The nation of fruity loops needs to go down..
The Fedral Union
22-11-2004, 13:48
Hello TFU here yes me … to all nations of the civilized world you’ve all seen the Nazi cruel genocidal nation of fruity loops and his “RWC” Nazi fascist profiteering genocidal crazy man governments. I’m here to form up a collation against them before he dose more damage .. they may threaten me but I’m not going down with out a fight . Fruity Loops NEEDS to go down he killed my citizens for no reason! Causing me to react then his moronic RWC allies got involved on his side .. like always because of course I’m the bad guy .. but from now on I’m not taking it If you guys wont help ill have a go at them my self ohh I may not win but ill make a statement thank you
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 13:56
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 14:01
The Fedral Union
22-11-2004, 14:07
Thank you CR my allie for discovering the threads in wich this monster thrives in
22-11-2004, 14:22
<Open Transmission>
To: Robert Bastidas
From: King Michael McLeod
You rightfully show hatred and disdain for the nation of Fruity Loops, but I feel the international community needs it to be known that you effectively signed your peoples death warrants by refusing help in evacuating them, and then threatening the government that held them. Whilst we should not under any circumstances negotiate with terrorists, you should not threaten them.
Keep your enemy focused on one hand with negotiations, whilst the other moves to strike them down with a vengeance. Let them be distracted. That doesn't mean threatening them.
HRH King Michael McLeod.
The Fedral Union
22-11-2004, 14:37
<Open Transmission>
To: Robert Bastidas
From: King Michael McLeod
You rightfully show hatred and disdain for the nation of Fruity Loops, but I feel the international community needs it to be known that you effectively signed your peoples death warrants by refusing help in evacuating them, and then threatening the government that held them. Whilst we should not under any circumstances negotiate with terrorists, you should not threaten them.
Keep your enemy focused on one hand with negotiations, whilst the other moves to strike them down with a vengeance. Let them be distracted. That doesn't mean threatening them.
HRH King Michael McLeod.
(I needed OOC time i dint want to post right then and there i was goign to post it the next day)
The Merchant Guilds
22-11-2004, 14:37
Hello TFU here yes me … to all nations of the civilized world you’ve all seen the Nazi cruel genocidal nation of fruity loops and his “RWC” Nazi fascist profiteering genocidal crazy man governments. I’m here to form up a collation against them before he dose more damage .. they may threaten me but I’m not going down with out a fight . Fruity Loops NEEDS to go down he killed my citizens for no reason! Causing me to react then his moronic RWC allies got involved on his side .. like always because of course I’m the bad guy .. but from now on I’m not taking it If you guys wont help ill have a go at them my self ohh I may not win but ill make a statement thank you
OOC: Wouldn't you call some of your allies if you were attacked? And btw this is not the RWC viewpoint, only my own.
We would like to refute the fact that the RWC is made of Nazi Fascist Governments, it is not simply for such Governments but for all Governments of a Right Wing viewpoint, be they capitalist, fascist or ultra-nationalist etc. There are plenty of members in the RWC, who are not National Socialist, and we feel this akin to claiming [Insert Left Wing Alliance Here] is made up of Stalinist Communist Regiemes.
The defence of Fruity Loops was conducted, because he requested assistance it was authorised and given. I see no problem in this, thus one must wonder where this hatred (OOC: well it seems to be i'm not sure whether this is OOC or IC, so don't shout for that, ok?) comes from, and we assume that your taking this out on Fruity Loops.
The Guild of External Affairs,
22-11-2004, 14:58
OOC: So you thought you'd insult the hostage-holder? Ok then....
Grays Hill
22-11-2004, 16:11
Hello TFU here yes me … to all nations of the civilized world you’ve all seen the Nazi cruel genocidal nation of fruity loops and his “RWC” Nazi fascist profiteering genocidal crazy man governments. I’m here to form up a collation against them before he dose more damage .. they may threaten me but I’m not going down with out a fight . Fruity Loops NEEDS to go down he killed my citizens for no reason! Causing me to react then his moronic RWC allies got involved on his side .. like always because of course I’m the bad guy .. but from now on I’m not taking it If you guys wont help ill have a go at them my self ohh I may not win but ill make a statement thank you
Your views on Fruity Loops and the RWC are way wrong. In no way shape or form are we Nazis. Usually I would be forced to side with Fruity Loops here being that I also am in the RWC, but being that you are an ally of my region (Greater Prussia) I am forced to remain nuetral. Maybe I could start some kind of peace talks, hosted in my nation. Also, we ask that you please stop the accusation of all members of the RWC bing Nazis, and that you apologize for it.
The Fedral Union
22-11-2004, 16:24
Your views on Fruity Loops and the RWC are way wrong. In no way shape or form are we Nazis. Usually I would be forced to side with Fruity Loops here being that I also am in the RWC, but being that you are an ally of my region (Greater Prussia) I am forced to remain nuetral. Maybe I could start some kind of peace talks, hosted in my nation. Also, we ask that you please stop the accusation of all members of the RWC bing Nazis, and that you apologize for it.
Its semi IC semi ooc
And GH .. the only way I would even talk peace with this Nazi is if he gets rid of his government and pays millions in damages to my government for death of my citizens
22-11-2004, 16:29
<Official Response>
To: Robert Bastidas
From: King Michael McLeod
Have you ever heard of seeking a diplomatic solution to a problem? Should require training in this area, we would be more than happy to provide you with advisors to teach you the art of diplomacy. This would avoid the deaths of civilians and soldiers on both sides, and would undoubtedly have prevented the deaths of your 'civilians' in Fruity Loops in the first place.
How can he afford to pay reparations when you have forced him into an expensive war? If you want reparations, step down from fighting and attempt diplomacy. If that doesn't work, then you can start to make threats, then invade. Don't jump the gun and immediately try and invade. It makes you somewhat unpopular amongst certain powerful nations.
HRH King Michael McLeod.
Grays Hill
22-11-2004, 16:30
I cannot gaurantee anything, but what if I payed the money. Being that both are my allies, I would consider this as helping an ally, and giving to an ally. Just name the price and I will pay it.
22-11-2004, 16:45
22-11-2004, 17:05
As I agree with TFU... Before you tell people to stop accusing the RWC of being comprised of Nazi's then first halt your assumption that all Left Wing Alliances are Stalinist regimes contradictorary to what they say. Practice what you preach, Nazi.
We support The Federal Union in its plight against Fruity Loops.
22-11-2004, 17:08
We hope that our attempts to teach diplomatic skills to the hot-headed leader of the Fedral Union will not bring us into conflict with our ex-allies in the ANP, whos policies we still support.
To: Hogsweat Diplomats
From: Vrak Diplomatic Corps
Have you learned nothing? You lost your fleet of ships trying to defend a lost cause which goes by the name of Neo Tyr and yet you still deign to interfere in the affairs of others. We are amazed by the depths of your stupidity.
Keep in mind that I'm making a couple assumptions here, since, well, you haven't posted for a loooong time in the Neo Tyr thread. I'm assuming that with the amount of firepower brought to bear, your fleet was smashed.
22-11-2004, 17:17
Heh. Sorry, can't interfere here, TFU. ^_^
The idiots- err... Neo-Mekantan (Modern Tech) Army Of Death And Oblitoration By Repeated Blows To The Testicals Via The Feet Otherwise Known As A Swift Kick To The Nuts (name under revision) is occupied invading The Island of Rose. Can't back you up.
The only person not involved in the attack is Kathxeth, and he's actually Future Tech. ^_^
22-11-2004, 17:24
One day....ONE DAY Anagonia will be strong enough to bring FEAR off of petty fights! ONE DAY I SHALL RULEW SUPREME! I SHAL
22-11-2004, 17:45
OOC: Rob, please keep it fully IC as this is an RP.
Its semi IC semi ooc
And GH .. the only way I would even talk peace with this Nazi is if he gets rid of his government and pays millions in damages to my government for death of my citizens
The strange thing is, that should you win this war, it will obviously have an awful lot of damage that YOU, Robert, will have to pay for. So, you can either keep your mound of dead TFU citizens or you can add a whole heap of dead soldiers to that debt while having to pay for the damages you inflicted on Fruity Loops.
Essentially, go to war, you lose more.
And to the ignorant diplomat of Hogsweat, he didn't claim that all Left Wing alliances are full of Stalinist regimes, he merely said that saying that if all Right Wing alliances are full of nazis, then why aren't Left Wing alliances full of Stalinists?
Robert, we hope we don't have to mobilize the Kriegos military but we will not shun from using force to protect our loyal; if mis-guided, ally of Fruity Loops.
Grand Inquisitorial Lord Matthias, Keeper of the Seal, Guardian of the Tome
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 17:58
-From The Desk of cardinal DeVito-
To both sides-
PEACE is the best route. I offer a plan for peace for The Fedral Union and Fruity Loops:
1- Fruity Loops pay for the lives of The Fedral unionists killed
2- TFU apoligise for calling RWC NAZI's
22-11-2004, 18:01
<Proposed Addition to the Cherry Ridge treaty>
3) The Fedral Union pay reparations for damages caused through military actions.
22-11-2004, 18:01
-From The Desk of cardinal DeVito-
To both sides-
PEACE is the best route. I offer a plan for peace for The Fedral Union and Fruity Loops:
1- Fruity Loops pay for the lives of The Fedral unionists killed
2- TFU apoligise for calling RWC NAZI's
Please note, that Fruity Loops only massacred the Unionists after TFU made threats in the direction of Fruity Loops.
Grand Inquisitorial Lord Matthias, Keeper of the Seal, Guardian of the Tome
22-11-2004, 19:14
Oh bloody hell, why can't you keep your fegging hands off our allies for two seconds TFU? That and I revolt al the notion of being called a...a..nazi and myself and the Emperor want a formal apolagy from TFU or else...
Erik Solar,
Imperial Councillor,
Minister of Foriegn Affairs.
Aust shall stand by our allie, Fruity Loops and we shall defend it unto death. However, we must object to the insult given by the Federal Union that our nation, along with our esteemed allies are Nazi's. Aust has never been a Nazi state and never will be. Please, do not do this again.
We are a Empire, ruled by the Enmporer, we have a paliment, indeed the only reson we qualify for the RWC is that we have a Emporer. Be warned The Federal Union, you are on shaky ground here, please keep such thoughts to yourself, please retract that statement. Any act against Fruity Loops will be akin to a act against Aust.
However peace must prevail, though it may come through war and the casting down of your nation, or through deplomacy, make no mistake it will come.
There are two options, one is peace through war and the other peace through deplomacy, which one will you choose?
Will it be war and destruction of your nation, or a just pece thus Aust offers a treaty.
The Esteemed nation of Fruity Loops shall pay The Federal Union, a sum of 100,000,000 Honour Pounds as compensation for it's citizens deaths.
In return The Federal Union shall withdraw it's comments to Fruity Loops and renounce any thoughts of attacking it, it shall also withdraw it's comments about all RWC nations being NAzis.
I leave the coice to you, leader of The Federal Union, in one hand peace and the other war. Choose wisely.
Emporer Palpatine the 4th of Aust
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 19:24
I hereby declare that I shall take no offensive action against either side. I will remain neutral, and hope peace can be reached.
22-11-2004, 19:31
To: Hogsweat Diplomats
From: Vrak Diplomatic Corps
Have you learned nothing? You lost your fleet of ships trying to defend a lost cause which goes by the name of Neo Tyr and yet you still deign to interfere in the affairs of others. We are amazed by the depths of your stupidity.
Keep in mind that I'm making a couple assumptions here, since, well, you haven't posted for a loooong time in the Neo Tyr thread. I'm assuming that with the amount of firepower brought to bear, your fleet was smashed.
OOC: They are correct. All ships present were annihalated.
To: Vrakian Diplomatic Corp
From: Hogsweatian Foreign Office
An entire fleet destroyed? Impossible. You meddle in our affairs far too much, Vrakian.
The Fedral Union
22-11-2004, 19:50
the union cannot sit back and let its citizens be killed with out consequence how ever .. and since when did we become sued huh! how dare you will not pay any thing!
22-11-2004, 19:57
I'm beginning to think that I might need to get involved in this....that I might need to bring back NODEA RUDAV....and OBLITERATE people.....muhahahaha...Nodea Rudav is big nation.....must obliterate! MUST DESTROY! MUS- ::gets wacked on head::
Oi... ::falls unconcious::
The Emperor Fenix
22-11-2004, 20:25
OOC: im also a modern tech nation now so i can get in on the action supportingTFU.
IC: The AI mind Crassuss views the situation and believes that the government of Fruity Loops must be removed and it strongly advices those supporting that nation to withdraw their support that as little damage may be done as possible.
22-11-2004, 20:28
Its gonna be really short-lived and explosively bloody. Yay.
The Emperor Fenix
22-11-2004, 20:30
OOC: i hope thats in our favour lol...
22-11-2004, 20:31
OOC: In a word.... no.
The Emperor Fenix
22-11-2004, 20:32
OOC: as a centralized drone nation i think i should be able to add a couple of cents worth of slaughter to the mix after all i could chuck 2.5 billion people at the problem... err i wouldnt want to but i could.
22-11-2004, 20:33
OOC: You could, but the RWC could probably must about twice that with ease.
Grays Hill
22-11-2004, 22:27
I, as a member of RWC and GP, wish for there to be peace. We wish to push the issue for peace. We urge both sides to stop dragging other nations into this, and come to Grays Hill and duke it out diplomatically, at a table.
OOC: They are correct. All ships present were annihalated.
To: Vrakian Diplomatic Corp
From: Hogsweatian Foreign Office
An entire fleet destroyed? Impossible. You meddle in our affairs far too much, Vrakian.
To: Hogsweatian Foreign Office
From: Vrak Diplomatic Corps
Have a care, insect. Should we but choose to turn our attention to your nation, it will be reduced to nothing but a mere footnote in some obscure historical work.
Drum Gods
23-11-2004, 00:11
We will once again remind people that we are a part of the RWC and will pledge our total military capability in support of our allies.
Bureaucrat of the Drum God Empire
Member of GDODAD, Allied to Metus
Official Representative of the RWC
A January 2003 Nation
The Emperor Fenix
23-11-2004, 01:04
*starts preparing troops and looking uneasy* if i break my new modern tech country in this war ill be peeved.
The Merchant Guilds
23-11-2004, 11:03
*starts preparing troops and looking uneasy* if i break my new modern tech country in this war ill be peeved.
We would remind The Emperor Fenix, that this is not really his concern, and that it would only take an apology from TFU to sort this whole mess out, the RWC has taken offence at being called Nazi's,once that has been retracted with an apology and an arrangement been come to about Fruity Loops matter, there will be no reason for us to be at logger heads with TFU and yourself.
A stand against us is unwise, but it is your choice to make, but we would rather not make you submit but if you force our hand we have no choice.
The Guild of External Affairs,
OOC: You sure your MT?
23-11-2004, 11:10
The people of Panamicrosonia would be willing to aid in this police action, provided a certain stake in post-conflict corporate holdings could be guaranteed to us. Our military is not large, but they are highly trained and armed witht he most cutting edge technology our arms manufacturers have to offer. We await your word
OOC: TFU, can you start posting RCly, and for alls information the RWC now consists of 58 members mostly over 500 million population with several 3 billion+ nations. Have a nice time TFU. :)
IC: Aust implores The Emperor Fenix to revise it's decision and not support this suicidle attack upon a sovrign nation.
The Emperor Fenix
23-11-2004, 18:20
OOC: nope im supporting TFU and ill have to see each member devote troops to your cause til ill say they're there... (just a technicalilty). As a drone nation i can mobilize a large number of troops, as citizen rich nations you cannot.
IC: We will support the TFU
OOC: It dossnt matter what happens to this nation... if im defeated i can go back to being a space nation and all you gain is some land and tons of rotting animal flesh (the drones will die without Crassuss).
OOC: nope im supporting TFU and ill have to see each member devote troops to your cause til ill say they're there... (just a technicalilty). As a drone nation i can mobilize a large number of troops, as citizen rich nations you cannot.
IC: We will support the TFU
OOC: It dossnt matter what happens to this nation... if im defeated i can go back to being a space nation and all you gain is some land and tons of rotting animal flesh (the drones will die without Crassuss).
OOC: Bugger, still I've just spotted a weakness....
23-11-2004, 20:05
Hello TFU here yes me … to all nations of the civilized world you’ve all seen the Nazi cruel genocidal nation of fruity loops and his “RWC” Nazi fascist profiteering genocidal crazy man governments. I’m here to form up a collation against them before he dose more damage .. they may threaten me but I’m not going down with out a fight . Fruity Loops NEEDS to go down he killed my citizens for no reason! Causing me to react then his moronic RWC allies got involved on his side .. like always because of course I’m the bad guy .. but from now on I’m not taking it If you guys wont help ill have a go at them my self ohh I may not win but ill make a statement thank you
<secret communication>
To: Federal Union Leader
From: President James Wolfe
Message: We agree that fruity loops needs to be taken out as he has commited heinous acts of genocide and we belive genocide is very wrong, we will send any miltary assistance and we have a maturing nuclear program that could be of some use of taking out the fruity loops government, we would only use those on military installations that prove troublesome to deal with.
The Emperor Fenix
23-11-2004, 20:44
OOC: Bugger, still I've just spotted a weakness....
OOC: LOL... no you cant take out Crassuss he's in the very air around you... he's a well ascended AI :D, plus i know you dont destroy him cos hes still around in 12000ad.
23-11-2004, 20:50
OOC: So you're a modern tech nation ruled by an AI concstruct with no physical form who lives ten millenia from now, and you have two and a half billion soldiers? Interesting....
Hataria threw in a while back.
How about we keep this budding conflict to five on five? I'd hate to see a decent little war prospect such as this crushed under a bandwagon dogpile.
Edited to Add: Oh, and uh... keep things reasonable too, maybe? Borgling Rushes kinda gimpify the gameplay.
The Emperor Fenix
23-11-2004, 22:32
OOC: So you're a modern tech nation ruled by an AI concstruct with no physical form who lives ten millenia from now, and you have two and a half billion soldiers? Interesting....
lol no... i think youve misunderstood my nation as many misunderstood the other drone nation around here somewhere :D. a drone nation has no warriors or normal citizens... my army consists of farming drones that are called up off the fields to fight, energy mining drones called up out of the deep mines, shallow mining drones, messenger drones and the Post-Humans that act as intermediates when theyre all too far from crassuss. (there are a few other less common drones but safe to say there are very few that are actually specifically for fighting... i could should i be forced to mobilize the entire nation because there is no army merely servants, however i have no intention of doing so that would leave Crassussian land vunerable and untended)
As for Crassuss, well hes alive now he'll be alive in 12'000 ad and hes been alive for a very long time before that, but he was built by humans and he exists truly on the Xaxoss (thats floating outside the Oort cloud) but on the ground he rules through the post-humans and through fast degrading nanites (they degrade in about 3 days (this prevents them from spreading everywhere giving crassuss too much power(i didnt want that)))
And really Crassuss isnt here for long, his prescence on earth is limited to however long it takes him to develope the Halflings and then he will continue his jounrey to New-Okyto. Whilst it maybe impossible to defeat Crassuss you can eradicate him from earth or destroy his drones (or both) just saying theres nothing you could bomb or emp or seomthing like that... no easy way out, im not letting you breeze through my nation :D.
IC: Crassuss is inclined to postpone agression towards Fruity Loops until the nature and intent of their new leader is assertained, whatever attrocities they have commited in the past should be ignored for the moment, should the new leader turn out to be just as the old then the threat of war remains.
The Merchant Guilds
24-11-2004, 10:43
Hataria threw in a while back.
How about we keep this budding conflict to five on five? I'd hate to see a decent little war prospect such as this crushed under a bandwagon dogpile.
Edited to Add: Oh, and uh... keep things reasonable too, maybe? Borgling Rushes kinda gimpify the gameplay.
OOC: I will agree to that. Aust, FL you in?
OOC: I will agree to that. Aust, FL you in?
aAs will I, and TEF, I don't RP with future tech. And can we start a new thread, you know having Hatria as thread strter kin of wreaks it.
The Emperor Fenix
24-11-2004, 18:21
lol i am not future tech... i just have a future tech ruling class. if anything im lower tech than all of you cos me "warriors" fight with claws not swords or guns... i shouldnt have started to explain its too complex to say easily.
lol i am not future tech... i just have a future tech ruling class. if anything im lower tech than all of you cos me "warriors" fight with claws not swords or guns... i shouldnt have started to explain its too complex to say easily.
i'd say that a AI brain that is in thin air is FT.
24-11-2004, 18:35
i'd say that a AI brain that is in thin air is FT.
OOC: Shhhhh. You might be able to say you killed 2.5 billion soldiers in one airstrike. And since they are all soldiers, it can't be classed as genocide.
24-11-2004, 18:36
OOC: Hey, could I join this RP please, if I haven't already?
OOC: Hey, could I join this RP please, if I haven't already?
iIt isn't going yet, statements from TFU have dried up. Strange.
The Parthians
24-11-2004, 18:42
I will support our allies in Fruity Loops against leftist enemies.
Fascist Confederacy
24-11-2004, 18:50
OOC: I can't respond to this in character, but from the last time I spoke to you TFU, you said you were ignoring me and FL, and us ignoring you. So, don't you think starting a little war thread is rather stupid considering we're both ignoring you? And what about you leaving MT since you said FT was better?
The Emperor Fenix
24-11-2004, 18:55
just for the week i think the IGNORE was.
youd have to be damn lucky to kill them all in one air strike... particularly as you ICly know nothing about the Crassussian Empire at all. And Aust im gonna give you my word, which i hope should be enough as ive never been dishonest to you or anyone else on NS to my knowledge, that i am not trully a Future Nation (as the Crassussian Empire) and that i have no advantages above you not given to me by my status as Drone nation.
I tell you what we ought to consolidate these two threads into one managable lump monthly payment... i mean thred... start it anyone?
just for the week i think the IGNORE was.
youd have to be damn lucky to kill them all in one air strike... particularly as you ICly know nothing about the Crassussian Empire at all. And Aust im gonna give you my word, which i hope should be enough as ive never been dishonest to you or anyone else on NS to my knowledge, that i am not trully a Future Nation (as the Crassussian Empire) and that i have no advantages above you not given to me by my status as Drone nation.
I tell you what we ought to consolidate these two threads into one managable lump monthly payment... i mean thred... start it anyone?
Okay. I understand that.
Borman Empire
03-12-2004, 04:57
If it is allowed we will help our ally Fruity Loops. However we can't help immediatly as our first and one of our main alliances is under assault.
The Emperor Fenix
03-12-2004, 19:46
lol - TFU dissapeared from this... and i am bound to follow, the Hataria thread is slightly more active but this attack is wheezing.