Czar Fabus Wishes you all a Happy Thanksgiving (OOC stuff)
Decisive Action
23-11-2004, 22:54
"Czar Fabus wishes the world a happy thanksgiving, and hopes that you are all well."
Joseph Mladic
I'll be gone for at least the next week, visiting relatives and quite likely hunting turkey. :) I hope that anybody with ongoing RPs with me is not inconvenienced by this absence.
Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving and get yourself lots of gobblers. (makes shotgun noise)
23-11-2004, 23:00
"Yes, it is important to thank the red indians for not putting up too much of a fight."
Koda the Dread,
Eternal Leader of Momanguise,
~The Ruin of Ages~
Camel Eaters
23-11-2004, 23:00
OOC: class act
Itinerate Tree Dweller
23-11-2004, 23:08
"Though we do not celebrate this holiday in ITD, we appreciate the well wishes." - Emperor Kersk
ooc: happy thanksgiving
Committee of Vigilance
23-11-2004, 23:09
OOC: Good luck...and happy hunting.
"The Committee and our benefactors wish you too, a Happy Thanksgiving. May your nation continue to be prosperous."
Norman Anderson
Chairman of the Board, Committee of Vigilance.
23-11-2004, 23:42
***In a brightly lit Throne Room***
I, Emporer Shaz Bot, would like to wish everyone across the NS World a Happy Thanksgiving. A great fest is upon us for this glorious holiday and we all must take advantage of the fests, i know i will.
Fruity Loops
23-11-2004, 23:44
MERRY CHRIS---"it isnt chrsitmas yet? oh..its thanksgiving..MERRY THANKSGIVING! what? its happy thanksgiving? ok ok...HAPPY THANKSGIVING! and may we not all choke on turkey...but i wanted it to be christmas!"
23-11-2004, 23:57
OOC: Dont celebrate it here either, sadly. No more than Halloween.
IC: Indeed. Let all the world be happy, and be glad for the good things they have gotten this year.
President Blackhand
24-11-2004, 00:09
From the darkened and cooled throne room, a single figure rests upon his ivory throne, his eyes piercing through the darkness to the messenger who brings him the message of holiday cheer.
"This does not mean Thanksgiving is permissible in Niscartopia. Send thanks, but expect nothing more. Tell Czar Fabus I wish him well."
Emperor Dirge Niscar sits back in his throne and giggles.
"And next, I call off Christmas..."
Happy ThxGiving, y'all.
24-11-2004, 00:15
Happy Thanksgiving! God Bless!
Aztec National League
24-11-2004, 00:34
I thank you for your good wishes.
Take care,
Dr. Darius Wellington, Foreign Affairs Minister
OOC: Thanks, hope you have a good Thanksgiving too.
The Parthians
24-11-2004, 17:45
We thank the Czar for his kind words. In celebration of Thanksgiving, the Shah will be holding a canned hunt of turkeys outside Persepolis palace. All heads of state may attend.
-Shah Khosru III
24-11-2004, 17:55
Thanksgiving? Meh, it's always been something of a puzzle to us Brits.....
24-11-2004, 18:04
OCC: Crazy Americans
24-11-2004, 18:18
OCC: Crazy Americans
OOC: We're not that crazy, we just love eating turkey with family and friends. Is that so crazy?
anyways, happy thanks givin' y'all *tips hat and wanders back to the TV*
Upper Xen
24-11-2004, 20:35
OOC: We're not that crazy, we just love eating turkey with family and friends. Is that so crazy?
anyways, happy thanks givin' y'all *tips hat and wanders back to the TV*
OOC: I agree. Two things:
1. Thanksgiving was based on the old English celebration of Harvest Home, so be careful when you call us crazy.
2. What's wrong with gathering the family, extended and close, around a table and enjoying a nice turkey, while giving thanks for all we got and all of the good things we have had happen to us?
Decisive Action
28-11-2004, 23:18
It rained and it poured, and it rained and it poured... And I don't have a truck to get through the sea of mud created on the dirt road I use to get back to where I hunt! Curses! what a waste! Curses!
Well at least I got some good drinking in.
It rained and it poured, and it rained and it poured... And I don't have a truck to get through the sea of mud created on the dirt road I use to get back to where I hunt! Curses! what a waste! Curses!
Well at least I got some good drinking in.
Ah well, perhaps you will have better luck nextime. A damn shame though.
I find the worst thing about drinking(aside from the fucking of the brain and kidneys) must be that once you've been drinking for a while, you find out that you've spent 200$ on vodka coolers and you've literaly pissed it away.