ATTN: Nazi nations
23-11-2004, 06:51
*Public Broadcast by PM Cowlquape Pentephraxis*
Sanctaphrax, as both a member of the Anti-Nazi Pact and the Jewish Defence Alliance, feels that nazis are a stain on the world. They cannot accept responsibility for anything, instead blaming Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and anyone else who doesn't conform to their twisted idealogy. We are now going to put TOP of our priority list the destruction of all nazi states. I am a Jew, 75% of you, our people are Jewish. Of the rest, 15% are blacks, yet crime is non-existent. This defeats the nazis arguments entirely. Nazis are the scum of the world, and need to be exterminated. THEY are the ones causing the worlds problems, and it is they who are lower than anyone.
23-11-2004, 07:14
The Armed Republic of Scaropin pledges support to Sanctaphax in his quest. We too are an anti-Nazi nation... believing in civil rights and freedom for all races.
The Protectrate of Gryson stands by your commitmint of eradicating these racist morons. :mp5:
The Commonwealth of Erainor stands by your pledge to rid the world of Nazis.
If they aren't aggresive, chellis see's Sanctaphrax having no valid reason to attack them, if it does.
23-11-2004, 07:41
If they aren't aggresive, chellis see's Sanctaphrax having no valid reason to attack them, if it does.
Though recently, we have had basicly nothing in agreement, ViZion must agree with Chellis on this.
Yes, ViZion is a part of the ANP, but we feel those who are not aggressive in their actions are not the ones we should pay attention to. Currently, genocide runs rampid across the globe in both Nazi and non-Nazi nations. It is those currently that we must stand up against.
23-11-2004, 07:46
Ah, yes, as always--"No, you're not the greatest, that's racist! Everyone knows we're the greatest!" The term, "blatant ignorance and racism" comes to mind, as do the terms "semi-retarded hypocrite" and "lobotomy patient."
It's funny, you know, how both sides of an argument can be completely wrong. Are nazis a bunch of 11-year-old white boys with nothing better to do from Holeintheground, Montana? You know it. But saying that jews and/or blacks are on some higher plain only serves to completely decimate whatever argument you may have had.
Also, you claim that nazis blame all their problems on other groups, which is entirely true. But does this finger-pointing game sound familiar to you? It should.
23-11-2004, 11:46
The Confederacy of Klenland will join you to rid the world of NAZI's.
The Merchant Guilds
23-11-2004, 11:48
We would like enquire what you define as a Nazi? A National Socialist or Fascist in general? or even Right Wing as some left wing nations do.
The Guild of External Affairs,
Camel Eaters
23-11-2004, 11:58
Ah, yes, as always--"No, you're not the greatest, that's racist! Everyone knows we're the greatest!" The term, "blatant ignorance and racism" comes to mind, as do the terms "semi-retarded hypocrite" and "lobotomy patient."
It's funny, you know, how both sides of an argument can be completely wrong. Are nazis a bunch of 11-year-old white boys with nothing better to do from Holeintheground, Montana? You know it. But saying that jews and/or blacks are on some higher plain only serves to completely decimate whatever argument you may have had.
Also, you claim that nazis blame all their problems on other groups, which is entirely true. But does this finger-pointing game sound familiar to you? It should.
OOC: Obvioulsy you haven't been here long enough to know about some of the great purges that have happened in the past (on NS) that were carried out by this scum.
You know were we stand. By our allies. Who do we attack first?
23-11-2004, 13:54
OOC: Ultraliberal, I didn't say that Jews and Blacks were superior, I said that NAZIS were inferior, not all whites are nazis.
Vizion, this is a start for when i'm going to remove all nazis from my nation, anyone who threatens me then...
23-11-2004, 13:55
We would like enquire what you define as a Nazi? A National Socialist or Fascist in general? or even Right Wing as some left wing nations do.
The Guild of External Affairs,
Not all right wing are nazis. We have a right wing ally. Its the EXTREME right wing that we're after. The ones that believe that they are superior to someone because of their religion or colour of skin.
25-11-2004, 21:59
As a member of ANP also, Nimthescout supports you as you rid the world of Nazi scum.
25-11-2004, 22:02
our nation is very anti-nazi but cannot pledge support right now as we are fighting nazi terriosts that are attempting a takeover of our nation.
25-11-2004, 22:52
The Council of Elders of Sandtrail have asked me to inform you all of their vision. They think that Nazi's should not be eradicated, but re-educated. If they are thought the basic values of live, then they will automatically cease being Nazi's.
Spokesperson for the Council of Elders of Sandtrail
Big Long Now
25-11-2004, 22:56
I agree that Nazis don't have a place in society, but in Big Long Now we grant free speech to all our citizens, even Nazi ideology. The problem is that even if we were to wipe out the Nazis, the racism and hate that they stood for would still be felt by people in society, no matter the name.
Professor John Franks
Cobanika University, Big Long Now
The Parthians
25-11-2004, 23:37
We don't kill people because of ethnicity. Though we do execute dissidents.
26-11-2004, 03:12
(OOC: I have chatted with Witzgall's leader and we're expecting to start the war sunday or monday, I suggest each of us submits their troop strenght, artillery/tanks/trucks/ect strenght and all. So we know no-one godmodes.)
IC: Verstummelung is already engaged in war with Witzgall, we could use all the allied support we can get.
26-11-2004, 03:19
OOC: Just to ask, which side are you on?
De Jewish Mafia
26-11-2004, 03:30
DJM supports you. We will begin "accumulating" funding and we will start sending truck bombs into those Nazi bum nations.
26-11-2004, 04:01
Hold on I am no fan of nazis however if you kill them all simply for being narrow minded idiots you will reduce yourself to their level, that is not something we in Elvindis want to see happen, racist of all stripes are just as bad as the nazis, however once you have proof of wrong doing by them or can tell us of a nazi nation, or racist that has committed atrocities or purges we will stand by you, however at this moment I can only promise diplomatic and monetary support as our navy and airforce are already being ready for conflict against fruity loops and our small self defense force is on stand by against any retaliation due to our actions. BUT KILLING PEOPLE ONLY FOR THEIR VIEWS IS WRONG, besides where does it stop? Once you start saying one group of people is evil it is a slippery slope that leads to genocide. You do not want to kill them all only to in the process become the very thing you were fighting.
Supreme Aryans
26-11-2004, 04:33
I am naturally offended by your ignorance of the Nazis. The National Socialist have an idealistic view of creating the superior human race. Thanks to our hospitals and helping we have disposed of Darwinism(Natrual selection or Survival of the fittest) which means we shall never evolve. Yes there are such things as inferior and superior races. All men are not created equal. By historical data the Aryans are the superior human race. To keep the Aryans racially pure we must sterilize all inferior beings. Now I am not saying killing them just keep them from reproducing. So in actuallity you are the biggots and racist against the nazis as our goals are more noble than yours are. And I leave you with this small history lesson.
We support ridding the world of Nazis, but understand that it cannot be so violently carried out on such a large scale. Though we voice our support of any movement against the plague of Fascism and Nazism, we will not participate in any effort to purge the earth of all nazis.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Vladitzio Norduchitti
26-11-2004, 04:40
I am naturally offended by your ignorance of the Nazis. The National Socialist have an idealistic view of creating the superior human race. Thanks to our hospitals and helping we have disposed of Darwinism(Natrual selection or Survival of the fittest) which means we shall never evolve. Yes there are such things as inferior and superior races. All men are not created equal. By historical data the Aryans are the superior human race. To keep the Aryans racially pure we must sterilize all inferior beings. Now I am not saying killing them just keep them from reproducing. So in actuallity you are the biggots and racist against the nazis as our goals are more noble than yours are. And I leave you with this small history lesson.
I would type a rather long thing debunking all of the rubbish in that, but it'd be pointless and waste my precious time. Suffice to say:
1) No race is "superior" (in any case a ludicrously subjective term) to others.
2) Nazis have no "noble goal" of furthering the human race; if they did, they would move away from the animal instincts they follow and venerate.
3) An interesting fact: the "superior" aryan Nazis were utterly shit-kicked by the "inferior" Slavs, the "mongrel" British and Americans, and the British colonial forces, such as Africans, Indians and Asian peoples - not to mention, of course, Jews. So sorry, your argument's not holding much water.
Supreme Aryans
26-11-2004, 04:58
I would type a rather long thing debunking all of the rubbish in that, but it'd be pointless and waste my precious time. Suffice to say:
1) No race is "superior" (in any case a ludicrously subjective term) to others.
2) Nazis have no "noble goal" of furthering the human race; if they did, they would move away from the animal instincts they follow and venerate.
3) An interesting fact: the "superior" aryan Nazis were utterly shit-kicked by the "inferior" Slavs, the "mongrel" British and Americans, and the British colonial forces, such as Africans, Indians and Asian peoples - not to mention, of course, Jews. So sorry, your argument's not holding much water.
So you are saying that a pig and human are equal. Do they have right in the constitution. Do they have the ability to reason. Do they have the ability to construct any mechanism. I think not, so yes there are superior races. You might be thinking this doesn't count but it does seeing as these two are animals and they are different races. But for the sake of argument lets say people with down syndrom reproduced enough for them to consider it a race instead of a disease. So would a retard(trying to be politically correct) be equal to a normal person. Just think about it
If they had no goal to further it wouldn't it be the total slaughter of everybeing on this earth in not just the ones they found inferior.
And just to let you know those were countries that were against the nazi. The people that mostly contributed to the downfall were the super nation of the Soviets and the Americans. And if everyone execpt Japan was against the a bunch of Aryans which were excessively outnumbered you can't win. Lets put this in animal perpective a human can easily kill a dog without weapons, but will the human win against 10,000 dogs.
26-11-2004, 05:35
So you are saying that a pig and human are equal. Do they have right in the constitution. Do they have the ability to reason. Do they have the ability to construct any mechanism. I think not, so yes there are superior races. You might be thinking this doesn't count but it does seeing as these two are animals and they are different races. But for the sake of argument lets say people with down syndrom reproduced enough for them to consider it a race instead of a disease. So would a retard(trying to be politically correct) be equal to a normal person. Just think about it
If they had no goal to further it wouldn't it be the total slaughter of everybeing on this earth in not just the ones they found inferior.
And just to let you know those were countries that were against the nazi. The people that mostly contributed to the downfall were the super nation of the Soviets and the Americans. And if everyone execpt Japan was against the a bunch of Aryans which were excessively outnumbered you can't win. Lets put this in animal perpective a human can easily kill a dog without weapons, but will the human win against 10,000 dogs.
Again, you assume that humans are unequal. You assume - with no evidence actually being given, a common Far Right trait - that there is one race that is so superior to all others that (as is implied in your pronouncement) it should be treated as a separate species. Only with that ridiculous and unfounded assumption in place can your feeble idelology stand up, even to your own blind eyes' scrutiny.
Now, to Nazism's goal. Nazism's goal is not "noble" or "beneficial." Nazism's goal is what is generally known as murder, something whihc is, in most civilised nations, illegal. In addition, from a scientific standpoint, Nazism's programme to wipe out all races save the aryan would prove disastrous for the human race.
Finally, the last war. Perhaps the "superior" aryan Germans should have had the brains to see that starting off a war with all of the world's great powers in quick succession wasn't the way to go? Perhaps, if they were so "superior", they should have been able to smash this sceptred isle back in 1940? Maybe, to continue your (again, ludicours) analogy, if the human had a) not provoked the dogs to attack, b) made sure he was adequately equipped for the attack he provoked and c) taken care to ensure he wasn't taking on a strain of dog of equal capabilities to him at the outset in a one-on-one, he would have won. Then, perhaps, he could think himself superior.
Sel Appa
26-11-2004, 05:55
OOC: Actually, Aryans lived in India. They were not light-skin, they did not have blond hair, nor did they have blue eyes.
As a Nazi nation, we are amused to see so many blind fools that pledge themselves to a helpless cause. Such war-mongering nations are the real enemies.
26-11-2004, 11:11
Only european international fascism is true fascism.
American Aryans are only person stressed from their life of protestants and religious that feel to be ignored by their nation. Infact they are not true fascist, they believe in american democratic system and they believe in a god, this means they are far from gentilian theories: they are not fascist or nazist, they are only idiots skinheads.
Sionists however are wrost then nazists, they kill Arabs who are of the same race then them. They have no respect for others as others are not rispect for them.
You blame the others when you're wrost then others.
The Merchant Guilds
26-11-2004, 12:12
OOC: Actually, Aryans lived in India. They were not light-skin, they did not have blond hair, nor did they have blue eyes.
OOC: Very true, the Tibetans are supposed to be the last real descendents of the Aryans, well according to the SS Ancestry crowd.
The Imperial Navy
26-11-2004, 12:16
Nazis do not bother our people... they are way too cynical to be brainwahsed. Nazis are no threat.
28-11-2004, 07:21
OOC: Just to ask, which side are you on?
OOC: I'm on the side against the Nazis.
The war is going to start soon, with my country being invaded first, thus the reason we all go to war. Be ready ;)
Heil Octavian
28-11-2004, 07:27
I object to this proposal, I govern a Nazi nation and will not tolerate this behaviour. In a Fascist world, everybody will be perfect.
Terra Romani
28-11-2004, 07:31
The Community of Terra Romani pledges support to you in the event of attack or atrocity by a Nazi nation.
Practicing strict pacifism, and believing in freedom of opinion, Terrra Romani will not join you in an offensive action to "eradicate" nazi philosophy. Should you, or anyone in this alliance require assistance to repel an invasion, or put an end to atrocities, however, we will be at your side.
Consul Krois I
Head of State and Government
EDIT - OOC: Hey, are there really Nazi nations in NS? Kreepy... I guess the internet does attract a lot of depraved individuals...
28-11-2004, 09:38
I have a problem with this group. It seems this group could very easily become
Now, I can agree Nazisim is better crushed under the Human boot - Humankind has a chance to be more than animals, to accept everyone regardeless of charactersistics and become stronger because of it, but Zozombia implores you not to confuse Extremisim with National Socialism.
What do I mean? Quite simple. Nazi's are extremist National Socialists. Extremisim in any form, be it Athieism, Capitalisim, Communisim, Whateverthef%uckisim is bad. Hitler swung an entire nation against the Jewish religion, and it could happen to anyone. Why can this group not aim for every form of Extremisim in all it's forms, starting with Nazisim? I guarantee your support would be much greater.
National Socialism isn't such a bad theory. Sure, it's a little misguided and old fashioned (If what I remember is correct) as it's reasoning is that everyone is equal and beautifiul in their own way, and to preserve the indiviudal characteristics of each race they must remain seperate. This clashes with the Jewish beliefs that only "Certain" people will go to heaven. That is why those two might show animosity, so your group must be careful
I might be wrong on all this, but I propose this coalition carefully consider each target before labelling it Nazi, rather that covering every nation under the same blanket.
I would be happy to be part of your group, not one that acts offensively against nations, but one who delves into a nation and ddecides whether they are Nazi or National Socialist (Despite whatever they may label themselves)
Dr Hans Greuler, Exalted Teracot of Zozombia.
28-11-2004, 09:50
*Public Broadcast by PM Cowlquape Pentephraxis*
Sanctaphrax, as both a member of the Anti-Nazi Pact and the Jewish Defence Alliance, feels that nazis are a stain on the world. They cannot accept responsibility for anything, instead blaming Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and anyone else who doesn't conform to their twisted idealogy. We are now going to put TOP of our priority list the destruction of all nazi states. I am a Jew, 75% of you, our people are Jewish. Of the rest, 15% are blacks, yet crime is non-existent. This defeats the nazis arguments entirely. Nazis are the scum of the world, and need to be exterminated. THEY are the ones causing the worlds problems, and it is they who are lower than anyone.
In RB, we have a very gruesome procedure for executing Nazis. :)