A Feeble Amity Shattered (ATTN: Chellis)
The Macabees
24-11-2004, 05:36
The calm Mediterranean Seas broke against the strong steel walls of the large Macabee military armament ship HES Aranjeuz as it moved south from the Cartagena Naval Base. The Gibraltar had been cut by Chellis, who owned southern Andalucia and the Gibraltar, and to rerout military shipping through the Suez just wasn't cutting it for the Macabee Empire. Independent Hitmen and the Macabees were to deploy in the Bay of Biscay for naval wargames, and some shipping from CTF-1 had to cross the Straits in order to get there. So, with no other option, the ships would have to run the Chellian blockade - if the Chellians opened fire an international crisis would rise, and the Macabee reply to such a blatant belligerency was unclear at this time. In any case, unaware of any political tensions which were about to tear apart, the Aranjeuz continued down the coast of Spain, fully aware of possible military action against it. It was ready to defend itself if it came to an attack, however, it would not strike first at Chellis.
It took about two hours to make it to the mouth of the Gibraltar, and the seas had not been agitated. The great God Poseidon looked out for the marines of this world, and today was one of the days he was most pleased. Soon enough the armament ship had entered the Gibraltar...
Enrique Allaputo, a hired spanish man who manned a communication centre , sat in his chair with his feet up on his desk. While tensions had been high, he hadn't been to worried. Most people were obeying the straits, and with no traffic going through, he recieved little messages, except from automated ones from the military. When an Instant Message from the Datis program popped up, he didn't quite worry.
As he read it, his mouth opened a little.
"Yes, this is PP Allaputo of the gibraltar radar station 8338...I've just got a messaged relayed to me, what seems to be a hostile Macabee ship forcing to get through the strait..."
Six dauphin helicopters took off from gibraltar. Unarmed, except for 12.7mm machine guns on the wings, the six helicopters were filled with special operation troops. These men had been ready all day, being prepared for a mission of such a caliber if the situation occured. They took off within fifteen minutes of the ship being detected. They would arrive in fourty-five, catching up with the ship as it was about half-way through the strait. Gun-boats had already converged on the macabee ship, small Fast attack ships, but they had hailed the macabee's ship and asked them to wait, or at least slow course. They would not threaten or fire, they were mainly to shadow until the helicopters reached the ship.
The Macabees
24-11-2004, 16:27
Captain Fredor van der Tay, a Freemantian born, stepped onto the deck and muttered, "Here they come," as he watched the small attack craft swarm around his larger ship.
The Aranjuez failed to slow, it would not slow. It would test the resolve of the Chellian Empire. If Chellians tried to board the ship it would be taken as a hostile act of war and Captain van der Tay had a green light to open fire and protect Macabee shipping. And just for that he had some fifty Macabee Imperial soldiers, armed to the teeth, hidden away under the deck. The ship was also armed with MSCIWS for any missile attacks, and MANPAD SA-2 surface to air missiles.
Maybe as an act of G-d, maybe just nature. The tides began to pick up in the Straits of Gibraltar. Perhaps it signalled a stronger storm to come...
St John Hospitaller
24-11-2004, 16:36
*TAG* (do you mind if i watch?)
24-11-2004, 16:38
*gets a shovel, starts digging in*
24-11-2004, 16:41
*Grabs metal helmet, starts helping Dumpsterdam dig hole*
Whilst this was going on, a Risbanian Trade Ship, the IRS Hermes, slowly made its way across the waters. Having been approved for passage through the Strait by the Chellians, the ship didn't bother going too fast.
Captain Jonas Nebt stood on deck, looking over the sea. It was at this time that he saw several Chellian helicopters fly overhead. "Damn it," muttered the captain. While Minister Perkins had mentioned that the Chellians may check the ship, Jonas still didn't like the idea. He was about to order the crew to prepare for inspection when he watched the copters fly past the Hermes.
A frown appeared on the captain's brow. He quickly grabbed removed his telescope and held it up, looking over the sea. He good faintly make out a ship, Macabees by the looks of it, as well as parts of the Chellian blockade.
"Drop anchor!" yelled Captain Nebt. He wouldn't attempt passing the Strait until that issue was cleared up. The Imperial Risban Ship came to a stop in the water, the captain watching the scene that was only a few leagues away.
24-11-2004, 16:53
Grabs a Front end Loader and Begins helping Mcloed and Dumpsterdam dig a hole.
The Merchant Guilds
24-11-2004, 16:56
*Taggety Tag*
*See's the hole jumps in on top of everyone else*
24-11-2004, 17:41
OoC: Damnit! I just remembered I had a fleet in Spanish/Portuguese waters that I never withdrew! Small QRF force so if both sides don't mind I will RP a small DRN patrol boat patrolling near the strait. If you do, just ignore my post.
Captain Marcus was overseeing first mate steering the patrol boat around, they couldn’t go any further or risk being boarded when they noticed ship in the strait. "What the.." Marcus picked up his binoculars and looked at the ship, the flag gave it away as a Macabee naval vessel and it was clearly running the blockade. "Bloody hell, thats a Macabee supply vessel. They'll get boarded!" His first mate nodded at him. "Not much we can do sir until they pass Chellian waters but I suggest you put the marines on allert and let them be ready to board the vessel as soon as it does." Marcus grinned at the thought of finally bagging some Chellians and gave the order for the small marine detachment to prepare for boarding, if the ship made it through the strait they would board and help the crew secure it.
A message was sent to the ship in a incryption used by the RWC.
From: DRN Vulkes
To: Macabee Supply Ship
We have spotted your entry into the strait, enemy gun-boats and helicopters are tracking you. As soon as your clear of the strait and enter Spanish waters we will immediately engage the enemy vessels and commence boarding of your ship should you require assistance in securing it.
We have a boarding party of fifteen men standing by.
Good luck, god speed, safe passage and bag us some Chellians.
Captain Marcus.
Huzen Hagen
24-11-2004, 18:16
*jumps in hole and hands round tea*
"Sir," said a sailor on the IRS Hermes to the captain. "We've spotted another ship on radar."
Jonas frowned, raising his telescope and looking across the sea. Sure enough, there was another ship. Dumpsterdam by the looks of it...
"Shall we hail them?" asked the sailor. The captain didn't respond. "Sir?"
"No," he finally said, turning and looking at the sailor. "Don't hail anyone."
"But sir, we need to contact one of them. Surely the Chellians will want to see us, and we don't want to alarm the other two. It's pro-"
"I said no, sailor," barked the captain, glaring. "I will not stand insubordination on this ship. We will not hail any other ship, understand? We are going to remain here and just watch."
The sailor nodded hesistantly and went back to his work. Captain Nebt raised his telescope again, watching the Chellians and Macabees.
OOC: Throws grenade into hole and once the smoke has cleared jumps in.
IC:The Austian forces in the Austian coloneys commanded by Major General Prince Edmund of Tanka, where watching the action of the Macabees' ship with interest. Inside the main command post on there Irland the Major General watched, the spy atalight's pictures of the Macbees ship.
He turned to his aide, a viscount, and spoke quickly, "Any ideas of there intentions?"
"No, sir, all our requests for explanation have not yet been answered. However it looks like they plan to run the blockade, or it could be a move to adgitate the enrmy."
"The weather forcast?"
"Storm, sir."
"Who's ship is that?"
"Where sir."
"In the bottom corner, there!" The General gestured to the screen. TheViscount, puzzled, ran to a computer and sqiftly came back with a answer.
"it appears to be a Dumpsterdam patrol boat sir, the DNR Vulkes."
"Strange name... Whats it doing in the medterranian for? Dumpsterdam is around here?"
"Don';t know sir. It could be part of a group we hadn't noticed. It's tansmitting to the Macabee ship sir. RWC code."
"From: DRN Vulkes
To: Macabee Supply Ship
We have spotted your entry into the strait, enemy gun-boats and helicopters are tracking you. As soon as your clear of the strait and enter Spanish waters we will immediately engage the enemy vessels and commence boarding of your ship should you require assistance in securing it.
We have a boarding party of fifteen men standing by.
Good luck, god speed, safe passage and bag us some Chellians.
Captain Marcus.
Thats what it says, sir"
"Find out as much as you can about this Captain Marcus." The Viscount spoke into his radio, "Contact Central command and have the 1st fleet on standby for a rescue mission, have them moved to just outsidethe blockade, as close as you can get them. And sned another message requiring explamation to The Macabees, and to Dumpsterdam, requesting information."
"And send a message to both ships, saying we can help."
RWC Code
To: Captain Marcus, DRN Vulkes
From: Austian Command upon the coloney of Baliares.
We have decoded your code to The Macbees' ship and we wish to help, our 1st fleet is enroute now, and also we offer shelter at our ports upon our coloney on the way to your destination, any repairs needed can be made there
Please relay to the Macbees's ship
Major General Prince Edmund of Tanka
The Viscount looked up to the general as another message came into the inbox, he looked suprised as he read it,
"Sir." He called
"What?" The General was irritated he had been studing maps of the area and his study was iterrupted,
"It appears sir. That his highness Prince William is travlling here,"
The general looked a little suprised, and then the cosol bleeped and another message appeared, the Viscont read it, went pale read it again and then gulped visbly, "And sir." His voice wavered, it was barley a squeak.
"it appears that our Lord, Emporer Palpatine is travilling with him. They’ll be here in one hour.” The aide gulped again, the General visably lent against the table and started shaking, he had gone white to, with fear.
“oh, God, oh dear sweet Jesus god.
Two destroyers had been pulled away from the games, the ships being nearly directly in the path of the Macabee's ship. They were to head for it, head on...and if need be, stop it with force...But only after orders.
The six helicopters gained sight of the macabee's ship, as the FAC signalled them. The helicopters lowered their altitude, but stopped at the ships sides. The pilot of one of the planes clicked on the comm, and the recorder. "This is the chellian coast guard of the strait of gibraltar. You are violating chellian national waters. In order to stop a conflict, we ask that you submit to inspection. We will let your ship through, but we must demand that you allow us to inspect the ship. Your nation has already declared war upon chellis by violating its waters, and we have the right to attack if need be. If you do not wish inspection, you can turn around and wait the 18 hours until the blockade is over. There is no real point in your running the strait, except as an attempt to create conflict. We ask you let our men on to inspect your ship."
24-11-2004, 22:09
24-11-2004, 22:17
"Chellian and Macabeean ships spotted on passive sonar, sir," said a middle aged Leiutenant manning a sonar station aboard the PWS Roma, a Portland Class Nuclear Attack Submarine. The bridge crew sighed to themselves. They were hoping that this wouldnt happen, yet most were convinced it would. Now, their fears were confirmed and all they could do was sit in silence and watch as the drama unfolded on the surface.
"Positions? Any other contacts?"
"Several small Chellian contacts, persumably fast attack ships, surrounding a Macabeean cargo ship of some description. Possibly an arsenal ship... it's hard to tell. Other contacts are possible, but not confirmed."
The Captain thought to himself for a few minutes. He didn't want to get involved, indeed the Chellians didn't even know that his submarine was sitting there, deep under water, a few miles from the Strait. He made his decision at last, "Deploy a probe." Outside the sub, a hatch opened and a drone rose to the surface, propelled by its oxygen tanks.
The drone popped out of the water and crashed back down again, shedding some of its protective casing. The drone was easily visible if you were close enough to it, but the chances of a ship picking up a target no more than a few meters diagonally across on the surface of the water over the horizon were so remote that they may aswell be ignored. Immediately the probe began to unfold its solar panel which would replenish and sustain battery power, allowing the probe to survive as long as four weeks.
The probe began to scan the oceans, attached to the now stationary sub by a long cable. The probe was capable of communicating to the sub or a satellite by microwave, but that could give away information or even the location of the submarine itself.
"Do you have anything, Lieutenant?"
"Yes sir... several Chellian helicopters heading for the Macabeean ship, which appears to be an armament ship, and two destroyers. They do not appear to have detected us, sir."
"Good... we will remain on station here for two days, then we will detatch the cable and move on."
"Yes sir," said the Helmsman, and the submarine went about its business...
OOC: Yes this is a huge tag, but who knows, I may get involved later.
Independent Hitmen
24-11-2004, 22:20
*Looks into hole, sees that it is full. Looks around in wonder. Pulls out pistol, shoots ground a few times and sticks some tnt into the hole. Bundles into Mcleods hole until it explodes then gets into his hole.*
This tag just wasted a minute of my life and was brought to you by the stupidly long tags of North America Organistaion.
24-11-2004, 22:33
From: DRN Vulkes
To: Austian Command upon the colony of Baliares
We are currently patrolling Spanish territorial waters in accordance with the Macabees high command. We are stationed near Cadiz and are currently diverting to intercept and help our ally the Macabees.
The actions we are about to take will possibly not allow us to ever return to Dumpsterdam again, tell our families that we love them and that our deaths where not in vain.
Captain Marcus out.
Marcus sighed, he would help that ship if it was the last thing he would do. "Lower the Dumpsterdanian flag." The marine sergeant looked at him in surprise. "Sir?" Marcus handed him a black cloth. "Do it, and raise this then get below decks and ready the rest of the men for combat." The sergeant folded the flag open to reveal a skull and bones as he grinned and ran off to the small mast, lowering the current flag and raising what was essentially mutiny against the Dumpsterdanian Royal Navy.
"Helm, take us to that supply vessel, full speed ahead, man the guns and fire at anything that comes into range." The small patrol boat lurched itself forward at 40 knots would enter Chellian waters in three minutes...
From: DRN Vulkes
To: Austian Command upon the colony of Baliares
We are currently patrolling Spanish territorial waters in accordance with the Macabees high command. We are stationed near Cadiz and are currently diverting to intercept and help our ally the Macabees.
The actions we are about to take will possibly not allow us to ever return to Dumpsterdam again, tell our families that we love them and that our deaths where not in vain.
Captain Marcus out.
Marcus sighed, he would help that ship if it was the last thing he would do. "Lower the Dumpsterdanian flag." The marine sergeant looked at him in surprise. "Sir?" Marcus handed him a black cloth. "Do it, and raise this then get below decks and ready the rest of the men for combat." The sergeant folded the flag open to reveal a skull and bones as he grinned and ran off to the small mast, lowering the current flag and raising what was essentially mutiny against the Dumpsterdanian Royal Navy.
"Helm, take us to that supply vessel, full speed ahead, man the guns and fire at anything that comes into range." The small patrol boat lurched itself forward at 40 knots would enter Chellian waters in three minutes...
The CHN Andy, a navy submarine, lay un-submerged at the strait. Its goal was to detect any ships that tried to run the strait, and as the Dumpsterdam ship crossed into the flagged area for the strait, the submarine submerged. It did not arm, but it kept an eye on the dumpsterdam ship with parascope and radar. It sent an encoded message to the gibraltar guns, and the southern Cadiz guns. They didn't want to risk any ships. The enemy ship could not be identified, and it was running the strait. 155mm guns opened fire on the unidentified ship, getting coordinates from the submarine. Four Rafale's had been launched with Anti-ship and air to air weaponry.
"Sir!" exclaimed a sailor who had been watching the ships from the IRS Hermes. "Captain Nebt! The Dumpsterdanian ship has just raised a pirate flag!"
Jonas' eyes widened as he moved his telescope from the Chellians to the Dumpsterdanians. "Hmm... Keith, have the guards that the Colonel give us get their weapons ready, just in case."
The sailor who had been questioning the captain earlier, a young man named Bradford, spoke up again. "Cap'n, I really think we should hail at least one ship. We're just sitting here; they don't know our intentions at al-"
"Men, please escort Mr. Bradford to the brig and lock him up," said the captain to two other sailors, keeping his eyes on the navy-turned-pirate ship.
Captain O'Neil looked into the radar screen. He was chief radar operator on the IIN Jupiter, a Light Cruiser partoling off the coast of Algiers. Suddenly he picked up large masses of objects.
"Skipper! Get down here!" he shouted.
"What is it son?"
"We have large numbers of Macabee and Chellian vessels, looks hostile"
"You're right."
The Skipper thought a moment, he had just graduated and this was his first time as skipper of The Jupiter.
"Get Tyrrhenian Fleet Command South out here to moniter the situation."
"You sure about this sire?"
"Do I have a studder, just get the damn fleet over here!"
"Yes Sir!"
Just outside Chellian Waters-0100
The IIN Indoubtable flows slowly through the quiet waters. Her Skipper, Admiral Tripaz, commands Tyrrhenian Fleet Command South, an 80-ship flotilla.
"What do you think about the situation, Johnson?"
First Lieutenant Johnson was Tripaz's right hand man.
"I think it's quite ludacris, sir".
"Good, so I'm not the only one. Oh well, we're warriors, and we have to follow orders."
24-11-2004, 22:58
"Sir, where spotting aircraft, submarines, coastal guns and god knows what else. TACCOM is relaying artillery fire but we haven't crossed into the strait yet!" Marcus listened closely to his sergeant before he nodded and pulled up his shoulders. "Gun-ho Chellians, relay this info back to the Austians via live camera feed." He himself yanked on the rudder of the boat, as its sleek form responded and almost turned on the dime to avoid incoming 155 mm shells.
His first mate flicked on the switch for the electronic warfare suit and began evasive measures, throwing the gun-boat from left to right, slowing down and accelerating at top speed. Marcus was proud of his crew and he would be damned if he was hit a freaking Chellian gunner.
Marcus also noticed two sailors manning the 30mm deck gun and the rear deck AA launcher. He had that and four torpedoes, making for a meagre armament against so many enemies approaching him from all sides but faith and confidence where with him; he would not die today...
OoC: Signing off for tonight, you can blow my vessel up in the morning.
"Damn it," cursed the captain as he watched this series of events.
Not good, thought Jonas. Their mission would be compromised if they were late, but the Hermes wasn't equipped enough to blast through the Chellian Blockade. And there was the risk of pissing someone other than the Chellians off. This wasn't good at all...
This trade ship was currently holding nearly thirty Graffia Loyalist Rebel refugees, trying to get them out of Risban. Jonas Nebt was being payed a very large sum of money. But, if he didn't get through the Strait, he'd lose everything; possibly his life if Risban found out.
"Put me on a general frequency," ordered the captain. He knew a general channel would let everyone hear him and hoped that what he said would make them leave him alone.
"Attention Chellian Blockade, this is Captain Jonas Nebt if the Imperial Risban Ship Hermes. I realize that you are currently having problems, but it is imperative that I be able to cross through the blockade quite rapidly. I am secretly transporting Risban rebels away from Emperor Scorpius. If I am forced to go back, my ship will be inspected. The penalty for treason in my country is death. I hope you understand why it is imperative that I be allowed through."
The captain stopped talking, watching the various ships in the distance and awaiting any reponse. He was totally oblivious to the fact that the Chellians had been briefed on these rebels and given permission to destroy or capture them, as had other nations such as the Fiefdom of Nemh.
24-11-2004, 23:16
"Another set of contacts reported, Captain." Commander Inholm, the HNS Santa Fe's Officer of the Deck, reported.
Captain Edgars paced the Command Center. The Santa Fe, a Brutus Class Fast Attack Submarine, was safely positioned several miles out into international waters. She was quietly sitting in deep water listening to the action unfolding in front of her.
"Officer of the Deck, please raise us to deployment depth and prepare to release a Sensor Buoy." The Submarine slowly rose to a depth of one hundred feet and released the Buoy. It would collect information from it's myriad of sensor systems and transmit the data via fiber optic cable to the Santa Fe and via microwaves to the Royal Armed Forces SatCom system.
OOC: Not a long tag, but slightly involved.
"Damn it," cursed the captain as he watched this series of events.
Not good, thought Jonas. Their mission would be compromised if they were late, but the Hermes wasn't equipped enough to blast through the Chellian Blockade. And there was the risk of pissing someone other than the Chellians off. This wasn't good at all...
This trade ship was currently holding nearly thirty Graffia Loyalist Rebel refugees, trying to get them out of Risban. Jonas Nebt was being payed a very large sum of money. But, if he didn't get through the Strait, he'd lose everything; possibly his life if Risban found out.
"Put me on a general frequency," ordered the captain. He knew a general channel would let everyone hear him and hoped that what he said would make them leave him alone.
"Attention Chellian Blockade, this is Captain Jonas Nebt if the Imperial Risban Ship Hermes. I realize that you are currently having problems, but it is imperative that I be able to cross through the blockade quite rapidly. I am secretly transporting Risban rebels away from Emperor Scorpius. If I am forced to go back, my ship will be inspected. The penalty for treason in my country is death. I hope you understand why it is imperative that I be allowed through."
The captain stopped talking, watching the various ships in the distance and awaiting any reponse. He was totally oblivious to the fact that the Chellians had been briefed on these rebels and given permission to destroy or capture them, as had other nations such as the Fiefdom of Nemh.
"You have permission. Please stay along the coast of morocco until you are through." Was the monotone message sent to the ship. An F-117 cargo plane lifted off from an airfield in morocco, holding 120 special operations paratroopers.
On the command deck the Viscount had taken control, as the General had run below to get ready for the royal arrival. The Viscount, watch horrified at the live camra feed of the poor brave men of the Dumpsterdam ship. He couldn't let them die alone.
He had already forwarded the message to Dumpsterdam command at there ships actions, and told Emporer Rifts staff what was about to happen. He hoped that he was doing the right thing in the Emporers opinion. The Emporer had been known to shoot men dead for making just one mistake.
The Chellian's had already opened fire on the Dumpsterdam vessel though it was away from the strait, and he had noticed it had raised a piret flag. However he would defnd it.
Relay this message to the Chellian High command.
From:Austian Command upon the colony of Baliares
This morning you opened fire upon a vessel from Dumpsterdam outside your illigal blockade of the straits. This is act of war upon Aust and the RWC.
We shall return fire and our 1st fleet is currently moving to help our allies ship.
The Baliare's long rang gun and missile command.
Captain Peter Whitfeild watched a stream of text pool across his moniter, he decoded it and read it, it read:
This morning Chellis's force opened fire upon a allie of Aust, thus declaring war. Using targeting information from U2 satallite 142 and 143 open fire upon enermy forces with all power you have.
Peter whiped his bow and turned to his gun crews, "prepare to fire. Targeting information is being relayed now.
Soon afterwards the guns opened fire.
The deck of the ARN Vanquish
Admiral Young, commander of the 1st fleet paced the deck waiting for instructions. They came, they where simple but he knew what they meant, war. They read
This morning Chellis's force opened fire upon a allie of Aust, thus declaring war. Open fire upon all enermy ships and land based fortifications, launch fighters against enermy ships.
He turned to a waiting deck crew, "We are at war, gentlemen. Attack."
RAF greenfeild base.
RAF greenfeild had a full wing stationed at it, (400 fighters, 100 bombers) and Wing Leader D. Everton was in command. He read the text sent to him by Austian command and then rang the scramble bell. Turning to his second in command he said. "We are at war. Prepare to attack all enermy airbases and fighters."
Aust had two wing stationed on the coloney.
Aust-ICBM command
A message came through the pipeling from the Austian coloney in the mediteranian, picking it up general Gamgee read it and swore. "prepare to fire 3 non-nuclear ICBM's at enermy forces in Gibraler." He commanded.
A privet airfeild-Baliares
The General stood sweating in his long dress uniform as a large jet plane, marked Air Force 1, taxied into the airfeild. It stopped in front of him and the main hatch opened. A folding stair came down from the plain and 20 ASS Deaths Head legion came running out, covering the area. Following them came 10 Royal guard, who formed a tunnel between him and the plains sircase.
Then from the staircase came Prince William, the Emporers twin brother. The strode confidently down the steps, his millitary uniform repsintiont in blue and white and gold. Medels clinked on his cheast, and thoguh his young age, 14, he had earnt them, the General knew that. Earnt them fighting the Tyrant Deathinus the 4th in a cave in southen Aust during the last battle to defeat the last of the kings.
He smiled at The general and chuckled as if he could see the Generals thoughts, "Ah!" He exclamed, "My dear cousain, so nice to see you again." he stuck out a hand for the general to shake, the general took it.
The boy smiled again, "I hope you are keeping well?" the general opened his mouth to reply, but the boy shook his head, and whispered, "No, my brother comes."
From the plane a hump backed figure appeared, the Emporer. His figure was beant over from the broken back he had suffered from the battle against Deathinus and his face was pale and long. He was only a boy and he had the same features as William, yet where williams face was handsome and full of life, the Emporers was deathlike and pale. He looked almost dead already.
Guns sounded in the background and the Emporer reached the General who bowed low. "My leige" he said.
The emporer smiled at this and spoke in a chilling voice. "Guns. Why are there guns in the background, Genreal? i have not ordered a attack."
"i don't know sir." The generals voice shook like a leaf.
"Are you scared of me?" the Emproer rasped the question.
"No," The General was visibly shaking now, scared by this pale figure.
"Coward." The Emporer spat and drew his gun and fired one shot, a shot that plunged into the Generals heart. "Coward and liar." the spat on the mans body as it fell.
"Take command of the procceding, odviusly things have happened why we have been in the air."
"yes, brother"
"I shall go to my room."
"yes." The Prince turned heel and marched towards the door to the command center,
"And William, have this filth cleaned up." The boy smiled and laughed, as if at some joke, for this was the sort of joke the Emporer made.
"Yes, Sire." he said, and the emporer laughed his cold laugh.
25-11-2004, 17:41
On the command deck the Viscount had taken control, as the General had run below to get ready for the royal arrival. The Viscount, watch horrified at the live camra feed of the poor brave men of the Dumpsterdam ship. He couldn't let them die alone.
He had already forwarded the message to Dumpsterdam command at there ships actions, and told Emporer Rifts staff what was about to happen. He hoped that he was doing the right thing in the Emporers opinion. The Emporer had been known to shoot men dead for making just one mistake.
The Chellian's had already opened fire on the Dumpsterdam vessel though it was away from the strait, and he had noticed it had raised a piret flag. However he would defnd it.
Relay this message to the Chellian High command.
From:Austian Command upon the colony of Baliares
This morning you opened fire upon a vessel from Dumpsterdam outside your illigal blockade of the straits. This is act of war upon Aust and the RWC.
We shall return fire and our 1st fleet is currently moving to help our allies ship.
The Baliare's long rang gun and missile command.
Captain Peter Whitfeild watched a stream of text pool across his moniter, he decoded it and read it, it read:
This morning Chellis's force opened fire upon a allie of Aust, thus declaring war. Using targeting information from U2 satallite 142 and 143 open fire upon enermy forces with all power you have.
Peter whiped his bow and turned to his gun crews, "prepare to fire. Targeting information is being relayed now.
Soon afterwards the guns opened fire.
The deck of the ARN Vanquish
Admiral Young, commander of the 1st fleet paced the deck waiting for instructions. They came, they where simple but he knew what they meant, war. They read
This morning Chellis's force opened fire upon a allie of Aust, thus declaring war. Open fire upon all enermy ships and land based fortifications, launch fighters against enermy ships.
He turned to a waiting deck crew, "We are at war, gentlemen. Attack."
RAF greenfeild base.
RAF greenfeild had a full wing stationed at it, (400 fighters, 100 bombers) and Wing Leader D. Everton was in command. He read the text sent to him by Austian command and then rang the scramble bell. Turning to his second in command he said. "We are at war. Prepare to attack all enermy airbases and fighters."
Aust had two wing stationed on the coloney.
Aust-ICBM command
A message came through the pipeling from the Austian coloney in the mediteranian, picking it up general Gamgee read it and swore. "prepare to fire 3 non-nuclear ICBM's at enermy forces in Gibraler." He commanded.
A privet airfeild-Baliares
The General stood sweating in his long dress uniform as a large jet plane, marked Air Force 1, taxied into the airfeild. It stopped in front of him and the main hatch opened. A folding stair came down from the plain and 20 ASS Deaths Head legion came running out, covering the area. Following them came 10 Royal guard, who formed a tunnel between him and the plains sircase.
Then from the staircase came Prince William, the Emporers twin brother. The strode confidently down the steps, his millitary uniform repsintiont in blue and white and gold. Medels clinked on his cheast, and thoguh his young age, 14, he had earnt them, the General knew that. Earnt them fighting the Tyrant Deathinus the 4th in a cave in southen Aust during the last battle to defeat the last of the kings.
He smiled at The general and chuckled as if he could see the Generals thoughts, "Ah!" He exclamed, "My dear cousain, so nice to see you again." he stuck out a hand for the general to shake, the general took it.
The boy smiled again, "I hope you are keeping well?" the general opened his mouth to reply, but the boy shook his head, and whispered, "No, my brother comes."
From the plane a hump backed figure appeared, the Emporer. His figure was beant over from the broken back he had suffered from the battle against Deathinus and his face was pale and long. He was only a boy and he had the same features as William, yet where williams face was handsome and full of life, the Emporers was deathlike and pale. He looked almost dead already.
Guns sounded in the background and the Emporer reached the General who bowed low. "My leige" he said.
The emporer smiled at this and spoke in a chilling voice. "Guns. Why are there guns in the background, Genreal? i have not ordered a attack."
"i don't know sir." The generals voice shook like a leaf.
"Are you scared of me?" the Emproer rasped the question.
"No," The General was visibly shaking now, scared by this pale figure.
"Coward." The Emporer spat and drew his gun and fired one shot, a shot that plunged into the Generals heart. "Coward and liar." the spat on the mans body as it fell.
"Take command of the procceding, odviusly things have happened why we have been in the air."
"yes, brother"
"I shall go to my room."
"yes." The Prince turned heel and marched towards the door to the command center,
"And William, have this filth cleaned up." The boy smiled and laughed, as if at some joke, for this was the sort of joke the Emporer made.
"Yes, Sire." he said, and the emporer laughed his cold laugh.
OoC: Try not to provoke a freaking world-war while where at it and let Mac post first, remember that the pirate flag signals that the ship is no longer bound by the laws of it countries and its actions cannot be called back upon said nation.
OoC: Try not to provoke a freaking world-war while where at it and let Mac post first, remember that the pirate flag signals that the ship is no longer bound by the laws of it countries and its actions cannot be called back upon said nation.
OOC: Yes but my commander is the Viscount, and he's sort of a bit touchy feely, he won't let your men die alone. So far this action is NOT ordered by the Emporer or snactioned or anything, just by the Vicount, thats why the VEmporer has exciquted the General already.
IC: William strode into the command room, the screens showed pictures of the guns firing. No one noticed him enter until he yelled, "WHATS GOING ON HERE?"
The room went silent. A small stammering man came up to him, "Chellis hads attacked our allies ship sir."
"William was not impressed, "That ship carrys a skull and crossbones and it's ensign. Thus it is not allied to Aust. Tell all Austian forces to cease fire and send an apology to Chellis. And you, I'll let the Emporer deal with you."
The Guns stopped firing, they had only fired 2 rounds. But in all the confusion, they had forgotten about the ICBm's, only 1 and a half hours away.
"You have permission. Please stay along the coast of morocco until you are through." Was the monotone message sent to the ship. An F-117 cargo plane lifted off from an airfield in morocco, holding 120 special operations paratroopers.
A response came from the IRS Hermes. "Thankyou, Chellis."
Jonas gave a sigh of relief as he ordered that the ship begin moving again, staying near the coast of Morocco.
As soon as chellian forces had gotten the declaration of war from Aust, planes were being readied. It had only been minutes, however, when the apology came. "Idiots."
Two shells had struck gibraltar, but nothing was damaged, as the guns were heavily entrenched.
The three ICBM's, Unaccompanied by any large amount of decoys or bombardment confusion, were quickly seen by chellian satelites. Chellian procedure was to hit the missiles as high as they could be hit. And the guns arched upward, missiles spewed out. Three small explosions in the sky were seen.
The four Rafale's had their target acquired, while 40km away. Two Exocet's, four Mica's, two Meteor's, and two droptanks made up each planes armament. At 40km, two planes dropped their exocet loads, 4 total, to attack the ship. The two others went into full throttle, to try and come up right behind the exocets for a second attack on the dumpsterdam ship.
The Macabees
25-11-2004, 18:27
The armament ship decided to heed the warnings. As long as they would get across. The captain ordered his XO to write up a quick list of EVERYTHING on the ship in order to not give Chellis a suprise of a life time when they found armaments on it.
The armament ship decided to heed the warnings. As long as they would get across. The captain ordered his XO to write up a quick list of EVERYTHING on the ship in order to not give Chellis a suprise of a life time when they found armaments on it.
The chellian soldiers were very surprised when they were actually let to search the ship. They didn't do too much searching, just a visual check of things. The act was more symbolic than anything, in chellian eyes. They couldn't do anything to the macabee's, regardless of what was on the ship.
"Thank you for complying with the chellians." The commander of the men simply said. "The strait will be open in three hours, and you can continue your passage through." As he finished, the helicopters arrived, right on time to pick them up. The FAC's had verged off, the destroyers moved out of the way, and the helicopters headed back to gibraltar.
The Macabees
25-11-2004, 18:55
OOC: Yea, I decided not to make thing sticky in the Gibraltar with current movements by AMF.
The Macabees
25-11-2004, 19:09
OOC: Ah yes...
Several blackhawks will be making sorties out to sea (well west of the Gibraltar) to pick up the crew of the lost patrol boat, which belongs to a RWC ally.
25-11-2004, 19:23
Captain Marcus stared at the burning wreck of his patrol boat, it was sinking as it recieved another Exocet to the hull. Marcus didn't know it but he was being dragged away by his crew through the water, his entire left upper leg was full of metal pieces but he coudn't feel the pain. His marine sergeant, first mate and another marine where slowly dragging him along to a awaiting Macabee diver underneath a BlackHawk helicopter.
I failed but I did not die...why have I survived...why... He slipped away, the last image being the burning patrol boat Vulkes.
Captain Jonas Nebt stood on the bridge of the RIS Hermes, watching the scene. He shook his head slightly, relieved that the Risban ship would be passing through without any trouble.
Following Chellis' orders, it stuck close to the coast of Morocco.