Map of Blacktower
22-11-2004, 17:23
The following is for RP perposes.
The Empire of Blacktower in the infinate NS earth
The Empire of Blacktower in Earth III
The Empire of Blacktower in Earth V
22-11-2004, 17:29
OOC: What Earth is that in? If that is is in Earth II, you do not have England but if it's something else, have a nice day!
22-11-2004, 17:31
its not currently in ANY earth at the moment lol. I tried to get in Earth V a little while ago, but I was not large enough.
I think that map means he just invaded the entire NWO... :p
Or at least two of its biggest members.
22-11-2004, 17:32
looks more like earth 453254234534523 to me :/
22-11-2004, 17:36
its my map until I can actually get accepted into one of the Earths lol. I got tired of people trying to RP with me and not knowing where the Empire actually is lol. Basically its the Ancient Roman Empire.
(ooc: I never invaded the NWO, they simply cowered before me and lowered their guns as I rolled through their streets :D )
22-11-2004, 17:38
Oh, thats ok then! Sorry about that.
Good day.
I made it easy: I have an entire Earth all to myself (yippee!)
Waaaaay off in the wacky region of interdimensional superspace, where nobody can find me, and Teddy Bears of DEATH seem to populate with surprising frequency.
Its like every durn dimension around us is an episode of "When Ewoks Attack!"
And lets not forget Death Confetti...
28-11-2004, 05:21
maps added for Earth III and V Empires