Civil War in Jankia
JNews 8:33 PM, November 21, 2004
This is the JNews station. An All out Civil war has broken out Between the Whites and the Blacks. Asian/Spanish Citizens have sided with the black community. This is bigger than any war in Jankian History. A little more than half of the nation is dominated by the Whites, all the rest is dominated by the Blacks. This is a very gruesome war, millions are dead, The Goverment is on Neither side, they are trying their best to break up the whole thing. Many White and Black Military Personel have gone AWOL and they are suspected to have joined the 2 "factions".
01-12-2004, 02:59
As a Jankian nation, I will help in any way I can.
01-12-2004, 03:17
The Shadow Realm of Phalanix can offer it's help for the right price...
The Jankian Goverment is doing everything it can to break this up. The only thing you can do at the moment is blockade the capitol to stop any rebels coming into the city.
OOC: I cant find what page you goto to log out.
01-12-2004, 21:22
Consider it done!
06-12-2004, 00:32
MrSparkleland has withdrawn most of it's forces. We must fight our own war with the Frisbee Freaks. You can come and help if you wish, and you won't like what we found that the Freaks were planing :mad: Let's destroy them once and for all! :mp5:
06-12-2004, 00:53
The armed forced of the SovietRepublic of Russia can take over for the forces of MrSparkleland to allow that nation to fight its own conflicts. SRoR can provide 50,000 troops now and more when peace talks over an ending war are complete.
-Chairman,CP of SRoR
06-12-2004, 03:02
Thanks, Russia!
06-12-2004, 04:41
More civil war, Jankia? Oh not again, surely? Ah well. You had better have 5,000 of my troops, armed with Jay SAW-1 5.56mm rifles and some have LGL/W-1s on the ends of them. They'll be paradropping, Jankia, so do you have any safe LZs for them?
06-12-2004, 23:53
You are very welcome MrSparkleland, good luck on your conflict
Rebeled Elves
07-12-2004, 00:16
ok i know what to do.I send my troops to your nation...u can meet them in the ocean.I send some money to you for re-building your nation you just tell me where to send my troops and they will fight untill the diminish!
07-12-2004, 00:35
OOC: a december nation has no money to spend and your military should not exceed 80,000 people (1% of your population) meaning you bearly have enough troops to guard your borders much less anyone elses
Rebeled Elves
07-12-2004, 02:52
im only sending 1,000 and rebels (not my people) that i found along the way at leat 5,000 are going to.
ONI Concordiat
07-12-2004, 03:04
The Concordiat will send the 24th Panzer Division to support the government against the rebels. The division is not one of our elite, so it is equipped only with the mediocre Panther II Medium Tank. There are about 35 vehicles in a battalion, and about 6 battalions in a division, excluding logistics but including support and mech. infantry.
Can you give a summary of both the factions so i can decide who to support?
07-12-2004, 03:13
It is to our assumption that this Civil War was brought on by the inefficient and poorly planned economic polices of the region, along with incompetent politicans. Therefore, the Confederacy of Lachenburg will most likely ignore any pleas for assistance.
Wilhelm Osterriech
Direktor of International Affairs
Confederacy of Lachenburg
Jnews, 12:15 PM, 12/07/04
Today military forces stormed what seemed to be where the White rebels were holding hostages. The rebels surrendered, and the Black hostages were not rebels so they were to be kept in Janky City. Military forces found a house in the Black Rebel sector filled with a stockpile of weapons. The stockpile was seized.
Falcania: Yes, there is an LZ open in Janky city, but they cannot parachute, they must land on the runway.
Today rebels clashed infront of the gates of Janky City. Spartan IIs were sent in along with 1,000 Marines. 12,000 Rebels were either killed or captured along with 91 Injured Marines
Military forces captured White Rebel leader, Micheal Onidracs. He will be executed at 7:00 PM Today.
Just in, with the rebel leader gone, Many White Rebels have layed down their arms and want peace with the Blacks, there is no reply from them yet, we hope it is peaceful when it comes though.
08-12-2004, 18:07
20 planes land on a runway, one after the other, depositing 1,500 troops into the Jankian capital.
Vestern States
08-12-2004, 18:12
We are dispatching 5th, 6th 7th and 3rd Counter Rwvolutionary Battlegroups,
along with 2ndm 4th and 7th tactical bomber divisions.
SIG (Special Intelligens Group) is sending a number af officials to aid your goverment.
The troops will arrive shortly
08-12-2004, 18:27
The United States of Shalrirorchia is deploying the 2nd and 3rd Armored divisions in support of the rebels for a total troop strength of 100,000 men with vehicles.
Air Support and Command and Control will be provided by the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Odyssey, who is escorted by the rest of her battle group.
Standard U.S. Shalrirorchian Soldier-
Provided with composite armor (helmet, vest, and and leg guards), personal uplink to the MILSTARS combat system, BR-55 Battle Rifle, 9 mm Pistol. Highly trained.
08-12-2004, 18:38
U.S.S. Odyssey, Odyssey-Class CVN (Nuclear Aircraft Carrier)
Displacement: 125,000t fully loaded.
Length: 475m
Beam: 62m.
Speed: 32 knots,
Complement of 3,300 personnel
F-20N-A Wraith (Naval Variant of Standard Fighter Wraith)
FA-16-C Hawk (Bomber)
Assorted Helicopters
09-12-2004, 08:14
SIG (Special Intelligens Group)
"The Black leader has refused peace with the Whites and the Goverment. They have launched a full scale battle on the Capitol. There is a possability that they have a nuke outside the city. Military Forces are searching for the nuke. Please, any nation, imidiantly start looking for the device, it is expected to be on the outskirts of the city. Black forces have just bombed the Capitol Building! All personel are being evacuated immidiantly, though it wont fall, it has extensive damage and might. The Black forces have blown the wall protecting the capitol! they are swarming in! We are going off the air, we have to evacuate this building!"
Suddenly 5 Blacks covered in masks bust through the door while the camera is still on. "Get down you f**king b*tch!" Then 7 Battle Rifle shots are heard and the terrorists fall down. "Room Clear, move on to the next!" then 10 BlackArmored Spartans walk past the door. The newslady got back up and started talking again. "Citizens of Jankia! You have just seen the new Capitol building defence force in action!"
Rebeled Elves
13-12-2004, 03:25
As the army of Rebeled nears the enmey area.The general of the army screams out in the air: "ATTACK!!"
the army attacks with all might but loses more then half they retreated towards the near allied fort.
Kahta would like to send material aid to the whites in the form of $25 Billion.
13-12-2004, 03:55
JNews 8:33 PM, November 21, 2004
This is the JNews station. An All out Civil war has broken out Between the Whites and the Blacks. Asian/Spanish Citizens have sided with the black community. This is bigger than any war in Jankian History. A little more than half of the nation is dominated by the Whites, all the rest is dominated by the Blacks. This is a very gruesome war, millions are dead, The Goverment is on Neither side, they are trying their best to break up the whole thing. Many White and Black Military Personel have gone AWOL and they are suspected to have joined the 2 "factions".
26-01-2005, 19:55
MrSparkleland sends peacefull aid to the victims of the fighting at a value of about 10 million dollars.