The Rebirth
22-11-2004, 03:02
OOC:OOC: The Rebirth (Condemn me!) ( is the OOC thread.
Two men stood out of the turrets of two M1A2 Abrams tanks, which rolled down 18th Street in The Red City, Witzgall's captiol. The two tanks were only a small fraction of the large military force of over one million men and six hundred tanks.
The men, dressed in military camoflauge uniform with a red armband and a black swastika on the band, marched down the street.
The masses of Witzgallian nationals stared out of their apartment and business windows and doors and watched in horror as the soldiers marched down the street, shouting commands to the public.
"Wir sind hier, Ihren Verstand freizugeben! Wir sind hier, Ihre Seelen freizugeben! Freiheit zu den Leuten!" chanted the soldiers.
The two men in the turrets began to speak into a loudspeaker microphone. They adressed the public in English, as the soldiers continued their German chants.
"Citizens of Witzgall! Your days and nights of opression will end now! Join us, and we will fight for a new day!" shouted one of the men.
The civilians on the street stopped their errands and daily walks to watch as the massive military force marched freely down the streets. Suddenly, the march came to a halt.
Six black men and a hispanic woman stood in front of a store just one block down 18th street from the marching soldiers. The men and woman stared at the soldiers, horrified.
One of the soldiers began a new chant.
"Die einzige Weise zur Sicherheit ist Reinigen des Übels!" shouted one of the soldiers.
The other soldiers joined the chant, and eight of the men grabbed their G3A3s off of their backs and walked over to the group. One of the soldiers struck the hispanic woman with the butt of his rifle, and then shot her in the head with the large 7.62mm caliber. The other soldiers began to beat the black men with their guns, and shot them executioner style.
The soldiers spit on the dead bodies which they left on the sidewalk, and began to chant again as the march continued.
"Wir sind hier, Ihren Verstand freizugeben! Wir sind hier, Ihre Seelen freizugeben! Freiheit zu den Leuten!"
The Fuhrer looked out his window. There, outside the window and in the horizon he saw a large mass of vehicles and men. He immediatly dialed General Guhz, who told him about the new militia which was storming the capitol.
"Mobilize all troops and forces! Stop these maniacs immediatly, General." the Fuhrer shouted into his phone.
The Fuhrer could only watch as he witnessed the men march towards his domain, chanting their lies to the people of his nation.
22-11-2004, 03:09
The soldiers halted in front of Goodwill Avenue, home of the Fuhrer's political office. They could see the Fuhrer watch through his tinted and bulletproof glass window.
"Dieser Mann! Er ist ein Lügner! Wir müssen die Welt von seinem Übel reinigen!" chanted one of the men in the tanks into his loudspeaker.
The mass of soldiers shouted back a simple "Ja" in a roar. The soldiers stood still in front of the building, only about fifty yards from its dual front doors.
The Fuhrer watched in disbelief. How did this happen? What the hell is going on?
All of the sudden, six soldiers began to walk slowly towards the doors of the building. Two guards rushed out with G36s and ordered the soldiers to halt. Without a change of expression or a warning, the soldiers shot the men with ease.
The began to walk up the stairs, killing anyone in the path.
"WE MUST CLEANSE!" shouted the soldiers as they approached the Fuhrer's office, killing his personal bodyguards and his secretary.
The soldiers barged into the room and grabbed the Fuhrer. They walked him slowly down the stairs and into the public. He stood firm, but the soldiers were intent on breaking him.
22-11-2004, 03:18
One of the men exited his tank turret and walked over to the Fuhrer. Two of the eight soldiers forced him to his knees by way of pressure point in his neck, and the Fuhrer bowed with pain.
The man spit in the Fuhrer's face with absolute disgust.
"You...Fritz execute men without thought... Some say life is what you make it...Some say life is for the taking...which do you believe in, Fritz? Do you believe you have the right to live?" asked the man as he crouched down in front of the Fuhrer.
The Fuhrer tried to stand, but one of the soldiers hit him in the ribs with the butt of a G3A3.
"Beantworten Sie die Frage!" shouts one of the soldiers.
The man from the tank looked up at the soldier, who stood watching the Fuhrer with hatred.
"Well, Fritz...I must congratulate you on keeping your lies a secret for more than a year. Too bad you were weak. You never expected such a sight, did you?" questioned the man.
The Fuhrer spit out a mouth full of blood onto the pavement he kneeled on.
"Shall I end his life?" asked one of the soldiers.
"No. Not yet...take him to the camp." replied the man.
The soldier saluted the man and grabbed the Fuhrer, as did his comrades. They dragged him and placed him into an armored car, which sat in the middle of the tank columns.
22-11-2004, 03:28
The troops began to break into the homes and stores of the Red City civilians, executing any suspicious men, women, and children. Any blacks, hispanics, or jewish families were immediatly executed by the soldiers upon discovery.
One of the men with the loudspeaker spoke to the entire city.
"If you wish to live, join us. Join us in our fight of freedom! We must preserve life as we wish it to be, not as we know it! Join the New Reich and live for prosperity!" he shouted.
Gunshots rattled the entire city as the masses were round up and executed by the soldiers. Some were cold-blood killed, while others were beaten until paralyzed. Only a select few 'ethnic' men and women were kept alive as prisoners.
22-11-2004, 03:38
Sixty seven international news crews showed up to a night-time announcement from a man calling himself "Mister". They showed up and saw a man, dressed in General's clothing, standing in front of a podium that had a large swastika flag draped over it. He spoke into the large number of microphones, adressing the entire international community.
"Men, women, children...soldiers and government officials...greetings from The Sadistic Dictatorship of Witzgall. I, Mister, am here to adress you all with the following statement.
If you are a supporter of Arabic warfare, African unity, or anything else concerning the inferior races of people and their religions, I must express disgust towards you. You support infidels and inferiors to the caucasian race. All opposers of our superiority must be evaluated for insanity!
The nation of Witzgall is undergoing many changes, and we hereby alert the international community of these changes.
Do not support the inferior races!" he shouted out.
The man's speech continued for two hours, touching on all subjects of Nazism and the superior races.
Ummm...yeah, reads rather well, nice work so far.
22-11-2004, 03:46
{{I made an OOC thread, click here. (}}
22-11-2004, 03:56
The soldiers began to round the prisoners up into a large group. There were about two hundred prisoners, while the death toll of civilians was well into the ten thousands.
The soldiers continued to execute civilians in their homes, in front of their families without a single thought of "this is wrong" or "maybe this isn't the way."
The soldiers believed in peace through "ethnic cleansing", and were willing to kill their friends for the new empire.
A Few Rich People
22-11-2004, 04:15
Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a pointless waste of human capital. We say either work them to death and get some profit from them or sell them. But they are your resources...
-Mikosolf Corporation
22-11-2004, 04:17
Fourtytwo B-52s roared over the city of Runik, a large port on the south side of Witzgall. They began releasing their AGM-65s and Mk 84s, which unleashed a massive wave of hellfire upon the ships and buildings.
An ammunition depot exploded with a burst of black smoke and red flames that poured into the open sky.
The pilots of the B-52s smirked with satisfaction as their support F-22s began to fire upon emergency support and medical craft that lifted into the sky to help aid the destruction in the other cities.
22-11-2004, 04:36
The captured prisoners were tossed into trains, cramped in as tight as possible. Two hours they rode, and they finally arrived at a large camp facility.
Roughly twenty well-armed soldiers began to count heads and sentence the men to one camp and women and children to another. If any of the prisoners were suspicious, they were immedialtly executed.
"Welcome to your new home, you infidels." said one of the soldiers after smacking a crying woman in the face.
22-11-2004, 20:32
Over one million asians, hispanics, blacks and jews were piled into the camps in the heart of Witzgall. Twice the numbers of the prisoners was the total amount of military soldiers on patrol inside and outside of the prisons.
The captives were forced into labor, constructing weapons, blankets, and anything else to prepare for total war.
As of 11:05 A.M today, "Mister", the new Fuhrer of the Nazi Regime of Witzgall, claimed Phoria* an impure nation. Immediate takeover and execution of all government officials of the nation of Phoria was demanded, unless a surrender of "inferiors" was established.
The Phorian Government refused to surrender, citing that the new government of Witzgall was corrupt and deserved to be brought down by the hand of God.
Witzgall has sent in a large military force of roughly six million troops and other vehicles, such as the entire 2nd Fleet, to destroy the Phorian government and military and establish Phoria as a cleansing site.
*PHORIA: A nation that was taken over by Witzgall long ago...
23-11-2004, 02:00
New Corporate States
23-11-2004, 02:34
Greetings, Fellow Citizens Of the World,
I am afraid that the New Corporate States, outside of corporate militias, lacks almost any military or police power. While I may may be unable to support any Coalition countries, I am willing to allow any poltical refugees asylum until they are able to relocate to a new country. Full Citizenship is available, though an application needs to be filled and approved as if you are any other immigrant. In addition to this, I have consulted with the Generic Motors Corporation, and they will offer their Series 8 Industrial-Grade engines to you for the 10% Off of their wholesale price to any members of the Coalition for use in armored vehicle. Please contact me for further information.
Gui Armstrong, Chairman Of Foreign Relations & Policy
This Offer Still Stands
23-11-2004, 02:35
OOC thread. It's in the first post...