Samtonia seeking Future-Tech allies; Excellent Deals for All!
21-11-2004, 02:45
Hello, and thank you for listening. This is a desperate plea for help. Samtonia is threatened by the forces of a nation whose technological virtues are far in excess of our own. We need help.
As such, Samtonia is willing to listen to any bid, any offer, any deal. Anything. We are willing to pay almost any sum, honor almost every request. But we need more advanced tech.
Space travel is a plus, as our enemy threatens us from the stars, as is land based planetary defenses. And allies are even more helpful.
Please, help Samtonia remain free. Fight the imperialistic aggression of Ma-Tek. Save a free Samtonia. And hey, you might just pick up some preferential trade deals, large amounts of cash, or other beneficial objects your nation desires in the process.
Please. Help us.
Minister X, Leader of Samtonian Council of Thirteen
The Fedral Union
21-11-2004, 02:46
we will be happy to be your allie ..
21-11-2004, 18:16
21-11-2004, 19:12
I am interested by your situation. If you shall consent, and inform those around you that the presence of Neo-Mekantan ships is in your aid, I shall dispatch ships of the Zircon Armada to assist you. Your response is needed.
21-11-2004, 19:16
If I am Future and Modern, is that okay?
"Perhaps it would be wiser to issue such a call on encrypted channels, for then we would not hear it.
"Yet all those who would 'join the fight' alongside Samtonia, we issue this warning: Samtonia is a state willing to use chemical and nuclear and biological weapons, and has indeed threatened their use against us for no real or proper cause beyond the whim of their tyrannical government; and as such, any state which aids them in their cause of genocide against the Nenyan species - for this is surely their true aim - will be tarred by the very brush which stains the once-proud and noble People of Samtonia.
"Before any would give aid to this state, we implore that the safety and well-being of the People of Samtonia be considered; for any war which Samtonia would wage against us would surely harm those People; and that act of carelessness by the government of Samtonia would be a greater sin than any which we have ever committed."
~ Ambassador Neurat
21-11-2004, 19:34
Little known fact about Minagoroshi. She, despite the standard "Mekantan nations are bloodthirsty and will enslave you if you so much as look at them wrong," is actually somewhat... "good" to use a relative meaningless term.
If she decides someone, even an ally, is unjust... Well, let's just say your problems just got a lot bigger. ^_^
Hey, I had to promise I wouldn't backstab the Galactic Empire. I may be playing a rather "good" nation, but that doesn't mean I've OOCly stopped being an evil prick.
22-11-2004, 01:52
We love the fact that a nation that gets its jollies out of launching missiles into Samtonian hospitals decides to attempt to call us the tyrannical power.
Yes, for that is why the standoff has begun. This power with advanced weaponry has seen it just to stick its glorified nose into a nation's sovreign right to do as it pleases, use that power it has because of its advanced weapons to laud its "superiority" over every other nation on the planet as well as the entire human race, and then react to Samtonia's promise to use the only weapons we have that rival theirs as a deterrent to an attack on Samtonia by promising to exterminate, in essence, humanity, and certainly every Samtonian on the planet.
Because don't think for a minute Samtonia chooses to use WMDs as a first resort; indeed, we sent ouit this cry for help so we might adequately defend ourselves without having to use WMDs. But Ma-Tek shows their true colors by attempting to threaten any nation who aids us. If Ma-Tek truly did not want WMDs used, truly did not want harm to befall Samtonian citizens, they would not embark on their course of action.
If the nation of Ma-Tek really cared about Samtonian citizens, they never would have attacked Samtonia. If Ma-Tek really cared about Samtonian citizens, they would have offered reparations to the victims of their callous attack. And if Ma-Tek really cared about Samtonian citizens, they would have apologized. They would have stood down their advanced vessels of war that even now remain in orbit in space above Samtonia. They would have never threatend to wipe out every Samtonian if any rightfully obtained weapon that happened to rival theirs in power was used. And if Ma-Tek really cared about Samtonian citizens, they would never have violated Samtonia's sovreignty.
If your country cares at all for the decision making process it currently has, if your government at all cares about the freedoms all countries deserve, and if your country at all cares about the ideals espoused by every philosipher, poet, and reactionary in history, it is time for a stand.
Time for a stand against a jack-booted dictatorship attempting to assert its will over any country not strong enugh to stand against it alone. Time for a stand against the murderers of thousands of innocent Samtonians, lying sick in their hospital beds. Time for a stand against the lies, hate, and pure and blind idiocy of Ma-Tek.
Citizens of the galaxy, whatever your race, whatever your allegiance, whatever your creeds. If you want a galaxy and a Terra where countries can make decisions based on the will of their governments and the people in them, you are automatically Samtonia's ally. If you believe a nation who has been attacked has a right to defend itself, you are Samtonia's ally. And if you believe for a minute that none of the things we have said apply, then you are an ally of Ma-Tek and an ally that we wouldn't have anyway.
The choice is clear. Please, for the safety, well-being, and sovreignty of Samtonia, aid us. Unless you want to see yet another nation absorbed into the growing and ever-hungry maw of Ma-Tek. A maw that, when sated by small countries such as our own, will surely turn to "intervene" in your affairs and assimilate you as well.
Samtonian Council of Thirteen
22-11-2004, 04:53
BUMP for innocent Samtonians
22-11-2004, 05:01
[sent via secure channel to Samtonia]
Sarzonia happens to have a fleet of spaceships equipped with FTL drives and weaponry. We will loan you 3 Ambassador-class cruisers, four Defiant-class escorts, and 10 Birds of Prey.
We also have the Saugerties Space Works (, a future tech company that can provide you with ships quickly. As a NATO ally, you are subject to a 10 percent discount. Due to the extenuating circumstances you face, you would receive a special 25 percent discount on any ships purchased from Saugerties.
We hope this is of help to you.
Tag McGuire
Space Force Chief
Incorporated States of Sarzonia
"What utter piffle. We have issued no threats against Samtonia, and continue to stand back and watch with great amusement as that state strives ever and anon to hurl itself beyond the rim of a sheer rockface of its own making.
"For Samtonian lies have built this entire event into something it is not; military targets and military targets alone were fired upon during careful surgical strikes - originally intended to be the prelude to a larger campaign to 'persuade' warring parties to cease their aggressive movements against each other, in which situation Samtonia through what may or may not have been happenstance was intertwined.
"Yet they utter lie upon lie and expect those lies to be ignored. Our honour is at stake, and honour is held to be one of the Three Central Tenets of our society and culture. Yet still we stay our hand; is this behaviour not Just? Is this lack of action not resolute to our ever-stated self-set task of stability, harmony, and justice for all?
"Are we not merciful beyond words when we allow our name to be tarnished by foul-speaking persons who do nought but prove themselves to be barbarous, uncivilized? Are they not children, striving to throw sticks and stones and evil words at the older one which seeks only to end their disagreement with their peers?
"The Samtonians name us a dictatorship, yet never has any greater lie been spoken. Our constitution is open to the reading of all: in that constitution the freedoms and obligations of the people are balanced and fair; and the constitution was accepted by a vast majority of the population - nay, a vast super-majority! Is that not democracy?
"Previous to the threats of the Samtonian government, the citizens of that state were utterly free to enter the Commonality; I do not have figures to hand, but I do not doubt that tourists from Samtonia who have seen our pleasant land are finding themselves confused at the actions of their government: and millions of people worldwide who have visited Iluvauromen share this feeling, I have no doubt. For the Commonality is a shining beacon of freedom and democracy, where all citizens are equal regardless of status, and all may climb to the very highest echelons of society; where housing is expected, where healthcare is never withheld but given freely as a matter of course; where each and every citizen will partake in the direct governance of their homeland at some stage in their life, and as their land serves them they must serve it; this is the democratic partnership of Individual and State: this is True Democracy.
"How then, are we a dictatorship? I hear none but the Voice of the People dictating, from the hallowed halls of Imperial House and People's House - for if we are a dictatorship, it is a dictatorship lead by billions.
"And as for a claim of our intentions to wipe out Humanity: we are Humanity. The vast majority of the population is Human. Why would we seek to destroy ourselves?
"To those who would aid Samtonia, I say this; there is no war. We do not seek conquest; why would we need to conquer Samtonia? Believe us when we say that, were that our goal, Samtonians would not be in a position to be asking for aid. If we willed it, we could block all electromagnetic transmissions in or out of Samtonia under a blanket of white noise and radio signals transmitted from a fleet of warships; and if we willed it, our forces would already be marching through the streets of Samtonia, occupying her.
"There would be no time for resistance, were we conquerers, and were we attacking that land. We are not. We do not have warships positioned in orbit above Samtonia, either. We have not pierced space that is Samtonian 'owned' under our interpretation of the Law - that is space directly above Samtonia. Free Earth Space - space not owned or controlled by any power - is for the use of all of the citizens of this world, and our ships will go where they please therein. The sovereignty of Samtonia, therefore, has not been breached in that manner.
"'Fear' nuclear weapons? We do not fear nuclear arms. We abhor them; but we do not fear them. Why should we? We are nigh on impenetrable to their attack. None have ever succesfully struck Iluvauromen soil with a weapon of that type - and some have indeed tried. Those who use weapons of mass destruction, however, must be punished. The international community surely understands that need.
"Therefore, if Samtonia were to deploy such weapons against us, we would be forced to respond - whether or not the attack was successful. The willingness of a government to deploy such weapons is a sure sign that that government is a danger to both its own people - and the people of every nation in the world. For if Samtonia is willing to use such weapons against us...why not any other high-tech state?
"We are sure our point is clearly made.
"However, it is my duty to warn that the People of the Commonality will not accept any attack upon them. Such an attack against the Contiguous Commonality would be considered an act of war, and would require by law the full use of lethal arms rather than the usual bias towards non-lethal arms. We would be forced to defend ourselves to the fullest degree: thus, in the interest of the well-being of all people, we urge Samtonia to stand back and end its current course - and those who would aid her to look elsewhere for more just and noble causes."
~ High Lord Commodore Aglar ux-Rihad, High Lord of the Sol Orbital Colony of Vilya Elenosto/First Minister of the Iluvauromeni Space Administration
[OOC: If those are Star Trek-based ships, I'll not acknowledge them anyway. I don't interact with Star Trek/Star Wars nations. Ever. Primarily because the shields and weapons are entirely unrealistic.]
22-11-2004, 22:26
[OOC: If those are Star Trek-based ships, I'll not acknowledge them anyway. I don't interact with Star Trek/Star Wars nations. Ever. Primarily because the shields and weapons are entirely unrealistic.][OOC: Then by that token, you've earned the right not to have anything spacey of yours not be acknowledged because none of it is "realistic."]
23-11-2004, 00:03
The Confederacy cannot afford to take sides in this conflict. Doing so would be a breach of our GEDRA alliance. However we do wish to warn both Samtonia and Ma-Tek against the use of nuclear warheads. Their use would surely bring swift retribution down upon your heads.
-Harold Juxton
-- Prime Minister
[OOC: Then by that token, you've earned the right not to have anything spacey of yours not be acknowledged because none of it is "realistic."]
[OOC: No, because my technology is based on real-world physics, whereas Trek/Star Wars technologies are based entirely in fictitious universes where real-world physics do not apply. There is no such thing as a 'nadion' particle. Thus - unrealistic. It's not a personal statement against you, but a personal choice relating to incompatibility issues (and I never acknowledge anything but solid-matter shields anyway [whereas the shields on Trek are purely electromagnetic), as anything else is a bit too 'uber').]
The Confederacy cannot afford to take sides in this conflict. Doing so would be a breach of our GEDRA alliance. However we do wish to warn both Samtonia and Ma-Tek against the use of nuclear warheads. Their use would surely bring swift retribution down upon your heads.
-Harold Juxton
-- Prime Minister
"The Commonality does not possess or need such barbaric weapons. We will presume that the last sentence related to an international reaction, rather than assuming that it was, indeed, a threat, as it could be easily perceived to be.
"The Commonality applauds the Confederacy for its careful and logical choice to not intervene in this matter, and further for its apparent anti-nuclear stance. We, as ever, stand against the proliferation of nuclear armaments, and as such cannot be nought but glad to find others of similar heart."
~ High Lord Ambassador Dejure
OOC: I'd help, if just to have a large scal war for once, but I've got a different major war soon and my government would be unwilling to follow both at once. However, I could still supply some ships.
The Klonor Ship Store sells both weaponry, ships, technology, and everything else you'd ever need to embark on a war against a technologically superior enemy. I feel it will have everything you'd ever need.
Oh, and agressing nations are welcome, too. We're not averse to helping both sides of the war ;) ( ( ( (