Farewell, My Darling... (War)
23-11-2004, 04:37
OOC: please use subscribe, tag the OOC thread.
The Fuhrer sat at his desk, calmly. His powerful uprising of the new government regime brought hatred towards Witzgall from all directions of the International Community.
Billions of people hated the Fuhrer and his ways of governing the people and nation of Witzgall.
The entry into Nazism apparently did not go off too well with Witzgall's own allies. Not a soul stepped in to support The Nazi Empire of Witzgall. The time of judgement was before the Fuhrer, and he knew what he must do.
He prepared a speech for the people of the international community. He wrote from the heart and from the mind. He was to speak in less than half an hour, and he was blank.
The Fuhrer crumpled up the paper in front of him and decided to speak from the soul at that podium...
The news crews from all over the globe snapped their photographs of the mysterious "Mister", and some were granted live video feed. The world watched in patience.
"Greetings. I am here to speak to anyone who wishes to listen." started the Fuhrer, calmly.
"The Nazi Empire of Witzgall, of which I am Fuhrer, has begun the process of cleansing of all impurities. We have alerted the international community to this, and they were appalled. As was expected of any human, as was expected of those who do not understand.
I am simply fulfilling my duties as the Fuhrer of a government. Billions of people see what I do as wrong, but trillions see it as right. They are just afraid of standing up...well, I am not. I stand here today as a courageous leader of the People.
I am deeply saddened to say that..." the Fuhrer continued.
The Fuhrer looked directly into one of the news camera and did not blink. His blue eyes stared into the glassy reflection.
"We are going to war with the international community." he said.
The crowd of civilians and newscasters was shocked at the announcement. They simply could not believe it. Two days after the new government was established, war arises.
"God be with our soldiers who fight with their hearts of patriotism. I thank you myself. Let you fight for those who cannot, let you win and prove the nations who despise us that we are right in our beliefs." the Fuhrer ended his speech after another half hour.
24-11-2004, 03:11
OOC: Preliminary post.
IC: Richard Rush was sitting in the plump armchair in his otherwise spartan, three-roomed flat, sipping at a glass of particularly average Sake, when the programme about Czech 15th century cloud formations to which he had been utterly rivetted as mercifull interrupted by the characteristic logo of a state announcement, the flag and the song "Rule, Republic!", a blatant tip-off of "Rule, Britannia." After a few moments of the usual orchestral rendition, the Prime Minister appeared, standing before a tall wooden podium, looking, strangely, almost happy.
"Citizens and countrymen," he began, the song still playing in the background. "Today, we have once again been called upon by the oppressed and innocent to fulfill our pledge to those whom we can help lift from the grasp of Nazism. The people of Witzgall, tortured by their government, plead for us to rise and help them in their hour of need. And we, the defenders of freedom and justice, with our great allies in the Coalition, will not fail nor falter, until Nazism is smashed in Witzgall, and the people freed from its yoke! Forward, comrades!"
Rush sat, numbly, in his chair, as "Rule, Republic!" resurged from quietness, a breathtaking chorus drowning out even the cheers from the flat below him. The images of the nation's naval might paraded across the screen before him, and his telephone rang. He picked it up wearily, knowing what would emerge from the earpiece. After a brisk conversation, comprising "yes" on his part many times, Rush packed his bags, climbed onto a bus, and headed for the port of Arthurswick.
Liza Marisa (Head of Civility) let her jaw drop in front of Jackson McAbb (Head of Forces) and Earl Watson (Head of Trade/74th Infantry), as she read aloud a short, but horrific manuscript handed to her by her aid: Nazi Empire, war, Civil Dispute, and Violence.
A few hours later
The HoF McAbb had cut off all ties with any nation within a border of Witzgall and has alerted the nation that they were preparing to enter a war on the grounds of Turetelian International Article 4 (337.8) stating: Any nations rights that are threatened by an unfair or unjust government that can or my consist of the loosely affilated groups of Nazi's, Extremist Rights, and Slave nations are subject to Turetelian liberation or if under an approved Civil Doctrine (Internationale Civil Article 440 ((1.2-1.38) that in effect; aid pretaining to the amount of 404 Million Turetelian Carbon Units may be used as a method of assisting liberated zones.
The people of Turetel cheered as Jackson McAbb walked off the stage and ordered the 74th Infantry, the 302nd Marine Division, and the 444th Armoured Brigade be activated and that the White Fleet and 2nd Bomber/Fighter wing be activated as well. HoT Watson grabbed his secondary weapon of choice (his bloody saber, stained red by now) and his Light Pistol that McAbb had given him as a gift. He addressed his men and then they all got aboard the ship. He had been named by Jackson the sole Commander of the Operation.
To the nation of Don'tPissUsOff: The nation of Turetel ask that we tackle this problem together in hopes of a more coordinated attack and a tie of alliance (which can be discussed later).
To the nation of Witzgall: You have 36 Hours to surrender before we begin to try and bomb Federal and Military positions.
OOC: Sorry if my grammer is a bit off, the key board is having some diffuculties right now.
New Mesapotamia
24-11-2004, 16:24
I, the ruler of the entire region "Cradle of Civilization", would like to declare our neutrality in this war. But if we are invaded or have any attacks on us, you can expect 33 nations against you.
Prime Minister Schuster
Akin Republics
24-11-2004, 16:30
The akin republics does not want to take part in any wars at this time, because we may be facing our own civil war. To further emphasize our neutrality, our relations have been cut off with any nation taking part in this armed coflict. The Navy of The Akins Republics is patroling our waters, in case of an attack.
IC: A tall, handsome man dressed in a deep purple robe stood at a podium, and began speaking: "My name is Xelloss Metalium, of the Rogue Nation of Chitin. The new Nazi state must be eliminated for the good of the world. The nation of Chitin wishes to inform all those allied against the Nazis that we wish to co-ordinate an offensive together. Chitin is a relativly new nation, and our Armed Forces are not yet up to quota. Nevertheless, we will fight with all our might against this threat to world democracy." :mp5:
Akin Republics
24-11-2004, 16:42
A young man of about 25 stood. He wore an elegant white overcoat that went dwn to his knees. Immediately everyone fell silent. "As the leader of the Akin Republics, I condem this war. Instead of allowing this to escalate into an armed conflict, y dont we solve this diplomatically? There is no reason for innocent men and women of warring countries to have to give up their lives on an unjustified war. The Akin Republics will remain nuetral, and as stated before by our secretary of state, we will cut off relations with any country who decides to take part in this war."
24-11-2004, 20:30
24-11-2004, 21:27
OOC: I posted in the OOC Thread and got the OK.
Shogun Tomzilla the First sat in his private room, in the Palace of the Shoguns, in Tomzilla City. He watched the news report of Witzgall declaring war on the international community. He picked up a nearby phone.
"Secretary Hurtner*, make a declaration of war against Witzgall.They have declared war on the international community, and we are part of that community. Ready the troops. There will be no debate in the Senate. I have always hated Communists and Nazis. Now, we will rescue an oppressed nation from Nazism. Try to get contact with other nations that are about to make war on Witzgall. We will need a strategy in this fight. That is all."
Tomzilla the First hung up the phone. Witzgall had made a grave mistake.
OOC: *Secretary Hurtner is Secretary of War Heinrich Hurtner.
24-11-2004, 21:58
A document was passed around the Council of Generals' meeting hall. All one hundred and seven members of the council showed up to attend this meeting of grave importance.
The Fuhrer stood before the council, at the podium in the front of the room. The council sat on the rising chairs, discussing matters themselves.
The document was looked at by each man and woman of the council, some signing, some not. The Fuhrer looked upon his comrades as the document was passed through all of the members of the council, before two armed soldiers brought it back up to the Fuhrer.
"Thank you...as you may know, the Nazi Empire of Witzgall is currently at war with several nations of the international community. The document that was just cycled throughout this council was the official document of the war. Those of you who signed, you are with me in this battle. Those of you who did not, you either abstain or are against me...
I support both positions, but I must side with my loyal soldiers in this battle." said the Fuhrer as he overlooked the document.
War with the I.C.
Fuhrer "Mister", Rudolph Pusch
Field Marshal John Pimmlot
General Rolf Bayerlein
General Klaus Schmund
Field Marshal Michael Clance
Field Marshal Cassandra Mirklok
General Robert Rainer
Field Marshal Joeseph Heer
Admiral Jeffrey Georgins
General Kevin Neil
Field Marshal Josh Ascrof
Field Marshal Christian Sudolph
General Hans Vielkof
General Fritz Sanze
Field Marshal Andrew Cunner
Colonel Hans Newug
General Anthony Furr
General George Kellis
Admiral Scarlet Snyder
Field Marshal John Romok
Colonel Jessica Tchus
General Herbert Andrews
General Victoria Roberts
Field Marshal Eric Fruh
Field Marshal Thomas Gurtings
Colonel Anthony Vitolzk
General Elizabeth Nined
Admiral Scott Petesky
Admiral Steven Ftini
Colonel Rodger Pach
General Hans Defi
There were more signatures, but some of the handwriting was illedgible, and the Fuhrer did not need to know who signed the document. The majority had, so war was upon the nation of Witzgall.
24-11-2004, 22:58
-War Room, Presidential Palace
Well, the easy part was over.
President Stanton went over his discesion again in his mind, and to the events of earlier in the day. Gain popular support and declare war on a Facist nation bent on clearing out impurites in there own country. Furthur the Triancian reputation on the world stage. Liberate oppressed peoples.
Sure, it seemed simple when you put it into general rhetoric like that, but when you got down to planning the war, placing your units, and knowing that many a good citizen-soldier would die no matter what option you put on the table, things got a bit more complicated...
"Hmm?" The president looked up to see Secretary Wernick's vaguly annoyed stare. "Ohh, I'm sorry, Bob. Continue, please. You were going on to invasion plans?"
The SecDef looked for a second like he didn't want to give up his spilt-second of annoyance at his elected superior, but none the less continued. "Yes, Sir." He nodded to an Air Force Flight Sergeant working the console next to him, and a rough map of Witzgall and surrounding territory appeared.
General George Hall stepped up to the floor, and, consequnetly, the first duty of his command. He indicated a city on the main island's southern penensula. "The 4th Airbounre, under Colonel Jessica Vox, will stage a drop at the enemy's Port Halamaya. They will attempt to disable any defenses in the city, as well as secure the air and sea por,. After which, the 1st and 3rd Armored Calvary Regiments will arrive, personnel by aircraft, and equipment by High-Speed Roll on/Roll Off transport ships, escorted by the RTN. The 234th Tactical Fighter Wing will also transfer up there, basing themselves for strikes" He points furthur up the pensulla, where it meets the main land mass. "The 2nd Royal Marine Expeditionary will force a landing at this point, and hold the line from advancing enemy forces, as the 4th AB, 1st ACR and 3rd ACR move up and clear the 2nd RMEF's rear. After they meet up, will stage an assualt on the capitial." The General wound up. "All of this will be supported by the RTS Samuel Grey and it's CBG."
The President nodded at all of this. After all, it seemed like a well, thought out plan. "What about civil resistence? Retaliation by WMD's?"
The SecDef gave the General a break. "We don't think partisan activity will be heavy, Mr. President, as long as we better ourselves from the current regime. We've got 90th civil affiars ready to head into the port and start up an occupation authority once things are secure. As for WMD's," Wernick replied with a grim smile, "They go tactical, we go strategic, as current policy states. And with all these other nations acting on concurrent invasion plans, I don't think he'll risk it."
"Let's pray to God, Bob, that the rest of these forces think the same way." The President responded, equally grim. "I still want to co-ordinate with ANP Forces. See if we can keep friendly the bloodshed to a minium."
Wernick nodded, standing. "I'll send in Tim, sir."
24-11-2004, 23:17
+Klenish Parliament - Address by the President+
"It has become clear to us that nation of Witzgall is not going to back down from its views of Nazism and as we speak they mobilize the military.
It is with a heavy heart that I must order our armed forces to prepare for war.
Lets hope that with the many allies fighting this terror than in the end peace will prevail and few lives will be lost. Thanks you."
+The President leaves the room, followed by a long silence+
24-11-2004, 23:19
+Klenish Parliament - Address by the President+
"It has become clear to us that nation of Witzgall is not going to back down from its views of Nazism and as we speak they mobilize the military.
It is with a heavy heart that I must order our armed forces to prepare for war.
Lets hope that with the many allies fighting this terror than in the end peace will prevail and few lives will be lost. Thanks you."
+The President leaves the room, followed by a long silence+
Well, too bad you didn't post in the OOC thread like I said a bunch of times... Read what I say, please...
25-11-2004, 01:07
Arthurswick naval base
Ice coated the upperworks of the taller ships moored in the harbour, frozen onto masts and aerials by the bitter north winds that whistled through the white-coated wires, scraping at the faces of the men and women removing the crystals of ice from these vital systems. The cold wind reached down to ground level, giving rise to curses, mute and not-so-mute, from those unfortunate enough to have the job of loading stores into the warships, and swung some of the cargoes precariously in their hoists, suspended by giant dockyard cranes. A few people watched, stolidly, from the perimeter fences, occasionally waving but mostly concentrating on keeping warm. Winter was closing in all too rapidly. At the mouth of the harbour, corvettes patrolled, shepherding civilian vessels away from this sensitive location, while jets turned lazy circles in the frigid, stony skies above. Richard rubbed his hands together on the quarterdeck of Moskva, his mighty battleship upon which he had served for the past 7 years. The metal of her superstructure was cold to the touch, but not so cold as his heart was as he watched pallets of ammunition being hoisted down into the ship. He glimpsed a stencilled marking on the sides of this batch of shells: "PV-212." That alone sent a shudder through him. He had heard rumous of what PV-212 was capable of doing to the human body, and quietly blessed the secure nature of the solid shells. He lit a cigarette, in an attempt to keep back at least some of the cold, and headed inside to the wardroom.
25-11-2004, 03:32
Meeting of the Chiefs of Staff, 09:00 hrs, New Manchester base.
A great, rectangular, burnished oak table dominated the centre of the conference room. Around it were seats for eight, each with a pad and Parker pen, complete with a spare ink cartridge, and a glass of crystal-clear water. Paintings of mighty warships, ascending missiles, rolling tanks and hurtling aircraft hung framed on the oak panel walls, and at the head of the table, the flag of the Republic fluttered in the desultory breeze from the ventilators in the walls. At the table's centre, incongruous in the militaristic, formal setting, a large platter was heaped with biscuits, and in one corner or the room, where once had stood a fireplace, there was now a small area for making hot drinks. As the Prime Minister had once put it, "any fool can be uncomfortable." An attendant made sure everything was "just so", then quietly departed through a concealed door, closing it behind her with a soft click.
Ten minutes later, the room had a decidedly more cosy atmosphere, smelling heavily of tea and coffee and with several people munching on biscuits, sitting back and idly chatting in their seats. The Defence Minister finally finished milking his tea, and proceeded to his chair, waiting with a patient smile for the room to come to order. Gradually, the seven quietened down. Kazakov continued to smile.
"Thankyou, finally." He cast an affectionate eye around the group. "Right, let's get on with it. As I'm sure you're all aware, some 4 days ago, Witzgall began a programme of systematic genocide against...well, anyone who's not a WASP."
Nobody laughed; they weren't meant to.
"We attempted to continue diplomacy with them. Usually, it wears them down after a while, especially the knowledge that while they're sitting there we are readying our forces. However, this lot don't seem to be too familiar with the concept of knowing when to back down..."
"Typical bloody Nazis," commented the First Sea Lord, to general nods of agreement.
"Quieten down, Mick," replied Kazakov. "Anyway, we were still attempting to get a diplomatic solution when they decided to declare war on everyone opposing them; not the smartest move they've ever made, I'll wager." Kazakov spread a map out on the table - the OHP had ceased working for the foreseeable future - and waited as people jostled to see.
"As you can see, Witzgall is an island nation, much like ourselves. Their nation's rather more extreme latitude gives them a relatively severe climate: cold winters and hot summers, blizzards, and so forth."
"Not a place to go on holiday then?" joked Jacob Markham, head of the Special Warfare Forces. A ripple of slight laughter ran around the ring.
"Not really, no. Especially not for you, old boy." Markham remained quiet at that. He was part Hebrew, though not a Jew himself. For him, this was personal. The group pored over the map. Presently, "Mick" Tracy, First Sea Lord, spoke up.
"I take it we're going to be the first line of attack?"
"Yes, as always. We didn't spend..."
"Trillions on the Fleet for nothing. I know, Mikhail," retorted Tracy. "I also know that this will not be a walkover." Nods of agreement.
"Well, we can mitigate the difficulty, can't we?" said Kazakov, with a devilish smile.
"Certainly," commented the Head of Intelligence, Arnold MacIntyre. "Yes, we certainly can. Deception and so forth." The group gradually resumed their seats.
"So, Mick. Any ideas for deception?" prompted MacIntyre.
"Well, a few." Tracy leaned forward, his close-shaven red facial hair still showing somewhat. "First of all, we convince them that we aren't ready to fight. That's already being undertaken. Orders have been sent out, by our most secure methods, to the captains of all vessels currently at sea." That meant, they all knew, that those orders had been delivered by at least a 256-bit and code-of-the-day encrypted satellites message, or at best, by hand to the captains involved. "Those orders are for them to simulate as closely as possible a state of non-readiness. When I say that, I mean that they're to complain over the radio nets of shortages, make repeated requests for spares, have their ships stop a lot, submarines run surfaced to indicate problems, and so on."
Tracy took a sip of tea and went on.
"Secondly, we've begun camouflaging our larger ships. Basically, we erect large canvas and foil sheets over the decks, turrets and so forth of the ships to deceive satellites. It sounds outlandish, but it works well, at least when we try it. It's surprisingly easy to make a Hunter look like an oil tanker. Once this is done, they're being sent to sea in ones and twos, with orders for RV points. Even their departure is being done at night."
"Surely we can't keep them all camouflaged?" asked the Chief of the Ground Forces.
"No, we can't, that I admit," responded Tracy amiably.
"Well, won't they notice that they've gone?"
"I doubt it. When the ships leave harbour, we erect another canvas-and-foil "tent" over their berths. A satellite pass over the berth, or a satellite in geosynchrous orbit above the berth, will simply see a ship sitting there. To reinforce this and aid the first part of the deception, we're moving large numbers of "crates of spares" alongside. Those crates are, incidentally, crates of sand." Tracy smiled. "It gets better. Of course, there are plenty of ships cruising around on the surface, too, and beneath it, which could see. So the canvas-and-foil coverings also work from the sides." He passed around a pair of photographs from his jacket. "See if you can tell which of those is an aircraft carrier."
There followed many "umm" and "ahh" and "dammit!" sounds. Tracy's smile broadened a tad.
“Not too easy, is it?” He asked smugly. “It’s the one on the second photograph. If you’re looking really carefully, you can tell. Then again, who would pay that much heed to a merchant ship?”
“You’ve really been thinking about this, haven’t you?” asked Markham, genuinely impressed.
“Not me, Jacob. The intelligence services and the Naval Staff, a sterling job all round. Of course, I’m not finished yet. Tracy cracked his knuckles theatrically.
“In addition, we’re going to leave a fair number of warships blatantly obviously exposed to see. They will be a large decoy force. They’re going to draw all the fire of the Witzgallians – but they’ll probably be able to take it.”
“Bit of a gamble,” mused Kazakov.
“But a calculated one. If the enemy throws their main weight against this group, then when our attack hits them for real, they’re going to be hellishly surprised and shocked, which might give us the advantage we need. There are a few others things we’ll be doing, too.
One,” said Tracy, raising a finger, “we will be having a large number of “civilian” vessels head towards Witzgallian waters, remaining outside them at all times. The majority will actually be civilian – the fish around there are very good – but we will have plenty of AGIs in place.
Two, we are already moving several diesel submarines into position off shore, mainly Juliett-IIs. Those will give us the ability to strike quickly when the time’s ripe.
Three” (another finger) “we have ordered those ships already at sea in the area to maintain their stations as long as possible. That isn’t so much a deceptive move as an attempt to evaluate their capabilities before committing our main forces.
Four, we’ll be approaching from several different angles when we do make the main attack.
Five, we have a handy antidote for RORSATs, in the form of a large raft towed behind a submarine – which looks on radar like an aircraft carrier. We’ve tested this quite a lot, and providing the sea’s not too rough, say state three, you can simulate an entire battle force with a pair of submarines and a lot of hawsers. The rafts, by the way, carry IR lamps and pyrotechnic charges, so that they can even simulate being hit to satellites.
Six, we have a number of freighters which we rigged up with contraptions to make them appear to be destroyers, frigates, carriers and so forth for the last major naval action we were in. The Navy’s dusting those off, so we can use them within a few days.” Tracy sat back, a well-earned air of smugness about him.
“Our efforts seem rather meagre by comparison,” replied the Head of the Air Forces. “Our main work has been sending high-altitude recce planes to probe the area around Witzgall, keeping our flights seemingly random, of course. Oh, and we have a force of old Tu-16s which we’ve decked out as Tu-104 airliners – the two are almost identical, so no problems there. We’ve also done much as you have, i.e. had a lot of bombers in hangars or on aprons undergoing “maintenance”, people commenting around the cities about the dismal state of readiness and so forth.”
Kazakov’s laugh broke the meeting suddenly. “Good God alive”! They’re going to die laughing at our inability to do anything!”
Edit: OOC: Obviously this is über top secret, so please avoid any "OMG we know everything!!!111" etc. Not that I think you'll do that - you seem far more decent and sane - but just be sure ;).
"Another one?" said President Zaitsev, " those bastards pop-up like groundhogs on that holiday in February. What the hell is it called again?"
"Groundhog Day, sir." muttered Field Marshal Zharin. Zaitsev raised an eyebrow and cursed.
"I'm getting old, comrade, forgettin' things. Heh! So, tell me, what is our plan?" He smiled at the assembled Heads of his Military. Zharin smiled brightly and began to speak.
"We placed an order with Halladi Military Storefront for our TU-160's, and they have not gotten them in yet. I suggest we begin bombing with any and all allies."
"Like who?" mused Field Marshal Tath. "The general consensus is that we have noone yet." He looked around at the assembled Field Marshals and sighed. They looked slightly crestafllen. This was a big undertaking, and Ratheia could not do it alone. Then, Zaitsev spoke.
"DPUO. They may be in this war, and if they are we shall assist them. What do you all say?" There was a chorus of "ayes". Zharin eyed them all and stood up.
"I can start Bomber Program 5 immediately. We'll have them up in the air immediately and ready to drop bombs on whatever that needs to be killed. Fighter escorts will be formed by the 29's, I should think. With the Shard Crew not far behind. If we catch them off guard we could wreak quite a bit of havoc and prepare for a paradrop. However, we need to contact DPUO, ASAP."
"Done," said Zaitsev.
FROM: Ratheia
We know from your previous reactions to the atrocities of Witzagall that you may be able to help us in this war. We have a small plan laid out. We'll assist your forces in any way possible.
25-11-2004, 04:09
Ratheia...your not in this...post in the OOC thread if you want to be...otherwise leave.
25-11-2004, 04:16
OOC: Yeah, same goes for the other dudes. Do the man the courtesy of abiding by his rules.
25-11-2004, 04:38
OOC: Yeah, same goes for the other dudes. Do the man the courtesy of abiding by his rules.
OOC: Which I have.
President Rand Veristek rubbed his temples once he sat down at his maghony desk in his office located in a secret bunker complex nearly 2 kilometers deep inside the Grebev Mountains.
Nazism. A word many loathe, yet so few truly comphrend the idea.
It is a double edged sword. It can spur people to do amazing things in industrial and economic development, and to fanaticism in warfare. However, it can also blind people to the atrocities committed, such as genocide or racism.
I must step in to prevent the less fortunate people of Witzgall from suffering genocide and mass murder for things out of their control and not their fault such as being disabled, or descended from other ethnic groups.
Rand spent the next two hours typing up two important comminques, ensuring the words were correct and the intentions made clear. He sighed, then personally sent the comminques directly from his office.
Comminque to DontPissUsOff:
I am willing to lend Sharina's support in the upcoming war, under three conditions. This change in stance is a result of Witzgall's refusal to provide better living for disabled and less than fortunate people, even though it is not the fault of the disabled people that they have the disabilities.
First, I am permitted to bring all Witzgall disabled citizens back to Sharina for treatment and support societies. Sharina has extensive support services for deaf, blind, paralyzed, etc. people.
Second, no atrocities are to be committed such as raping, looting, pillaging, etc. of innocent civilians that do not outright participate in the war. The civilians that open fire or attack coalition forces shall be considered fair game in the eyes of Sharina.
Third and last, any Witzgall citizen is to be allowed to choose whether to remain in Witzgall or move to a nation of their choosing such as Sharina or DPUO.
If you are willing to accept these conditions, Sharina is prepared to help liberate the less than fortunate, and the oppressed people of Witzgall.
I am now readying two task forces to aid the Coalition, should you accept my offer of support and aid. More task forces are prepared to be deployed if need be.
I have taken note that we do not have any embassies or outstanding friendship, trade, or alliance treaties. I would very much like to rectify this.
Let our people serve as a shining example for these who are less fortunate or opressed.
Live well,
President Rand Veristek
Comminque to Witzgall:
I regret to inform you that a state of war exists between the two of our nations. This action was a result of your overt declaration of war aganist the International Community.
In addition, your refusal to allow a transfer of all your disabled citizens to Sharina, and your continued ethnic cleansing must be stopped.
However, I can and will make a promise. My military forces will not harm any civilians or non-military personnel that does not interfere with Sharina. Any civilians or non-military personnel that fires weapons or causes harm towards Sharina will be dealt with swiftly and promptly. I also am ordering all my troops not to loot or ransack any of your civilian holdings, possessions, or material.
Hopefully you will change your policies before the imminent war destroys us all, sparing us all the death, devasation, and chaos that war entails.
Good day,
President Rand Veristek
Armandian Cheese
25-11-2004, 05:58
OOC: I believe I'm in the OOC post, so tell me if I'm not.
Emperor Armand drank a bottle of vodka, as was his custom before making important decisions. Not a very smart custom, but a custom nonetheless. He mulled over his options. On one hand, Witzgall was a powerful, oppressive, and totalitarian dictatorship. This he wholeheartedly supported. But even he, a cold hearted butcher who had killed at the age of 12, could not stand the though of innocents being slaughtered over their very birth right...
"Hmmmm....Alright, servant. Note this down, and then send it over to the major news networks. I, Holy Emperor Armand Domalewski, have joined the anti-Witzgallian coalition. I do not oppose the people of Witzgall, but instead are angered at the leadership which butchers them without thought. Therefore, we pledge our military support with the anti-Witzgallian coalition. We wish to arrange specific military plans with our fellow allies in a summit. We have several issues to iron out, such as post-war government and plans of attack, but the people of the world can be assured that we shall not allow this travesty to come to pass."
Armed Military States
25-11-2004, 06:10
OOC: I'm in this, right? I posted on the thread....?
IC:Archon Prince Vlad Pryde stared out of his State House at the early morning sun as it rose over Coventry's lush and rolling hills. The sky became lit with brilliant colors of orange, red, and yellow as the sun struggled to make itself known to the world.
So beautiful, he thought. It is hard to imagine that in a few moments, I will be sending tens of millions of men and women into a war in which many of them will not return.
He sighed deeply, and felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. Turning, he saw his friend, aid, and Commander of his Joints Chief of Staff, Field Marshal Morgan Hasek Davion, standing just behind him, awaiting a word.
"My Lord, we have a good front and strategy of attack all planned out," Morgan murmured. "As soon as you sign the declaration, we'll move."
Vlad nodded. "And how many troops, Mechs, and other vehicles will we be sending?" he asked.
Morgan consulted a data pad from his back pocket before answering. "We will be sending approximately 5 million men and women; more specifically, 2.5 million ground troops, and 2.5 million MechWarriors. There will also be, or course, our naval assets in space orbit and in the waters of Earth. We have 18 major Orbital Warships, and a fleet of approximately 22 Naval Warships. In short, all we need is your word."
Vlad turned and stared out the window once more, as the sun, now above the hills, casted it's warm glow across the country side. "Give me the paperwork."
Vlad turned to his large oak desk and stared at the five pages of the Declaration of War, which was signed by all of his top Commanders. At the bottom of the fifth page, was a final X for his signature. He signed.
Sighing, he looked up once more. "The rest is in God's hands."
Attacking fleet:
-432 Regiments of BattleMechs of assorted weight and class variants.
-139 Regiments of Ground Assault Troops
-4,500 Vehicles, including combat tanks, personell carriers, and mobile attack platforms.
-22 Naval War Ships
-18 Orbital Warships
-47 Orbital Commercial ships
Armandian Cheese
25-11-2004, 06:12
OOC: Dude/Dudette(?), I think this is modern tech. So anything orbital is probably out of the question.
25-11-2004, 06:16
OOC: Im in this right?
We, The United Socialist States of Comuniticturkeys will not stand to watch nazism spread and turn into war thou this has already happened we decided to declare war on Nazi Witzgall. At my command along with other nations support we will send an invasion force of 10000 men to attack Witzgall. I would like to request the help of more nations to defeat this Nazi Dictator.
Comrade Vasily Zaitsev, Minister Of War To The United Socialist States Of Comunisticturkeys
Armed Military States
25-11-2004, 17:35
OOC: Im in this right?
We, The United Socialist States of Comuniticturkeys will not stand to watch nazism spread and turn into war thou this has already happened we decided to declare war on Nazi Witzgall. At my command along with other nations support we will send an invasion force of 10000 men to attack Witzgall. I would like to request the help of more nations to defeat this Nazi Dictator.
Comrade Vasily Zaitsev, Minister Of War To The United Socialist States Of Comunisticturkeys
To the USSoCT:
We would be more than willing to join forces with you, and any other nations who wish to be allies. We also have much left over stockpiles of supplies, such as armor, guns, and vehicles, so if you need any, just ask.
Archon Prince Vlad Pryde
25-11-2004, 18:22
OKAY...Since this is being clogged with you people who don't listen, I'm going to make a NEW War thread.
As for "IM IN THIS RIGHT??" and then posting, you must make sure you are on the lists in the OOC thread's first post before posting.
I'll post the link for the new thread....just copy and paste or something, that's what I'm going to do.
25-11-2004, 18:23
There's the new war thread.
25-11-2004, 18:28
OOC: Im in this right?
We, The United Socialist States of Comuniticturkeys will not stand to watch nazism spread and turn into war thou this has already happened we decided to declare war on Nazi Witzgall. At my command along with other nations support we will send an invasion force of 10000 men to attack Witzgall. I would like to request the help of more nations to defeat this Nazi Dictator.
Comrade Vasily Zaitsev, Minister Of War To The United Socialist States Of Comunisticturkeys
You have to go to the OOC thread....as of now, Nope.
And there is a NEW IC THREAD...click on the link in the OOC thread...it has been changed.
25-11-2004, 19:16
Where's the OOC thread?
25-11-2004, 19:43
Check the first post on this thread
25-11-2004, 19:46
nvm, TG me if u want the link and cant find it