Chancellory Passes New Law Making All Civilian Travel Illegal
Die Arbeitenden Leute
23-11-2004, 06:27
Section B102-Q9FU of the Working People's Lawbook
On November 23rd, 2004 Die Arbeitenden Leute Cabinet came to an unanimous decision revoking all Personal and Business Travel Visas issused by the set government from November 23rd, 2004 and before for ALL NON ARYAN PURE PERSONS. Severe penalties will be inflicted upon all those ignoring this new law including jail-time. Those with these Visas must turn them into their local police department immediately as well as be finger printed for future reference. Deadline to turn in your Visa is November 25th 2004. Those failing to comply will face immediate jail-time as well as possible seizure of property.
Aryan is to be defined as any person with Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, Caucasion. Those not meeting the above definition are to adhere to the above law and follow its instructions.
Questions about this new law and compliance can be directed to the Main Reich Security Office:
Reich Main Security Office
Beeskowdamm 5-11
D - 14167 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 8453-0
Chancellor Gustav Gottschalk
Main Reich Security Minister Harald Hartmann
Chief of the Armed Forces Fritz Fürchtegott
Reich Minister of Interior Lothar Meinhard
Reich Minister for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda Arnulf Vornamen
President of the Reich Bank Wolfgang Klaus
Reich Minister of Foreign Affairs Dieter Frank
Die Arbeitenden Leute
23-11-2004, 07:07
Die Arbeitenden Leute
23-11-2004, 07:52
Die Arbeitenden Leute
24-11-2004, 04:45
Does this include foregien visitors in your country.
The Parthians
24-11-2004, 05:49
You know, most Germans don't have blond hair and blue eyes and Aryan can be applied to Persian and other Iranid gorups.
24-11-2004, 06:02
The Representative NeoColony-4 council finds this action disgusting and revolting. The Council implores Die Arbeitenden Leute to lift this law. If there is no change, NeoColony-4 might have to deploy armed forces and meet these demands via force.
-The Representative NeoColony-4 Council
Die Arbeitenden Leute
25-11-2004, 06:35
From the Desk of Dieter Frank,
Reich Minister of Foreign Affairs
To Whom It May Concern,
The Chancellory of DIE ARBEITENDEN LEUTE would like to clearify that this law is to be enforced upon ALL persons within the Region. We also do understand mose Germans are without blonde hair and blue eyes... Thank you... The Chancellory of DIE ARBEITENDEN LEUTE will also hold no accordance to threats made from outside Nations not within our Region. We will continue to pass laws that we feel make our Region a safer place to be.
Thank you,
Reich Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dieter Frank
From the Desk of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Although a facist nation, the Empire of Avadria is deeply saddened and dismayed by the actions taken by your nation. It is a shame to base your beliefs upon an unfeasable theory of genetics which will disallow your nation as well as the world to appreciate what your culture may have to offer.
As well though, the Avadrian government is appalled by the threats imposed by other nations. We respect the right of DIE ARBEITENDEN LEUTE to construct and impose it's own laws. If they wish to keep certain people out of their country, then so be it. We feel it is of no concern to other nations.
On another note, we feel that the nation of DIE ARBEITENDEN LEUTE should give proper time to all people in your country, not living up to your law, proper time to leave. It would be in the best interest of those people and your government.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Gerhard Norris
25-11-2004, 06:54
The United Socialist States Of Comunisticturkeys does strongly oppose facism but agrees with Avadria. I wish to see no war involved with the passing of this law but you should let the people who want to leave, leave. But still i do not control your decisions and you do as you may.
Take heed to this warning thou if you attack another country i will be forced to comit to full military action.
Comrade Vladamir Medvedev, Leader of The United Socialist States of Comunisticturkey
Vasily Zaitsez, Minister Of War
Sasha Parlenova, Minister Of Foreign Affairs
Georgi Kostantavich, Minister Of Trade And Commerce
Viktor Stulukast, Minister Of News And Entertainment
Sel Appa
25-11-2004, 07:27
Sel Appa demands the release of all non-Aryans or the laws be repealed, otherwise, military action will be taken. The 50,000 troops on stand-by for park n shop can be easily redirected towards DAL.
NC4, should we need to use force, we offer a temporary alliance.
25-11-2004, 07:34
The United Socialist States will now be changing stances and agreeing with Sel Appa lift your law on foreign travel and we will not be forced to attack you!
Sel Appa I offer you and NC4 a temporary alliance if a war starts
Comrade Vladamir Medvedev, Leader of The United Socialist States of Comunisticturkey
Vasily Zaitsez, Minister Of War
Sasha Parlenova, Minister Of Foreign Affairs
Georgi Kostantavich, Minister Of Trade And Commerce
Viktor Stulukast, Minister Of News And Entertainment
From the Desk of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Empire of Avadria believes that it is in the best interest of both parties to not engage in military action within either nation. It is the law of DAL and only of DAL. You should not be concerned with their policies unless they effect you directly, which of course they do not. In conclusion we expect all hostile nations to withdraw any proposals to take military action against the nation of DAL.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Gerhard Norris
Sel Appa
25-11-2004, 07:37
DAL can do whatever DAL wants, but if they do not allow non-Aryans to leave, we will use force to free them.
25-11-2004, 07:43
The United Socialist States of Comunisticturkeys agrees with Sel Appa still and will not withdraw hostile stnce with DAL
Avadria Have you seen the other law that passed
Comrade Vladamir Medvedev, Leader of The United Socialist States of Comunisticturkey
Vasily Zaitsez, Minister Of War
Sasha Parlenova, Minister Of Foreign Affairs
Georgi Kostantavich, Minister Of Trade And Commerce
Viktor Stulukast, Minister Of News And Entertainment
Sel Appa
25-11-2004, 07:45
A decleration of war on DAL is being proposed and debated in the HoE.
From the Desk of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
We continue to stress that the other nations withdraw their offensive stance on DAL. Again we request that you discontinue any planned offensive actions against the nation. As well we have reviewed their other law and agree with it on most respects. The banishment of marriage between "Aryan" people and "Non-Aryan" people would directly coincide with this current law and therefore produce no problems. It seems to serve merely as a clairification of their stance on other races.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Gerhard Norris
Sel Appa
25-11-2004, 07:58
If they allow non-Aryans to leave, we will not commit any troops.
25-11-2004, 07:58
Minister Norris i dont not believe you can do much to stop Sel Appa from going to war. If Sel Appa goes to war i will be forced to go to war on their side for i have agreed to help them in their time war. So my question to you is have you sided with the facists.
Comrade Vladamir Medvedev, Leader of The United Socialist States of Comunisticturkey
Vasily Zaitsez, Minister Of War
Sasha Parlenova, Minister Of Foreign Affairs
Georgi Kostantavich, Minister Of Trade And Commerce
Viktor Stulukast, Minister Of News And Entertainment
From the Desk of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
In due time the Empire can easily commit enough soldiers to crush your petty resistance. Again we stress that you backdown or prepare to face humiliating defeat. The Empire has many allies opposed to communist nations and alone could easily stop your nations.
If it comes to force, we will not hesitate. We hope you will make the proper decision.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Gerhard Norris
Minister of Military Affairs
August Kurgen
Sel Appa
25-11-2004, 08:14
Go right ahead...
Might we remind you that the Avadrian military is much larger than that of both your nations combined. We could crush you very easily. So again we suggest you do not take action against DAL.
Sel Appa
25-11-2004, 08:32
I hate to quote him, but...
Bring it on!
Might I remind you that the Empire has a standing military of roughly 40,470,000 personell. This out numbers your nations entire populations roughly four to one. Again we suggest you reconsider.
Sel Appa
25-11-2004, 18:28
The HoE has not made a decision on a declaration of war as yet.
Die Arbeitenden Leute
25-11-2004, 19:51
-- Cleared for Public Viewing By Harald Hartmann, Main Reich Security Minister --
From the Desk of Fritz Fürchtegott
Chief of the Armed Forces
To Whom it may concern,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The United Socialist States of Die Arbeitenden Leute will allow until the 30th of November for all Non-Regional Citizens to leave the nation. However, under the set deadlines and regulations we will be forced to prosecute ALL Non-Citizens once the November 30th Deadline is reached. We would like to also announce that we will adhere to NO threats from outside nations! The outrage being expressed by our cabinet because of other nations threatening hostile actions against us is forcing us to possible mobilize our Armed Forces of 6,000,000 ready and willing Aryans and also our Allies The Dominion of Heilige which also has a standing Military of several million. We would like to issue a public thanks to The Empire of Avadria which has stepped in this matter for the better. We would like to issue an Alliance to the Empire of Avadria to join out striving Region and Alliance known as the NATION OF SOCIALIST WORKERS.
We thank you for your time,
Fritz Fürchtegott,
Chief of the Armed Forces
Independent Hitmen
25-11-2004, 20:05
OOC: 9 Million is 9/10s of your population! GODMOD alert! Unless you put two extra 0's on that is?
Die Arbeitenden Leute
25-11-2004, 20:12
From the Desk of Fritz Fürchtegott
Chief of the Armed Forces
To Independent Hitmen,
We apologize for the error. That was unfortunately a misprint and we apologize for the confusion as well as mistake.
Fritz Fürchtegott
Chief of the Armed Forces
From the Desk of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Empire of Avadria will not join your region or alliance as we strongly oppose Hitlerian philosophy. However we will continue to support your nations laws within your own boundaries. We do not wish to see foreign powers, especially communist nations, raise arms against the deicisions made by a government not affiliated with them that only applies to the said government and it's people.
Despite our rejection of alliance, we will offer a hand in friendship to support your nation to a minor degree, mostly on the matters discussed above.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Gerhard Norris