Orbital defence station begins construction
24-11-2004, 01:44
The nation of Boyctinus came to the conclusion that the construction of a second orbital defence station would be good for the country let alone the region of RedNecks, and althoug Orbital Defence station Athena is already compleated, and used with great effect in deploying toops in other conflicts, that another would improve the safety of our nation. But, we are willing to make this a joint operation so that many other nations could enjoy such a station for natinal defence. Any help that can be given to the project will get shared use in it's operation. We have alredy spent millions of Tekas building the first one, but this second one will be a big help to all.
Tar-Plantir, President
Secret IC:
While on its usual patrol, the battlecruiser Gaidal came across an orbital defense platform under construction. Captain Davies Ramon radioed Fleet Command for orders, and recieved the simple instructions,
"Watch and observe."
Emporer Pudu
24-11-2004, 02:05
My nation is very interested in the 'Joint Operation' part of that. We would be willing to help, be could pay for supplies, offer up pudite workers or anything else. We do have a small future-tech fleet, so we could also help protect the construction site if you wish. If we could please join your in this operation?
24-11-2004, 06:18
This station has been planned to have two purposes. 1, to have a zero gravity work place where breakthrough medical and scientific advances can be made. 2, defend the nation of Boyctinius and it's allies from unessiary fighting. Any help of supplies and protection or workers will be appreciated. Battle station Athena has been up and running for at least a year and, although in a safe and undisclosed location, can and will defend this construction site with it's armourments. Battle station athena has been pivitol in Boyctinius efforts to help one of it's allies in a civil war by using Orbital drop troops and pelican drop-ins.
I do believe an arrangement can be reached. Sate your terms and I will listen.
No harm will come from the construction of this station, it's only for protection and we do not want to create a internatinal war.
24-11-2004, 07:03
As the nation of Liebermonk on its traveling asteroid made another pass around the moon, something caugh the Sattelite scan.
"Sir, someone is building a station of some sort in space. The computer says it could be dangerous, some weapon-like constructs are reported. What should we do?"
As Captain Nookman read through the on-screen displays he contemplated what this could mean. "We came to space to escape the problems of earth, but it seems to appear that the problems will never be escapable. I'm not sure wether that is defensive or offensive, but I'd rather not risk it. Send in our stealth fighters to keep an eye on that thing. They wont be able to see us, thanks to the scientists down in Technological Lab 05. Tell the ships to constantly move to throw off the focus, and have them find out exactly what that station is for. And right this down, I would like to send a note to the nation.."
The Captain began dictating to the officer exactly what to right down. "... and if any hostile action is seen, We will not hesitate to take force..." He wanted to make sure no one was going to mess with space.
Workers, Supplys, and Weapon Defenses :sniper: :mp5: :gundge: will be sent to help build and protect the platform
24-11-2004, 21:24
People stood by there telivison sets as the first Boyctinius starship slowly pulls out of Athena station. Shouting and joymaking could be heard echoing throughout the station.
*On board intercom*
"ladies and gentlemen, this is you capitan speaking. We are here to defend the under construction station, I know you people are nervous, and wish that we could have been launched under better circimstances, but we have no time to argue, be ready......ALL HANDS BATTLE STATIONS!! Weapons officer, do not fire at any ships untill i give the go. And before I give the go, give them a MAC round past their bow"
The ship slowly pulls away and headed towards the under construction station.
Emporer Pudu
25-11-2004, 11:42
Two transports of workers one Mars class Cruisers and fifteen Sword class Escorts will be sent up to help with construction and defence.
30-11-2004, 02:00
"Sir,I am picking up a sensor shadow, it seems to be hiding just out of range"
"What do you think of it?" The capitan asked.
"could be anything from a starship to a space rock"
"Fine, lets send a message" The capitan announced.
"To sensor shadow, we know you are out there, please identify yourself or we will be forced to fire"
NO response.
"Fire the warning shot" The capitan ordered.
seconds later a six ton round came out of the MAC and blew past the object, creating a massinve wake behind it making the object shudder.
Station docking bay Alpha is compleated. Input code 2366-A before landing or the defense grid will activate.