Presidential Debate in ViZion (ViZionarian Election - All Invited!)
20-11-2004, 01:58
THIS DEBATE HAS ENDED - A new one for more questions will be coming up during this week.
OOC: Ref -
Members of your nations press may attend. Open to everyone. Please ask your questions! Please don't make OOC posts in here. Only IC.
ViZion's first Presidential Debate of this election year is being held at ViZion City University in ViZion City, ViZion. President Maybury, Hiro "Chiefy the VI" Ando VI, Josh Mercur, Kyle Maka, Rick "Bloody" Malibu, Joe Munson, and Conrad Milkis will all be attending, and are very excited for this.
As the audience and press is being let in and seated, the seven men were already up on the stage, talking to eachother. This would give people a taste of what these men represented.
President Maybury - Juris Naturalis
Chiefy the VI - Classical Libertarian (Not Liberal or Libertarian)
Josh Mercur - Democrat
Kyle Maka - Republican
Rick "Bloody" Malibu - Militaristic Opposition
Joe Munson - Isolationist
Conrad Milkis - Dictator Opposition Party
As they see the people begin to enter the room and get their seats, they each shake eachothers hands, wishing the other good luck. Rather they meant that or not, we don't know.
20-11-2004, 02:09
Anyone gonna send press to question these men running for President of ViZion?
Cherry Ridge
20-11-2004, 02:33
"Mr. Maka seems to have the most support from forign nations, including my own nation, Cherry Ridge. How do the other men respond to this. DOn't you want a president who would keep Vizion friendly with other nations?" asked a CRUNN* reporter
*Cherry Ridge Unified News Network, merger of all new agencys in CR
20-11-2004, 02:37
To: Imported ViZion
From: President J.L. of Roach-Busters
If there are any candidates you would like to see "disappear," I can arrange it for a modest fee.
"Also Mr. Maka, if elected, what would you do for the Muslim community in ViZion?" Asked Abul Rahim, reporter for Al Jazeera.
20-11-2004, 02:48
"Mr. Maka seems to have the most support from forign nations, including my own nation, Cherry Ridge. How do the other men respond to this. DOn't you want a president who would keep Vizion friendly with other nations?" asked a CRUNN* reporter
*Cherry Ridge Unified News Network, merger of all new agencys in CR
President Maybury quickly stated, "Who is to say that we will not be friendly with other nations when I am to be President again? We have a very polished track record under my leadership. Mr. Maka I feel is not capable of pulling together a large amount of support when ViZion truly needs it."
Rick "Bloody" Malibu was disgusted at that. "And you don't think I can draw nations to ViZion's side? How dare you. You will find ViZion will have plenty of support in our wars."
Josh Mercur was next, and simply stated, "Nations will soon find that we are a friendly nation to deal with. We will make plenty of allies with my leadership."
Conrad Milkis did not like Malibu's statement. "Look, you make ViZion look like a greedy, war mongering nation. Yes, nations will come to our side, but not with you. Not with anyone except me."
"Who needs allies or trade partners anyway? We need to be isolated, keep everyone away from us, and keep us away from everyone!" yelled Mr. Munson.
After everyone else made their comments, Chiefy the VI made his. "If the people of ViZion should choose me to become President of this great nation, I will make sure that ViZion makes strong alliances and trade partners with friendly nations. Those who try to use ViZion, or those who go around causing trouble, we simply will not deal with. We will work together with the international community to promote peace, and those who disrupt it, who needs those people? Certainly not ViZion."
20-11-2004, 02:56
"Also Mr. Maka, if elected, what would you do for the Muslim community in ViZion?" Asked Abul Rahim, reporter for Al Jazeera.
The muslim community will be treated with respect, just as everyone else would. And, just like everyone else, at the age of 18, they will be required to enlist for at least four years in our armed forces. The Muslims are great people, and great workers."
"I believe my track record with the Muslims, and others, pretty well sums it up. They will be treated just as all others would be." stated Maybury.
Malibu was excited to answer this, "They will be pushed into our armed forces. Just as everyone else would. The more people, the more military, the stronger our nation!"
Conrad Milkis disagreed, "Malibu, stop spreading your crap. I think we all know of your abuse towards Muslims and all others who are non-whites in the armed forces!"
John Mercur said, "We will love them as well as all our other people. If they struggle in life, they will be helped by the welfare program I will have expanded."
"Bah, keep everyone out!" said Munson. "We need to isolate our selfs! Power to the ViZionarians!" he yelled.
"Look, no one should get any 'special treatment', rather good or bad. Muslims, Asians, whites, blacks, Christians, Catholics, Jewish, or whoever. We're all equal when we're born. But you make out of your life after that will determine how your life will go in ViZion." said Chiefy.
Cherry Ridge
20-11-2004, 03:06
"What are your relations with the Catholic archdiocese like?"
Holy Paradise
20-11-2004, 03:09
Holy Paradise will be sending 23 members of HPBC and 18 members of the Associated Press.
Holy Paradise
20-11-2004, 03:15
Ooc: lets say the my press sent have arrived already.
IC: "I have a question for the canididates. As many of you have stated that you are either against or for Euthinization a.k.a "Mercy killing" Explain your beliefs." -HP Associated Press member
20-11-2004, 03:15
"What are your relations with the Catholic archdiocese like?"
Mr. Maka was glad the religion issue came up, "Well, I would be very interested in making Catholic our state religion, as all people should be religious and have religious morals."
Isolationist Munson disagreed, "We don't need a state religion. Hell, we won't even need religion at all. Any religions not in ViZion should be kept out of ViZion. In fact, all religions that didn't start here should be banned!"
"Bah, people should have the right to choose their religion! And I disagree with any religions who disagree with abortion or same sex marraige." said Mercur.
Malibu and Milkis finally agreed upon something, "We don't need religion. We need people who obey us and fight for ViZion!"
President Maybury and Chiefy also agreed with eachother, "I'm appalled that anyone would ever consider banning religion or making a state religion in ViZion!" Chiefy said. "If people want to be religious, good. If not, fine. But we cannot, and will not, force people to be either or, nor will we have a state religion!"
Holy Paradise
20-11-2004, 03:18
Mr. Maka was glad the religion issue came up, "Well, I would be very interested in making Catholic our state religion, as all people should be religious and have religious morals."
Isolationist Munson disagreed, "We don't need a state religion. Hell, we won't even need religion at all. Any religions not in ViZion should be kept out of ViZion. In fact, all religions that didn't start here should be banned!"
"Bah, people should have the right to choose their religion! And I disagree with any religions who disagree with abortion or same sex marraige." said Mercur.
Malibu and Milkis finally agreed upon something, "We don't need religion. We need people who obey us and fight for ViZion!"
President Maybury and Chiefy also agreed with eachother, "I'm appalled that anyone would ever consider banning religion or making a state religion in ViZion!" Chiefy said. "If people want to be religious, good. If not, fine. But we cannot, and will not, force people to be either or, nor will we have a state religion!"
The press wrote down the comments quickly. As Holy Paradise is 98% Catholic, this would probably get Maka another donation.
20-11-2004, 03:23
Ooc: lets say the my press sent have arrived already.
IC: "I have a question for the canididates. As many of you have stated that you are either against or for Euthinization a.k.a "Mercy killing" Explain your beliefs." -HP Associated Press member
"I will take this one." Said President Maybury, "Look, Euthinization is wrong, however you want to look at it. I am a very religious person, and this is one thing I flat out will not tolerate. It's one of the few things I will not allow."
Chiefy followed up by saying, "Hey, ViZion is about choices. As much as I disagree with this, and I am religious, if someone is going to die for sure, and they are in terrible pain, we should not force them to be tortured. They have the right to make that decision."
Josh Mercur basicly echoed Chiefy's statement, "They have the right to live or die. If they are in major pain, they have the right to make that decision."
Kyle Maka disagreed, "Look, we need to make people realize that killing them selves wont make things better. They've got family, many people have children. They are committing suicide, and leaving their family and friends without them."
Malibu disagreed with everyone so far, "Hey, they want to die? Well, we won't let them commit suicide. We will simply place them where we need the man power, rather it be in a war zone, or constructing a monument."
Munson also disagreed with everyone. "We need to keep ViZionarians in ViZion. If we allow them to kill them selves, they are in essence leaving ViZion, and we should not tolerate that!"
Milkis agreed with Malibu on this, too. "They want to die, we need more man power. Good combination!"
Holy Paradise
20-11-2004, 03:25
"Also please answer this question. As all of you probably have heard, the "Ban Nuclear Weapons" U.N. resolution was shot down. However, over 7,000 nations voted for it, which is a strong showing for such a radical idea. Please state and explain your stances on whether or not you want to ban nuclear weapons in ViZion." -HP HPBC.
20-11-2004, 03:33
"Also please answer this question also. As all of you probably have heard, the "Ban Nuclear Weapons" U.N. resolution was shot down. However, over 7,000 nations voted for it, which is a strong showing for such a radical idea. Please state and explain your stances on whether or not you want to ban nuclear weapons in ViZion." -HP HPBC.
Mr. Malibu cracked up when he heard that, then got him self quickly under control. "Banning nuclear weapons? Are you joking me?! No! We will not ban them. I will make sure we increase them!"
Milkis yet again agreed with his opponent, "We will not ban these. We need them for our military!"
Mr. Munson disagreed, "We will ban them. We'll sell them, too. We don't need them, we're going to be isolated."
"We need to get shrink, but not get rid of, our nuclear stash, as we need them for a decent military." stated Mercur.
Maka disagreed, "We need to keep the, and keep them growing, for our nations military." he stated.
President Maybury stated, "We need to limit the growth of these, but not shrink our numbers, stop all together, or completely ban them. This is an important part of a strong military.
Chiefy had a different opinion on this. "We need to continue to produce these. It is important to a strong military and a good defence. It also works to keep attacks from happening. Not only that, but it is our sovereign right to keep these. But, I want to invest more money into our companies to find even better weapons, ones that are stronger, more efficient, less expensive, and better for the environment."
Holy Paradise
20-11-2004, 03:36
"This is directed to Mr. Munson. Sir, you say that if you are elected, you will end all ties with other nations and cut down the military's size by 95%. How will you be able to do those two things yet keep the economy alive and protect ViZion?" -HP Associated Press Member.
20-11-2004, 03:39
"This is directed to Mr. Munson. Sir, you say that if you are elected, you will end all ties with other nations and cut down the military's size by 95%. How will you be able to do those two things yet keep the economy alive and protect ViZion?" -HP Associated Press Member.
"There is no reason any nation would attack us if we stay out of their business. We will be working under the radar. If we are attacked, I know how countries opperate, and they do not generally tolerate unwarrented attacks upon innocent nations.
"As for our economy, ViZion is very sell-efficient. We will be cutting down many laws, such as minimum wages and so forth, thus enabling our businesses to boom, and offer lower prices to our people."
OOC: I'm gonna go get some dinner, back in a bit... You can keep posting your questions and I'll answer when I get back on!
Holy Paradise
20-11-2004, 04:14
A Few Rich People
20-11-2004, 04:16
"Hello, Kirna Fiay here from the Mikosolf News Network, and I would like to ask if elected what type of stance would you take on international buisnesses and foreign commerce?"
20-11-2004, 04:23
"James Vasard, Arn-Maciska Times.
"My question is for all candidates; We would like to know what each candidate's stance is on the environment."
20-11-2004, 04:38
"Hello, Kirna Fiay here from the Mikosolf News Network, and I would like to ask if elected what type of stance would you take on international buisnesses and foreign commerce?"
President Maybury was first to answer this. "We will have somewhat high taxes on foreign brands and products. Aside from what, it's a free market."
Chiefy was sure to please everyone on this, "We were based on Austrian Economics. That is the ideal free market for businesses. That is my stance. An economy thrives on competition."
"You know my answer... stay out." Said Munson.
Mr. Maka was happy to answer, "We're a free market system! Foreign companies and brands are free to come in!"
Mr. Malibu and Mr. Milkis both agreed yet again. "Higher tariffs for foreign brands are products."
Mercur had a slightly different approached. "Our government will be reviewing every foreign brand and product that wishes to enter into our economy. Those who don't pass our high 'bar' will not be allowed in, and those who are will be taxed largely."
Holy Paradise
20-11-2004, 04:42
" I have a question for all of the canididates. Could you explain your stances on the death penalty?" -HPBC reporter.
20-11-2004, 04:48
"James Vasard, Arn-Maciska Times.
"My question is for all candidates; We would like to know what each candidate's stance is on the environment."
Chiefy stepped up first. "As much as I am pro-military and pro-economy, I am also pro-environment. Our military is working on weapons that wont have such a poor effect on the environment, and I will ensure that out of the few restrictions on our business, some of those will be for protecting the environment."
Mr. Maybury answered next. "The environment is a major issue in ViZion. ViZionarians, such as my self, are very big in keeping the environment clean and safe. I will be working on making sure it stays clean. I have a very clean track record for this."
"Ahh, the environment. That comes second to business and military. Without business and military, ViZion is nothing." said Mr. Malibu.
Mr. Munson then spoke, "The environment will be kept very clean, and I will ensure there will be many a law to protect it. I ensure you that."
"We need safety in ViZion, and without a good economy to support a strong military, we would be in trouble. The environment would be a major thing for us, but will not be safe guarded from business or the military." said Milkis.
Mr. Maka was next, "The environment is an extremely important issue to us here in ViZion. It always has been. I will ensure laws will be upheld to make sure it is kept that way."
Mr. Mercur responded, "The environment is one of my top priorities, and the two major things that mess it up, business and the military, will be strictly prohibited from doing any harm to it."
20-11-2004, 04:59
" I have a question for all of the canididates. Could you explain your stances on the death penalty?" -HPBC reporter.
"Anyone who goes against the government will quickly be killed. Those who commit major crimes will be tortured before death." said Mr. Milkis.
"If anyone in the military turns against us, or commits any crimes against our laws, they will be killed. Any murderers who are not in the government or military will also recieve this." said Mr. Malibu.
Mr. Maka responded, "I have a policy of an eye for an eye, a life for a life. If someone murders another person, they will be put on death row. If they commit armed robery, or rape, they will also recieve the same punishment of death."
Mr. Munson disagreed, "Taking the life of a fellow ViZionarian would be like forcing them out of the country. We cannot do that!"
Mr. Mercur disagreed yet again, "We cannot impose the death penalty. If we do that, we would be showing that ViZion is a barbaric nation! We are far above that!"
President Maybury had his own idea, "Death penalty? No. What we need to do is force them onto a small, desert island, forcing them to live there, away from civilization."
Chiefy had yet another idea, "Yes, we need to have the death penalty. However, we should try to stay away from that. If possible, these people should be forced to work for their victoms and the victoms family for however long the court decides. They should be in debt, money wise, to that family and the government, and be in debt to the victom and their family as far as their liberties go."
Holy Paradise
20-11-2004, 05:01
"I have yet another question. What are your stances on drugs like marijuana and cocaine and could you please explain your stances?" -HPBC reporter
20-11-2004, 05:22
Afrikaan News Officials from Tinagel called in with questions for Kyle Maka:
#1. "What do you plan to do about world wide threats to peace?"
#2. "What would you do if an extremist group funded by [Rightists or Leftists]?"
#3. "Would yo increase relations with the Right Wing Collective from ViZion?"
#4. "What is your stance on the Afrikaan Umpire?"
20-11-2004, 05:27
"I have yet another question. What are your stances on drugs like marijuana and cocaine and could you please explain your stances?" -HPBC reporter
President Maybury asked, "Do you mean, would we allow our citizens to use it, or what? Please be a little more specific."
20-11-2004, 05:45
Afrikaan News Officials from Tinagel called in with questions for Kyle Maka:
#1. "What do you plan to do about world wide threats to peace?"
#2. "What would you do if an extremist group funded by [Rightists or Leftists]?"
#3. "Would yo increase relations with the Right Wing Collective from ViZion?"
#4. "What is your stance on the Afrikaan Umpire?"
President Maybury spoke, "Well, for your first question, ViZion will be exiting our alliances. However, those threats that would affect us, we would deal with them via diplomatic ways. If that does not work, force will be used. As for your second question, what do you mean? As for increasing relations with the RWC, no. We would not, just as we will not with any other alliances aside from the CFA, which is our region. And what is our stance with you? Well, we plan to cut our political ties, however trade and travel will be endorsed."
Chiefy then answered. "We will be dealing with threats to world peace in diplomatic ways. We will not appease, but will try to work out peace. If that cannot be done, than yes, military WILL be used. As far as the RWC, we will not be entering anymore alliances, however single nations we may align with. As for the status with Afrikaan, I would have to look more into the nation before I could say. As for terrorists? I could care less if all of the most powerful nations around backed them, ViZion will do everything in its power to completely destroy them."
"A military take over is the only way to assure world peace." said Malibu, "And terrorist scum, no matter who they are or who supports them, we will destroyed! We will align with the RWC likely, as well as your nation."
Milkis echoed the same message, "We will take over any threats to world peace, and kill any terrorists. We will likely ally with the RWC and your nation."
Mr. Maka was a bit more cautious of what he was going to say, "Of course diplomacy if possible. However, military action will be taken if they refuse that. And terrorists? Well, there's more than one reason to have intel and special forces. That's what I can tell you. As far as what our plans for with RWC and Afrika, I cannot say at this time."
Joe Munson, though, had a completely different view on all these foreign issues. "World threats? Unless they directly attack us, we would have no reason to do anything to them. Terrorists? Our borders are closed, they will not enter. And, no, we will not be become an ally of the RWC or Afrika."
Mercur was a bit more "caring" than these others. "I will do anything and everything I can do to make sure we have diplomatic solutions to any threats, rather it be terrorists or nations. Both are a threat to world peace, and unless we are attacked, we will not use our military. As far as Afrika and the RWC are concerned, we likely will ally with both."
20-11-2004, 06:17
The representative of Euroslavia asked:
"Personally, I don't see the current President having any problems when it comes to leading. He has proven himself to be an amazing leader; one of the best Presidents, in our opinion. Where exactly do each of the other candidates think the President went wrong in his Presidency, and why should you be elected?"
"Murray Turon, The New Granzian Post."
"I have a multi-part question for all candidates: How true would you think the statement 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' is, and under what circumstances would you consider taking action? In regards to possible action, military or otherwise, what response do you think is appropriate if a long-standing rival of ViZion was under threat?"
20-11-2004, 06:48
The representative of Euroslavia asked:
"Personally, I don't see the current President having any problems when it comes to leading. He has proven himself to be an amazing leader; one of the best Presidents, in our opinion. Where exactly do each of the other candidates think the President went wrong in his Presidency, and why should you be elected?"
President Maybury said, "I would like to thank you for that comment. It is nice once in a while no to be evilized in the media." he said with a grin.
Josh Mercur replied, "It is not that he is a terrible President. Yes, he had done a decent job, but in no means an outstanding job. Statics show that businesses are getting away with more and more crimes. Crime in ViZion, under him, also have climbed. It has climbed by 24% in fact! And his policy of welfare? A joke! Crime, like I said, has gone up, as well as the number of homeless, up by 19%! And look at how poorly he kept his promise the the ViZionarian people. He told us we'd stay out of alliances, and other nations affiars. Now look where he's gotten us! We've nearly entered a massive world war, and now we're verging on a possible with with Aust, their allies, and the RWC!"
Kyle Maka was next. "As Mercur said, crime has gone up by 24%. We're no longer among the safest nations. Infact, far from it now. We need to improve our police forces. As far as the military goes, we need to improve on it! We need more forces. Enlistment has decreased by 36% since he took office. That is terrible! All that will be reversed when I take office."
Next was Rick “Bloody” Malibu, who had his own opinion. "President Maybury is a weak-hearted man. He gives far to much lenience to foreign nations and to our own people! Crime has shot up! Enlistment is down! He even gave up Spain, though it was given to us! A weak-hearted man he is. He is not fit for the job. I am, however, and I will show I, and ViZion, are no weaklings."
Joe Munson then gave his point of view. "No, no, no, you've got it all wrong! Yes, the crime has gone up, but it's because of Maybury's border policies! We need to get rid of all who come into ViZion and bring trouble to us! Get rid of those invaders!"
Conrad Milkis then stated, "Yes, President Maybury is a weak, weak man. He cannot stand up to the opposition, rather it be a foreign army or the ViZionarians them selves. When I come to power, I will rebuild the military, stand up for ViZion against all foreign forces that dare challenge us, and I will make sure all criminals recieve their punishment, and that crime drops like a rock."
Chiefy then stood up. "They have already laid down alot of the 'major' facts. But, I would like to lay down some more. Ever since the old Chiefy was killed by terrorists, ViZionarians have lost more and more liberties in social, economic, political, and civil rights. I am here to restore that. To bring back the Austrian Economic system, to bring back a massive military, to bring back all the God-given liberties our people should have, and to lower taxes and overall government spending. That is what President Maybury, and all of these others, will not do. Return ViZion to its former glory and happiness, and build and improve upon that."
20-11-2004, 07:00
"Juliet Smith, Macisikani National Broadcaster News.
"I would like to know if the statistics cited by Messrs Mercur, Maka, Malibu and Munson take into account ViZion's phenomenal population growth. I would also like to know what each candidate plans on doing to deal with the continuance of such growth".
20-11-2004, 07:01
"Murray Turon, The New Granzian Post."
"I have a multi-part question for all candidates: How true would you think the statement 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' is, and under what circumstances would you consider taking action? In regards to possible action, military or otherwise, what response do you think is appropriate if a long-standing rival of ViZion was under threat?"
President Maybury spoke first, "I would take that in a case-by-case basis. If we were in a war, and deserately needed aid, than yes, that is true. However, I am not a major believer of that. And if a long-standing rival of our great nation was under threat, than I likely would not stand by them."
Mercur spoke next. "Yes, I agree with that. If we are in a war, their enemy is my ally. And if a long-time enemy of ViZion was under attack? That's not my problem, now is it?"
Maka was up next. "Hmm... that is a tough one. But I would have to say yes. The enemy of my enemy is my ally... at least for the time being. It will only help us in a war. And why the hell should we give a damn about an enemy who us under attack? We shouldn't."
Malibu echoed that. "Whatever will help us win a war. Rather we're working together with a nation we like or don't like, we must work together to kill the enemy. And screw the rival. If our rival was under attack, I would make sure we were in there to take a piece of him."
Milkis also agreed. "If we can get aid from anyone, we will take it. And for our rivals, I would say this: You are against us, we will not help you."
Munson then said, "We will not engage in any war. If we are attacked, there likely will be many nations to attack them for their wrong doing. And as for our rival, it is their problem, not ours."
It was then Chiefy's turn: "We will never align our self, rather it be for one day, or forever, with any nation which commits genocide, or any other horrendous actions. We need no help from the lesser of two evils. We should never have to choose between the lesser of two evils. And if our rivals are under attack, we should not involve our self, except to take the citizens from that nation to safe guard the innocent from possible genocide or slaughter. But, we will never aid a rival, rather they just became our rival yesterday, or since the begining of time, unless they change for the better."
20-11-2004, 07:15
"Juliet Smith, Macisikani National Broadcaster News.
"I would like to know if the statistics cited by Messrs Mercur, Maka, Malibu and Munson take into account ViZion's phenomenal population growth. I would also like to know what each candidate plans on doing to deal with the continuance of such growth".
"Look, the fact is, under his leadership, crime has risen tremendously. 24% raise in crime across ViZion in four years is a number no nation, particularly ViZion, should have to see. But, the statistics show, crime has risen." said Mercur. "And the homeless, 19% hike? We just cannot allow such a thing! What will I do about this? I will expand the welfare programs. That is what must be done."
"Yes, that is right. Crime as risen through the roof for ViZion. We must stop that. This is something that Maybury obviously is incapable of doing." said Mr. Maka. "I will be increasing police numbers, and working on improving the economy. Doing that will help to reverse this terrible trend."
Malibu restated the enlistment numbers again, "Down by 39%! Down! With the population on a RISE! Maybury is incapable of this job. ViZion needs a true military leader, who knows what is going on, and what we're doing. I can fix this with police, a stronger military, and a better ViZion!"
Milkis retaliated, seeing that Malibu was taking his basic ideas. "Mr. Malibu, you cannot do that. You your self are incapable of leading people! I am truly a leader. Unlike you, I have studied politics in college, and I have been in the federal government. You? You've been in the military. The MILITARY! Nothing more."
Joe Munson then said, "We will have to lose our borders, and improve patrols. Strict laws with harsh punishment for those who enter, exit, or harbor those who break our laws is what I will do."
Chiefy then spoke, "Closing the borders? Are you crazy? That will only kill our economy, take away our peoples rights, and make ViZion worse than it is. My statistics do not change with the population. My statistics are hard, concrete evidence that we need to reverse this trend. The ViZionarian people need to be able to gain their freedom again. They need a stronger military, better schools, and a booming economy. I will ensure that with raising the budget for military and education, while putting the Austrian Economics back in place. I will also be promoting parents to be more involved with their children, which will help with the children being more respectfun and responsible. All this and more adds up to a better ViZion tomorrow."
20-11-2004, 07:27
"AMT. My question is directed to the opponents of President Maybury. The President has a tried and true record. He is still President. He has kept ViZion together through crises such as the Angelic Freedom attacks. He has demonstrated consummate diplomatic skills, managing to get my government to commit to a treaty, something that only seven other nations have managed to do. ViZion's economy, despite what you have claimed, is booming. And I'm not sorry to inform you that, according to your national profile, "Crime is totally unknown". Your citizens enjoy a large number of civil liberties, and many political freedoms. My question is simple: what makes you think you can do any better? I'd appreciate it if you could provide some evidence."
The other Macisikani correspondents stared at AMT in shock at the hostility of the question. The Arn-Maciska Times was known to be politically neutral, and relatively fair and objective, but this...
20-11-2004, 07:48
"AMT. My question is directed to the opponents of President Maybury. The President has a tried and true record. He is still President. He has kept ViZion together through crises such as the Angelic Freedom attacks. He has demonstrated consummate diplomatic skills, managing to get my government to commit to a treaty, something that only seven other nations have managed to do. ViZion's economy, despite what you have claimed, is booming. And I'm not sorry to inform you that, according to your national profile, "Crime is totally unknown". Your citizens enjoy a large number of civil liberties, and many political freedoms. My question is simple: what makes you think you can do any better? I'd appreciate it if you could provide some evidence."
The other Macisikani correspondents stared at AMT in shock at the hostility of the question. The Arn-Maciska Times was known to be politically neutral, and relatively fair and objective, but this...
Whilse the others were busy clearing their throats or adjusting their ties, Chiefy spoke up. "Well, I am glad that you are asking critical questions. Unlike my opposition here, I do have an answer to your question. While President Maybury has done a good job, he has slipped in any areas. If you look at our nation, the way he has run our economy is going towards the wrong direction. The divide between the rich and the poor is large enough to be called 'The Great Divide'. It has never been greater in the entire history of ViZion. And, I would like to say that while it appears that their homeless numbers are not adjusted for the growth, mine are. It has, for the percentage of our entire population, grown by 11%. And get this, under him, the percentage of 'poor' in ViZion has gone from 4.2% of 5.5% of our population. That would be 'poor' performance if you ask me. Using the Austrian Economics, competition will happen, govenrment intervention is very minimal, the middle class explodes, and the divide between rich and poor is far smaller. And for crime, it has just recently, in the past month, dropped. But, if you look at statistics, crime has risen since he took office. It has steadily risen until the past month, when it dropped off. But, with the divide between rich and poor being minimal, a booming middle class, strong family values and a better education mixed in with the strong morals that ViZionarians have, and with the amount of practicing religious citizens, this will greatly decrease crime rates."
Mr. Maka quickly responded. "What we really need is more police. Without efficient numbers of police, which, under President Maybury, have actually been DECREASED, along with its funding, it is no wonder crime has risen. And the economy? He is far to strict on it. We need someone will loosen up the regulations, and increase trade. That will truly boost the economy."
Mr. Munson then said, "Closing our borders and sending all the immigrants back is what we must do. They are the cause of crime. They are causing the trouble. Without them... we wouldn't be having this problem. And forget trade! We need to make our selfs dependant upon our selves. Closing our borders will force us to, thus boosting our economy. That is that."
"Are you kidding me? Business needs to be REGULATED, and helped by the government. Government controlled even, in some areas. Big business is what causes all these problems. With regulations and a massive expansion of the welfare program, we would be in excellent shape!" Mr. Mercur stated.
"Know what we need to do? We need to put our people to work, give them jobs building monuments, or being in the military. If they have things to do, crime will drop like a rock. And without all these stupid restrictions, our economy will be far better off." stated Malibu.
Then Milkis said, "Yes. Create more jobs, get people into the military, give people things to do and crime will be non-existant combined with a strong police force. And we need unregulated business for our economy to be even better."
20-11-2004, 08:08
"President Maybury, many officials in Jarridia and throughout the WWA believe that your stances on foreign issues are much too lax for your postion in the world. In the event that you are re-elected, how will you work to change this view and can you become more dominant in the global arena?"
"Mr. Ando, why are you so awesome?"
20-11-2004, 08:58
"President Maybury, many officials in Jarridia and throughout the WWA believe that your stances on foreign issues are much too lax for your postion in the world. In the event that you are re-elected, how will you work to change this view and can you become more dominant in the global arena?"
"Mr. Ando, why are you so awesome?"
President Maybury answered, "If I am re-elected, I will be working to call off all alliances how all nations and alliances aside from the CFA, our region. However, we will be promoting trade and travel."
OOC: Is the second part a serious question? :-?
20-11-2004, 09:32
How does each candidate feel about having Pantheaa made automoblies being sold in ViZion? We are a 3rd world nation that is starting to grow due to our robust and vigorous auto industry. Well there be trade laws, taxes and tariffs imposed on imports? Will Pantheaa be able to build it's industries in your nation?
What is ViZion doing to stop the red menace know as communism?
20-11-2004, 09:52
How does each candidate feel about having Pantheaa made automoblies being sold in ViZion? We are a 3rd world nation that is starting to grow due to our robust and vigorous auto industry. Well there be trade laws, taxes and tariffs imposed on imports? Will Pantheaa be able to build it's industries in your nation?
What is ViZion doing to stop the red menace know as communism?
President Maybury spoke first. "We are welcome to seeing foreign brands compete in ViZion's market place. Yes, there will be tariffs, but not a large amount. As far as communism goes, we are open to all forms of government. The make up of the particular nations government we are dealing with determines the course of action we take."
Chiefy then spoke. "If I am elected, there will be no tariffs. It is an Austrian Economic system I am going to work towards applying. Competition is what truly keeps an economy running strongly. When it comes to communists, we are welcome to peace with them, and all other forms of government. However, we look at each nation individually. Those that commit genocide, are imperialist, or do other terrible things we will not on in good terms in."
"You keep out of our nation. Our borders will be closed if I am elected." Stated Mr. Munson. "And as for communists, as long as they do not attack us, we will do nothing to them."
Mr. Milkis then said, "We will apply tariffs, as well as a few restrictions on foreign companies. Aside from that, you will be fine to enter. And as for those damn Commies, screw them."
Malibu has a similar outlook. "We must keep our own companies strong. You will be restricted, and taxed, if you wish to sell here. When it coms to the Reds... well, let's just say we won't get along."
Mr. Maka had a different view. "Yes, tariffs will be in place. But, we will be a very free-market nation if I am elected. As far as communism goes, we must stop the imperialistic communist nations."
And finally, Mr. Mercur stated, "We will tax foreign companies, and there will be regulations. However, you will be allowed to sell, as long as you pass our strict requirements. As far as communism, we will be peaceful, and work things out diplomaticly. It will only be if they use force on nations and absolutely will not accept any peace what so ever that we will use our military."
Cherry Ridge
20-11-2004, 14:10
Someone walked up and whispered to the reporter.
"Mr. Maka, how does it make you feel that the Cherry Ridge government just donated 100 million bills ,that you can change into your currency, to your campaign."
Independent Hitmen
20-11-2004, 14:12
20-11-2004, 22:04
Someone walked up and whispered to the reporter.
"Mr. Maka, how does it make you feel that the Cherry Ridge government just donated 100 million bills ,that you can change into your currency, to your campaign."
"I am extremely glad to have your support, and a donation for my campaign, which will be put to good use. It flatters me to know I have that kind of support."
20-11-2004, 22:39
*waits for more questions*
21-11-2004, 00:12
"Sirs, I'm Karen Windell from the Hamptonshire News Network.
I wish to your visions for the futures of Vizion, the NWO, and NATO. A follow up- Will Vizion work for peace in Europe, even if it means signing more formal treaties?"
Holy Paradise
21-11-2004, 00:16
"Explain what you will do to prevent terrorism." -HPBC reporter.
Cherry Ridge
21-11-2004, 00:20
"If elected would you have an embassy exchange with Cherry ridge?"
21-11-2004, 00:30
OOC: I'll answer all those questions in an hr or more when I get back home... People, please continue your questions, and I'll talk about them when I get back...
21-11-2004, 02:48
"Sirs, I'm Karen Windell from the Hamptonshire News Network.
I wish to your visions for the futures of Vizion, the NWO, and NATO. A follow up- Will Vizion work for peace in Europe, even if it means signing more formal treaties?"
President Maybury took this one first. "I will be working on changing our policies, and that being cutting all political ties with nations and alliances outside of the CFA, our region. We will, however, increase trade with all nations and alliances who are not fighting us, and will endorse travel. As far as peace in Europe, we will stay out of it unless it effects us."
Mercur then said, "We will be working to increase our ties with all alliances, as we feel we need to bring more peace and stability to Europe, Africa, and across the globe. We will also be more than willing to sign more peace treats for the sake of peace."
Kyle Maka stated, "We will be working to increase ties with those that will be a mutual benefit to both parties. Those that we do not get mutual benefit from, we will not increase ties with. And as far as peace in Europe, we likely will, as it is very important that peace can be securied around us."
"As everyone probably knows by now, I will get shutting down our borders, and removing ViZion from any and all ties to all nations and alliances. We will have nothing to do with anything foreign, unless we are attacked."
Mr. Malibu then stated, "We will see. Of course we will with the NWO, but as far as NATO, RWC, RBA, and everyone else is concerned, we will see which will be more benefitial. The same goes for treats in Europe."
Milkis had a very similiar view on things, "As long as we are benefitted by these alliances and treaties, we will enter into them."
"What is the plan for a future with the NWO and NATO? I am studying both of them, and I am not sure yet as to if we should continue relations with either alliance as a whole. Of course, when it comes to peace in Europe, we may sign. We are in no way, shape, or form in a perfect world, where everyone has one view, that being world peace, and a single treaty making that all happen. I would have to look deeply into these treaties before I can comment for sure." said Chiefy.
21-11-2004, 02:59
"Explain what you will do to prevent terrorism." -HPBC reporter.
"Well, I had closed our borders directly after the major terrorist attacks, and made sure security was built up far better than previously before we reopened them. I will continue on this track, as we have not had once terrorist attack within our borders since we enacted all my changes" President Maybury said proudly.
"Again, our borders must be closed. With that, crime will be decreased and terrorism completely gone." stated Mr. Munson.
Mr. Mercur was next, "We will be working with diplomatic ways to solve the problems of terrorism. We will work with nations that have terrorism, to have them close down all terrorist camps, and rid them selves of terrorists. We will work with the terrorist networks who have given our threats to try to relieve the problem. That is what we must do. Only if we must will we use force."
Malibu then stated, "Look, I don't think terrorists are that stupid as to attack us. They will know that by doing so, they will only be loosing power. Terrorist scum will be actively hunted down and killed."
Yet again, Milkis had a similar view. "We will be hunting down and destroying terror networks, their cells, and those who harbor them. There will be no mercy to those who threaten the great ViZionarian state!"
Chiefy had him own view, like normal. "We must be active within the international community to fight terrorism. Work with those nations who are known to be hot-beds for terrorism, and give them a gental push in the direction of getting them to stop terrorist activity in their nation. Those who are direct threats to ViZion, and diplomatic measures fail, military will be used. We will not stand to have ViZion and its great people threatened by terrorists."
21-11-2004, 03:05
"If elected would you have an embassy exchange with Cherry ridge?"
President Maybury stated quite plainly, "No. We have ties with Crossman, and Crossman Prime, and we will honor those ties."
Mr. Maka was in disageement, "Of course, yes we will. We would be more than willing to."
In one of the rare occations, Mr. Mercur had to concur with Maka, "Yes. Peace is our goal, and this will be a step forward in the right direction."
Chiefy had his own statement, "Most likely not. We are looking for nations who have a polished record of being on the good side of the track when it comes to things such as human rights and what you fight for. You are not always on the same page as we are. However, I will look into it more, and there may be something we could work out."
Mr. Milkis then stated "Of course! We would be more than willing to." Malibu had the same opinion, "Yes, we need to build up our network of nations and strongly military-oriented nations."
Munson had a no-suprises reply. "No, not a chance. The same goes with all other nations and alliances."
21-11-2004, 05:32
More questions?
21-11-2004, 05:35
"'Chiefy the IV', what do you say to reports that the Grand Duke has privately indictated his preference for your election as President?"
21-11-2004, 05:43
"'Chiefy the IV', what do you say to reports that the Grand Duke has privately indictated his preference for your election as President?"
"This is very exciting to hear. It is good to know that those outside of ViZion are supportive of me."
21-11-2004, 22:14
Today is the last day for questions at this debate. Another will be held within a week. Waiting for finishing questions!
21-11-2004, 22:35
"Marc Scranton for the Cheeser12 Media Network(CMN)."
"What are your stances on the issue of social welfare?"
Independent Hitmen
21-11-2004, 22:50
"John Pole, IHNN. Mr President is there a feeling of dissatisfaction with some of your current alliance partners that is drawing you towards leaving all but the regional alliance? As a follow up Will a second term for you see Vizion into a period of 'splendid isolation' such as experience by the British between 1850-1900?"
21-11-2004, 23:26
Andrew Chang, Independent News Network: "Mr. Ando, what are your policies regarding the anti-Genocide Pact, in which ViZion plays an important role? Also, just how far will you be scaling back the provision of welfare?"
Cherry Ridge
22-11-2004, 02:31
"What are your stances towards Cherry Ridge, generallly. What is you view of Cardinal DeVito"
22-11-2004, 02:53
"Marc Scranton for the Cheeser12 Media Network(CMN)."
"What are your stances on the issue of social welfare?"
John Mercur stated his opinion first. "We need a large welfare program to help those who are in need of assistance. We can't tax from the poor and give to the rich, it must be the other way around. This will also help to limit crime."
Kyle Maka then spoke, "We need to limit this to nearly nothing. It only sucks up our money. It hurts the economy and everyone, and we are not helping people live better times. As they say, 'Give a man a fish, he'll have food for a day. Teach a man HOW to fish, he'll have fish for a lifetime.'"
"Bah! We need to force them to work and into the military! There they will make money and learn how to survive!" said Malibu rather loudly.
President Maybury made his comment next, "We need some extent of welfare, but very small. It needs to be aimed at those who truly are struggling, those who have children and are working hard trying to succeed, but just aren't."
Mr. Munson then said, "Well, this is another thing we cannot have. If we give people things without them working for it, why would they want to work to get the same, or less? We need to be completely self-efficient, which means we need our people motivated."
"Forget welfare! Who needs it? Not our people! Our people need no such thing, and if they claim they do, they will be put into a job and shown they do not." said Mr. Milkis.
It was Chiefy's turn now. "Social Welfare? We don't need it. Why should we take everyone's money, spend it on another way government can gain power over its people, and then say we are helping our people? We aren't. We're spending their money to make no ones life easier. And if you look at our people, they are known for donating their own money to help other people out. ViZion needs no such corrupt part of government."
22-11-2004, 02:57
"John Pole, IHNN. Mr President is there a feeling of dissatisfaction with some of your current alliance partners that is drawing you towards leaving all but the regional alliance? As a follow up Will a second term for you see Vizion into a period of 'splendid isolation' such as experience by the British between 1850-1900?"
"It is not just one or two various nations that is having my view like this. Look at history. History tells us of a story of what happens to engtangled alliances. Nations get drawn into a war they have no reason to be in. Millions of people die. Allies turn to enemies, enemies turn to allies. A two-sided, two nation war turns into a 50-sided, uncountable number of nations war. It is something that ViZion and its people should not have to deal with. And will we be isolated? Maybe for todays standards, but if you know what isolationism is, it means no contact what so ever with the outside. That is not what we're doing here. We will continue to trade, and in fact, promote even MORE trade, whilse we also will promote travel internationally. We just will not hold alliances."
22-11-2004, 02:59
Andrew Chang, Independent News Network: "Mr. Ando, what are your policies regarding the anti-Genocide Pact, in which ViZion plays an important role? Also, just how far will you be scaling back the provision of welfare?"
"When it comes to the genocide issue, ViZion will be returning to our heritage of doing whatever it takes to end it. We will remain in the anti-genocide pact, and we will continue to fight genocide. Rather it is an ally, a nation we've never heard of, or the more powerful nation around, if they are committing genocide, we will do whatever it takes to end it. As far as the welfare program, we will be completely cutting it out of the picture."
22-11-2004, 03:09
"What are your stances towards Cherry Ridge, generallly. What is you view of Cardinal DeVito"
Mr. Milkis spoke first. "We would like to be able to exchange embassies for the first time in our history. We support Mr. DeVito to the fullest."
Malibu had a similar oppinion. "We would like to be able to become allies with your nation. Mr. DeVito has my full support, and we will make sure no one stands in your way. As long as you do the same."
"As you well know by now, we will be cutting all alliances outside of the CFA. That's all I have to say about that." stated President Maybury.
"Like I had stated before, I will be looking into possibly having relations to your nation. However, as I said before, we are also going to be aligning our selves with particular nations, not everyone." Chiefy stated.
Mr. Maka then stated, "We will certainly become allies with your nation. We support Mr. DeVito to the fullest!"
The Mr. Mercur spoke, "We would like to increase ties with your nation, as we need to promote peace, not war."
"We have to stance with your nation, and will be closing our borders. The same goes with Mr. DeVito." Said Mr. Munson.
22-11-2004, 03:17
"what are your stances on Gun Control?"
"I will not allow restriction people from their rights to own guns, knives, or swords for the protection of their family." said Chiefy.
President Maybury said, "The more powerful or faster-firing the gun, the higher the tax. However, we will not restrict our people from owning them all together."
"Only those in our government and military are allowed to posess those weapons." said Mr. Malibu.
"If you are in the armed service, in the government, or someone we allow, than you are allowed to have guns. Those outside those borders are not allowed to." said Milkis.
Mr. Munson then stated, "Our general population will be restricted, as those things cause murder."
Mr. Mercur then said, "We will allow guns, as our people have the right to guns."