23-11-2004, 01:31
Emperor Robinson Antares Scorpius sat within the Imperial Palace of the Risban Empire, looking at the faces around him. He had assembled his top officials in the Risban Empire: Grand General Charles Lucas of the Risban Imperial Army, Grand Admiral Eric Tarda of the Imperial Navy, Minister Alexander Perkins of Foreign Affairs, Commander William MacBryan of the Risban Intelligence Agency, James Ormiv the Press Secretary, and Colonel Antonin Steele of the High Imperial Guard.
"We must stamp out the remainder of the Graffia Loyalists," declared the near leader of the Risban Empire. "Now, many of them were wiped out whilst trying to leave the country. They crossed too close to the Fiefdom of Nemh's borders and were shot down."
"Yes," said Perkins. "Nemh has just returned the bodies to us. Several of the Loyalist leaders were amongst the refugees and are now dead."
MacBryan spoke up. "But Graffia is still alive and now in hiding. We have no leads as to where he is."
"We must crush these Loyalist Rebels," said Scorpius, looking around the small room, meeting each of his subordinates in the eye. "We will rid ourselves of Graffia and those who serve him. We will make sure is it known that Robinson Scorpius, not Julius Graffia, is the emperor of Risban."
Admiral Tarda arched an eyebrow. "And how, sire, do you plan on going about this?"
The Emperor raised his head, a slight smirk appearing on his face. "A military Purge. General Lucas," said Scorpius, turning to the general. "You will order all of your troops to search every single building in the Empire. Any Loyalist Rebel found shall be put into the Prison and sentenced."
Steele frowned slightly. "Pray tell me how we shall setence them?"
"Some will be imprisoned indefinately, others will be exiled, and others executed," Scorpius said, hands folding behind his back. "Now, here are your jobs: Charles, you oversee the deployment of troops throughout the empire. Eric, position the fleet around all of our sea borders; make sure no one gets through. Will, you will oversee the interrogation of all prisoners and find out where Graffia is. And Antonin, you will oversee the the safeguarding of the prisons."
The men all stood, bowing the Emperor before leaving to perform their tasks. Only Ormiv and Perkins remained.
Ormiv stood at the side of the Emperor's desk, looking rather uneasy. Perkins, on the other hand, seemed quite relaxed, surveying a chess board on the Emperor's desk; he had begun a game with Scorpius before the meeting. "Your move, m'lord," said the FA Minister.
The Emperor glanced down at the board, studying it momentarily. He made a move, capturing on of Perkins' bishops.
Whilst Perkins was thinking of a move to make, James Ormiv took the opprtunity to ask Scorpius a question. "Highness, how do you plan on flushing out Graffia? I know there are many loyal to you," he said, "but it is nearly impossible to search every inch of the Empire."
"Tell me, James," said Scorpius. "Do you play Chess?"
"No, sir, I don't. I never learned how."
"Well, you really should learn how. In fact, I'm going to make it mandatory to teach chess in schools now," said the Emperor, frowning as he lost a pawn. "There are basically three parts in the game of chess. There is the opening, where you position all of your peices in strategic locations..." the Emperor moved a bishop across the board, capturing an enemy rook. "Then there is the middle-game, where you take control of the centre of the board. That we have already done," he said, alluding to the recent coup d'etat.
"Check," said Perkins quietly, moving his queen.
Scorpius stared at the board momentarily, then looked up at Ormiv. "Then there is the endgame. That is where you position your peices in just the right way, defalcate the enemy's defenses--" the emperor moved a knight, blocking the queen's attack and stopping her from being to move anywhere else without being captured. "And then, you go in for the kill..." Scorpius moved his own queen, checkmating Perkins' king.
James Ormiv nodded. "So, you plan on eliminating all of Graffia's supporters. Once he has no one protecting him, he'll have no choice but to hand himself over."
"Precisely," said Scorpius, standing. "Inform the public that they will receive a $2500 for any Graffia Loyalist Rebel they turn over to us."
Ormiv bowed. "Yes, sir."
The following day, Imperial Troops marched throughout Risban, searching every home and commercial building within the Empire. Any suspected Graffia Loyalist was captured. Those who tried to run were usually shot, most often fatally.
Only 36 hours after the Purge began, former emperor Julius Graffia was in Imperial Custody, most of his supporters jailed. The Loyalist Rebel threat in Risban had been crushed.
"We must stamp out the remainder of the Graffia Loyalists," declared the near leader of the Risban Empire. "Now, many of them were wiped out whilst trying to leave the country. They crossed too close to the Fiefdom of Nemh's borders and were shot down."
"Yes," said Perkins. "Nemh has just returned the bodies to us. Several of the Loyalist leaders were amongst the refugees and are now dead."
MacBryan spoke up. "But Graffia is still alive and now in hiding. We have no leads as to where he is."
"We must crush these Loyalist Rebels," said Scorpius, looking around the small room, meeting each of his subordinates in the eye. "We will rid ourselves of Graffia and those who serve him. We will make sure is it known that Robinson Scorpius, not Julius Graffia, is the emperor of Risban."
Admiral Tarda arched an eyebrow. "And how, sire, do you plan on going about this?"
The Emperor raised his head, a slight smirk appearing on his face. "A military Purge. General Lucas," said Scorpius, turning to the general. "You will order all of your troops to search every single building in the Empire. Any Loyalist Rebel found shall be put into the Prison and sentenced."
Steele frowned slightly. "Pray tell me how we shall setence them?"
"Some will be imprisoned indefinately, others will be exiled, and others executed," Scorpius said, hands folding behind his back. "Now, here are your jobs: Charles, you oversee the deployment of troops throughout the empire. Eric, position the fleet around all of our sea borders; make sure no one gets through. Will, you will oversee the interrogation of all prisoners and find out where Graffia is. And Antonin, you will oversee the the safeguarding of the prisons."
The men all stood, bowing the Emperor before leaving to perform their tasks. Only Ormiv and Perkins remained.
Ormiv stood at the side of the Emperor's desk, looking rather uneasy. Perkins, on the other hand, seemed quite relaxed, surveying a chess board on the Emperor's desk; he had begun a game with Scorpius before the meeting. "Your move, m'lord," said the FA Minister.
The Emperor glanced down at the board, studying it momentarily. He made a move, capturing on of Perkins' bishops.
Whilst Perkins was thinking of a move to make, James Ormiv took the opprtunity to ask Scorpius a question. "Highness, how do you plan on flushing out Graffia? I know there are many loyal to you," he said, "but it is nearly impossible to search every inch of the Empire."
"Tell me, James," said Scorpius. "Do you play Chess?"
"No, sir, I don't. I never learned how."
"Well, you really should learn how. In fact, I'm going to make it mandatory to teach chess in schools now," said the Emperor, frowning as he lost a pawn. "There are basically three parts in the game of chess. There is the opening, where you position all of your peices in strategic locations..." the Emperor moved a bishop across the board, capturing an enemy rook. "Then there is the middle-game, where you take control of the centre of the board. That we have already done," he said, alluding to the recent coup d'etat.
"Check," said Perkins quietly, moving his queen.
Scorpius stared at the board momentarily, then looked up at Ormiv. "Then there is the endgame. That is where you position your peices in just the right way, defalcate the enemy's defenses--" the emperor moved a knight, blocking the queen's attack and stopping her from being to move anywhere else without being captured. "And then, you go in for the kill..." Scorpius moved his own queen, checkmating Perkins' king.
James Ormiv nodded. "So, you plan on eliminating all of Graffia's supporters. Once he has no one protecting him, he'll have no choice but to hand himself over."
"Precisely," said Scorpius, standing. "Inform the public that they will receive a $2500 for any Graffia Loyalist Rebel they turn over to us."
Ormiv bowed. "Yes, sir."
The following day, Imperial Troops marched throughout Risban, searching every home and commercial building within the Empire. Any suspected Graffia Loyalist was captured. Those who tried to run were usually shot, most often fatally.
Only 36 hours after the Purge began, former emperor Julius Graffia was in Imperial Custody, most of his supporters jailed. The Loyalist Rebel threat in Risban had been crushed.