OOC: AMF vs. Sephrioth planning thread
22-11-2004, 17:40
The Dark empire of Sephrioth
Received: 6 hours ago
can we do a ground war on my planet?
OOC: This is a TM I received from Seph about a war between us on his planet. I accepted his offer, but here are the terms that I will offer for this RP:
1. I do not RP future tech, therefore anything that happens in this RP will NOT affect Automagfreek as it stands now in any way.
2. Someone besides me must help Seph out with this RP. Show him, guide him. I'll do my part to help him, but I need someone with space tech experience to coach him during this.
3. Nobody says shit about it. Yes, I know most of you are probably scoffing and scolding me for this, but I'd do this for anybody who wants to better themselves and their RP. Keep any inane comments to yourself. I know it kind of ruins my IC image, but I plan on remedying that soon enough in future scenarios. *insert evil smiley of doom here*
The idea I have is this: This will take place in AMF's distant future, and a group of imperialist colonial marines tries to annex the mainland of Sephrioth and pillage it of it's resources. Seph's wishes are for a ground war, so there will be minimal fighting between space craft. My marines will touch down, then the fighting begins. What the outcome will be, who knows. I just hope that someone out there who RP's space is wiling to help Seph in this RP.
If anyone has anything constuctive to say, feel free.
22-11-2004, 17:45
OOC: Well, I happen to think this is possibly the most ridiculously stupid idea..... never. Finally someone is trying to help him, not just rip him when he tries to RP. Nice one AMF. I would offer to help, but i have exactly no future tech RP experience.
I wish you good luck with this. Seriously.
Well, I know a lot about future tech, but I haven't RP'd much future tech here...
I'm prolly too small to take part, but if you ONLY need a backup coach I suppose I might be able to assist. I'll haveta take Sephy out of the ignore list though...
22-11-2004, 17:51
OOC: I'd like to help coach Sephiroth in his RP, that is, if he'll have me.
I've got some space-tech experience, I'm new to it on Nationstates but I've done it in some other forums.
22-11-2004, 18:00
[OOC: I don't think this is a stupid idea at all IF Sephrioth is really willing to listen and implement changes to his RP. You have infinitely more patience than I do.
I haven't done much space RP here, but I used to do a space RPG where you earned your ranks based on your quality of RPing. I went from being an Ensign (right out of the "Academy" which was a test RP -- in fact, it only took me one RP to "graduate") to being a Commander (which had game master responsibilities) in seven months. It was also free-form, though the RP took place in real time (back in the days when 14.4 K modems were the shizz.]
22-11-2004, 18:14
OOC: It's good to see some positive interest in this RP. Thanks guys.
22-11-2004, 18:38
OOC: Hey what kind of advisor are you asking for? An OOC or IC type? I could do either, as I have a good command of both real science and standard mil-scifi concepts, as well as playing a Space Tech puppet on these boards for several months. (It was called "The TRSN" back about a year ago, if anyone saw it.)
If you want my RP/writing qualifications, look into:
Xenos Flare RP (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=370173)
I found some proof that my puppet did exist, even if I was a newb with crap RPs back then.
Story/RP That Never Got Done, But Was Still Cool (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=306824)
I gotta warn you, though, I think that that RP was more fantasy than scifi, I never got far enough for the tech-stuff to happen.
Like I said, I'm more than happy to try and help as either OOC Advisor or IC Bit-Player/Advisor.
22-11-2004, 18:42
I was wondering if i could fit in here somewhere, something rather small preferably small as possible but have something to do with something somewhere.
I could help ^^
Hogsweatian puppet, btw.
22-11-2004, 19:00
OOC: Hey what kind of advisor are you asking for? An OOC or IC type? I could do either, as I have a good command of both real science and standard mil-scifi concepts, as well as playing a Space Tech puppet on these boards for several months. (It was called "The TRSN" back about a year ago, if anyone saw it.)
If you want my RP/writing qualifications, look into:
Xenos Flare RP (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=370173)
I'll find some old mil-scifi from my TRSN days, once the timer ticks over.
Like I said, I'm more than happy to try and help as either OOC Advisor or IC Bit-Player/Advisor.
I'm looking for both, actually.
22-11-2004, 19:04
Well, the most fun would probably be the IC/OOC anywho. If you want, I could serve as some sort of Corporate Sector (that would fit my nation's future), supplies and transit, and could be a semi-neutral party. I could come down on either side, depending on how the RP was intended, offering supplies, logistics, and *maybe* some small amount of soldiers for protection. Then, I could also serve as an OOC advisor as well.
22-11-2004, 19:05
Sure, sounds good. I'd like to get Seph's thoughts first.
22-11-2004, 19:31
Alright, this sounds fun...
*Waits on Seph*
/me gets to work on cooking up creepy interstellar guild type characters.
Will this be independant nations fighting it out, or a Dune-style House conflict? (Under some greater Empire or Republic, that is.)
23-11-2004, 00:21
Bump for Seph.
Trying to teach Seph to RP is a very good idea. I hope he gets something out of it.
23-11-2004, 02:05
Sigma Octavus
23-11-2004, 02:28
I really hope that he learns from this.
23-11-2004, 10:07
it will be me and my alies v amf
23-11-2004, 15:25
The Dark empire of Sephrioth
Received: 5 hours ago
if you take on me you face the whole of my regoin
*face palm*
I thought this was going to be a private RP? I told you I don't play space tech, and I'm not going to fight your whole damn region using tech I'm not familiar with.
23-11-2004, 15:30
Hmmmm....only 13 nations in his region...tempting.
I do have a puppet that was originally RP'd by another person as a space tech nation, and if Seph really wants to pit his whole region against me, I'll probably bust it out. It's at 4.307 billion as it stands. Of course I'd have to brush up on my space wank...er..tech first.
But this RP was going to be a 1 on 1 Seph, what happened to that? Did you even read my first post in this thread?
The Imperial Navy
23-11-2004, 15:52
AMF-This probably won't affect your RP but we have already forced Sephrioth to surrender to a coalition. So this RP'll have no effect on either of you.
23-11-2004, 16:01
dont worry our rp will be privite