CR marches on San Marino
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 18:05
ooc- Earth 1
"Cardinal, we finally have a way to achieve our dream. We can finally conquer San Marino"
"Excellant, General miller"
"Do we have permission Sir?"
The Cardinal nodded.
"GO GO GO" the captains shouted at their men as they jumped over the tiny nation.
They floaded the small country.
"Surrender Your nation" yelled Colonel Davis, commander of all CR invasion forces. The troops had landed, without any resistance. The civilians were terrified.
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 18:07
9:05 PM
CRUNN News Wire
CR troops have stormed the castle,San Marino close to surrender.
Cherry Ridgian troops slaughtered the guards resisting.
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 18:24
The Cherry Ridge flag has been raised over the newly renamed Castle Maria.
Cherry Ridge is now in complete control of san marino
ooc- it wasn't claimed so I am annexing it.
Cherry ridge you have our full support anything you need just ask but as we can see you have the situation under controll. We will however be sending medical supplies to injured cilvilians in the captured terretories.
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 18:45
Thank you for the medical supplies.
22-11-2004, 18:49
Oops. Bad move Tailva.
From: King Falcon I
To: Cherry Ridge
Ah, we meet again Cherry Ridge. I would strongly recommend moving out of San Marino, for if you don't, I shall consult FINIA and they shall aid me in forcibly removing you.
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 18:51
I did no wrong. It was not claimed, so I took it. This is a benefit. Don't worry about religious things. San marino is 100% Catholic.
ooc- it really is 100% catholic, check RL CIA factbook entry
Beth Gellert
22-11-2004, 18:54
(OOC: It's also the world's oldest republic and isn't likely to enjoy having that independence removed by bloody force.)
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 19:01
In a poll taken among San marinese people:
San marinese people's opinion on CR occupation
22-11-2004, 19:03
OOC: Ah hell, maybe I can be bothered.
<50 miles from Italian coastline in the Adriatic>
The black hull of a Vengeance class SSGN hovered below the choppy surface of the Adriatic. Four hatches burst open on the upper deck, and four cylinders were propelled rapidly towards the surface. On breaking the surface, they rose more than twenty feet before the canister split, and a Wolverine cruise missiles soared skywards before keeling over and heading towards San Marino. Each missile carried a high-explosive warhead, and two bays full of leaflets which would be spread over the country before the missiles hit Cherry Ridge military targets inside San Marino.
The leaflets spread patriotic messages urging the San Marinoans(??) to rise up and attack their Cherry Ridge oppressors. Having spread leaflets over the inhabited areas, the missiles struck at the largest concentation of troops in the country.
Tailva as you already know is in support of you. We now would like to deploy 10,000 Tailvian troops to help protect the terrortory, as we can already see nations will probably attack we will send...
10,000-troop's armed with SIG 552 Commando rifles Calibre: 5.56mm Weight: 3kg Length: 730mm Magazine Capacity: 30.
we would also like to send another 50,000 troops these will be armed with a basic Kalashnikov. With these we will also send 5,000 Kalashnikov’s you can do with these what you wish but we suggest you conscript part of the local poupulation and put them into the military to boost your troop number's every person helps. We will dispatch propganda poster and leflets to create local support. These will be sent on your confirmation.
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 19:22
The missles struck the base of the mountain, killing 200 CR soldiers, and 25 civilians.
Transmission to the SSGN-
Nice going, killing civilians. our CITIZENS. The majorty approve.
How can we work the out? I have some terms
1- You pay for the damages and lives
2- You look at the polls showing that most want me there
3- I pay the familys of the soldiers killed 100 million bills each (my currency)
4- I am allowed to keep possession
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 19:23
Tailva as you already know is in support of you. We now would like to deploy 10,000 Tailvian troops to help protect the terrortory, as we can already see nations will probably attack we will send...
10,000-troop's armed with SIG 552 Commando rifles Calibre: 5.56mm Weight: 3kg Length: 730mm Magazine Capacity: 30.
we would also like to send another 50,000 troops these will be armed with a basic Kalashnikov. With these we will also send 5,000 Kalashnikov’s you can do with these what you wish but we suggest you conscript part of the local poupulation and put them into the military to boost your troop number's every person helps. We will dispatch propganda poster and leflets to create local support. These will be sent on your confirmation.
CONFIRMED, come on over.
22-11-2004, 19:27
On receiving the message, the SSGN launched a further 20 missiles, this time with their warheads removed, covering San Marino in leaflets, on the front cover of which was a picture of Cardinal DeVito in an intimate position with two men, and the slogan "This man has betrayed his faith. Make sure he doesn't betray yours. Rise up, and support will come from across the ocean"
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 19:30
All citizens were ordered in their houses. Over a loudspeaker came the voice of Cardinal DeVito.
"I am saying this from my palace in Cherry Ridge. The Mcleodeans have attacked your homeland, and used doctored photo's of me. All who support me and CR go out to the streets now."
Every single citizen walked into the streets shouting,
Beth Gellert
22-11-2004, 19:32
(OOC: Haha, maybe it's none of my business, but gosh, that's some nice godmodding, truly first class.)
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 19:33
(OOC: Haha, maybe it's none of my business, but gosh, that's some nice godmodding, truly first class.)
Mcleod, or me?
Beth Gellert
22-11-2004, 19:46
(OOC: Well, you've attacked a nation that has been a republic for, erm, seventeen hundred years? And is peopled by barely thirty thousand, and in the process have slaughtered several of that tiny total. Strangely, even the families of the people murdered have come out in support of the fact. Lucky for you that the entire volunteer defence force was made up of evil monsters universally hated but inexplicably tollerated in the past, eh? I'd have called a poll claiming 10% support for the invasion blatant propaganda (which is fair enough, IC claims can be wild of course) but 85% recorded as fact not just lies by the CR state? Every citizen in support of someone who's killed several of them and taken away their ancient independence? How about instead two or three ambitious souls with something to gain?
Edit: Oh, and that's before we talk about a third-party power putting into the republic what is equivalent to a hundred million foreign troops in the US!)
22-11-2004, 19:49
All of a sudden, every single analogue, digital, and satellite television channel in San Marino starts displaying videos of atrocities committed by Cherry Ridge troops, and further pictures of the Cardinalin in yet more poses. The radio stations begin to play looped recordings of the San Marino national anthem, and messages reminding people what it was like to be able to walk the streets without being forced to stay in thier homes by bullyish armed guards.
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 19:50
ooc- remember, McGeod attacked and killed civilians after the nation was stable again, and the missles hit directly below the castle. he also littered their land with disgusting (false) images.
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 19:52
All of a sudden, every single analogue, digital, and satellite television channel in San Marino starts displaying videos of atrocities committed by Cherry Ridge troops, and further pictures of the Cardinalin in yet more poses. The radio stations begin to play looped recordings of the San Marino national anthem, and messages reminding people what it was like to be able to walk the streets without being forced to stay in thier homes by bullyish armed guards.
I am ignoring this because your "propoganda" is getting disgsting, and you never said how you did it. One more time, and I am ignoring you all together.
ic-"CiTIZENS, you may now walk freee again, thanks for listening." boomed a Captain over a loudspeaker.
Beth Gellert
22-11-2004, 19:53
(OOC: Well, yeah, maybe the people wouldn't be impressed with McLeod03, but that doesn't mean they'll support the reason for all of this happening in the first place. Right, anyway, I've got my own thread to be writing [scurries off])
22-11-2004, 19:54
OOC: Fair enough, lose the stuff about the Cardinal. And doing it is easy, just overide the satellite carrier signals, then use EW ships and aircraft to broadcast new radio and television signals.
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 19:56
ooc- Thanks.
Transmission to the ship
"How about those terms. DO you agree with them?"
22-11-2004, 20:00
<Official Response>
To: Cardinal DeVito
From: King Michael McLeod
I have recieved word that you have been demanding money from one of our scientific survey ships in the Adriatic. May I inquire as to what this is all about?
22-11-2004, 20:01
ooc: May I rp a San Marinan resistance?
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 20:02
To- King Mc leod
From- cardinal DeVito
They launched missles at my San marinese territory.I do not want money for soldiers killed, but the civilians. Don't try to deny it, because on my radar, we saw missles launched from it, a ship registered to YOUr nation. I have an alternative. Turn them over to me for trial.
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 20:04
ooc: May I rp a San Marinan resistance?
ooc- go ahead BUT you onlu have 100 men.
ic- "Colonel, there are 100 men reported to have disappeared."
"They are resistance fighters. No Matter, when they attack, capture them. If they fight back, force them to surrender."
ooc- 100 MEN ONLY
22-11-2004, 20:05
<Official Response>
To: Cardinal DeVito
From: King Michael McLeod
Ha. You may wish to check the calibration on your radar sets. That survey ship is fitted with less firearms than the average McLeodian sweet shop. If it is carrying anything heavier than a pistol, I would be utterly surprised.
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 20:06
To King Mcleod
Do we have permission to search it? There ARE naval units in the area.
22-11-2004, 20:11
<Official Response>
To: Cardinal DeVito
From: King Michael McLeod
I would not normally allow such an act to be carried out, but as a gesture of good will, I will allow you to search the vessel. My aides will order it to heave to and await your arrival. But should you damage the vessel in any way, you will be asked to pay for said damages.
<Onboard the USS Valley Mistress>
Computer disks were dumped, all the information uploaded to satellite, and the clean-up began. Computers, tapes, disks, classified maps and documents, any equipment that couldn't be explained away as scientific, and the ships armoury were all rapidly dumped out through the moonpool in the crafts hull, white phosporus grenades ensuring the equipment was burnt before it was ditched. Inside of twenty minutes, any incriminating evidence was destroyed.
22-11-2004, 20:12
The resistance was well organised, an embryonic group which totalled only one hundred fighters, yet commanded the support of thousands of citizens. The doctrine was simple, never attack in a group of more than three, never target civilians, and never be caught alive. As the three men lay hidden, soaked by the dew of the early morning grass, this meant very little. All that was important was that the imperialist bastards of Cherry Ridge were driven from the holy earth of San Marino. One knelt with his ear to the ground, a faint rhythmic vibration telling him that the armoured train was approaching. They were well hidden, a tent prepared days in advance and the charges set. As the train thundered into view, they drew their breaths and held their temptations until the front carriage passed, then they pulled the plunger. The resulting explosion tore the metal asunder, setting off a chain reaction amongst the ammunition and an almighty furnace roared as the men, grinning and shaking with exaltation, slipped away into the early morning fog.
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 20:43
BOOM. The train exploded. Unfortuanatly, 50 civilians were on and only 5 soldiers.
All of them died.
The CRS WILLIAMS pulled up next to the valley Mistress.
The boarding party entered the ship, and made its way to the Captain. There were 10 of them. They escorted the Captain to where they had come on. The team leader pulled out a pistol and shothim in the chest, and then threw him overboard. They quickly boarded their raft, and made their way back to the CRS WIlliams.
To- King Mc leod
We had a slight problem with resistance from the Captain. We killed him. We will pay his family 100 million bills, and your government 25 million bills.
-CR government-\
NO EDIT, just seperated the thing between the train and the ship
22-11-2004, 21:04
All of a sudden, every single analogue, digital, and satellite television channel in San Marino starts displaying videos of atrocities committed by Cherry Ridge troops, and further pictures of the Cardinalin in yet more poses. The radio stations begin to play looped recordings of the San Marino national anthem, and messages reminding people what it was like to be able to walk the streets without being forced to stay in thier homes by bullyish armed guards.
Was one of these the scene when Cherry Ridge soldiers slaughtered over 400 innocent civilians in Wrigleyivy? I hope so. That'll give your propaganda campaign enough ammunition.
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 21:11
Was one of these the scene when Cherry Ridge soldiers slaughtered over 400 innocent civilians in Wrigleyivy? I hope so. That'll give your propaganda campaign enough ammunition.
ooc- not innocent, RIOTERS
22-11-2004, 21:15
Anyone think the fact that they were RIOTERS justifies their murder? When there were aid centres working?
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 21:17
Anyone think the fact that they were RIOTERS justifies their murder? When there were aid centres working?
STOP hijacking the thread
22-11-2004, 21:18
This is not a hijack. I am merely informing McLeod03 of events that may help him.
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 22:09
RightWing Conspirators
22-11-2004, 22:19
<Official Message>
To: The Catholic Cardinalatial See of Cherry Ridge
From: The United States of RightWing Conspirators
Cardinal DeVito,
We have been monitoring the situation going on between your country and McLeod. Being as we share the same great Region and you are our ally, we pledge any military or diplomatic assistance that you require. You need but to ask and we shall help.
President Tymaine Griffin
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 22:27
<Official Message>
To: The Catholic Cardinalatial See of Cherry Ridge
From: The United States of RightWing Conspirators
Cardinal DeVito,
We have been monitoring the situation going on between your country and McLeod. Being as we share the same great Region and you are our ally, we pledge any military or diplomatic assistance that you require. You need but to ask and we shall help.
President Tymaine Griffin
Right now, we need to apply pressure to mcLeod to pay me 500 million dollars and to stop attacking. use whatever force you think is necessary.
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 22:32
I hereby declare San Marino a colony of Cherry Ridge, and henceforth shall be recognised as one.
22-11-2004, 22:41
Sod this. I shall tell the guys back home to run out the IGNORE cannons if you decide to invade Falcania. You always seem to want to take over the world.
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 22:43
ooc- When you should ignore.When people godmod only. Invading you wouldnt be godmoding. This is not godmod, but conquest of a nation
ic- Falcania, we do not want your land, only San Marino.
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 23:16
Cherry Ridge
23-11-2004, 00:39
RightWing Conspirators
23-11-2004, 00:51
President Griffin looked up from his desk as Secretary Wiltz walked in. "Good to see you John, sorry to have to call you back from your family vacation but it seems that our ally Cherry Ridge is in need of some assistance in 'convincing' McLeod to pay some reparations and halt their attacks. I don't want this to escalate into serious violence, but if it comes down to it...well so be it."
Secretary of Defense Wiltz nodded as he listened to President Griffin "Sounds like it'll be just a simple show of arms, I'll get the Joint Chiefs together immediately and we'll deploy some carriers and some Marines."
President Griffin nodded and Secretary Wiltz walked out of the office and headed for the Pentagon.
Cherry Ridge
23-11-2004, 01:07
23-11-2004, 01:26
"Sir, FLASH Intel report from the Valley Mistress. Priority Foxtrot-Red. It seems the Cherry Ridge boarding party executed Captain Summers. Latest NIRTSSAT imagery has identified the ship responsible. Should I notify the Vengeance of a change of targets?" reported the Duty Officer.
"Agreed. Authorise all conventional force necssary to sink that ship." replied CINCMAF sleepily, angry at having been woken up so early in the morning.
<SSGN-12 Vengeance>
The submarine once again reached broadcast depth, updated the targetting software of four of its Wolverine-N anti-shipping missiles, and launched all four, all in less than two minutes. Seconds after the last missile was launched, the submarine headed south ready to return for a resupply and re-arming.
OOC: Alright, so I'll let you work out it was me who launched the propaganda attacks, but if you can honestly detect a submarine under-water when it would only be remotely visible for a very short time period, and somehow identify where it came from, then I need to really update my intelligence officers. Or ignore you.
Cherry Ridge
23-11-2004, 01:29
"Sir, FLASH Intel report from the Valley Mistress. Priority Foxtrot-Red. It seems the Cherry Ridge boarding party executed Captain Summers. Latest NIRTSSAT imagery has identified the ship responsible. Should I notify the Vengeance of a change of targets?" reported the Duty Officer.
"Agreed. Authorise all conventional force necssary to sink that ship." replied CINCMAF sleepily, angry at having been woken up so early in the morning.
<SSGN-12 Vengeance>
The submarine once again reached broadcast depth, updated the targetting software of four of its Wolverine-N anti-shipping missiles, and launched all four, all in less than two minutes. Seconds after the last missile was launched, the submarine headed south ready to return for a resupply and re-arming.
OOC: Alright, so I'll let you work out it was me who launched the propaganda attacks, but if you can honestly detect a submarine under-water when it would only be remotely visible for a very short time period, and somehow identify where it came from, then I need to really update my intelligence officers. Or ignore you.
IGNORED. You said you dumped all of your weaponry.
Cherry Ridge
23-11-2004, 01:30
Computer disks were dumped, all the information uploaded to satellite, and the clean-up began. Computers, tapes, disks, classified maps and documents, any equipment that couldn't be explained away as scientific, and the ships armoury were all rapidly dumped out through the moonpool in the crafts hull, white phosporus grenades ensuring the equipment was burnt before it was ditched. Inside of twenty minutes, any incriminating evidence was destroyed.
Proof to the above thread.
RightWing Conspirators
23-11-2004, 01:34
Secretary Wiltz walked into the boardroom where Secretary of the Military Donald McKinnel, Commandant of the Marine Corps General James Mabe, Commandant of the Army Lieutenant General Richard Fender, Commandant of the Navy Admiral Sean Samuels, Commandant of the Air Force Major General Russell McGraw were already seated around the table, "Okay Gentleman, Secretary McKinnel has already briefed you on the suggested course of action: Deploy some Carriers, some Battleships, and some of our elite Marine division and do a basic showing of arms. The President has made it known he doesn't want any serious fighting to happen, but if it comes down to that..then it comes down to that."
Admiral Samuels looked over the deployment plan regarding the deployment of the Carriers and the Battleships and nodded "This plan will work fine Secretary Wiltz, we'll deploy fully armed carriers and battleships."
General Mabe nodded his agreement "My Marines will be ready for deployment as soon as you give the word."
Lieutenant General Fender gazed over the plans "Secretary Wiltz, I see nothing regarding the Army's role in this engagement."
"I have special plans for the Army, I want your special ops platoon ready to deploy in the case that this turns into a fight, you will level the playing to speak after our aircraft and navy bombs, and before the Marines go to wipe the area clean." replied Secretary Wiltz, "If there's no other questsions or suggestions...move to deploy your troops. Good day Gentleman." he nodded and walked towards the elevator to head into the War Room.
23-11-2004, 01:35
OOC: Yeah, I did. On the Valley Mistress, the ship I was using to jam TV and radio signals. An SSGN is a guided-missile submarine. I have one ship and one submarine in the area. The ship is effectively unarmed anyway. It was the submarine that launched the attack. Hence there being an object called the SSGN-12 Vengeance, and another called that USS Valley Mistress.
Cherry Ridge
23-11-2004, 01:46
ooc- Sorry, misunderstanding, UNIGNORED
ic- The ship was hit with the four torpedoes. They started off fires, but not enoguh to decommision the ship. It hobbled back to port, back to CR, with 50 casualties.
1 Battleship and 5 destroyers suddenly surrounded the valley Mist.
All at once they began to fire. The ship (probably) had no hope. Torpedoes were launched, deck guns fired.From the 2 carriers, fighter jets attacked the ship. The ship, in the eyes of the Ridgians, was doomed.
ooc- Pretty hard to survive that attack. Post Casualties.
23-11-2004, 01:52
OOC: Congratulations, you just sank a civilian registered ship which was unarmed and completely defenceless.
<Adriatic Sea>
The crew of the Valley Mistress never stood a chance. Missiles and shells tore the ship apart before half of the crew could even get life jackets on, and the detonation of the fuel store killed the rest of the survivors. Within minutes, the ship and her unarmed civilian crew were gone, with bodies and flotsam the only sign of a ships presence.
<Official Response>
To: Cardinal DeVito
From: King Michael McLeod
What is the meaning of this outrage? You openly attack an unarmed defenceless civilian ship in broad daylight in international waters? You will immediately pay full reparations to the owners, United Salvage Solutions, and pay compensation to the families of each of the 132 crew members your murderous troops just sentencedto death.
Cherry Ridge
23-11-2004, 01:57
<Official Response>
To: Cardinal DeVito
From: King Michael McLeod
What is the meaning of this outrage? You openly attack an unarmed defenceless civilian ship in broad daylight in international waters? You will immediately pay full reparations to the owners, United Salvage Solutions, and pay compensation to the families of each of the 132 crew members your murderous troops just sentencedto death.
The prefix was USS, which implies owner ship of the government. Government ships are usually warships. If it was civilian it would have been SS Valley Mistress.
ooc- for my ships, CRS implies warship
CRHS- hospital ship
CRMS- merchant marine
CS-civilian ship
23-11-2004, 02:03
<Official Response>
To: Cardinal DeVito
From: HRH King Michael McLeod
Anyone with a half-decent intelligence office could have worked out that McLeodian surface vessels in the employ of myself have an MNV prefix, and that United Salvage Solutions could be abbreviated to U.S.S.
Or perhaps it was the 16" gun turrets forward of the bridge, the multi-tube VLS systems, the torpedo tubes, and the obvious aggressive stance of the ship that made you attack it? No? Strange that, since it didn't have a single weapon on board, a fact that will be proved when McLeodian salvage experts, under protection by our navy, since nowhere is safe from your warmongering, dive on the wreckage.
My demands for reparations still stand. Failure to meet these demands will have strict and somewhat dangerous consequences.
OOC: EDIT - Yeah, sorry about that, my bad. Should have explained. Meh.
Cherry Ridge
23-11-2004, 02:05
I have peace terms
1- no one pays for damages to the government, since you owe some to me as well, but to the familys
2- you leave my colony alone.
3- I buy the United Salvage SOlutions a new ship
I think they are good terms, what do you think?
23-11-2004, 02:09
<Official Response>
To: Cardnal DeVito
From: King Michael McLeod
And your measly compensation is supposed to bring back those men and women you killed is it? Captain Summers had four children, and his wife has been hospitalised with shock at hearing her husband was killed by Ridgian murderers in international waters. Is your money supposed to bring him back to her? I think not.
Cherry Ridge
23-11-2004, 02:13
1- no one pays for damages to the government, since you owe some to me as well, but to the familys
2- you leave my colony alone.
3- I buy the United Salvage SOlutions a new ship
4- I pay all of Mrs. Summer's medical expences
RightWing Conspirators
23-11-2004, 02:17
3 Aircraft Carriers and 2 Battleships sailed from port, each fully stocked to the helm with ammunitions and personnel. An announcement was made over each ships loudspeakers "Attention to all personnel, we are not in conflict until attacked. Keep quiet and tend to your duties. No taunts, no war cries, no threats should be shouted at any passing ships, nor should arms be beared unless threatened."
One of the Marines whispered to his neighbor "what..they deploy us to act a non-threatening way...this is bullshit.."
RightWing Conspirators
23-11-2004, 02:20
<Official Message>
To: McLeod
We have deployed our Navy and Airforce to back Cherry Ridge, while we hope this remains peaceful we are giving you notice that our ships and personnel will be in International Waters. We will not fire unless fired upon.
Secretary of Defense John Wiltz
23-11-2004, 02:22
<Official Response>
To: Cardinal DeVito
From: King Michael McLeod
We have our own conditions:
1) Cherry Ridge shall fully reimburse USS for their lost ship
2) Cherry Ridge shall fully reimburse the families of the Valley Mistress victims for both lost earnings and for their loss
3) Cherry Ridge shall withdraw all forces from San Marino, and offer the people a fair and unbiased vote as to who should rule them.
Cherry Ridge
23-11-2004, 02:26
<Official Response>
To: Cardinal DeVito
From: King Michael McLeod
We have our own conditions:
1) Cherry Ridge shall fully reimburse USS for their lost ship
2) Cherry Ridge shall fully reimburse the families of the Valley Mistress victims for both lost earnings and for their loss
3) Cherry Ridge shall withdraw all forces from San Marino, and offer the people a fair and unbiased vote as to who should rule them.
In the intrest of peace, we agree.
Money wired to USS, and the familys.
"Pull out"
5 hours later...
Not one Cherry Ridge soldier was seen in San MArino.
RightWing Conspirators
23-11-2004, 02:28
Upon the withdrawal of Cherry Ridgian Forces, the USRWC Navy and Airforce began to pull back. The top officers grumbling about deployment costs, but were happy that nothing turned serious, for their side anyways.....
Cherry Ridge
23-11-2004, 02:29
ooc- they still are my citizens so here goes..
10 days later...
The vote is in, here are the results
stay CR colony/territory- 70%
completly annexed by CR-5%
protectorarte/ dependaciy of CR-15%
There is the unbiased vote. Majority wins.They are lucky, as usually democracy is outlawed.
I think they chose that, because now they have Greater Protection than being independant, and less taxes than being fully annexed.
Cherry Ridge
23-11-2004, 02:32
King MCleod,
I am writing to let you know that, upon you recieving the news, we will again place a regiment of Soldiers in San marino. The rest will be San marinese Loyal Home Guard (national guard, loyal to CR). I hope you can accept this, but it was democratic. Thank God it didn't erupt into full scale war.
Cardinal Devito
Beth Gellert
23-11-2004, 02:33
(Yes! Greater protection against invasion by a foreign powe... oh. [rolls eyes])
Cherry Ridge
23-11-2004, 02:44
The regiment was in San MArino. San marino was taken.
Step One complete.
Industrial Experiment
23-11-2004, 02:57
Oh bother, that's what you get for typing such long posts, IE.
OOC: everbody let's not forget Tailva still has...
10,000 troops armed with SIG 552 Commando rifles
50,000 troops armed with a basic Kalashnikov
Tailva refuses to move these troop's out they will stay until we see fit that the time is wright for them to leave.
We will also be sending our aircraft carrier H.M.S Prince these are her stats...
Dimensions: 349 m length; 99 m width; 24 m draught
Displacement: 134,500 tonnes light; 152,000 tonnes full
Range: Limited only by nuclear fuel
Propulsion: 2 nuclear reactors; 4 shafts, 325,000 hp
Speed: 33 knots
Crew: 6,700 including air crew
Aircraft complement: 105 fighters or 100 fighter/bomber/helicopters
Armament: 6 x 12 cell VLS; 4 x CIWS systems; 10 x 20 mm AA guns
Ship includes a 9 degree ski jump. The Nanticoke is constructed with 9.5 inches of armour protection at its narrowest point. The class is also built with double bottoms to protect against submarine attacks.
(there are only 25 tomcat fighter jets, 2 seaking helecopters and 5 apche's on the aircraft carrier at the presen time)
Cherry Ridge
23-11-2004, 22:52
Tailva- leave them here until this whole matter is in stone.