Is torture legal in your nation?
09-11-2004, 23:27
Just curious.
09-11-2004, 23:39
It's legal in RB (in most cases).
British Teawa
09-11-2004, 23:41
In British Denverziland, it probably is- no one really knows what goes on over there. In the other 3 countries and 2 colonies, it's outlawed.
10-11-2004, 03:40
Yes. If you have done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear.
Depends on who you are and what threat you pose, but for the most part a few tests will be done, torture are for those that won't even take simple questions or tests to see if the information is true, or those that lie about it.
Nope. Why? There's simply never been any need to. But if your somebody from anoter nation...
...Let's just say that the Government of Kyanges maynot be avle to ensure your wellbeing... ~_~
10-11-2004, 04:05
Well not torture so much as threaten to kill them then do so, same thing psychological but yeah its torture
10-11-2004, 04:28
Torture is strictly illegal in Nianacio.
10-11-2004, 04:30
Only legel if the person convicted is not from Hamanistan.
The government doesn't regularly torture its citizens, but citizens are free to torture others as they see fit.
10-11-2004, 04:33
We only torture terrorists and treasonists.
10-11-2004, 04:36
Caldaron has perfected Chinese water torture utilizing the latest technologies (we can even keep you alive till we want you to die, so even death is not an escape).
OOC: That torture would make me die from laughing or trying not to pee my pants because it is so funny.
Forgot to mention its only from other countries, our country has no crime and no reason to torture people.
Torture is only used in Akaton in extreme cases. The emperor must personally authorize any torture.
A Few Rich People
10-11-2004, 05:20
Oh aye, corporal punishment is a wonderful tool if used correctly.
10-11-2004, 05:22
In comdidia you get tortured if convicted of a crime...But your still tortured at random by the government if they are having an off day.
In Ismira it is legal for the government to torture those who violate the law of Allah.
10-11-2004, 06:46
Torture is completely illegal in Callisdrun... unless of course you count the thriving fetish industry.
Consensual torture from the fetishists is thriving (and a nice taxable income area).
We don't use torture, as it is not very useful as a method of getting anywhere.
10-11-2004, 07:16
Toture is generally not permitted in Mauiwowee except in one circumstance - Particularly henious, capital crimes in which case a jury may have 4 options for a verdict:
1. Death by lethal injection
2. Death by torture
3. Life with torture
4. Life
Not all capital crimes qualify for the torture options and a prosecutor must put the defendant on notice he intends to submit the torture options to a jury and a judge must rule whether they will be permitted prior to them being submitted to a jury for consideration. Violent crimes against small children are the crimes most likely to elicit a torture instruction and verdict.
In Iuthia, technically anything is legal if sanctioned by the Lord General who can make and break laws as he sees fit... that said however the current Lord General has made his point clear to the authorities that torture is frowned upon.
However, to truely understand this and to help avoid the inevitable decline of this thread into the graphic descriptions of how you torture people for the sake of torture, I'm going to be a little more specific on perpose of torture as far as the Benevolent Dictatorship of Iuthia is concerned.
Firstly, torture isn't a punishment in Iuthia as such, unless you count the fact that on rare occasion it's deemed suitable to flog someone for their crimes. It's a rare punishment which is favoured by the older fashioned Iuthian's who remember the rule of Bolivar deGritz.
However, when it comes to torture which we recognise as being actual torture, the perpose changes into the extraction information and not torture for the sake of torture (as is the case with my nations around here recently). Instead of the more archaic and traditional ways of torturing a man, the methods deployed in Iuthia are designed to confuse the subject with drugs, sleep deprivation and other techniques in order to damage their perception of time and their self-confidence.
All information recieved is thoroughly compared with other intelligence becuase it's hard to be certain... that said, the more physical techniques deployed by other nations are concidered to be rather ineffecient at information gathering. Even with a mentally weak subject you will often find they will tell you anything to make the pain stop. It means that if someone knows nothing you will get a flood of bullshit which will have to be confirmed. That said, you get bullshit from using drugs too... few methods are infalable but the Iuthian's prefer drugs as they seem to get better results.
Torture for the sake of torture (just torturing criminals and so on with the only perpose being to cause suffering) is something Iuthia hasn't had for a long time... flogging is very rare, as described above and is more of a "set them straight" reasoning and not about causing suffering as an act of revenge. In the Dark Times (over 120 years ago, pre-deGritz family) Iuthia was a more cruel nation and it's leaders were not above using torture on their political enemies and dissenters.
10-11-2004, 09:13
Yes, it is legal. But as Chellis said, if you've done nothing wrong, then you have nothing to fear.
-1st Level: Labour Camps
-2nd Level: Execution
-3rd Level: Execution and Torture
Traitors and Capitalists are flogged publicly. For execution methods, its usually a firing squad or a lethal injection.
...Capitalists are flogged publicly...
Quick question, it's not nagging or anything of the sort and I won't push this query anyfurther then a single post reply from yourself or others (i.e I won't start an arguement about it). But do you have specific methods of determining a "Capitalist"?
I only ask because the term is very broad and it's not like you get "Capitialist" political parties in the same way others get "Communist" parties. Capitalism isn't in itself a political stance so I wouldn't mind knowing how you know a citizen is a capitalist in order to arrest them off it?
10-11-2004, 10:47
Torture is stictly forbidden in the 465 A.S. Human Rights Act. Any officer of the Police Authority or Armed Forces suspected of using torture on any prisoner is immediately suspended from active duty pending a full investigation. The last court martial for this offence was two years ago, namely a 2nd Lieutenant Klaus, who was found guilty of practicing torture on prisoners. He lost his commission and was sentenced to 5 years in the HMS Brighton prison ship.
10-11-2004, 12:26
Torture is very frequently used to punish criminals. Carried out under the guise of "justice," it is fairly well known to the population and to the international community that these tortures are being carried out. The most infamous case of torture as punishment is "the 13 Deaths of Wretchengard," or just "the 13 Deaths" as it is commonly called. It consists of 12 days of depraved, brutal and utterly sadistic tortures carried out over 12 days, followed by execution on the 13th day, usually by either the High Justicar or the Overlord himself. All of the tortures and the execution itself are both carried out in public and broadcast on TV. The "13 Deaths" is not very commonly carried out, however.
Torture is also widely used for interrogation purposes on suspected spies, captured enemy forces, traitors, or anyone else the government/military wants to pump for information. These tortures are always carried out in secret however.
10-11-2004, 17:29
Quick question, it's not nagging or anything of the sort and I won't push this query anyfurther then a single post reply from yourself or others (i.e I won't start an arguement about it). But do you have specific methods of determining a "Capitalist"?
I only ask because the term is very broad and it's not like you get "Capitialist" political parties in the same way others get "Communist" parties. Capitalism isn't in itself a political stance so I wouldn't mind knowing how you know a citizen is a capitalist in order to arrest them off it?
Well I see your point, as most centralist and right wing parties are Capitalist, because it isn't a label like Liberal or Nazi. However, in this case, Capitalist defines somebody that "Takes advantage of their fellow human being in a commercial way" Some examples:
1.) A shopkeeper taking more than the 30% tax from his shop - [In Hogsweat, a shopkeeper only gets 30% of his profit]
2.) "Underground Dealers" - Those that sell or trade their own homemade or stolen goods to others. [Only licensed shopkeepers or Government Distributors may sell or trade with others]
3.)Someone advocating Capitalism openly - eg, a Capitalist Radio Station
You can also be accused of being a traitor if you commit Capitalism as a crime. [but not visa versa.]
10-11-2004, 17:32
Does my nation allow torture? "No". ;)
Eisen Faust
10-11-2004, 17:42
10-11-2004, 17:43
The Armed Republic of Lauragrad offically as no policy on the question of torture. Lauragrad has an extremely efficent armed (and legged) police force who police the nation as they see fit. No one has ever complained of torture in they are no longer possess tongues.
10-11-2004, 17:43
No, torture is illegal in Crossman... well... offcially... ;)
Perfect Socialism
10-11-2004, 17:46
Torture is not illegal as such, but it is illegal (even for the goverment) to, under any surcumstance, to make us of, or threathen with, violence. What most people think of as torture is regulated by that.
However, we The Peoples republic of Perfect Socialism do import certain foregin entertainment products, such as video games, movies, books, and such. As we have no system of cencorship, movies so bad watching them might be concidered torture by some, might be shown by one of our 50 govermentally paid for TV channels (all advertizement free, of course).
The office for foreign press relations
The Ministry of foreign relations
The Peoples Republic of Perfect Socialism.
New Exodus
10-11-2004, 17:47
Torture is not a legal option as punishment in New Exodus. However, our intelligence personnel have been known to make use of it in extreme cases, often with a severely restricted amount of time to acquire critical information.
Torture is plenty legal. People under Cspallan laws should have no secerts from their goverment.
Torture, in the case of vocal political dissidents, is technically legal in Quorm, because the government finds that the threat can sometimes be effective. However, since in most situations torture is a poor detterent and an unreliable source of information, no one has been tortured in Quorm in years. The government has made little effort to stamp out the rumors that dissidents are brutally tortured as a matter of course.
10-11-2004, 18:25
Heck no. We don't even have prisons. Anyways, crime is non existant in my nation, so it isn't needed. We have been roleplaying a rebel uprising in our reigon though, so we may need to detain some people unfortuneatly, but torture will not take place.
Mikorlias of Imardeavia
Only the most special victi...I mean criminals are tortured, then killed. We don't torture to extract information. In fact, in certain heinous crimes, the family of the victim of a murder or something can pay the government to torture the murderer to death.
10-11-2004, 19:48
Torture is allowed only when the person has definately, or there is (circumstanial) evidence that a crime has taken place, or will take place. Crinimals who we have proof have committed a crime will not tortured, we prefer a straight execution. Those wrongfully tortured, which happens very rarely, are ised a 'Premier's Pardon' and given compensation of CYSC1,000,000. Celtayoshi does not physically remove any part of the body. Mental torture is allowed to an extent. Torture can only be carried out by proper officials.
10-11-2004, 19:57
Sovieten refuses to allow torture in its nation. However, our troops are not above using civilians as human shields and hostages.
Red Wales
10-11-2004, 20:04
No, Torture is illegal in Red Wales. Red Wales law also bans us from deporting a wanted crimeinal to a country where they will face torture or exercuted.
Barnett Gerbanya
10-11-2004, 20:17
Oh dear...
The Government of Barnett Gerbanay refuses to publicly acknowledge its official law and order policy for national security reasons, but it is widely known that the mortality and mutilation rate in our prisons has reached nearly 100%. This has been a brilliant success for the governments enlightened policy of "Pain=repentance"
10-11-2004, 22:56
In RB, anyone who insults the First Lady is horrifically and abominably tortured in the most excruciatingly painful and barbaric manner, and then executed without mercy.
The Island of Rose
10-11-2004, 22:58
RB, are ya gonna reply?! :D
10-11-2004, 23:05
RB, are ya gonna reply?! :D
Reply to wh-
Oh, yeah, that. Hang on.
(Btw, do you want to witness the execution of the guy who insulted the First Lady?)
10-11-2004, 23:32
It used to be, then was outlawed. But sensory deprivation is allowed.
10-11-2004, 23:33
I only ask because the term is very broad and it's not like you get "Capitialist" political parties in the same way others get "Communist" parties.
In Callisdrun, you do. However, it is called the "Business Party," and is not illegal (there are no illegal political parties in Callisdrun, there's even a miniscule Fascist Party) but highly unpopular.
I voted no, but if the President and his advisors unanimously agree, it will be lightly implemented.
The Nomadic Peolple of Bedou under rule of the Sultan Mohammed bin Al Deeb are never subject to torture, however law enforcement officers and military intelligence officers are trained in "encouragement" tactics to promote truthful responses. These tactics may fall under the very broad and very vague Internationally recognized terms of Torture. However The nomadic Peoples of Bedou are Soveriegn and do not recognize any international treatise with regard to our domestic practices.
The Parthians
12-11-2004, 05:45
In Parthia, dissidents are tortured by our secret police, SAVAK, for information, or they are tortured publically for everyones enjoyment. Mostly we torture dissidents in evil, painful ways.