Strain as a godhead, or a messenger of the natural laws of Heaven and Earth through Strainism.