20-11-2004, 05:50
OCC: This is a 1600ish type of RP. Basically a fanatasy type map, with four large landmasses, and a few scattered islands. Aubain sits on a large landmass, as do many other nations(You can fit your nation anywhere). Most islands are void of sovereignity as is one landmass(Instead, they have cruel people like the Aztecs/Indians/ect).
The goal is to colonize and defeat sovreign nations..or of course ally with them. As for allies/enemies. You can be a wild civilization living in a untamed island, whose goal is to defeat the colonial powers, or be a sovreign state preparing to colonize. Your nations government can stay whatever it is in the game, so it can be a Republic, or a Facist state. Please state what your nation shall be so we know who to fight and such.
Native peoples can fight eachother, as can the sovreign civilized people. Technology is limited to what they had by about the 1650s. So that means Muskets, pikes, ect. You may also start with over-seas possessions if you wish.
Also, don't be afraid to spice it up! Maybe your nation will have a revolution due to slavery in the colonies, or perhaps you will war-monger your way to the top, to own everything! Diplomatics shall make this RP fun. Do not be afraid to send envoys and such to meet with leaders to sign treaties.
If a nation is horribly beaten and perhaps running low on money, you are pretty much doomed, unless you have an idea up your sleeve. A nation that had been defeated to much will be knocked out of the colonization race, but you can still defeat other nations on your mainland, and perhaps get back into the race!
Aubainian royal palace, November 19th:
"My lord and sovreign, Drake Rlugia, I bow before thee." The foreign minister said, bowing in a almost idiotic way, but not before removing his plumed hat. When the king signaled for the minister to rise, he did. Excited, the foreign minister began talking.
"My lord, the nobles grow weary and full of envy of other nations over-seas empires! Tales talk of golds, silks, and even wild people who can be tamed and converted to Christianity, and used as slaves! What is your stance on this my king?"
The monarch stroked his chin gently, with his chubby hand. It had many rings on. To demand respect, one needed to dress perfectly, even if it costed thousands of the golden coins to do so.
"Aah. I have made mine choice. Prepare the Aubainian navy! We shall set off towards these wonderous lands across the sea, and create a empire of our own. Who knows, we might just come out on top. . ."
And thus, the Aubain fleet began work to set sail. It would have to wait for good winds however, it is wanted optimal preformance.
The goal is to colonize and defeat sovreign nations..or of course ally with them. As for allies/enemies. You can be a wild civilization living in a untamed island, whose goal is to defeat the colonial powers, or be a sovreign state preparing to colonize. Your nations government can stay whatever it is in the game, so it can be a Republic, or a Facist state. Please state what your nation shall be so we know who to fight and such.
Native peoples can fight eachother, as can the sovreign civilized people. Technology is limited to what they had by about the 1650s. So that means Muskets, pikes, ect. You may also start with over-seas possessions if you wish.
Also, don't be afraid to spice it up! Maybe your nation will have a revolution due to slavery in the colonies, or perhaps you will war-monger your way to the top, to own everything! Diplomatics shall make this RP fun. Do not be afraid to send envoys and such to meet with leaders to sign treaties.
If a nation is horribly beaten and perhaps running low on money, you are pretty much doomed, unless you have an idea up your sleeve. A nation that had been defeated to much will be knocked out of the colonization race, but you can still defeat other nations on your mainland, and perhaps get back into the race!
Aubainian royal palace, November 19th:
"My lord and sovreign, Drake Rlugia, I bow before thee." The foreign minister said, bowing in a almost idiotic way, but not before removing his plumed hat. When the king signaled for the minister to rise, he did. Excited, the foreign minister began talking.
"My lord, the nobles grow weary and full of envy of other nations over-seas empires! Tales talk of golds, silks, and even wild people who can be tamed and converted to Christianity, and used as slaves! What is your stance on this my king?"
The monarch stroked his chin gently, with his chubby hand. It had many rings on. To demand respect, one needed to dress perfectly, even if it costed thousands of the golden coins to do so.
"Aah. I have made mine choice. Prepare the Aubainian navy! We shall set off towards these wonderous lands across the sea, and create a empire of our own. Who knows, we might just come out on top. . ."
And thus, the Aubain fleet began work to set sail. It would have to wait for good winds however, it is wanted optimal preformance.