Idea please tell if possible
21-11-2004, 19:17
I wish to create a bomber but instead of arming it with cruise missiles or bombs, I want to equip it with only AA missiles tell me if it works or not. (Most likely not but whatever) (Plane I was planning to use is B-52 StratoFortress)
21-11-2004, 19:24
I'm no expert, but every missile needs a mount of some sort to be fired from. Either most of the bomb bay would be taken up with these mounts, which would have to be retractable to move in and outside the bomber. That would use up a lot of space. That, or they could be wing-mounted, in which case all you have is a bigger fighter.
Another problem is that bombers aren't particularly good at dodging AA missiles themselves, which would mean they would have to fire their missiles very quickly before they themselves were downed by enemy fighters - which would be a virtual certainty.
The Macabees
21-11-2004, 19:29
It does work.... a lot of nations use it.... the air to air missiles on a hard point on a fighter work the same way... the shackle opens, the missile free falls of about ten to twenty feet, and the engine ignites... the bomber idea is the same..the bomb bay opens, the missile free falls, and then engine ingnites.
Red Tide2
21-11-2004, 19:31
OOC:Its a neat idea... but make sure they are over-the-horizon missiles. You know... the AMRAAMs?
Neo-Soviet Russia
21-11-2004, 19:36
It's completely possible.
Course the question's how do you go about it in a way that proves to be most efficient. I'd say go about it like the B-1s, having multiple bays featuring a rotating holder/launcher which mounts a numder of missiles.
The Phoenix Milita
21-11-2004, 19:53
I'm no expert, but every missile needs a mount of some sort to be fired from. Either most of the bomb bay would be taken up with these mounts, which would have to be retractable to move in and outside the bomber. That would use up a lot of space. That, or they could be wing-mounted, in which case all you have is a bigger fighter.
Another problem is that bombers aren't particularly good at dodging AA missiles themselves, which would mean they would have to fire their missiles very quickly before they themselves were downed by enemy fighters - which would be a virtual certainty.
You dont need retractable mounts, the the missiles would be dropped from the bay and the engines would ignite after it was clear. Also have you noticed the wing area of the B-52? You could easily load dozens of missiles on them.
It is certainly possible already have such an aircraft, the MB-52 Megafortress, used as escort for std B-52s
21-11-2004, 20:59
Neat thanks, I will modify some of my B-52s to create such a weapon :D
Just don't have a rearward firing missile launcher.