Serbian Nationalists Kill Hungarian Prince With Bomb! (1890 Thread, Must Apply)
09-11-2004, 02:40
The Budapest Recorder:
Prince Stephan Hunyadi has been slain in a bomb attack by Serbian Nationalists. The attack occured in Novi Sad in the Serb-dominated Banat region of the Kingdom of Hungary. Three others were hurt in the attack. A Serbian activist, Gavro Milosevic was arrested at the scene along with three accomplices.
The Hungarian Government has stated that it is believed that this is linked to Serbian agitation stemming from the nation of Tellacar, where most Serbs live. It is suspected by many that the obstensibly peaceful nation is actually manipulating Serbian nationalism to spread their message of revolutionary socialism.
Diplomatic support is expected from Hungary's allies, Romania, Germany, Italy and Russia.
Sarajevo Times
Speaker Edgar Bechtel has officially denied government support for Sebrian nationalists. This does not surpise this newspaper that the capitalist countries of Norrdriech and Russia will oppress the majority this peace loving county. The Speaker has also begun to realease reports of infighting within the country that Tellacar has struggled to keep silent to prove the militant action of the Nationalist are not isolated to Hungry, this includes the victious attack on the town of Said, a Muslim majority area. Tellacar will seek to appease the capitalist dualarichy for the projection of the majority and will agree to Norrdriech or Russian troops taking those responsible for the attack.
New Shiron
09-11-2004, 03:18
New York World headline
Hungarian monarchists continue to oppress democratic minorities in Hungary.
New York Times headline
Anarchists kill Hungarian royalty
ooc isn't yellow journalism fun?
09-11-2004, 17:30
Article 1: All members of Serbian nationalist groups, including the Black Hand, the Serbian Nationalist Front, the Lion of Belgrade, Serbian Anarchist Union and the Serbian National Democratic Federation be arrested immediately and handed over to Hungarian authorities.
Article 2: That Tellacar pay reparations for the damages caused by Serbian nationalists, as it has done little to supress their activities. These reparations shall equal 50 million Nordrreich thalers or 40 million pounds sterling.
Article 3: That Tellacar renounce its isolation and open its economy to the world. Tellacar must be shown to take its role in the association of free nations honestly and forebear its aura of ideological superiorism.
Article 4: That Tellacar actively suppress nationalist movements within its nation as relating to foreign nations and all agitation of Tellacar nationals towards their states of origin, especially Hungary, Germany, Russia and Italy.
Article 5: Tellacar will agree to all of these terms within one week or face vigorous action on behalf of the Hungarian state and its allies.
New Shiron
09-11-2004, 20:37
New York World (headline)
(story excepts)
The Secretary of State, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, has strongly condemned the German ultimatum but also said that America continues to maintain its neutrality in the affairs of Europe. ......
(further in the story and clearly the reporters opinion)
The Tellacar government, run by a bunch of radicals and socialists of the Eugene Debs stripe, is unlikely to react to prevent the war, smug in their self rightiousness, but if they do not, most experts expect the Germans to squash them quickly.
(ooc: Journalism at the time had its problems, especially with objectivity)
British Hannover
09-11-2004, 22:36
Addressed To: All The Major Newspapers
Contrary to the report of the New York World, Germany has made no moves to threaten Tellacar with war. The government of Hungary released a proclaimation insisting, rightly, that Tellacar take steps towards eliminating the spectre of Serbian terrorism, an act that would be of benefit to itself. However, the German government gives diplomatic support to Hungary and will do its best to persuade Tellacar to abide by the provisions of the ultimatum.
It must be said, however, that Tellacar is hardly an innocent. Its entire state apparatus is dedicated to poisonous ideals of socialism, which are equally noxious to conservative and liberal states, republics and monarchies. It is a dangerous doctrine which will eventually lead to its purest distillation, Marxism, which entails only violent revolution by the workers of a nation. Can anyone in their right minds support such madness?
While the governments of Germany and the United States have much difference between them, we also have much similarities. We recognize that people have certain rights and duties and that that absolute equality economically is impossible. We both recognize, I believe, that Socialism is a dangerous infection which has spread throughout the working class and to several intellectuals.
Germany does not wish to be the aggressor in a conflict, but we will, if necessary, defend our ideals against the perfidious Marxists who control Tellacar. The same Marxists that cynically use nationalistic tensions to cause uproar in sovereign states while decrying nationalism at home ... who arrogantly turn their backs upon world trade, not only because they believe that capitalism is evil, but because they believe they are superior.
Can any righteous, God-fearing nation support this?
Kaiser Friedrich II, Emperor of Germany
British Hannover
09-11-2004, 22:39
The Government of Britain opposes this ultimatum as entirely unreasonable. No more than the deportation of those terrorists directly responsible for the crime commited upon the Prince of Hungary is acceptable. Please revise your stance on the issue.
Roma Times Headline- Serbian's Bomb Hungarian Prince
Milano Paper Headline- Telacar supported Serbians assainate Hungarian Prince
Secret Telegram to the Kaiser
My good friend what will your reaction be if Tellacar does nothing. Is war in the offing.
King Humbert
09-11-2004, 22:58
France wholeheartedly condemns this cowardly attack, and wishes the Prince's family the best.
We also are entirely opposed to a war in Europe from this. We implore neither Hungary nor her allies, nor Tellacar and her allies, to go to war. We suggest Hungary direct all available resources to apprehending those responsible, instead.
British Hannover
09-11-2004, 23:06
Secret Telegraph to the King of Italy:
Tellacar is foolish not to concede to Hungary. However, I sincerely doubt that a general European war will issue from this declaration. The French and British are in an utterly untenable position as regards Europe.
Kaiser Friedrich II
Savajevo Times - Leader Brought From Retirement
For the first time in Tellacar’s 60 year history, a retired leader has been pleaded to return to their role as Speaker of the People and has accepted the role. Nadia Zhukova has returned to her position as the Speaker after nine years. As a state of an emergency clause, Zhukova has begun the process to respond to the Hungarian Kingdom’s articles.
An Open Response to the Articles To All World Leaders
Please note that all but Article One was announced to the public. In order to for our small army to round up these terrorists, we must keep it a secret. We will allow Hungarians to assist us in capturing these men, though we warn you it might be take time due to the terrian of our lands.
Tellacar will agree to do this, we agree that such responsibility belongs to us. However, we ask to set an intrest agreement to such a case to allow us to begin trade with other countries.
Tellacar will open it’s doors slowly, such policies cannot be done overnight. We would be very encouraged to trade with the British and French, after relations with them are established, we will open the door for other nations.
Tellacarians will suppress nationalist movements, however since the majority of those who come to Tellacar renounce their former national identity, it is very unlikely people are willing to leave to their birth lands. Though as a sign that the Tellacarian government will provide those who wish to leave to their former countries, Nadia Zhukova will be among the first in the government to return to their birth lands. To force a people their choice in such matters is only allowable by God himself.
This has been issued two days before the deadline.
New Shiron
10-11-2004, 19:29
ooc so where are we with this crisis? Did Tellacar acceed to the demands acceptably?
British Hannover
10-11-2004, 22:59
OOC> The answer would be 'yes', or more precisely, acceptable enough for Germany not to give Hungary the diplomatic muscle it needs to do something drastic like declare war. Expect more serious stuff to go down in the Balkans soon.
British Hannover
10-11-2004, 23:01
The Government of Hungary has declared that Tellacar's acceptance of the terms laid out to it is acceptable. No drastic action will be taken at this time and it is hoped that Tellacar will continue to be cooperative.