NationStates Jolt Archive

Looking for Cell nations

18-11-2004, 02:24
Framtil is looking for nations prepared to handle the new war, we ask that you provide housing and aid for terrorist cells in your country.

Framtil is currently comprising a list of possible friend nations

please sign if ou wish to be on the side of freedom amd provide safety for Framtil terror Cells.

The Parthians
18-11-2004, 02:50
Our prisons are notorious for their violations of all standards of humanity and decency. Prisoners can be stuffed into a 15x10 foot cell with 100 other prisoners, stuffed into a vertical cell the size of a coffin, stuffed into a 3 foot high steel cage, or simply placed in any other form of imprisonment you desire. We can "extract" information for you, our SAVAK agents are the best in the region for "physical extraction" of the truth. We are willing to stuff 15,000 of your prisoners in our new prison outside the city of Tabriz. The new prison, the Panoptigon, is a structure located underground that opens to a central silo and elevator leading to a fenced in kill-zone on the surface. The central structure has many light assemblies that shine a bright light into the cells so none of the inmates can see out but the guards can see in. The cells are arranged in a octagon around the assembly and are only accesible through a telesocping bridge which folds up when not in use and only activatable by a guard on the central assembly. Below the main prison is the dungeon where we have 10,000 darkness cells... either full cells or coffin sized ones and torture chambers.

Thats the only kind of cell i'll have in my nation, and if one of your cells shows up expect them to face the worst fate possible.
Fascist Confederacy
18-11-2004, 02:52
I was wondering, what exactly are these fighters fighting against? What is their motivation? Their purpose? -- Pastor Kliff Gulett