War with Tooney! (closed)
12-11-2004, 11:48
The cruiser Hat'aka slipped out of darkspace with the ease of a snake. The Demons have found their prey, and they now stalk the sheep with the skill of a Betelgeuse tiger. The Hat'aka was a ship that was like a mix of a spider and a scorpion. Two clawlike vices stick out from the main torso, able to spit powerful weapons of the Demons, called darkbeams. But it is their main weapons, the scorpion tail, that is most terrifying, for it has the ability to consume anything by grabbing it and pulling it in the way a black hole would pull matter, and suck it into where a great number of Demons await to tear apart human prey and burn what is left, leaving no debris...
"My lord. We have found the human scum!" An acolyte cried.
"Good..." Whispered the commander, Lord Khan. "Prepare the darkbeams! I want that ship destroyed!"
The ship in question was a cadet-training cruiser, the humans' military being trained from a young age to fight the Demons. The long-tailed, sharp-clawed demons rushed about, preparing to deliver their human fiends into the Void.
"Darkbeams ready, sire!"
"Very well," Hissed Lord Khan. "Send them into the Void. All of them."
The darkbeams lanced out at the enemy ship, great purple-black streams of energy ready to spear the enemy for the kill...
Exetonia Minor
12-11-2004, 11:52
TAG for later read (sounds interesting CW, cant wait to see how it develops)
As the oficers on this training ship try and come up with a plan on the Inversable, the ship was was a very bazaar ship. The ship had an cadet training facility training facility, and another area for programming T-900 reds. It was a large ship, but the defence was a bit poor, but it had incredible speed. The main officer, Chambo, he was a total war freak, but he loved to teach people new thing and tricks. just when the details came through by scanning the mysterious ship, Chambo had to face it. He coudln't win. You could see it in his face, his eyes started filling up. Just then, a tear rolled down his face, over his scar. He didn't like this one bit.
"Nathen," Chambo said paniking "We can't win, we will have to arm up the cadets. And how long till the T-900's are readdy?" Nathen, he went and told the programmers to start programming them as fast as they can. All of a sudden, there was an alarm noise, the cadets thought it was a drill. It was no drill.
"this is your commander here" said Chambo, with depression in his voice "get your weapons from the armoury now, we have a threat near by. This is no drill. I repeat, this is no drill!"
Just then it went all silent. Then some thing had clipped the outside of the ship, then you heard the cadets scream. They ran and screamed to the armoury, some of them dropeed and had nervous breakdowns before the action began. As they got to the armoury, it was locked up. Some of them wondered of, paniking, not knowing what to do. As for the seniors, they tried to keep every thing under control. It wasn't working.
There was a blast further up the ship where the officers were, a lot of cadets was running that way. No one up there survived, but, they did hear the burning of bodies. The smell of burnings flesh wifted down the corridoors.
Simon, one of the senior cadets had experianced this in training before. He thought that it was a drill, he didn't like it at all. The T-900's were still programming. Simon, didn't show any fear. He had broke in the armoury with his picklock, he grabbed a few assult cannons. Hoping that his determination rubbed of on to other cadets. All that ran through simons head was his loved ones back on his home planet, thats why he had determination because he anted to see the ones he loved again.
12-11-2004, 12:33
The darkbeams continued to lance at the cadet ship, the purple beams tearing away at the hull and then...
"Stop." Lord Kahn ordered. All the beams stopped.
"Prepare the Stinger!"
It would take some time for the Stinger to do it's work, enough time for the Dark One to send a message to the humans.
Humans. You foolish creatures who dare defy us. You who believed you could fight
us and win! Look at you now! I will enjoy stripping the flesh from your bodies!
I shall hear your screams as I rip the beating heart from your bodies and smile.
I shall teach you fear, then terror, and then, I shall teach you death. Goodbye.
In the programming department, Mark, the programmer, got that messege on his messege device near the main computer. Mark broke down in tears, Simon ran through, an stopped out of curioussity. And asked if he was ok. Mark shown him the messege, Simon demanded Mark to tell him how to quickly program the T-900's. After half an hour of programming, the T-900's were complete, with there missions in the memory log. Just after Simon and Mark had programmed the T-900's, they heard a stomping noise outside the door, they were petrified, Simon popped his head out. All he had seen was the ramaining cadets stamping there feet armed with there weapons demanding they wont go down without a fight. Mark an Simon started to smile. Simon started directing the T-900's to small attck pods, the remainder of the cadets, started repairing the ship. There morale was high, very high. They have been taught good by Chambo. Just then, Mark looked on the radar, his face started to lighten up, you couldnt see the attack pods on the radar, over 700 attack pods all with 10 T-900's in, was going towards the mysterious ship. They seen a few small explosions where the pods broke open. The training vessel started to drift nearer, with the engines of. the cadets started to lock and load. Simon grabbed as much ammo as he can, he knew he was going to die, but it would be an enjoyable death when he kicks this life form scum. Mark had sent out Morse code to call for back-up. there was Tooneys personnal vessel coming for back-up.
The Imperial Navy
12-11-2004, 12:49
With the T to the A to the G!
12-11-2004, 12:57
Anti-fighter defense cannons lit up as soon as they detected the pods (with gravitic sensors), and soon, the sky was ablaze with purple energy again...
The Stinger glowed with red energy at it's tip, and then a great red beam of energy poured out of the tip and struck the cruiser. Red energy coursed around the ship, and soon, with a sound of roaring winds, the ship was being stretched by the beam, stretched and twisted and torn and would be sucked into the tail of the beast, cadets and everything.
Unified Sith
12-11-2004, 13:47
OOC: LOL Tooney has just surrendered to Unified Sith lol. His nation is now occupiedd by alot of droids. Have fun CW.
As soon as Simon and Mark see the defence systems destroying the pods, they both new they were all doomed. But, Simon had a plan. there was 8 escape pods, an 5 attack pods left. He ran round gathering all the cadets he could, he started putting them in the pods. Whilst Mark gathered the ammo, put it in a pile on the training vessel. the pods were filled up, Simon didnt go in one, because there was no space, apart from the captains pod. As the pods left for Tooneys vessel, Simon started planting Explosive charges around the vessel, he spotted a nuclear reacter in the engine room. Thats when the idea struck him, as the vessel got closer to the enemy, Simon shifted the nuclear bits around the vessel. Simon had to run, he had no choice to. The other cadets an Mark seen out the window, a huge nuclear explosion, badly damaging the shield over the enemy an damaging the enemy ship very badly. Just when Mark and the other cadets put there head down, the captains pod flew by, all of a sudden, there was a big misunderstanding. They had seen Chambo, in the window, but no Simon. Mark recieved a messege on his Laptop. It was from Simon. 'Don't worry bout me, I'm with Chambo.' There was huge cheers as Mark broke the news.
Just as things were looking bright for the cadets, things turned. They were getting sucked back into the black hole, they were going to be vaporised! Simon an Mark there were no way out of this. They knew they would die as heros for trying to safe Tooney the Dictator. There lifes would remain in history, as for the enemy, they were number 2 on the most wanted list. Simon an Mark started praying, the remainder of the cadets looked puzzeled, they didn't have a clue. then, they were gone, gone for good. Tooneys vessel didn't pick them up on the radar systems any more. There familys would of been devestated. That was it for those poor restless cadets. First they were on the day off, then second they were dead. There has to be a conclusion for this.
13-11-2004, 00:15
The cadets would be dumped into the belly of the miles-long beast, as it sped into darkspace before any reinforcements would come.
Surrounding the broken vessal would be thousands of Demons, creatures from the very pits of Hell. Creatures unleashed upon innocents without mercy, without remorse.
Lord Kahn stood before his acolytes, barely restraining them from tearing the boys apart. He could sense the fear of the youths, and almost taste the blood that would be spilt from their young veins.
"Young humans! I congratulate you on surviving the battle outside!" His voice boomed, chilling the very air. "But now, you are truly hopeless! Fight well, for now, you die! Acolytes, kill them all!"
With a terrible roar, the demons charged, slashing into the mangled hull of the ship...
Simon an Mark ran towards the weapons, they quickly equiped the other cadets with them. Simon knew he will be the last man standing, he just knew it. Mark thought he was going to be doomed, but he had to try and remember the close combat training he had done. As the deamons were charging, Simon took comand, defending Chambo.
"Nobody move!" He shouted" Lock and Load!" The cadets listened carefully, remembering what they had done in training. Mark had appointed 3 cadets to protect Chambo. As for Mark, he went straight into battle, standing his ground for Tooney, the cadets didn't move one bit.
"ATTACK!" Shouted Simon. Just then, out of no where, more cadets ran from the rear of the ship, they were hiding in the restrooms earlier. They were all equiped. As the cadets were attacking the deamons, Simon looked for Lord Kahn. Simon was killing every evil thing in his way to get to him. he didn't care. But his anger didn't get the better of him. Simon started shooting his rounds of at him. Mark was fighting for his live, he had never fought like this before. Blood dripping from his face, going into his mouth. He was fighting like a future samari. But, his anger was getting the better of him. As for Simon, you could see that he wasnt enjoying this, he was scared, he wanted to go home, but he didn't stop fighting. just then, he stopped suddenly. As he approached Lord Kahn, he frooze. He stood up straight. The other cadets were fighting till the last man. They didn't care anymore. They had nothing left because most of them were orphans. Mark carried on fighting, more and more rounds were being fired by everyone.
13-11-2004, 01:45
When one demon was slain, 5 took it's place. Lord Khan watched the carnage as a boy was set upon and torn apart with sharp claws and poisoned jaws. He was amused, and now stood before the boy-commander, the one who survived despite everything. Other demons wanted to take the young commander, but Lord Khan snarled at them, making them back up. He will take this one alone.
"You are worthy of praise, human boy." Khan congratulated. "Very well, I shall make your death a quick one."
He charged, poison claws outstretched, almost too fast for the eye to see.
As Simon just stood there, he was confused. He didn't no what to do. Then he started shooting of his rounds in all directions, not realizing who he hit, he had wounded cadets and deamons. He could see him, only just though. But it was to fast for him to shoot.
"Just don't move, I don't want to hurt anyone! Just let us go, please!" Simon requested.The other cadets were still fighting, they were loosing bad. Mark ran to Chambo an lLooked after him. Evan though Mark was near death. He hoped Simons talking worked.
13-11-2004, 19:09
A sudden movement, and Lord Khan stabbed his poison claws into the boy-commander's stomach, piercing it and then pulling out. He snickered, and grabbed the boy by the throat.
"You are a worthy foe, boy." Lord Khan growled softly. "Now, watch, as your comrades die."
He forced Simon to watch, as the cadets were overwhelmed by the demon numbers, guts slashed open, and blood flowing freely. The demons swarmed Mark, as they tried to kill him, and they swarmed everyone else.
"You see, boy, you and your little army fight well, but now...you've lost." Lord Khan chuckled again.
As Simon was forced to watch, he wouldnt let go of the assult cannon, he gripped it, an wouldn't let go. He seen Mark get torn apart, helplessly he watched, Chambo's head flying past him. Simon couldn't take no more, his anger got the better of him. He raised his hand with the assult cannon in, and put it to Lord Kahns head whilst he was laughinh, and pressed the trigger, it was on automatic, he wouldn't let go. Watching as his friends died.
14-11-2004, 00:46
Lord Khan was fatally surprised by the boy-commander's final attack and his body crashed to the ground. The demons swarmed the body of their leader, howling their sudden loss and beginning to tear apart the boy.
As Simon fell to the ground, Chambo had slowly risen. He grabbed a random weapon. He took an aimed shot, shot over 30 rounds at Lord Kahn. hoping they would it. He didn't see Simon anywhere. But he could her Simons screams.
14-11-2004, 01:04
Demons fell, but more took their place, as they also tore at Chambo, who seemed to be the last one alive.