The Formation Of OPEC
Fascist Confederacy
24-11-2004, 04:51
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPEC has been formed under the sudden surge of Middle Eastern nations claimed by other nations. But, we also noticed, that there is no real organized association that will regulate, limit, or design the oil exportations. Thus, OPEC was formed. The central headquarters of this international cartel shall be Berlin, Fascist Confederacy; But every member nation of OPEC will have a local branch in their capital city in order to keep up-to-date with the crude oil news. The following is a basic vision and goal of OPEC:
Our Goals
Goal Number One: To regulate and designate reasonable oil prices for all member nations.
Goal Number Two: To locate and mine petroleum cells within the Earth.
Goal Number Three: To broaden economic and trade ties within member nations.
Goal Number Four: To keep an organized, responsable, and mature grip and gain ahead of the competition.
Our Vision
Our vision, is that one day, oil will be sold throughout the world to all nations. That they will be eager to associate and come through OPEC nations in order to gain the blood of their industry, economy, and nation period. We wish that one day, we are to become the leading petroleum company or group throughout the world.
Member Nations
Fascist Confederacy (Founder)
The Parthians (Founder)
New Zambuda
We are in the process of recruiting likewise nations. We are eager and look forward to applications from any nation that wishes to broaden its petroleum industry. But, we do reserve one right: To refuse any nation (under any known or unknown reason(s)) we wish from acceptance into OPEC.
24-11-2004, 04:56
To: Whom it may concern
>Economic Department
>State Department
We view this new "OPEC" as an organization whose only real goal is to esablish a monopoly on oil, and as soon as it does this, mark up the prices per barrel exponetionaly. We urge all nations to refrain from joining this organization.
24-11-2004, 04:57
OOC: You've got a Code error in paragraph one
We applied you in your efforts, though, we worry, for other nations, as to if a monopoly will ensue, and the member nation of OPEC will dent fuels to nations they deem unworthy, for whatever reason.
Luckily, this wouldn’t affect us
OOC2, I suspect you'll be hearing a lot of that "This doesn’t effect me...ive got huge oil fields...blah blah..." My nation uses TDP technology to turn waste into fuel, a real, though unperfected, modern technology
Anyways, good luck with this, I hope people will respond in character, and not just pass this off as another "It doesn’t matter, im not affected" post
To: Whom it may concern
>Economic Department
>State Department
We view this new "OPEC" as an organization whose only real goal is to esablish a monopoly on oil, and as soon as it does this, mark up the prices per barrel exponetionaly. We urge all nations to refrain from joining this organization.
If that were the case...wouldn’t it see to be more beneficial to join, and save you the high pieces, and get the member discount?
Fascist Confederacy
24-11-2004, 05:05
Reply To Biologics:
Why would I, or my ally wish to form a monoply? If we wanted a monoply, don't you think we'd keep OPEC in secret and not invite other nations? That way we coul horde all of the profits. And secondly, I have a Powerhouse economy, and so much uranium ore and lumber in my nation, if I wanted a monoply, all I would need would be a chainsaw and a shovel. I denounce you accusations and officially recognise you as an malicious person trying to stomp out nations chances in uniting and bettering each other's economy.
OOC: Yes, I know, I fixed it. And probably alot of newbies will do that. Hopefully not though.
IC: We thank you for your support, Transnapastain. And we insure all nations, we will make shure that this association does not form a monoply.
The Phoenix Milita
24-11-2004, 05:12
Reply To Biologics:
Why would I, or my ally wish to form a monoply? If we wanted a monoply, don't you think we'd keep OPEC in secret and not invite other nations? That way we coul horde all of the profits. And secondly, I have a Powerhouse economy, and so much uranium ore and lumber in my nation, if I wanted a monoply, all I would need would be a chainsaw and a shovel. I denounce you accusations and officially recognise you as an malicious person trying to stomp out nations chances in uniting and bettering each other's economy.
IC: We thank you for your support, Transnapastain. And we insure all nations, we will make shure that this association does not form a monoply.
Well I thought the REAL OPEC was supposed to be (trying to become) a monopoly so that they could control the oil prices.
I was gonna join, but if were not gonna be a monopoly whats the point ?
Fascist Confederacy
24-11-2004, 05:29
OOC: We are planning to form a monopoly, but we're, at this stage of formation, just trying to appeal so we can get backing. So, you can still join if you wish, since you know our agenda, partially.
Fascist Confederacy
24-11-2004, 05:33
Goal Number One: To regulate and designate reasonable oil prices for all member nations.
Goal Number Two: To locate and mine petroleum cells within the Earth.
Goal Number Three: To broaden economic and trade ties within member nations.
Goal Number Four: To keep an organized, responsable, and mature grip and gain ahead of the competition.
OOC: If you noticed, it hints that our agenda is to become a total dominating force of the oil and natural gas industry. Kinda like, as long as we keep denying it, it will be the truth.
The Phoenix Milita
24-11-2004, 05:37
Alright we wil join then.
Fascist Confederacy
24-11-2004, 05:39
Wonderful. Another powerful nation to add to the list.
Official JRV Government Communiqué
The Republic of JRV would hereby like to request immediate membership to OPEC. We believe firmly in what this organization is promoting and would like to play a role.
- JRV Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Fascist Confederacy
24-11-2004, 21:47
JRV's application is hereby recognised and accepted. Welcome to OPEC.
The Empire of Risban requests to join OPEC.
The Imperial Republic of Nycton would like to request membership of OPEC.
Fascist Confederacy
24-11-2004, 21:57
Risban. We regret to inform you that your request to join The Organization Of The Petroleum Exporting Countries was denied.
OOC: You're FT, I'm MT.
Nycton. Your application is accepted. Welcome to The Organization Of The Petroleum Exporting Countries.
OOC: Sorry, I'm a bit of a "noob" on this site. FT and MT mean...?
Fascist Confederacy
24-11-2004, 22:02
OOC: You're in a region that has Aligned Planets in it, meaning, you are probably Future Tech (FT). And I'm Modern tech (MT).
OOC: Hahaha. Oh, no no no. I moved to Sol Sector to increase relations with Aligned Planets. We first met when the Earth VI thing began. I had Italy and England, and he had France, so we formed an alliance and I moved to his region. I am modern tech. Should you need proof, I suppose the most active RPs I am currently taking place in are This one ( and This one (
Fascist Confederacy
24-11-2004, 22:10
Very well. After reconsideration, Risban is granted permission into OPEC. Welcome.
The Empire of Risban thanks you for this.
12-12-2004, 06:39
The Republic of Pacitalia is extremely interested in joining this alliance. We have currently discovered at this time Pacitalia holds over 52 billion barrels of petroleum that remains untapped. We also have three times that number in litres of untapped natural gas. - reference
Please consider our application, we hope you'll accept us.
New Zambuda
12-12-2004, 07:03
I would love to join OPEC. I control Qatar and UAE on Earth 5.
Total Oil Reserves:94.8 billion barrels
Total Gas Reserves: 23.7 trillion cubic meters
Total Daily Production:3.3 million barrels a day
12-12-2004, 20:24
The Phoenix Milita
29-01-2005, 21:25
At this time The Phoenix Milita must withdraw from OPEC
Several things concerning some of the member nations have come to my attention, which I do not wish to discuss right now, but needless to say, they are of such a nature that they justify our withdrawl from this organization.
-Field Marshall Maximus Seville III,
Supreme Commander The Phoenix Milita
Fascist Confederacy
29-01-2005, 21:30
OOC: Well damn, thanks for withdrawing. Now I can notice that there are people who want to join. XD
New Zambuda and Pacitalia, background checks are now being processed.
After thorough deliberations, the ministries of finance and trade have decided that applying for membership in OPEC is in the best interests of the Federation and its people.
We await reply regarding admittance with eagerness.
FCD Foreign Ministry
30-01-2005, 07:00
Thanks for the acceptance. I appreciate it.
By the way, check my factbook (link above) - more petroleum and natural gas has been discovered.
Fascist Confederacy
30-01-2005, 07:03
Dear FCD Administration,
Your application to The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries has been accepted. Welcome to OPEC.
* * * * * *
OOC: No problem and will do.
Fascist Confederacy
30-01-2005, 07:05
OOC: Pacitalia, please sign in to MSN. You aswell FCD,
Dear Administrative Authorities of OPEC,
The Grand Imperial Nation of Tokarev would be more then interested in becoming a part of this organization. Our nation is heavily dependent on petroleum, as most modern industralized powers are.
Our total oil reserves amount to 659 million barrels
Our total oil production amounts to 4.8 million barrels/per day
Please note that the majority of our oil comes from rigs in the South Pacific.
Fascist Confederacy
30-01-2005, 07:33
We are currently deliberating your enterance.
30-01-2005, 08:14
I'm in MSN right now.
We are interested in joining OPEC as well.
Ali Zawani, Gizah Minister of Trade.
Fascist Confederacy
30-01-2005, 08:29
OOC: Bluefox670 isn't showing as signed in.
Tokarev and Gizah, we regret to inform you, but your application has been denied.
30-01-2005, 20:24
I just added you today. I have two MSN accounts, the one you added I go on less, but I'll try to be on more.
30-01-2005, 20:29
We would like to be a part of OPEC - for better a better oil future!
Could you perhaps inform us of why we were denied?
Fascist Confederacy
30-01-2005, 21:09
Dear Hogsweatian Administration,
Your application to join The Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries has been accepted. Welcome to OPEC.
* * * * * *
Dear Tokarev Administration,
We have reserved the right to refuse membership to any party/person/corporation/nation and have reserved the right to not notify you of its reasoning. Good day.
Excellent line of reasoning there. Who could argue with such fine logic?
The Macabees
31-01-2005, 06:43
Was incredibly bored so -
Please no OOC - you don't back down I'm gonna kick your ass!! Let's make this one good guys.