Diosono Peace Summit (Attn: anyone involved in Danversian War)
Prime Minister Aron Christopher, King Noah III, and Edward Claron all sat at the meeting table inside the small room inside the Vatican in Vaticania, Diosono that was specifically set aside for meetings of such a nature. At the doors stood 2 Diosonan guards, searching anyone who was authorized to enter the room. Pope Gregory XXII walked in the room and welcomed the leaders.
"Welcome friends, I am more than happy to help with the furtherment of peace, and if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to sit in on the meeting."
"Of course, your Holiness, you are more than welcome." Said Christopher as they waited for the rest of the leaders to arrive.
ooc fyi: Diosono is a puppet that I meant to make as a sort of mix between Vatican City and Switzerland, but it turned out the closest I can get to theocracy seemed to be psychotic dictatorship, so I gave it up. now I just use it as a location for neutrality in rps
Ancient and Holy Terra
10-11-2004, 13:55
Emperor Taichi Kamiya entered the room, flanked by a sizable entourage of advisors. On his left were Prime Minister Talus Karn, Terra's second-in-command; Trade Minister and Terra's SEATO Ambassador Ms. Melissa Nanasawa; and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Tachikawa. On his left stood Lord Admiral Yamato Ishida, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs; Vice Admiral Miyako Inoue, Commander of the 2nd Fleet; and Retired General Aiko, the Secretary of Defense. At least a dozen bodyguards stood outside the room, barred from entry by the door wardens.
Without delay, Emperor Kamiya bowed to Prime Minister Christopher, King Noah III, and Pope Gregory XXII, and then held out his hand for all of them to shake. "On behalf of the people of Ancient Terra, I must thank you for inviting me to this peace summit. I have to admit, it appears that it was called in the nick of time...twenty minutes more and a significant portion of the Anapestian army would have been smoldering craters...I believe that you know the majority of my advisors?" The Emperor and his entourage took their seats, and immediately started pulling out dozens of documents, booting up laptop computers, or otherwise appearing to be busy.
Alexander Pesta strode into the room.
"Fine Christopher, let's talk. Eddie, I don't know why you're here, but I hope this is what you wanted."
"More than anything Pesta, I want to see you suffer."
New Logan
11-11-2004, 06:00
As the ASOS C-5 touched down, Marcus thought to himself, "why couldn't I use D'Arby's Boeing." Knowing full well that it would be better to have the extra protection of this ASOS unit.
Just as the massive transport pulled to a stop Marcus got the unit to have a secure perimeter around the aircraft set up and to stay with the plane. His limo, driver and his personal assistant only known as Lee would be all that leave the airport with support from a single HMMWV M1038 transporter with 6 ASOS men.
When they arrived at the building the small ASOS team and the limo driver stayed outside while Marcus and Lee entered for the summit. Both men waited momentarily while they were searched before entering the conference room, Marcus thought to himself, "the're searching Lee for weapons not even realising he is the weapon, doesn't matter, he won't be needed."
Marcus walked in to the room and bowed, a rather tall, thin looking man, it was hard to believe that he wouldn't snap in two like a twig. When he arose he introduced himself and moved around the table to take his place. Lee placed a small laptop computer on the table before Marcus and then stood behind him.
"Hello ambassadors of the governments of Axario, Anapest, Holy Terra and representatives of the SEATO. I hope this meeting will be beneficial and assist in preventing any further military action being called for. Please keep in mind that you have all agreed to be here, which also means you have agreed to listen to peoples cases, so please be tolerant and understanding of what you hear and realise that we are here to prevent further blood shed.
To begin, with permission from the Axario representives, I think we should hear from Anapest the reasoning for their invasion and occupation of Danversian territory."
"Simply put, revenge and prevention. Centuries of oppression at the hands of an evil empire. We merely wanted to pay back Danversia what it was owe and prevent them fromn oppressing their people, or anyone else for that matter, ever again."
OOC: You started without me!
IC: A woman ran through the doors, she was out of breath and was panting heavily. The woman was Kattie Scott, the Nalecian delegate.
"I hope I'm not to late" she said. There was silence throughout the room as she walked to the nearest chair and sat down.
New Logan
11-11-2004, 15:59
(OOC: oooooops, sorry I missed you or anyone else wanting to take part in this conference. I think if you want to join in we'll assume you're already here and at the table for the talks.)
Marcus thought about this statement a moment and found it to be partially valid, after all, an oppressed people will eventually find the strength to carry on.
"That is a very blunt but very intent and honest answer to the question and I thank you for it Mr Pesta. What I would like to know is how long has it been in your eyes since Danversia openly or even inadvertently oppressed anyone outside of its own borders? "
"Secondly, why did you not enter into negotiations to Annex either part of, or the entirety of Danversia. This would have cost less lives, expanded your own nation and 'liberated' at least some if not all of the Danversian people, without 'taking revenge' as you put it against the populace that was defending the nation. It was after all the nations leaders you were after wasn't it?"
"Taking away their land at the bargaining table would probably have hurt their honour more, rather than racing in and killing people 'just because you can'."
Marcus paused for a moment to let what he said sink in with everyone in the room. Whatever Mr Pesta's answer , Marcus had some questions he wanted answered from Prime Minister Christopher and King Noah as well.
King Noah III started to speak, "frankly, this is all-"
Aron Christopher cut in. "Wait, let me explain this one, I think I can give the most accurate but still impartial point of view. Pesta claims that centuries ago when Danversia conquered Anapest that it was a slaughter and unprovoked etc. Historical evidence proves that Anapest tried to invade first, failed, and were conquered. However, especially in the few years prior to the Anapestic Revolution, the Anapestic people were being treated as second class citizens, primarily under Edward Claron and Emperor Marcus X. Oppression is in the eye of the beholder, but one could come up with a strong argument that the people of Anapestic decent were oppressed. On the other hand, the rest of the nation was treated pretty well. Marcus X was a little harsh, but Noah III is by far one of the nicest men I've ever met. He truly has concern for his country and his subjects. I understand the Anapestic peoples' desire for independence, which is why we stayed out of the Revolution, but there is no need to 'liberate' the rest of Danversia. King Noah III, as I said, was starting to do an exceptional job as King, and was granting more freedom than most could have imagined. It was wrong to invade and most defnitiely not your place, Pesta. Like it says in our Constitution, 'If the people feel they are oppressed, it is their right and responsibility to overthrow the corrupt government.' This may be stated for our nation, but I believe it applies to all nations, it was the Danversian people's job to overthrow the government if it was corrupt, which it wasn't, but it was still their job, not yours."
Edward Claron sat back as he listened to Christopher speak. All the recent events had gone down hill. He had left the Draenei only days ago, and he worried they might retaliate. "One of the Twelve never leaves the Draenei," they said to him. But they were displeased with what was happening in Danversia. He just hoped he'd get out of all this in one piece.
New Logan
12-11-2004, 16:27
"Remember, as you put it Mr Christopher, oppression is in the eye of the beholder and I feel Anapest may have believed that there was some underhanded work being done in Danversia." Marcus was trying to keep impartial in this even though he was a representative of an Axario ally.
"This does not mean that I beleive the correct course of action was taken. An invasion was definately over the top, especially when the Anapest government totally miscalculated the numbers of allied nations that would assist Axario when push came to shove."
"My question to you and King Noah is why did Danversia practically give up its soverignty and national identity? It could have just asked for military aid and I'm sure it would have been provided. If there were Danversian plans to merge themselves with Axario all along, why did Axarian and allied forces be called to halt so suddenly just because Anapest wanted to hold peace talks when it became obvious they could not finish what they had started? Why not agree to peace talks once Anapetian forces have been driven out of Danversia rather than when they still occupy a large chunk of it?"
Marcus hoped this didn't sound too harsh, but he remembered he had the 3rd fleet in the Gateran straight with 10,000 Amphibous troops and 20,000 Infantry all on stand by.
(OOC: Keep in mind, no one outside Pesta's office knows about the possible use of Cobra Virus or Nukes)
New Logan
12-11-2004, 18:51
I'll give this a before bedtime BUMP
New Logan
13-11-2004, 02:35
(ooc: I have a large intelligence network in place in Anapest ever since the issue where they stole nukes from Corporagia. I've kept a very close eye on their "medical r&d")
"We're sorry for the abrupt halt, but I wanted a peaceful end to this as quickly as possible. I'd like to hear Supreme Commander Pesta's offer of peace before any more people die. Of course, there may still be fighting if we can't come to an agreement," answered Christopher.
"And I can answer the latter part of the question," cut in King Noah III. "Our request may have been hasty, but I believed it was the only way to protect ourselves. Honestly, it was quite a bit selfish. This of course stays in this room, but I believe my country is failing. I wish to bring it out of this recession, but I concern that the Empire is crumbling after all these years. In a way I was preparing the country for something of this nature when I chose to change the national terminology. People would be much more heartbroken if their Empire crumbled than if their Kingdom crumbled. Not significant, merely a small psychological tool. Anyway, we could discuss secession, but unfortunately I believe that my country's beurocratic system is getting in the way. If Danversia regains sovereignty, I'll have no choice but to make it a monarchy."
"I think all of you are mssing something here, I'm not planning to talk about completely leaving Danversia. My men will not have died in vain, we will control at least part of Danversia. How bout this: we split Danversia into 2 independent countries, one which is assisted by the Axarian government and one that is assisted by mine. How does all that sound?"
"You're not getting an inch you god damn scupper!" Everyone gasped at the blatantly racist comment (scupper is to the Anapestic people what n*gger is to African Americans) and the Pope crossed himself.
"That's it Claron, you're leaving! You're position has been disolved and you are no longer needed here, especially after that comment. Leave, now!" Aron Christopher was highly intolerant of racist remarks, especially in a setting such as this. With that Claron got up and stormed out of the room, heading back to his hotel. As he arrived at his hotel, he ordered his assistant to get him a plane that could take him back to Danversia.
"Now, back to business. I'm not sure about the Supreme Commander's offer, I'd like to ask my allies here their opinion."
Ancient and Holy Terra
14-11-2004, 05:38
Emperor Kamiya leaned forward and placed his hands on the table. "Personally, Mr.Pesta, I don't trust you. Anybody that would start a war for no reason other than territorial gain must be a little touched in the head. However, I will not let personal beliefs interfere with peace. Admiral Ishida?"
Admiral Ishida looked up and began speaking. He appeared to be choosing his words carefully. "From a military standpoint, sir, allowing Anapest to retain control over any part of Danversia would be a mistake. I trust you have not forgotten the situation with Axackal."
Emperor Kamiya grimaced. Several years ago, Allanea had begun a massive war with the UnAPS Signatories, that ended with the creation of a "buffer" state between Scandavian States and Allanea called Axackal. Axackal had been the site of numerous conflicts between Accord and UnAPS forces.
"Were Danversia to be 'split' among Axario and Anapest, in my opinion it would do nothing but delay the inevitable. In our experience, war will break out eventually, as one side vies for control of the entire province. Furthermore, delaying this allows both forces time to build up defenses, which would be a significant tactical error. In order to avert further bloodshed, Danversia must be held in full by one side or another, or granted its full independence. Although continuing any war goes against many of the values held in Terran Society, as the saying goes: Sometimes you must destroy paradise in order to save it."
Emperor Kamiya nodded, and looked at Mr. Christopher. "I believe you have heard my delegation's opinion on this proposal, Mr. President."
Christopher rested his chin in his hand and his eyes traveled aimlessly around the room, his signature sign that he was thinking. "Point taken, but I'd like to remind you of North and South Korea. They have an effective barrier fortified on both sides. I have no plans of invading Anapest, so defensive buildup on their part would not concern me. However, you do have a very valid point of what if something happens in the future, but I'd still like to hear from the others."
ooc: I know this is waaaaaaaaaay off topic, but would it be totally out of line to just change Prime Minister to President without giving a reason? I like the term President better especially because he is elected by the people.
Ancient and Holy Terra
14-11-2004, 06:18
Admiral Ishida nodded. "Indeed, Mr. President; however, the situation in North and South Korea is not nearly as calm as has been claimed. A significant number of North Korean Special Operatives have attempted to infilitrate South Korea, while there are numerous invasion plans drawn up by both sides. Furthermore, North Korea is held in check by a major regional power, China. We have none of these...much of SEATO is rather far from this region, while Terra herself is 4 hours away...a fairly short distance, to be sure, but we do not possess the weapons or the influence to intercede as often as would be necessary." He paused for a second to sip from a glass of water. "Furthermore, South Korea has the backing of several world powers, including permanent American bases near the DMZ-."
Admiral Ishida paused midsentence. "Emperor Kamiya, President Christopher, and Mr. Pesta...perhaps there is a way to achieve this split. If the people of Danversia and the people of Axario were willing to accept a long-term SEATO presence along a theoretical DMZ, we could guarantee the security of Axario-held Danversia. Besides posing a major physical obstacle to any further Anapestian invasions, SEATO bases would allow us to observe operations along the border and launch far more effective and timely airstrikes. Furthermore, having military facilities in the region would give SEATO a place to airlift forces into, rather than requiring a naval invasion. Emperor Kamiya, your opinion on this?"
The Emperor smiled and shrugged. "Beats me, Admiral. Ms. Nanasawa?" The SEATO envoy also shrugged. "It might be a hard sell to some of the SEATO signatories, but we should be able to convince a few of them. President Christopher, President Pesta, or any of our esteemed allies...your opinion?"
(ooc: No problem. I've changed the framework of my government at least three times. There's nothing wrong with changing a title.)
Christopher sat up. "That is perfectly ok by me, I was planning to offer our allies to set up military bases, and SEATO is more than welcome. This of course will be up to King Noah as I believe the return of sovreignty should go smoothly, King Noah?"
"SEATO is more than welcome inside our borders," began the King. "We have no military left ourselves, so any help we can get is much appreciated."
"Either way," Christopher cut in, "I'd still like the opinion of the others..."
"A whole alliance having massive enemy fortifications just over the border? I think not gentlemen. I can understand fortifying the border, but I don't like the idea of SEATO itself being there. On the other hand, I didn't like the idea of SEATO getting involved in this in the first place, but I didn't have much say in that now did I?"
(ooc: don't worry, you really were welcome, I'm just ticked I didn't get more support)
Ancient and Holy Terra
15-11-2004, 10:50
"Perhaps a limit on fortifications, then, Mr. Pesta." cut in Vice Admiral Inoue, the youngest woman to ever hold that rank. "A certain number of SEATO members would be allowed to construct one base. We could place limits on the number of troops, armor, and aircraft allowed at any one facility, as well as the caliber of defensive armaments allowed. This would seem to be a fair and open proposal, in my opinion. Anapestian forces would be allowed to inspect the facilities annually to ensure that no base is exceeding its allotments of vehicles and troops."
She placed her hands on the table. "After all, Mr. Pesta...this is merely SEATO's way of ensuring that Danversia and our allies in Axario are safe. And, as you say, we no longer have any reason to fear you...correct?"
"I will more than understand an Axarian and Danversian force at the line, but I don't wish to suffer at the hands of SEATO or any other international organization. I'm sure we can come to an agreement that doesn't involve my being at the mercy of SEATO." As he spoke he tapped a message into his pocket PC.
Meanwhile in Danversia outside Romana...
Commander General Georgio Sezaar recieved a message on his personal communicator.
"Looks like things aren't going so well. Move in the remainder of the infantry, when we get the signal we're gonna push hard, but for now, we wait."
"But General, the remainder of the infantry is..."
"Yes, I want all 7 million up here, we're going all in to Romana if we get the order, plus I want it in position A immediately, understand?"
"Yes, General, right away."
New Logan
16-11-2004, 04:40
Marcus Impartial watched as things began to heat up in the conference room.
Lee was paying particular attention to the representatives around the table top as well, not only was he a communications specialist in both electronic and written communication, but also with verbal and non-verbal communication. He leaned forward and whispered to Marcus "We need a break to talk."
Marcus figured Lee had seen something of importance, "Representatives, we've been at this a long while, I feel a short recess will help. Can we stretch our legs for a bit and if at all possible, maybe a little refreshment? We can all have a brief break and come back shortly to continue the talks."
"Yes, I suppose I break would be good. Let us reconvene as soon as possible though."
New Logan
16-11-2004, 05:35
Just as Marcus was about to stand he suggested, "I think it would be best if we all stayed here and had some refreshment bought to us and we can chat amognst ourselves in a more relaxed fashion for a bit."
Lee whispered to Marcus, "Pesta is up to something." Marcus needed no further information than that, he knew that things could get ugly very quickly and figured the only way to stop it was to attempt to appease this Anapestian leader, somehow.
"Sure, that sounds good." He smiled at the New Logan delegates and tapped something else into the pocket PC before putting it away again.
Meanwhile, General Sezaar received a new (secret) message: "CHNG T:A to T:NL for CV"
"We have a change, we need it in position NL instead of A."
Pope Gregory spoke up.
"I'll have them bring in some of that famous Diosonan wine." He nodded to the guard who called an attendent to bring in drinks.
New Logan
16-11-2004, 13:06
"Thank you for your generosity. Mr Pesta may I have a quiet word with you please", Marcus wasn't sure what was up, but he figured it was time to find out what Anapest was willing to negotiate for and how he could help them get it. He knew he had a massive military build up that was growing rapidly off the Danversian coast but had absolutely no intention of using them.
"Mr Pesta I am a little unsure of your last comments about the SEATO alliance. Although allied to Axario, I thought you would have preferred an organisation that could perform somewhat more as an independant force to help maintain some kind of DMZ rather than a force totally comprised of your enemies. At least this way you don't have to move your forces out at all which is what I think the other delegates had in mind."
Ancient and Holy Terra
16-11-2004, 13:39
Admiral Ishida fidgeted in his seat and turned to Emperor Kamiya.
"Sir, Mr. Pesta is definitely up to something. I got a message from Admiral Koushiro aboard the ATN Manta five minutes ago. His Combined Fleet in the area is picking up signals sparking like mad between Anapestian elements all over the region. Crypt can't decipher much of it yet...too far away to intercept, and fairly well encrypted for battlefield communications. The latter suggests that these messages are going out from high-ranking officers, but that's about the only conclusion we can draw so far."
Taichi grimaced. "I was hoping that Mr. Pesta's offers for peace were genuine...but if this is all a smokescreen..." he left the sentence unfinished.
Admiral Ishida finished it for him. "If this is all a smokescreen, sir, then we're doing nothing but wasting time and opportunities. For all we know, he could be positioning his forces for a second push. We might be handing him Danversia on a silver platter."
Emperor Kamiya shook his head. "Not good, Yamato. I don't like being in the dark."
Ishida nodded. "I'll get a satellite over there immediately...we need to have some idea of what the hell is going on. And I'll dispatch messages to Major General Iga of Bomber Command and Admiral Koushiro to ready themselves for an attack or counterattack. This war might not be as over as was hoped." He grabbed a glass of wine from a passing waiter and sipped it, then left for a quiet corner of the room, encrypted phone in hand.
Before he could get out of his seat, however, Emperor Kamiya laid a hand on his arm and added "I've got a hunch. Get as many AL-52's as we need in the air for full coverage of Ancient Terra. I just hope that we don't need them." Ishida nodded and left for the corner of the room.
"I understand your intentions, but I'd rather have a weakened and demoralized Axarian army at the border than a strong international alliance. Now, I suggest we come to a peaceful conclusion on these talks very soon."
17-11-2004, 00:02
Premier Rathan entered the room and stood near the back, listening to the discussions.
The Wickit Klownz
17-11-2004, 03:48
OOC: Hmm, I will get involved in the battle, when it happens, which it seems there is a very good chance of... when you all are ready for me, just RP a call to Mooty and I'll start mobilizing... although it would be fun if Anapest had more allies... don't worry Anapest, all i'll have TWK's forces so is push you out of "A" and "NL" and retaliate further if any large terrorist strikes are executed... such as this CV...
New Logan, can you tg me your sn?
New Logan
17-11-2004, 13:12
"I see your point Pesta, but if the SEATO allies give you a full withdrawal, how can you guarantee that you won't continue your push North through Danversia? I could probably concede an allowance of the land you have already conquered so long as you stayed out of Romana and could some how guarantee there was no further advancement of your forces."
Marcus was starting to understand Pesta's point of view, but he needed some kind of guarantee that there would be no further movements by Anapestian forces or use of any kind of weapons of mass destruction, as was seen in Cold Water at the start of this conflict.
"I'm glad you can see it my way, let's join the rest of the delegates."
The delegate from New Logan and Pesta both went and sat down in their seats.
"Alright, I'm willing to make a new deal, SEATO can remain in the area for a period of 18 months, during which Danversia and Axario should have ample time to build defenses. Upon the end of the 18 months, SEATO must withdraw from the DMZ. How does that sound?"
18-11-2004, 02:49
Premier Rathan stepped forward.
"Anapest would do well to allow Caldaron to...inspect your military emplacements on a regular basis to...prevent a future...misunderstanding. Naturally I do not wish to insult your nation, but recent actions have spoken quite coherently in implicating your nation's desires for aggression. Your nuclear actions alone were enough for my nation to prepare to annhilate yours. But we didn't, and I...hope you will take that into account when contemplating my...offer."
Christopher looked over to see Pesta'a eye twitch at the Premier's request, one of Pesta's trademark signs that he was annoyed.
"Um, listen, I'm sure my defences after 18 months will be more than adequate."
He shot a look at the Cladaron Premier.
The Wickit Klownz
18-11-2004, 06:13
OOC: MAN, this stuff is boring and takes WAY too long... I need a good war... my tactical mind needs a workout...
New Logan
18-11-2004, 09:10
"I can handle that", said Marcus, "but we need to figure out the size of the DMZ and where it will lay. I would suggest a zone of between 5 and 10 miles wide and allowing Romana to remain in the hands of Axario."
"Will both parties (Axario and Anapest), allow an annual inspection of the DMZ by SEATO after the 18 months? I suggest this just so the DMZ remains exactly that, a zone for neither country to be in. I would think there would be no further need for SEATO involvement apart from inspecting this zone."
Marcus hoped this would keep his SEATO allies happy as well as allowing Pesta to keep the ground he had already taken.
"I understsand your concerns about the use of weapons of mass destruction, and am a little concerned myself. Is there any way the use of Bio weapons or Nukes can be halted in future conflicts between these two parties?" Marcus new this would be a touchy subject and stopped short of asking about compensation be paid for the use of the Nukes on the Cold Water attack.
(OOC: check out Roach-Busters civil war if you wanna fight, this ones on hold for the moment Klownz:
http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=7475689#post7475689 )
"I would certainly be fine with all this." Said President Christopher.
King Noah III finally spoke up as well. "I'm definitely hoping for Danversia to become independent again, but I welcome a strong Axarian military prescence in our borders. As for the DMZ, everything laid out sounds fine to me."
The Wickit Klownz
19-11-2004, 02:20
(OOC: check out Roach-Busters civil war if you wanna fight, this ones on hold for the moment Klownz:
http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=7475689#post7475689 )
I know it is, but I'm impatient. And I never interfere in civil wars, no matter the circumstances, unless the side I'm allied with (if applicable) is in great need of help.
"I suppose I could allow SEATO an inspection every so often, maybe once every 5 years? As for the WMDs, I guess we'll just have to have an understanding that if I use any, I'll get SEATO bearing down on me. I'm not about to give up all my bio and nuclear weapons, so I guess we'll just have to agree not to use them on each other."
Looks to me like this is pretty much over. Here are my losses:
Dead: 1,800,000
Wounded: 2,000,000
New Logan
19-11-2004, 15:47
"That sounds fair, now for the position of the DMZ. I would propose that the red line on this map (OOC: originally shown on the initial war thread, now attached here), which I believe is the area you have firmly under your control, Mr Pesta, be the position of the DMZ and construct it to be 10 miles wide along this line." Marcus was expecting the yelling across the table to start again but pressed on before any of the delegates had a chance.
"This would require the withdrawal of only some of your forces Mr Pesta, but keeps them close enough to where the DMZ will lay that they can start with the defence of their side of the DMZ."
Marcus suddenly realised there will be families split on either side of these new borders that will have to be dealt with as well, "I think that there are two options available here. Firstly, there should be several cross roads between each side of the DMZ to allow people to cross from the Northern side of the country to the South and vise versa. I think each country should have a register of families that live on each side of the border at their closest check point to cross the DMZ. They must state how long they will be visiting their families on the other side of the border before commencing to cross, so each country will know how long those particular people will be there for and when they can be expected to return. The other option is, screw the families and close the borders."
Marcus new this wasn't a very popular way to word his statement, but he also knew that it would be as difficult a situation to deal with as the other problems these countries are dealing with here at the summit and would have to deal with in the future.
"To be fair to everyone involved, if the first option is decided upon and SEATO is in charge of controlling the DMZ for the first 18 months, then I think SEATO could possibly fit the bill for the construction of the roads required through the DMZ. I will have to get back to you for sure about this, after calling the relevant SEATO rep., but I don't see it as a problem. If SEATO will only be allowed to inspect the DMZ every 5 years however, maintenance of these roads will have to be discussed between the nations concerned."
20-11-2004, 03:06
The Caldaron Soviet Union is satisfied with this arrangement.
"I think that's a great idea, but I think we could increase the frequency of SEATO checks to once every 2 years maybe?" Aron Christopher sincerely hoped this would be the end to all this fighting.
New Logan
20-11-2004, 08:53
"If Mr Pesta is happy with a SEATO visit every two years then I guess we can all consider this negotiation complete and satisfactory?" Marcus hoped with this he could make the call to Natalia and send 30,000 ground troops, 2 fleets and one on the way all back home again.
"Yes, I suppose that's fine. I'll order construction of the structures and fortifications on my side of the DMZ, but I think it should only be 5 miles wide, that should be plenty."
"5 miles is fine." Aron Chrsitopher was glad this was finally coming to a close.
Meanwhile in Romana:
Edward Claron walked into his penthouse in the capital and flopped down on his bed. Nothing had been going as he planned, his world was crashing down around him. Suddenly he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye and realized the shadows around him were moving. He was quickly surrounded by 12 black hooded figures.
"Edward Claron, for betrayal of the Disciples and leaving the Twelve, you are hearby sentenced to death! Have you any words?" said the leader of the 12 figures, each of which now drew an ornate knife, each one different from the other and each one inscribed with a different number.
"I only wish to know who has replaced me." Number 9 stepped forward and lowered the hood. "Oh, that's ironic. I bet you've been waiting for this, haven't you?"
"You have no idea," said Number 9 as he and the other 11 pushed their blades into Claron and he collapsed to the ground. Satisfied with their work, they left as stealthily as they had come.
ooc: this is set up for my next rp
The Danversia Treaty
Article I - Cease Fire
The parties of SouthEast Atlantic Treaty Organization, The Allied States of Axario, The Kingdom of Danversia, and The Republic of Anapest are to henceforth cease fire. There will be no more attacks made by any party on any other party.
Article II - Division
The country of Danversia will be split on the Coldwater Line. (So named in memory of the attack on Coldwater) The Coldwater Line is to consist of a 5 mile DMZ that may not be entered by members of either nation unless they are properly authorized by both governments. There will be no firearms or weapons of any kind in this area at any time. SEATO is to remain as a peacekeeping force around this area for a period of 18 months. After this time, SEATO is to inspect both sides of the Line once every 2 years.
All area north of the Coldwater Line is the be designated as The Kingdom of Danversia. The Kingdom of Danversia is granted sovereignty. The Republic of Anapest may choose to annex the area south of the Coldwater Line, or it may be granted sovereignty as The Republic of South Danversia.
Article III - Romana
The city of Romana is to be divided into two parts. North Romana is to belong to Danversia. South Romana is to belong to Anapest. Restrictions and requirements for any person to pass from one part of the city to another are to be the same as passing over the Coldwater Line.
Accepted at Vaticania, Diosono at 1708 on the Second Day of
December, 2005, for the Allied States of Axario, Republic of Anapest,
Kingdom of Danversia, Borderlands of New Logan, Republic of Ancient and Holy Terra, Soviet Union of Caldaron, and in the interests of the other United Nations at war with Anapest.
Alexander Pesta_____________________(Supreme Commander Alexander Pesta of Anapest)
Aron Christopher____________________(President Aron Christopher of Axario)
King Noah III______________________(King Noah III of Danversia)
Emperor Taichi Kamiya________________(Emperor Taichi Kamiya of Ancient and Holy Terra)
Premier Linden Rathan, Caldaron Soviet Union_(Premier Linden Rathan of Caldaron)
Marcus Impartial_____________________(Constable Marcus Impartial, Foreign Minister of New Logan)
ooc: just submit a signature
any other articles you wanna add, just post
21-11-2004, 05:32
~Signator: Premier Linden Rathan, Caldaron Soviet Union
"Wait, I think it's only fair that since my army made progress into Romana, that we divide up the city. I think half of Romana should belong to Anapest. We can set it up in the same fashion as the Coldwater Line, just enclose the Anapestic area in a wall."
New Logan
23-11-2004, 16:56
(OOC:this is gonna look very german isn't it)
Sir Nigel D'Arby
– Leader and Commander in Chief of New Logan -
Constable Marcus Impartial
- Foreign Minister -
General Andrew McMasters
– Head of armed forces -
(ooc: that's where I thought it up)
King Noah III sighed. "I'd hoped I would be able to keep my capital city in one piece, but it's evident that will not be possible. Fine, you may have all area south of Embassy Row which, if you recall, is the extent of your influence over the city at any time."
ooc1: added an article
ooc2: I assume Marcus's name is your sig for the treaty, I'll add it, if it's otherwise say something
President Christopher looked to Emperor Taichi Kamiya, waiting for his signature.
ooc: bump
Ancient and Holy Terra
25-11-2004, 23:40
Emperor Taichi Kamiya, Leader of the Republic of Ancient Terra
Talus Karn, Prime Minister of Ancient Terra
Admiral Yamato Ishida, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
"Thank you everyone for attending, I will be sure to keep you posted on events. I would like to invite my allies in this war to set up military bases in Axario; I will also be sure to keep you posted about this in the future. Have a good day." With this Christopher left and finally headed for home.
ooc: I'm gonna make a thread for embassies and bases, watch for that and sign up in there