NationStates Jolt Archive

New Shiron calls for help (invite only, Klatchians, Calderon)

New Shiron
19-11-2004, 19:28
Diplomatic note sent via third parties to the President and Keys of the Federated Klatchian Coast (also directly to Calderon)

"Although New Shiron has not had the best relations with your nations in the past, we are nevertheless forced to beg for your help. We have been invaded by an enemy with weapons systems more advanced than ours, who appeared out of nowhere in the heart of our country, and who has inflicted severe losses on the brave men and women of our air forces and army.

We of New Shiron pride ourselves on our independence and self reliance, but this time, it isn't enough. We hereby request military assistance in whatever form you can bring to us as quickly as you can.

We need air support desperately, but also ground troops, especially mechanized forces, as soon as you can provide it. Although our men and women are brave, we have a relatively small army, having always in the past depended upon our air forces and Navy to defend our homeland.

But the enemy has somehow arrived in the heart of our country, and we may not have enough time to raise and equip the troops we need, or train them, before we are overrun.

Please send help.


Gabrielle O'Connor, Queen of New Shiron, Commander in Chief of New Shiron military forces and First Speaker of Parliment.
The Lords of War
19-11-2004, 20:27
Welcome You have reacted the Klatchian Military Hotline, For Vrakain Press One, For German Press Two, For English Press Three....

Please indicate how you would classify your reason for calling, To threaten war, Press One...To Declare War, Press Three...To Sue for Peace Press Three...To demand we stop an invasion Press Four...


Please enter your Klatchian Ally ID Code Now...If you do not have a Klatchian Ally ID code...why the f*** are you calling us? If you wish to speak to an operator, go to hell...

Torr Zathal, The Enclave of the Lords of War

From: Privy Council,
Subject: Odd request for help.
Nephew, I am requesting your assistance in a manner most strange. It appears that the nation of New Shiron is undergoing a 'hostile' invasion. Since New Shiron has previously attempted to interfere in our internal matters we are seriously cautious that this event is ment to shift our focus from our activities in Neo Tyr.

However, an opportunity arises to show that we are not as our enemies claim, so xenophobic that we would watch anothers house burn down and laugh. As such, I am asking you to investigate these claims of the Queen of New Shiron.
Your favoriate Aunt, Victoria...


Offical Note Via Swiss Embassy
Your Majesty,
We are concerned with the sudden decleration about your nation having a sudden invasion sprining from within your borders. We have been detailed by the Privy Council of the Federation to immediatly send in a reconnicance force to help determine our next course of action.

Although this move may sound tenative, We personally assure you that we will use all the force available to destroy any threats against your nation. At the same time I will be sending a Karlord to corrdinate with your own defensive actions in this matter.

Please do not be alarmed at his appearence, we have enclosed the special IFF codes we will be broadcasting for this mission.

His Eminance,
Thomas Crawfnord
The Overlord of the Var,
Protector of the Enclave and Hassen.

OOC: I come out of hibernation when there is a reason...
New Shiron
20-11-2004, 01:04
Offical Note Via Swiss Embassy
Your Majesty,
We are concerned with the sudden decleration about your nation having a sudden invasion sprining from within your borders. We have been detailed by the Privy Council of the Federation to immediatly send in a reconnicance force to help determine our next course of action.

Although this move may sound tenative, We personally assure you that we will use all the force available to destroy any threats against your nation. At the same time I will be sending a Karlord to corrdinate with your own defensive actions in this matter.

Please do not be alarmed at his appearence, we have enclosed the special IFF codes we will be broadcasting for this mission.

His Eminance,
Thomas Crawfnord
The Overlord of the Var,
Protector of the Enclave and Hassen.

Diplomatic note forwarded through the Swiss
We would like to send Lord Harrington, the Minister of State for New Shiron, to meet with your government in person in order to establish more formal relations and more effective communication. He will leave New Shiron by military aircraft to a neutral nation, and then can fly in by chartered airliner.

At the present time, the area that borders the states of South Shiron and Greater Shiron is the primary war zone. However, that is very near our capital and our government may be forced to relocate in the near future.

looking at a map of Australia, the center of the fighting is the area around Broken Hill in western New South Wales (frequently a favorite place for George Miller movies to be filmed like Road Warrior and Mad Max)... although New Shiron is wetter so it is more heavily wooded and greener.
The Lords of War
20-11-2004, 04:15
The communication back is a terse note:
Do you wish your Lord of Harrington to meet with the Federal Government or the Overlord of the Var? Although the Overlord will meet with you, futher envolvement of the Federation shall be the choice of Parliament The Overlord has been asked to investigate this incident by Privy Council. Please inform us of the Lord of Harrington's desire.
New Shiron
20-11-2004, 04:51
the note back was concise...

Lord Harrington requests the honor of meeting either as you see fit.
The Lords of War
20-11-2004, 05:48
Torr Zathal, The Enclave of the Lords of War

The room was lit in twilight. Small points of light seemed to dance on the vault of the dark cealing above. The only sound was of bubbles and water rushing about. A female voice giggled, "well now I see your ready for round two..."

The response was in a light tenor, it seemed to be filled with both intelligence and false self-mockery, "Well, perhaps I should relax a bit more..."

A shaft of light burst into the room as a door opened. In the frame stood an eight foot figure.

"Don't you know to ring before..."

"I was getting no response my Lord. We were worried..." the voice was a deep, almost inhumane rumble.

"What? No response..."

The man jerked his head towards his companion, who was now holding a thin blade.

"Oh, no you don't..." she began. The room was soon filled with screaming shouts as more figures rushed through the door. However, most of the creatures found themsevelves looking down at the pool. The body of a human female roatated in the roiling water.

"Will someone please remove her...that..." the man reappeared tying a dark blue bathrobe over his nude body.

"My Lord this only..."

"Point taken, I assume there was a reason you wanted to disturb me."

"Yes my Lord there was...the New Shiron Terrans apparently can't make up their minds to talk with us or the Federal Government."

"Well, if they are being invaded they want know I think I want this room fumigated...along with the rest of the base..."

"Ah shall you go to the winter quarters on Lake Olympus?"

"No, I think I shall visit the palace built by Karlord Ne'pa before he attempted to overthrow me..."

"But my Lord the shock troops destroyed all traces of House Petna..."

"No, the one in Port Olympus..."

"Ah, that will not hold your court..."

"Roger the court, at present I need to get away from the Enclave for a bit. And circumstances do not allow me to travel to Hassen. So let us travel to Port Olympus..."

"Yes my Lord..."

His Excellency, The Overlord has buisness in Port Olympus, the Klatchian Captial, and is willing to meet with Lord Harrington at his residence in the city. We will consider this an informal meeting at present. Arangements have been made for you to land at the old city airport where you will be picked up by one of our drivers.
-Nelord Bezta of House Ke'npa,
Secretary of the Overlord
New Shiron
20-11-2004, 06:34
after changing planes, Lord Harrington was soon winging his way to Klatch aboard a Gulfstream chartered by New Shiron for VIP missions.

News from home wasn't good.
The Lords of War
20-11-2004, 07:01
Port Olympus is located in the central continental Klatch, where the Fasta and Dyelbi rivers began their journey from the grand inland body of water, Lake Olympus. (Although considering the amount of territory some states ruled over outside of the Klatch proper, it was hard to define one part as the 'Continental Klatch'.)

Port Olympus had been made the semi-autonomous city state by the Klatch under the New Consititution. As the city's fortunes revived under new leadership the need for a completely new airport had occured and been taken care of with the ruthless efficency of a small government with very deep pockets. The old airport had actually been converted into a military air-base.

Lord Harrington got a full veiw of the scramble base. The long rows of bunkered hangers with Sixty B-53 and B-1 bombers sitting on the ready tarmac waiting for an attack that may not ever come. Nearby, 12 long, concrete sheds covered the ready fighters from prying eyes above, and a sneak attack. Each could easily have 10 or 12 F-16 fighters and their support staff underneith.

The private jet was motioned to a V.I.P tarmac near the old terminal building, now serving as base headquarters. A black Passat and driver awaited the diplomat to take him into the city.
22-11-2004, 00:32
Somewhere in Vrak...

Translated from Vrakian.

-Is this some kind of trick?
-I don't think so. The appeal sounds genuine.
-Then, why should we help them? It seems rather odd, given their past behaviour towards the FKC.
-I know. But, it seems that they have become wise.
-Indeed. Let me discuss this with the High General in regards to what forces we can actually spare. Meanswhile, I want you to find out more about their motives.
-As you command.


To: Gabrielle O'Connor, Queen of New Shiron
From: Vrak Diplomatic Corps
Subject: aid

Your request is most...curious. We would like to meet with a representative as soon as possible.

OOC: Note that we don't know ICly you are meeting with LOW. If you say that you are, perhaps a 3 (or more) way meeting can be arranged.
New Shiron
22-11-2004, 02:21
Response to Vrak

Form: Lord Harrington, Minister of State, Kingdom of New Shiron

At this time our Queen is meeting with a military leader from one of your member states known as the Lords of War just of our coast. I have just arrived in the city of Port Olympus and have a meeting scheduled with the leader of that same state and would also very much like a meeting not only the government of Vrak but the overall leaders of the Federated Klatchian Coast.


Lord Harrington

(message forwarded electronically off his Gulfstream jet as it arrives in Port Olympus)
22-11-2004, 05:38
The resident Vrakian Ambassador at Port Olympus got the fax from headquarters. So they contacted the Lords of War, eh? Intriguing.

He adjusted his vest and put on his hat while an aide brought him a file on the whole New Shiron involvement in Dyelli Beybi. Another aide was sent scurrying out to make contact with his LOW counterpart.

The walrus eased himself out from behind the desk and began to waddle down the hallway.
New Shiron
22-11-2004, 18:59
The Lords of War
28-11-2004, 01:28
The Vrakian aide discovered that the Karlord of House Crawfnord was residing in the New Summer Palace as it was called within the city. It seemed this was who and what the New Shiron represenative was meeting with. As for an invite, the matter of demanding an appology for the Vrakian Tresspasser known as an "Ambassador" being ritualisticly delt with was still a sore point between the two states.

In effect the Vrakian Ambassador as an individual and citizen of the Klatch was welcome to call on the Karlord, the Vrakian Ambassador making an Offical visit would be turned from the gates until the King had removed his demand for an apology.

OOC: Vrak started this concept, but based on things low level contact is fairly warm but high level contact is likely still icy between the two states. After all they are both stiff necked about such things.
New Shiron
28-11-2004, 10:58
ooc bump.... back from family vacation... more later today
28-11-2004, 12:35
The Vrakian ambassador arrived at the summer palace gates, along with his nervous aide. He leaned out of the window of the armoured limosuine and said to the guard,

"I am here to make a call to the Karlord. I am a citizen of the FKC."
The Lords of War
30-11-2004, 01:26
The New Palace was somewhat of an odd name. The building had been recently constructed near the University on the Benji river at the site of defunct slaughterhouse. Why or who had built the structure had always been a mystery to the citizens of Port Olympus But the interior was rumored to be ornate as any palace, hence the name.

The Vrakian Ambassor was driven into the small front courtyard. It was a narrow, desolate place. On the west side was the palace wall, black polished granite wall supporting a lighter yellow limestone wall. The other three sides of the court yard were surrounded by concrete walls colored black to match the granite. The palace walls were almost blank except for small verticle and horizontal slit windows cut into the facade. Over the entry of the building was a cantilever of thick black granite wall of the building. The entry was so deep in shadow one could barely make out the door.

The Vrakians were met by a small man in a stewards dress. The white jacket had a small red glyph on the right shoulder.
"Good day, the Karlord is awaiting you in the study chamber."

He led them through the front door into a low, dark hallway lit by lights in alternating strips along the cealing. At the end was a cicular glass wall surrounding a fountain. It was lit by sunlight from above, at the center was a large, cubist sculpture of a woman (?) holding a sword and some little bird like creature.

The steward turned south, following the corridor as followed the glass wall. He nodded at a few human guards standing along the inner wall.

The steward led the Vrakian Ambassador and his aide through a deep long arched tunnel and through several thick doors. At the last door, the space became an eight foot wide staircase rising upwards into a much larger space above. On both sides of the stairs, water ran down the shear sides of black granite and through slits between the stairs and the wall. Reaching the top of the stairs one could admire the first real glimse of the interior. The room was approximatly three stories high with a curved frescoed cealing. Along the two long walls were deep arcades. On the first level the arcade space was filled with sets of chairs, sofas and tables creating small seating groups. The far walls were covered in patterned geometric tile with heavy wooden doors leading to rooms beyond.

The floor of the great space on both sides of the staircase behind them, and over the tunnel, was a u shaped pool. Beyound that was a massive wall of glass that looked out into a central courtyard.

On this side of the pool was a landing. Six more statues, apparenlty by the same artist, stood looking down at the group. Water rose at their feet and decended down the sides of the platform they stood on. Between the six statues was a door flanked by two Var guards.

This inner door was opened to reveal a low, long space with a huge bow window that overlooked the Benj river. Archways on both sides of the space opened into dark, book lined rooms. In the center of the room was a table surrounded by several chairs and reclining sofas.

In one chair lounged a solitary figure, staring out the bow window at the city and river beyond.

"Mylord, A Vrakian of note and his aide to see you. Sathi, may I present my master Karlord William of House Crawfnord."

The figure rose, dressed in a black uniform human tunic with only a single red glyph on his collar to indicate any rank. He was six-two with deep blue eyes that seemed to be not-quite human. As though they were too deep a blue and too briliant to be actually human. The dark hair framed a set of facial features that reminded most of either Landgravine Hubris or her father.

OOC: Assuming the Vrakians are not completely ignorant, they should know that House Crawfnord is the ruling dynasty and that the Karlord is of course the Overlord himself.
New Shiron
30-11-2004, 06:01
New Shiron
30-11-2004, 19:17
Harrington waited for the meeting to begin and checked his PDA. News was better, Varangia had held, and the enemy had been stopped for the first time, proving they were beatable. The attack by Lords of War had hurt the enemy badly as well, and more importantly, showed that the LOW was willing to shed blood of their own. Things were looking up.

If the Vrak help arrived in time, it might be possible to beat this invasion after all.
The Lords of War
30-11-2004, 20:53
OOC: I think we have a disconect here since I was still waiting for the Lord to arrive...:P

IC: The car trip had been a fairly long one, having gotten stuck in traffic near the central square. Lord Harrington was finally led into the same room as the Karlord and the Vrakian Ambassador.

The Overlord rose and extended his hand,
"Ah, Lord Harrington, sorry about the cross town traffic. But can't be helped these days."

After giving a good shake he sat down in his chair again and looked at his guests. "Well, we are trying to let this be an informal meeting, but Lord Harrington your government's declerations about an invasion appear to be true. That, or your advanced weapons division is attempting a coup. Now my Var on the scene reported that he was meeting with her Majesty. But an intial report indicates that I have one less gravcutter, 450 less atmospheric naval personel, and a severly damaged gravcruiser."

He paused to let the Vrakians understand that comment,
"But why should I or the Vrakians help your nation? What is the threat to us? I can see they could make dangerous advisaries. But you are dangerous and have demonstrated that you are a threat...."

He looked at the steward for a second, "I ordered tea and sherry...oh here it comes now..."

"Where was I, yes...why should I or any Klatchian state risk offending the Dyellians to help save New Shiron?"

OOC: This is going to be so disjointed...
New Shiron
30-11-2004, 23:49
OOC: This is going to be so disjointed...

ooc thats the holidays for you, always makes things complicated.

Harrington sipped his tea, and then began speaking. "First, the Queen wants me to pass on that in our view, its in your best interest to do so. If we are conquered, after putting up the fight that we have, using the best weapons we have, including nuclear weapons, and fighting as competently as we can, than the Cynthians will have conquered an entire island continent. With that they will have conquered a skilled work force, a large economy, and have a huge base area. Why should they stop after us? If they can beat us while operating from such a narrow constraint as their initial foothold, why shouldn't they feel they can move on from there?"

His throat dry, he sipped his tea again. "We don't intend for them to win, in fact, we have even stopped them at our city of Varangia. But the cost has been high. Very high. So high that it should now be obvious we will not be a threat to anyone for some time to come. So your Federation certainly has nothing more to fear from us. You spoke of us as a possibly greater threat than Neo Tyr. We are complimented in some ways you view us so highly, as Neo Tyr was far bigger than us. Consider how useful we would be as a friend in the long term. After we win this fight.

For any nation that spills blood alongside us to help us beat the Cynthians will never be forgotten, and we will always stand beside them when their hour of need comes.

We intend to win. But we want your help in lowering the cost. We have already lost nearly half a million people in this war so far, and used up vast amounts of national treasure. Something that will take years to replace. The more it costs us in lives and treasure, the longer it will take to recover. But recover we will, and win we shall.

But we ask your help in making the price more bearable.

That is from the Queen.

In my own view, I hope you will join us in driving out these invaders. I fear for my people, for even if we win, if we have to do it alone, it will bring who knows what changes in my people. I want my people to know the Klatchians can be our friends too."

With that, Harrington sat back. He wondered what they would say.
The Lords of War
01-12-2004, 01:22
The Overlord looked at Harrington and sipped his tea. He glanced at the Vrakian, hoping that the small glass, and richness, of the sherry would slow down the rate of intoxication for the Terran-wal. After all the whole Eaten Ambassador incident happened when the inebriated Ambassador said something in Vrakian that sounded like K'eptha nectra larsorc zuthreilmac, which implied that the Vars in the small waiting station were all fathered by Orcs. The unintentional insult had resulted in the Ambassador being served up in a stew for the mid day meal.

One of the stewards walked into the room and whispered into the Overlord's ear. "Fine, fine...raise the screen. I doubt either of my guests will have any problem with the Queen of New Shiron interupting us..."

A screen began to lower from the cealing before the large bay window.

"It seems that her Majesty has some important matter of State to discuss with me via our video communications system. I think it may be about those recent events you were discussing Lord Harrington."

OOC: Which is how I've always imagened why anyone would eat a walrus...he called our fathers orcs...
01-12-2004, 04:08
OOC: That's a lotta stew...


The Vrakian walrus bowed to the Overlord and rumbled.

"Thank you for receiving me, Karlord William. It would seem that we have some mutual business to discuss..."

He glanced at Lord Harrington and then waited patiently as the Overlord and Harrington talked. He also looked at the small sherry and hid his disappointment at the small glass. In truth, he wouldn't risk getting sloshed in front of the Overlord, but if anything, current events saw a dramatic increase of liquor sales in his homeland.

His whiskers twitched when the name "Queen of New Shiron" was mentioned.
New Shiron
01-12-2004, 07:32
The Lords of War
01-12-2004, 15:44
OOC: How fun a dual post…

The screen turned blue for a moment, a series of glyps appeared on the screen and then changed showing an image of a dark room.

The New Shiron delegation, including Queen Gabrielle, were sitting next to a table lit by some bright overhead light. Although the group's faces were clearly visible, the surroundings were in shadow.

The Karlord began, "Good day your Majesty. We were informed that you wished to speak with me directly on some matter Queen Gabrielle…"

His eyes went down to the bottom of the screen for a moment, a ticker with three rows of glyhps had started rolling across like a news ticker. William looked at it for a second and then refocused on Gabrielle.

"You know Lord Harrington, and this is a prominent citizen from Vrak here to discuss issues of mutual interest."

The Karlord assumed a pleasant smile and waited for the Queen to speak.
New Shiron
01-12-2004, 22:20
Harrington blinked a couple of times in surprise but otherwise managed to remain impassive.

He certainly hadn't expected this, but the situation might be improved by her offer.

He liked his Queen, his niece. Her mother would be proud.
The Lords of War
02-12-2004, 01:43
Gabrielle decided that there was only one way to approach this. "Your Emminence, I have been given to understand that perhaps a political alliance between our peoples can perhaps be better cemented if the two of us, as is myself and I am to assume you, discussed a joining of our two families."

The Overlord looked at the woman. One eyebrow started to rise at the last phrase
I'm not sure I should be making offers of marriage for Elizabeth...who is my only single... he thought for a moment

"I am willing to give that matter serious consideration, and am willing to accept, if such an offer is made, the preliminary steps toward such a union."

Her hazel eyes now dark blue, showing a fierce intensity, she looked levelly at the view screen before her

The full realization that he had just informed that...well she was willing to accept his offer of marriage left the eyebrow in place for a moment. the world...
His eyes dropped to the bottom of the screen. As the glyphs rolled by a wry smile developed on his face..."It seems I happen to be the only person not aware that is is Sadie Hawkins Day. He looked back up at her and seemed to be meeting her gaze with equal determination.

"I must say I too am willing to give the matter consideration, and accept the preliminary steps towards such a union with your Majesty...."

A bit more humor crept into his voice as he continued,
"The question becomes who properly should ask who? If my history lessons were acurate didn't Queen Victoria's ministers debate the same matter for a week?"

He looked back at Lord Harrington for a moment and then pointed towards a steward, "Ah could you get me the Blakestone's volume III from the history section please."

He returned his gaze to Gabrielle, "I think we are agreed in principle about the matter but I sense we are both trying to...find the proper way of forming this engagement between the soverigns of two nations. I might have an example of a historical precidence in the some of the old books about. I should warn you that I am a notorius bibliophile...who spends far too much time scouring bookshops for rare addition..."

The steward reappeared with a black leather bound volume. The Overlord paged through it for a moment. "Ah yes...If this is an acceptable precident, Grand Duke Otto the Third of Alcona became engaged to Queen Angela of Hubris with each accepting each other's troth."

His eyes looked back at everyone to see if anyone had a point to make before he continued.

"So the proper thing to do would be for me to say, I William Thomas Crawfnord, Overlord of the Lords of War, Protector of the Terran Enclave, and Protus of Harren do accept the throth of Queen Gabrielle of New Shiron. And you would reply likewise..."

He locked into the blue/green eyes for a moment. If they held any emotion it was a bit hard to read, after all they were almost luminous in color.

OOC: So a Naval officer and a man who has been stuck on the throne since age five.
02-12-2004, 04:53
"So the proper thing to do would be for me to say, I William Thomas Crawfnord, Overlord of the Lords of War, Protector of the Terran Enclave, and Protus of Harren do accept the throth of Queen Gabrielle of New Shiron. And you would reply likewise..."

The walrus blinked. Truly, he was a bit shocked at the suddenness of the whole situation. Not that blood ties through marriage were such an unknown phenomenon. Quite the opposite, since Vrak was a monarch, albeit slightly different than the usual definition.

He turned his head and looked at Gabrielle with curiousity.
New Shiron
02-12-2004, 07:00
[QUOTE=The Lords of War] "So the proper thing to do would be for me to say, I William Thomas Crawfnord, Overlord of the Lords of War, Protector of the Terran Enclave, and Protus of Harren do accept the throth of Queen Gabrielle of New Shiron. And you would reply likewise..."

He locked into the blue/green eyes for a moment. If they held any emotion it was a bit hard to read, after all they were almost luminous in color. QUOTE]

Gabrielle smiled slightly, "Well then, the proper reply from me then would be and is that I Gabrielle Surina Andrea Cate O'Connor, Queen of New Shiron, Chief Executive of the People for Life, do accept the throth of William Crawford, Protector of the Terran Enclave and Protus of Harren."

She sat back in her chair, her posture more relaxed. "I would think a more personal meeting would be in order once my nation has defeated the enemy invading us."
The Lords of War
02-12-2004, 15:22
"I am afraid my dear..." The Overlord got a wry grin at using that phrase now, "...That our Yenta's have not informed you that I have to come personally to your aide, not just send in my grav fleet."

He looked at Harrington, "My dear do you think the honorable Lord Harrington would be a suitable choice to negotate the marriage treaty? Not that I personally am pushing in that direction, but having someone about to negotiate the buisness with my Chancellor might prove a wise move in the future."
New Shiron
02-12-2004, 20:31
Gabrielle nodded, a wry smile on her face as well. "Then I look forward to meeting you in person. For now I need to get back to my command center to see what is developing and consult with my commanders. I will be at the one in Anchorage (ooc Darwin) in order to make consultations easier.

My Uncle Lord Harrington will do fine for conducting further negotiations, from both a family and national point of view."

Lord Harrington just nodded, in truth he could really use a drink. Perhaps later he decided. Duty first.

He wondered if the Lords of War had a decent Scotch.
The Lords of War
03-12-2004, 00:52
"Well, I myself need to get moving...good bye dear" The screen turned to a blue color again.

"Well if someone had told me that before lunch I would be betrothed and in a war..."

The Overlord stood, "Now I need to go tell my nation that I am foolishly running off to war to save my future wife and orginize sending two gravfleets and some air support to her aide."

He nodded to the Vrakian, "As Lord Harrington is represenative of my betrothed here in the Klatch I am going to allow him use of house. Obviously he may entertain who he wishes in the house while I am away, and before my Chancellor and his staff arrive. Unless there is something urgently important you need to discuss with me and not one of my Keys? No, good."

He turned to Lord Harrington. "Lord Harrington I am going to leave you access to my house here in Port Olympus. It is quite accesable to the Enclave and my Chancellor will invariably fit in this building. Two notes of warning, if my aunt asks to see you...I would strongly reccommend taking her invite, she is a Consul of the Federation and my other aunt will more than likely show up in New Shiron soon. Be very careful if your married, don't wander back into this wing of the house. I doubt your wife would be understanding if you wind up playing with my playmates. I should say former playmates."

"Now, if you'll both excuse me, I must unleash the Var upon the forces which plauge Gabrielle, really they should know better than to mess with my betrothed...parkaks"

The Overlord vanished out the door leaving Harrington and the Vrakian alone.

OOC: Port Olympus has all Klatchian variaties of scotch available. The only thing you won't find in the house is milk or dairy cheese.
New Shiron
03-12-2004, 06:46
Harrington looked over at the Walrus in front of him, ruthlessly dismissed the mental image he had from Alice in Wonderland, and asked politely for a servant.

"Well sir, I could certainly use a drink after that, would you like something? I intend to drink some Scotch if its available, single malt preferably."
The Lords of War
04-12-2004, 01:37
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we at KCN bring you this news update....

At 11:55 am, Port Olympus Time, an announcement was made by the Overlord of the Var we now present you that announcment."

*The screen changes to showing a large chamber. The Flag of The Confederation is on a two story banner behind a on a large wide throne. On the throne is the Overlord.*

He begins to speak in low var.
-My people, I William Overlord of the Var, Protector of the Enclave and Protus of Harren have news.

And overlay translations begins at the bottom of the screen: My fellows I am the Overlord of the Var and Protector of Harren, news have I

-I have become betrothed to the Queen of New Shiron and as such am forced to declare war upon those who would destroy her House. For those of my people who do not know what betrothal is, it is a terran custom of annoncing who you will mate with before the actual ceremony of union occurs.

I become betrothed to the Queen of New Shiron and force to declare war upon her house to destroy it. Betrothal is a terran event which announces that I will have sex with person before the ceremony of unification.

-I do not do this lightly, but I must mate with a woman of my statue, and the Queen of New Shiron is such a woman. I have ordered the moblization of all grav fleets to go to the aide of New Shiron.

I do this with great light, I prefer sex with a woman who is tall and the Queen of New Shiron is a whore. I demand that I...trash the air flyers to assist me in New Shiron.

-May the three goddesses be with you...

May women be with you in three's

"We now will discuss this announcment with our resident scholor on the Var, Dr. Peter Pikends."


"Oh, yes the Var are attacking New Shiron..."


"What we just heard...."

"You just read that horrific translation by that overworked coffeehouse twit Ami. I told you to fire her months ago but I guess she's shagging someone about..."

"How dare you..."

"How dare I, you just announced the decleration of war between New Shiron and the Var, Yet the Var are going to their aide..."

"Oh, how quite right...I guess you understand that gibberish..."

"Bloody hell, this nightmare of a news desk couldn't find a coffee bean on a damn coffee bar. If KCN has any sense they'd chuck the lot of you back to whatever thrid world piss ant newpaper spawned you..."

"Now I've just about had enough of this...

*Screen goes Blue*
We are sorry for the interuption. However we were just informed by Enclave Air command that if we did not start properly translating the speaches of the Overlord our broadcasting licence would be revoked.

Using 2 metric ton bombs.
New Shiron
04-12-2004, 08:36
Dyelli Beybi
09-12-2004, 00:37
Benjia House

Nobody actually spoke var, which was a bit of a nuisance... so the Cheka was feeding the speech through their AI in an attempt to work out what the Overlord had actually been talking about.

"Do you think it's sensible to sleep with a Var?" one woman asked, she was standing by a computer terminal with a large mug of tea.

The other agent with her, female again, shrugged, "I've never actually tried, ask Zara she's into that kind of funny business."

The pair laughed, "Hey." the first commented, "We're getting a readout."

She picked up the paper feeing out of the machine, quickly scanning it and passing it to the second woman, "Oh well this at least makes a bit more sense than what KCN told us."

The first shook her head, "Bet she doesn't even know what she's getting into, marrying non-humans is a big mistake."

The second gave her a disaproving look, "I take it you're not including our sort in that category?"

"Of course not." she laughed, difusing any tension that may have been building up, "Anyway... Lords of War has decided to help New Shiron. This of course means Lords of War will end up with all the nice little technological finds when cleanup is over, bit like Vrak did after the Dozle invasion..."

"You're thinking we should get involved?" the second agent queried, "Need I remind you you're not actually a member of Parliament."

"No." she replied, "But as good Commisaars I am suggesting we tell Felix and he tell Parliament he thinks it's a good idea, and as we all know, Parliament does what Felix tells them to do..."
The Lords of War
09-12-2004, 19:20
Er...I would expect Benja House to have figured out that the Overlord is a human...or fairly close to one...
Dyelli Beybi
09-12-2004, 23:35
Er...I would expect Benja House to have figured out that the Overlord is a human...or fairly close to one...

(OOC) I know, I've been reading the threads, I was picking he was some kind of nearly human mixed-blood type. That business with the Commisaars was just random 'water-cooler' gossip.
New Cynthia
11-12-2004, 00:45
The Lords of War
17-12-2004, 18:15
On the day of the Distruction of Broken Hill

The trumpets sounded through the halls of the New Palace announcing the arrival of the Chancellor of The Interplantary Confederation. The rows of aides and guards surrounding the green robed Var made it look more like an invasion.

-Find me the Ambassador from New Shiron at once. I wish to deal with this matter of 'betrothal' at once.

The order came out as a sharp bite, and one of the house stewards went scrambling off to find Lord Harrington.

OOC: I'll let you decide if Lord Harrington decided to 'play' with the playmates or not...
New Shiron
17-12-2004, 19:31
Lord Harrington watched on the live feed coming from the situation room at Regina the reports coming in. The battle appeared to be reaching a climax, and it looked like the Cynthians were making a final desperate attempt for victory.

Too late it looked like at Broken Hill, but maybe not in West Shiron.

He grinned a bit though as the very fetching young woman who had been assigned to make his stay more comfortable left after bringing him a soft drink and a snack.

Mercifully, after making it clear that he was married, happily, and that monogamy was required in his marriage vows, the "playmates" had agreed to act more as hosts instead of "companions." Which had caused a serious sigh of relief from him. Lady Harrington had a temper after all, and she always knew when he lied to her.

Upon getting the summons, he dressed carefully and quickly. He had a proposal in hand to deliver as well.

The Proposal

Gabrielle will marry the Karlord. However, her duties of state require her to live principally in New Shiron, although frequent visits were allowed (as much as several weeks a year as long as communications were secure and reliable). He would be under New Shiron law, Consort, but without legal authority except as her special assistant under New Shiron law.

If that was not suitable, then she would step down, and become Princess of New Shiron, and agree to live were ever he wished her too. At that time her younger brother would become King and assume all of the duties.

If she remained on the throne, she planned to step down in 10 years and hand over the throne to her brother in any case. She had already ruled for 10 years, since she was 16 and her brother would be ready (more than ready) by then to take over the reins of government.

Children born of this union would be in line for the throne of New Shiron, but must decide at their majority whether they would remain in line for the throne, or if the traditions of the Karlord allowed or required it, be in line for rule of that nation. They under no circumstances could rule both nations jointly, although if two children were produced one could rule New Shiron and the other could rule the Lords of War (should that be the tradition).
North Germania
17-12-2004, 20:25
OOC: DERRRRRR North Germania forgot that North Germania has AI battle droids. Also North Germania forgot that North Germania has EMP cannons. BADURRR.


Encryption Max


To: New Shiron High Command
From: Reichswehr of North Germania

We have noticed your distress call. If you trust Germanian military presence in your country, we are willing to dedicate to you 950 Executioner Class Battle Droids.

They come equipped with either (2) miniguns, (2) TOW, Hellfire, or LOSAT missile launchers, (2) two-barreled Stinger missile launchers, or (1) EMP cannon.

The EMP technology was stolen from a Dozle ship when around 75,000 Reichswehr Guards stormed a small encampment.

If you do accept our help, however, we advise you that any attempts to steal or copy our technology will be met with a very negative reaction from North Germania.

However, if you respect or sovereignty, God have mercy on whomever it is invading your nation.



Note: Executioners look kind of like the big nasty robots from the movie 'Terminator'. More details are available.
The Lords of War
18-12-2004, 01:13
OOC: North Germania is a day late...

IC: Lord Harrington was led into a large chamber overlooking the pool below. The Chancellor stood with his back to the door looking out a window.
"your Excellency, Lord Harrington..."

The eight foot mass of blue black scales turned and looked at man from New Shiron. "We shall discuss this matter over tea." He growled deeply. Two benches appeared carried by servents. A large metal tea setting was placed on the the table between them.

The Proposal, once proffered was inspected and then delegated to an aide. "I find Terran writting simplistic and annoying...As I find this whole affair. Many Karlords mumble about this sudden union, with a House unknown to us. The House of Crawfnord is young, but it is founded from the union of the Eternals and the House of Crawford. The Crawford's are warriors, they have shown skill in both war and peace. But what of the Queen's House...shall their blood only dilute that of Thomas the First New Overlord? Or shall it strengthen it?"

One of the human aides was looking over the proposal and jotting down some notes.
Dyelli Beybi
18-12-2004, 11:35
All across Klatch, the Cheka was watching, as soon as the Lords of War made a move, Dyelli Beybi would follow... in the name of the Federation of course.
New Shiron
18-12-2004, 21:48
bump while I fix hardware issues with computer
New Shiron
19-12-2004, 02:56
OOC: North Germania is a day late...

IC: Lord Harrington was led into a large chamber overlooking the pool below. The Chancellor stood with his back to the door looking out a window.
"your Excellency, Lord Harrington..."

The eight foot mass of blue black scales turned and looked at man from New Shiron. "We shall discuss this matter over tea." He growled deeply. Two benches appeared carried by servents. A large metal tea setting was placed on the the table between them.

The Proposal, once proffered was inspected and then delegated to an aide. "I find Terran writting simplistic and annoying...As I find this whole affair. Many Karlords mumble about this sudden union, with a House unknown to us. The House of Crawfnord is young, but it is founded from the union of the Eternals and the House of Crawford. The Crawford's are warriors, they have shown skill in both war and peace. But what of the Queen's House...shall their blood only dilute that of Thomas the First New Overlord? Or shall it strengthen it?"

One of the human aides was looking over the proposal and jotting down some notes.

Lord Harrington smiled thinly, "Our house is a warrior house as well. Our family, as I am Gabrielle's uncle, as led the nation of New Shiron for 400 years. Under the leadership of the O'Connors, our people fought and destroyed the Orcs who lived in the land before we came, and conquered the continent. Even now, under my nieces' leadership, our people have stopped a technologically advanced enemy who invaded us without warning at Varangia and the Simpson Hills, in spite of them catching us completely by surprise. The valor of my people is not to be ignored, for they have proven it again and again. Gabrielle was even willing to consider a risky rescue attempt of one who didn't deserve it in Dyelli Byebi because she gave her word that she would, and then she had the courage to not do so when it became clear that not only did that person not deserve the consideration being given him, but that to continue further would needlessly risk the lives of her people.

That is moral courage of the highest sort. That is why when she offered to resign the Senate and Assembly of New Shiron refused to consider it.

She is worthy enough I think."

ooc I should really write up something at some point, but basically New Shiron is my old D & D campaign world so using that history basically (with suitable alterations of course).
The Lords of War
19-12-2004, 05:18
OOC: Er...not to labor on a point but it seems odd to have her have been a Naval (Flight?) Cadet and a monarch at the same time. The Overlord has no college experience (well a bit) hard to give a full monarch a military education, hard to give demerits to a cadet when they are also your commander-in-cheif (Realizing that it is the present generation of RL monarchs that had any real college education)

The Chancellor's demenor seemed to change, although how was a bit difficult to decern with such an alien species. "Perfect, Sir, just perfect. Authoratative without implying that the accuser is somehow unjustfied in demanding or using an un-intended inslut. Although the last comment you made rephrase to demonstrate that the Overlord obviously see's her as worthy."

The Chancellor's tail wagged, "Well I need not have worried upon that item for so long..." He stated dryly back to his aide.

"I appoligize for my aggressive stance Lord Harrington, but you will be seen as a represenative of House...O'conner..." He seemed to stuble on the name for a moment, "...and I needed to see if you would give an appropriate response to a Karlord questioning this affair."

The human aide shook his head, "I agree my lord, the Orc comment will go over very well I should say your Lordship, but I hope you realize that you'll likely then get served Orc by some well meaning Karlord after that comment makes its rounds around the Council and the Lansrach"

The Var poured tea into a cup and placed it on the tray, then poured a second cup and placed it next to it. The claw hovered mid-air for a moment. "How...?" He looked back at his human aide. The aide made a sweeping jesture and the Var repeated it with his claw. " then...reading over that proposal. Yes, I can read Terran English quite quickly...although I find it does give me a headache, I was curious to know what the exact inheritance laws of New Shiron were with respect to the Monarchy...I found that Terran's being their fractured nature have a variety of rules on the subject."
The Lords of War
19-12-2004, 05:24
All across Klatch, the Cheka was watching, as soon as the Lords of War made a move, Dyelli Beybi would follow... in the name of the Federation of course.

And the Cheka cell that was monitoring the Artic Sea finally got back from his month long holiday in Klatchian Gallaga to find that the northern naval bases of the LOW had lost a good deal of gravships...Oh dear...

OOC: Both I and Vrak are engaged in the war right now!!!
New Shiron
19-12-2004, 06:21
OOC: Er...not to labor on a point but it seems odd to have her have been a Naval (Flight?) Cadet and a monarch at the same time. The Overlord has no college experience (well a bit) hard to give a full monarch a military education, hard to give demerits to a cadet when they are also your commander-in-cheif (Realizing that it is the present generation of RL monarchs that had any real college education).

the British King George V was a serving officer in the Royal Navy (late 19th Century) until the death of his brother moved him up in the line of succession and forced him to give up the Navy. Of the current British monarchs, one was a serving officer in the Falklands War (Prince Andrew I believe) flying helicopters.

Basically, your information on her and the family would report that she was not originally, nor was her younger brother, supposed to become the Monarch. She was just finishing advanced flight school (and was a precocious child for her age) when her Older brother was developed cancer and died soon after, forcing her to give up her Navy career even as it began. Rank of Marshal is because she is Commander in Chief of New Shiron military forces. She has a Lifesaving Medal, and a couple of qualification medals (firearms and air combat) plus a few ribbons that tradition forces her to wear (old New Shiron military campaigns).

The Chancellor's demenor seemed to change, although how was a bit difficult to decern with such an alien species. "Perfect, Sir, just perfect. Authoratative without implying that the accuser is somehow unjustfied in demanding or using an un-intended inslut. Although the last comment you made rephrase to demonstrate that the Overlord obviously see's her as worthy."

The Chancellor's tail wagged, "Well I need not have worried upon that item for so long..." He stated dryly back to his aide.

"I appoligize for my aggressive stance Lord Harrington, but you will be seen as a represenative of House...O'conner..." He seemed to stuble on the name for a moment, "...and I needed to see if you would give an appropriate response to a Karlord questioning this affair."

The human aide shook his head, "I agree my lord, the Orc comment will go over very well I should say your Lordship, but I hope you realize that you'll likely then get served Orc by some well meaning Karlord after that comment makes its rounds around the Council and the Lansrach"

The Var poured tea into a cup and placed it on the tray, then poured a second cup and placed it next to it. The claw hovered mid-air for a moment. "How...?" He looked back at his human aide. The aide made a sweeping jesture and the Var repeated it with his claw. " then...reading over that proposal. Yes, I can read Terran English quite quickly...although I find it does give me a headache, I was curious to know what the exact inheritance laws of New Shiron were with respect to the Monarchy...I found that Terran's being their fractured nature have a variety of rules on the subject."

"The Royal Family has substantial family wealth in addition to its wealth as head of state and government. Her personal wealth is around $100 Million Shironin Golf Crowns (roughly $200 Million US dollars), while that of the family is considerably more. Under New Shiron law, in the event of her death, half goes to her children and spouse, the remainder back to the family if she dies before age 50, and after that all goes to her children except for 10% which goes to the spouse."

Harrington sipped his tea and continued.

"Our monarchy is a trifle unusual in that the Senate and Assembly must approve the initial taking up of the crown. Traditionally, except for a couple of extreme occasions, they generally approve the next in line under traditional closest blood to the crown becoming the next crown. After that, the man or woman who becomes the King or Queen serves a minimum of 20 years, at which point the Assembly and Senate again approve or disapprove. A couple of our monarchs in the past did a poor job and were forced to give up the crown to the next appropriate successor. Usually though, if the Queen or King has served the nation well, then the Senate and Assembly reapprove them and they serve until their deaths.

In other words, we have high standards for our Queen or King. But generally we have been lucky in that respect, and our royal family has generally married well.

One more thing, traditionally every other generation of royal princesses and princes are required to marry those of common blood. This ensures a constant stream of good blood into the family and prevents the traditional problem of inbreeding found in so many royal families. The Princesses are generally guided to marry into wealthy business families, while the Princes marry for beauty and grace. For example, my young nephew is currently married to a beauty pagent winner. A most charming girl.

It has served us well, as you can see for yourself in my niece. Of course, I am a proud Uncle so I could be biased."
Dyelli Beybi
19-12-2004, 10:51
(OOC) Is there another thread? For some reason I can't do a forum search so I need these things pointed out to me.
19-12-2004, 12:04

This should be it:
The Lords of War
19-12-2004, 17:00
OOC: Ah, that makes more sense. And realize LOW is quite insular and only finds out about things from the outside world usually through other Klatchian States. A prince or princess serverving in the military and going to college makes sense...Even the current Queen Elizabeth served as the english equivilant of a WAC in WWII...

IC:The Chancellor nodded "An elected monarchy from the same family...quite Terran...As for wealth we have little intrest in your Queen's personal wealth...but for comparison...he own's a large habitable planet. I will let someone else estimate the value..."

The chancellor pointed to his aide again. "Ah yes mylord, well we do have records of a continent being purchased for one point five trillion USD. It's a bit hard to guage though..."

"Yes, well I do have an amendment to the proposal you have given. Obviously for this mating to be fruitful the Overlord and the Queen must occupy the same physical location. And we would prefer to maintain her present status as it strengthens our hand at home. But monarchs can not be residing for long periods in foreign nations, so if we were to build embassies attached to their places of residence in both in New Shrion and the Enclave then they could occupy whatever location and still deal with matters of state from within their respective embassies."

"This would be a great deal easier if they were a member state of the Federation..." The aide chuclked.
"Yes, and then we wouldn't have to be worrying about the Dyellians deciding to strike at New Shiron after we've defeated these Cynthians..."
"Or the North Germanians...and their dreaded A.I. robots..."

Of course the LOW didn't know anything about "beauty pagents." The concept of admiring their fellow creatures for something that didn't translate into increased power or survival skills for the offspring was alien to them. One more Terran custom that made no sense to a Var. (Maybe because sex to the Var was similar to releaving a swollen bladder by taking a piss in a thorn bush. Painful releif.)
New Shiron
20-12-2004, 18:37
New Shiron
20-12-2004, 20:17
IC:The Chancellor nodded "An elected monarchy from the same family...quite Terran...As for wealth we have little intrest in your Queen's personal wealth...but for comparison...he own's a large habitable planet. I will let someone else estimate the value..."

The chancellor pointed to his aide again. "Ah yes mylord, well we do have records of a continent being purchased for one point five trillion USD. It's a bit hard to guage though..."

"Yes, well I do have an amendment to the proposal you have given. Obviously for this mating to be fruitful the Overlord and the Queen must occupy the same physical location. And we would prefer to maintain her present status as it strengthens our hand at home. But monarchs can not be residing for long periods in foreign nations, so if we were to build embassies attached to their places of residence in both in New Shrion and the Enclave then they could occupy whatever location and still deal with matters of state from within their respective embassies."

"This would be a great deal easier if they were a member state of the Federation..." The aide chuclked.
"Yes, and then we wouldn't have to be worrying about the Dyellians deciding to strike at New Shiron after we've defeated these Cynthians..."
"Or the North Germanians...and their dreaded A.I. robots..."

Of course the LOW didn't know anything about "beauty pagents." The concept of admiring their fellow creatures for something that didn't translate into increased power or survival skills for the offspring was alien to them. One more Terran custom that made no sense to a Var. (Maybe because sex to the Var was similar to releaving a swollen bladder by taking a piss in a thorn bush. Painful releif.)

Harrington listened with interest to the exchange. "Membership would be something my nation and people would be interested in pursueing. For too long we have been an insular nation ourselves, and after researching, it is clear that in many ways my people and the peoples of your Federation have much in common.

We have much to add to your Federation I feel. Our people are strong, determined, and loyal. We also have now an extremely experienced military force which has had all of the peacetime deadwood cut away, although a little more drastically and suddenly than was perhaps desirable. Once we are at peace again, our economy will return to its usual soundness as well."

Sipping his tea again, he asked a question. "What would the terms and requirements be for New Shiron to join your Federation?"

if the issue came up, Harrington would explain that picking beauty pagent winners had the advantage of selecting women for both desirable sexual characteristics as well as intelligence (well, that the THEORY anyway.. chuckle... Miss USA and Miss America winners are generally an accomplished bunch of women for example)
North Germania
20-12-2004, 22:23
I'm late?
The Lords of War
20-12-2004, 23:46
OOC: The Var (well these Var look for a more martial quality in their mates...They are the Lords of War.)

IC: The human showed shock, the Var...well one couldn't tell what the Chancellor showed. "That sir is a matter best discussed with your neices future....ah....out-laws..."

*Cough* -In-Laws

"I mean In-Laws...yes, I beleive you should discuss membership in the Federation with Landgravine Hubris, Outer Consul of the Federation. Who is the aunt of the Overlord." The Chancellor looked at Harrington with an odd look...well it was odd for a Var. "Hmm, perhaps we had best schedule another meeting after you discuss such things with the Landgravine. If you don't mind I will allow my staff to request a meeting for you?"
New Shiron
21-12-2004, 00:09
Harrington, who expected such a reaction, merely nodded. "Yes, it would be an honor for us if you did so."
Alcona and Hubris
21-12-2004, 21:55
Cenotaph Hill,
Port Olympus C.D.K
1050 Hours Local

The limo climbed up the steep grade and slid across the white line dividing the narrow twisting road. The limo retuned to its side of the road before a dark green rover, with the Klatchian and Joint Defense Force Flags flying on the fenders, appeared around the side of a blind corner. The limo had picked up Lord Harrington and driven him across town to the Consul's residence. The last part of the journey had been this twisting ride up the steep sides of a wooded hill with mansions dotting the heights above.

As the car turned onto this new street Daniel turned and pointed out the back window. "Great veiw of the inner city from here, and that large hill behind it is Parliment Hill, the high tower is the bell tower of Parliment, the low dome is the Privy Council Chamber, and those stubbier towers are the Old Palace which is currently the Parlimentary Library."
Daniel turned back to facing forward. He was an assistant...something...the name didn't translate into english and was something like t'crak or something similar....but had been assigned to be Lord Harrington's aide on this little trip by the LOW Chancellor V'trak.

The limo turned onto a large roundabout that circled a massive 70 foot tall cenotaph. Its gray sides were blank except for several small square windows under a carved freize that was hard to make out from here. The limo slowed at a gatehouse set into a high, rubble stone wall.

The solid metal gates pulled open to reveal a courtyard filled with large old tree's and flowering ground cover. The house rose up three stories on the other side. It looked like early Frank-Lloyd Wright or Luis Sullivan. Hip Roofs with deep eaves covering ribbons of art class windows and wide covered porches with stylized ornimentation cut into stone and contrasting with the deep red brick. Before the house rose a fountain with a statue, almost identical to the one in the New Palace of the Overlord.

Lord Harrington and his aide were escored into the house by a fully uniformed Alconian marine into a small sitting room. Two walls of the room were full of art glass windows. One looked out onto the garden, the wall on the other side of the room looked out across the south eastern part of the city and Lake Olympus beyond.

The room was set with a few suffed leather chairs and a grand piano in one corner.

A few moments after them entered two women. The first was an attractive red head. She stood about 6'2" and had cool blue green eyes. She was wearing a blue blouse and gray jacket and pants. The second woman was shorter, a blond with grey eyes as hard as steel. The blond wore a white uniform with only a crest emblazened on her left breast and a very long sword at her side.

The Marine barked and saluted, "Lord Harrington of New Shiron, and Assistant T'zarckze, Daniel of House Ober'ta Ma'm"

The red head returned the salute with ease "Thank You, please take a post outside sargent..." Her eyes hadn't deviated from appraising Harrington. She took a short bow towards them both, and introduced herself. "Lord Harrington, I am Landgravine Hubris, Outer Consul of the Federation and this is my swordmaster. Please gentlemen take a seat...."

The Landgravine sat down in a chair opposite and leveled her gaze at the New Shiron Lord, "I was informed that you had some matter pertaining to the marriage of your neice and my nephew to discuss Lord Harrington."

The swordmaster took an at ease postion behind the Landgravine's chair. Her grey eyes were blank of expression.

OOC: The Landgravine appears to be in her late twenties/ early thirties
New Shiron
22-12-2004, 00:59
Lord Harrington, a handsome and fit man in his mid 40s (although he looked a bit careworn as of late) sat as requested and met the Landgravine's gaze levelly. "Yes your grace, in addition to the conventionally complicated matters of discussion concerning matrimony and betrothal between two heads of state, I have also been asked by my niece the Queen to make inquiries about the possibility of a formal request by New Shiron to join the Klatchian Federation."

Leaning slightly forward, he continued. "My nation has remained insular from the affairs of the world for far too long, and in fact made a serious misjudgement in our first sortie into the world. But we have studied your Federation carefully and my people, especially after the substantial help that has come from the Federation in defeating the Cynthian invaders, are interested in joining your Federation on a permanent basis."
22-12-2004, 01:53
OOC: Gah sorry for being late. I'll catch up in a bit.
Alcona and Hubris
22-12-2004, 17:35
Lord Harrington, a handsome and fit man in his mid 40s (although he looked a bit careworn as of late) sat as requested and met the Landgravine's gaze levelly. "Yes your grace, in addition to the conventionally complicated matters of discussion concerning matrimony and betrothal between two heads of state, I have also been asked by my niece the Queen to make inquiries about the possibility of a formal request by New Shiron to join the Klatchian Federation."

Leaning slightly forward, he continued. "My nation has remained insular from the affairs of the world for far too long, and in fact made a serious misjudgement in our first sortie into the world. But we have studied your Federation carefully and my people, especially after the substantial help that has come from the Federation in defeating the Cynthian invaders, are interested in joining your Federation on a permanent basis."

An eyebrow arched at the last statement. "So the nation of New Shiron wishes to join the Klatchian Federation?" She replied with a cool look.

After you've been invaded by an enemy who are you scared of?

"Well, most outsiders do not understand that the Federation is a union of states not people. 'We the States of the Klatchian Coast, in order to establish our full rule of the Klatchian Region, to provide for the common defense, and to allow ourselves and our heirs to rule without foreign interference...".

The Landgravine paused again, "That, Lord Harrington is the preable of our Consitution. In effect your government, and your Queen would be surrendering part of their soverignity to the central government. Are your people really ready to suddenly start participating in the Federation? To have Joint Defense Forces on their lands, to have their boys and girls go to war under the Klatchian Banner? To protect nations who are decidely not fellow consitutional monarchies?"

And is this some way for your Queen to get out of marrying Will? She thought as listened to Lord Harrington's reply.
New Shiron
22-12-2004, 22:00
An eyebrow arched at the last statement. "So the nation of New Shiron wishes to join the Klatchian Federation?" She replied with a cool look.

After you've been invaded by an enemy who are you scared of?

"Well, most outsiders do not understand that the Federation is a union of states not people. 'We the States of the Klatchian Coast, in order to establish our full rule of the Klatchian Region, to provide for the common defense, and to allow ourselves and our heirs to rule without foreign interference...".

The Landgravine paused again, "That, Lord Harrington is the preable of our Consitution. In effect your government, and your Queen would be surrendering part of their soverignity to the central government. Are your people really ready to suddenly start participating in the Federation? To have Joint Defense Forces on their lands, to have their boys and girls go to war under the Klatchian Banner? To protect nations who are decidely not fellow consitutional monarchies?"

And is this some way for your Queen to get out of marrying Will? She thought as listened to Lord Harrington's reply.

Harrington continued to meet her eyes. "Your Grace, I have read your constitution which is one of the reasons I am here to negotiate with you. Gabrielle and I are aware of the responsabilities and price of collective security. Like many of your member nations, we see the need for it, especially after the price we have paid lately. Nearly 2 million of my people are dead or missing, another 10 million have been displaced, and Shironin troops are still dying as we speak.

The Queen recognizes that we do not agree with the politics of all of the nations of Klatch. We also recognize that they won't be inflicting their views on us nor us on them. Our government works for us very well, but that doesn't mean other governments don't work for the people in those lands.

We are willing to pay the price for collective security."
Alcona and Hubris
23-12-2004, 20:04
The Landgravine nodded, "It is nice to see that my future neice is intelligent enough to actually research her moves. Do I need to reference the sections of the constitution that pertain to joining the Federation? Or are you well enoughd breifed that we can discuss what needs to be done for the Privy Council to admit you as a full member?"
New Shiron
24-12-2004, 02:53
Lord Harrington replied seriously, "Your Grace, in order to ensure clarity, a briefing from you would be most desirable."
Alcona and Hubris
24-12-2004, 19:00
Victoria grimiced, "For one who does not have a law degree I do seem to spend a good deal of time quoting legal documents. Perhaps I should have gotten a Juiris Doctorate rather than my Ph.D...."

She leaned back and pondered for a moment, "Article five, section three is the relavent chapter..."

She opened a small drawer in the table next to her and pulled out a laptop device and began to punch buttons. A screen raised up from behind a ledge with a black screen and green type running across it.

Any nation, desiring to purchase Unclaimed Territory and settle in the Federated Klatchian Coast may due so at the invitation of a State of the Klatchian Coast.

A) Any nation, having purchased unclaimed territory in the Federation, shall be considered a Territory of the Federated Klatchian Coast.

B) A Territory shall have the same rights and privileges of a State, but shall not be allowed to have either Electors for President, nor Keys in Parliament.

C) A Territory shall be admitted as a State only upon the invitation by the President, the Chancellor or a Consul and the consent of Parliament by a majority vote. No nation or Territory shall be admitted into the Federation who have; Godmoded unrepentantly; Have used more than five nuclear weapons in three years; has demonstrated other actives which place a shadow on their long term survival (or upon the player’s judgement)

"Hmm, well the Calarcian Paradim is such that you can join by purchasing any territory under the control of the Privy Council to meet the first requirements. That means that all your nation has to do is buy a nice bit of land here in Port Olympus for your embassy and then you and your nation can be admitted as a territory..."

She paused for a moment, "What you need to become a State is an invititation from the President, or myself and then a vote in Parliament to admit you. As for the nuclear weapons buisness I think your present usage would be considered one event. But I will have to discuss it with the Keys if they see it as such...more than likely...."

"I've tended only to invite in Territories who have made the proper adjustements to their constitution to set up mechanisms to select their Keys and their Electors. Really we don't care how you select them, just that you do. But the vote might be tricky, your seen as an enemy by Dyelli Beybi who can influence the Terran Sphere and Jiggady's against you. Vrak may vote on your side, I doubt if the Durakians will...But both the Dual Duchies and Confederation of Lords will support the newest member of our dynasty and likely buy off both Rouge and Southern Jiggady if needed...."

The last statement was obvious, Gabrielle had to marry William for them to even have a chance at gaining statehood within the Federation.
New Shiron
25-12-2004, 00:54
New Shiron
26-12-2004, 20:44
bump until back from christmas trip today
New Shiron
27-12-2004, 19:25
ooc started a new thread

as things are no longer in massive crisis mode, seems appropriate plus we don't have to worry about the thread being lost in the shuffle nearly as much