NationStates Jolt Archive

Alternate live of King MacDonald

17-11-2004, 00:38
OOC: This is a parallel life of King Sam MacDonald. No comment as to whether it’s related to him in RL.

Sam was 16 years old, his dad had been in jail for as long as he could remember, he never knew exactly why, but he suspected it had to do with his family’s ties to organized crime. His father, from what he could tell was a big guy, close to 300 lbs and almost 6 feet 6 inches tall. As a child, Sam always wondered how his mom never worked, and always was able to live in such an extravagant house, with nice furniture. By now, it occurred to him that his dad was in the Mafia.

Sam was at a family event, his Uncle Tony was there, Tony was his dad’s brother, and the event was something stupid, like a birthday party. Sam didn’t pay attention to his mom when she told him. Sam was walking into the living room, when his Uncle Tony, who was standing around with the rest of the men of the family, and extended family, Tony called over “Hey Sam, I’ve got somethin’ to tell you.”

Sam didn’t know what Tony was going to say, so he walked over, Tony laid it out flat to him. “Sam, your dad was a made man, and he wants you to follow in his footsteps. He was a good man, and we expect you to be the same.” Sam knew that he didn’t have to do very much in school anymore, because he was going to work in the family business. Sam was going to get a summer job at the family restaurant, which was really a front for the real business. The restaurant was a large place, on paper, everyone in the family was employed here, so that for tax purposes, they would have a job.

“Sam, we want to follow your dad’s wishes, and now that you’re 16, you’re old enough to start working with us. We’re going to start you out, with just weapons training for a while. When you’re 18 an’ out of the house, and you have your own place then you’ll start working. For right now, I want you to go shooting once a week. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Uncle Tony, I do.” Sam responded enthusiastically. “What kind of gun should I train with?”

“Whatever you like, just make sure its legal and have at least 2 guns.”

Sam walked around for the rest of the party, obviolsy content that he was going to be joining the family business.

The next day, Sam went online to look at different guns to choose, he decided on a UMP .45, as his main weapon, and the pistol he carried on person, was a 1911TC w/stainless finish.
His sidearm
17-11-2004, 01:26
no responses?
22-11-2004, 22:26
*** 2 years later**

Sam was now 18 years old, he was skilled with all three of his weapons, a UMP, and 1911. In his gang were three of his friends, who also had connections to organized crime, their names were Shawn, Kevin and Jeff. They didn’t always go with him, but when they did, they got their 5% cuts.

Today was Sam’s first day, his uncle Tony gave him $100,000 to start with, plus connections to increase business. Sam was set up just collecting money from drug dealers that operated out of the neighborhood, he was also set up to make some money by reselling stolen cars. He recently got a Mercedes G-500 from his Uncle Tony for his 18th birthday.

As Sam got out of his car, he grabbed his 1911, and turned the safety off, then cocked it, putting a bullet into the chamber. The day was typical of weather in Kahta City, it was gray, and a few snowflakes could be seen falling from the sky here and there. He could see down the street, and there was a dealer, selling some crack to a kid, only about 15 or 16 years old. He slammed the door shut, and pressed a button on his Keyless Entry to lock it. Slowly walking, but not looking at anyone in the eyes, he glanced towards the dealer, who was starting to walk away. Sam started to walk faster and the dealer looked back, beginning to run. There was a little snow coming down, and the dealer, a fat black man in his 20’s slipped on some ice, and he fell flat onto his back.

“Hey there, where the fuck’s my money?” Sam said to the black, looking up at him.

“I don’ know whatchu talkin’ bout foo’. The dealer responded, obviously lying.

“I’m talking about the money you used to pay to my uncle, and now you’re paying me. So where is it?”

“I told ju’ I don’t know whatchu’re talkin’ bout.” The black looked scared.

“Look, I’m not as dumb as you. My IQ is way above the average for my race. I don’t know about you.” Sam sneered as he said the last part.

“Oh. You the nephyouuu of that guy that used to come here, get me money?”

“Yeah, isn’t that what I just said?”

“I thought youse was someone else. I got 75% here come back tomorrow and you get the rest.”

“Give me all the money now, or I’ll take your car.”

“I jus toldju I don’t got enough money.” The black was still lying on the ground, he was looking more scard.

“Give me your fucking keys. Your car’s mine now.”

“No foo, I toldju, I give you the money tomorrow.”

“Give me 50% today, and then the other half, plus 25% tomorrow. That means you’ll be giving me $5,000 today, and $10,000 tommorow, ok?” Sam knew he did the math wrong, he was seeing if the dealer understood.

“Yes suh, I give you the money tomorrow. I hope you done the math right cuz I dropped out in 7th grade."

22-11-2004, 22:46
Sam was back again, this time, he had his three friends, Shawn, Kevin, and Jeff. They all had their weapons on them. This time, Sam pulled right up to the black, and told him flat out:

“Give me the fucking $10 grand. I’m not playing any games today.”

“Yes suh, I gib you half tomorrow.” The black didn’t have the $10 grand, he didn’t even have the 5 grand.”

Sam was angry now, he grabbed his 1911 out of his jacket pocket and stuck it in the dealers face. “Give me your keys now, your car is mine, as well as anything in it, or anything I like at your house.”

“But suh, you said 50% today!” The black was angry that he was going to lose his car, a 2003 Cadillac Escalade, Sam had no interest in it, but he knew it was worth at least $30,000.

“No, listen here you dumb ni---r, I said $10,000 today, after we agreed on a deal yesterday, now give me your keys, or I kill you, take the keys, and take everything you own, that’s of value.”

“Fine suh. I give you the keys, can this count as a fifdy thou payment? I pay fidy fo’ that car.”

“Sure, it will count as a fifteen thousand payment, see you in 3 weeks for next month’s money. It’ll be $5,000 then.”

The black, who Sam had never known his name, gave him the keys, and then the title to the car, which was kept in the glove compartment, the black signed it over, in hand writing similar to that of a 4 year old.

Sam turned back to Kevin and Shawn, and told them “You take the Escalade back to my apartment, I’ll sell it tomorrow, and give all three of you your shares, which’ll be $5,000 each.”
22-11-2004, 23:27
Here is what Sam's car looks like:

OOC: I'll post more of his possesions later
Red Tide2
23-11-2004, 00:20
OOC:Umm... Kahta? How are we supposed to get involved in a RP like this!(I have an idea... but it has to be okay with you)
23-11-2004, 23:51
OOC: I don't know, maybe contact me on MSN/AIM/ICQ, and you can take the role of a guest character.
24-11-2004, 01:32
29-11-2004, 00:33
20-12-2004, 02:27
bump, update soon.

comment if you wish