Latest Main Battle Tank [From Biologics]
23-11-2004, 01:27
woot new forum
Weight: 65 tons
Length: 10 meters
Width: 6 meters
Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Hybrid Motor
Maximum speed: 57 mph
Height: 2.7 meters
Crew: 4 (Driver, commander, gunner, loader)
Main gun: 125mm/56 caliber
Ammunition: 58 rounds
Coaxial Machine gun: 7.62 mm
Loader's Machine gun: 7.62 mm
Commander's Machine gun: 14.5mm
Mortars: 2 81 mm remote mortars
Missiles: 3 FIM-92 Stingers Anti-Aircraft Missiles, 5 AT-11 Sniper Anti-Tank Missiles launched from main cannon
Rockets: 12 3 inch rockets on side of turret
Grenade Launcher: Six 40mm HE/Smoke/Tear Gas Launchers on side of turret
Mine/Ant-Mine: Mk II Dispenser On back w/ 14 AT Mine and 20 AP mines, Deployable ultrasound guided anti-mine laser and retractible foward blade.
Price: $4 million
An upgrade of our first MBT the XBV2 features depleted uranium and carbon composite armor topped of with era, it is immune to the RPG-7, with blades(which also feature Explosive Reactive Armor) extended even the treads are safe from that popular rocket. It features a wide array of crew surbivabilty features and electronics as well, inculding thermal imaging systems.
I hope you mean 4 million. If not...By God it costs more than a Aircraft Carrier.
23-11-2004, 01:35
haha oops :headbang:
An upgrade of our first MBT the XBV2 features depleted uranium and carbon composite armor, it is immune to the RPG-7, with blades extended even the treads are safe from that popular rocket.
If its based on the Merkava 4 body, its not immune. The older versions can take out the tracks(400mm will penetrate any tread protection pretty much, except for ERA..), the top, the back possibly, some of the electronics and exposed parts, the drivers look-out, etc. The RPG-7VL, I believe it is, will also penetrate those, and almost defidentally the back(which I wasnt sure about with the -7), and possibly the sides. If you super-over protected it, it would weight a crud-load, more than an abhrams at least, which is vulnerable in those places.
Clan Smoke Jaguar
23-11-2004, 04:29
TOW-2 cannot be fired from cannons. The missile is not designed for such operations, and designing a cannon that could do it would be prohibitive. If you want a cannon-launched ATGM, you have to design it for the cannon.
Incidentally, the diameter of the TOW-2 is 149mm. It wouldn't even fit through the barrel anyway.
It also can't be completely immune to the RPG. Really, nothing can, though there is one, and I repeat, ONE way that you could render the weapon almost useless. However, that's a bit more expensive than this price would dictate.
23-11-2004, 04:34
Do something about the TOW-2 criticism, which is valid, and I'll buy 1,000 of them.
The Phoenix Milita
23-11-2004, 04:35
Doesn't the T-90 or T-80 or something like that fire missiles from its main gun? You should find out what kind they are and use those missiles instead :p
23-11-2004, 04:40
Yes the T-90 fires the AT-11 Sniper, since I was making a western tank I didnt want to use it, I figured the TOW was about the same size.
The whole tank is already fitted with ERA!!!
23-11-2004, 04:42
It also can't be completely immune to the RPG. Really, nothing can, though there is one, and I repeat, ONE way that you could render the weapon almost useless. However, that's a bit more expensive than this price would dictate.
Would you be speaking of Full Spectrum Active Protection Close-In Shield (FCLAS)? Since that is coming soon on my next class of tanks and APCS :D :D
Do something about the TOW-2 criticism, which is valid, and I'll buy 1,000 of them.
I changed the missile to AT-11 Spiral, order confirmed.
23-11-2004, 04:44
Dear Sirs:
The Nation of Mauiwowee would like to order 1,000 of these tanks. The entire purchase price has been placed in escrow. Upon delivey of the first 250 the entire purchase price will be released to you. Please confirm our order and give us an estimated construction and shipping deadline.
General Jack T. Ripper
Mauiwowee Military Chief of Staff
P.S. Would you be interested in any of these? (
23-11-2004, 04:48
We can deliver you 200 tanks every 8 months
23-11-2004, 04:50
We can deliver you 200 tanks every 8 months
Thank you, when the 1st order is ready to ship let us know and we'll release the funds.
Jack T. Ripper
OOC: look at my last post before this, I was editing it while you were posting your reply.
24-11-2004, 01:31
Your terms are fine, as I said we can complete and deliver 200 tanks every 8 months, so far we have sent you 400 tanks.
The Blooded Lands
24-11-2004, 02:20
I have been allowed funding from my Advocate to purchase one of these "tanks" for study. These self-propelled metal boxes are intriguing, and we are willing to pay the price to acquire one. We hope payment is accepted in refined gold bars, we also ask that you please ship this “tank” to Wen’s Haven, and not to the major port of Pointington.
Thank you,
Tarpar, Earthwarden of the dukedom of Valcims
24-11-2004, 02:33
P.S. Would you be interested in any of these? (
Hopefully you fixed the problems with the real-life version that tank is based on (Which applies to the 105mm gun mostly).
24-11-2004, 03:17
I have been allowed funding from my Advocate to purchase one of these "tanks" for study. These self-propelled metal boxes are intriguing, and we are willing to pay the price to acquire one. We hope payment is accepted in refined gold bars, we also ask that you please ship this “tank” to Wen’s Haven, and not to the major port of Pointington.
Thank you,
Tarpar, Earthwarden of the dukedom of Valcims
24-11-2004, 03:18
Your terms are fine, as I said we can complete and deliver 200 tanks every 8 months, so far we have sent you 400 tanks.
The funds have been released, thank you.
24-11-2004, 03:43
No problem :cool:
24-11-2004, 03:49
Dear Biologics,
I will purchase 50 of these tanks. Costing 200 million dollars.
Sincerely, Prime Minster Cameron B. Teset
24-11-2004, 03:52
The nation of Commandoes would like to buy 400 of these tanks.
I Possible could we get them in 10 months. We will add 1 million dollars for this margin of delivey.
24-11-2004, 04:33
Oders confirmed, we are delaying all further purchases for 1 year(1 RL day), while we revamp our produciton facilites to fill the large orders.
26-11-2004, 10:08
full scale production is now available we can delvie 1200+ tanks/year plus we have over 5,000 in stock!!!
28-11-2004, 11:28
The Upper Congo
28-11-2004, 11:37
I would like to buy the production rights at the price of £1 billion pounds. Do you accept? I will have to modify the design though to make it work properly.
28-11-2004, 11:48
I would like to buy the production rights at the price of £1 billion pounds. Do you accept? I will have to modify the design though to make it work properly.
I'm sorry I am not prepared to sell production rights for anything less than $5 billion USD (£2,636,434,999 pounds)
And what fo you mean "make it work properly" :mad:
The Upper Congo
28-11-2004, 12:05
Fine, 5 billion dollars has been wired to your account. And by make it work properly I meant ueehfkkdf cmnvmn *slowly backs out of conversation/
28-11-2004, 12:10
Nice.... althogh it's a common misconception that tanks can be immune to anything. THey only really have protection on the front armour. 30mm cannon on IFVs can kill tanks for the most part on the sides and on the rear. Most of your armour protection comes from slope, which cant be done effectively on the sides or rear.
Nice.... althogh it's a common misconception that tanks can be immune to anything. THey only really have protection on the front armour. 30mm cannon on IFVs can kill tanks for the most part on the sides and on the rear. Most of your armour protection comes from slope, which cant be done effectively on the sides or rear.
shut up.
The American Alliance
28-11-2004, 16:19
I would like to procure several hundred of these tanks for my military.
If you agree I shall tansfer the funds once I recieve delivery of 500 of these tanks.
28-11-2004, 16:35
shut up.
28-11-2004, 17:10
All orders/transactions confirmed
Nice.... althogh it's a common misconception that tanks can be immune to anything. THey only really have protection on the front armour. 30mm cannon on IFVs can kill tanks for the most part on the sides and on the rear. Most of your armour protection comes from slope, which cant be done effectively on the sides or rear.
The tread blades slope slightly when extended
30mm rounds are not capable of posing any significant threat to the Explosive Reactive Armor.
GHI and Praetonia, do not argue here this is a storefront, please. :rolleyes:
28-11-2004, 20:23
We were having an arugment? He just told me to shut up. Ive never even seem him before...
Anyway... that isnt actually true. All 30mm AT guns use APFSDS (Armoured Pierceing Fin Stabilised Discarding Sabot) which, as a sabot, isn't too badly affected by ERA.
And tread blades? What are they?
28-11-2004, 20:29
shut up.
Flaming. Knock it off.
We were having an arugment? He just told me to shut up. Ive never even seem him before...
Anyway... that isnt actually true. All 30mm AT guns use APFSDS (Armoured Pierceing Fin Stabilised Discarding Sabot) which, as a sabot, isn't too badly affected by ERA.
And tread blades? What are they?
ERA is one-use for each section. If it set off when a 30mm hit it, your era would be gone, fast.
Regardless, having a Merkava type tank with era is counter-productive...The Merkava is great in use with infantry, using era will greatly reduce that capability, especially in urban settings where RPG threats are the worst.
But, instead of just bitching, I will offer you something.
The AT-11 isn't the greatest choice of a weapon, at least not in these modern times. Its max range is only equal to the max range of many other weapons, not above, and first-strike capabilities are key in warfare. We can sell you the production rights to the Polynege missile, a missile that fits into standard 120mm cannons, and has a range just under 7,000m, as opposed to the 4,000m range of the sniper, a funny name for a weapon with short range.
We can sell production rights for 1 billion USD.
28-11-2004, 21:01
OOC: Or... he could just make it himself, since that is a RL weapon and you dont own the rights to it.
The Guarded
28-11-2004, 21:11
We of The Guarded are very interested in this design of armoured mobility.
$5 billion for production rights? For plans exclusively for use by my country (With no intent to sell or engage in barter with others using your intellectual property for our own commerce) we would gladly wire the necessary price, as long as you are still open to business, and having sold only non-exclusive production rights to The Upper Congo.
OOC: Or... he could just make it himself, since that is a RL weapon and you dont own the rights to it.
Sure, he could...but that wouldn't be very fun.
28-11-2004, 21:30
29-11-2004, 06:14
We were having an arugment? He just told me to shut up. Ive never even seem him before...
Anyway... that isnt actually true. All 30mm AT guns use APFSDS (Armoured Pierceing Fin Stabilised Discarding Sabot) which, as a sabot, isn't too badly affected by ERA.
And tread blades? What are they?
What are you talking about? ERA was speciaficaly designed to counter armor piercing rounds such as the APFS-DS.... besides there is regular armor beneath it
The tread blades are on the side of the treads/ they fold agains the hull for traversing rough terrain. On flat terrain they extend for greater protecting. They are made of depleted uranium and carbon composite and can have ERA put on them.
ERA is one-use for each section. If it set off when a 30mm hit it, your era would be gone, fast.
Regardless, having a Merkava type tank with era is counter-productive...The Merkava is great in use with infantry, using era will greatly reduce that capability, especially in urban settings where RPG threats are the worst.
But, instead of just bitching, I will offer you something.
The AT-11 isn't the greatest choice of a weapon, at least not in these modern times. Its max range is only equal to the max range of many other weapons, not above, and first-strike capabilities are key in warfare. We can sell you the production rights to the Polynege missile, a missile that fits into standard 120mm cannons, and has a range just under 7,000m, as opposed to the 4,000m range of the sniper, a funny name for a weapon with short range.
We can sell production rights for 1 billion USD.
Besides the ERA, there is at least the standard 620mm (Rolled Homogeneous Armor Equivalent) of armor all around and more on the top of the turret and the front hull. This isnt really a Merkava, I just used the pic and mortars from it....
What are you talking about? ERA was speciaficaly designed to counter armor piercing rounds such as the APFS-DS.... besides there is regular armor beneath it
The tread blades are on the side of the treads/ they fold agains the hull for traversing rough terrain. On flat terrain they extend for greater protecting. They are made of depleted uranium and carbon composite and can have ERA put on them.
Besides the ERA, there is at least the standard 620mm (Rolled Homogeneous Armor Equivalent) of armor all around and more on the top of the turret and the front hull. This isnt really a Merkava, I just used the pic and mortars from it....
If you have that much armour, then your tank is going to be a huge, heavy beast. Why do you think the tops of tanks are typically weak? They cant afford so much armour on the top, it really weighs down the tank.
29-11-2004, 14:18
[quote]If you have that much armour, then your tank is going to be a huge, heavy beast. Why do you think the tops of tanks are typically weak? They cant afford so much armour on the top, it really weighs down the tank.[/quote
The primary threat comes from ATGM which, amazingly.... target the top of the turret. This is why the top of the turret is heavily armored. And it doest have 800 actual milimeters of armor on the top, that is just the equivelant stopping power. (my armor provides the same protection as 800mm of steel)
29-11-2004, 20:59
ERA has been shown only to have a major affect on HEAT rounds, and besides 30mm cannon are generally automatic and so your rear and side armour would only have protection from the first round. What Chellis said is right, 620mm all round is a huge amount. It's fair enough that you could put 620mm on the top, but then you couldnt put nearly as much on the front, sides and rear. On a 'normal' tank, the side armour is about 30 - 50% of the front, and the rear is even less.
[quote]If you have that much armour, then your tank is going to be a huge, heavy beast. Why do you think the tops of tanks are typically weak? They cant afford so much armour on the top, it really weighs down the tank.[/quote
The primary threat comes from ATGM which, amazingly.... target the top of the turret. This is why the top of the turret is heavily armored. And it doest have 800 actual milimeters of armor on the top, that is just the equivelant stopping power. (my armor provides the same protection as 800mm of steel)
What type of armour is it to give it that protection? ERA? DU? Also, 800mm of protection wont protect from most ATGM's. Milan, Hot, Trigat, Eryx even would pop it.