The Great Society Initiative: Schultaria Prime's new Foreign Policy for East Africa
Schultaria Prime
24-11-2004, 01:18
Following the conclusion of the most recent national elections, Directors Joan Covey, Elliot Schultz, and Director-Elect Sarnow Haarvekord met to commence preparation for the twenty third Schultarian Directorate in Schultaria Prime, Schultaria Prime. Over the course of the secretive five day meeting, the outline of the next five years of Schultarian policy was discussed in various high level talks between the three directors as well as high ranking officials from the National Assembly. While the majority of the meeting's official transcripts will not be disclosed to the public until the official inauguration of the three Directors, the Directors-Elect have agreed to disclose some information about the development of Schultarian foreign policy.
"Though it has always been the focus of our nation to improve the standard of living in areas that have sought our aid, we have come to the agreement that it might be time for us to provide humanitarian aid to those nations who are struggling to develop in these challenging times," Director Covey noted as she made her presentation of the next five years of Schultarian foreign intervention, "While Schultaria Prime has developed by leaps and bounds, we have severely limited our active aid to nations truly deserving of our help."
"We have been concerned with the development of our own infrastructure, and it seems shameful if we just sit around and let our material good fortune lay rusting. Although the last twenty five years of this administration have seen wonderful improvements in our foreign policy, it is a sad but true fact that we have not actively attempted to offer aid on a more personal level," said Central Director Elliot Schultz.
The plan, known as The Great Society Initiative, seeks to improve international ties to the nations closest to Schultaria Prime. Specifically targeting the nations of Kenya, Mozambique, Somalia, and Tanzania, this policy seeks to allocate over eight trillion USD over a ten year span in Schultarian government investments to improve the agricultural, industrial, and educational sectors of these nations. Suffering from national poverty for decades as the result of latent colonial interests and poorly developed infrastructure, this economic package will be largely free of Schultarian oversight, save for the development of educational practices.
"A nation can only be as economically viable as the education it offers to the majority of its citizens," Sarnow Haarvekord replied in a response to media questioning on the funding initiatives, "Schultaria Prime has been honored with an educational system that is both free and offers a level of capability which helps our nation to compete in the complex societies of the modern era. Public education does so much more than merely teach facts; it's a tool which helps to provide a basis of self-sufficiency. Education dominates the fields as well as the cities, and it is the single greatest engine of economic progress. By improving the education programs of these impoverished east African nations, the advances made to their infrastructure will come at a lower cost and the effects of our policies will be more permanent."
Even while the inauguration of the three directors is still more than three weeks away, the National Assembly and Constitutional Courts have engaged in discussion and policy debate over this issue. As more information progresses on this story, Hifex will continue to offer coverage on this new development.
Schultaria Prime
25-11-2004, 06:04
A BUMP for the Evening.
Greetings, Directors of Schultaria.
I am very willing to provide support and aid in this endeavour. I have a list of provisions and things I would like to dedicate to this effort.
1. 100 water generators (based off hydrogen fuel cells)
2. $250 billion annually.
3. Construction personnel and machinery.
4. 1,000 of our finest educators.
5. Micro-Hydro Irrigation Systems, using Sharina's patented hydrogen fuel cell technology.
There are additional resources I am willing to donate to this humanitarian effort, including the use of Sharina's massive Goliath Transports which can carry 300,000 tons of material or personnel per ship.
May our example serve as a shining beacon for these nations in need.
Live well and prosper,
President Rand Veristek
Vastiva, having recently annexed South Africa and Madagascar, will gladly support this effort as it is in line with our own.
Schultaria Prime
25-11-2004, 20:00
A BUMP for the Afternoon; this will turn into an eventual RP following the inauguration of the three Directors.
OOC: I hope that the annexation of Madagascar was an island that looks similiar in size, shape, and location or in another plane of existence. Click here for my national map. (
Zarbian Tanzania will not receive aid from Schultaria Prime or any other nation.
A BUMP for the Afternoon; this will turn into an eventual RP following the inauguration of the three Directors.
OOC: I hope that the annexation of Madagascar was an island that looks similiar in size, shape, and location or in another plane of existence. Click here for my national map. (
OOC: Multiplanar existance. Isn't it wonderful? The Madagascar we annexed had no indigineous sentient life whatsoever. So we're using it as a garden.
25-11-2004, 20:25
"The Free Empire of Dornalia, as it commands Mozambique, has studied your policy and found it to be quite beneficial. As a result, this effort will enjoy our support, as we find it is within our policy, set out in the Napoleon-Lew Doctrine, of defending Africa against imperialism by empowering and supporting local governments. We intend to provide experts in agriculture and educators too, if possible."
Alexander Mbeki
Prime Minister
Acting on Behalf of Her Majesty Wilhelmina, Empress Napoleon VIII
Schultaria Prime
25-11-2004, 20:36
To the Nation of Zarbia
"And how many people did you suppress to acquire this land, and how have you helped the local peoples? I highly doubt that since your influence in the nation that the people are better educated or more self sufficient.
Also, seeing as you tend to support nations who prefer to randomly destroy individuals and their cultures rather than rebuild them, I personally do not recognize your claim to any portion of Tanzania. Prove to Schultaria Prime that your nation has improved the livelihood of every citizen in the region without the invocation of either pseudo-scientific eugenics or military action and then we might be willing to talk.
Until then, the National Assembly is on the verge of approving this bill. If you have any thoughts or notions of attempting to prevent us from investing in Tanzanian industry or education through any physical manner we shall respond accordingly. We feel that we have an obligation to help those nations closest to us; given the recent windfall in our economy, we feel guilty that other people have not been able to share in the wealth."
-Director Elect Sarnow Haarvekord
-Subordinate to Central Director Elliot Schultz
Schultaria Prime
26-11-2004, 02:53
A BUMP for the Evening.
Schultaria Prime
28-11-2004, 07:23
Another BUMP for the Night.
To the Nation of Zarbia
"And how many people did you suppress to acquire this land, and how have you helped the local peoples? I highly doubt that since your influence in the nation that the people are better educated or more self sufficient.
Also, seeing as you tend to support nations who prefer to randomly destroy individuals and their cultures rather than rebuild them, I personally do not recognize your claim to any portion of Tanzania. Prove to Schultaria Prime that your nation has improved the livelihood of every citizen in the region without the invocation of either pseudo-scientific eugenics or military action and then we might be willing to talk.
Until then, the National Assembly is on the verge of approving this bill. If you have any thoughts or notions of attempting to prevent us from investing in Tanzanian industry or education through any physical manner we shall respond accordingly. We feel that we have an obligation to help those nations closest to us; given the recent windfall in our economy, we feel guilty that other people have not been able to share in the wealth."
-Director Elect Sarnow Haarvekord
-Subordinate to Central Director Elliot Schultz
How does any nation acquire more territory? If all else fails, one must resort to war, that is what we did.
The percentage of AIDS in Tanzania has decreased from 8.8% to less than 3% because of Zarbian rule. Poverty which was at a rate of 36% is now down to 9%, a major improvement.
As well, illegal transshipments of heroin and cocaine have been mostly stamped out.
Of course, lives had to be lost and battles won, but in the end everyone benefitted. We set up a Tanzanian National Guard, where we made it mandatory for all black Tanzanians of age and fitness to join. Those same Tanzanians that were living impoverished lives are now living good lives.
We do not need external aid, we refuse to receive it.
Schultaria Prime
29-11-2004, 00:28
"How does a nation acquire territory?
Are you suggesting to me that a nation must consume and gain without looking to the people's consent? Would you say to me that the most superior goal of a governing body is conquest and expansion?
I must digress; your statistics are to be commended if, and I must stress this point as fully as possible, they are through peaceful measures. Of course I will not single out your nation in this comparison, but the nations that you affiliate with could claim similar exceptional statistics. However, statistics can be inflated though self-imposed colonialism, forced political and economic segregation, or brute liquidation of the local population. Also, your mention of a thriving drug trade in Tanzania suggests to me that in order to make the nation prosperous there must be a concerted effort to improve agricultural standards. In these cases, I will give you the benefit of the doubt until I'm privy to more reliable intelligence following my inauguration.
There's also the matter of the National Guard you mentioned supporting your facts. While I'm no historian, I do believe I can vouch for Central Director Schultz when I say that this concept is impractical on many levels. A compulsory military is akin to a single crop economy; after so much time practicing the same methods repeatedly the land will become depleted and impoverished. How do you occupy a military, even a part-time national guard, which has such a huge membership without either destroying the local economy or falling into a military coup?
If you refuse to receive aid, then I would like to personally come and tour Tanzania following my inauguration as a Director of Schultaria Prime. I can completely understand national pride and protectionist sentiment. Though if I sense that your political maneuvers are similar to Soviet-style blackouts then I'll have no choice but to request Schultarian funding for your territory and persuade Central Director Schultz to enforce the act in the name of international humanitarianism."
-Director Elect Sarnow Haarvekord
Schultaria Prime
29-11-2004, 05:33
A BUMP for the Evening.
Schultaria Prime
29-11-2004, 20:10
A BUMP for the Afternoon.
Schultaria Prime
30-11-2004, 22:17
A BUMP for the Afternoon.
The Tanzanian National Guard is not always on duty. All members are given six month's training and then dismissed until they are needed, mostly in times of war. Those that wish to stay are allowed and they stay in reserves.
The agricultural industry is controlled by pure white Zarbians and all manual labour is carried out by the natives.
A representative from Schultaria Prime would be accepted as long as they are of pure white descent.
Schultaria Prime
01-12-2004, 06:47
-A message from the Central Directorate of Schultaria Prime
"Could you please clarify the term 'pure white descent' as stated from your official government response to Director Haarvekord's statement? As per the Equal Eye Laws passed in SDC 02, it is illegal for the government to document any statistics based on race or nationality with the exception of broad census studies. At the interests of not causing an international incident, the Central Directorate would like to have the following information to make the best educated choice. Given that our concept of race is limited to only a historical perspective, we would be greatly obliged with your expedience in this matter.
A complete genome of what is considered to be a 'pure white' by your national definitions.
Full biometric parameter analysis of several specimens who possess “favorable” Zarbian racial attributes.
One copy of any and all laws pertaining to international visitors in Zarbian territory, including all pertinent racial codes and documentation thereof.
Thank you for your time in processing our queries; we hope that once this is concluded we can make the necessary arrangements to visit Tanzania on a formal diplomatic basis."
(excerpted from VNN Channel 722 evening broadcast)
... betting remains heavily on contestant #6 as the infiltrator.
In international news, Vastivan Health Services began widespread innoculations this week among the populations of its possessions in South Africa and Madagascar. Specifically among the targeted diseases were smallpox, rubella, measles, mumps, and ebola.
A representative of the VHS-Colonial Division had this to say.
"We're using a modified mutagenic vaccine, as scourges in this particular part of the world are known for rapid mutation. As a result, our vaccines are encompassing a great many numbers of plausible variations of these viruses, resulting in a broader general immunity.
"We have also firebombed several caves known or thought to be sources of the Ebola infections, in one case reducing a cave to a pile of slag."
"What of the native bat populations?"
"Artificial caves were constructed prior to Vastivan actions; it is not our desire to render these animals homeless, but to insure the survival of the human inhabitants of these colonies. As a result, the artificial caves include a wide range of monitoring equipment, but other then that will not interfere with the animals natural habits."
At this time, the vaccines are showing a 6.2% rejection rate, with 9% of the rejectees developing fatal infections. These numbers, say sources, are well within acceptable tolerances.
In other news, castaways were...
Schultaria Prime
03-12-2004, 03:24
A BUMP for the Evening.
Schultaria Prime
03-12-2004, 17:19
A BUMP for the Morning.
Schultaria Prime
04-12-2004, 04:23
A BUMP for the Evening.
Schultaria Prime
06-12-2004, 03:09
To the Nation of Zarbia
"Well, it appears as though we might be forced to invest in Tanzania despite your protests over sovereign colonial territory. Given the recent public declaration of war authorized by your government, it is now more than certain that there will be a humanitarian crisis of catastrophic proportion. It's sad to see that your nation has gone to war so readily, but to each nation their own."
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
-Head of State: The United Socialist States of Schultaria Prime & The Protectorate of Islandia Schultaria