NationStates Jolt Archive

Zanziik Special Operations Group

13-11-2004, 01:40
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The highly classified Zanziik Special Operations Group (ZSOG) was formed during the reign of Michael the Second Supreme Overlord of the Dominion of Zanziik for the purposes of high-priority operations needing a black hand to control them. ZSOG was run first by director of intelligence Neil Donaldson. He is remembered for running ZSOG with a fist of steel and bravery unmatched by any man before. It is said that he took fourteen of his captors with him during the first civil war in which he was interrogated and later killed. The new face of ZSOG is modern, with three branches of the group. The first is Executive, handling the beauracracy of the ZSOG. The second, less known group is the Special Intelligence (SI) branch. They are responsible for gathering information on enemy nations and inner Zanziik factions as well. The third group, also the deadliest and most feared branch of the ZSOG is the SWaTO, (Special Weapons and Tactics Operations) is the ZSOG's main military might, using the most modern technology and the newest tactics known to man, they are always ready to fight and die for their country in a second. They are known for their lighting fast raids, ambushes, and kidnappings of enemy officials for intelligence. The ZSOG with these three branches is ready for almost any type of threat presented to Zanziik. The latest know use of ZSOG operatives was in the current war with Dracun Imperium.
13-11-2004, 01:57
Has the conflict with Dracun been resolved yet? I still have thirty Black Eyes (my own elite black ops group) in place to assassinate the emperor. That would in all likelihood be detrimental to negotiations.
13-11-2004, 02:07
As of right now, my leader, Austerreich's leader, and the Dracunian leader are in Dracun conducting peace talks to end this conflict.
13-11-2004, 02:11
Ah. I should probably begin to withdraw my Black Eyes, no?
13-11-2004, 02:13
I guess it seems that way, but you may want to wait a while first. BTW I am Pentova if you remember me.
13-11-2004, 02:16
OOC: So I'm allowed into the peace talks? I thought so, but I didn't want to anger Dracun, as he sort of occupies my whole country.
13-11-2004, 02:18
OOC: Yes I believe so as he invited you to the talks as well, but I have some bad news. He won't be on for a while cause his computer is messed up. :(
13-11-2004, 02:36
Can I get a bump bump?
13-11-2004, 16:05
13-11-2004, 16:19
If it is war between nations I've come across some schmatics for prototype battleships from the Insititude of Royal Naval achitects. Anyone interested in the schematics.
13-11-2004, 16:21
As of now I have not the ability to use these schematics so no, but thank you for your offer.
13-11-2004, 21:06
13-11-2004, 21:16
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SWaTO weapons

The SWaTO commandoes use high-tech, state-of-the-art weaponry and armor to aid them overcome any enemy. Their main armament is a P90 Submachine gun, although a few are armed with modified, lightweight PSG-1 Special Operations Sniper rifle, and some use silenced M249 SAW light machine guns. Every SWaTO member has a Zanziik made, 14 inch blade knife, and a pack capable of hold one weeks worth of survival equipment. In high risk close quarters operations, the SWaTO will use Janbar, a special made bullet resistent body suit that is suprisingly lightweight. The secondary weapon of each member is the B/SP-771 Battle Pistol (, a very hightech weapon designed for special operations.