NationStates Jolt Archive

U.S.S. Condemns Hogsweat (ATTN HOGSWEAT)

10-11-2004, 21:29
After some loud and rancor-filled debates, President Tarumigan Gistarai has managed to push a resolution through the U.S.S. Congress condemning the Hogsweatian actions regarding the executions of corporate executives.

The U.S.S. will enact a 25% tax on all Hogsweatian products coming into Shalrirorchian territories or protectorates, making those goods prohibitively expensive and likely ruining Hogsweatian trade within the Shalrirorchian sphere of influence.

In addition, the resolution calls upon capitalist nations to enact economic sanctions against Hogsweat, and calls for the leadership of that nation to stand down and submit to trial for murder by the World Court.

Unfortunately, the more left-leaning members of Gistarai's Democratic Party revolted against him and joined with the neo-conservatives to oppose the bill. Although the President managed to push it through Congress and has signed it into law, his efforts may have fractured his party.
10-11-2004, 21:56
Wow. Economic sanctions and a trade embargo, from a nation i've never even heard of and who we certainly don't trade with. We are not standing down, we are not going to some Capitalist-sponsored U.N court, since we have broken no law. If you want to try and force us to do such things then you are more than welcome to try.
Comrade Electorate Josef Dorsal

Radio Dorsalgrad, 4PM
"Hello citizens of Hogsweat, this is Violi Vilitov speaking to you from Radio Dorsalgrad. Earlier today, the nation of...Shalrirorchia demanded that our glorious leader surrender himself to the borgiouse for 'murder'! Naturally, glroious leader demanded that the Shalrirorchians would come and get him! The Shalrirorchians are far too weak to oppose the republic comrades, so lets beat their "trade embargo" with harder work!"
Red Wales
10-11-2004, 22:08
Red Wales again requests that Hogsweat holds free and democratic elections in there country, under careful watch from a representative from the Election Bureau of Red Wales, we cannot stand by and watch our 'friends' carry out such gruesome acts. However we cannot and will not support Shalrirorchia and their economic sanctions which will surely only hurt the Hogsweatian people. Therefore after much debate in Parliament the Government overwhelming voted against it, 84% against 16% for.
Independent Wiccans
10-11-2004, 22:09
The High Council has decided to agree to Shalrirorchia's request. Although our Hogsweat imports are limited (as the state does not trade with us and they have a very small private sector) we are doing this to condemn a brutal murder, whether politically-influenced or otherwise.
10-11-2004, 22:26
Red Wales again requests that Hogsweat holds free and democratic elections in there country, under careful watch from a representative from the Election Bureau of Red Wales, we cannot stand by and watch our 'friends' carry out such gruesome acts. However we cannot and will not support Shalrirorchia and their economic sanctions which will surely only hurt the Hogsweatian people. Therefore after much debate in Parliament the Government overwhelming voted against it, 84% against 16% for.
We have had elections, and are due for new ones in three years. You may come and watch if you like.
10-11-2004, 22:29
The Federation fully supports our comrades in Hogsweat.

The Commissariat of Diplimacy
The Socialist Federation of Hallad
10-11-2004, 22:31
We thank the Halladi's for their insight and their good nature. May our comradeship be forever!
Comrade Electorate of the PSRH, Josef Dorsal
10-11-2004, 22:33
Indeed. We, to make up for any trade lost by the embargo, would like to increase trade with Hogsweat. The people should not suffer, and we will ensure they have all the goods they require.

The Commissariat of Commerce
The Socialist Federation of Hallad
Swedish Dominions
10-11-2004, 22:44
Hogsweat has our support

/King Gustav IV Adolph
Random Kingdom
10-11-2004, 22:44
As founder of the Nameless Left-Wing Alliance (soon to change name), Random Kingdom supports both Hogsweat and Red Wales, both fellow members of the alliance, as it is our duty. However, we of Random Kingdom do not condone executions, and would like Hogsweat to host free and democratic elections soon.

OOC: That reminds me... I need elections soon or Random Kingdom is going to become an oxymoron. Like a totalitarian democracy.
The Island of Rose
10-11-2004, 22:50
Official Statement from The Proletariat Commonwealth of The Island of Rose:

We support our ally Hogsweat.
-Minister of Foreign Affairs: Rosta Einvach
10-11-2004, 22:56
We gratefully thank all our glorious allies that have supported us in these times. We also hope to increase trade with Hallad to bring prosperity to both our peoples.
Comrade Electorate of the PSRH, Josef Dorsal
10-11-2004, 23:08
The British Empire is concerned and slightly worried about the large militaristic actions of the Nation of Hogsweat. His Royal Highness King George the Fourth would like to see a more responsible approach towards the international community from this aggressive state.

With the recent annexations of large Asain holdings the Empire can only watch in horror as this poor excuse for communism blatantly executes Imperialism around the globe.

His Royal Highness is also concerned by the presence of Hogsweatian forces upon the Philippine islands. These are territorial holdings of the British Empire and are currently garrisoned, his Royal Highness requests the removal of these forces.

This is an attempt to avoid a military conflict, we can only hope that your leadership would agree.
11-11-2004, 01:16
Dozens of cities across the Republic were host to rallies supporting the nation of Hogsweat this weekend. Attendees said that the gatherings were in response to aggressive actions taken by the nation of Shalrirorchia last week.

"We wanted the world to hear us- the workers of the world will no longer lay down in the face of oppression and injustice. The time for freedom from the capitalist yoke is due for all of God's people!" said Roma McCartel, a mill worker in Everett, Washington.

300,000 marched in Everett, while over 1.5 million gathered in Seattle. The Office of Foreign Relations also released a statement, saying that it stands resolute in it's support of Hogsweat and issued a strong warning to any foreign power that would infringe on Hogsweatian sovereignty. The statement comes after a formal resolution of support passed in the General Assemby last week.

OOC: Finally nice to see some Red nations sticking it to the fascist scum... Hogsweat and Hallad, Hillyard would be most interested in an economic and military alliance. Let me know if you'd be interested.
11-11-2004, 19:14
Bump for a response from Hogsweat.
11-11-2004, 19:17
The Botini Department of Diplomacy condemns Hogsweat's actions but we will not take any part in a trade embargo or any other form of economic sanctions.
12-11-2004, 17:16
Deputy Defense Secretary Bill Byers created a stir in the Shalrirorchian Congress today when he was overheard referring to the Hogsweatians as, "Those god damned Soviets." Gistarai's liberal Democratic Party introduced a measure to censure Byers, but it was ironically shot down by the Republicans.

Byers refused to retract the statement when called on it later, and President Gistarai likewise refused to demand that Byers apologize.

"We believe that the free, capitalistic, democratic governments serve the people best." Gistarai explained in defense of Byer's words. "When madmen like the leaders of Hallad and Hogsweat abuse their people, the U.S.S. takes notice and responds."

Senator Edward Wright, the chief Republican opponent of the President, agreed. "The U.S.S. has the responsibility to destroy governments like these in whatever way make the world safe for democracy, freedom, capitalism, and Christianity."
Random Kingdom
12-11-2004, 17:20
Capitalist pig dogs!
12-11-2004, 17:23
OOC- No no no, you got it all wrong :D It's Soviet pigs, Allied dogs! (insults) :D
12-11-2004, 17:25
Senator Wright briefly touched on the insults thrown at him by the RK envoy today:

"Small words from a small nation with small minds." Wright sneered.
12-11-2004, 17:32
Premier Cross, a old man of 73 years, has very displeased with President Gistarai's words against him. At a meeting of the National Assembly it was noted that he said, "These bourgeois fools in Shalrirorchia will soon have a problem on their hands. Because, comrades, them be fightin' words."

While the People of Hallad have not voted on any military action, it is a part of next weeks Agenda. Many will not be in support of action, do to the possible war with the Grand Roman Empire in northern Hallad.
12-11-2004, 17:34
Official Announcement of the Libertarian Kingdom of Allanea

We are now declaring our condemnation of Hogsweat. If Hogsweat doesn't desist, it will be removed from the Ali'Staan Accord.
12-11-2004, 17:37
Cognizant of the fact that he is tweaking the tail of a bear, President Gistarai visited a U.S.S. military base in the Arkady Islands, the closest territory between Shalrirorchia and Hallad. The move, along with a scheduled trip to the ADN council forum to sit in for Secretary of Defense Beregovoy, is seen as a reminder to the communist nations that Shalrirorchia itself possesses deep defensive reserves

Part of the inspection included the new Shalrirorchian Super-Crusader tank which entered operational service in U.S.S. formations only six months ago, and is a highly-touted replacement to the older Crusader battle tank.
12-11-2004, 17:41
The benevolent dictatorship of Iuthia has technically had Hogsweat under a economic embargo for some time, though we care not whether it has an effect or not, the trade ban is simply part of the Blacklisting which hasn't been removed since the times when the previous governments of Hogsweat committed attrocities.

As far as we are concerned the recent governments og Hogsweat haven't proven they are any more honorable so the embargo remains, even if it's effect is pretty much none-existant. It's a matter of moral principal.

Even if our friends in Hallad trust them, it won't change our opinion on this nation. Hogsweat has proven they cannot be trusted by screwing over a nation they were claiming to be saving. We will not judge our friends alliance with this nation, but we will urge them caution. We don't recognise their so called "communism" as being in the interest of their people.

Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps.