FT Troop Auction, Low Prices Available
23-11-2004, 12:06
Are you afraid to go out at night?
Are you Afraid to go out in the day?
Are you just plain afraid? Well if this is you then you need the MUSRUM MK6!
Unfairly nicknamed 'The mobile rocket laucher*' by it's enemies, the Mega Ultra Super Robot Ulitimate Mole Mark 6, is available for you to bid for in groups of 1000 at a time, or a pack. We have 900 packs available, so bid early to avoid disapointment.
The Musrum is well armed and fanatically loyal. It has been known to take on enemy armour AND win! This product has a minimum bid of only £200 million, that's an amazing saving of 99% off the construction price!
So what's the catch? There is no catch**! Just plce your bid... now and how many packs you want!
The Musrum mk 6. Guaranteed to last 3 lifetimes***!
* It also comes with a fusion cutter
** Can not be modified/ disected or used against the Great Nation of Moleland, as this would cause the unit to self-destruct.
*** Not an actual Guarantee
23-11-2004, 12:08
MINIMUM BID= £200 million
Neo Sephiroth
Lessr Tsurani
23-11-2004, 12:12
OOC I love not a real Garrentee.
IC The Empire will bid this prices for 100 of them. We need forces at this time, payment will be given as pure gold.
23-11-2004, 12:16
Bid received. 900 packs available. Auction will last for 2 more weeks.
Lessr Tsurani
23-11-2004, 12:49
We request that you place them at the same location the gold when you have them. We need them soon, as we are experincing problems in the government.
23-11-2004, 13:23
we want 900 packs at 4.s trillion
The Imperial Navy
23-11-2004, 13:24
we want 900 packs at 4.s trillion
Sephy, we don't tend to sell equipment to our enemies.
23-11-2004, 13:36
so i cant build a defencive screen for when amf invades me
23-11-2004, 14:19
Seph, We reject your bid. You are at War with the Great Nation of Moleland.
In short, no!
LT, we will get them to your planet ASAP, but only if you have a winning bid!
Lessr Tsurani
23-11-2004, 14:25
Look, What ever anyone bets, I shall pay 10 million more, I NEED those suits, we are scraping together anything we can. I can transport it to my planet, but I need a soild location.
23-11-2004, 14:29
They aren't Suits. They are erm... 'Robots' That know nothing except to serve your leader, and fight to the death. Ok, I'll Give them if by 2 O'clock, no more bids have been given. But, they will cost £210 million!
Lessr Tsurani
23-11-2004, 14:32
Don't bother us, we have almost 100 trillion in Gold and other matirials avalible. ((Saved up.))
23-11-2004, 14:33
Anyway, more bids welcome! (Except from seph)
24-11-2004, 11:46
LT, your purchase has been accepted.
and BUMP
24-11-2004, 12:06
I'll take one! And just one...
It'll be a nice addition to scare the prisoners underneath the palace to death.
Oh and as a RWC ally, you think you can giftwrap it?
24-11-2004, 12:09
what 1 pack??
You bidding the minium bid?
24-11-2004, 12:13
what 1 pack??
You bidding the minium bid?
I'm not a FT nation but I think one(as in EEN, UNO, EIN) can do nicely for RP purposes.
Do giftwrap it however....
24-11-2004, 12:16
1 MUSRUM? Fine, £2 million a fair price then?
24-11-2004, 12:21
I'll give you ten million for it and a lollypop, so it seems we have a deal!
24-11-2004, 12:23
Fine, spend more than I wanted! Gift wrapped it is, and delievered by a gaint guy in a monkey suit (and a big fanfair). Have fun (it should arrive in minutes)
24-11-2004, 12:25
Oh I will, pleasure doing buisiness with you...
24-11-2004, 13:56
25-11-2004, 13:36
29-11-2004, 12:13
The Merchant Guilds
29-11-2004, 12:42
Fine, spend more than I wanted! Gift wrapped it is, and delievered by a gaint guy in a monkey suit (and a big fanfair). Have fun (it should arrive in minutes)
OOC: Jesus christ, mole... that was my birthday present... *cries* :D
We would also like to purchase a single MUSRUM for study and evaluation for $2 million, as per your requested price.
The Shadows,
29-11-2004, 14:36
Although you are a valued allie, we can not allow you to copy the technology. However, you may purchase one... If you wish
30-11-2004, 12:05
The Merchant Guilds
30-11-2004, 12:40
Although you are a valued allie, we can not allow you to copy the technology. However, you may purchase one... If you wish
We only intend to study it. We do not wish to copy it.
The Shadows,
30-11-2004, 12:43
Please explain what you mean by 'study' as this is a vague discription.
Neo sephrioth
30-11-2004, 13:50
neo sephrioth would like to purcases 2
30-11-2004, 13:53
2 Packs? Nice to see the facelift Seph!. Can your new nation afford this price of 20 million per case (unless I get more bidders) Remember, you can't use them against me. Secondly, you can't copy the technology of it in anyway.
Neo sephrioth
30-11-2004, 13:55
money wired
30-11-2004, 13:57
Your money is received. Please note that your purchase will notgo through, until this thursday. If no further bids are put in (as in, if nobody bids for the other 898 packs) then your bid is secure... and those MUSRUMS not Purchase will be scrapped!
Neo sephrioth
30-11-2004, 13:59
ill purchase all of em
30-11-2004, 14:01
and im financing him
30-11-2004, 14:03
*Eyes raised in surprise* As a new nation I am unwilling to allow you to buy anymore. £400 million is all I will accpet from you. Sorry.
And main Seph. You are ignored, because IC: you no longer exist. Stop posting in this thread.
The Merchant Guilds
30-11-2004, 14:25
Please explain what you mean by 'study' as this is a vague discription.
As in study, we mean understand your technology. It is in itself unusual, so we wish to understand it's capabilities so we can better work with yourselves in our various joint causes.
The Shadows,
30-11-2004, 14:26
Very well your offer is accepted.
OOC: If your science team examine it, we can start a thread about it. I'll RP the Musrum... If you like...
The Merchant Guilds
30-11-2004, 14:37
Very well your offer is accepted.
OOC: If your science team examine it, we can start a thread about it. I'll RP the Musrum... If you like...
We thank you for the acceptance.
The money has been transfered to your account.
The Shadows,
OOC: Could always have a joint project on the tech, Mole (my organics + your MUSRUM could make an interesting combo). But yeah RPing the probings wouldn't be a bad idea.
30-11-2004, 14:38
I'll tell you a little about the MUSRUM on the PM.
01-12-2004, 11:17
01-12-2004, 14:34
BUMP x2!!!
Neo sephrioth
01-12-2004, 15:08
mole land can you modify our packs to have 2 phaser cannons on them
01-12-2004, 15:11
? They will be sent in transports. The MUSRUM is a infantry unit. We don't have phasers. We have lasers. If this isn't what you meant, could you explain better?
Neo sephrioth
01-12-2004, 15:15
a phaser is a star trek infantry/ ship mounted weapon we can supplie them but you will have to install them
01-12-2004, 15:19
What, so you want a smallier, closed ranged weapon fitted? We could offer you a range of our weapons, and a rough cost to you for having them fitted, if you want?
Neo sephrioth
01-12-2004, 15:24
yes that's it it needs a stinger misile added insted of the fussion cutter
01-12-2004, 15:30
A fusion Cutter is a cutting tool, for cutting through blocked doors ETC. If you are going modern tech, we recommend you don't buy any. As the MUSRUM is FT.
A range of Non-Explosive weapons you could add...
1. The Laser blaster- A Powerful, reasonably fast fire rate. Laser can burn through between 6-10mm of armour. Accuracy is questionable.
2. The Laser pistol- A powerful, but slow firing weapon. Burns through between 7-10mm of armour. Great accuracy.
3. The Repeater rifle- A 3-barrel weapon. It is rapid fire weapon, as it rotates, firing each barrel in turn tha is almost instantly reloaded. burns through 5mm of armour. Good Accuracy.
Neo sephrioth
01-12-2004, 15:35
ill take 3 laser repeters and an anti aircraft weapon.
01-12-2004, 15:36
They will be attached to as many MUSRUMs as you wish. We advise against AA weapons, as these will ake the MUSRUM too heavy to move...
Neo sephrioth
01-12-2004, 15:51
01-12-2004, 15:54
Okay, Tomorrow they shall be fitted intstead of fusion cutters, at no charge to you. Have fun!
Neo sephrioth
01-12-2004, 16:09
is it acceptable for this to becalled the necros veriannt
01-12-2004, 16:10
Neo sephrioth
01-12-2004, 16:13
to make them scairer
01-12-2004, 16:16
I still don't understand...????
Neo sephrioth
01-12-2004, 16:19
my enemies will be afraid of somethin that sounds demonic
01-12-2004, 16:21
What? You want the MUSRUM to be renamed? Very well. It is your choice.
Neo sephrioth
01-12-2004, 16:22
the necros class musrum. the ultimate killing machine
01-12-2004, 16:24
Very well. do as you please. they will be yours after all.
Neo sephrioth
01-12-2004, 16:27
we also wish to order 6 more packs same modiciations
01-12-2004, 16:29
Wait for 20 more days. I don't want you to spend all of your money at one go...
Neo sephrioth
01-12-2004, 16:33
just resevee the unsold ones for me
01-12-2004, 16:33
Already done.
Neo sephrioth
01-12-2004, 16:39
sweet can i test my necros's agains some of your apc's
01-12-2004, 16:40
Sorry... test them against someone else. Have fun!
Neo sephrioth
01-12-2004, 16:42
i kmow o.s
01-12-2004, 16:42
Maybe not orange state. Feel free to attack NATO members!
Neo sephrioth
01-12-2004, 16:51
you dislike nato .
and we will buy em all k
01-12-2004, 17:33
More like I hate them seph...
Neo sephrioth
01-12-2004, 17:35
my necros are going up agains a nation i know from when true seph was new
01-12-2004, 17:42
Have fun! I breif desciption of how they fight (and how to order them) can be found here!
Read the post with the dtatpad ( I think it is post 4)
02-12-2004, 11:50
BUMP. You now have only 4 hours to make an offer...
Neo sephrioth
02-12-2004, 14:24
ill take em
02-12-2004, 14:35
You already have 6 packs reserved for later...
02-12-2004, 15:55
Auction Is Closing Soon!
03-12-2004, 14:46
This Auction Has Closed!