Homosexuality declared illegal
Crazed Marines
23-11-2004, 00:29
Foxtrot News
Today, in a suprising move, Congress has announced that it passed a ban on male homosexuality. The ban states that homosexuals or bisexuality by men will not be tolerated and that the offender can choose one of two options, death or exile. Public sentiment is suprisingly for this ban and the first boatload of gays has just shipped off for penal colony P3x589.
23-11-2004, 00:30
We comdem this...yada yada yada ect.
To many damn human rights abuses to care about now.
We sincerely hope that you rethink this policy. Although, we really don't have the power to force you to change, wouldn't it make the world a better place? Aww, who am I kidding.
Camel Eaters
23-11-2004, 00:32
OOC: Nice CM guess what. I'm bi and yet you seem to be my friend.
Crazed Marines
23-11-2004, 00:36
OOC: well, you ain't in Crazed Marines, are you?
23-11-2004, 00:36
The King, Prime Minister and Parliament released a joint statement today condemning the new law in Crazed Marines.
"We regard this act of the Congress of Crazed Marines to be a most abominable and grievous intrusion of that government into the personal lives of its citizens. What happens between consenting adults is no matter for government. We also ask whether this ban applies to females as well, for it would be hypocritical for the government of Crazed Marines to punish men for their homosexuality or bisexuality but have no problem with homosexuality and bisexuality among women. Furthermore, we declare that our borders are open to any fleeing this repression, and we are willing to take any people that the government of Crazed Marines wishes to deport for their homosexuality/bisexuality."
Now, in sports news....
The Combine of Xen
23-11-2004, 00:36
To whoever it may concern.
We are glad you banned gay people so we are sending you a chocalate cake filled with chocalate and some other stuff i didnt have time to see blaha blaha
from That werid little combine leader who i dont know because Hl3 hasent come out yet
23-11-2004, 00:37
Interesting indeed. The Mapalgetian Council, containing a large number of both male and female homo- and bi-sexuals condemns this action, hoping that insanity and injustice in the world will end peacefully.
I Declare alliance to Crazed Marines and any allies there following of his in the event of war. The situation of this alliance is to be as follows:
All nations involved shall give any militant force need as directed by Crazed Marines.
All nations shall give the aid of atlest one million millita at the outbreak of war.
All nations shall not assist the enemy under any circumstace undert he penalty of removal from the alliance and a declaration of war sent to you.
NO I repeat NO nation shall back out of a fight!
The Neoman peoples condem these actions but because CM is a major economical allie we will not take any actions against CM
Crazed Marines
23-11-2004, 00:46
Official Reply
Yes, this law only applies to Males in our country. We don't condemn female bisexuality. We feel that this will improve our military's morale.
23-11-2004, 00:47
Official Reply
Yes, this law only applies to Males in our country. We don't condemn female bisexuality. We feel that this will improve our military's morale.
OOC: LMAO!! LOL!! "We feel that this will improve our military's morale." lmao! Nicely put, CM...
As an ally to Crazed Marines, we shall help them in any way necessary. Although we do not condone these actions, we must fulfill our duties as major allies to the nation of Crazed Marines.
Crazed Marines
23-11-2004, 00:48
I Declare alliance to Crazed Marines and any allies there following of his in the event of war. The situation of this alliance is to be as follows:
All nations involved shall give any militant force need as directed by Crazed Marines.
All nations shall give the aid of atlest one million millita at the outbreak of war.
All nations shall not assist the enemy under any circumstace undert he penalty of removal from the alliance and a declaration of war sent to you.
NO I repeat NO nation shall back out of a fight!
Thanks Cheveka, but I think that its a little early for a large alliance. We, however, can be allies.
23-11-2004, 00:48
~Electronic Communication to Crazed Marines~
I would condemn this, but I have more important things to do than waste time with a few words that in the end will mean nothing and no action. So I'll tell you what: I'm in the middle of a region of space no one, including myself, can map, so send them here. If they try to head to you to get some kind of vengeance or cause trouble, they'll get lost and join the vast number of derelicts in this region.
-Dictator Enigma
~End communication~
Armandian Cheese
23-11-2004, 00:50
Most excellent. I applaud your actions, but ask that you simply execute these "homosexuals" instead of shipping them off to another nation. This plague must be eliminated, not spread.
23-11-2004, 00:54
Most excellent. I applaud your actions, but ask that you simply execute these "homosexuals" instead of shipping them off to another nation. This plague must be eliminated, not spread.
Communique to Armandian Cheese: "And how, we ask, do you plan to eliminate this so called plague from nations that already have a great number of homosexuals and bisexuals, such as Callisdrun?"
-King Haakon IX
The Liberal Republic
23-11-2004, 00:56
The Liberal Republic condemns this obvious abuse of a human's civil rights, and requests you end this policy immediately.
23-11-2004, 00:56
Official Response:
Biologischer Genozid.
~Fritz Viechal, Fuhrer of Witzgall~
(ooc: thats german for Biological Genocide.)
The Emperor Fenix
23-11-2004, 01:01
OOC: *sighs*
IC Crassuss modern: We don't understand this idea of sexuality, why should you dispose of perfectly good workers?
IC Crassuss Space: We condemn this travesty of human rights... not only do you force living beings to take part in your wars and enslave them with your economy but now you punish them for their nature, may your desiscion haunt you.
23-11-2004, 01:05
We the Supreme Government of the Republic of Radnorshire do hereby endorse this Act passed by the Government of the Congress of Crazed Marines. In respect of this wise Act, we have passed a similar Act, with the key difference that it does not differentiate bwtween male homosexuality and female homosexuality. The secret police will be despatched at midnight tonight to "handle" all known homosexuals. In case any attempt to leave the country before these raids can take place, their movements are already under observation via. the national CCTV network, and all border guards have been ordered to execute any Radnor nationals attempting to leave, whose passports identify them as homosexual.
Sunkite Islands
23-11-2004, 01:07
The Allied States of Sunkite Islands considers this to be an unfluffy act.
Glogenschut Herman
23-11-2004, 01:08
The Mind does not see why one would deny ones citizens basic rights. Your logic confuses us.
The Vessel
That alliance was a formal declaration of alliance to Crazed Marines not just in liu of this situation. Any other nation who joins alliance under the rules of the alliance of Cevekina loyalty shall have to follow the rules declared in it.
I aint got any problem with homosexuality/bisexuality but i will support my friend the dictator/ruler of Crazed Marines. Till the end
The Queendom of Poulpes finds Crazed Marines and all supporters to be atrociously disgusting to the highest degree, and has more to say, but will stop here in order to comply with the rules of the forum.
The Great Sixth Reich
23-11-2004, 01:16
What happans in his nation is his business.
"Marriage is between a man and a woman" and all that crap...ect... :)
Crazed Marines
23-11-2004, 01:20
We would like to thank all of you for your high condemnations and praises. You have been such a help for us. However, some of you don't know that our military has already had a similar law stating that homosexuality while in the service is a capital offense (we ask, they tell). However, nobody has admitted to such as of yet. We do, however, have a group of people who have asked for execution. Anyone got any ideas? We were kinda thinking of WP grenades strapped to their chests.
--President Mike Kowalski
23-11-2004, 01:21
The small (by NS standards) nation of Collapsia condemns these vile and barbaric actions. Exiling and executing people for simply the way they are born. This is such a waste of a good labor force. Civilized Collapsians sell criminals as slaves (occasionally used in drug or weapons tests, or as crash test dummies, or worked to death in the uranium mines), rather than wasting their lives to no benefit, or exiling them to penal colonies.
Crazed Marines
23-11-2004, 01:23
Exiling and executing people for simply the way they are born.
OOC: We believe that its a choice, not genetics. By any standard, they're out of the gene pool no matter their birth.
The United Porn industries of Siap were wondering if you could subcontract your lesbos out to us.
(OOC: Sorry for the weird post, but...ALL HAIL THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR!)
Armandian Cheese
23-11-2004, 01:24
I propose you execute them by removing the "offending organ", if you know what I mean.
---Emperor Armand Domalewski
23-11-2004, 01:24
OOC: We believe that its a choice, not genetics. By any standard, they're out of the gene pool no matter their birth.
OOC: There is evidence it is a genetic cause, and that it may be a random mutation. There is also the possibility this is a genetically preprogrammed population control device from the fact it isn't just present in humans.
The Emperor Fenix
23-11-2004, 01:25
OOC: Crazed Marines IC nation or not this thread begins to take directions i would rather it did not... im not willing to attack you as this is what you want (at least be the looks of it) but i would hope you bare in mind those you offend when you write this.
IC: We have nothing more to say.
23-11-2004, 01:28
OOC: My post wasn't meant somewhat tongue-in-cheek, sorry if it didn't come across that way. It was more of a condemnation of *not* enslaving them than of punishing gays.
The Great Sixth Reich
23-11-2004, 01:29
OOC: There is evidence it is a genetic cause, and that it may be a random mutation. There is also the possibility this is a genetically preprogrammed population control device from the fact it isn't just present in humans.
In that case,
"This mutation is a threat to the human-race and must be dealt with!"
-Ludo Hienkel, Chief Officer of Defense.
23-11-2004, 01:30
OOC: Sexuality is not a choice. Trust me.
Im satyin out of this unless it becomes a matter of war so if it does ya'll tg me ya hear.
23-11-2004, 01:32
In that case,
"This mutation is a threat to the human-race and must be dealt with!"
-Ludo Hienkel, Chief Officer of Defense.
OOC: The only way to do that is to genetically reengineer the entire species and to keep in mind that's just one species. Altering the genetics there, though, may have other side-effects...
Crazed Marines
23-11-2004, 01:34
OOC: ok, if you want to have a debate, then take it to general. Also, a war would be nice as I'm bored out of my skull.
President Mike Kowalski sat at his desk lookung at all the official reports and responses.
"JOE!" Mike yelled, "Are you suprised that we don't have a war on our hands from a 'holier-than-thou' country?"
"No sir. They are after 'holier' than us, and wars are such 'unholy' things." the aide responded.
"Good thinking! I'm gonna have to steal that...hehehe..."
The Emperor Fenix
23-11-2004, 01:34
OOC: The only way to do that is to genetically reengineer the entire species and to keep in mind that's just one species. Altering the genetics there, though, may have other side-effects...
That wont do it... no-one knows what causes homosexuality and its obviously either a resseive trait or one that occurs through a common mutation (the predisposition toward homosexuality if not the certainty of it) in short... you can try, youd fail, and id laugh bitterly at you.
The Great Sixth Reich
23-11-2004, 01:35
OOC: The only way to do that is to genetically reengineer the entire species and to keep in mind that's just one species. Altering the genetics there, though, may have other side-effects...
"Us Germans are good at Genetics and we already knew that." :)
23-11-2004, 01:38
That wont do it... no-one knows what causes homosexuality and its obviously either a resseive trait or one that occurs through a common mutation (the predisposition toward homosexuality if not the certainty of it) in short... you can try, youd fail, and id laugh bitterly at you.
I have no problem with homosexuality. I'm not the one trying to eliminate it.
Armandian Cheese
23-11-2004, 01:39
"How about we use my invention to eliminate homosexuality? It's a formula that eliminates any urge for love, whether it be homosexual or not."
-----Emperor Armand
OOC: I'm referencing this thread:
The Emperor Fenix
23-11-2004, 01:39
im damn glad... and no crazed marines i dont care if you're bored im not going to attack you and i hope no-one else does... if you want to have a war start a civil war and maybye you can rip the cancour from your nation. This thread is making me depressed and angry... ill post elsewhere.
Im gonna have to agree withthe emporer dude on this.
23-11-2004, 02:25
OOC: We believe that its a choice, not genetics. By any standard, they're out of the gene pool no matter their birth.
OOC: Actually, it's neither a choice nor genetics. The likeliest cause has to do with a complicated chemical balance while the fetus is still in the womb. Certain hormones sometimes are not sent when they should be, or the wrong set is sent. The development of a fetus inside the womb is very complex, and things don't always go the way they "should." That's all I'm going to say in this OOC banter.
23-11-2004, 02:36
OOC: ok, if you want to have a debate, then take it to general. Also, a war would be nice as I'm bored out of my skull.
President Mike Kowalski sat at his desk lookung at all the official reports and responses.
"JOE!" Mike yelled, "Are you suprised that we don't have a war on our hands from a 'holier-than-thou' country?"
"No sir. They are after 'holier' than us, and wars are such 'unholy' things." the aide responded.
"Good thinking! I'm gonna have to steal that...hehehe..."
OOC: If you want to have a war, you'll have to attack me or something, as I don't really want to wage an offensive war at the moment.
King Haakon IX quickly wrote out something on a scrap of paper. Handing it to an aide, he said simply "Type this up and release it."
Announcement concerning the events in the nation of Crazed Marines:
Our offer to take your homosexuals/bisexuals off your hands if you would simply deport them to our country still stands. We believe that this would greatly smooth things over diplomatically. While we think that you are not acting sensibly by imprisoning otherwise good citizens, we cannot change your laws, and we could do with a grateful bunch of new citizens ourselves. Please consider this offer.
-King Haakon IX
Crazed Marines
23-11-2004, 03:37
Official response
Thank you for taking these wastes of human life off our hands. One thousand should arrive via fifteen FedEx crates within the week. As for the ones who chose death, we ask that if you wish to view it, you turn to Teuful Hounden TV.
Teuful Hounden TV LIVE!
We're here, live, at the site of the execution of those who wished to die rather than leave the country for homosexuality. The executioners strapped White Phosphorous grenades to the chests of the condemned at their stakes. A single string was attacked to each pin and they were pulled at the same time. Death was nearly instant once the grenade exploded, but some survived for as much as ten minutes before being shot to ease their pain.
23-11-2004, 03:42
we support crazed marines actions as draganovia also just banned gay marrige and homosexual activitys in our country.
Millions of people stand quiet within the nation as modguy begins to speak, as their god ruler's voice blares over the speakers in every town square and street corner.
"the Holy Empire of Modguy declares this act a outrage to all of humanity and i propose to congress to ban any and all trades with these Crazed Dictaters"
The many people of Modguy applauded wether they approved or not, fore the secret police has many eyes, and are always watchfull.
Crazed Marines
23-11-2004, 03:54
OOC: Betcha ya won't see him in a month. MODBOMB for name
Official response to Modguy
Have we ever traded with you? No. Then your "Embargo" don't affect us!
23-11-2004, 03:57
Millions of people stand quiet within the nation as modguy begins to speak, as their god ruler's voice blares over the speakers in every town square and street corner.
"the Holy Empire of Modguy declares this act a outrage to all of humanity and i propose to congress to ban any and all trades with these Crazed Dictaters"
The many people of Modguy applauded wether they approved or not, fore the secret police has many eyes, and are always watchfull.
your "embargo" will never, ever effect us as we have never traded with you and never plan to.
23-11-2004, 03:58
OOC: our president is a loyal watcher of Teufel Hunden TV, he loves the programming on there.
Crazed Marines
23-11-2004, 04:01
Betcha he likes the "Death-row Survivor" series. The twist last time is we told the last prisoner he'd be released and we threw him out the back of a C-130 with grenades in the backpack instead of a parachute.
The Irish Isle
23-11-2004, 04:04
We applaude your actions. For several years we have been trying to pass similar laws in our own country but, due to a strong minority, they have been able to filabuster the voteing, dashing all our hopes of outlawing homosexuality. You have our full support and again, well done!
Select memebers of the Commons Assembly, The Irish Isle
23-11-2004, 04:05
Betcha he likes the "Death-row Survivor" series. The twist last time is we told the last prisoner he'd be released and we threw him out the back of a C-130 with grenades in the backpack instead of a parachute.
he loves that series, were starting our own series like that and our "contestants" for the pilot show will have to navigate a hungry wolf infested forest and survivors are set free on probation.
there needs to be a war or something. this is lame
23-11-2004, 05:21
there needs to be a war or something. this is lame
OOC: I'm willing to do a war, but only if I'm the one being attacked/invaded
23-11-2004, 05:24
Foxtrot News
Today, in a suprising move, Congress has announced that it passed a ban on male homosexuality. The ban states that homosexuals or bisexuality by men will not be tolerated and that the offender can choose one of two options, death or exile. Public sentiment is suprisingly for this ban and the first boatload of gays has just shipped off for penal colony P3x589.
We praise this act by the government of CM.
Crazed Marines
23-11-2004, 23:01
Any more condemnations or praises?
The Emperor Fenix
23-11-2004, 23:09
There's an I.G.N.O.R.E i don't know why i didn't think of it before. Sorry to have cluttered your thread.
24-11-2004, 06:59
Any more condemnations or praises?
OOC: we can have a war if you attack me for some reason. if you want to think something up, my IM is BassistSartori
Crazed Marines
24-11-2004, 18:48
I don't really attack people first. Maybe I could have a fringe group attack you to spark this off.....
24-11-2004, 19:16
im hoping to ban homosexuality from my nation very soon
Sel Appa
24-11-2004, 23:58
Sel Appa praises your work although we condemn putting them to death. We prevent them from reproducing(however that is possible) and adopting and they are seperated into remote locations of our country. We expect their population to be dissolve within a year or so...
25-11-2004, 08:16
I don't really attack people first. Maybe I could have a fringe group attack you to spark this off.....
Nah, cause I'm not going to have another war right now it's defensive on my part.
Hmm... odd how such a nation would ban homosexuality in only men, perhaps the leader of Crazy Marines is attempting to deal with his own latent homosexuality by distancing his nation as far away from homosexuality as possible and inflicting his pent up anger at himself towards his populace.
Of course we condemn your some-what revealing actions against any homosexuals within your populace, but you're nation is already on the Blacklist and we certainly arn't going to be petty enough to threaten military action over something which is ulitimately within your rights to do, even if it is idiotic and old fashioned. The amount of nations which have banned homosexuality in the past... it's like, so last year. At least they had the courage to do it entirely instead of making their latent homosexuality plain for everyone to see.
Nevermind, though if your leaders wish to explore the possibilities of their own unrealised homosexuality in private, we have various male prostitutes available in Iuthia for such perposes who would be more then willing to show you a good time... of course they can't actually go to Crazed Marines, what with the ban and all the and the likelihood of their execution by a latent homosexual trying to distance himself from such people. So it would need to be arranged via security for your people to come over to Iuthia. It can be done in private of course.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
Crazed Marines
25-11-2004, 20:00
Official response to Iuthia
Your conclusion is all wrong. The President has three children of his own and his girlfriend is one of the most beautiful women around. Your offer could be considered an insult to the nation and a declaration of war could be issued. If you ever do such a thing again, your cities will be glassed. Good day to you, sir/ma'am/it.
The offer was very much genuine and still stands should you wish to take up at anytime in the future. The fact that you threatened Iuthia with a nuclear responce over such a statement suggests that your leader could be uncomfortable with his hetrosexuality in such a way that should any suggestions be made otherwise he feels he has to threaten others with violence. However this is not a suitable threat to be making against another nation based entirely on a simple comment.
Your threat will be ignored, thankfully, as we doubt your people would be so insane as to attempt to "glass" a nation with such high standing in the international community. While Iuthia itself would most likely just use it's NAFDA defences to protect itself; our allies are not so reasonable in their responce in a percieved threat against their good friend. The likely responce would be a nuclear exchange which would result in extreme losses in your populace and over what? The fact your leader is so insecure in his own sexuality that he must threaten nuclear weapons when someone thinks he may be a homosexual?
Pfft... come back to us when your leader has grown up. Your governments adolescent attitude isn't befitting of a nation representing itself in the international community.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
How dare you threaten Iuthia, close ally of the Republic of Artitsa. Who are you to threaten with nuclear weapons. Son, if you so much as look at that red button, we will shove so many nukes up your butt, you'll wish you were with those Iuthian Male Prostitutes.
Boris O'Connor
Boris O'Connor
Minister of Foreign Relations
Republic of Artitsa
26-11-2004, 01:56
High above Earth orbit in the home-asteroid, President Doyle stared down upon the once-beautiful planet. As Liebermonk orbited, he saw a nation come into sattelite view that he has come to feel anger towards. Crazed Marines had done something that his nation considers very terrible. Male-homosexuality was considered common in his nation, and his people were furious at the fact Crazed Marines banned it. He walked to his podium outside his office window to give his speech to those in his atmosphere-bubble. It would then be relayed to the entire asteroid and natural sattelite.
"Crazed Marines has commited a terrible atrocity against human rights. The nation continues with implying that nuclear action may be taken. I, President Doyle of Liebermonk, hereby announce that if any militant action, no matter how small, we will be react with force. For human rights, freedom, and to prevent nuclear war, we consider this action our duty. We also ask all those who value the same things we do, to join in this fight. No longer can tyranny live on against homosexuals. No longer will innocents be murdered. A time of change is upon the universe, and Liebermonk plans to be one of the nations leading in this change. Thank You."
He walked back into his office, ignoring the press and thought of what he had just done. It had to happen. Liebermonk would have to pay greatly for this, but for the sake of the world, he knew it would have to happen.
He pushed a small button on his desk to connect to the General of the Airforce. "General, I would like all of our ships ready to go on a moments notice, war may happen at any moment...."
Official response to Iuthia
Your conclusion is all wrong. The President has three children of his own and his girlfriend is one of the most beautiful women around. Your offer could be considered an insult to the nation and a declaration of war could be issued. If you ever do such a thing again, your cities will be glassed. Good day to you, sir/ma'am/it.
'You threaten nuclear war over such a comment? One would think that this homophobic reaction would be hiding some true inner motive. May'be your President is truly a homosexual and his reason for banning the act is his own way of denying his true self. The Aumanii government encourages the president of the Crazed Marines to come out of the closet, stop lying to yourself comrade!'
~Aumanii Minister of Foreign Affairs, General Guillard.
If the Republic detects any sort of attack towards Iuthia, our ally, we will completely level every major city, township and village within Crazed Marines within ten minutes.
Leader of Crazed Marines, please don't bring this down upon yourself...
Fyodor Leningrad Zyteslav
Sr. Commisar (HPA Ret.)
Prime Minister of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Hattia
Foolish Pesants
26-11-2004, 02:10
Your threats of Nuclear attacks are as weak and pathetic as your insinuations to your hetrosexual status! I, Dik Dik van Dik, the number one graduate from the Hurcules Factory, could defeat your limp wristed misslies with one arm tied behind my back! No doubt they would have pink rims and red tips, as would be befitting of someone of your nature. Though you may think that such ploys will endear you to your populace, you will never be as cute as me! Any moral implications would be easily removed by imploying any number of slams or throws. Whilst you may think that you can threaten other nations into laughing at you and you're right.
Ha! I could take your entire forces single handedly without even breaking a sweat!
Dik Dik van Dik
Minister of Offence
El Sentiel
26-11-2004, 02:22
any attack upon any nation will immediately be met with swift and painfull vengence, not because we are allied with Iuthia but just because we don't like you..
have a somewhat good day.
Rrowl C'mef
Thanks everyone for their support, we appreciate the guesture though we sincerly hope that it doesn't reach the point where retaliation is required... afterall it would be rather foolish to instigate nuclear war over little more then a comment taken in the wrong way.
Perhaps a sense of humor could have saved us all the trouble next time.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
Crazed Marines
26-11-2004, 23:27
'You threaten nuclear war over such a comment? One would think that this homophobic reaction would be hiding some true inner motive. May'be your President is truly a homosexual and his reason for banning the act is his own way of denying his true self. The Aumanii government encourages the president of the Crazed Marines to come out of the closet, stop lying to yourself comrade!'
~Aumanii Minister of Foreign Affairs, General Guillard.
Response from President Kowalski
Excuse me. I never threatened nuclear war. We are a space nation and have but one small land territory on Earth. Why would we use nukes when we have many other options? As I have stated before, I am not homosexual. I am not homophobic either. Why fear them, they cannot do anything to hurt us, so we have no reason to fear these girlie-men.
Also, as Iuthia just stated, a sense of humor could prevent war. We were being humorous when we stated that we'd glass them. I sais I'd be nice and it was Thanksgiving when I said that.
Odd, personally we wouldn't joke about using nuclear weapons, especially when doing so through a communication channel which represents your nation in the International Community... given the reaction your nation have given and the danger you have put your nation in doing this we would suggest that next time you are a little more clear when you threaten nuclear war in jest.
As we said, we didn't take your threat to seriously because to follow it though would mean certain destruction. However, we accept your backing down from your violent position, perhaps you have some sense afterall. Now you just need to be honest to yourself.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
Crazed Marines
28-11-2004, 03:26
We're called the nation of Crazed Marines for a reason....