ATTN all Anti-Nazism Nations
22-11-2004, 20:58
The news broadcast began as planned, ten to the hour of three. The man with his large beard and black hair, wearing a military clothing uniform of a Five Star General. He spoke with a loud and deep voice, adressing the international community:
"National Leaders and National Citizens of foreign and sovereign nations, I am here to free your minds to a new lifestyle. The Sadistic Dictatorship of Witzgall has gone under some changes, and has officially declared itself a Nazi Regime, and is currently under my total power.
In the past, Witzgall was a state of opression and mass murder. We now have found that peace can be found. We must eliminate the problem child of society, but there is more than one.
All Jews are responsible for the downfall in the economic progress. They refuse to purchase Witzgall's goods or hire our men, and they outsource to cheaper nations! All Blacks are responsible for dirtying up our cities, killing our wives, and other crimes! All hispanics are responsible for abuse towards women and children, as well as being the source of the loss of jobs as they work for less!
Asians claim to be smarter, and override our schools with their race, taking away education from the superior race of caucasians! It is a disgrace to even have our race's name end in theirs!
The Nazi Regime of Witzgall asks the International Community to step forward and rise up against these traitors of society! Take matters into your hands, and fight for the freedom of the masses!"
22-11-2004, 21:04
bump :headbang:
22-11-2004, 21:11
All nations who support the jewish faith and any other ethnic group must pay dearly.
-Official Ratheian Government Response-
You are nothing short of an embarrasment to the NS world.
22-11-2004, 21:22
-Official Ratheian Government Response-
You are nothing short of an embarrasment to the NS world.
Good that you think so. Mind you that this isn't OOC, and it's a post like any other.
Raptorian Federation
22-11-2004, 22:32
Patching COM Message...
"Greetings new Dictator of Witzgall. It has come to my attention, through your broadcasts, that Witzgall has now converted to a Nazi-like regime. We at the Raptorian Federation do not support any ethnic group or religion. We feel that all humans and otherwise were created to be equally, and through this, it interrupts our views on life. On behalf of the Raptorian Federation, we firmly disapprove of this new regime, but will not intervene militarily. It's a sad day when the world looks to hate.
-Venkil Hemdan, Spokesperson to the Raptorian Federation Diplomatic Relations Department."
22-11-2004, 22:38
"Ha! Blasphemy! You are a coward against us! You bow before us, groveling at our shoes! Beg for mercy, for this world is of mice and men."
22-11-2004, 22:44
Now I am thinking about invading....
22-11-2004, 22:44
Screw it...nobody wants to even try to RP this shit.
Raptorian Federation
22-11-2004, 22:44
Venkil stared at his screen for a moment, in disbelief. Nobody insluts the Raptorian Federation... Nobody. He replied as civily as he could.
"Sorry sir, we don't take kindly to low level insults, if you wish, I could tap you straight to our leader himself, Praetor Rapion?"
22-11-2004, 22:57
I Have Toppled Another Regime! My Threats Are Not Petty!@ I Am Strong! I Ownz J00!
Soviet leaders
23-11-2004, 01:55
-----------------------------Offical Statement-------------------------------
This is Rubi-kov News the music played
Sue:This is sue and thank you for joining us
bob:WE are taking you live to the Imperial Soviet Counicl
the Premier walks up to the podium and started to speek
Premier,Romakov:Hello the nation Witzgall has join the NAZIS and we ask if any citzen leave the nation now you will have 72 hours to leave before you will be force to leave we hate nazis they are the scum of the NS world and are not allowed to be in are nation they think they can rule the world doesn't need to have nazis. They only caues pain for the ones they blam for there problems
and we are sorry for the jews and all that are in there nation. Communist and Captilist(sp?) and everyone but NAZIS can last in the world becaues they want to caues pian to the world. this is are position on NAZIS!! plz join us
23-11-2004, 01:57
1) Spellcheck.
2) Spaces
3) Are you sure about this?
OOC: I'm going back into my little Nazism rant now...bring it on, you sovereign punks :p
Soviet leaders
23-11-2004, 02:01
stating are fellings and do not want to start a war
23-11-2004, 02:03
Official Statement from Mister, the current Fuhrer of the Nazi Empire:
You state your beliefs, but will not stand up and protect them? This is an outcry. You ask people to stand behind you...yet you sit in your seat and do nothing to show your beliefs are real!
Armandian Cheese
23-11-2004, 02:03
While we support having a totalitarian dictatorship, this oppressive racism cannot be allowed. For the time being, I shall ally with any state willing to depose this monster. Even if it is a Communist state. However, I shall not attack unless more nations come to my side, and join this "coalition of the willing".
-----Emperor Armand
23-11-2004, 02:04
-----------------------------Offical Statement-------------------------------
This is Rubi-kov News the music played
Sue:This is sue and thank you for joining us
bob:WE are taking you live to the Imperial Soviet Counicl
the Premier walks up to the podium and started to speek
Premier,Romakov:Hello the nation Witzgall has join the NAZIS and we ask if any citzen leave the nation now you will have 72 hours to leave before you will be force to leave we hate nazis they are the scum of the NS world and are not allowed to be in are nation they think they can rule the world doesn't need to have nazis. They only caues pain for the ones they blam for there problems
and we are sorry for the jews and all that are in there nation. Communist and Captilist(sp?) and everyone but NAZIS can last in the world becaues they want to caues pian to the world. this is are position on NAZIS!! plz join us
From President of Bobslovakia
To:all Nazi Regimes
We will stand by Soviet Leaders in there attempts to rid the world of Nazi scum. Although there Communism differs vastly from our system of government, we prefer them to Nazis, military forces mobilized.
OOC: it's me Soviets, the kid on the bus.
23-11-2004, 02:04
Official Statement to Armandian Cheese:
No nation has the power to stand behind you and join your coalition. We will crush you as we have crushed so many before you. Stand down, and sit back.
23-11-2004, 02:06
Official Statement to All Nations: wait for someone to voice their opinions in an outcry, and then you show up. You do not believe in this being wrong, you simply wish to make it look like that for simple political reasons.
You bastards hide behind the mask of lies, while we are the only ones who stand up and fight for the truth!
Soviet leaders
23-11-2004, 02:06
We stand behide them but won't start a unneed war over it if you attack me i will attack you plz don't attack us and cause unneed blood shed
If it comes to war, Ratheia will assist in the destruction of the Nazi scum.
23-11-2004, 02:07
We stand behide them but won't start a unneed war over it if you attack me i will attack you plz don't attack us and cause unneed blood shed
No bloodshed shall be spilt on your land if you surrender now.
OOC: Wtf took you people so long to post your opinions? Jeez...
23-11-2004, 02:07
To: Premier of Soviet Leaders
From: President Sneimenheimer of Bobslovakia
Aid us in destroying this Nazi threat, we need more assistance to defeat this grave menace to society.
Soviet leaders
23-11-2004, 02:08
War is not need but if it comes to that then we welcome all support
23-11-2004, 02:09
Official Statement to All Nations: wait for someone to voice their opinions in an outcry, and then you show up. You do not believe in this being wrong, you simply wish to make it look like that for simple political reasons.
You bastards hide behind the mask of lies, while we are the only ones who stand up and fight for the truth!
To: Insane dictator of Witzgall
From: Some comedian in charge of stupid comebacks
So? is that a problem?
Official Hawdawg Response:
We advise your dictator to cease this uncalled for saber-rattling. It does no good and stirs nothing but animosity among nations. What you do in your country is your business, just don't tell us what to do in ours.
I.A.M. Ivanhoe
Prime Minister
Holy Republic of Hawdawg
23-11-2004, 02:11
You admit that you do lie about your beliefs. What is a belief based on lies, I ask you? It is but a dream. It is not a belief, but an idea. You may believe what my government does is wrong, and possibly so do many others.
I commend you all on speaking your opinion, but this matter cannot be solved via a conference. I assure you, you cannot prove to me what I do is wrong, because it isn't.
23-11-2004, 02:12
Official Hawdawg Response:
We advise your dictator to cease this uncalled for saber-rattling. It does no good and stirs nothing but animosity among nations. What you do in your country is your business, just don't tell us what to do in ours.
I.A.M. Ivanhoe
Prime Minister
Holy Republic of Hawdawg
Sovereignity does not exist, my dear friend, especially not in a world of conflicts.
Soviet leaders
23-11-2004, 02:13
The Imperial Soviet Council has stated that if he attacks us or any nation that is standing behide there beliefs will get full support and is asking all nation that don't support Nazis to help and we soud enter a Alliance so that if it comes to war we will support each other and we will help any nation that gets attacked by him in the alliance like NATO
23-11-2004, 02:13
OOC: I'm in NATO...there goes that system.
What is your stance on disabled people such as deaf, blind, paralyzed, etc. people? Do you consider them sub-human or like you consider the Jewish people? Or do you consider them as people equal and / or in need of help?
Also, what is your stance regarding healthcare and education? Free education and healthcare, or a super-capitalist type of education and healthcare system?
President Rand Veristek
23-11-2004, 02:16
OOC: My stance in RL is nothing like this...but IC...
The Nazi Empire of Witzgall considers all handicapped people God's punishments. Only children of the impure receive such punishment. The parents who failed, the parents who know not what love is. They receive these children as a wakeup call.
23-11-2004, 02:17
OOC: The Rebirth ( The thread that started it all...also, theres an OOC in that one.
Soviet leaders
23-11-2004, 02:18
The organzation in the Real world not in NS were if someone gets attack they all come to help.
23-11-2004, 02:18
OOC: Does this mean you're up for it after all? Yay! Although I didn't know you were in NATO...strange but true.
23-11-2004, 02:18
Ah, gotcha. I thought we were talking NS alliances here...
23-11-2004, 02:18
You admit that you do lie about your beliefs. What is a belief based on lies, I ask you? It is but a dream. It is not a belief, but an idea. You may believe what my government does is wrong, and possibly so do many others.
I commend you all on speaking your opinion, but this matter cannot be solved via a conference. I assure you, you cannot prove to me what I do is wrong, because it isn't.
To:Insane Dictator of Witzgall
From:President of Bobslovakia
Well then, the only course is to pound your country to pieces, loot it, and rape the prettier women. We are not a large nation, but will aid other nations in attacking Witzgall. We have nothing against you personally, just hate Nazis.
23-11-2004, 02:19
OOC: Does this mean you're up for it after all? Yay! Although I didn't know you were in NATO...strange but true.
I sent you a TG...and yeah its true :)
And yep, I'm up for it!
23-11-2004, 02:20
To:Insane Dictator of Witzgall
From:President of Bobslovakia
Well then, the only course is to pound your country to pieces, loot it, and rape the prettier women. We are not a large nation, but will aid other nations in attacking Witzgall. We have nothing against you personally, just hate Nazis.
OOC: Word of advice...if your going after a nation that hates something, then you shouldnt mention hatred or abuse such as raping the women.
OOC: My stance in RL is nothing like this...but IC...
The Nazi Empire of Witzgall considers all handicapped people God's punishments. Only children of the impure receive such punishment. The parents who failed, the parents who know not what love is. They receive these children as a wakeup call.
Very well.
If that is your stance, then what do you do about the people who are disabled? Do you execute them? Deport them? Sell them as slaves? Or what?
President Rand Veristek
Mora Tau
23-11-2004, 02:21
I'm all for war with any Nazi country. I'm with you, Soviet Leaders. The Mora Tauan Soviet Socialist Republic is revving up for war.
But if any Bobslovakian troops even so much as touch a civilian Witzgalli woman, I shall go to war with you too.
Christina Janke
23-11-2004, 02:22
Very well.
If that is your stance, then what do you do about the people who are disabled? Do you execute them? Deport them? Sell them as slaves? Or what?
President Rand Veristek
The disabled are left alone, unless they belong to one of these ethnic groups. However, some are used in sweatshops to make simple grenades for the new military.
For criminal prosecutions, however, the disabled are treated as knowledgable humans.
Soviet leaders
23-11-2004, 02:24
I will make the thread becaues it seems that tis is going to war so make a dission now if it is war or not
But I am future tech
Your misguided and egotistical threats of nazism are far out numbered by thos of us who believe in fair treatment of all races. War sould not be nescesary and will be avoided at all costs but if the only solution is war it sall be done with the speed of a thousand armies i am sure. In something i think you would call a Blitzkrieg. Do not fret this is not a threat only a warning.
His holiness congratulates Witzgall on begining the purge of the weak and blasphemous from their nation. The purge is nearly complete in our own land, the Xerisian Legion is simply hunting down the last scraps of imperfection. Once this matter has been seen to, the Empire will offer its full support, Spiritually, and Millitaristiclly.
-His Holiness, Lord Emperor Arkkonis, diety and champion of Xerisia.
As the broadcast of this rant went on and on a Hawdawg diplomatic aide to Prime Minister Ivanhoe leans over and asks a cabinet member, "So how much cough syrup you think this dictator drank this morning?" Chuckles were heard throughout the room.
"SILENCE" Prime Minister Ivanhoe yelled, as he stuck his desk. "Men this is a grave situation, I think we need to dispatch some of our Navy to the area to monitor this situation." "Agreed", said Defense Minister Wales, "We will sent Invasion Strike Groups Red and Rose to monitor this volitale situation and make sure it doesn't escalate into an international incident."
23-11-2004, 02:26
Hah. You are misguided. You believe that we are begging for war? You think that we are afraid of you? Ha! I have never heard such words of confusion!
New Corporate States
23-11-2004, 02:26
Greetings, Fellow Citizens Of the World,
I am afraid that the New Corporate States, outside of corporate militias, lacks almost any military or police power. While I may may be unable to support any Coalition countries, I am willing to allow any poltical refugees asylum until they are able to relocate to a new country. Full Citizenship is available, though an application needs to be filled and approved as if you are any other immigrant. In addition to this, I have consulted with the Generic Motors Corporation, and they will offer their Series 8 Industrial-Grade engines to you for the 10% Off of their wholesale price to any members of the Coalition for use in armored vehicle. Please contact me for further information.
Gui Armstrong, Chairman Of Foreign Relations & Policy
23-11-2004, 02:27
It's the thread about the Nazi government taking over basically. Post in the OOC thing if you want to fight me.
Soviet leaders
23-11-2004, 02:27
Are belief is that war is only need as a last resort and when you are in war only use nulcear weapones when they have been used or it is the last resort
23-11-2004, 02:27
I'm all for war with any Nazi country. I'm with you, Soviet Leaders. The Mora Tauan Soviet Socialist Republic is revving up for war.
But if any Bobslovakian troops even so much as touch a civilian Witzgalli woman, I shall go to war with you too.
Christina Janke
To: Mora Tau
From:President of Bobslovakia
Sorry about that, my vive-president grabbed command while I was on the crapper. He sent off that telegram without permission, actually rape is a life sentence in Bobslovakia. The vice-president is in deep trouble over that telegram. we run a clean country.
If war be the solution. THEN BRING IT. But if not then it shall be decided peacefully without the need of violence which in my book is only the last resort.
Mora Tau
23-11-2004, 02:30
I will make the thread becaues it seems that tis is going to war so make a dission now if it is war or not
But I am future tech
Oo-er. Mora Tau is stuck in 1983. BUT WE'VE STILL GOT BOMBS! So we give the Witzgallis an hour to surrender in the face of massive anti-nazi retalitation.
23-11-2004, 02:31
Oo-er. Mora Tau is stuck in 1983. BUT WE'VE STILL GOT BOMBS! So we five the Witzgallis an hour to surrender in the face of massive anti-nazi retalitation.
It's Witzgallian, and anyway...
What kind of surrender? What are your conditions?
Soviet leaders
23-11-2004, 02:33
OOC:I will make the thread and if someone will tell me some anti-nazis and some nazis alliances out there i will mak the thread.
23-11-2004, 02:34
...go to the OOC thread I have posted like 3 times and post there about what side you are on etc. etc.
Mora Tau
23-11-2004, 02:34
Well *my* conditions in any case are-
a) abandon Naziism. The MTSSR shall not imprison anyone.
b) allow elections.
c) release all prisoners.
d) compensate the victims and families of all Nazi aggression.
e) allow foreign troops and medical staff to land in order to make sure these conditions are met.
Pretty basic conditions, I'm sure everyone else have more.
OOC: So, did my post just get lost in the crowd or something? Oo; Xerisia is future tech semi-nazi to all who it concerns.
The disabled are left alone, unless they belong to one of these ethnic groups. However, some are used in sweatshops to make simple grenades for the new military.
For criminal prosecutions, however, the disabled are treated as knowledgable humans.
Fuhrer Mister,
I would like to open a dialog regarding the disabled people in your nation. I am willing to take in all the disabled people from your nation. This would benefit both of our nations in two ways.
First, you will not have to worry about disabled people in your nation, and you will not have to worry about medical and support costs for them.
Second, these disabled people will have a much better life in my nation where they may be cured of their disabilities and be made productive members of society.
Please inform me whether you are willing to engage in such discussion and deal.
President Rand Veristek
23-11-2004, 02:36
OOC: So, did my post just get lost in the crowd or something? Oo; Xerisia is future tech semi-nazi to all who it concerns.
This is Modern Tech only.
New Corporate States
23-11-2004, 02:37
OOC: Soviet Leader, could you please post a link to the OOC? Thanks!
OOC: This is Modern Tech only.
Really? I thought I say someone say they were future tech, alright. Forget I ever said anything then. >>
23-11-2004, 02:39
Well *my* conditions in any case are-
a) abandon Naziism. The MTSSR shall not imprison anyone.
b) allow elections.
c) release all prisoners.
d) compensate the victims and families of all Nazi aggression.
e) allow foreign troops and medical staff to land in order to make sure these conditions are met.
Pretty basic conditions, I'm sure everyone else have more.
Telegram to Mora Tau Government:
Your conditions are unreasonable.
First of all, Letter A. Who gives you the right to tell me what my nation's government can or cannot be?
Next is Letter B. Elections? And who decides who runs for these elections? In the past, elections have led to execution and assasinations of the delegates.
Letter C: Prisoner release is possible.
Letter D: Never. It is their fault for disrupting our nation in the first place. They do not deserve life, let alone compensation.
Letter E: Foreign troops? Are you insane? I cannot trust you enough to allow one man into my nation without total supervision.
I'm sorry, but the answer is no. Your conditions push me further away from even considering surrender.
Soviet leaders
23-11-2004, 02:40
there is the link I will make a thread ok
23-11-2004, 02:42
OOC: If your making a thread, it better be a declaration of war. That OOC thread of mine is for discussion, and since no one uses it, I'm assuming this means war.
Still waiting for a response to my IC post a few posts ago.
Soviet leaders
23-11-2004, 02:46
I am not going to declare war but i will call it
23-11-2004, 02:47
Fuhrer Mister,
I would like to open a dialog regarding the disabled people in your nation. I am willing to take in all the disabled people from your nation. This would benefit both of our nations in two ways.
First, you will not have to worry about disabled people in your nation, and you will not have to worry about medical and support costs for them.
Second, these disabled people will have a much better life in my nation where they may be cured of their disabilities and be made productive members of society.
Please inform me whether you are willing to engage in such discussion and deal.
President Rand Veristek
This is not possible. I am not willing to give you my citizens...this is not an open market.
OOC: soviet dude make a link to the thread
23-11-2004, 02:52
It's not like it can be one sentence...let him take his time.
Mora Tau
23-11-2004, 02:53
Your conditions push me further away from even considering surrender.
It's war you want, it's war you get! Mora Tauan fleet on full alert!
23-11-2004, 02:55
It's war you want, it's war you get! Mora Tauan fleet on full alert!
You can never defeat me alone, Mora Tau. I have the power of a million worlds behind me, and you may think that your allies here will save you from my unleashed wrath...but you will see. Everyone ducks when a rock is thrown.
23-11-2004, 02:57
I can only say this once: you are walking into a battle you cannot win. There are powers massing against you that are abundantly willing to and capable of making worms' meat of your people and your ideology. Forestalling the destruction of your perversion of a country should surely be your prime objective; if this is so, then for you to agree to a compromise, i.e. handing over those who do not wish to die, would be both a shrewd manoeuvre and a welcome respite from the threat of force.
- Foreign Minister Schützer.
I can only say this once: you are walking into a battle you cannot win. There are powers massing against you that are abundantly willing to and capable of making worms' meat of your people and your ideology. Forestalling the destruction of your perversion of a country should surely be your prime objective; if this is so, then for you to agree to a compromise, i.e. handing over those who do not wish to die, would be both a shrewd manoeuvre and a welcome respite from the threat of force.
- Foreign Minister Schützer.
-Official Ratheian Government Response-
Don't screw with DPUO, you Nazi lunatic.
23-11-2004, 02:59
Everyone with patriotism in their heart knows what they must do...the blacks, the jews, the asians, they all know they must die to start a reform of a government, of a world! We must reform society, do you not see?
You are all blinded by the green lights they shine, the money they hold in their hands and in your pockets it does not belong. You must see through the red walls of foolishness.
It is not I who is blinded with hatred, but you are blinded by a shine. A shine of lies. A shine of your own hatred that burrows itself deep as you hide in the shelter you think is your soul.
New Corporate States
23-11-2004, 03:00
I am still offering asylum to any political refugees from your nation. Any attempts to hinder their progress in doing so will be looked upon as hostile action upon my country, and will result in my full support of any Coalition nations. I will also seek to ban any exports from my own nation into yours immediately in the event of your refusal to allow this.
Gui Armstrong, Chairman Of Foreign Relations & Policy[/QUOTE]
23-11-2004, 03:00
+Message from President Klewer of the Confedracy of Klenland+
"The Klenish people give full support to Mora Tauan and any military aid shall be supplied in the efforts against Nazism."
Stance change! I formally announce a change from enemy to ally of the NS of Witzgall
23-11-2004, 03:03
Your blindness is nothing short of breathtaking. You are on the cusp of initiating your own nation's destruction, and yet you continue to spout Nazi ideological pap at those who will wield the sword that removes your head?
OOC: Has this guy lost his ever-loving mind or what?
IC: We ask that you strongly reconsider your position. Give peace a chance. If not the blood of your people will be on your hands.
Prime Minister Ivanhoe
Holy Republic of Hawdawg
23-11-2004, 03:06
Your blindness is nothing short of breathtaking. You are on the cusp of initiating your own nation's destruction, and yet you continue to spout Nazi ideological pap at those who will wield the sword that removes your head?
Your sword is dull with confusion. You must see the light...
23-11-2004, 03:07
OOC: Has this guy lost his ever-loving mind or what?
IC: We ask that you strongly reconsider your position. Give peace a chance. If not the blood of your people will be on your hands.
Prime Minister Ivanhoe
Holy Republic of Hawdawg
The blood is already on my hands, but the blood is that of a heart. A hear of the people. Liberation is necessary, and we have succeeded. Stand down and let us handle this!
New Corporate States
23-11-2004, 03:09
One of two things need to happen here; respond, or I will give all of my available resources to the Coalition.
Gui Armstrong, Chairman Of Foreign Relations & Policy
23-11-2004, 03:10
I have responded.
I refuse to send you my disabled citizens.
23-11-2004, 03:13
Au contraire, the light which you follow is merely that which leads to the flame. You play moth to a gigantic candle, fluttering on delicate wings to fiery destruction...but enough poetics. Again, I request that you hand over those who you are persecuting.
- Foreign Minister Schützer
New Corporate States
23-11-2004, 03:15
That was a seperate country, Witzgall. I am offering to take them all in as refugees, not as workers or to heal them. Otherwise I will severe all trade with your country, and support Coalition action.
23-11-2004, 03:15
This isn't the war thread, DPUO...
23-11-2004, 03:16
That was a seperate country, Witzgall. I am offering to take them all in as refugees, not as workers or to heal them. Otherwise I will severe all trade with your country, and support Coalition action.
Be my guest. We never had trade, and your support would not help my nation one bit.
23-11-2004, 03:17
This isn't the war thread, DPUO...
SMEG! Lol. It's the other one, from before, right? *Edits*
Comminque to the Coalition, with a priority tranmission to DontPissUsOff (DPUO)
I am willing to lend Sharina's support in the upcoming war, under three conditions. This change in stance is a result of Witzgall's refusal to provide better living for disabled and less than fortunate people, even though it is not the fault of the disabled people that they have the disabilities.
First, I am permitted to bring all Witzgall disabled citizens back to Sharina for treatment and support societies. Sharina has extensive support services for deaf, blind, paralyzed, etc. people.
Second, no atrocities are to be committed such as raping, looting, pillaging, etc. of innocent civilians that do not outright participate in the war. The civilians that open fire or attack coalition forces shall be considered fair game in the eyes of Sharina.
Third and last, any Witzgall citizen is to be allowed to choose whether to remain in Witzgall or move to a nation of their choosing such as Sharina or DPUO.
If you are willing to accept these conditions, Sharina is prepared to help liberate the less than fortunate, and the oppressed people of Witzgall.
Live well,
President Rand Veristek
23-11-2004, 03:23
Comminque to the Coalition, with a priority tranmission to DontPissUsOff (DPUO)
I am willing to lend Sharina's support in the upcoming war, under three conditions. This change in stance is a result of Witzgall's refusal to provide better living for disabled and less than fortunate people, even though it is not the fault of the disabled people that they have the disabilities.
First, I am permitted to bring all Witzgall disabled citizens back to Sharina for treatment and support societies. Sharina has extensive support services for deaf, blind, paralyzed, etc. people.
Second, no atrocities are to be committed such as raping, looting, pillaging, etc. of innocent civilians that do not outright participate in the war. The civilians that open fire or attack coalition forces shall be considered fair game in the eyes of Sharina.
Third and last, any Witzgall citizen is to be allowed to choose whether to remain in Witzgall or move to a nation of their choosing such as Sharina or DPUO.
If you are willing to accept these conditions, Sharina is prepared to help liberate the less than fortunate, and the oppressed people of Witzgall.
Live well,
President Rand Veristek
Our sole motivation for entering into this bloody fray, should it occur, is to ensure the safety and the quality of life of the innocents under threat is not reduced in any way. Thus, both stipulations one and three are of course completely acceptable, and we would not have dreamed of doing otherwise.
Regarding your second concern, the standards to which our troops are trained are as high as possible. It is however admitted that they are indoctrinated with a certain degree of anti-Nazism; however, we maintain that, unless they have taken up arms to aid Nazism, civilians must be counted as non-combatants and sent to the rear as rapidly as possible, whereupon further action concerning them can be decided.
I hope this is to your satisfaction.
Yours sincerely,
Prime Minister Marcus Jones.
Our sole motivation for entering into this bloody fray, should it occur, is to ensure the safety and the quality of life of the innocents under threat is not reduced in any way. Thus, both stipulations one and three are of course completely acceptable, and we would not have dreamed of doing otherwise.
Regarding your second concern, the standards to which our troops are trained are as high as possible. It is however admitted that they are indoctrinated with a certain degree of anti-Nazism; however, we maintain that, unless they have taken up arms to aid Nazism, civilians must be counted as non-combatants and sent to the rear as rapidly as possible, whereupon further action concerning them can be decided.
I hope this is to your satisfaction.
Yours sincerely,
Prime Minister Marcus Jones.
Greetings and saluations, Prime Minister Marcus Jones.
Thank you for your prompt response. It is very much appreciated.
I am now deploying two task forces to aid the Coalition. More task forces are prepared to be deployed if need be.
I have taken note that we do not have any embassies or outstanding friendship, trade, or alliance treaties. I would very much like to rectify this.
Let our people serve as a shining example for these who are less fortunate or opressed.
Live well and peace be with you,
President Rand Veristek
23-11-2004, 03:49
to the fooher of witzgall. (yes i did mean fooher)
Seeing as you are a threat to the international community, we are focusing all our spy sattelites on you to monitor military and government activity. Any attempt to disable or destroy our sattelites will be considerd a declaration of war. We do have nuclear weapons as a side note.
Draganovian Department Of Defense
23-11-2004, 03:59
Witzgall, I must warn you of the seriousness of your actions. It would be most wise to open your borders for any "inferior beings" to escape to a more hospitable nation. Anti-nazism is a force more powerful than your hate, and war would bring only the death of your people. Do not be so cruel to force your soldiers to battle when they have no chance of success. Build your nation without blood being shed. The Democratic Socialists of Eskvindblair pleges its support to its communist and capitalist brethren should hostilities begin against this nazi regime.
23-11-2004, 04:10
You may think my men and women have no chance for success, but you underestimate the bravery and courage that breeds in their hearts. They yearn for success on the battlefield.
23-11-2004, 04:11
You may think my men and women have no chance for success, but you underestimate the bravery and courage that breeds in their hearts. They yearn for success on the battlefield.
what about failure through being glassed??
23-11-2004, 04:12
Glassed = FT. Not allowed.
23-11-2004, 04:19
23-11-2004, 04:23
OOC: For those of you who don't understand...I'm not really a nazi. That is point one. Point two is that this is a strict modern tech RP. No planet destroyers or battlecruisers with super lasers or something. Ok? Good.
23-11-2004, 04:25
I'm going to make a post, I don't know the title yet, but it is a declaration of war upon all those who oppose me. Yes, it is war. I cannot stand to listen to your close minded opinions of my nation's beliefs. Now you pay the price.
I will make an OOC thread, and please use the subscribe feature.
If you are interested in joining, you must post in the OOC post.
OOC: For those of you who don't understand...I'm not really a nazi. That is point one. Point two is that this is a strict modern tech RP. No planet destroyers or battlecruisers with super lasers or something. Ok? Good.
What about the WMD's? Nukes, Biological, Chemical stuff?
I don't have any WMD's as my nation and I consider them a waste of resources and money to build and maintain. These money and resources are best used into anti-WMD defenses and additional navy, army, and airforce budgets.
(All this is OOC)
Also, I have yet to see the "Coalition versus Nazi Coalition" war thread. Its hard to find with a lot of I.I. threads popping up every minute.
23-11-2004, 04:32
I am interested in getting in on this little war. Could you supply me with the title of the OOC thread once estblished?
23-11-2004, 04:39
23-11-2004, 04:42
What about the WMD's? Nukes, Biological, Chemical stuff?
I don't have any WMD's as my nation and I consider them a waste of resources and money to build and maintain. These money and resources are best used into anti-WMD defenses and additional navy, army, and airforce budgets.
(All this is OOC)
Also, I have yet to see the "Coalition versus Nazi Coalition" war thread. Its hard to find with a lot of I.I. threads popping up every minute.
He didn't make it, I believe. Anyway...WMD's are legal. This is war, and use them if you wish.
But becareful...they should be used as a last resort.
23-11-2004, 05:13
OOC: This brings about an intresting situation for me to ponder over some coffee.
I could join mitzgall and try to take over the world yet get my ass handed to me by forty nations, yet I could support the anti-nazi coilition...
From the desk of Furher Harper.
-Subject: New Government.
It has come to my attention, mitzgall's new government has taken the role of a fascist government. I urge the dictator himself, that this is not the wises corse of action. It is not because of my moral values, its because you have almost every gun on the planet pointing at you. Look back to the second world war, and realise, not alot of people want to see what happened during the holocaust. Remember, the more you urge people to fight, the more they are going to want your head on a pike. I urge you again, to sease all Nazi activities and return the country's government to a parlamintary state. Verstummelung will not tolerate any form of military activity against our nation.
World War Two's aftermath brought the seperation of Germany, the allies split the country up like cheap pie. Do you want this to happen to your country? I believe this time around the Allies wont be so gracious.
Verstummelung's position is neutral, for we have German ties, and we have internal matters to deal with. Hopefully this matter will be resloved peacefully, without mitzgall's citizens paying the price for their dictator's mistakes.
Yet, if evidence arises that mitzgall is carrying out mass acts of genocide against the people within it or around it, Verstummelung will not think twice to enter this upcoming war. We will fight untill the last man to prevent a second holocaust.
Soviet leaders
23-11-2004, 05:54
here is my thread