NationStates Jolt Archive

Novaya Brazil Invades Uraguay

Novaya Brazil
21-11-2004, 02:25
NBCN Update

"This is Koki Afner here with an NBCN update, Gama Stavros and his regime or preparing to invade Uraguay. We have field reporter Gerald Hasman out at the Imperial Office in Brasillia."

"Thank you Koki, as you can see behind me, members of the communist council are leaving to go home."

You can see a trove of well decorated soldiers and well dressed men leaving in lomosines escorted by guards behind Hasman.

"As you know, the Uraguay goverment has continued to put pressure on the new COmmunist Goverment of Brazil, Stavros is hoping this invasions not only begins his dream of a Brazilian Empire in South America, but as well as spreading the communist ways around the world."

Koki: "Hows is the mood there, does the populace seem to agree".

Haman: "Full haertily, in fact many left earlier to prepare to go to war and welcome hopefully a new member of there nation. Anywayh back to you Koki

Koki:Thank you....why doe you all use Koki instead of my last name?

Haman:becuase its catchy.

Koki:Yeah Yeah yeah, anyway now back to "Who Wants To Be An Immagrant" for another hour of whacky carnage and hilarious deaths.

IC:We are planning to invade Uraguay, anyone wishing to RP as Uraguay or take sides is welcome, if anyone would like to see the Brazilian militaryt specs, please ask.

OOC:Forces are lining up along the Uraguay, Brazilian border, and brief skirmishes are taking place.
21-11-2004, 03:45
The People's Republic wholeheartedly condemns this act of imperialist aggression on the part of the Novayan Brazil government, and insists that all troops be withdrawn immediately from positions from which they can threaten the sovereignty of Uruguay.
Let it be known that the Uruguayan government can count on the full assistance of the People's Republic in fending off any attempt to violate their sovereignty.


Strategic bomber forces are moved to a higher state of readiness. Shildonian airlines and freight delivery services are served with notice that their aircraft may be commandeered to help deliver men and supplies to Uruguay. The Pogey CBG is ordered to move into the South Atlantic, while all shore leave is cancelled for the men of the Cryvellia and Xentrallia CBGs so they can move south to reinforce their sister ship should circumstances warrant it.
Novaya Brazil
21-11-2004, 10:34
We are deeply displeased at the reaction of Shildonia, however we will continue with our invasion. Our forces are still preparing for the initial invasion, also the navy is being sent to blocakde Uraguay. Minor skirmishes are still present however no major battles have happened.
21-11-2004, 11:59
In other news today, the Makaaran government has recieved intelligence that Novaya Brazil is planning to invade Uruguay. Prime Minister Ranford had this to say:

"Our government condemns the actions of Brazil. We are sending military forces to Uruguay to begin civilian evacuation and help against the skirmishes already occuring with Brazilian forces. We must destroy this attempt against an innocent nation."

It was later revealed that one aircraft carrier and seven frigates were dispatched to Uruguay. As far as Channel 3 understands, Brazil have blockaded Uruguay and are preparing for a full scale invasion.
21-11-2004, 12:06
The Aubainian nationalist government understands that a nation must expand, in order to keep a growing population under control, but must condemn Brazil for wanting to take an already independant populace. They however, will not dispatch any forces against Brazil, nor will they send relief to Uruguay, due to many problems in the present Aubainian government.
21-11-2004, 12:19
The Dictatorship of Narkath fully supports the Novaya Brazilian government, and are preparing to send the Narkathian Black Army to their aid. "Let's teach theese infidels a good lesson", states the Narkathian dictator, Gogonash.
21-11-2004, 12:48
We must condem your actions in all shape and size and therefor will send one of our Antille based divisions to Uruguay and begin to evacuate Dumpsterdanian and other foreign nationals.

We will not tollerate any attacks on our forces and if you value your country's well-being you will not do you communist scum.

Should you become too touchy towards the southern america's we will not hesitate to call in the RWC to squash you.

Erik Solar,
Imperial Councillor,
Minister of Foriegn Affairs.
21-11-2004, 13:05
We must confess, this is an intresting situation. On one side this is a totally unwarranted act of imperialist aggression. On the over hand, this is a communist nation. So we condemn this action as being unprovoked, but will do nothing more.
21-11-2004, 13:08
We must confess, this is an intresting situation. On one side this is a totally unwarranted act of imperialist aggression. On the over hand, this is a communist nation. So we condemn this action as being unprovoked, but will do nothing more.

OoC: So you want me to snatch a few Momanguise citizens with me before they are killed by the communist tide? ;)
21-11-2004, 13:11
ooc: Yeah, might as well. Them filthy commies....
21-11-2004, 14:49
Makaar would like to announce its blockade of all southern Brazilian ports. Our troops have been airlifted into Uruguay and we are preparing for combat. Brazil, we order you to stand down your forces and return them immediately to their barracks, ports or airfields of origin.
21-11-2004, 14:52
Falcania wishes to tell a pair of n00bs not to invade another country so early on in their forum experience and recommends to them the Nation Experience-building Twinning Programme.
Novaya Brazil
21-11-2004, 20:16
Falcania wishes to tell a pair of n00bs not to invade another country so early on in their forum experience and recommends to them the Nation Experience-building Twinning Programme.

OCC:If that was derected at me, then that was extremely arrogant and rude. I shouls be able to do what I feel would make a worthwile post and RP, unlike the other noobs who make post like, OMG I BLOW UP THE WORLD, pwned.

IC:Flashbulbs light as Gama Stavros walks to a podium in Brasillia, the podium is right in front of the City Hall, soldiers stand next to, and down in frnt of the podium. Citizens as well as soldiers line up to hear there leader speak.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, over the past week, our glorious *lie* forces have been holding brief testing skirmishes along the border of Uraguay."


There are those who wish to stop us, bring us down to follow there orders and Ideas, such as Dumpsterdam. We will not stand down and continue our glorius crusade.

2 Brazilian Soldiers named Alexi and Horvan are watching the speech on TV. Many other soldiers stand behind them.

Alexi:"Son of a bitch"! says Alexi as he lights a cigerette.

"Well nothing we can do now, dam Stavros, hes gonna lead us all to death you know" says Horvan.

"Better go tell the men Horvan, you are the ranking officer here". ays Alexi.

Horvan gets up to look at his men.


The men quickly rise into attention and form 3 pairs of lines before him.

Alexi quickly salutes and falls in.

"Is everyone accounted for?" says Horvan asking Alexi.

"No sir, 2nd Platoons is down further invloved in another skirmish sir".

"Ah, oh well, we can tell them later, Parade Rest!" barks Horvan as the men o to parade rest.

"Well men, Stavros isnt going to back down to these invaders, really is a shame, Stavros really is an idiot.

"Dont say that, he is a great man" speaks one of soldiers.

Fellow soldiers begin spitting at the soldiers feet.

"Yes he is, says Horvan, anyway, the goverment has ordered me to give each of you these books, which goes over, in detail, what a Dumpsterdam, Makaar, Aubain, and Uragauay troops, although im pretty sure you all know, look like. And this bnook, which goes over, to our knowledge specs of military equipment used by the forces, just in case. Now men im not going to lie to you, if they counter invade we probaly will not win, the only chances we got, as we have been ordered by the goverment, is to use unorthodox methods.

"Such as sir" inquires Alexi.

"Pitch, burn oil feilds, dress as civilians or enemy soldiers, steal weaponry, booby traps, and......suicide bombers, dont wrry though, I would never sacrifice any of you, dont know about oher units though.

Anyway we are to leave the border and begin the push to Monticello(I know its misspelled, I didnt feel like getting a map =P) in 0600 hours. So call your familys and get a good sleep. Dismissed.

"Sir Yes Sir, speaks the unit in unisions as they about face and go to ready them selves for the campaign and possibly there deaths.

Forces are being prepaed to regroup and begin invading, blockading ships, are fieing upon coastal citys, scouit shsips are being sent to spot for any possible enemy fleets. The airforce is running missions between Brazil and Uraguay, to assist troops, and destroy possible naval threat coming to Brazil.
21-11-2004, 20:19
OCC:If that was derected at me, then that was extremely arrogant and rude. I shouls be able to do what I feel would make a worthwile post and RP, unlike the other noobs who make post like, OMG I BLOW UP THE WORLD, pwned.

Very true. However, even though you are a good n00b, you are a n00b nonetheless, and still I should let your nation get a bit more population before you start an invasion.
Novaya Brazil
21-11-2004, 20:22
Very true. However, even though you are a good n00b, you are a n00b nonetheless, and still I should let your nation get a bit more population before you start an invasion.

Now that I is a bit better, however, I will not back down to this invasions, it is the only way, even I I lose, I can earn respect,.
21-11-2004, 20:27
As Prime Minister Ranford stepped up to the podium, his parliament watched in stunned silence. He held up a sheet of paper.

"I have here," he said, "authorisation from our King and the Ministry of the Crown that I may use His Majesty's Armed Forces in combat for the next year. As I am sure you are all aware, this morning, Brazil launched a foul, devestating attack on Uruguay to spread its own communist ideals. They have ignored our requests to stand down. They have ignored our support of the Uruguay government. We cannot allow this injustice to go unpunished."

"With the permission of His Majesty the King, using the emergency powers granted me by the King and the Parliament Act, I declare that, as of this date, this country is at war with Brazil."

There was a stunned silence before a single clapping could be heard. Slowly, it rose to a small group, and then, all of parliament.


To the sound of bugles, the Makaarian troops marched proudly along the roads of Uruguay, being watched and cheered by Uruguayan peasants. Behind them followed the tanks, which would wait in the town while the soldiers traversed the dense jungle that the tanks could not pass through. Above hovered helicopters, each filled with Royal Marines. They took up a defensive position along the town and looked over the border into Brazil, waiting for the Brazilian army to arrive.

At the Brazilian ports, Makaaran ships were locked in combat, fighting fiercely and bombarding the cities. Makaaran jets and bombers were making bombing runs of the ports. They had been ordered to do as much damage as possible to hinder the Brazilian war effort.
21-11-2004, 20:32
DNS News Broadcast.

Confirmation has been sent from the Dumpsterdanian Royal Navy Headquarters in Tallarn that the first elements of the 54th marine division are currently off-loading in Montevideo and are evacuating all foreign nationals to the relative safety of the Dumpsterdanian controlled Netherlands Antilles.

The Uraguaian goverment has welcomed the division and has put in a request for the division to stay and fight for the goverment.

Military planners have not released a statement upon the fact if the marines will stay to help defend the capital of Uraguay but unconfirmed sources say that this will probably be the case.

In other news...

OoC: Sweet that your handing that out to your soldiers, pretty convenient!

But remember that all of our forces have gone through a major overhaul the last few days and we now use a new standard infantry weapon, machine gun, anti tank weapon and even new ammunitions.

The rest should be fairly as it would be described in the books.
Novaya Brazil
21-11-2004, 20:50
BOOM! An explosian rang over Rio de Jeneiro, up in the skys, Brazilian jet planes were doing all they could to fight the Makaar bombers and fighters, the Brazilian fighters wills, although strong, were not enough as there machinery was out of date.

"Shit! We lost another, screamed Airmen Polaski, as he watched a burning Brazilian Mir 2000 hit the ground.

"Shit screamed another fighter, this is rediclous, screamed another airmen as he fired a missile at a fast moving Makaar plane."

"Say Fox 2 next time dumbass" screamed another soldier.

All the radios came on at once as a General voice came over each radio.

"All aircrfts, fly northwest for, 4 miles, Sector 3, we have a suprise for the Makaar aircrafts, just lead um here."

"Um roger that said one of the airmen as he throttled his plane toward the new objective.

"Oh boys, said the radios again, fly low'!

Up ahead at the objective, was a makeshift hoarde of AA implacements located behind a hill. If all wenbt according to plan, the Makaars could fall right into the trap.

Along the Eastern coast, planes and navy ships are duking it out with Makaarian ships. The Brazilian plane, as ordered are having no problems kamikazeing schief ships, and Aircrafts Carriers.

Soldiers have invaded Uraguay and and are taking up defensive positions along the Rio Negro river, while 2 other battaliosn are invading the citys of Rivera and Artigras, heavy fighting is breaking out with the Makaar troops.

140 soldiers
5 tankks
20 pilots, 14 planes
300 navy personel, 3 ships

Map of Uragauy and Brazilian Positions (
Novaya Brazil
21-11-2004, 21:03
21-11-2004, 21:03
Our governement comdam this invasion we will ask an embargo against Brazil governement!!!
Novaya Brazil
21-11-2004, 21:08
Our governement comdam this invasion we will ask an embargo against Brazil governement!!!

You do that :rolleyes:
21-11-2004, 21:10
The Makaarian jets followed the Brazilians right into the trap. Seven of the eleven that had followed were shot down and the others managed to flee, but were shot down by the rest of the Brazilian jets. However, one pilot made extra sure he would crash into one of the AA emplacements, though he may have missed it.

Makaaran troops took up defensive positions around Montevideo, Treienta y Tres, and south of the Brazilian troops on the Rio Negro, wheeling along huge AA guns and setting them up along the way.

Meanwhile, a huge evacuation of Montevideo was taking place. Several Makaaran soldiers marched thousands of Uruguayan citizens onto the awaiting boats to be taken to safety. One of the colonels came up to General Pitzoch and reported.

"It's pretty bad General," he said, "the Brazilians have us outnumbered to the north. We've made moves to try and reclaim the towns they've taken, but so far, nothing good." The general nodded. "Order the 43rd company to advance to Minas and await orders. Continue the evacuation."

The bombardment of te Brazilian cities from the coast was still underway, as was the battle for the skies above Rio and Brasilia. The government ordered that troops prepare to land on Brazil with the intention of taking the capitol. But, like all governments, they were just words. More and more jets and more and more pilots were sent to their deaths in the skies of Brazil.
21-11-2004, 21:18
Montevideo, headquarters of the 54th marine division.

"Major, major!" Marak stumbeld into the concrete bunker as Major Lane snatched the report from his hands. "I'll take that private, you are dismissed." She knew exactly what was going on and this would confirm her suspision about the enemy moving in. She took a bite from her sandwich and adverted her eyes from the mid-day sun shining its gentle rays through the firing slits, the day was perfect and so was the report. All units had dug in around the city and most the MBT's where in position alongside the Armoured Fist squads to counter any gaps, the commander of the carrier fleet off-shore had already put up airpatrols around the city and was making sure no enemy aircraft nor ships would aproach. Lane was also very happy with the fact that the goverment was also pulling together the local militia and mobilising the city and putting the troops under her controll, this would bolster her 15.000 men strong division up to around 25.000 and she had orderd her men to empty the armouries so that we could be armed and trained in the use of the old m16 rifle's.

In her eyes, the enemy would not take Montevideo and if they would, they would pay dearly.
Novaya Brazil
21-11-2004, 21:29
The men at the AA implacement trapped cheered as all the planes wer shot down, until BOOM!, a huge explosian rocked the southern implacements as a Makaar jet plows into it, 20 men are dead as well as 2,000,000$ in hardware, as more artillery shells exploded in the crash.

The soldiers along the Rio Negro have begun laying a highly flmaable material, similair to pitch along the river, and have begun sending over small units to battle the Makaar forces, some soldiers, strapped with bombs, pretend to surrender until the Makaars come close enough to blast.

The city of Rio de Jeneiro has vitually shut down as constant air raids and nightly blackouts continue, some relief has been put on the town as the Brazilian jet fighters have tooken the attack to the Makaars and are bombing there ships, once again not hesitating to kamikaze.


"We once again meet up with Alexi and Horvan as they slosh across the soppy mud along the Rio Negro.

"Man, this crap is thick, do they make there mud like this on purpose or hat goddam! yelled Alexi as he fell face first into some mud.

"Haha you crack me up, anyway we need to get back to camp, that last skirmish has me bushed. said Horvan

"But did you see me back there, I was like bang bang!, and those Makaars were like AHH! and I was Yeah! said Alexi triumphly

"Yeah, but I saw you running to when saw those guns, those were AAs you idiot they coudnt have hurt you. laughed Horvan

"Yeah, just......shutup! Oh! I ripped this off a dead Makaar said Alexi as he lifted up a new rifle,"its better then our AKs, here have my Ak, now you can go all double action terminator style on there asses. said Alexi as he tripped on another gloopy mud spot.

"No thanks, ah camp".

The camp was a moderatly sized one, full of soldiers alking and the smooth sound of calypso music playing. Men were barbeueing chickens and each man was telling bogus storys to the younger soldiers about how they killed a hundred or thosand Uragauya dn/or Makaar troops

"Good to be home Horvan" said Alexi as he lit a cigerette.

"Yes....yes it is, well im gonna hit the hey, wanna be fresh for the morning, were on picth detail. laughed Horvan

"Damnit, that shit smells, said Alexi
Novaya Brazil
21-11-2004, 21:39
Hurrah, Hurrah rang out the screams of the soldiers in the now unsieged city of Artigas. They had repelled a force that was larger then theres, they celebrated, but the celebartion was cutoff, by the news that more Makaar soldiers were arriving, as well as Dumpsterdam soldiers holding steady in Montivideo.

The soldiers party also didnt last long with even wose news that they were to prepare a counter invasiosn agaisnt Riviera.

In the Northern compaign, the victorys by ground forces were being overshadowed by the fact that the Brazilian Navy was being horribly outnumbered and beaten, the airforce, although still having air ssuperiority, is dwindling. Local Militias, and children armys are being formed in Brazil to help repel, enemy soldiers.

Unkowst to the enemy, however that south of Uraguay, layed a CCBN Ballistic Missile Submarine which had been there since the begiinign of the invasiosn, the orders were finally coming at Montevideo.

5 Long Range Cruise Missiles, purchased awhile back quickly fired out of the submarine, landing 10 mninutes later in key locations around Montivideo inclkuding, Country Capitol Building, Dumpsterdam make shift bases, and any other placs that seemed necessary. The submarine now, is known to then enemy, and was torpedoes trying to escape, all 90 crew members perished, but the damage was already done.
21-11-2004, 21:43
Another squadron of Makaarian fighters swooped above the Brazilian soldiers, escorting a carpet bomber which proceeded to blanket the area with explosions, trying to hit the AA emplacements. Once the bomber had done sufficient damage, the next wave of attack flew in.

300 Chenooks (OOC: Pardon the spelling) converged on the city. As they hovered above, thousands of Makaarian troops dropped in by parachute. Their target was to siexe the AA emplacements. As they landed on the mountains outside the city, they ran towards the AA emplacements, doing their best to dodge the bullets until finally they got to too low an angle for the AA guns to shoot at them. It became a fierce battle of the AA crews against the Makaarian marines, who had discarded their parachutes and got out their machine guns.

With this temporary distraction, another bombing raid was made of the city by Makaarian planes. Very few were shot down, because the Brazilian AA crews were doing their best to kill the Makaarian soldiers that had landed near them.
21-11-2004, 21:49
5 Long Range Cruise Missiles, purchased awhile back quickly fired out of the submarine, landing 10 mninutes later in key locations around Montivideo inclkuding, Country Capitol Building, Dumpsterdam make shift bases, and any other placs that seemed necessary. The submarine now, is known to then enemy, and was torpedoes trying to escape, all 90 crew members perished, but the damage was already done.

OoC: Sorry but I'm going to have to IGNORE that part of your attack. You get to fire the missile's but I get to post up a anti-missile defence where you have to declare losses on your missile's and then whatever remains hit their targets. Also your submarine won't be destroyed if you launched from far away enough, so keep it. :)

IC: CWIS units on the DRN fleet tracked the missile's heading towards Montevideo and started firing with their 30mm Goalkeeper systems as large amounts of decoys and chaff was shot up into the sky to screw up the guidance system. Any missile getting through the hail of the 11 goalkeeper and counter measures would quite possibly hit as much DAF soldiers as civilians.

OoC: CWIS means Close In Weapon System and it designed to take out missile's, aircraft and sometimes even shells fired at my fleets. They are quite effective but way short of a 100% hit ratio.

As for for the missile's that do get through, you don't know exactly where my positions are so I guess your blindfiring which will mean your gona hit alot of things but probably not alot of my soldiers.
Novaya Brazil
21-11-2004, 21:53
Shit! screamed a young 18 year old soldier who was assigned to the AA excapment, as hell swarmed around him, he was frigthened he had no idea that he would be involved in this. He quickly watched as his freinds we being killed, and watching Makaarian bodys pile up as well. Another Brazilian soldier, who wanted the rock that the boy was hiding behind pushed him out.

"Scram kid" siad the soldier as he konicked the boy down.

"We cant win, said a voice behind him, retreat and light the pitch."

The Makaar troops stopped to realize what the gloopy stuff was they were standing in. The brazilian soldiers quickly ran, leaving the AA guns behind them as they attmpted to run away whilst being mown down my worried Makaar machine gunners. One lone Brazilian soldier stood in front of the Makaar soldiers holding a torch.

"Burn in hell Mother Fu*** screamed the soldiers as he fell, the torch hit the ground igniting the picth, flames imeditaly erupted. Some Novaya Brazilian soldiers were captured in the flames and were burnt to death.

In the Southern Cmapaign, Brazilian Troops have begun to cirlce Riviera.
Novaya Brazil
21-11-2004, 21:54
OoC: Sorry but I'm going to have to IGNORE that part of your attack. You get to fire the missile's but I get to post up a anti-missile defence where you have to declare losses on your missile's and then whatever remains hit their targets. Also your submarine won't be destroyed if you launched from far away enough, so keep it. :)

IC: CWIS units on the DRN fleet tracked the missile's heading towards Montevideo and started firing with their 30mm Goalkeeper systems as large amounts of decoys and chaff was shot up into the sky to screw up the guidance system. Any missile getting through the hail of the 11 goalkeeper and counter measures would quite possibly hit as much DAF soldiers as civilians.

OoC: CWIS means Close In Weapon System and it designed to take out missile's, aircraft and sometimes even shells fired at my fleets. They are quite effective but way short of a 100% hit ratio.

As for for the missile's that do get through, you don't know exactly where my positions are so I guess your blindfiring which will mean your gona hit alot of things but probably not alot of my soldiers.

I accept the ignore, im srry, I may try again with another attack later, srry for the godmod.

IC:One of the missiles was able to get past the barrage, this missile was aimed for the Capitol Building, it missed its target by a few feet, instead slamming into a tower.
Novaya Brazil
21-11-2004, 22:00
bumpidy to da
22-11-2004, 00:13
We note with displeasure the continued aggression on the part of the Novayan Brazil regime, especially in the face of such widespread condemnation from the international community. It is unfortunate that we are now forced to take military action to stop this unwarranted aggression.


A pair of B-38 Viracocha's are sent to mount a cruise missile attack on Brasillia, the primary targets being government and military command and control centres. Secondary targets are airfields near the Uruguayan border Each B-38 carries eighty CALCMs, which will be launched from 150 miles off the Brazillian coast. The last 400 miles towards the launch area will be made at low level so as to help avoid detection.
The attacks on the airfields will be followed through by airraids by Venona-class supersonic bombers. They will fly in at low level, with their routes planned to avoid populated areas, and other areas known or suspected to have air defences. They will use Durandal anti-runway bombs to crater runways, and cluster bombs to help slow down repair work. Each airfield will be attacked by a pair of Venona's, armed with 45 Durandals and 45 CBU-59s.

A second, simultaneous raid is launched by a single Vampire-class stealth bomber against the Alacantra space centre, using forty 1000 lb satellite guided bombs. As with the B-38's, the approach to the target will be made at low level, though the actual attack will take place at high altitude, to allow the bombs time to guide themselves to the target, as well as to avoid shrapnel and other debris from bomb blasts.

The Pogey and her escorts are ordered to move to the southern edge of the Brazillian blockade, attempting to remain a fair distance away from the blockade to maintain an element of surprise. A pair of EA-5 E-Centaurs are launched, along with extensive tanker support to probe the northern edge of the blockade, both to gather intelligence and to give the impression that the fleet is further north than it actually is.

The carriers Cryvellia and Xentrallia, along with their escorts set sail from their homeport at Emerald Harbour. Their orders are to make their way to the South Atlantic and rendezvous with the Pogey. They are also authorised to engage any vessels flying the flag of Novaya Brazil Like the Pogey, full air defence conditions will be maintained at all times, i.e. a pair of E-2c's airbourne at all time, each supported by four Harpy-class stealth fighters, with a further four Harpies on four minute readiness to give additional support (n.b. thats for each CBG, not altogether)
Novaya Brazil
22-11-2004, 02:24
Sir you can not win, I aplore you surrender! screamed one of Stavros'es advisors

"Grrr, I cant believe it has come to this, every f**** nation out there, however, I will not surrender, if these new, enemys invade, well, I make it there Veitnam.

"But sir, Shildonia, isnt like the natiosn were fighting now".

"All nations are the same we will win, hell our forces, are on there way towards Montevideo, we take the capitol, we win the war, said Stavros as he took a puff of cigar.

"Grrr, as you wish".

The Novaya Brazil goverment, will not surrender, all Brazilian shisp are ordered to attack all Shildonian ships, police units are scouraging, taking, and exicuting all citizens of Shildonian birth. All factorys have virtually stopped making there products to begin pumping out military vehicles, and food, oil, and supplys are being rationed. All of Novaya Russia is be used 100% for this war.

Rebel groups are rising up to resist the goverment, ther enumbers however are extremely small.
Novaya Brazil
22-11-2004, 03:07
Emporer Pudu
22-11-2004, 12:12
OCC: I hate when i find a good thread and its halfway over when i do!

IC: The Dominion of Emperor Pudu fully condems the invasion that started this war and now seeing the situation in Brazil, will send aid to those defending Uraguay.

We have a fleet on the way down from one of our ports in the UK, it is ready and able to fight, whatever style you like. We also have two squadrons on intercontinental bombers taking off from our Bases in Africa. These bombers are targeting the Barzilian Capital City, in an effort to cripple the leadership of the nation.

The fleet will arive in four houres, it consists of; A Battleship, 4 Light Cruisers, 6 Destroyers, 5 Missile Cruisers, One Light Aricraft Carrier, 2 Amphibious Assualt Ships
22-11-2004, 18:11
Prime Minister Ranford stepped up to the stand, ready to deliver his speech to the nation. As he did, applause rang around the Crown Chambers. The lights dimmed and only a solitary spotlight lit up the Prime Minister. Around him, hundreds of television cameras started filming, lit by the occasional flashes of reporters cameras. He began...

"Ladies and Gentlemen of Makaar," he said, "Military Intelligence has just recieved word that the Brazilian government has begun a push towards Montevideo. We cannot allow them to take the Uruguayan capitol, or we have lost this war. Therefore, I am recalling all army Foreign War units to begin a huge defensive operation of the Uruguayan capitol. We cannot allow communism to triumph over us. We will stand, and we will win this war!!!"

Applause echoed around the room as the audience stood and shouted their approval.


As the speech continued, the Makaaran troops burned away, suffering horrible deaths. Of course, this did not go unseen.

As the Prime Minister continued with his speech, an aide came up to him and whispered something in his ear. His eyes widened. As the aide stepped away, he continued. "People of Makaar, I have just been informed of a violent and brutal attack against our soldiers. The entire 6th Royal Marines division has been burned alive by the Brazilian troops. We will not stand for this murder. Our revenge will be swift. I must go now." He left the podium among murmurs from the crowd.

In the war room, he looked down at the readouts on the computers. His generals were all around a table, planning out the next moves with a huge map that had been quickly sprawled across the table. They weren't lying. His entire 6th division had been burned alive. He sighed. "Launch Operation Berlin Wall." His generals turned to him. "Sir," one said, "It's too early! We haven't completed the first stage of the attack!" Another butted in, "We risk losing more troops!" The Prime Minister knew his generals wouldn't do it. Unless...

A few minutes later, he returned in full military uniform of Deputy Commander In Chief, second to the King. He addressed his generals. "Launch Peration Berlin Wall now!" he cried. His generals, unsure what to do, exchanged glances, until the most senior one said, "Yes sir."


The orders came through as 300 bombers and 100 chenooks, escorted by 450 fighters, left their carriers. They were bound for Rio de Janiero, where they would deliver the fiercest bombing raid of the campaign.

As they closed in on the Brazilian sunset, they changed their formation and sped up. By the time they reached Rio, it was night. Before their position could be effectively tracked, the first round of bombs were dropped. Then, as they turned, a second round were dropped on the AA emplacements. 1,200 bombs exploded at once in the city, before a third round was dropped on the centre of the city. As the final bomb wave was dropped, and after several planes had been shot down by the Brazilian defenses, the Chenooks appeared over the horizon. Each carrying 30 troops, they parachuted them down onto the as yet unbombed outskirts of the city. They ran towards the city as the bomber wing turned and returned to their ships, escorted by the fighter wing. The chenooks landed in a nearby field, with several marines guarding them, as the soldiers made their way through the burning city...
Emporer Pudu
22-11-2004, 21:14
**Pudite War Office**

"Sir, we have confermation from our Colonels in the feild, our troops are within sight of Montevideo. They are beggining to build up the defensive works around the city." The Emperor looked at the map of Uraguay. "Good, inform them that i will be sending another invasion fleet from our own city, here, to aid them, but they should be ready for anything until then." He looked back down at the map.

**In the trenches around Montevideo**

"Colonel, i just got word from Mike that they are sending another fleet down this way, it will be three days until they get here though, and even then, that will only be the ones that can get air-lift in here, the main fleet will still be a day away." The Colonel dismissed the aide he was speaking to before. "Exelent, Now haul your ass back down to the trenches and see if you cant get those Howitzers dug in before nightfall!" "Yes Sir"

**The skies over Sao Palo**

There was at first a slight buz, then it got louder, then it was defening, 20 Intercontinental Strategic Bombers, launched from a base in Africa, came up over the clouds.

The Brazilians on the ground, manning the anti-air guns opened up, the first voly obliterating one plane. Only seconds later about 50 smaller escort jets screamed into veiw. They all opened fire with small rockets, acomplishing little, but distracting the gun crews long enough for the bombers to drop their cargo and turn to fly back to a carrier out at sea. These smaller planes were flying lower, and thus easier to hit. 7 were gone by the time they finaly flew out of veiw, as the bombers were flying away, one more was hit with a lucky blast from one of the AA guns on the ground.

The city was baddly crippled, but now destroyed. The targets had been a few of the factories and military buildings, parts of the area surrounding those targets was gone too, but little else.
The eternal-dragons
22-11-2004, 21:37
------Encrypted Message to Novaya Brazil----------

Seeing as you our a future investment of ours we have decided to aid you in the incoming war......Hence forth we shall comence a daring attack on Shildonian ports and where their main Navy and aiforce are congregating....We also advise you to keep them busy while we prepare a large enough force to engage them..Perhaps it would also be wise to use the Electronic-disrupting bombs we have prepared for you within the various testing sites in your country..If you can then use them to disrupt the enemy's Electrical infrastructure...Perhaps we could commence the attack on Shildonian positions....

Yours truly

Jecht Ackbar..
Novaya Brazil
22-11-2004, 23:01
OCC:Srry it took so long to get a new post, I have been busy, turnign into a hell of a war eh =P.

Northern Campaign
IC:Run for your lifes! Were the sounds heard, as bomber after bomber repeadetly pounded Rio De Jeneiro. The Shildonias, were sure to leave little standing, fortunetly, most of the residential areas seemed to be spared, were as the industrial section was horribly destroyed. The only buildings lft standing, were the Grand 12th Street Hospitol, and The Concreate Fortress of Lord Caganham. Citizens rushed out of the burnign ciy, to the greeting sof Shildonian forces, the citizens waved white flags as they attempted to go about there buisness, moving, or traveling to new citys.

Rebel groups, that resisted the rule of Stavros, hurrily sprang up to assist the Shildonians, about 530 men strong. Not alot, but symbolic nontheless.

However, for every rebel, there are also, communist supported insurgents rising up, doing all they can to hinder the Shildonians, including roadsde bombs, suicide bombers, and random RPG attacks from buildings.

Southern Campaign
The city of Riveira fell easily, as much of the occupying forces, left to defend Montevideo, everyone knew, that the Battle of Montevideo, would be th deciding battle. Forces, spread througout Uraguay, are regrouping in Reviera, to ready for the final assualt on Montevideo. Navy boats, as well as troop tranpsort boats are fighting it out for sea supremacy around the enemy capitol. Hoping for naval attacks and anphibous assualts. Planes, are being sent to the front lines, however they are being grounded due to the large number of enemy AA guns.
Emporer Pudu
22-11-2004, 23:15
The 20,000 Pudite men sent to protect the Uraguayan Capital were busily finishing the barriers around the city. They knew the Brazillians could attack at any miniute and they had to move fast. Deep trenches were built around the city, with different trenches dug about sixty feet behind, built to defend the Howitzers and other more permanent gun emplacements. The tanks were moved up into different diches that offered cover, but also had a ramp for them to exit when needed.

Smaller patrols, mounted in Humvees constantly circled the city 24 hours a day. Air patrols were also common, mostly consisting of 2-5 Apache Helicopters.
23-11-2004, 10:26
The 20,000 Pudite men sent to protect the Uraguayan Capital were busily finishing the barriers around the city. They knew the Brazillians could attack at any miniute and they had to move fast. Deep trenches were built around the city, with different trenches dug about sixty feet behind, built to defend the Howitzers and other more permanent gun emplacements. The tanks were moved up into different diches that offered cover, but also had a ramp for them to exit when needed.

Smaller patrols, mounted in Humvees constantly circled the city 24 hours a day. Air patrols were also common, mostly consisting of 2-5 Apache Helicopters.

OoC: If there was anything to be fortified in Montevideo it was already done so by DAF troops, don't worry. Where masters in sieges so they won't have a walk in the park against us.


Emperor Pudu headquarters in Montevideo

A messenger clad in DAF combat armour entered the command post as he handed his message over to a guard who hopefully would give it to his commanding officer. It had an Royal Navy seal on it showing that it had not been read by anyone, it stated:

To the Commanding Pudo officer,

It is with grate haste that I dispatch this message to you, it seems you are completely unaware of the current situation in Montevideo and your current unwillingness to cooperate with DAF and Uraguaian troops is disturbing. Your attempts to fortify Montevideo have led to nothing but trouble as you attempt to make strongpoints on clearly defined DAF and Uraguaian positions!

If you have any common sense you will talk to me about this or I will see to it that the Uraguaian goverment does no longer need you.

Major Lane, Royal Dumpsterdanian Marine Core.
23-11-2004, 10:57
To all warring parties:

Your flagrant disregard for peace and order in favour of common economic good has forced the government of Panamicrosonia to declare a complete halt to all trading in and out of this region. Until further notice Central Pandemonium shall not deal with the peoples of this regions. all other nations are strongly urged to do likewise.

Richard S. Becker
President and CEO of Panamicrosonia
Emporer Pudu
23-11-2004, 11:58
To the Commanding Pumpsterdam Officer "Aaahhh, The Colonel slammed the letter into the dirt, another one who cant spell our name. PUDU for god sakes! Its not that hard!" The Guard standing in the tent slowly began to back out. "WHERE! do you think you are going!" The man stopped..."Ummmm, just going to, um, fix the tent flap...?"

The Colonel scribled a quick senance onto a peice of paper and handed it off to the young guard, "Run that up to that armoured fellow, see if he cant get this back to their men up top." The guard grabbed the peice of paper and, before turning out the door yelled back in "Yes sir" and then he ran down a path, hoping to find the armoured messanger.

OCC: You spelled 'Pudo' wrong, its Pudu, and you spelled 'Core' wrong, it Corps. The peice of paper simply asks for a small salad. On the back it states that we will indeed cooperate, but as of right now, we dont have to. My Generals are touchy people.
23-11-2004, 16:13
To the Commanding Pumpsterdam Officer "Aaahhh, The Colonel slammed the letter into the dirt, another one who cant spell our name. PUDU for god sakes! Its not that hard!" The Guard standing in the tent slowly began to back out. "WHERE! do you think you are going!" The man stopped..."Ummmm, just going to, um, fix the tent flap...?"

The Colonel scribled a quick senance onto a peice of paper and handed it off to the young guard, "Run that up to that armoured fellow, see if he cant get this back to their men up top." The guard grabbed the peice of paper and, before turning out the door yelled back in "Yes sir" and then he ran down a path, hoping to find the armoured messanger.

OCC: You spelled 'Pudo' wrong, its Pudu, and you spelled 'Core' wrong, it Corps. The peice of paper simply asks for a small salad. On the back it states that we will indeed cooperate, but as of right now, we dont have to. My Generals are touchy people.

OoC: Well what do you expect from a woman? ;) Besides, for the core thingie, it indicates that she is an officer and not a regular grunt.


Montevideo, headquarters of the 54th marine division.

Major Lane read the message and made a mental note about the spelling while dispatching a messenger with a salad back to the Pudu forces.
"Bloody wisecracks that they are." She muttered as he finished it up and threw the paper in a wastebin. "Just tell the fleet off the coast to not let itself be forced out of position and notify our artillery batteries to prepare for counter-battery fire."
Emporer Pudu
23-11-2004, 21:52
OCC: if you have the city so well fortified, then my barricades will be set up outside the city aways...ok?

IC, Of the coast of Sao Palo: A fleet of 19 ships was fast aproaching. Onboard Was a highly-trained strike force under orders to capture the city.

"Sir, the shore is in sight!"

"Good, can you see if there are any ships offshore?"

"No sir, cant make anything out. I could be seeing the skyline, or the tops of battleships. We should stay on alert, just in case."

"Alright, put out a call to the other ships to remain on full alert."


The marine ran up some stairs and relayed the message to the radio men. They sent out the message to the rest of the fleet. The entire fleet continued ahead.
Novaya Brazil
23-11-2004, 22:58
Sir! Screamed an officer as he burst hasily into Stavros's office.

"What the devil"! screamed Stavros, as he fell from his chair.

"Oh um, srry sir, but I have lositic for Montevideo, this could be the final battle".

"Ho hum, let me see them"......"so what can you tell me".

"Well sir, seige, is impossible, they have enough supplies in that city to last years, also, with Dumpsterdam defending, the Pudu soldiers can destroy us.
Derect assault is also impossible, they outnumber us more then 4 to 1.

"Well shit" said Stavros "bring me any good news?"

"Well, there are quarrels amongst the Dumpsterdam command, and Pudu command, not enough to capitilize, but it coulkd lead to a few command problems with them eh."

"Yes I guess" sighed Stavros, how are we prepared to invade Montevideo.

'Well sir, as you know, almost all soldiers have been sent to fortify Montevideo, we are still reveiving small skirmishes with the Shildonians forces, but we havent seen much of them, without defending soldier, the rest of the country as fallen to us, all we need now is to get Montevideo. The Makaars, however are seizing quikte a fight by Rio De Jeneiro, but I think were winning.

"Guys" said Alexi, you know, the soldiers we are fighting are humans just like us.

"So" screamed some soldiers back!

"Why dont we have Thanksgiving dinner with them". sheepishly smiled Alexi

"1, thats crazy, and 2 its 2 days away". said one soldier as he laughed

"Well, yes but we can be ordered to attack at any moment, ya know what, forget you all, im gonna do it, im tired of fighting, one day off wont kill us.

"Hah! What if they shoot you" said one white bandanna wearing soldier

"They wont, becuase ile have this" said Alexi as he grabbed the bandanna and quickly marched out of his tent towards Montevideo, he quickly grabbed one of the Jeeps, picked up 2 more guys who wanted to come, and drove the short 10 minute drive to Montevideo were enemy soldiers were, each looked at them awestruck, Alexi showed his white bandanna, and hopped of the truck to attempt to greet the soldiers. Of course, he was scared shitless.....

(Dont worry guy, it aint a trap so, ya know, beside, no reason we cant have holidays in this RP, then its back to killing =P)
Emporer Pudu
23-11-2004, 23:23
Five Pudite Marines ran up to the jeep and pulled the three men out of the vehicle. One marine brought them a few feet over and began to question them while the other four searched the jeep for exploslives, knowing that the Barzillian government would have no problem blowing up three of their own if it meant five of us dead. The sergent interogating the brazilians asked,

"What the hell are you doing here! What if we had blown you up!"

The sergent waited a few miniutes and then called another marine over to watch the brazilians and went over to the jeep to get the report on the jeeps explosive qualities.

"None sir, this jeep is clean, we did however find some beer in the back."

"Good job marine, you had better load up these men and take them back to command, i will see to that beer.

OCC: im not being a party pooper, just following protocaol, if you are not going to do anything agrivating to our faces we will treat you as if you surrendered. (Not the army, just these three)
Novaya Brazil
24-11-2004, 04:59
"Ah! said Alexi, as he smiled triuphantly, look at us, were getting a free ride fom our enemys".

"Yeah but were prisoners", said one of the Brazillians.

"Yeah, and the bastards took our booze" said another.

"Relax, said Alexi, would you rather be here, our back were we was about to fight these guys.

"Got a point" they said in unision, as Alexi quickly let out a big Hooah!

"Shut The Hell up yelled the Pudu officer in the truck.
10 minutes away, the Brazillian soldiers, having seen now hide or tail of Alexi, began fearing the worse. The officer, were quick to spread propaganda, such as, those evil men took them, even though they were freindly, and such.

With the mens moral and anger high, reinforcements coming, it was time to launch operation "Bait and Hook". They knew, a derect assualt, or siege, would be impossible to win, so Operation Hook and Bait was set, to hopefully, split the Large Forces of Dumpsterdam and Pudu, into smaller ones while one big Brazilian Force pushes through.

20 decoy glider planes disguised as bombers will fly around Montevideo distracting AA Gunners as 2 Silenced Transports will airdrop around 400 soldiers iniside. Each will be strapped with bombs ready to take there lifes in order to kill a few soldiers. They were to make as mcuh noise as possible, to make there numbers seems greater.

Another small forces will invade from the ocean, doing the same.

Another force will invade simotanously from East and West with the same objectives, hopefully the enemy will believe they are outnumbred and trapped, and break up there forces to counterattack, allowing the main army to break thru, take and hold the capitol, it was risky, but necesary.

Forces quickly moved to there positions.

"Sir, said an officer to his General, the gliders and transports are off the ground and in bound

"Good, said the General, commence firing.

Soon every artillery was locked onto Montevideo, and its outskirts and began shelling.
24-11-2004, 09:28
As soon as the enemy artillery barrage began satelite's above South America began to adjust their positions to relay back targets for the batteries in Montevideo. Counter-battery fire was given against Brazilian artillery pieces from both naval guns, Mad Yetti Long Range Rocket Launchers and from the divisions stationary and mobile artillery guns. Major Lee was sure that that her artillery had both the advantage in numbers, quality and guidance from the satelites.

5th brigade of the 54th marine division was completely mechanised and had been ordered to break out and engage the enemy on the surrounding country side and make most of the confusion caused by the artillery fire.
The plains around the city made for good progress as they engaged Brazillian troops and took advantage of the night-time conditions.

In the city and near the fleet AA guns and missile launchers where readying, all units where detected(even the silent gliders) by radar and visual confirmation and where fired upon with 30mm bofors AA guns and SA missile.
However, due to a targeting failure one of the silent gilders was booted out of the radar system, allowing it free passage to land. However, they had to deal with both DAF patrols and snipers...alot...of snipers...
Emporer Pudu
24-11-2004, 12:04
The jeep pulled up to a large tent surrounded by guards and sandbags. On top there was a Pudite flag. "Alright, get out!" The brazillians did as they were told and were led intothe command tent. The Colonel wasent there however, so they would have to wait.

Once the Pudite artillery saw the 'bombers' they opened fire. Large AA guns and smaller roket launchers, all of it. Which is why they were surprised when small arms fire took down one of the gliders. "Damn! what are those made of!" yelled a marine when his pistol took out anothwe glider. after the barrage was over many of the gliders were down, but then the artillery got more urgent orders, the enemy was advancing. The Howitzers re-aimed and began to lay down fire on the advancing brazilians, the fleet of shore also opened up with everything.

**Ofshore Sao Palo**

"Sir, we have a visual, the city is in sight and not a ship to be seen!"

"Good, get the order to the other ships to lay down a slight bombardment before getting up close to land."


The fleet continued on its way, this brazlian post would soon be in Pudite hands.
Novaya Brazil
24-11-2004, 19:50
Sao Palo was virtully shut down, most of the citizens, children, men, women, old poeple, were picking up arms, leaded by an old veteren named McJan, wanted to make sure his city, was ruled by Brazil, and only Brazil. He ordered, and officered his men. 10 men, who were ashamed, drop-outs of the military agrred to carry aout a mission to cripple the invasion forces. Each man, boarded small boats loaded with explosives, to crtash into the shisps. They quickly departed on there mission.
The gliders were being shot down one by one, as expected, however, the Cargo Plane was able to avoid most of the AA fire, until getting hit on the wingg, the men were quickly paradropped into the city, and began shotting there gun madly in the air making a ruckus, and picking-off any AA gunners in there sights. More small contingents doing the same, invaded from East and West. 60 Landing Ships, only quater full to make it seem like a large force, invaded from sea, making lots of noise.

The Main Army to the North Held there position, still firing Artillery into the city.

"Sir, bait and hook is brilliant, but what if we lose" asked a soldier ready to go into battle.

"We have been authorised to use this, freshly bought from the Dictatorship of Klech, 5 Long Range Chemical Missiles, the Launchers are hidden as well as the missiles, were hoping it doesnt come to that, but if we cant win, then we will make it hell for them".
24-11-2004, 20:09
As the reports came in, General Li-Chow glanced over to his screen. A small, oriental man of 42 years service in the Makaaran Army, he was an excellent tactician, well versed in the art of strategy. Finally, he looked back at his assistant, Brigadier Sir Johnathan Korochov. "And eyewitness reports?" he said. The Brigadier replied, "Ranging from 300 to 1000, sir," he said, "Makaaran troops have engaged the force a number of times." The General nodded. "Recall the 20th and 21st divisions to Montevideo. Move the 3rd division East of the city. How many men in the 3rd division?"

"700, sir," the brigadier said. He took down the General's orders on a notepad. "We'll wait for them inside the city," the General said, "we'll be safer there. Have the 2nd Tank Corps return to Montevideo as well." The Brigadier took down the rest of the General's orders in neat handwriting.


The troops in Rio were slowly making their way through the city, amid huge gunfire. Half of the invasion force had been shot, but another wave of reinforcements, carrying the last remnants of the 12th Division, were already landing south of the city, bringing another 300 people into the fight.

Jake Borokon watched from the guard towers from the captured part of the city. He was watching the fires and the gun fights in the Brazilian control portion of the city. Then, he heard a scream. A Brazilian child, no older than 7 or 8, was running through the streets, perfectly naked and screaming for help. Borokon leaned over the side of the tower and, in his best Portugese, shouted, "Stop! Stop now! This is a restricted area!" The child just screamed louder and louder. As another bomb fell somewhere in the city, she saw the pillar of smoke and ran for a building on the opposite side of the street. The Makaaran weapons store.

"Stop!" Jake cried as the girl feverishly worked the padlock on the door with her tiny hands. Whatever she had done before, it had been stealing or something. The padlock was slowly becoming looser and looser.

There were no other troops in sight. As Jake called again, the door flung open, knocking the girl to the floor. As she got up, she ran to the open door.

A tear welled up in Jake's eye. He knew what he had to do. He aimed his gun and pulled the trigger.

Silence. The girl fell down, a pool of blood forming beneath her, slowly. The door to the ammunitions store was completely open now. Jake couldn't hold it in any longer. He let out a sob, then a wail, looking down at the dead body beneath him. He threw his rifle out of the tower, pulled out his pistol and levelled it at his own head.

The ravages of war.
24-11-2004, 21:46
The eternal-dragons
25-11-2004, 00:19
OOC: Did you see my post Novaya?
Novaya Brazil
25-11-2004, 04:16
OOC: Did you see my post Novaya?

Yes, but the wars almost over so I dont think you could be much help no offense.
Emporer Pudu
25-11-2004, 11:38
The shps off Sao Palo were almost ready to begin bombardment of the city. Their radar men were not paying much attention after the report came in that there were no ships in dock. So when the first explosion happened it surprised everybody. The second and third had the same effect. Once the fith happened the sailors were pretty used to it. What they were not used to was seeing two of their Light Cruisers sink when there were no ships in sight! Three damaged destroyers and two Light Cruisers sunk.

The fleet opened up with everything it had, within miniutes the dock side of the city was flat. The smaller landing craft pulled ahead and began the run for the beach. On each there was either 150 soilders of some number of heavy tanks and Humvees. When they got close to the shore a couple of howitzers mounted of the aircraft carrier opened up, and 25 F-14's screamed of the flight deck, ready to begin their bombing runs.

The General stood upon his Flagship and surveyed the landing fleet. "Damn good lads" he said to himself, another voice was heard behind him, it was the captain, "Lets make sure those men have a chance when they get to shore!" The captain ordered the that all naval bombardment be concentrated on one area at a time, moving across the city.


The howitzers continued firering, despite one being hit with an enemy shell. Most of the men in the trench were nearvos, never having seen combat before, and not knowing what to expect, the veterans telling tales of war around the acmpfire last night, some of the recruits began to wonder if any of it had been true...

The few Pudite soilders in the city quickly took up positions in a ruined gym. They were surrounded by brazilian paratroopers. The rest of the Pudite army was outside the city and they knew that, "Hawkins, bring that crate over here, were makin a barricade!"

A large man stepped out of a storage closet for a ssecond before dissapearing and the re-appearing with a very large crate. "Whatdaya need a baricade fer, they aint got the men to push in here?"

"I know that!, but it inmproves morale if it looks like we are doing something. Now get to work."


The soilders inside the gym numbered about 55 men, with few heavy weapons. They couldnet hold out for long.
25-11-2004, 12:27

Heavy streetfighting had broken out between suicide commando's, Marine snipers and other DAF patrols, but the outcome was already set as insurgents failed to kill any large amount of soldiers and major Lane was informed that the 5th brigade was now engaging the main Brazilian force outside of Montevideo, also the perimiter around the city was still intact and counter battery fire seemed to be effective.

A certain gym in the middle of Montevideo.

Pudite soldiers heard a rather unsetteling crack, and the smashing of walls near one of the side entrances. As they raced over, weapons ready they found something had smashed itself through the brick wall and into the main hall of the gym. Two Rhino APC's covered in dust and rubble stood there as one of the main hatches opened and a confused brigade sergeant stood up from the turret.

"Oy, you there chaps, you happen to know the way to the Dumpsterdanian Marine headquarters?"

He removed something from a cupholder that looked like small cup of tea, he sipped it while starting down several machine gun barrels and other automatic weapons.

"Well you chaps don't seem that happy to see me..."
Emporer Pudu
25-11-2004, 15:58
**In a gym with a big hole**

The Pudite commander stepped forward, with a slightly bemused look on his face. "We would be happy to give you directions, but you must agree to give us a ride, Do you agree?" The captain stepped back and told one of his marines to bring him his canteen. when he returned the captian took it and filled his rations cup with tea and began to sip it.

Another soilder in the back yelled out, "We'll only show ya teh way if ya share yer tea!"

**Sao Palo**

The first wave had landed. 5,000 Pudite soilders were now on the waterfront, slowly advancing through a hail of small arms fire. Many were taking cover behind their tanks, which were returning fire with great effect. The landing craft went back to th ships to collect the cecond wave of soilders and vehicles.

After a few miniutes a wave of Apache helicopters flew over the city, letting loose their rockets itno the city where the brazilians were hiding.
25-11-2004, 17:24
There are no Shildonian troops in Brazil, or Uruguay for that matter. All I've done so far is bomb you (damages for the airfields that were hit would be nice, not to mention the hit on Alacantra)


Your halfhearted attempts at genocide will be of little use in deterring us from continuing our actions to save Uruguay. If anything, they merely increase our resolve to end your reign of tyranny and set up a functioning democracy within Brazil so that its peoples can live in freedom, away from the enslaving yoke of Communist oppression.


The MTSC (Maritime Tracking Satellite Constellation) gave the first warning that the Pogey was under threat. The network had been hard pressed to provide decent coverage of a conflict this close to the equator, and a couple of RHLS launches had been commandeered by the Shildonian Navy to launch their four spare satellites to help provide additional coverage. Even so, it wasn't perfect, and it was during one of these times of missing coverage when the Brazillian fleet began to move.
It took almost two hours for the next pass to begin, and a further 15 minutes for the data to be analysed and transmitted to Commodore Thompson aboard the Pogey. By then, almost a third of the 600km gap between the fleets had evaporated. Thompson quickly ordered the fleet to turn eastward, to try and maintain what distance there was while his pilots got briefed and airbourne.

30 minutes later

The Brazillian fleet had been able to edge another 30km closer, but still hadn't opened fire. By now, all of the airworthy A-5 Centaur and EA-5 E-Centaurs, as well as the F-72 Harpies, in the fleet had been fueled, armed and were ready to launch. Commodore Thompson gave the order to sail into the wind, and begin launching the aircraft. Even launching an aircraft every 30 seconds, it would still take almost 20 minutes before the vast aerial armada was airbourne. The KA-5's tankers would be the first to launch, so that aircraft could be refueled while waiting for the rest of the planes to launch.
Unfortunately, the wind direction meant the Shildonian fleet would have to sail almost directly towards the oncoming Brazillian fleet. By the time the aircraft had been launched, the two fleets would be just over 300km apart.

(I'm assuming your ships are travelling at a speed of around 30 knots. It probably won't be much faster than that, so the distances are more or less correct. If your ships aren't in attack range yet just say so, and then I'll post my attack on your ships)
The eternal-dragons
25-11-2004, 18:46
OOC: Ok brazil......But can you at least make a statement I.C?..And why is it that only communist countries get attacked :( ?
25-11-2004, 19:19
OOC: Ok brazil......But can you at least make a statement I.C?..And why is it that only communist countries get attacked :( ?

Most dont like communist countrys and besides I started the war.


"Sir, I come bearing reports, rang a technical sergeant as he came up to the Montevideo Attack Commander.

"Well what do you have to bring me".

"Well sir, ''Operation Bait and Hook'' was only half sucesful, we were able to get the troop into the city, but the frontline troops didnt fall for it, however, the paratroopers have a small section in the ceneter of the city, under Brazilian control. The rest, including the soldiers that attacked by sea, or held down, behind some makeshift hasty barricades.

"I see......hmmm, bring me the papers I need to sign to launch those AV-88 Chemical Missiles.


"You heard me, damnit if we cant win, might as well take them all down"!.

Before long, 10, Kleck Chemical Launchers and 10 missiles, we wheeled to heavily guarded areas outside of the city.

"Sir, they have those AA guns in there, cant they shoot these down".

"2 things, if they do, the chemicals will explode casuing death, also were gonna order all troops to destroy AA guns.

"But that would kill our troops"

"Just give the goddam order".
Sa Paulo

All militia members were taking up positions in houses, buildings, and other places that can protect them from the airstrikes. McJan, set up his headquarters inside a Mall, the mall was almost wholey made of concrete, so it was pretty immune to most airstrikes.

Militia members were busily setting up roadside bombs preparing for the invasiosn to eneter the city, fighting was taking places at the beach and docks.
Emporer Pudu
25-11-2004, 20:04
**Sao Palo**

The Pudite soilders were making slow progress, their better training and equipment proving the deciding factor. Continued airstrikes kept the majority of the brazilians pinned down. The second awve had just arrived and were moping up behind the first wave.

The tank squadrons were causing great dammage to the city. A small group of Humvees were moving ahead of the main force clearing out buildings before the tanks flattened them. It was slow progress but it was effective. Only the most heavily armed of the brazilians could stop the tanks and he hummers were quick enough to get out of most trouble.

The naval bombardment ceased and the aircraft was given new orders at the higest priority. Satalites had seen the chemical weapons launchers and a full 50 Attack and Bomber planes were dispatched from each of the three Carriers of the coast of Brazil and Uraguay. The first squad found the the base easily enough, but when they approached they were hit with heavy AA fire. They doubled back and warned the other aircraft that the guns needed to be cleared. A small bomber squad began a run on the guns, against the orders of the squadron. They were making their way down, on the way three of the 6 planes were shot down but the last two crashed into teh guns with enough force to destroy them even if they were not filled with explosives. They knew these were not the only guns and that they diddnt have enough bombers to take out the other guns.
Novaya Brazil
26-11-2004, 08:42
"Shit Shit Shit" yelled officers, there one to the chemical weapons!

"Hurry,, launch them now.

"With thats said, 30 soldiers, wearing Gas Mask ran towards the launchers, as they approcuhed, a missile struck the launcher farthest in the bag, casuing a massive explosian, the soldiers not armed with mask quickly abandined the area for the Novayan Main Army. The others atyed behind to launch the reamining 4 missiles.

With a whoosh the missiles were fired straight into Montevideo, the quickly gained speed, as they approuched there destination......
Emporer Pudu
05-12-2004, 01:53
That was it, the missils were in the air and there was little that could be done to stop them now. The commander of the Air Wing over the launch site contacted the ground commanders in Montevideo, informing them of the situation.

The Wing dropped its last load of bombs and began thye flight home. They would land on their carriers and set course for their port in Egypt. For them the war was over.

In Montevideo there was chaos, the men scrambled to get their masks on before the missiles got there. Commanders were shouting orders and soilders were panicing.

In Sao Palo The soilders were still fighting, advancing through the city and killing all in their way. There were a few deaths but nothing to bad. The tank were rolling through and securing key points. The city was almost secure, there were only a few men left to oppose them there.