The Army is Going to be investing in an Armor Corps.
Cost is not an opition; we need the best, most advanced tank.
Siegfried Gärtner, Secretary of Defense
Fruity Loops
23-11-2004, 02:06
may i suggest a storefront? It isnt mine, But its damn good
and it has links to other storefronts..
We will only sell the Triarri's for 16 mill a piece. I don't want them everywhere so they are made very expensive.
-*X1a1 Achilles
The X1a1 was designed from the best of every tank in the era, focusing a lot on the M1 Abram's tank.
The tank contains an embedded version of the Nyction Army's command and control architecture; new Commander's
Independent Thermal Viewer (CITV) with second generation thermal imager; commander's display for digital colour
terrain maps; DRS Techologies second generation GEN II TIS thermal imaging gunner’s sight with increased range;
driver's integrated display and thermal management system. The 140mm gun fires the following ammunition: the M865 TPCSDS-T
and M831 TP-T training rounds, the M8300 HEAT-MP-T and the M829 APFSDS-T which includes a depleted uranium penetrator.
It also includes a the Gage gun turret drive stabilisation system. THe X1a1 includes the GPS-LOS, TIS, ELRF, and magification
to hit it's targets. The commander's station is equipped with eight periscopes, providing 360 degree view.
Cost Per Unit: 4,600,000 USD.
Overall weight: 78.3 tons
Crew: 4
Off-Road Speed: 38 mph
On-Road speed: 48 mph
Propulsion: V16 Diesel engine
Armor: Incorporates steel encased depleted uranium armour with fused ERA armour, NBC
Laser/GPS Guided 140mm smoothbore
1 20mm (Front of chasis)
1 5.56 MG (Top of tank, by hatch)
6 Barrel Smokescreen system
-*X1a2 Achilles
With the advancement in rival countries technologies, a new upgrade shall be designed,
the Goverment has decided to do a overall upgrade. The new X1a2 Achilles will support a high advanced computer
targeting, Engage, and Reload Artificial Inteligence System (TERAIS). Every turret of the tank will be computer controlled by The TERAIS.
Every computer will be linked together and will pick the best target out for it's position, and fire upon it with the confirmation from the Gunner.
The computer and/or the Gunner can set the kind of projectile, the timed inpact, projectory and more. The AI will work together so multiple tanks
will not be hitting 1 target at a time. So AI controls every function of the turret other than the actual confirmation to fire.
The TERAIS can be turned off for standard fire.
The reloading system is based off of the Artitsa T-95UM2's AAD-03 16rpm rate of fire, 8 shells per “quick shot” carrousel system. All reloading is done by computer and machine.
The computer will also target aircraft with the 20mm Cannon and be able to eliminate low flying aircraft and helicopters at ease.
The Tank Commander is the Computer Technition as the Radio Operator. The other crew is the pilot of the tank and the Gunner, running the TERAIS.
The X1a2 also shows the feature of double turrets, the main turret like most tanks, and a much smaller mini-turret on top of the main turret
sporting a 20mm Cannon and 2 TOW Anti-Tank missiles. The armor is also upgraded to protect from hits to the crew, and the large amount of ammunition
stores inside for it's many armaments.
Cost Per Unit: $6,550,000 USD (Tank + Upgrade).
Overall weight: 88 tons
Crew: 3
Off-Road Speed: 44 mph
On-Road speed: 58 mph
Propulsion: V16 Rotary Electric/Gas Hybrid Cylinder engine
Armor: Depleted uranium/titanium incased steel armour with fused ERA armour, NBC
Weapons (TERAIS Guided):
1 x 140mm smoothbore (Turret A)
1 x 20mm Short Barrel Cannon (Front of chasis)
2 x TOW Anti-Tank Missile (Mounted left-Side of Turret B)
1 x 20mm Cannon (Mini-Turret B, on top of Turret A)
6 Barrel Smokescreen system
-*NT-12 Triarii Next-Generation Battle Tank
After the initial testing of the ST-11 Next-Generation Battle Tank, unbelievable advancments have been by the 10 ST-11's dismantled, piece by piece,
and the results were tremendous. The same technology of the ST-11's main gun (The main gun works as is, projectile is loaded into the barrel, behind which there is a "propellant", which is a dot of light metal (solid or liquid).
A powerful electromagnetic force is applied to the metal, which causes its atoms to "switch" directions. This happens so violently that the metal turns to plasma,
and this expanding gas then drives the projectile forward. Since the cannon is built into a turret, it can rotate 360-degrees and can aim upwards 32 degrees and -7 degrees.
Around the firing mechanism and the barrel is enclosed in the SB-AHAS Heat-absorbing and dissipating shroud which absorbs the heat and dissipates it over a wide area.
This cannon can easily destroy an M1A2, T-90 (and all of its variants) and Merkava tanks at ranges out to 8 miles with diminishing effects thereafter (less effective, less damage).
Range: 11.7 miles. Effective range: 8 miles) combined with the same size projectile as the Achilles tank.
The advanced radar can track up to 40 of the tank's closest targets, the TERAIS (Track, Engage, Reload, Artificial Intelligence System), will move the turret to the tank that opposes it's biggest threat,
confirm with the Gunner if he wants to change the ammunition for the current situation to destroy the tank, choose, and pull the trigger and it will fire with almost perfect precision at the target.
Using latest advances in satellites, Laser-Guiding, Heat-seeking, Motion-Detection, Infrared, and High-Power zoom, the projectile can hit a target within 6 inches of it's intended target from 8 miles away.
New 20mm Anti-Infantry ammunition mounted in Turret B(Can switch to standard on demand) will eliminate soft targets effortlessly, the shell will explode approx. at a calcuated time above or near a group of hostiles sending
biological, burning hot steel shrapnal like a cloud on a enemy. If the enemy does not die by the shrapnal,
he will die of the high dosage of a biological power like substance, which wears off from the shrapnal shortly of it's initial landing on the ground.
The Triarri NGBT features a Gage gun turret drive stabilisation system, as it can roll over any obstacle at any speeds and the turret will stay on it's target, virtually no movement.
It also features a tiny fibre-obtict camera's on each gun, enabling reviews or actual real-time footage on the field from the Commander. The Triarri does not have any stealth features except for it's reduced heat signature and sleek design,
avoiding any right angles as much as possible.
Cost Per Unit: $10,750,000 USD
Height: 8.2 ft
Length (Gun Forward): 30 ft
Width: 12.5 ft
Overall weight: 60 tons
Crew: 3
Off-Road Speed: 55 mph
On-Road speed: 70 mph
Propulsion: V16 Rotary Electric/Gas Hybrid Cylinder engine
Armor: Depleted uranium/titanium incased steel armour, Advanced-ERA armour,
Kevlar Layering
Weapons (All TERAIS Guided):
1 x 140mm Electro-Thermal Chemical Gun (Turret A)
1 x 20mm Short Barrel Cannon (Mini-Turret B, on top of Turret A)
1 x FIM-92A Stinger Weapons System (Internally in Mini-Turret B)
1 x 20mm Short Barrel Cannon (Front of chasis)
6 Barrel Smokescreen system
may i suggest a storefront? It isnt mine, But its damn good
and it has links to other storefronts..
think i could have a custom order?
outdo all the tanks in your storefront.
Might we suggest our own tank?
we'll buy:
5,000 NT-12 Triarii Next-Generation Battle Tanks
total: $53,750,000,000
The Phoenix Milita
23-11-2004, 02:17
you bought too soon!!! oder one of these before your order gets confirmed
23-11-2004, 02:19
We will buy:
10,000 NT-12 Triarii Next-Generation Battle Tanks
$125,000,000,000 (a little over) wired on confirmation
A small nation such as yourself, $53,750,000,000 is quite much, as that is 1/6 of the US's military budget now. Since your about the size of Iraq, I am limiting the number to 1,000. It should be suitable for anything that you will take place in.
Once 10.75 billion is wired, you can send 10,000 UNARMED troops at once to begin the training program for this advanced piece of equipment.
We will buy:
10,000 NT-12 Triarii Next-Generation Battle Tanks
$125,000,000,000 (a little over) wired on confirmation
Sold. Transport your troops over for training program when ready.
23-11-2004, 02:27
Troops are being sent over as I write.